

100 Party Games for Children
100 Party Games for Children
Quick, P S
Party games have been played and enjoyed by children for years. This book contains some favourites that have been played for centuries as well as some with modern twists and ideas of how to adapt games for a variety of ages and interests. There are also new games that are linked to modern times. Some games are more suitable for outdoor areas rather than a confined indoor space but most can just be adapted slightly to suit the venue. There are also a variety of games such as quiet games, active games, treasure hunts, team games, balloon games and a selection of others.The games include both competitive and non competitive games. Most people today recommend that the majority of games are non competitive so that children do not become disappointed or upset. Team games can encourage children to work together and support each other if a child is challenged and not coping with the activity. Although a winner might be declared it is usually a good idea to have a small prize for everyone. Awarding points for games is one way of avoiding constantly giving out small presents. Points can be collated and then everyone given a party bag when it is time to go home so that no one leaves empty handed. It could also be agreed at the beginning of a party that prizes can be shared such as a box of small treats as a prize for a treasure hunt.
Berry, Ian
Richie is falling, he's certain to be killed as he hits the bottom of the quarry he's tumbled over the edge of. His life is saved by the intervention of a disembodied being he eventually comes to call a Guardian of Reality. But there's a snag. The voice gives him super powers, so he isn't hurt by the fall. Trouble is, it isn't super powers like Superman, it's super powers like Supergirl, which comes as a bit of a shock as you might imagine. Richie decides to put up with being a girl, having super powers does have the odd advantage. He calls himself Saskia and everything is fine - until he meets the 'real' Saskia. Saskia Hunt is a real thirteen year old girl, while Richie is only a pretend thirteen years old. The two Saskias quickly become firm friends. A friendship that survives Richie having to explain to Saskia about not actually being a girl. At this point Saskia is apparently so upset that the Voice that fiddled with Richie changes her as well, now there are two super girls. Despite the difference in age and even in gender, the two girls, Richie in his form as Saskia, remain best friends. Now the fun begins as Saskia Chandler has to learn how to be a girl. Almost the first thing that happens is a full formal evening event that sees her stuffed into a long frock and required to be a girl in front of a whole crowd of people. Quite apart from this crash course in being a young girl, Saskia Chandler finds that she and Saskia Hunt need to use their super powers to aid others as well as themselves. They never actually discover why they've been changed to be more than human, but get the occasional inkling as the Voice gets them to do things it can't apparently do for itself. This includes being shuttled around in time and space and saving the whole world - twice!
101 Amazing Lewis Hamilton Facts
101 Amazing Lewis Hamilton Facts
Goldstein, Jack
From his first TV appearance on Blue Peter at the age of six (racing radio-controlled cars), it was clear that Lewis Hamilton would be a star. Progressing from karting all the way to the dizzy heights of Formula One superstardom, Lewis has won many fans along the way. This fun book contains 101 amazing facts about Lewis, covering everything from his upbringing to his most controversial moments. Test yourself and your friends with these excellent facts, and prove you are the master of Lewis Hamilton knowledge!
Obama vs Romney
Obama vs Romney
Goldstein, Jack
In this totally and utterly impartial look at the race for the American Presidency, authors Jack Goldstein and Jimmy Russell wanted to have a serious debate as to who is better suited to take his place (or remain) in the White House. Unfortunately, each author wanted to cover the same ground. In the end it was decided that Jimmy could look at the pros of one candidate, whilst Jack would look at the cons of the other. And so this ultimate guide to who you should vote for has been produced, giving you an amazing 100 facts about the campaigns. If you are not quite sure who to vote for, maybe this book will give you some ideas. Hopefully it covers ground that is important to you, and answers questions such as 'What makes $250m Mitt Romney such a down to earth guy who understands the average American', and 'Why is Obama so awesome?'. Let the facts begin...
Artemis Fowl - The Ultimate Quiz Book
Artemis Fowl - The Ultimate Quiz Book
Goldstein, Jack
This excellent quiz book contains 250 questions to test the knowledge of any Artemis Fowl fan. From questions any old human should know all the way through to trivia that would test Artemis himself, this is a fantastic way to enjoy the world of the fairy people even more. With easy navigation between each question and answer section and questions on a whole host of characters, you are sure to enjoy this fantastic quiz. Play it yourself or test your friends!
Beware of the Emu!
Beware of the Emu!
Lambert, Merv
Another fantastic book of stories about M, the invisible computer-generated emu. In this collection, we visit Switzerland (and have a scary cable-car encounter), time-travel to 1960s Manchester, joust with King Henry the Eighth and see some highly amusing magic. As expected, in every story in which he appears M never misses a chance to produce his own brand of comical antics.
Ten Traveller's Tales
Ten Traveller's Tales
Worker, Julian
Go on a quick visit to three different continents. Visit Vancouver and its surrounding areas - go hiking in rain forest twenty minutes from the downtown core, catch the ferry to the Sunshine Coast - you can't get there by road - and tour Victoria the capital of British Columbia. Next travel to Cape Town with its colourful history, encapsulated in the ethnically diverse Bo Kaap district. In this part of Cape Town the coloured houses are even more breathtaking than the views of Table Mountain. Read about the conversations you could have in the market in Cape Town's Greenmarket Square. Finally, journey to the independent countries of the Baltic and discover the splendid churches of the capitals Tallinn and Riga where the architecture is breathtaking and the number of tourists is still relatively few.
