A várúr
"When Jesus arrives, Hades bids his servants to bolt and lock the doors, but to no avail; Jesus shatters the gates and enters. He seizes Satan and binds him in iron chains, then consigning him into Hades’s keeping until the second coming. Jesus next turns his attention to the patriarchs. He raises up Adam, along with all the prophets and the saints. Together, they all depart up out of Hades, and ascend into Paradise.) The “Harrowing of Hell” portion of that Gospel was widely circulated in other compilations of religious literature, most notably in the Golden Legend of the lives of the saints, compiled by Jacob of Voragine in the 13th century." The literary versions of the “Harrowing of Hell” in turn gave rise to many works of art, including the “mystery play” tradition of medieval religious drama. Most commonly, however, people would learn about Jesus’s descent into the underworld from the artwork which decorated the churches and cathedrals of Europe. A Dialogue in Hades, this illlustrated version of the book, gives a many perspective to the readers, With WELL ILLUSTRATIONS BY MURAT UKRAY {E-KITAP PROJESI}..

Anul Regal. Jurnalul Jubileului de 150 de ani de la fondarea Casei Regale a Rom?
n aceast lume rece, demnitatea este acel ceva pe care l poi pstra doar atunci cnd nu mai ai nimic de pierdut. Un brbat bntuit de amintiri se chinuie s i creasc de unul singur fetia. n mijlocul ntunericului, un biat ncearc s supravieuiasc. Neverland este o poveste despre fragilitatea lumii n care trim, o poveste despre un zmbet de copil reflectat n ochii tatlui su. Scrisul lui Radu Gvan mbin descrierea amnunit, de tip realist, i temele folclorice, de factur fantastic, autorul fiind n mod evident preocupat att de credibilitatea povetii, ct i de latura liric a discursului, ceea ce i duce la un joc al registrelor narative. Scurt, incitant, cu aciune susinut, romanul Neverland se nscrie cu brio n linia crilor de la Herg Benet. (Doina Ruti)

Borúra der?
Amikor a huszonhét éves Roxy Rule legjobb barátja és szobatársa, Ollie elfogad egy új munkát külföldön, Roxy azt várja, hogy a kapcsolatuk továbbra is olyan lesz, amilyen mindig is volt: gondtalan, baráti és könnyed – egészen addig, amíg egy váratlan csókot nem váltanak pillanatokkal az indulás el?tt. Leküzdve a késztetést, hogy elemezze a történteket, vegyes érzésekkel tér vissza a normális kerékvágásba New Yorkban, ahol egy elviselhetetlen f?nöknek dolgozik egy kilátástalan munkahelyen, és egyre távolabb kerül álmától, hogy professzionális séf, de legalább a v?legénye támasza legyen... Roxy élete fenekestül felfordul, amikor a n?vérei, Steffi és Izzie hirtelen hozzá költöznek. Egyikük hat hónapos terhes, de nem hajlandó róla beszélni, másikuk korai életközépi válságban szenved. Roxy megpróbálja átvenni az irányítást a karrierje, a szerelmi élete és a testvérei felett – de vajon tényleg ? irányít? És sikerül-e megoldania a családja problémáit? A Váratlan nyaralás kanadai szerz?je ismét egy nagyon kedves, humoros, meglep? fordulatoktól sem mentes regénnyel állt el?, amelyben a szívekhez a finom fogásokon, vagyis a konyhán keresztül vezet az út... Fej?s Éva

Meskó - Az NFL els? kézb?l
Alessandro Manzoni A jegyesek cím? regénye - bár a 17. század els? felében játszódik, egy Milánó k?rnyéki faluban - izgalmasan filmszer? olvasmány. Renzo és Lucia házasságát meg akarja akadályozni a k?rnyék hatalmaskodó nagyura, mert maga is szemet vetett a lányra. Bár a fiatalok id?ben megsz?knek, kül?n kell válniuk, és váratlan fordulatokkal, politikai intrikákkal, éhínséggel, háborúval, s?t a pestissel szembeszállva járják be útjukat, míg újra egymásra nem találnak. A Meséld újra! tíz k?tetes sorozata Alessandro Baricco tervei és irányítása alapján készült. Célja, hogy irodalmi klasszikusokat írjanak újra neves kortárs írók, hogy azok a kamaszok számára is szerethet?ek legyenek. A sorozatról így nyilatkozott Alessandro Baricco: ?A Meséld újra! egy olyan csónak, melyb?l ment??vet dobhatunk valaminek, ami a múlt vizében elmerülni készül. Az ezzel a védjeggyel ellátott tárgyak, mint ahogy ez a k?nyv is, egy kihalásra ítélt faj részét képezik. A sorozat része még (t?bbek k?z?tt): Cyrano de Bergerac, Nemo kapitány, Az orr, Antigoné, Gulliver.

