The Gamearth Trilogy Omnibus
All three volumes of the GAMEARTH Trilogy Gamearth: It was supposed to be just another Sunday night fantasy role-playing game for David, Tyrone, Scott, and Melanie. But after years of playing, the game had become so real that all their creations—humans, sorcerers, dragons, ogres, panther-folk, Cyclops—now had existences of their own. And when the four outside players decide to end their game, the characters inside the world of Gamearth—warriors, scholars, and the few remaining wielders of magic—band together to keep their land from vanishing. Now they must embark on a desperate quest for their own magic—magic that can twist the Rules enough to save them all from the evil that the players created to destroy their entire world. Gameplay: It was written in the Rules—Save the World! Over the past two years, a group of four players had given so much to their role-playing world that it had developed a magic of its own. The creatures, warriors, sorcerers, thieves—all had come alive. And now there is an odd connection between the gamers and their characters, splitting into factions to determine the fate of the Game itself and both the inside and the outside worlds. Game’s End: It’s all-out war between the players and characters in a role-playing game that has taken on a life of its own. The fighter Delrael, the sorcerer Bryl, as well as famed scientists Verne and Frankenstein, use every trick in the Book of Rules to keep the world of Gamearth intact while the outside group of players does everything possible to destroy it.

De ce ne este foame?
Il secondo volume intitolato I primi passi verso la maturità introduce in un modo del tutto impressionante gli elementi mitologici attinenti in parte al cristianesimo primitivo e folcloristico e in parte al paganesimo, nell’ambito di una storia piuttosto “realista”, anche se scritta nello stile del fantastico e del miracoloso. Per il lettore, a prescindere dalla sua età, la lettura di questi volumi sono sicuramente un enorme piacere. Per il giovane lettore, molto giovane, per quello che non legge ancora, ma che ascolta la lettura del libro, questo è anche un ?libro d’insegnamento”, tramite il quale il piccolino si può spiegare quello che passa aldilà del primo livello della recezione oppure può prendere contatto con la dimensione etica della nostra esistenza.

Spune-mi adev?rul, doctore!
Imprisoned Tale is the compelling and exhilarating story of a young entrepreneur who suddenly finds himself entangled in a fatal tango with his destiny. Nothing is beyond his reach: youth, wealth and success surround him everywhere he goes. Until one day, when powers that be decide to put an end to it all and turn his life up-side-down. But just as he loses everything he owns, he manages to find out who he truly is.

Pl?nset de copil
Premiul literar?Le Monde Cea mai bun? carte a anului – revista?Lire Plec?nd de la propria experien?? religioas?,?Emmanuel?Carrère ??i imagineaz?, cu abilitatea unui anchetator, ?nceputurile cre?tinismului ?i urm?re?te totodat? parcursul ?i ?nv???turile apostolilor Luca ?i Pavel. De asemenea, ?n demersul s?u, ?ncearc? s? ?n?eleag? de ce credin?a continu? s? aib? o putere at?t de mare de dou? mii de ani ?ncoace. De?i ast?zi se declar? agnostic, Carrère evoc? fervoarea religioas? de care a fost cuprins la ?nceputul anilor 1990, c?nd asista constant la toate slujbele, citea ?i comenta pasaje din Biblie.? Cartea sa reprezint? ?ns? ?i o medita?ie asupra istoriei, asupra ?nsemn?t??ii cre?tinismului ?n lumea de azi ?i asupra felului ?n care acesta ne influen?eaz? pe to?i, credincio?i ?i necredincio?i laolalt?.? ?mp?r??ia Cerurilor?e o carte complex?, des?v?r?it?, ?n acela?i timp sobr? ?i juc?u??, impetuoas? ?i interiorizat?, savant? ?i pe ?n?elesul tuturor. Este, cu siguran??, capodopera lui?Carrère. ?Precum ultimele patru c?r?i ale mele,??mp?r??ia Cerurilor?este ?i ea o carte despre mine.C?nd scriu, m? las absorbit de o arheologie personal?. E ca ?i cum a? face ?edin?e de psihanaliz? ca s? m? cunosc mai bine, dar ?i ca s? progresez, s? devin o fiin?? mai bun? ?n sens moral, dar nu numai: dac? ajung s? m? domin, sper s? devin mai con?tient de mine ?nsumi, ?ns? ?i mai liber."?Emmanuel?Carrère ??mp?r??ia Cerurilor?este o investiga?ie extraordinar?, ?n care autorul ??i demonstreaz? talentul de jurnalist, de exeget, de istoric, dar ?i de romancier, ?n timp ce ne las? s? p?trundem ?n culisele propriului scris.?"?Madame Figaro ?O uria?? realizare literar?."?Le Nouvel Observateur ?Aceast? poveste despre ?nceputurile cre?tinismului tulbur? ?i fascineaz? deopotriv?."?Télérama

