

Loose Screw
Loose Screw
Dawkins, Jim
Jim Dawkins left home at the age of sixteen to pursue his dream of joining the army, and subsequently served with the Royal Green Jackets, including tours of Canada and Northern Ireland. During that time he learnt many important lessons in the 'University of Life' that would serve him well in the future, such as discipline, respect, pride and honour, but which, at the same time, would lead to insufferable stress as he constantly battled with his conscience and struggled to swim against the tide. Once back in Civvy Street, and with a new house and a baby to support, Jim decided to join the Prison Service. But what faced him in this new career, which centred on Wandsworth, Wormwood Scrubs and Belmarsh prisons, shocked him to the core. For this ex-squaddie, who believed in establishing good working relationships with inmates, including notorious long-termer, Charles Bronson, the cancerous environment of staff bully-boy tactics and prisoner victimization was sickening. Jim tells his story, which, although peppered with humorous anecdotes of often lager-induced incidents from both his army and prison days, bears witness to the stark reality of what actually goes on behind prison doors, and exposes both the glaring flaws in the prison system and the atrocities perpetrated in the name of justice, which ultimately forced his decision to leave the Prison Service seven years later.
Mousch the Crooked
Mousch the Crooked
Bennett, Robin
Crippled since childhood and half blind, Mouesch must use his unusual talent to find the Chalice before Corbeau.Small Vampires Series:Think you know the truth about Vampires? Well, think again.A mysterious volume in an unknown tongue, a thief who could change the course of the world and a closely-guarded secret, older than Humankind..."e;Robin Bennett's Picus the Thief is that seemingly impossible take on the genre - funny, intelligent, imaginative story-telling that mixes Arthurian legend with faeries and vampires and comes up with a unique mix of all three."e;- SSF Chronicles "e;Aimed at the young adult market, the world building is incredible and it's almost impossible not to become immersed in this fantastically realised world of charm and grandeur. The characters are just as lively too, Picus is brilliant as a small but almost indestructible, irrepressible vampire thief who throws himself head first at life's little adventures."e; - SF Books Reviews (best fantasy fiction for book lovers) "e;Picus the Thief is highly original, beautifully imaginative and utterly engaging. It is no mean feat that the author has managed to create a series of interconnected worlds, a loveable central character, as well as a host of other characters that all have genuine depth. If you are looking for gifts for books lovers or top fantasy books, read Picus the Thief."e;
Tricksters and Punks of Asia
Tricksters and Punks of Asia
Nicks, Phil
This non-fiction guide covers the myriad scams, tricks and money business that Asia is famous for, as well as a philosphical foray into the world of punk and outsidership.
Planning for Learning through Games
Planning for Learning through Games
Sparks Linfield, Rachel
Plan for six weeks of learning covering all six areas of learning and development of the EYFS through the topic of games. The Planning for Learning series is a series of topic books written around the Early Years Foundation Stage designed to make planning easy. This book takes you through six weeks of activities on the theme of games Each activity is linked to a specific Early Learning Goal, and the book contains a skills overview so that practitioners can keep track of which areas of learning and development they are promoting. This book also includes a photocopiable page to give to parents with ideas for them to get involved with their children's topic, as well as ideas for bringing the six weeks of learning together. The weekly themes in this book include: word games, board games, ball games and the most famous of them all, the Olympic Games. At the end of the sixth week there are ideas for creating your very own Olympic ceremony! Perfect for bringing the spirit of London 2012 alive with children in the early years.
Planning for Learning through Spring
Planning for Learning through Spring
Sparks Linfield, Rachel
Plan for six weeks of learning covering all six areas of learning and development of the EYFS through the topic of space. The Planning for Learning series is a series of topic books written around the Early Years Foundation Stage designed to make planning easy. This book takes you through six weeks of activities on the theme of Spring. Each activity is linked to a specific Early Learning Goal, and the book contains a skills overview so that practitioners can keep track of which areas of learning and development they are promoting. This book also includes a photocopiable page to give to parents with ideas for them to get involved with their children's topic, as well as ideas for bringing the six weeks of learning together. The weekly themes in this book include: detecting spring, frogs, spring rain, woolly week, Mother's Day and spring parade.
