

Master of the Game
Master of the Game
Sheldon, Sidney
Kate Blackwell is the symbol of success—a beautiful woman who has parlayed her inheritance into an international conglomerate. Now, celebrating her 90th birthday, Kate surveys the family she has manipulated, dominated, and loved: the fair and the grotesque, the mad and the mild, the good and the evil—her winnings in life.
Japanska Teroristkinja
Japanska Teroristkinja
David Ewing Jr, Tomoko Koga
Teroristkinja!“ Teroristkinja!“ Svi su vikali kad sam ula unutra. Osvrnula sam se po prostoriji i videla mnogo pritvorenih ljudi. Jedan runi ovek zastraujueg izgleda mi se uneo u lice i rekao: Terorista je dobar samo kad je mrtav!“ Te rei su me toliko prestravile da sam se sruila na pod. Ovo je pria o gospoici Minami Jamagui, japanskoj teroristkinji.
Hipnoza ?n psihoterapie
Hipnoza ?n psihoterapie
Irina Holdevici, Barbara Crăciun
Cartea Anului 2016 Chicago Writers Association?Fabulos… o bijuterie de carte." - NPR?Seay este un scriitor cu o inteligen?? artistic? ie?it? din comun." - The Guardian?n martie 2003, ?nainte de invadarea Irakului, un fost infanterist ?n Marina SUA ajunge ?n Las Vegas ?n c?utarea unui tic?los ?mp?timit de jocuri de noroc, disp?rut ?n condi?ii suspecte.??n februarie 1958, un escroc ajunge ?n cartierul Venice din Los Angeles – unul dintre locurile unde ia amploare mi?carea beatnicilor – ?n c?utarea unui poet pu?in cunoscut de care e obsedat.??n mai 1592, un alchimist-spion e prins ?n plasa uneltirilor vene?iene ?n timp ce pl?nuie?te s? fure secretul fabric?rii oglinzilor ?n numele unei obscure puteri str?ine.?Romanul de debut al lui Martin Seay ?mplete?te aceste trei fire narative ?ntr un thriller literar de excep?ie: o poveste uimitoare, captivant? ?i emo?ionant? despre felul ?n care suntem b?ntui?i de propriile reflexii.?"O oper? splendid?, o construc?ie cu valoare universal?." -?Publishers Weekly"Fie c? se afl? ?n c?utarea chipului lui Dumnezeu sau a celui mai mare escroc, toate personajele din?Ho?ul de oglinzi?se lupt? s? vad? dincolo de aparen?e, ?ntr-un plan mai profund ?n care vor g?si r?spunsul la propriile ?ntreb?ri." -?The Chicago Tribune?"Ho?ul de oglinzi?e un colos care se metamorfozeaz?: roman poli?ist, origami intelectual, o aventur? istoric? ?i o medita?ie asupra identit??ii, iluziei ?i mimesisului." -?The Los Angeles Review of Books?"Un debut extraordinar, o poveste pe trei planuri, ?ntins? pe mai multe secole, despre bani ?i misticism. Martin Seay ??i creeaz? propria magie, un thriller sofisticat, care-?i provoac? g?ndirea ?i imagina?ia ?i pe care nu-l po?i l?sa din m?n?." -?The Wall Street Journal
Japanska Teroristkinja - Bosanski
Japanska Teroristkinja - Bosanski
David Ewing Jr, Tomoko Koga
Teroristkinja!“ Teroristkinja!“ Svi su vikali kad sam ula unutra. Osvrnula sam se po prostoriji i videla mnogo pritvorenih ljudi. Jedan runi ovek zastraujueg izgleda mi se uneo u lice i rekao: Terorista je dobar samo kad je mrtav!“ Te rei su me toliko prestravile da sam se sruila na pod. Ovo je pria o gospoici Minami Jamagui, japanskoj teroristkinji.
