Political Leadership in Liberal and Democratic Theory
The working hypothesis of this book is that the issue of leadership is neglected by mainstream democratic and liberal theories. This deficiency has especially become evident in the last three or four decades, which have witnessed a revival of deontological liberalism and radical theories of participatory and 'deliberative' democracy. The contributors examine, discuss and evaluate descriptive, analytical and normative arguments regarding the role of leadership in liberal and democratic theory. The volume seeks to provoke debate and to foster new research on the significance and function of leaders in liberal democracies.The book (as a whole and in its constitutive chapters) works on two levels. First, it aims to expose the lack of systematic treatment of leadership in mainstream liberal and democratic theory. Second, it explores the reasons for this neglect. Overall, the book tries to convince the reader that liberal and democratic theories should revive the issue of leadership.

Understanding Behaviour in the Early Years
Understanding Behaviour in the Early Years provides information, practical suggestions and ideas that enable practitioners to take a positive approach to young children's learning about behaviour. Linked directly to the revised EYFS, this title includes practical suggestions based on sound theory and effective practice. This guide highlights the importance of working in partnership with parents to understand and support children's behavioural learning and aims to increase practitioners' confidence in supporting children's learning about behaviour. Includes chapters on: early intervention in the context of supporting behavioural learning, theoretical perspectives on behavioural learning, thinking about social learning, thinking about emotional learning, thinking about behavioural learning and using observation and analysis to develop effective strategies.

MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part III
Part Three of a record breaking three-volume collection, bringing together over sixty of the world's leading Sherlock Holmes authors. All the stories are traditional Sherlock Holmes pastiches. This volume covers the years from 1896 to 1929, including contributions from:Geri Schear, Paul D. Gilbert, Stuart Douglas, Lyn McConchie, Phil Growick, Seamus Duffy, Leslie FE Coombs, Mark Alberstat, GC Rosenquist, Iain McLaughlin and Claire Bartlett, Andrew Lane, Peter K. Andersson, Matthew J. Elliott, Jim French, Bob Byrne, James Lovegrove, Tim Symonds, Larry Millett, Kim Krisco, C. Edward Davis, Joel and Carolyn Senter, (and two poems by Bonnie MacBird). The authors are donating all the royalties from the collection to preservation projects at Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's former home, Undershaw.

MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part IV
In 2015, The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories burst upon the scene, featuring over sixty new traditional Sherlock Holmes adventures, all set within the correct time period, and written by many of today's leading Sherlockian authors from around the world. This first anthology, spread over three huge volumes, was the largest collection of its kind ever assembled in one place. Response was immediately and overwhelmingly positive, and there were soon calls for additional volumes. The result is this new collection, the next in an ongoing series, featuring twenty-two more Holmes investigations.Since his first appearance in print in 1887, the popularity of Sherlock Holmes has only increased. Although originally chronicled in just sixty exploits, the number of additional Holmes tales discovered since then is literally in the tens of thousands. Along with those original narratives published by Dr. Watson's first literary agent, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, countless other people have managed to find their way to Watson's Tin Dispatch Box in order to reveal more exciting cases featuring the Great Detective.These accounts stretch from one of Holmes's earliest cases, later recounted to Watson as they sit by the fire in the Baker Street sitting room, to an adventure just before Holmes's retirement that affects both the ancient history and the very future of England. These and all the other excellent tales contained in this volume represent some of the finest new Holmesian storytelling to be found, and honor the man described by Watson as "e;the best and wisest ... whom I have ever known."e;This anthology features contributions by: Derrick Belanger, Deanna Baran, Daniel D. Victor, Mark Mower, Craig Janacek, Jayantika Ganguly, Denis O. Smith, Matthew Booth, J.R. Campbell, Bonnie MacBird, Arthur Hall, Bob Byrne, Andrew Lane, Roger Johnson, Hugh Ashton, David Stuart Davies, Vincent W. Wright, Daniel McGachey, Nicholas Utechin, Jeremy Holstein, David Marcum, and Marcia Wilson, as well as a poem by Andrea Mantin Levy, and forewords by David Marcum, Steven Rothman, Richard Doyle, Steve Emecz, and Melissa Farnham."e;This fourth volume continues the tradition set by the first three books in the series. The twenty-three items in this book include twice as many that I rate as excellent as the few I rate only as good. All the rest I rate as very good and that gives the entire volume a rating of 'excellent' as compared to any other Anthology."e; - Philip K Jones

