My Invented Country
Isabel Allende evokes the magnificent landscapes of her country; a charming, idiosyncratic Chilean people with a violent history and an indomitable spirit; and the politics, religion, myth, and magic of her homeland that she carries with her even today.The book circles around two life-changing moments. The assassination of her uncle Salvador Allende Gossens on September 11, 1973, sent her into exile and transformed her into a literary writer. And the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, on her adopted homeland, the United States, brought forth an overdue acknowledgment that Allende had indeed left home. My Invented Country, mimicking the workings of memory itself, ranges back and forth across that distance between past and present lives. It speaks compellingly to immigrants and to all of us who try to retain a coherent inner life in a world full of contradictions.

Great Short Works of Edgar Allan Poe
The classic poems and spine-tingling stories of a Gothic American master collected in one volume.Of all the American masters, Edgar Allan Poe staked out perhaps the most unique and vivid reputation, as a master of the macabre. Even today, in the age of horror movies and high-tech haunted houses, Poe is the first choice of entertainment for many who want a spine-chilling thrill.Born in Boston in 1809, and dead at the age of 40, Poe wrote across several fields during his life, noted for his poetry and short stories as well as his criticism. The best of each of these is collected here, including the classic poem The Raven, and timeless stories like The Tell-Tale Heart. In his introduction to this volume, G. R. Thompson argues that Poe was a great satirist and comedic craftsman, as well as a formidable Gothic writer. "All of Poe's fiction," Thompson writes, "and the poems as well, can be seen as one coherent piece—as the work of one of the greatest ironists of world literature."

Just why do humpback whales singThat's the question that has marine behavioral biologist Nate Quinn and his crew poking, charting, recording, and photographing very big, wet, gray marine mammals. Until the extraordinary day when a whale lifts its tail into the air to display a cryptic message spelled out in foot-high letters: Bite me.Trouble is, Nate's beginning to wonder if he hasn't spent just a little too much time in the sun. 'Cause no one else on his team saw a thing -- not his longtime partner, Clay Demodocus; not their saucy young research assistant; not even the spliff-puffing white-boy Rastaman Kona (né Preston Applebaum). But later, when a roll of film returns from the lab missing the crucial tail shot -- and his research facility is trashed -- Nate realizes something very fishy indeed is going on.By turns witty, irreverent, fascinating, puzzling, and surprising, Fluke is Christopher Moore at his outrageous best.

In Firebird, Mark Doty tells the story of a ten-year-old in a top hat, cane, and red chiffon scarf, interrupted while belting out Judy Garland's "Get Happy" by his alarmed mother at the bedroom door, exclaiming, "Son, you're a boy!"Firebird presents us with a heroic little boy who has quite enough worries without discovering that his dawning sexuality is the Wrong One. A self-confessed "chubby smart bookish sissy with glasses and a Southern accent," Doty grew up on the move, the family following his father's engineering work across America-from Tennessee to Arizona, Florida to California. A lyrical, heartbreaking comedy of one family's dissolution through the corrosive powers of alcohol, sorrow, and thwarted desire, Firebird is also a wry evocation of childhood's pleasures and terrors, a comic tour of American suburban life, and a testament to the transformative power of art.

Behind Closed Doors
Regina Moore and Karen Jackson, lifelong best friends, are living the kind of life most women only fantasize about. With beautiful homes, fulfilling careers, and two adoring husbands, their joy could not be greater, their worlds could not be richer. But suddenly, shattering truths about the loving men they thought they knew turn happiness into anguish and rage. For Karen and Regina, nothing they believed in or cherished can ever be the same as it was.Yet, in the painful process of starting over, new doors will open, and two women who once had it all will rediscover the power of honesty and friendship ... and learn the true scope and meaning of love.