Cioran ?i utopia tinerei genera?ii
B?trânul ?i inofensivul paroh Babbington moare subit, la petrecerea organizat? de un celebru actor, dup? ce bea un cocktail care nu con?ine nici o urm? de otrav?. Nici m?car Hercule Poirot, aflat printre invita?i, nu are vreo suspiciune legat? de acest deces. Dar când un prieten al aceluia?i actor moare în circumstan?e asem?n?toare, nu mai este nici o îndoial? c? e vorba de ni?te asasinate. Lipsa unor motive îl pune îns? în încurc?tur? pe Poirot. Va trebui s? aib? loc o a treia crim? pentru ca detectivul s? descopere o cinic? punere în scen?, al c?rei unic scop este s? deturneze aten?ia anchetatorilor...

Istoria secret? a extratere?trilor. Interven?ii de natur? extraterestr? ?n armat
M bucur c acest scriitor romn din Israel nu nceteaz la mii de kilometri de ar n care s-a nscut s se simt scriitor romn. Cu umor, cu inteligen, cu acea ascuime de spirit care i caracterizeaz dintotdeauna pe evreii-romni el i-a creat un loc al sau n literatura romn contemporan.“ – Rzvan Voncu).G. Mosari este scriitorul cltoriilor sale, care percepe lumea cea mare povestind pe un ton degajat, plcut, atrgtor. Se exprim firesc, calm, cuvintele lui sunt temperate, el nu se extaziaz. E zgrcit la capitolul superlative, se delecteaz fr exaltri. Ceea ce are de spus exprima firesc, nuanat, pe ici pe acolo cte o remarc inteligent, spiritual, sau un fior liric, totul ntr-o romneasc impecabil.“ – Zoltan Terner.G. Mosari a scris multe i bune cri cu impresii din diferitele lui cltorii. Ajunsesem s-l considerm un specialist n materie. Acum, n recentul lui volum Lumea n oglind ne-a surprins prin abordarea unei noi tematici. Cartea lui Mosari nu este numai o prezentare a marilor actori i a artei lor scenice. Indirect, se constituie ca un memorial scris cu verv i cu umor.“ – Iosif Eugen CampusO carte pe care n-o lai din mn, o lectur pe care o poi relua oricnd pentru a te plimba, fie i imaginar, prin lumea larg.“ – Iulia Deleanu)mbinnd notaii directe pe viu, cu fermectoare digresii livreti, spiritul sintetic cu fin observaie moral G. Mosari rmne un maestru al jurnalului de cltorie, cu nimic mai prejos dect ilutrii naintai ai literaturii noastre“. – Ion Cristofor

Via?a, jocul ?i moartea lui Lul Mazrek
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes are overshadowed by the event with which they close - the meeting of the great detective and Moriarty, the Napoleon of Crime. Their struggle, seemingly to the death, was to leave many readers desolate at the loss of Holmes, but was also to lead to his immortality as a literary figure.

Paradoxuri corporatiste
Eight madcap tales of unpredictable dragons — including one made of ice, another that takes refuge in the General Post Office, and a fire-breathing monster that flies out of an enchanted book and eats an entire soccer team! Marvelous adventure and excitement for make-believers of all ages.