Creation of Reality
Constructivism has been traded as a new paradigm by its advocates, and criticised by its opponents as legitimating deceit and lies, as justifying a trendy post-modern "e;Anything goes"e;.In this book, Bernhard Poerksen draws up a new rationale for constructivist thinking and charts out directions for the imaginative examination of personal certainties and the certainties of others, of ideologies great and small. The focus of the debate is on the author's thesis that our understanding of journalism and, in particular, the education and training of journalists, would profit substantially from constructivist insights. These insights instigate, the claim is, an original kind of scepticism; they provide the underpinnings of a modern type of didactics oriented by the autonomy of learners; and they supply the sustaining arguments for a radical ethic of responsibility in journalism.

MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories - Part IX
Part IX: 2018 Annual (1879-1895) features contributions by: Deanna Baran, Roger Riccard, David Marcum, Tracy Revels, S.R. Bennett, Nick Cardillo, Robert Stapleton, Kevin Thornton, Leslie Charteris and Denis Green, Shane Simmons, James Moffett, C.H. Dye, Stephan Gaspar, Marcia Wilson, Sonia Featherstone, Geri Schear, David Friend, Mark Mower, and a poem by Amy Thomas... and Forewords in both volumes by Nicholas Meyer, Roger Johnson, and David Marcum.Once again, the adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson continue in this acclaimed anthology series, with thirty-seven new tales presented in two companion volumes - more Holmes than could fit into one book!In 2015, The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories was first published, a huge three-book set featuring over sixty new traditional Holmes exploits, all set within the correct time period. Soon, the demand for even more traditional Holmes adventures led to further volumes. The next year brought Part IV: 2016 Annual, and then Part V: Christmas Adventures. In spring 2017 there was Part VI: 2017 Annual, and that fall revealed the massive two-volume set, Parts VII and VIII: Eliminate the Impossible. Now we present another two simultaneous volumes, Parts IX and X: 2018 Annual (1879-1895) and (1896-1916).There can be no argument that Sherlock Holmes is one of the most famous and recognizable figures in the world. There were only sixty narratives brought to us by the original Literary Agent, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Clearly that is not enough. Watson once wrote that he kept his unpublished cases in his old Tin Dispatch Box. Now, with the publication of these latest volumes, that box has again been explored by some of today's best Sherlockian writers, all of whom are donating their royalties from these anthologies toward the restoration of Undershaw, one of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's houses, and the location where The Hound of the Baskervilles and many later Holmes stories were completed.Climb the seventeen steps to the sitting room at 221b Baker Street. Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson are waiting...The game is afoot!

Landscape of Humanity
The fourteen essays in this book develop a conception of human culture, which is humane and traditionalist. Focusing particularly on notions of beauty and the aesthetic, it sees within our culture intimations of the transcendent, and in two essays the nature of religion is directly addressed. A number of essays also explore the relation between politics and tradition.

Faith in a Hard Ground
Elizabeth Anscombe's forthright philosophy speaks directly to many religious and ethical issues of current concern.This collection of her essays forms a companion volume to the critically acclaimed Human Life, Action and Ethics, published in 2005.

Hobbes's Behemoth
Hobbes's Behemoth has always been overshadowed by his more famous Leviathan, which is arguably his masterpiece and is one of the greatest works of political philosophy. Behemoth, Hobbes's "e;booke of the Civill Warr,"e; on the other hand, is most often seen as little more than a history of the English Civil War and Interregnum.This volume contains analyses and interpretations of the Behemoth: the structure of its argument, its relation to Hobbes's other writings, and its place in its philosophical, theological, political, and religious historical context. It also explores the implications of Hobbes's analysis of the "e;causes of the civil-wars of England and of the councels and artifices by which they were carried on.The contributions show Hobbes's relevance for today's debates about the decline of sovereignty and the state, and the rise of religious and democratic fundamentalisms.

