In the Blood
Lydia Ackland was nearly blind when she fell downstairs and was killed. Her grandchildren have always accepted the official verdict – accident. Besides, they have their own problems: beautiful Kate is ending a love-affair; her brother Daniel is painfully crippled. But then that letter comes to light. Only days before her death, somebody wrote and warned their grandmother that she was ‘opening a disastrous Pandora’s Box’ and should ‘let sleeping, and perhaps dangerous, dogs lie’. The letter goads Kate and Daniel into asking lots of questions. First, who wrote it? And why does the answer, once discovered, point to their arrogant Uncle Mark, who, with his ambitious wife Helen, has inherited Longwater, the vast family estate, and the vast fortune that goes with it. Why were Mark and Helen banished from England in their youth and what are the secrets behind their long European exile? Kate follows their footsteps through Italy and Corsica, while Daniel continues to ask questions in England. Within days, both their lives have been threatened, confirming their suspicions that all is not a it seems – and perhaps never has been…

Silent Playgrounds
A dark psychological thriller that will hold the reader in its grip from beginning to end, Silent Playgrounds is the stunning follow-up to Danuta Reah's highly praised debut, Only Darkness. The path through the park runs from the centre of the city into the wilds of the countryside. At weekends the area is a playground for children and walkers, but during the week it is silent and deserted. When six-year-old Lucy gets lost there one day, her disappearance sparks a chain of events leading to the murder of a young woman. Lucy tries to warn the people she cares about of the danger: she knows that there are monsters lurking in the rambling park, and she knows that they are getting closer. What should be a straightforward investigation leads DI Steve McCarthy into a web of lies and evasions, where nothing is quite as it seems and everyone seems to be hiding something. With each step forward McCarthy faces new questions, and if he is to prevent an escalation in violence, he has to find some answers -- fast.

Collected Short Stories
Patrick O’Brian emerged, in the opinion of many, as the greatest historical novelist writing in English. He is best known for the astonishing 'roman fleuve' of the Aubrey/Maturin tales, but it is often forgotten that he first made his reputation as a writer of short stories.

Black Jade (The Ea Cycle, Book 3)
The third book in the Ea Cycle, BLACK JADE is as rich as Tolkien and as magical as the Arthurian myths Valashu Elahad rescued the Lightstone from the dark hell of the enemy's own city, only to have his triumph overturned. Once more the Lord of Lies has the sacred gem in his possession and its power is invincible. Val burns with shame. Treachery surrounds him. His only hope is the Black Jade that lies buried in the heart of a cursed and blighted forest, forgotten since the War of the Stone. Through this, the greatest black gelstei ever created, Val will seek to understand the darkness inside himself so that he can use evil to fight evil. If he does not, the world will fall into final corruption as the Dark Universe of the Lord of Lies. In either case, evil prevails. But Val must risk everything, even his soul. The stakes are too high for anything less. Val is the Guardian of the Lightstone until a new master is made known, that person who will rightfully wield its power. Should Val find the sacred gem and take it for himself, he will become a new Red Dragon, only mightier and more terrible than the Lord of Lies.

The Diamond Warriors (The Ea Cycle, Book 4)
From the author of ‘Neverness’ comes a powerful epic fantasy series, the Ea Cycle, as rich as Tolkien and as magical as the Arthurian myths. This is the climactic final volume. The world of Ea is an ancient world settled in eons past by the Star People. However, their ancestors floundered in their purpose to create a great stellar civilisation on the new planet: they fell into moral decay. Now a champion has been born who will lead them back to greatness, by means of a spiritual – and adventurous – quest for Ea’s Grail: the Lightstone. His name is Valashu Elahad, and he is destined to become King. Blessed (or cursed?) with an empathy for all living things, he will lead his people into the lands of Morjin, into the heart of darkness, wielding a magical sword called Alkadadur, there to recover the mythical Lightstone and return in triumph with his prize. But Morjin is not to be vanquished so easily… This is the fourth and final volume of the epic Ea Cycle. The battle will be fought, mysteries unravelled, the courage of Valashu tested to its limit. The reason the Valari came to Ea from the stars will be made known.