Bolondok hercege
“Goodbye, said the fox. And now here is my secret, a very simple secret. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince The Little Prince first published in 1943, is a novella and the most famous work of the French aristocrat, writer, poet and pioneering aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The novella is both the most read and most translated book in the French language, and was voted the best book of the 20th century in France. Translated into more than 250 languages and dialects selling over a million copies per year with sales totalling more than 140 million copies worldwide, it has become one of the best-selling books ever published. Saint-Exupéry, a laureate of several of France's highest literary awards and a reserve military pilot at the start of the Second World War, wrote and illustrated the manuscript while exiled in the United States after the Fall of France. He had travelled there on a personal mission to persuade its government to quickly enter the war against Nazi Germany. In the midst of personal upheavals and failing health he produced almost half of the writings he would be remembered for, including a tender tale of loneliness, friendship, love and loss, in the form of a young prince fallen to Earth.

Suslov’s Daughter
As a young man growing up under communism in South Yemen, Imran finds himself drawn to Hawiya, the daughter of a high-ranking official in the ruling Marxist party. He departs Aden, the seaport city of his childhood, to study literature in Paris, hoping to 'see the sunset of capitalism with his own eyes.' Years later he returns to Yemen and meets Hawiya again - only to find that she is now a niqab-wearing Salafist, calling on people to join the conservative Islamist movement. The novel spans the 1960s to the early 21st century, from the independence of southern Yemen and the subsequent establishment of The People's Democratic Republic of Yemen to the Unification of Yemen in 1990 and the Arab Spring. Set against the backdrop of Yemeni history, Habib Abdelrab Sarori's Arabic Booker long-listed novel traces one man's lifelong search for love and his own political ideology.

Zainab, a name which aptly reflects the beauty of this tale's protagonist is also the title of the first modern Egyptian novel written in native vernacular. Crafted in 1910 by a privileged member of society and a student at the time living in Paris, Mohammed Hussein Haikal later rose through the ranks of Egyptian politics and media. The writer, journalist and politician also holds a number of written works to his name, including?The House of Revelation?(1939) and?Thus was I Created?(1955). Haikal?successfully humanises and contextualises Egypt's societal issues without too reproachful a voice. As the great poet, Ahmed Fouad Negm said, 'it is better to wake your child up through laughter, rather than shouting at him'. Haikal?expresses his sympathies with the fellah of Egypt, who despite the apparent reverence with which they are looked upon by society are still obliged to bear extreme difficulties, which they do so with great dignity. Their suffering remains unchallenged as they are routinely exploited by their employers, the state, 'religious leaders' and cheated out of education which results in the demise of their mental and physical wellbeing. Illnesses may be treated as a metaphysical phenomenon, rather than with a trip to the doctor, whilst depression is treated as a headache. Zainab, a hardworking farmer girl, is to be married to a son of the landowner despite her love for another named Ibrahim. Haikal?is highly critical of this traditional marriage practice, where young men and women are picked off by families and pushed together into marriage to suit the requirements of the parents over the needs of the young couple. This message is clear throughout the book but appears most starkly in an open letter from Haikal?to the public, guised as a note written by the character Hamid to his own father. Hamid states, 'To this day I consider the institution of marriage defective, on account of the conditions that are attached to it. Indeed I believe a marriage which is not based on love and does not progress with love to be contemptible.' As Haikal?wrote in his room in Paris he was undoubtedly influenced by his nostalgia, describing scenes in Egypt in a way that only an Egyptian could. He is a man who has succeeded in writing for the woman, and his critiques of society are logical and empathetic. Few are painted as evil in Zainab but the writer warns that as with most of society's ills, our failures are the consequence of apathy, silence and the desire to fulfil what is expected of us through convention, culture and our own ignorance.