Blind to the Bones (Cooper and Fry Crime Series, Book 4)
A death in the family-from-hell bring Detectives Fry and Cooper to a remote and unfriendly rural community in their fourth psychological thriller. 'And as it grew dark, Withens became almost entirely silent. Except for the screaming.' A small village in the Peak District, Withens is troubled by theft and vandalism, mostly generated by local family-from-hell, the Oxleys. Now it is the focus of a murder investigation – a man's body has been found on the bleak moors nearby, and the man is an Oxley. To crack the case, DC Ben Cooper must break open the delinquent clan. His boss, DS Diane Fry, is also in Withens. Grim new evidence has turned up in the case of a missing student but her parents refuse to believe she could be dead. The darkness in Withens's heart is growing. And things are only going to get nastier…

Παιδικ?? Ψυχ?? στο Αιγα?ο
να ηλιλουστο πρωιν του Σαββτου, καθ η Ζωολα πινε φρσκο χυμ πορτοκλι, εδε απο τη τζαμαρα του σπιτιο τη στην μορφη Κω μσα στην απραντη γαλζια θλασσα μια βρκα με δο παιδκια μσα να πλησαζει την ακτ. Ο λιο που ταν καταμεσ στον ουραν δεν την φηνε να τα δει ξεκθαρα. Η Ζω εχε ακοσει τι εκενο το διστημα φταναν πρσφυγε απ μακρυνο τπου και εχε φοβηθε λιγκι... Η βρκα πλησασε την ακτ... τι θα κνει η Ζω; Τι θα κνει ο κθε νθρωπο που θα βρεθε σε μια ττοια κατσταση;;;να βιβλο που θλει να δσει ελπδα, ιδιατερα σε αυτο που πρασαν ακμα περνον κακουχε στη δνη του πολμου. να βιβλο γραμμνο με αγπη για τα παιδι και για τον νθρωπο, με δναμη καρδι, ελπδα, και με πολ κουργιο για τον συνθρωπ μα τσι στε ο κσμο μα να γνεται πιο μορφο μρα με τη μρα...

Children's Souls on the Aegean
During a sunny Saturday morning, while Zoe is drinking fresh juice, she sees from her house in Kos Island a boat with two children in it, approaching the coast. The sun was in the middle of the sky and doesn’t allow her to see them clearly. Zoe had heard that during that time a lot of refugees where arriving from long distances and she was a bit scared… The boat approached the coast… What will Zoe do? What would each individual do in such a case???This is a book which wants to give hope especially to those people who went through or still go through hardships during a war. A book which is written with love for children and for the human being, with power of heart, hope and a lot of courage for the person next door, so that our world becomes more beautiful day by day…

Like A Sister
It is 1956, and thirteeen-year-old Sister must raise her three siblings on her own, as her mother, Marnie, has a new boyfriend who isn't interested in kids.Taking charge of her life, Sister befriendsa kindly neighbor named Willa, who appears to be everything a mother should be.But when a respected and powerful man in town notices that Sister is blossoming -- unsupervised -- into quite a young woman, trouble starts to brew.Willa soon steps in to intervene, and Sister thinks she may have found salvation.?But within the pages of Like a Sister, things are never what they seem.Depicting a vulnerable, heartbreaking, and richly Southern world, Like a Sister allows readers to gaze through the eyes of a young whom they will not soon forget.