Hoops Quiz Book
Hoops Quiz Book
White, John DT
Are all you ardent Celtic fans up to this challenge? Pit your wits against 1,500 wide-ranging questions about your beloved team, and get ready to step up a gear as you progress to the last section, designed to test even the most knowledgeable expert among you. You may know your Henrik Larsson from your Liam Brady, but do you know your Yogi from your Shuggie, or your Jambos from your Jags? Covering the history of the team, players and managers, championships, squad numbers, former clubs, opponents, specific seasons, transfers, trophies, opponents, league positions, nationalities, nicknames, leading goal scorers and award winners, there's something to baffle even die-hard aficionados. Containing a wealth of information, it is as much an excellent reference book of facts and figures as it is a quiz book, and it is guaranteed both to entertain and to stir up memories of unforgettable moments in Celtic's history, as well as the personalities that have made the Club what it is today.
World in My Mind, My Mind in the World
World in My Mind, My Mind in the World
Aleksander, Igor
Not consciousness, but knowledge of consciousness: that is what this book communicates in a fascinating way. Consciousness is the thread that links the disappearing gorilla with the octopus suffering from a stomach ache, and the person under anaesthetic with a new born baby. How these are different, yet illustrative of consciousness, is revealed in this accessible book by one of the world's leading thinkers and neural computing engineers.Igor Aleksander addresses this enigmatic topic, by making us understand the difference between what happens to us when thinking consciously and when sort of thinking when dreaming or when not conscious at all, as when sleeping, anaesthetised or knocked out by a blow on the head.The book also tackles the larger topics of free will, choice, God, Freud (what is 'the unconscious'?), inherited traits and individuality, while exploding the myths and misinformation of many earlier mind-hijackers. He shares the journey towards building a new model of consciousness, with an invitation to understand 5 axioms or basic ideas, which we easily recognise in ourselves.
I Will Find the Answer
I Will Find the Answer
Workman, Kate
Erik has returned and has brought an interesting character to Holmes's attention: Dr. Henry Jekyll. It appears Jekyll is experimenting on an unsanctioned patient in an effort to prove his theories concerning human nature correct. But who is the patient he's found? Is it his mentally ill father, shut away for years in an institution? Is it Simon Stride, the jealous former suitor of Jekyll's fiancee? Or could it be the mysterious, unsavoury murderer, Edward Hyde, with whom Jekyll seems to have intimate knowledge? Sherlock Holmes, along with Erik and Watson, investigates this bizarre case. Holmes uses a very unorthodox method that brings him to the brink of insanity as he delves into the mind of a man obsessively devoted to his work. Will Holmes's own mind crack under the strain of this case?
Bonfire Night in Lewes
Bonfire Night in Lewes
Pugh, Brian W
A fascinating collection of historical articles charting the history of bonfire in Lewes from 1813 to the modern day. Plus a Time Line of relevant dates from 1555 to 2009, Bonfire Society Information and a complete list of the winners of the Pioneer Cup & Points Cup of the Lewes Bonfire Council Fancy Dress Competition.
Baker Street Beat
Baker Street Beat
Andriacco, Dan
A diverse collection of Sherlock Holmes related writings including several essays, short stories and two radio plays. Andriacco's obsession with matters Sherlockian is obvious, and there is much here for Sherlock Holmes fans to enjoy.
Mystery of Charles Dickens
Mystery of Charles Dickens
Paulits, John
History records that on June 9, 1870, Charles Dickens died of a cerebral haemorrhage. History, however, is wrong. June 9, 1870, is the day on which Emile de la Rue murdered Charles Dickens. During a stay in Genoa in 1844-45, Charles Dickens, an accomplished mesmerist, used his mesmeric abilities to treat a young Englishwoman, Augusta de la Rue, attempting to cure a years' long malady of hers that included facial spasms and phantom-filled dreams. During her trances she revealed to Dickens a truth she had long suppressed the knowledge that her husband murdered a rival so he could have her for himself. Dickens, at that time, was helpless to act on the devastating admission, but twenty-five years later Emile de la Rue shows up in London, and Dickens finally seeks justice. De La Rue cannot let this happen and stops at nothing to keep Dickens from revealing his secret.