Adev?rul despre cancer: Istoria, tratamentul ?i preven?ia sa
Lumea nu e ceea ce pare a fi. P?n? ?i ne’Lumea se teme de ea. La c?teva secole dup? dispari?ia sf?ntului Taush, ?ntr-o lume ?n care ?nceputurile sunt de mult mituri, ?n fosta cetate Mandragora, un preot g?se?te pe treptele bisericii din cartierul Primi un ars misterios pe care ?l adopt? ?i-l ?ngrije?te ca pe propriul fiu, sc?p?ndu-l astfel de la moarte. C?teva luni mai t?rziu, adolescentele cet??ii cad ?ntr-un somn ad?nc din care nu se mai trezesc. Medicul Algor Kunrath ?i farmacistul Alambiq, preotul Sarban ?i povestitorul Alecu Deleanu, inocenta Lili Bunte ?i ucenicul Bruno Krabal, H?dul platformelor, Omul cu cap de cal ?i cohorta sa de oameni-?obolani, Jum?tat’ de Om cu ai s?i cer?etori din Burta Vacii – oameni ?i ne’Oameni prin?i ?n lupt? ?n ultimele zile ale cet??ii Alraunei. Tratat de rezisten?a materialelor de Flavius Ardelean este o nou? poveste tulbur?toare izvor?t? din mintea unuia dintre cei mai fascinan?i scriitori ai fantasticii rom?ne?ti, autorul romanelor ?mbl?nzitorul apelor ?i Sc?rba sf?ntului cu sfoar? ro?ie ?i al povestirilor macabre din volumele Acluofobia ?i Bizaroproze. ?ntr-adev?r, noaptea avea s? fie mai lung? ?n acel sf?r?it de iarn?, c?nd arsul fu g?sit pe treptele bisericii din Primi, ?i toate nop?ile de atunci ?ncolo aveau s? fie ceva mai negre, ceva mai grele, ca p?turi de plumb peste Alrauna, iar oamenii din cetate, mai cu seam? cei din Primi, cei-ce-se-trag-din-m?tr?gun?, n-aveau a mai conteni s? spun? c?, parc?, pe la col?uri de strad? ?i pe sub perne, ?oapte ?ncepuser? a se auzi ?n toiul fiec?rei nop?i. ?i tot atunci ??i fr?m?ntar? ?i fiicele cet??ii primele foieli ?n a?ternuturi. Dar arsul? Arsul nu muri.

Obiecte ascutite
Un senza?ional thriller psihologic ??i iube?te so?ul. E obsedat? de un str?in.E o mam? devotat?. E preg?tit? s? piard? totul.?tie ce face. Lucrurile ?i scap? complet de sub control.E nevinovat?. Poart? o vin? uria??. Tr?ie?te dou? vie?i.Le poate pierde pe am?ndou?. C?t de bine po?i cunoa?te un om cu adev?rat? C?t de departe ai merge ca s? afli adev?rul despre cineva pe care-l iube?ti?C?nd afl? c? sora ei a fost ucis? cu bestialitate, Julia vrea s? afle ne?nt?rziat motivul. Dar c?utarea se transform? rapid ?ntr-o explorare irezistibil? a propriilor dorin?e ?ntunecate. Julia intr? ?n contact pe internet cu un str?in periculos ?i ?ncepe s? simt? c? se pierde pe sine, c?-?i pierde controlul ?i e pe punctul de a pierde totul.Hot?r?rea ei de a afla r?spunsuri ?i amenin?? c?snicia, familia ?i via?a. Second Life exploreaz? vie?ile secrete pe care le tr?iesc oamenii - ?i locurile ?ntunecate unde aceste vie?i ?i pot duce. “Atrac?ie fatal? ?n era digital?, dar cu o r?sturnare de situa?ie decisiv?. Watson e un maestru al imprevizibilului.“ - Evening Standard “Al doilea thriller al lui Watson ofer? un amestec incitant de sex, crim? ?i mister pentru a-i bucura pe dependen?ii de adrenalin?.“ - Library Journal “Un portret cutremur?tor. Dezintegrarea Juliei e sf??ietoare ?i confirm? talentul formidabil de scriitor al lui S. J. Watson“. - Daily Mail