The Best Kind of Loving
It has often been said that "if white America has a case of the sniffles, Black America catches walking pneumonia." When this credo is applied to relationships, common problems such as inadequate communication, commitment fears, financial struggles and infidelity carry an even greater weight. Yet, with hundreds of relationship books on the market, virtually none has explored the specific circumstances impacting relationships between African-American men and women. In The Best Kind of Loving: A Black Woman's Guide to Finding Intimacy, renowned psychologist Dr. Gwendolyn Goldsby Grant addresses head-on the complex challenges in African-American relationships. "In addition to the social dynamics affecting male-female communications in general, as African-Americans, we carry the added burdens of myths and stereotypes that grow out of our real history of slavery, second-class citizenship and economic disenfranchisement," Grant explains. In writing The Best Kind of Loving, Grant has provided an invaluable resource for Black women searching to understand the choices they make, the men they love and how to make the most of their strength, intelligence and wit. Compulsively readable, The Best Kind of Loving is unique in its scope and vision; women of all races and backgrounds will laugh, sympathize and nod their heads in recognition as they read about others not unlike themselves. Giving both pragmatic and realistic advice, Grant serves both as an advisor and confidant; she knows which situations may not work out, but also gives women ways to make the best of less-than-ideal circumstances.

Book of Jamaica
Russell Banks explores the complexities of political life in the Caribbean.

She Was
Doreen Woods lives an ordinary life. She is a respected dentist, her son has just graduated from high school, and her husband teaches fifth grade. The one flaw is that her brother, Adam, has MS. Even that isn't all that extraordinary. . . . Then, out of nowhere, Janey Marks shows up, bringing the past with her.In 1971 Doreen was young, idealistic Lucy Johansson. Adam was back from Vietnam, damaged and bitter. Caught up in the anti-war movement Lucy committed a crime that changed everything for both of them.She Was spans America, coast to coast, over four decades, to give us the story of one young woman who, like many of her generation, tried to change the world and how, thirty-four years later, in a world that still needs changing, she must pay the consequences.

Postcards from a Dead Girl
Sid is going crazy . . . A telemarketer at a travel agency, Sid is becoming unhinged and superneurotic. Lately he's been obsessed with car washes and mud baths. His hypochondria is driving his doctor sister mad. And it's all because of his ex-girlfriend, Zoe, who's sending him postcards from her European adventure, one that they were supposed to take together. It's all quite upsetting.A fact-finding tour of local post offices—and a new friendship with postman Gerald—followed by a solo European jaunt will do little to ease his anxiety. A long talk with his mother's spirit in a wine bottle doesn't help either. But what he really needs are a few more tentative dates with the chatty Candyce. Sid needs to get over Zoe and find love again—even though Zoe, apparently, has no inclination to be gotten over. Wonderfully poignant, funny, odd, and more than a bit macabre, Postcards from a Dead Girl marks the emergence of a truly gifted and original literary voice.

The Ballad of West Tenth Street
Once upon a time in Manhattan . . .. . . there stood a pair of fine old brick townhouses on West Tenth Street. One had a blue door with a tarnished brass knocker in the shape of a dolphin. The other was empty. Behind the blue door lived Sadie, the widow of a famous British rocker who died of an overdose, and two of her children, Hamish and Deen.The children manage to muddle along as best they can with a loving but distracted mother. But their whole world changes when the house next door gets a new owner—a mysterious Southerner who quickly endears himself to his new neighbors, taking them—and their friends—under his protective wing. In doing so, he transforms everything.Magical, lively, lovely, and unique, The Ballad of West Tenth Street is a contemporary urban fairy tale that delightfully reimagines real life.

Why is Professor Peace Porterfield trying to save Beet CollegeHis own wife, Livi, hates the place. The Board of Trustees, led by developer Joel Bollovate, has squandered the endowment. Debutante-cum-self-styled-poet Matha Polite, an indis-criminate radical with a four-student following, wants to bring the institution down. Akim Ben Ladin (né Arthur Horowitz), a sweet-tempered terrorist hopeful and the college’s only Homeland Security major (who lives in an off-campus cave), wants to blow up the school. Faculty members, when not concocting useless, trendy courses, fly at one another’s throats. Not to mention that American higher education is already going down the tubes. So why is Porterfield trying to save BeetBeats us.

Wait Until Twilight
A hauntingly strange and powerfully affecting debut novel that heralds the arrival of a unique and captivating literary voice, Sang Pak's Wait Until Twilight is a coming-of-age story that explores the complex darkness infecting a damaged psyche in a small Southern town.Not long after his own mother's death, sixteen-year-old Samuel discovers a set of deformed triplets hidden behind closed doors in his sleepy Georgia community. The babies—whose shut-in mother believes they were immaculately conceived and whose menacing brother is a constant threat—take control of Samuel's every waking and sleeping thought. His only escape, he realizes, will be to save the monster children. But to do so, he must rein in his darkest impulses as he undergoes a profound transformation from motherless boy to self-defined man—because sometimes the most terrible monsters are those that live inside us all.