Rendezvous at The Populaire
Rendezvous at The Populaire
Workman, Kate
Sherlock Holmes has retired. After a cruel accident during a fruitless chase for Moriarty, Holmes is maimed badly enough that he declares he will no longer solve the crimes of the London streets. But then a letter comes. A letter imploring him to investigate the Opera Populaire's ghost. The spectre everyone has heard rumours of, but only one has seen.
Woman Racket
Woman Racket
Moxon, Steve
His first book, The Great Immigration Scandal (2004), blew the whistle on abuses within the Home Office and led to the resignation of the immigration minister, Beverley Hughes. Although attacked at the time by the government and the 'liberal' media for alarmism, Moxon's analysis has now been adopted by most of the major political parties. Indeed his views on the dangers of multiculturalism were even echoed by the Chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality, leading the Evening Standard to claim 'Moxon appears not so much a racist as a visionary'.But immigration was never his primary interest, in fact he joined the Home Office in order to study its HR policy, as part of a decade-long investigation of men-women. This book is the result. Notwithstanding its provocative title, The Woman Racket is a serious scientific investigation into one of the key myths of our age - that women are oppressed by the 'patriarchal' traditions of Western societies. Drawing on the latest developments in evolutionary psychology, Moxon finds that the opposite is true - men, or at least the majority of low-status males - have always been the victims of deep-rooted prejudice. As the prejudice is biologically derived, it is unconscious and can only be uncovered with the tools of scientific psychology.The book reveals this prejudice in fields as diverse as healthcare, employment, family policy and politics: compared to the long and bloody struggle for universal male suffrage, women were given the vote 'in an historical blink of the eye'.
Planning for Learning through Colour
Planning for Learning through Colour
Sparks Linfield, Rachel
Plan for six weeks of learning covering all six areas of learning and development of the EYFS through the topic of colour. The Planning for Learning series is a series of topic books written around the Early Years Foundation Stage designed to make planning easy. This book takes you through six weeks of activities on the theme of colours. Each activity is linked to a specific Early Learning Goal, and the book contains a skills overview so that practitioners can keep track of which areas of learning and development they are promoting. This book also includes a photocopiable page to give to parents with ideas to involve them in the topic and their children's learning. The book also features suggestions for bringing the six weeks of learning together.The weekly themes in this book include: red, yellow, blue, black and white, and mixing colours.
Planning for Learning through Fairy Stories
Planning for Learning through Fairy Stories
Hendy, Lesley
Plan for six weeks of learning covering all six areas of learning and development of the EYFS through the topic of fairy stories. The Planning for Learning series is a series of topic books written around the Early Years Foundation Stage designed to make planning easy. This book takes you through six weeks of activities on the theme of fairy stories. Each activity is linked to a specific Early Learning Goal, and the book contains a skills overview so that practitioners can keep track of which areas of learning and development they are promoting. This book also includes a photocopiable page to give to parents with ideas for them to get involved with their children's learning. Plus, suggestions for bringing the six weeks of learning together. The weekly themes in this book include: The Gingerbread Man, The Elves and the Shoemaker, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Jack and the Beanstalk, and The Princess and the Frog.
Planning for Learning through Food
Planning for Learning through Food
Sparks Linfield, Rachel
Plan for six weeks of learning covering all six areas of learning and development of the EYFS through the topic of food. The Planning for Learning series is a series of topic books written around the Early Years Foundation Stage designed to make planning easy. This book takes you through six weeks of activities on the theme of food and eating. Each activity is linked to a specific Early Learning Goal, and the book contains a skills overview so that practitioners can keep track of which areas of learning and development they are promoting. This book also includes a photocopiable page to give to parents with ideas for them to get involved with their children's topic, as well as ideas for bringing the six weeks of learning together. The weekly themes in this book include: favourite food, buying and selling food, fruit and vegetables, food from around the world, fairytale or nursery rhyme food, and food for special occasions.