Din istoria rela?iilor anglo-romane 1936-1939
Din istoria rela?iilor anglo-romane 1936-1939
Marusia Cirstea
Trei armate intr? ?n Noul Prentisstown, fiecare hot?r?t? s? le distrug? pe celelalte.?Todd ?i Viola sunt prin?i la mijloc, f?r? nicio ?ans? de sc?pare.?B?t?lia ?ncepe, dar cum ar putea ei s?-i pun? cap?t? Cum s? spere c? va fi pace c?nd au at?t de pu?ine resurse? Iar dac? r?zboiul scoate la iveal? mon?trii din oameni, ce viitor sumbru se arat??Dar apoi o a treia voce intr? ?n lupt?, preg??tit? s? se r?zbune…??ncheierea electrizant? a mult premiatei Trilogii Pe t?r?mul haosului, Mon?trii din oameni e un roman ?nduio??tor despre putere, supravie?uire ?i urm?rile devasta?toare ale r?zboiului."Captivant, palpitant, cu un ritm ame?itor… Deznod?m?ntul perfect al unei trilogii impresionante." - The Independent on Sunday?"?ntrece toate a?tept?rile!" - Daily Express"Profund uman ?i cu totul magnific." - The Guardian"Una dintre cele mai mari reu?ite literare ale secolului." - The Irish Times
Japanska Teroristkinja - Hrvatski
Japanska Teroristkinja - Hrvatski
David Ewing Jr, Tomoko Koga
Teroristkinja!“ Teroristkinja!“ Svi su vikali kad sam ula unutra. Osvrnula sam se po prostoriji i videla mnogo pritvorenih ljudi. Jedan runi ovek zastraujueg izgleda mi se uneo u lice i rekao: Terorista je dobar samo kad je mrtav!“ Te rei su me toliko prestravile da sam se sruila na pod. Ovo je pria o gospoici Minami Jamagui, japanskoj teroristkinji.
Abbott, Charles
A portrait of Fred Fay follows an outwardly successful but selfish man's descent into alcoholism and failure and his slow, difficult recovery into a wholly new and meaningful life.
Maids Under The Mistletoe Collection (Mills & Boon e-Book Collections) (Maids Un
Maids Under The Mistletoe Collection (Mills & Boon e-Book Collections) (Maids Un
Christy McKellen,Kandy Shepherd
Who did you find under the mistletoe this festive period? A Countess For Christmas by Christy McKellen The Earl’s secret bride… Emma Carmichael is shocked when she sees who she’s waitressing for at a lavish party—Jack Westwood, the new Earl of Redminster. Her new life comes crashing down when Jack announces to the world that they’re married! Jack has never forgotten his first love, despite the tragedy that tore them apart. When the paparazzi cameras intrude he proposes they live as man and wife until the fuss dies down. Emma feels like Cinderella, masquerading as his Countess…only behind closed doors their marriage feels tantalisingly real… Greek Tycoon’s Mistletoe Proposal by Kandy Shepherd A proposal of convenience! When guarded billionaire Lukas Christophedes finds maid Ashleigh Murphy living in his mansion, he strikes a deal with his gorgeous gate-crasher. If Ashleigh acts as Lukas’s girlfriend to help him close a crucial business deal, she can stay until the New Year. For newly single Ashleigh, agreeing to keep hearts off the table sounds easy…until the line between what’s real and what’s for show starts to blur! And as Christmas approaches all Ashleigh is wishing for from Lukas is a different, much more heartfelt romantic, proposal… Christmas In The Boss’s Castle by Scarlet Wilson The maid who saved Christmas Chambermaid Grace Ellis loves Christmas, but after losing her beloved grandmother, she’ll be spending this festive season working. So when her boss, Finlay ‘Scrooge’ Armstrong offers her a magical Christmas in Scotland, it’s a welcome distraction from her grief. Widower Finlay is haunted by the ghosts of Christmas past, but snowbound together in his Scottish castle, Grace starts to melt the ice around his heart. He never thought he’d find love again, but maybe finding Grace is his very own Christmas miracle…! Her New Year Baby Secret by Jessica Gilmore The Italian millionaire's secret heir! Waitress Sophie Bradshaw is normally ignored at glamorous parties, but Marco Santoro offers her his jacket in the snow…leading to a magical Christmas evening together. And when one night isn’t enough, the millionaire invites Sophie to his Venetian palazzo—not knowing Sophie is bringing a tiny surprise with her!