Model, Incorporated
Supermodel Carol Alt brings the inside world of high-end fashion modeling into dazzling focus—with a fabulous novel about what it takes to get to the top...and stay there.Plucked from obscurity, beautiful Melody Ann Croft is making her way up the industry ladder. But Melody Ann is gone...in her place is "Mac" and with her looks, brains, and drive, she may well be on the brink of becoming America's top model. Suddenly Mac's seeing her name in the tabloids, being wooed by billionaire businessmen...and sharing intimate late-night dinners with movie stars. And she's discovering that the supermodel life isn't all fluff and glamour. It's long hours, hard work, and even harder choices—like choosing to starve or to never work again.But does Mac have what it takes to be superBecause deep down—behind the perfect body and million-dollar smile—she's still the same hometown Melody Ann she's always been....

Celeste Ascending
In this splendid novel, Celeste finds herself engaged to Alex, a wealthy man whose standards are as exacting as her own -- or so she thought. As she begins to question their relationship and herself, Celeste is haunted by painful memories: of her past in well-heeled, blue-blooded Connecticut; of the friends and family who seem to have disappeared from her life; and of Nathan, for whom Celeste still carries a lingering passion. At last coming to terms with the lies and illusions that have propelled her forward for years, Celeste must take responsibility for the choices she has made. She decides to be true to herself -- and so challenges her fiancé, her family, and the very society in which she's steeped.

Important Things That Don't Matter
So Dad's around lately. That's it. And I want to tell you things, throw fragments your way that I barely understand. Because it's just funny, flat out, the way someone you don't even know can get up in your face, tweak things that should be so ordinary. Or I think it's funny. Maybe you will too. Hailed by The New Yorker as "a fictional report from the strip-mall front lines of Generation Y," Important Things That Don't Matter is a provocative, moving, darkly funny portrait of family and divorce, a boy and his father, the eighties and nineties, and sex and intimacy that raises vital questions about a generation just now reaching adulthood.

How can love survive a brutal timeIn 1946 in North America, a child makes a grisly find in a deserted field—a discovery that opens a shuttered window on a secret dating back to the beginning of the turbulent decade.In 1941 in occupied France, Adele Georges's fruitless attempts to learn the whereabouts of her father, captured by the Nazis, lead her to a lonely young German soldier far from home. A spark between them becomes a fire—and a dangerous love affair blooms across enemy lines, dooming Adele to a grim postwar existence as a despised outcast, one of the infamous "horizontal collaborators." Ostracized, tortured, tormented, she chooses a desperate escape, accompanying a war-damaged yet optimistic Allied soldier across an ocean to a new land. But there is no refuge from the past, as Adele's broken heart and shameful secret drive her deeper into despair...and toward a shocking outcome.Part mystery and part love story—an unforgettable and beautifully written novel of secrets, passions, and consequences—Transgression is an exceptional work of power and strange beauty.

The music of the Smiths and their iconic frontman Morrissey is beautiful, witty, melancholic—music that makes outsiders feel as though they are part of something. Now an eclectic collection of acclaimed, up-and-coming writers lets their love of the band, its words and music, manifest itself in literary form with smart, emotion-filled, Smiths-inspired short fiction.In Please, edited by Peter Wild, love blooms by the cemetery gates and the death of a Miami disco dancer inspires a new TV show. Shoplifters of the world unite to tug a reluctant aardvark from a hole, while a naked birthday rendition of "Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now" is beamed across the globe. Here is fiction that melds the worlds of music and literature while celebrating the unique artistic contributions of one of the most beloved bands of the past two and a half decades.

What I Did
"This is a story about a terrible thing which happens to me. I have to warn you that nobody is bad or good here, or rather everyone is a bit bad and a bit good and the bad and the good moluscules get mixed up against each other and produce terrible chemical reactions. Did you know cheetahs cannot retract their claws?"Six-year-old Billy loves animals, David Attenborough documentaries, and sneakers that flash when he runs. He does not love sitting still, the blood-soaked sky in Watership Down, or his father's cell phone.When Billy runs into a busy street, ignoring his father's commands, he sets in motion a series of unexpected, family-altering events. What I Did is a heart-wrenching reminder of how best intentions can lead to disastrous consequences, and how one rash decision can take on a life of its own.