Medicina naturii
Despre cum p?rin?ii ?i pot ?ncuraja pe copii s? nu devin? ni?te adul?i previzibili ?i plictico?i. Sau creative parenting. Adora danseaz?. E ziua ei de na?tere. Dansez ?i eu cu ea. Dans?m pe piesa Yoshiko a forma?iei The J’s with Jamie. Ies pu?in din camer? ?i o las s? danseze singur?. Dup? c?teva clipe, o aud ?ip?nd. Alerg repede la ea s? v?d ce s-a ?nt?mplat. Nu se ?nt?mplase nimic, at?ta doar c? Adora ??i c?ra pumni ?n cap ?i spunea ?ncontinuu: ?Creier t?mpit, creier t?mpit…“. Adora se certa cu creierul ei, tr?g?ndu-i ?i ni?te pumni ?n cap, a?a, ca s? se-nve?e minte. O ?ntreb ce s-a ?nt?mplat ?i ea ?mi spune: — P?i, uite, eu dansez ?i creierul se g?nde?te c?nd ?i-a spart buza Sacha ?i i-a curs s?nge. Cu alte cuvinte, c?nd ?i-e ?i ?ie lumea mai drag? ?i vrei, de exemplu, s? dansezi, creierul t?u ?ncepe s? o fac? pe nebunul, g?ndindu-se la lucruri triste. P?i, nu merit? s?-i tragi una-n cap?!

Princess the Cat: The First Trilogy, Books 1-3
Princess the Cat: The First Trilogy, Books 1-3

The Brothers Karamazov
The Brothers Karamazov

Zilele ?i umbra mea. Vol. II
Prix Cognac 2006 ?nc? de la prima crim?, ?nfior?toare ?i derutant?, poli?istul Camille Verh?ven ?n?elege c? acest caz nu seam?n? cu niciunul de p?n? acum. ?i are dreptate. Alte crime ies la lumin?, oribile... Presa, judec?torul, prefectul se dezl?n?uie cur?nd ?mpotriva a?a-numitei ?metode Verh?ven“. Pe comandantul Verh?ven nu-l sperie provoc?rile, dar aceasta ?l va l?sa absolut singur, fa?? ?n fa?? cu un asasin care pare c? a premeditat totul. ?n cel mai mic detaliu. C?nd Irène, so?ia sa ?ns?rcinat?, dispare, Camille realizeaz? c? nici via?a lui personal? nu va sc?pa teribilului spectacol ?n regizarea c?ruia criminalul a pus at?ta pricepere, dup? toate regulile artei... ?n Irène, violen?a atinge cote neb?nuite, iar scriitura viguroas? e pe m?sura intrigii. Cu acest roman, Pierre Lemaitre a?az? genul poli?ist pe raftul cu literatur? de cel mai ?nalt nivel. – Washington Post Un roman-bomb?, diabolic ?i str?lucit construit. – Kirkus Review ?Camille accelereaz? ?i Louis, ?intuit de centura de siguran??, ?l prive?te cu coada ochiului. Ce-o fi ?n sufletul lui? Ce g?nduri i-or trece ?n momentele astea prin minte? Oare ?n spatele acelei m??ti hot?r?te aude vocea lui Irène, care ?l cheam? ?i care ?i spune: ?Camille, gr?be?te-te, vino s? m? salvezi!?? Ma?ina vireaz?, evit?nd un vehicul oprit la stop, pe bulevardul Denfert-Rochereau, ?i e limpede c? el aude acel glas, pentru c? m?inile i se ?ncordeaz? pe volan, mai s?-l rup?.“