In a Perfect World
This is the way the world ends...It was a fairy tale come true when Mark Dorn—handsome pilot, widower, tragic father of three—chose Jiselle to be his wife. The other flight attendants were jealous: She could quit now, leaving behind the million daily irritations of the job. (Since the outbreak of the Phoenix flu, passengers had become even more difficult and nervous, and a life of constant travel had grown harder.) She could move into Mark Dorn's precious log cabin and help him raise his three beautiful children. But fairy tales aren't like marriage. Or motherhood. With Mark almost always gone, Jiselle finds herself alone, and lonely. She suspects that Mark's daughters hate her. And the Phoenix flu, which Jiselle had thought of as a passing hysteria (when she had thought of it at all), well . . . it turns out that the Phoenix flu will change everything for Jiselle, for her new family, and for the life she thought she had chosen.From critically acclaimed author Laura Kasischke comes a novel of married life, motherhood, and the choices we must make when we have no choices left.

Traveling Light
"Travel light and you can sing in the robber's face" was the best advice Summer Zwolenick ever received from her father, though she didn't recognize it at the time. Three years after the accident that ended her career as a ballerina, she is back in the familiar suburbs of Dayton, Ohio, teaching at a local high school. But it wasn't nostalgia that called Summer home. It was her need to spend quality time with her brother, Todd, and his devoted partner, Jacob. Todd, the golden athlete whose strength and spirit encouraged Summer to nurture her own unique talents and follow her dream, is in the final stages of a terminal illness. In a few short months, he will be dead—leaving Summer only a handful of precious days to learn all the lessons her brother still has to teach her . . . from how to love and how to live to how to let go.Traveling Light is the deeply moving debut novel from Katrina Kittle, the acclaimed author of The Kindness of Strangers—an unforgettable story of love, bonds, and promises that endure longer than life itself.

Big Boned
Life is reasonably rosy for plus-size ex-pop star turned Assistant Dormitory Director and sometime sleuth Heather Wells. Her freeloading ex-con dad is finally moving out. She still yearns for her hot landlord, Cooper Cartwright, but her relationship with "rebound beau," vigorous vegan math professor Tad Tocco, is more than satisfactory. Best of all, nobody has died lately in "Death Dorm," the aptly nicknamed student residence that Heather assistant-directs. Of course every silver lining ultimately has some black cloud attached. And when the latest murdered corpse to clutter up her jurisdiction turns out to be her exceedingly unlovable boss, Heather finds herself on the shortlist of prime suspects—along with the rabble-rousing boyfriend of her high-strung student assistant and an indecently handsome young campus minister who's been accused of taking liberties with certain girls' choir members.With fame beckoning her back into show business (as the star of a new kids' show!) it's a really bad time to get wrapped up in another homicide. Plus Tad's been working himself up to ask her a Big Question, which Heather's not sure she has an answer for . . .

Promise Not to Tell
Forty-one-year-old school nurse Kate Cypher has returned home to rural Vermont to care for her mother who's afflicted with Alzheimer's. On the night she arrives, a young girl is murdered—a horrific crime that eerily mirrors another from Kate's childhood. Three decades earlier, her dirt-poor friend Del—shunned and derided by classmates as "Potato Girl"—was brutally slain. Del's killer was never found, while the victim has since achieved immortality in local legends and ghost stories. Now, as this new murder investigation draws Kate irresistibly in, her past and present collide in terrifying, unexpected ways. Because nothing is quite what it seems . . . and the grim specters of her youth are far from forgotten.More than just a murder mystery, Jennifer McMahon's extraordinary debut novel, Promise Not to Tell, is a story of friendship and family, devotion and betrayal—tautly written, deeply insightful, beautifully evocative, and utterly unforgettable.