Simon Hollingford, an Ontario Provincial Police detective, has been suspended while a charge of police brutality against him is investigated. He jumps at the chance to get away from it all by volunteering to be the radio operator for a scientific expedition in Canada’s high arctic. Once in the north, his enjoyment is marred by the information that the previous year’s radio man, the scientist Phillip Loew, had been lost in a storm and the body had never been found. then a series of potentially fatal accidents sets everyone on edge. While birdwatching one day, Simon stumbles on the body of the lost man – but he hasn’t died of exposure. Two bullets in the chest prove the theory that high’velocity lead poisoning can kill faster than sub-zero temperatures. All the same people are back in the north this year, which means one of them is a murderer. Amid steadily deteriorating weather conditions, Simon searches for the answer and uncovers a web of lies and hatred. Everyone had a motive for wanting Phillip Loew dead, and someone is willing to kill again to keep their secret safe …

Double Entry
John Leith is an easy-going Edinburgh accountant, a widower with a young son, and a long-standing relationship with an attractive woman which neither wants to turn into marriage. Suddenly his life is disturbed when he is attacked in his office, his flat searched and vandalised, and his sister’s home broken into. John can discern no reason for the incidents but as the violence against him steps up he begins to feel like a tethered goat and is drawn willy-nilly into the activities of his uncle’s detective agency, which seems to offer his best hope of protection, to say nothing of discovering what lies behind these unprovoked attacks. But when his unknown enemies turn their attention to those who matter most to him, John Leith discovers that he too can use violence when necessary, and Margaret McKinlay’s first novel reaches a shattering climax as the identity of the villains and their true motive are finally unmasked.

In the opening paragraph of the novel a murderer describes the process of picking up an unknown girl in a club prior to strangling her, and admits to disposing of nine others in similar manner. The murderer then returns to Crestcote House, a gothic mansion which has been turned into a peaceful retreat for ‘artists of recognised stature’. The community comprises an eccentric composer, a reclusive iron-worker, a beautiful sculptress, a discontented novelist, and three assorted painters, one female, two male. The lord of this remarkable manor is a philanderer, and the place is known locally (and not surprisingly) as Crackpot Castle. No one suspects, however, that one of the denizens is a serial killer. And no one need ever have suspected if the killer had not elected to play a practical joke on fellow residents which led to a spate of lies, an unsuccessful blackmail attempt – and another killing. This time Chief Inspector Tom Pennard is very much on the scene. Under his questioning suspicion flickers like a will-o’-the-wisp from one person to the next, while all the time the murderer, anonymous and supposedly secure, offers the reader a first-hand commentary on the unfolding of events, leading to a dramatic unmasking in the final paragraphs of this cunningly plotted story.

Ugly Money
Writer Will Adams’ peaceful life is interrupted by the sudden and not entirely welcome arrival on his doorstep of his young niece, Marisa, and her best friend Nick. Marisa has learned from her parents, film director Jack Adams and his actress wife, Ruth, that Jack is not her real father and she is determined to find the man who is. Reluctantly Will agrees to help her but a shock awaits him: it looks as if Marisa’s biological father is Scott Hartman, a fabulously wealthy recluse who has not been seen for years. A near fatal accident, a false arrest, hostility from Hartman’s associate … it is becoming clear that someone wants to prevent Marisa from meeting her father. The stakes are raised still further when, through her mother, Hartman is actually tracked down and is confronted with his daughter. A bitter man, with a life of regret behind him, he decides to change his will in Marisa’s favour – a move that is to unleash a wave of violence that threatens to engulf not just Marisa, but her family. Ugly Money is an unputdownable story of intrigue, jealousy and murder which will have the reader gripped from beginning to end.