The Martin Beck Series: Books 1–4
The Martin Beck Series: Books 1–4
Maj Sjowall
The first book in the classic Martin Beck detective series from the 1960s - the novels that shaped the future of Scandinavian crime writing. Hugely acclaimed, the Martin Beck series were the original Scandinavian crime novels and have inspired the writings of Stieg Larsson, Henning Mankell and Jo Nesbo. Written in the 1960s, 10 books completed in 10 years, they are the work of Maj Sjowall and Per Wahloo - a husband and wife team from Sweden. They follow the fortunes of the detective Martin Beck, whose enigmatic, taciturn character has inspired countless other policemen in crime fiction; without his creation Ian Rankin's John Rebus or Henning Mankell's Kurt Wallander may never have been conceived. The novels can be read separately, but are best read in chronological order, so the reader can follow the characters' development and get drawn into the series as a whole. 'Roseanna' begins on a July afternoon, the body of a young woman is dredged from Sweden's beautiful Lake Vattern. Three months later, all that Police Inspector Martin Beck knows is that her name is Roseanna, that she came from Lincoln, Nebraska, and that she could have been strangled by any one of eighty-five people. With its authentically rendered settings and vividly realized characters, and its command over the intricately woven details of police detection, 'Roseanna' is a masterpiece of suspense and sadness.
HarperCollins e-books
HarperCollins e-books
Thompson, Joyce
In this fiercely candid and moving book, novelist Joyce Thompson recounts a difficult yet transforming period in her life. In words that will ring true to anyone in the "sandwich" generation, Thompson tells the story of her troubled marriage ending, her adjustment to single motherhood, finding new love, turning fifty, dealing with sick and dying parents, and somehow discovering a spiritual home in an ancient, earth-centered tradition.Along the way, she comes to terms with the blessings and specters of her own dysfunctional family. This includes her father, a distinguished judge and chronic alcoholic, and her tough, smart mother, a pioneering woman lawyer, who is slowly succumbing to Alzheimer's and whom Thompson helps to die gracefully, despite many traumatic and even ridiculous moments. But with Thompson's lyrical, personal, and evocative writing, she transforms what could have been a soap opera into a rich, moving, and funny story, full of hope.Thompson's novels are about understanding the human condition, and it's no surprise she focuses that gift on her own life and the lives of her family. Elegant, wise, and witty, Sailing My Shoe to Timbuktu, pulls no punches and is delightfully and compulsively readable.
Small Arcs of Larger Circles: Framing Through Other Patterns
Small Arcs of Larger Circles: Framing Through Other Patterns
Nora Bateson
"Truly a great and life changing read!" This is an important first collection of essays, reflections and poems by Nora Bateson, the noted research designer, film-maker, writer and lecturer. She is the daughter of Gregory Bateson, president of the International Bateson Institute (IBI) and an adviser to numerous bodies at international and governmental level.? Building on Gregory Bateson’s famous book Towards an Ecology of Mind and her own film on the subject, Nora Bateson here updates our thinking on systems and ecosystems, applying her own insights and those of her team at IBI to education, organisations, complexity, academia, and the way that society organizes itself.? She also introduces two terms: ?‘ symmathesy ’ to describe the contextual mutual learning through interaction that takes place in living entities at larger or smaller scales ?