Hamish Macbeth és a t?rbe csalt falu
Az ?j Birodalom olyan ceremóniával készül megünnepelni a Nemzetelv?ek felett aratott gy?zelmét, ami ?r?kre emlékezetes marad. A Télvíz-ünnepre id?zítik a császárn? kézfogóját, no meg Degan Gaunt és a Melengári Boszorkány nyilvános kivégzését. Terveik szerint Modina ezt k?vet?en végzetes balesetet szenved majd, így az új császár ülhet a birodalom trónjára. Micsoda gy?ny?r? nap lesz az! Csak egy a b?kken?: Royce és Hadrian k?zben megtalálták a rég elveszett ?r?k?st.A Télvíz idején a magával ragadó Riyria-krónikák ?t?dik k?tete. A hatk?tetes sorozatot írója egyetlen, eposzi magaslatokra t?r? t?rténetként alkotta meg, amit kül?n epizódokra bontott. Az eredetileg magánkiadásban megjelent sorozatra felfigyelt egy nagy kiadó is, és az új kiadás révén az utóbbi évek egyik legsikeresebb új fantasyjévé vált.

It Seemed Like a Good Idea...
Throughout the annals of history, the best of intentions and sometimes the worst have set in motion events with a vastly different outcome than originally intended. In this entertaining, fact-filled chronicle, William Forstchen and Bill Fawcett explore the watersheds of history that began as the best of ideas and ended as the worst of fiascoes.A Holy War The Medieval Crusades for religious liberation become centuries of slaughter and destruction.Sibling Rivalry Leif Erikson spares his sister's life and delays the discovery of the New World for five hundred years.Big Guns Emperor Constantine XI refuses to buy a new supercannon that would let him dominate his enemies, so its creator sells the cannon to the Turks, who then crush Constantinople.With casual wit and subtle insight, It Seemed Like a Good Idea...tucks tongue in cheek and rides out the fiascoes of history.

Karibi nyár
Ahogy a Részlegesek végs? lejárati ideje vészesen k?zeledik, a túlél?k sorsát eld?nt? háború immár elkerülhetetlennek látszik. Mindkét fél elszánta magát a végs? pusztításra, abban a biztos tudatban, hogy birtokában van a fegyver, amellyel megsemmisítheti a másikat. Samm és Kira Walker a két háborúban álló fél k?z?tt ragadt, egymástól ezer mérf?ldnyi távolságra. Samm a kontinens túlsó végén az amerikai k?zép-nyugat hatalmas mérgez? pusztaságain túl, Kira pedig dr. Morgan markában, akinek elt?kélt szándéka megmenteni a még megmaradt Részlegeseket, akár Kira élete árán is. Ekkor egy rejtélyes lény bukkan fel, sem ember, sem Részleges, és komoran figyelmezteti a harcoló feleket egy újabb apokalipszisre. Kirának egyetlen esélye van, hogy megmentse mindkét fajt és velük együtt a világot. De lehet, hogy ez az életébe kerül… A Részlegesek sorozat befejez? része epikus izgalmakat ígér, amelyben a bolygó utolsó megmaradt értelmes lényei ?sszecsapnak egymással, hogy meghatározzák a j?v?t.

La limita extrem?
O poveste de dragoste derulat? ?n decorul Saharei.Dintotdeauna, ?ndr?gosti?ii prefer? un loc anume pentru ?nt?lnirile lor. Fie c? este teiul lui Eminescu, Ci?migiul sau – de ce nu? – o veche, aproape uitata epopee, acel loc ?nsufle?e?te ?i coloreaz? aura iubirii. La Eneida este o frumoas? poveste cu zei ?i umbre, o poveste de dragoste derulata ?n decorul Saharei. Cei doi ?ndr?gosti?i, un b?rbat t?n?r ?i o femeie bogat?… ?n amintiri, rescriu pagini din Eneida vergilian?, retr?iesc iubirea dintre Enea, eroul troian, ?i Didona, regina Cartaginei, ad?ug?ndu-i ?ns? dimensiunea tragic? a unor evenimente recente, am?ndoi fiind marca?i, obseda?i, urm?ri?i de umbrele ?i experien?ele ultimelor zile ale Golaniei din iunie 1990.