The Honey Trap
Rowan Morley, big and beautiful, made quite a splash when she went overboard from a pleasure launch into the Thames. Fortunately help was at hand, but Rowan’s rescuers were bewildered when she insisted on denying the existence of what seemed to them a clearly murderous attack. Even when she was whisked away to an Oxfordshire village to act as housekeeper to two hapless males, Rowan remained a focus of mystery. Meanwhile Aran Hunter, art restorer, chafed at his inability to protect her; Frederick Flowers retired civil servant, feared for her; Wayne Denny, general factotum of a fleet of Thames houseboats, lusted after her; and Inspector Laurence Erskine of Special Branch, now working with Interpol, found himself involved willy-nilly when he learned that Rowan’s previous employers were connected with a case he had been working on for months. None of them, except perhaps Erskine, could believe this glorious girl was involved in international crime, but when murder struck close to home it became a matter of life and death to discover what Rowan Morley, wittingly or unwittingly, knew or possessed.

The Lightstone: The Ninth Kingdom: Part One (The Ea Cycle, Book 1)
From the author of Neverness comes a powerful new epic fantasy series. The Ea Cycle is as rich as Tolkien and as magical as the Arthurian myths. The world of Ea is an ancient world settled in eons past by the Star People. However, their ancestors floundered, in their purpose to create a great stellar civilisation on the new planet: they fell into moral decay. Now a champion has been born who will lead them back to greatness, by means of a spiritual -- and adventurous -- quest for Ea's Grail: the Lightstone. His name is Valashu Elahad, and he is destined to become King. Blessed (or cursed?) with an empathy for all living things, he will lead his people into the lands of Morjin, into the heart of darkness, wielding a magical sword called Alkadadur, there to recover the mythical Lightstone and return in triumph with his prize. But Morjin is not to be vanquished so easily!

An epic masterwork of science fiction, Neverness is a stand-alone novel from one of the most important talents in the genre. The universe of Neverness is intriguingly complex and filled with extraordinary beings. There are the Alaloi, whose genes have ‘backmutated’ so that they look like Neanderthals… the Order of Pilots, which reworks the laws of time and physics to slingshot its members through dense regions of ‘thickspace’… the Solid State Entity, a nebula-sized brain made up of moon-sized biocomputers… Against this backdrop stands Mallory Ringer, the headstrong novitiate of the Order of Pilots, who, against all odds, navigates a maze of interspatial passageways to penetrate the Solid State Entity. There he makes a stunning discovery. A discovery that could unlock the secret of immortality hidden among the Alaloi.

Mr American
Now available as an ebook, ‘Mr American’ is a swashbuckling romp of a novel. Mark Franklin came from the American West to Edwardian England with two long-barrelled .44s in his baggage and a fortune in silver in the bank. Where he had got it and what he was looking for no one could guess, although they wondered – at Scotland Yard, in City offices, in the glittering theatreland of the West End, in the highest circles of Society (even King Edward was puzzled) and in the humble pub at Castle Lancing. Tall dark and dangerous, soft spoken and alone, with London at his feet and a dark shadow in his past, he was a mystery to all of them, rustics and royalty, squires and suffragettes, the women who loved him and the men who feared and hated him. He came from a far frontier in another world, yet he was by no means a stranger… even old General Flashman, who knew men and mischief better than most, never guessed the whole truth about “Mr American”.