An Irish Fiction Omnibus
An Irish Fiction Omnibus is a collection of three bestselling novels from Orna Ross, perfect for fans of The Irish Heart series by Juliet Gauvin and An Irish Family Saga series by Jean Reinhardt. After the Rising, book one in The Irish Trilogy is a historical murder mystery of love, revenge and redemption. Twenty years ago, Jo Devereux fled Mucknamore, the small Irish village where she grew up, driven away by buried secrets and hatreds, swearing never to return Now she is back and wants to uncover the truth… What really happened between her family and their friends, the O’Donovans, during the Ireland’s bitter Civil War? The consequences of that bitter division in the 1920s carried down into Jo’s own life, shattering her relationship with Rory O’Donovan, the only man she ever loved, and driving her to leave Ireland. Now, Jo’s estranged mother has died, leaving her a suitcase full of letters and diaries that seem answer some questions about the past. Over the course of a long hot summer, Jo is astonished to read about her grandmother and great-aunt, their part in Ireland’s fight for freedom and the repercussions that echoed throughout their lives. She has learned how the passion of rebellion sweeps people up but what happens after the rising? Her Secret Rose is the first book in The Yeats-Gonne Trilogy, chronicling the passionate relationship between W.B. Yeats and Maud Gonne.? Willie Yeats was 23 years old in 1889, when Maud Gonne, six feet tall, elegantly beautiful and passionately political, came calling to his house and “the troubling of his life” began.? He spread his dreams under her feet, as they set about creating a new Ireland, through his poetry and her politics, and their shared interest in the occult. Packed with emotional twists and surprises, Her Secret Rose is a novel of secrets and intrigue, passion and politics, mystery and magic, that brings to life 1890s Dublin, London and Paris, two fascinating characters — and a charismatic love affair that altered the course of history for two nations. Blue Mercy is a literary family drama, with a murder at its heart, full of emotional twists and surprises. When Mercy Mulcahy was 40 years old, she was accused of killing her elderly and tyrannical father. Now, at the end of her life, she has written a book about what really happened on that fateful night of Christmas Eve, 1989. The tragic and beautiful Mercy has devoted her life to protecting Star, especially from the father whose behavior so blighted her own life. Yet Star vehemently resists reading her manuscript. Why? What is Mercy hiding? Was her father's death an assisted suicide? Or something more sinister? In this book, nothing is what it seems on the surface and everywhere there are emotional twists and surprises. Will you side with mother or daughter?

B?iatul Echo
De la autoarea bestsellerurilor New York Times: Fata disp?rut? ?i Locuri ?ntunecate ?Un thriller psihologic de senza?ie.“ – Chicago Sun Times Dup? o scurt? internare la un spital de psihiatrie, jurnalista de investiga?ii Camille Preaker se confrunt? cu o sarcin? dificil?: trebuie s? se ?ntoarc? ?n or??elul unde a copil?rit pentru a investiga moartea a dou? fete. Camille n-a mai vorbit de mult cu mama ei nevrotic? ?i ipohondr? ?i cu sora vitreg?, pe care aproape c? nici n-o cunoa?te: o puber? atr?g?toare, cu o putere ciudat? asupra localnicilor. Instalat? ?n fosta ei camer? din vechea cas? a familiei, Camille ??i d? seama c? se identific? prea mult cu victimele. B?ntuit? de propriii demoni, trebuie s? dezlege puzzle-ul psihologic al trecutului, dac? vrea s? afle adev?rul ?i s? supravie?uiasc? re?ntoarcerii acas?. Mi-am dat seama c? mi-era fric? s? citesc ultimele treizeci de pagini, dar nu m? puteam opri. Apoi, dup? ce luminile s-au stins, povestea mi-a r?mas ?n cap, ?ncol?cit? ?i ?uier?nd, ca un ?arpe ?ntr-o grot?. Obiecte ascu?ite e un roman provocator, cu un stil t?ios ?i observa?ii p?trunz?toare. – Stephen King ?ntr-un stil narativ seduc?tor, Gillian Flynn construie?te vocea cinic? ?i inteligent? a unei jurnaliste de investiga?ii, ?ns? ??i d? m?sura talentului ?n portretele pe care le face figurilor feminine diabolice, b?rfitoare ?i parvenite ce populeaz? or??elul de la grani?a statului Missouri. O explorare a unor crime ?ntunecate ?i a unor min?i ?i mai ?ntunecate. – Booklist ?Creierul ?mi trecea de la o imagine la alta cu mama, ?i toate imaginile erau de r?u augur. Soart?. Cuv?ntul mi se zb?tea iar??i pe piele. O str?fulgerare cu Joya cea slab? cu p?r v?lvoi ?i unghii lungi, jupuindu-i mamei pielea. Imagine cu mama, cu pilulele ?i po?iunile ei, t?indu-mi p?rul cu foarfeca. Viziune cu Marian, acum doar ni?te oase ?n sicriu, o fund? alb? de satin ?nf??urat? ?n jurul unor bucle uscate, ca un buchet de flori ve?tede. Mama, av?nd grij? de feti?ele acelea violente. Sau ?ncerc?nd s? aib?. Pu?in probabil ca Natalie ?i Ann s? fi ?ndurat prea mult? d?d?ceal?. Adora ura feti?ele care nu capitulau ?n fa?a m?mo?eniei ei at?t de bizare. ?i d?duse oare lui Natalie unghiile cu oj? ?nainte s-o sugrume? Sau dup??“

