

The Age of Innocence
The Age of Innocence
Edith Wharton
The Age of Innocence is Edith Wharton's twelfth novel, initially serialized in four parts in the Pictorial Review magazine in 1920, and later released by D. Appleton and Company as a book in New York and in London. It won the 1921 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, making it the first novel written by a woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, and thus Wharton the first woman to win the prize. The story is set in upper-class New York City in the 1870s.
Franz Kafka
The Metamorphosis first published in 1915, it has been cited as one of the seminal works of fiction of the 20th century and is studied in colleges and universities across the Western world. The story begins with a traveling salesman, Gregor Samsa, waking to find himself transformed into a large, monstrous insect-like creature. The cause of Samsa's transformation is never revealed, and Kafka himself never gave an explanation. The rest of Kafka's novella deals with Gregor's attempts to adjust to his new condition as he deals with being burdensome to his parents and sister, who are repulsed by the horrible, verminous creature Gregor has become.
Beyond Good and Evil
Beyond Good and Evil
Friedrich Nietzsche
In Beyond Good and Evil, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche accuses past philosophers of lacking critical sense and blindly accepting dogmatic premises in their consideration of morality. Specifically, he accuses them of founding grand metaphysical systems upon the faith that the good man is the opposite of the evil man, rather than just a different expression of the same basic impulses that find more direct expression in the evil man. The work moves into the realm "beyond good and evil" in the sense of leaving behind the traditional morality which Nietzsche subjects to a destructive critique in favour of what he regards as an affirmative approach that fearlessly confronts the perspectival nature of knowledge and the perilous condition of the modern individual.
A Little Princess
A Little Princess
Frances Hodgson Burnett
A Little Princess is an expanded version of Frances Hodgson Burnett's 1888 short story entitled Sara Crewe: or, What Happened at Miss Minchin's, which was first serialized in St. Nicholas Magazine from 1887 to 1888. According to Burnett, after she composed the 1902 play based on the story, her publisher asked that she expand the story into the novel with "the things and people that had been left out before."
David Copperfield
David Copperfield
Charles Dickens
David Copperfield is the common name of the eighth novel, first published as a novel in 1850. Like most of Charles Dickens' works, it originally appeared in serial form during the two preceding years. Many elements of the novel follow events in his own life, and it is probably the most autobiographical of his novels. In the preface to the 1867 edition, Dickens wrote, "like many fond parents, I have in my heart of hearts a favourite child. And his name is David Copperfield."
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Arthur Conan Doyle
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes contains 12 stories first published in The Strand magazine between 1891 and 1892 and then published as a collection in October 1892.
Sons and Lovers
Sons and Lovers
D. H. Lawrence
Sons and Lovers first published in 1913, the Modern Library placed it ninth on their list of the 100 best novels of the 20th century. While the novel initially incited a lukewarm critical reception, along with allegations of obscenity, it is today regarded as a masterpiece by many critics and is often regarded as Lawrence's finest achievement.
Madame Bovary
Madame Bovary
Gustave Flaubert
Madame Bovary focuses on a doctor's wife, Emma Bovary, who has adulterous affairs and lives beyond her means in order to escape the banalities and emptiness of provincial life. Though the basic plot is rather simple, even archetypal, the novel's true art lies in its details and hidden patterns. Flaubert was a notorious perfectionist and claimed always to be searching for le mot juste ("the precise word").
Jane Austen
Emma, by Jane Austen, is a novel about youthful hubris and the perils of misconstrued romance. The novel was first published in December 1815. As in her other novels, Austen explores the concerns and difficulties of genteel women living in Georgian-Regency England; she also creates a lively comedy of manners among her characters.
Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist
Charles Dickens
Oliver Twist, subtitled The Parish Boy's Progress, published by Richard Bentley in 1838. The story is about an orphan, Oliver Twist, who endures a miserable existence in a workhouse and then is placed with an undertaker. He escapes and travels to London where he meets the Artful Dodger, leader of a gang of juvenile pickpockets. Na?vely unaware of their unlawful activities, Oliver is led to the lair of their elderly criminal trainer Fagin.