A New York Times bestseller szerz?je, a feszültségteremtés királyn?je, 100 millió eladott példánnyal a valaha volt legnépszer?bb szerz?k egyike.Legújabb, nagy siker? krimije éppúgy felkerült a legfontosabb sikerlistákra, mint Clark szinte minden m?ve. A fiatalon meg?zvegyült Lane Harmon, az ?téves Katie édesanyja lakberendez?, fény?z? otthonokba bejáratos. Egy alkalommal, amikor f?n?ke megbízza, hogy rendezzen be egy szerény sorházat, meglepve tapasztalja, hogy a megbízó nem más, mint egy híres-hírhedt pénzember felesége. A férj, Parker Bennett, két éve t?nt el a Karib-tengeren hajózva. A cégben lév? ?tmilliárd dollárral együttVajon él-e még? Vajon k?ze van-e a milliárdokhoz? ?s vajon mit tud a feleség?Lane egyre jobban belebonyolódik az ügybe, és egyre k?zelebb kerül Bennették fiához, míg végül már megszállottan próbálja bizonyítani a család ártatlanságát. Azzal azonban nem számol, hogy ezzel magát és kislányát is veszélybe sodorja Botrány, csalás, árulás és szerelem a kritikusok és az olvasók szerint ez az ?tvenk?tetes Clark életének egyik legjobb regénye. El?sz?r a pénz a tét. Utána?a szerelem. Végül az életed.

Szerelemr?l és egyéb finomságokról
Elkészült a svéd szerz?páros Engelsfors trilógiájának második k?tete, a T?z. Az óriási sikert aratott a K?r folytatását nagy várakozás el?zte meg, és ebben is s?tét és misztikus fordulatok borzolják az olvasók idegeit. Vége a nyárnak és a kiválasztott hat lányt a gimnázium második osztálya várja. A szünid?? szinte rettegésben telt el és ??k felkészültek a gonosz er??k k?vetkez?? lépésére. ?m a veszedelem olyan irányból fenyegeti ??ket ahonnan egyáltalán nem számítanak rá. Egyre nyilvánvalóbb hogy valami nagyon nincs rendjén Engelsforsban. A múlt ?sszefonódik a jelennel az él?? találkozik a holttal. A Kiválasztottak k?z?tt még szorosabb lesz a k?telék és a lányok megint rád?bbennek hogy a rendkívüli képesség vagy a varázslat sem vigasztalja a boldogtalan szerelmeseket és nem gyógyítja meg az ?sszet?rt szíveket.

?, Júlia!
T. G. Oaks boldogan élte a kanadai magyarok álmosítóan unalmas életét egy hamiltoni kertes házban: ?nként hódolt be bolondos felesége egyre-másra k?vetkez? aktuális hóbortjának, néha meglátogatta kissé bogaras édesapját az ?regek otthonában.A hirtelen j?tt ?r?kség értékesítésének ügyében nagy duzzogva a Balatonhoz utazik, ám a magyar tenger és annak édesvízi mediterrán lüktetése szépen lassan fel?rli minden ellenérzését az óhazával kapcsolatban. A tóparti falu kül?nc lakói el?sz?r ugyan az ?rületbe kergetik, de egy jó balatoni halászlé és egy pohár h?s kéknyel? után máris más színben fest az a bizonyos ?reghegyi sz?l?skerttel k?rbevett Fenséges Rom, amelyet ráadásul még egy titokzatos legenda is ?vez.Tóth Gábor ?kos háromk?tetesre tervezett sorozatának els? részében a kiváló toszkán és provanszi minták ihlette élményirodalomba kóstol bele, hogy soha nem látott szemsz?gb?l mutassa be a Balaton-felvidék ellenállhatatlan hangulatát.

A boldogság ára
Minden, amit a showbusiness világáról hittél hiúság, gy?l?let, féltékenység, korrupció, drog, alkohol, hangos sikerek és zajos bukások - igaz! Persze, speciális, magyar módon Bárdos András k?nyvében keveredik elképzelt és valódi világ: nehezen azonosítható figurák, nevük?n nevezett, mindenki által ismert szerepl?kkel. Megt?rtént helyzetek a fikcióval.Olyan kíméletlen ?szinteséggel, ugyanakkor megért? együttérzéssel mutatja be a hazai showbusinesst, a hírességek világát, a bulvárt, a politikát, és mindezek ?sszefonódását, hogy az olvasó a végén már azt sem tudja eld?nteni: sírjon vagy nevessen inkább.De a szerz? d?nt. Jóíz?en kineveti a k?zeget, s?t, a t?rténet során fel-felt?n? ?nmagát is.