‘ transcontextuality ’ to describe the multiple, interlayered spatial, social, temporal, cultural, ecological, economic contexts in which symmathesy takes place. While she retains her father’s rigorous attention to definition, observation and academic precision, she also moves well beyond that frame of reference to incorporate more embodied ways of knowing and understanding. These are reflected in her essays and poems on food, Christmas, love, honesty, environmentalism and leadership. The book offers important advice and new thinking on issues like immigration, systems thinking, new economic and financial models, future thinking and strategic planning, sustainability and governmental ethics, agency in organizational leadership, the education system and organizational governance. Readers' reviews "You will be nourished in your reading, aesthetically and ethically. It is yet another Bateson work of art." -?Imelda McCarthy, PhD Systemic Therapist, Dublin, Ireland. "Nora Bateson’s Small Arcs of Larger Circles is perhaps the most important and vital book I have ever read." - Peter Le Breton, PhD "This book offered me the texture, depth and breath of trans-contextual context for one to meander and develop multiple description. Thank you Nora for producing this masterpiece. Everyone should read it especially those who have concern with looking at the complexities our world is facing." -?Maimunah Mosli, Principal Family Therapist, Singapore "This is a book not to be read but experienced" - 5 star Amazon review
Granice i sudbine
Granice i sudbine
Predrag Matvejević
Ruby are doar nou? ani c?nd un virus misterios ?ncepe s? decimeze adolescen?ii din Statele Unite. Ea va fi unul dintre pu?inii supravie?uitori care descoper? c? sunt ?nzestra?i cu capacit??i paranormale misterioase, ?ndeajuns de primedjdioase ?nc?t s? le asigure trimiterea la Thurmond, un lag?r guvernamental represiv. Acum ?n v?rst? de 16 ani, Ruby se teme deopotriv? de puterile pe care ?nc? n-a ?nv??at s? le controleze ?i de perspectiva de a fi descoperit?. C?nd o grupare de rezisten?? ?i ofer? ?ansa de a evada din lag?r, acesta se va dovedi primul pas ?ntr-o c?l?torie ?n decursul c?reia va descoperi prietenia ?i dragostea, dar care o poart? implacabil spre o alegere imposibil?. “C?nd decesele au ie?it ?ntr-un sf?r?it la lumin?, conducerea ?colii a interzis cu stricte?e profesorilor ?i personalului s? discute cu noi despre ceea ce se numea pe atunci Sindromul lui Everhart, dup? Michael Everhart, primul copil care se ?tia c? murise din aceast? cauz?. Cu?r?nd, cineva din alte cercuri a decis s?-i dea un nume ca la carte: Neurodegenerare idiopatic? adolescentin? acut? — NIAA, pe scurt. ?i atunci n-a mai fost doar boala lui Michael. A fost a noastr?, a tuturor.“ “Bracken a creat o Americ? distopic?, plasat? ?ntr-o viitor nu prea ?ndep?rtat, ?n care copiii sunt v?na?i ?i temu?i, iar pericolele ?i p?ndesc chiar ?i pe culoarele unui magazin Wal-Mart abandonat. Ruby este o eroin? puternic?, ce treze?te instinctiv empatia cititorilor, f?c?ndu-i s? a?tepte cu ner?bdare urm?torul roman din trilogie.“ - Publishers Weekly
Tomasula, Steve
Steve Tomasula is a novelist like no other; his experiments in narrative and design have won him a loyal following. Exemplifying Tomasula's style, IN & OZ is a heady, avant-garde book, rooted in convincing characters even as it simultaneously subverts the genre of novel and moves it forward.IN & OZ is a novel of art, love, and auto mechanics. The story follows five different characters-an auto designer, photographer, musical composer, poet/sculptor, and mechanic-who live in two very different places: IN, a back-alley here and now; and OZ, which reflects the desire for somewhere better. The men and women who populate Tomasula's landscape desperately hope to fill a void in their lives through a variety of media: music, language, dirt, light, and automobiles. As the plot moves forward, the story of the residents of INand that of their counterparts in OZconverge. A fanciful allegory that tackles class relations, art, commerce, and language, IN & OZ is a tale of the human condition that is as visually compelling as it is moving.A novel not only for fiction lovers, but also for artists of all stripes, IN & OZ creates a fantasy that illumines our own world as it lucidly builds its own.
A Stranger in the Mirror
A Stranger in the Mirror
Sheldon, Sidney
Toby Temple is a superstar, the world's funniest man. He gets any woman that he wants, but under the superstar image is a lonely man. Jill Castle is a sensuous starlet. She has a dark and mysterious past and has an ambition even greater than Toby's. Together they rule Hollywood.