Planning for Learning through Growth
Planning for Learning through Growth
Harries, Judith
Plan for six weeks of learning covering all six areas of learning and development of the EYFS through the topic of growth. The Planning for Learning series is a series of topic books written around the Early Years Foundation Stage, designed to make your planning easy. This book takes you through six weeks of activities on the theme of growth. Each activity is linked to a specific Early Learning Goal, and the book contains a skills overview so that practitioners can keep track of which areas of learning and development they are promoting. This book also includes a photocopiable page to give to parents with ideas for them to get involved with their children's topic, as well as ideas for bringing the six weeks of learning together.The weekly themes in this book include: babies, growing up, seeds, growing tall, eggs and life-cycles and animal babies.
Planning for Learning through Minibeasts
Planning for Learning through Minibeasts
Sparks Linfield, Rachel
Plan for six weeks of learning covering all six areas of learning and development of the EYFS through the topic of minibeasts. The Planning for Learning series is a series of topic books written around the Early Years Foundation Stage designed to make planning easy. This book takes you through six weeks of activities on the theme of insects. Each activity is linked to a specific Early Learning Goal, and the book contains a skills overview so that practitioners can keep track of which areas of learning and development they are promoting. This book also includes a photocopiable page to give to parents with ideas for them to get involved with their children's topic, as well as ideas for bringing the six weeks of learning together.The weekly themes in this book cover activities such as a minibeast walk, make fridge magnet spiders, play the bee game and then bring it all together in a special 'minibeast world' event for friends and family!
Aura Child
Aura Child
Kaymen, A I
This is one of the most astonishing books you will ever read, the story of a very special child. Everybody has a gift, but some are more special than others. And perhaps some are more of a curse than a blessing. Imagine growing up seeing the world in a completely different way to everyone you know, in a way that nobody - even your own family - can understand or will even acknowledge... You can see every person's energy field around them, and you can see how it changes as they speak, as they eat... you can even watch their thoughts. You walk down a busy London street, blink, and find yourself in the medieval farm that was once there - and you can converse with the spirits who lived in that time and place. But you can't tell anyone about this. They'll think you're mad. They already call you a freak. So how do you live with your special gift?
Queen City Corpse
Queen City Corpse
Andriacco, Dan
"e;Where do we hide the body?"e;This is the startling question that Jeff Cody and his wife, Lynda, hear during a wedding reception on the first night of the QueenCon mystery conference in Cincinnati. Not only are the whispered words unnerving, there is no one nearby to have spoken them.Jeff's brother-in-law, mystery writer and amateur sleuth Sebastian McCabe, discounts the puzzle with what seems to be a logical and reassuring explanation. But murder does come to QueenCon - and to a victim who seems to make no sense. Mac's usual freewheeling style of mystery-solving runs into a roadblock in the form of a homicide captain who has been his enemy since the seventh grade. So Jeff and Lynda wind up doing his legwork, and what they had expected to be a fun weekend is harder than any day at the office.Queen City Corpse shines with humor, bright writing, and memorable characterization, as well as the solid storytelling that caused best-selling novelist Bonnie MacBird to call Dan Andriacco "e;a master of mystery plotting."e;
Demon of the Dusk
Demon of the Dusk
Hall, Arthur
Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson are summoned to Theobald Grange, the Warwickshire home of Lady Heminworth. Being of a nervous and superstitious disposition, her Ladyship lives in fear. Her husband and elder son were recently murdered, apparently by the ghost of a court jester who was executed on the site centuries before. The apparition has warned that she, too, is to die. Holmes rejects a supernatural explanation, although his adversary seems unaffected by gunfire and is able to take flight and disappear. The Great Detective brings his powers to bear, but still the killings continue...