Signora da Vinci
Egy gyanútlan asszony… Egy titokzatos férj… Egy elt?nt gyerek… Vajon mi játszódik le egy asszony fejében, ha azzal szembesül, hogy imádott férje – életében az egyetlen férfi – talán mégsem olyan t?kéletes, amilyennek hitte?Vajon mi játszódik le az asszony? fejében, amikor azzal szembesül, hogy férje t?bb id?t t?lt a számítógépével bezárkózva, mint vele?Vajon mi játszódik le benne, amikor megtudja, hogy a férjét egy kínos ügy miatt elbocsátották a munkahelyér?l… Amikor megjelenik a küsz?b?n a rend?rség…?s amikor?a férfi az újságok címoldalára kerül?gyermekrablás és gyilkosság vádjával… Lehet, hogy sokkal nagyobb a baj, mint hitte? Lehet, hogy az idillinek látszó házasság csak kulissza, és m?g?tte iszonyú titok lappang??s vajon mi t?rténik, ha már nem lehet tovább odázni a szembenézést az iszonyattal? ? ?Fiona Barton a? Daily Mail ?és a? Daily Telegraph ?díjnyertes riportere. Els? regénye máris nemzetk?zi bestseller, melyet eddig 26 nyelvre fordítottak le.

What if the only person who could help was the one whose heart you'd broken? A captivating and heartrending novel of lost love, family secrets and betrayal from a major new talent. 'Memories are like spinning blades; dangerous at close range.' Meg Powell and Carson McKay were soulmates. Until Meg inexplicably walked away and straight into the arms of another man. While Meg set about building a career and a family – and trying her best to forget Carson – he poured his soul into the music that was to make him an international superstar. Now, twenty years later, Meg is forced to confront the past and hidden truths in the pages of her late mother's diaries – little knowing that her teenaged daughter Savannah is playing with fire, creating a secret life on the internet that sucks her into a dangerous world. Then Carson arrives back in town – just as Meg finds out startling news which will change her life for ever.

Mint pitypang a szélben
Mi t?rténik, ha egyszer csak hirtelen, minden el?zmény, majd magyarázat nélkül, egyik pillanatról a másikra elt?nnek emberek? Hova lesz valaki szeretteink, barátaink, szomszédaink k?zül, aki az imént még kéznyújtásnyira volt t?lünk? Gondolunk rá, hogy ez lenne a Bibliában megj?vend?lt elragadtatás? ?s mi lesz velünk, akik itt maradtunk? Ezekkel a kérdésekkel szembesülnek Tom Perrotta regényének szerepl?i, egy amerikai kisváros, Mapleton lakói. Van, aki ?sszeomlik, van, aki megpróbálja folytatni vagy újrakezdeni az életét; van, akit lesújt a tudat, hogy nem került a méltó elragadottak k?zé, s van, aki már – az elragadtatást k?vet? és az utolsó ítélet napját megel?z? – pusztulás tudatával egy b?nbánó szekta tagja lesz. A kivételes alaphelyzet a misztikum m?fajába sorolja a regényt, mik?zben ízig-vérig valóságos emberekr?l szól, akik szeretnek, boldogok vagy szenvednek, keresik helyüket a világban, élnek.

Belgarath the Sorcerer
The life story of Belgararth the Sorcerer: his own account of the great struggle that went before the Belgariad and the Malloreon, when gods stills walked the land. Here is the full epic story of Belgarath, the great sorcerer learned in the Will and the Word on whom the fate of the world depends. Only Belgarath can tell of those near-forgotten times when Gods still walked the land: he is the Ancient One, the Old Wolf, his God Aldur's first and most-favoured disciple. Using powers learned over the centuries Belgarath himself records the story of conflict between two mortally opposed Destinies that split the world asunder. A hugely entertaining work of great daring, wit, grandeur and excitement that confirms the role of Belgarath the Sorcerer as one of the mightiest fantasy creations of the century.