HarperCollins e-books
HarperCollins e-books
Sheldon, Sidney
Judd Stevens is a psychoanalyst faced with the most critical case of his life.If he does not penetrate the mind of a murderer he will find himself arrested for murder or murdered himself...Two people closely involved with Dr. Stevens have already been killed. Is one of the doctor's patients responsibleSomeone overwhelmed by his problemsA neurotic driven by compulsionA madmanBefore the murderer strikes again, Judd must strip away the mask of innocence the criminal wears, uncover the inner emotions, fears, and desires, to expose . . .
HarperCollins e-books
HarperCollins e-books
Sheldon, Sidney
The Other Side of Midnight is Sidney Sheldon at his best. This page-turner is full of tortured romantic entanglements, reverses of fortune, thrilling suspense, and ultimate justice. In Paris, Washington, and a fabulous villa in Greece, an innocent American becomes a bewildered, horror-stricken pawn in a game of vengeance and betrayal. She is Catherine Douglas, a woman caught in a web of four lives intertwined by passion as her handsome husband pursues an incredibly beautiful film star . . . and as Constantin Demeris, a legendary Greek tycoon, tightens the strands that control them all.
HarperCollins e-books
HarperCollins e-books
Sheldon, Sidney
Bloodline is one of the best of Sheldon's blockbuster thrillers. Roffe and Sons is a family firm, an international empire filled with desperate, cash-hungry family members. At its head was one of the wealthiest men in the world—a man who has just died in a mysterious accident and left his daughter, Elizabeth, in control of the company. Now as this intelligent, tough, and gorgeous woman dares to save—not sell—Roffe and Sons, she will have to outwit those who secretly want her power . . . and the unknown assassin who wants her life. Bloodline is a sweeping novel of high financial intrigue on three continents, love, murder, danger, and suspense.
The Baseball Talmud
The Baseball Talmud
Megdal, Howard
From the icons of the game to the players who got their big break but never quite broke through, The Baseball Talmud provides a wonderful historical narration of Major League Jewish Baseball in America. All the stats, the facts, the stories, and the (often unheralded) glory.The Baseball Talmud reveals that there is far more to Jewish baseball than Hank Greenberg's powerful slugging and Sandy Koufax's masterful control. From Ausmus to Zinn, Berg to Kinsler, Holtzman to Yeager, and many others, Megdal draws upon the lore and the little-known details that increase our enjoyment of the game, including: Which Jewish player spent a portion of his retirement as a spy Who received $50,000 and a car to quit school and join the Major Leagues How many players sat out of games scheduled on Yom Kippur Which famous player chose baseball over becoming a rabbi But this is more than just stories. Megdal, a stat geek himself, uses the wealth of modern sabermetrics to determine the greatest Jewish players at each position, the all-time Jewish All-Star Team, and how they would rate against the greatest teams in baseball history, from the 1906 Chicago Cubs to the 1998 New York Yankees.The Baseball Talmud rewrites the history of Jewish baseball and is a book that every baseball fan should own.