101 Amazing Victoria Beckham Facts
101 Amazing Victoria Beckham Facts
Goldstein, Jack
Are you the world's biggest Victoria Beckham Fan? Do you know everything there is to know about the ex-Spice Girl and one of today's greatest fashion icons? Then this is the book for you! In this easy-to-digest eBook are 101 facts about your favourite celebrity - do you know all of them?Test yourself and your friends with these handily-packaged facts easily organised into categories for maximum enjoyment. Sections include Victoria's fashion, her singing career and some crazy facts about her life. Show everyone that you are the master of VB Knowledge!
70th Week
70th Week
Latham, Ivan
It is the near future. Ancient prophecies of the Antichrist have been fulfilled in the rise to power of charismatic politician, Christopher Martinez. As the long-anticipated Man of Sin tightens his grip on mankind, only a remnant of the faithful remain to resist his hellish ambitions. Among them, Jesuit priest, Father Edward Mancini, whose own fate is inextricably bound up with the destiny of the world. Meanwhile, in England, an unprecedented spiritual awakening has become a beacon of hope in the increasing darkness....
Naughty Girl Notebook
Naughty Girl Notebook
London, Olivia
Bonnie is a horny young woman eager to serve more than just coffee to the right man. When a special customer becomes her heart's desire she's determined to keep him happy no matter what. She buys a notebook to record her transgressions so her boyfriend can respond with displinary measures. He may even respond with surprising results!
Emu at War
Emu at War
Lambert, Merv
In these further adventures of M, the invisible computer-generated emu, read how the Smogg family get their come- uppance, M and Colin the librarian visit Sherwood Forest, the gang get transported to France during World War 2 and how an arrogant RAF officer is thwarted. As expected, in every story in which he appears M never misses a chance to produce his own brand of comical antics.
Berry, Ian
Jody, like Lisa and Holly, has extremely well developed ESP powers. This allows her to levitate herself (flying sounds much better), speak to the others mind to mind - telepathy - and more. Their powers grow almost by the day, they discover more and more things they didn't know they could do - until now. The three girls call themselves the Angels and spend most of their spare time when not at school (and sometimes when that's where they should be) using their powers to fix things for people such as the Ministry of Defence. Want a broken nuclear submarine fixing? Call for the Angels. Want a member of the Royal Family protecting? Call for the Angels. This part of the saga is told by Jody herself, taking over from Lisa in the writing things down department.
Underground Rivers
Underground Rivers
French, Mike
The Luton Writers' Group was born out of a question: Are there still writers out there or has Luton become a literary desert? Before the group started, a workshop was run last year at Luton library about getting published. One person turned up...A year on and we have a collection called Underground Rivers to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the opening of Luton Central Library. The name is a reference to the River Lea which runs under the library and it's an answer to our question - it may appear to be a desert, with the odd oasis - like Booker shortlisted Stephen Kelman - but underneath there is abundant life. This book is proof of that and is a mix of short stories, scripts and opening chapters of novels all of which have been forged this year from writers who gathered for the first time in February when the library started the group.
Star Trek The Original Series Quiz Book
Star Trek The Original Series Quiz Book
Dugdale, Mike
The Star Trek Quiz Book is a fun selection of original questions (and answers!), comprehensively covering all facets of the classic original series! As a fun family game it will separate the Kirk's from the Gorn, the Spock's from the red shirts, and is a fantastic way to enjoy Trek even more.
James Bond 50th Anniversary Quiz Book
James Bond 50th Anniversary Quiz Book
Dugdale, Mike
The James Bond Quiz Book is a fun selection of original questions (and answers!), comprehensively covering the last 50 years of Bond, including the latest film - Skyfall! As a fun family game it will separate the Goldfinger's from the Oddjob's, the Scaramanga's from the Nick-Nack's, and is a fantastic way to enjoy Bond even more.
70s Pop Music Quiz Book
70s Pop Music Quiz Book
Andrews, Paul
How well do you know your 70's Pop Music? This Quiz book will test even the most avid fan, with questions that span the 70's bands and songs! Test yourself and your friends with this 70's Pop Music Quiz Book.
New (Victorian) Vegetarian Dishes
New (Victorian) Vegetarian Dishes
Bowdich, Mrs
Classic vegetarian dishes by the author Mrs. Bowdich, containing over 200 meat free recipes. With step by step instructions, these classic vegetable based recipes, will be sure to give the vegetarian something to eat everyday of the year.First published in 1892 this was a book well ahead of its time and deserves to still be used, the recipes are simple and interesting and not out of place today.Over 200 recipes to cover all meal courses.
50 Quick Christmas Facts
50 Quick Christmas Facts
Andrews, Paul
This book is a quick read on Christmas facts you probably did not know! What are the names of Santa's Reindeers? Do you know who made the first Christmas Cards? Find out these facts and more in this quick read fact book!
Where Have All the Pixies Gone?
Where Have All the Pixies Gone?
Shipley, Ian
Think about all the tasks you will need to do when you are your own boss
Piddy Piddoo
Piddy Piddoo
Kelly, Paul
This sweet and humorous tale about a dog called Piddy Piddoo will delight children of all ages. Follow Piddy's adventures as he meets other dogs, talks about his owner and gets himself into funny scrapes. Paul Kelly is a well-respected author, and this addition to his catalogue of excellent fiction is sure to please.
Doctor Who Quiz Book
Doctor Who Quiz Book
Andrews, Paul
How well do you know Doctor Who? This Quiz book will test even the most avid fan, with questions that span all eleven incarnations of the Doctor, his companions and enemies! Test yourself and your friends with this Doctor Who Quiz Book.