Authentic Tawney
R.H. Tawney is an iconic thinker in British left-wing circles, whose writings during the early-mid 20th century helped to forge the direction of democratic socialist thinking and Labour Party policies.This book provides a fresh and accessible guide to the ideas of Tawney for new readers and to set straight the record of what Tawney's political thought really is, warts and all, in place of the rather over-simplified picture painted by the major commentators. It shows how Tawney's ideas changed over nearly 40 years of writing, as his own life experiences and the traumatic events of the two World Wars and their aftermaths drew him to a more secular and practical interpretation of politics.The book renders a service to scholarship, being based on original research, including examination of the Tawney Archive at the LSE, and makes use of unpublished works of Tawney.

This innovative research monograph on sovereignty argues that the historical examination of the concept and the conceptual analysis of sovereignty are interdependent. The book engages with and makes a significant contribution to the literatures on sovereignty from the history of political thought and political theory. It offers a clear survey and evaluation of interlinked debates within these literatures, and provides lively and scholarly interpretations of thinkers including Bodin, Hobbes, Spinoza, Locke, Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, Foucault and Schmitt.This book will be of interest to historians of political thought, political theorists, political philosophers, IR theorists, and legal theorists.

Quest for Civil Order
Examines four notable thinkers in the field of modern social and political theory, with a view to determining how far it is possible to create and maintain a non-coercive but sustainable political order under conditions of diversity in contemporary Western democracies.

Principles and Politics in Contemporary Britain
This book shows the importance of political ideas in policy-making and demonstrates the extent to which pragmatic considerations preclude the imposition of rigid ideological programmes. It charts the decline of the postwar British 'consensus', the changing face of both the Conservative and Labour parties under the long shadow of Thatcherism, and the growing emergence of single issue policies such as environmentalism and feminism.With an extensive bibliography and suggested seminar and essay topics, Principles and Politics can be used on any course which focuses on contemporary British politics as well as having general appeal to those interested in looking at the contemporary political and ideological debate in the context of wider issues and trends. This second edition is completely revised and updated.

How Children Learn - Book 2
A readable discussion of the key ideas of child development and theory, including how children acquire language, the meaning of intelligence and creativity, as well as how best to teach children to read and write.

Justice by Lottery
This book is about the virtues and social justice of random distribution. The first chapter is a utopian fragment about a future country, Aleatoria, where everything, including political power, jobs and money, is distributed by lottery. The rest of the book is devoted to considering the idea of the lottery in terms of the conventional components and assumptions of theories of justice, and to reviewing the possible applications of lottery distribution in contemporary society.This revised second edition includes a new introduction.

Gypsy Debate
Jo Richardson explores the extent to which modes of discourse reflect antipathy towards gypsies and travellers, and control and shape the treatment of this minority group by the rest of society. The focus is housing policy, but her discussion has a wide application.

Traveller Education in the Mainstream
Ethnic monitoring of Gypsy Roma Travellers since 2003 has resulted in their education becoming a national priority, supported by the National Strategies and the OFSTED inspection framework. A national network of Traveller Education Support Services works to enable Gypsy Roma Travellers to become active participants in their children's education, schools and local authorities to respond to their needs, and pupils to have continuity of education through transitions and when mobile. This book aims to provide the basic background information for anyone involved in supporting this process. The information is organised in accessible, cross-referenced sections so readers can go straight to the section most relevant to their needs.

Creatures Like Us?
As a child brought up among animals, Lynne Sharpe never doubted they were essentially 'creatures like us'. It came as a shock to learn that others did not agree. Here she exposes the bizarre way in which many philosophers - including even some great and humane ones - have repeatedly talked and written about animals. They have discussed the topic in terms of non-existent abstract 'animals', conceived as defective humans, entirely neglecting the experience of people who have wide practical knowledge of companion animals - such as horses and dogs - through working with them. She testifies to the interesting nature of these creatures' lives, noting that the usual narrow approach to animals carries with it also a distorted notion of human life as essentially cerebral and language-centred.

MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories - Part X
Part X: 2018 Annual (1896-1916) features contributions by: Mike Hogan, Kelvin Jones, Jim French, Arthur Hall, Steve Ehrman, Greg Hatcher, Jayantika Ganguly, Paul Freeman, Dick Gillman, Maurice Barkley, Daniel D. Victor, Martin Rosenstock, Peter Coe Verbica, Hugh Ashton, Will Murray, Robert Perret, Thaddeus Tuffentsamer, G.L. Schulze, Tim Symonds, and a poem by Derrick Belanger... and Forewords in both volumes by Nicholas Meyer, Roger Johnson, and David Marcum.Once again, the adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson continue in this acclaimed anthology series, with thirty-seven new tales presented in two companion volumes - more Holmes than could fit into one book!In 2015, The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories was first published, a huge three-book set featuring over sixty new traditional Holmes exploits, all set within the correct time period. Soon, the demand for even more traditional Holmes adventures led to further volumes. The next year brought Part IV: 2016 Annual, and then Part V: Christmas Adventures. In spring 2017 there was Part VI: 2017 Annual, and that fall revealed the massive two-volume set, Parts VII and VIII: Eliminate the Impossible. Now we present another two simultaneous volumes, Parts IX and X: 2018 Annual (1879-1895) and (1896-1916).There can be no argument that Sherlock Holmes is one of the most famous and recognizable figures in the world. There were only sixty narratives brought to us by the original Literary Agent, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Clearly that is not enough. Watson once wrote that he kept his unpublished cases in his old Tin Dispatch Box. Now, with the publication of these latest volumes, that box has again been explored by some of today's best Sherlockian writers, all of whom are donating their royalties from these anthologies toward the restoration of Undershaw, one of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's houses, and the location where The Hound of the Baskervilles and many later Holmes stories were completed.Climb the seventeen steps to the sitting room at 221b Baker Street. Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson are waiting....The game is afoot!

MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories - Part VIII
Part VIII - Eliminate the Impossible: 1892-1905 features contributions by: Deana Baran, Tim Symonds, Sandor Jay Sonnen, Ben Cardall, Andrew Lane, Michael Mallory, Wendy C. Fries, Aaron Smith, Arthur Hall, Robert Perret, Nick Cardillo, Paul D. Gilbert, Cindy Dye, Tracy Revels, Derrick Belanger, William Meikle, Marcia Wilson, David Friend, Roger Riccard, Craig Janacek, Jeremy Branton Holstein, Will Murray, David Ruffle, Daniel McGachey, and David Marcum, with a poem by Christopher James, and forewords by David Marcum, Lee Child, Rand Lee, Michael Cox, and Melissa Farnham.In 2015, The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories burst upon the scene, featuring adventures set within the correct time period, and written by many of today's leading Sherlockian authors from around the world. Those first three volumes were overwhelmingly received, and there were soon calls for additional collections. Since then, their popularity has only continued to grow, with six volumes already released, and now two more, Eliminate the Impossible, featuring tales of Holmes's encounters with seemingly impossible events - ghosts and hauntings, curses and mythical beasts, and more.In "e;The Sussex Vampire"e;, Holmes tells Watson: "e;This agency stands flat-footed upon the ground, and there it must remain. The world is big enough for us. No ghosts need apply."e; In each of the stories presented in this massive two-volume collection, Holmes approaches the varied problems with one of his favorite maxims firmly in place: "e;. . . . when you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth . . . ."e; But what, exactly, is the truth?2017 is the 130th anniversary of the publication of A Study in Scarlet, the first recorded adventure of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John H. Watson. What an amazing journey it's been! In addition to the pitifully few sixty tales originally presented in The Canon, published between 1887 and 1927, there have been literally thousands of additional Holmes adventures in the form of books, short stories, radio and television episodes, movies, manuscripts, comics, and fan fiction. And yet, for those who are true friends and admirers of the Master Detective of Baker Street, where it is always 1895 (or a few decades on either side of that!) these stories are not enough. Give us more!The forty-eight stories in these two companion volumes represent some of the finest new Holmesian storytelling to be found, and honor the man described by Watson as "e;the best and wisest . . . whom I have ever known."e;

Conservative Consensus?
New Labour would like to portray 1997 as a new beginning for public policy, but Peter King argues that we now have, in housing and in other areas of public policy, a consensus based on Thatcherite reforms. He explores the particularly conservative understanding of housing that transformed public attitudes in the 1980s and 1990s, and the impact it still has on policy. This book is written with non-housing specialists in mind, and will be of interest to students of housing, urban studies, public policy and politics, at both undergraduate and higher levels.