GUTS:Find Your Greatness, Beat the Odds, Live From Passion
GUTS: Find Your Greatness, Beat the Odds, Live From Passion ─ Living a life of grit and grace ·Do you want to understand the important difference between head, heart, and gut and where each fits into better decision-making? ·Are you ready to enjoy a purpose driven life and all of the joy and contentment it can bring? GUTS will help you find that purpose driven life that is yours to live with joy, passion and success. When Angela Duckworth wrote her best selling book Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance she could have been describing Sam Bracken who is the embodiment of living a life of grit and grace. In this modern era, we tap an app on our smartphone and anything you can imagine is delivered to you ─ maybe even by drone. We live in an age of convenience and ease; personal butlers are back in fashion and everyone has a chauffeur on call thanks to Uber. When was the last time you really “went for it?” Does anyone even have to try anymore? Sam Bracken answers that question with an emphatic YES. Now, more than ever, is the time to go for the gusto, to find your own Duckworth grit. In his book GUTS, Bracken explains why we all need to dig deep and do soul searching to see what lights the fire within that brings forth our very best. Bracken’s backstory would make Dr. Phil turn tail and run. His childhood and upbringing are unimaginably tough with years of abuse, even to the point where a relative set him on fire. What didn’t kill Sam Bracken made him stronger. And, he is now on a mission to bring self empowerment to others ─ self empowerment to realize a life of grit and grace. When we say something takes guts, we usually mean it takes courage to do it. It takes guts to go skydiving or to run a marathon or to try out for the school play. We call it luck or stamina or intestinal fortitude in conquering the hard, albeit exciting, things in life. Look back at the great personalities who made a difference in the pages of history. What did they all have in common? Determination and tenacity. In short, GUTS! They might have had talent too, but without guts they would have gone nowhere. Science now tells us that lots of talented individuals produce great stuff, but very few produce a lot of great stuff—and even fewer produce a lot of great stuff over a long career. What do these few highly productive people have in common? Grit and grace and a large helping of self-belief. This book is about actually getting there. You’ll have to push past failure again and again. And it is also about beating the odds no matter how high they are stacked against you. To be a true leader, you have to start with yourself. Are you ready to do some soul searching and learn the secrets to guts, self empowerment, a purpose driven life, and grit and grace? In Sam Bracken's GUTS, you will learn about: ·mental strength ? resisting feelings of low ·resisting feelings of low self-esteem ? ·self empowerment ? building ·building self confidence ·living a life of passion ·and, most importantly, what it takes to have grit and grace

Mail-Order Christmas Brides Boxed Set: Her Christmas Family / Christmas Stars fo
USA TODAY bestselling authors Jillian Hart and Janet Tronstad will capture your heart with stories that celebrate the joys and excitement when you combine Christmas with mail-order weddings. Enjoy six romances of adventure and faith in one great bundle! A little girl longs for a new mother for Christmas so she convinces her single father to advertise for a mail-order wife, whose arrival offers them the chance to forge a real family. A would-be bride discovers her intended groom has abandoned her before she even arrives but then she unexpectedly falls for the groom's brother. A gruff rancher's marriage offer to a widowed single mother is based solely on convenience…until it becomes a matter of the heart. The six charming individual stories are: HER CHRISTMAS FAMILY by Jillian Hart CHRISTMAS STARS FOR DRY CREEK by Janet Tronstad HOME FOR CHRISTMAS by Jillian Hart SNOWFLAKES FOR DRY CREEK by Janet Tronstad CHRISTMAS HEARTS by Jillian Hart MISTLETOE KISS IN DRY CREEK by Janet Tronstad

Changing Faces
Meet Whitney, Taylor, and Charisse, three women who have been best friends since high school. However, this devoted troika is about to discover a wave of unexpected troubles. Whitney is a plus-size woman who just can't turn down a box of Krispy Kremes or find a man who will stay put. Taylor is in a long-term relationship with a boyfriend who's allergic to commitment. Charisse is married, with two adorable children, but somehow doesn't have what she really wants—or needs. Then suddenly Charisse spins out of control. Her doormat husband manages to stand up to her and even threatens to go public with a very shady secret Charisse had hoped to keep hidden, especially from her interfering mother. Desperate, she decides that only a very risky scheme will save her. One constant for these women has been the support they've offered one another. But this time, how far can friendship goIn this witty, rollicking, deeply poignant story, Kimberla Lawson Roby demonstrates the storytelling magic that has won her legions of adoring fans and made her novels bestsellers.