HarperCollins e-books
HarperCollins e-books
Perry, Steve
Annabelle Donohoe, the CEO of World Tech, is mad as hell. Her dreams of world domination died the day Zac Robillard discovered her evil plans and fled World Tech, taking his greatest creation, his beloved I-Bots, and all his research, with him. (Read about their origins in Isaac Asimov's History of I-Bots!) More than super-machines, more than robots, the I-Bots are eerilyhuman in appearance, but not in abilities. Their genetic components--based on human DNA--and mechanical infrastructures give them pshyical strength and powers humans can only imagine, and a measure of free will impossible in robots. Annabelle wants them back and will stop at nothing to get her way, including hiring the world's deadliest assassin to find Zac, and his I-Bots--the beautiful Radiant and Killaine, clever Itazura, Psy-4, and Stonewall--and bring them in...or kill them. For if Annabelle cannot have the I-Bots she vows that no one else can either. But Janus, the ruthless killer, is not the only hunter they must elude...Surrounded by enemies, Zac and the I-Bots can find no safe place, not even the streets. In the year 2013, the Silver Metal Stompers, a neo-Nazi gang, roam the nation's cities wreaking havoc on robots, especially Scrappers, outmoded homeless robots who huddle in hobo camps, rusting away unless they are repaired by a mysterious humanitarian and robotarian called DocScrap. In an unlucky twist of fate, the Stompers discover DocScrap is none other than Zac Robillard and that the I-Bots aren't exactly human...and vow to crush Zac and the I-Bots into wreckage. Based on an original concept by Isaac Asimov, Time Was is a nonstop action adventure combining all the excitement of Golden Age SF with the technological wonders of modern cybernetics and quantum science. This remarkable collaboration between the greatest science fiction genius of all time and a team of brilliant young writers is a major publishing event. Only the Grand Master himself could have foreseen the awesome wonders depicted in Isaac Asimov's I-Bots. And only today's finest storytellers could have brought them so vividly to life.
White Rose
White Rose
Ephron, Amy
Evangelina Cisneros is a very beautiful nineteen-year-old girl who, along with her father, is active in the struggle to oust the Spanish from Cuba in the late 1890s. When her father is arrested, she pleads his case to a Spanish general, who falls in love with her. She spurns his advances and is herself thrown in jail for her revolutionary activities.When reports of her imprisonment reach the New York papers, Evangelina becomes a cause cilhbre among the city's many society women. William Randolph Hearst, recognizing an opportunity, sends one of his star journalists, Karl Decker, to Havana on the pretense of interviewing her when in fact he is on a mission to effect her escape. As she tells him her story, the two find themselves falling in love. Back in America, Decker's wife is becoming increasingly suspicious of her husband's absences. After a frightening escape, Evangelina and Karl arrive in New York, where they are heralded as heroes. But then they must inevitably face Decker's wife and a decision that will affect all their lives.Based on a true story, White Rose is part romance and love story and part spy thriller. Set in both the exotic, primitive world of Cuba and the high-society milieu of Manhattan in 1897, here is a story that will inspire the imagination and capture the heart.Evangelina Cisneros is a very beautiful nineteen-year-old girl who, along with her father, is active in the struggle to oust the Spanish from Cuba in the late 1890s. When her father is arrested, she pleads his case to a Spanish general, who falls in love with her. She spurns his advances and is herself thrown in jail for her revolutionary activities.When reports of her imprisonment reach the New York papers, Evangelina becomes a cause cilhbre among the city's many society women. William Randolph Hearst, recognizing an opportunity, sends one of his star journalists, Karl Decker, to Havana on the pretense of interviewing her when in fact he is on a mission to effect her escape. As she tells him her story, the two find themselves falling in love. Back in America, Decker's wife is becoming increasingly suspicious of her husband's absences. After a frightening escape, Evangelina and Karl arrive in New York, where they are heralded as heroes. But then they must inevitably face Decker's wife and a decision that will affect all their lives.Based on a true story, White Rose is part romance and love story and part spy thriller. Set in both the exotic, primitive world of Cuba and the high-society milieu of Manhattan in 1897, here is a story that will inspire the imagination and capture the heart.
Between Earth & Sky
Between Earth & Sky
Osborn, Karen
Years ago, Abby Reynolds was given the letters written by her great-great-grandmother who traveled from Virginia to New Mexico in a covered wagon just after the Civil War. Now, at a crossroads in her life, Abby reads Abigail's letters and follows her ancestor's trail westward where she seeks to understand the other woman's life in a land that was so foreign to her family, they all but forgot her.Between Earth and Sky records two journeys—Abby's search of New Mexico where she meets an old Hispanic woman whom she shares a strange kinship with, and Abigail's travels through Indian territory into a life filled with danger, forbidden love, children she could not have imagined, and always the wide arc of the sky and the strange but magical earth that lies beneath it. Part epistolary, part narrative, Between Earth and Sky forms a love letter to the land itself and to those who chose to people it.