African Titanics
African Titanics is the untold tale of the African boat people and their desperate exodus to the merciless shores of the Mediterranean. The novel is one of fleeting yet profound friendships, perseverance born of despair and the power of stories to overcome the difficulties of the present. Alternating between fast-paced action and meditative reflection, the novel follows the adventures of Eritrean migrant Abdar. As he journeys north, the narrative mirrors the rhythm of his travels and the tension between life and death, hope and despair.

Corupie, trafic de influen, prostituie: intrai n lumea lui Stieg Larsson i vei deveni captivi.“ – Le Nouvel ObservateurIgnorai aceast prezentare dac vrei s descoperii voi niv al treilea volum al trilogiei Millennium! S-a mplinit ceea ce sperai la sfritul celui de-al doilea volum: Lisbeth Salander nu a murit. Dar nu v bucurai ntru totul: rnit mortal, ea rmne prizonier cteva sptmni bune n spital, neputnd nici s se mite, nici s acioneze cumva. Este ncolit din toate prile, acuzaii grave apas asupra ei. Mai este o problem: tatl ei, fostul spion Zalachenko, pe care ea are toate motivele s-l urasc de moarte i pe care l-a rnit cu o lovitur de secure n cap, se afl la acelai spital, n camera vecin.Misterioasa Secie ilegal care s-a constituit cu ani n urm n snul serviciilor secrete i continu activitile subterane. Ca s poat rmne n umbr, oamenii Seciei au tot interesul s-i elimine pe cei care le-au ghicit existena.De partea binelui, putem conta pe Mikael Blomkvist care, pe de-o parte ine foarte mult la Lisbeth, dei nu are voie s o vad n starea n care ea se afl, pe de alt parte, ncearc s aduc la lumin o conspiraie i un secret de stat care, odat revelate, ar dovedi nevinovia acesteia. ntrebarea este: mai poate Mikael conta pe prietena lui, Erika Berger, acum cnd aceasta devine redactor-ef al unei publicaii concurenteLisbeth Salander – o tnr hackeri genial, dar i puin stranie – i Mikael Blomkvist – jurnalist seductor care reuete s scoat ntotdeauna la iveal subiecte ncinse (un fel de alter ego al autorului) – sunt personajele principale ale trilogiei Millennium. n primul volum, Brbai care ursc femeile, cei doi rezolv un caz misterios: Harriet Vanger, motenitoarea uneia dintre cele mai bogate familii din Suedia, a disprut cu 40 de ani n urm. Un scenariu fascinant care combin misterul unei crime, saga unei familii, o poveste de dragoste i o intrig financiar. Volumul 2, Fata care s-a jucat cu focul, se centreaz pe Lisbeth Salander care devine brusc inta unei conspiraii, la baza creia se afl o faciune ultramisterioas a serviciilor secrete suedeze. Salander este vnat de poliie, Blomkvist aduce la lumin o afacere murdar n care, n spatele comerului cu prostituate, se ascunde de fapt un secret de stat. Lisbeth Salander este mpucat n cap, umr i picior.