A Red Hot New Year
This New Year's Eve, turn up the heat . . . At the stroke of midnight a new year begins—a time for passionate resolutions and brand-new pleasures; a time to let go of past restraints and embrace new sensual boundaries. Four masterful writers offer a quartet of boldly erotic tales guaranteed to heat up those winter nights.Anna has always been the good girl, until a mysterious and powerful encounter with a wolf brings out her wild side! Now she's unleashing her long-repressed desires on the sexy stranger who comes to her rescue . . . in Cynthia Eden's New Year's Bites.Seducing her lover at a lavish party seems like the perfect way for Chantal to rekindle their lost passion. But the tables are turned when she finds herself the target of an even more intoxicating man's desire . . . in Diana Mercury's Night Resolutions.During a weekend getaway at a cozy mountain cabin, two couples decide the long winter nights lend themselves to exciting sensual exploration. But no one expects their red-hot sessions will turn good friends into lovers for life . . . in Virginia Reede's Snow Blind.Gina is your average female who just happens to become a bit of a . . . dragon when she's turned on! Good thing she's found the kind of savagely sexy man who can bring out the beast in her . . . in Denise Rossetti's Coming on Strong.

Swept Away
Five days before her wedding to a man she admires but doesn't love, Katrina Spencer escapes to a private island. There, she can let the sun warm her body as she contemplates a future without the passion she craves. Then she lazily opens her eyes, only to see Brock Denton . . . muscular, half-naked, the one who got away—the one who makes her body tingle with arousal.How Brock arrived is a mystery, but it's clear he's in danger. Kat faces danger, too, in the arms of a man who is determined to free her from her every inhibition with his hands, his mouth, and more! Kat has five steamy days and five sultry nights to make up her mind—return home to a man she doesn't love, or satisfy her wildest passions with Brock and let herself be . . . swept away.

Liberating Paris
Woodrow McIlmore is leading the perfect life in Paris, Arkansas: married to his high school sweetheart, he has two wonderful children and a warm circle of family and friends. When Wood's daughter announces that she wants to marry a college classmate, Wood is stunned. But that's just the tip of the iceberg -- her intended is the son of the woman who left Wood twenty years earlier, the free-spirited Duff. And so begins a tumultuous year in Paris, as Duff returns and familiar sparks fly with her old flame. Their rekindled passion affects not only Wood and Duff but also their good friends, as they must now all decide what in their lives is worth keeping and what needs to be thrown away.

Jigs & Reels
Each of the twenty-two tales in this enchanting collection is a surprise and a delight, melding the poignant and the possible with the outrageous, the magical, and, sometimes, the eerily haunting. Wolf men, dolphin women, defiant old ladies, and middle-aged manufacturers of erotic leatherwear -- in Jigs & Reels the miraculous goes hand in hand with the mundane, the sour with the sweet, and the beautiful, the grotesque, the seductive, and the disturbing are never more than one step away. Whether she's exploring the myth of beauty, the pain of infidelity, or the wonder of late-life romance, Joanne Harris once again proves herself a master of the storyteller's trade.

In The Garden Of The North American Martyrs
Among the characters you'll find in this collection of twelve stories by Tobias Wolff are a teenage boy who tells morbid lies about his home life, a timid professor who, in the first genuine outburst of her life, pours out her opinions in spite of a protesting audience, a prudish loner who gives an obnoxious hitchhiker a ride, and an elderly couple on a golden anniversary cruise who endure the offensive conviviality of the ship's social director.Fondly yet sharply drawn, Wolff's characters stumble over each other in their baffled yet resolute search for the "right path."