Night and Day
Night and Day
Virginia Woolf
Night and Day is a novel by Virginia Woolf first published on 20 October 1919. Set in Edwardian London, Night and Day contrasts the daily lives and romantic attachments of two acquaintances, Katharine Hilbery and Mary Datchet. The novel examines the relationships between love, marriage, happiness, and success.
風──創作路,多風暴;風眼中,看平靜。 花──風旅中,遇花海;學種花,孕新生。 雪──花落時,雪堵路;寒道裡,享甘薯。 月──雪告別,前路明;月照下,見新遊。 作者在書中以自然之景──風、花、雪、月為幹,既說一己的創作歷程,又細說對人世間的萬事萬物的觀察,體現作者的觀點與視覺。 綣綣塵世間,我們會遇到風雨,但風雨過後,得享霎時平靜,柳暗花明,未至絕路。碰到寒雪堵路,調整心境,實是享甘薯的好時光。人生有高有低,或臨絕處卻又逢生。作者欲藉文、圖道出的,正是此理。 此作以清新的繪圖為主,配以精簡的文字,感悟各式各樣人生小道理,讓讀者在閱讀之時,享受一刻的清泉,澄明身心。 內文範例: 同生同等。 兒時,我無聊跳高伸手蜻蜓,但牠總會飛高來欺負我; 當時我還無知地認為長高後,牠就難逃我的魔掌。 今天,牠就在我身邊飛過,當然人大了, 我沒伸出那頑皮手來捉牠。 因我明白,不是現在我的高度足以捉到牠, 而是牠因快下雨而低飛。 我早就不應跟牠比較高低,即使現在我能力比牠高,亦不等於我就要向牠施展魔爪, 因從沒有誰想打倒誰,而是本身就是應該共存。
《幸存的女孩》是一部作者用自己的亲身经历揭露“伊斯兰国”(ISIS)恐怖组织在伊拉克战乱期间,残酷迫害和杀害无辜平民,对雅兹迪(Yazidi)少数民族实施反人类的种族灭绝的罪行的纪实文学作品。 娜迪亚·穆拉德(Nadia Murad)出生在伊拉克的科霍市并在那里长大,她从小听长辈讲述了她的人民在整个历史上面临的许多种族灭绝,但她从未想过自己会亲眼目睹其中的一场。她在其出生的小农庄里享受了一个安静的童年,周围环绕着一个充满爱心的大家庭和紧密联系的雅兹迪社区。但就在城镇边界之外,危险挥之不去,因为“伊斯兰国”开始控制伊拉克北部。2014年8月,娜迪亚21岁的时候,ISIS武装分子围困了科霍市,并无可挽回地改变了镇上每个人的生活。在他们的村长宣布他的人民不顾暴力和死亡的威胁拒绝皈依ISIS所宣扬的“伊斯兰”教后,科霍市的人被围捕、枪杀并埋葬在万人坟墓中,而他们的母亲、姐妹、妻子、女儿和年幼的儿子不仅亲眼目睹了这一切,还陷入更加残酷的命运中。年纪较大的妇女,如娜迪亚的母亲,后来被谋杀,小男孩被迫进入ISIS组织,女孩和像作者一样的年轻妇女被卖到ISIS,在那里她们每天都要遭受奴役、暴力和强奸。娜迪亚被一群特别残暴的激进分子俘虏,遭受惨无人道的折磨,后来在一个愿意冒着生命危险拯救她的非凡家庭的帮助下,她才得以逃出魔窟。 娜迪亚出逃后,在阿玛尔·克鲁尼(Amal Clooney)——世界国际法与人权问题专家和著名律师的鼓励下,她克服了内心的恐惧以及世俗的束缚,大胆地站在联合国讲坛上,向全世界揭露“ISIS”恐怖组织犯下的不为世人所知的滔天罪行,为拯救自己的民族向世界呼吁。同时出版了这本生存回忆录《幸存的女孩》。
溫家寶總理是中國擅長引經據典的國家領導人之一。 本書倡導輕鬆高效的工作、學習觀念和從容快樂的生活態度。書中結合當下人們感煩憂的人生處世問題,從六個方面提供了錘煉自我、提升“人性”、把握成功的有效方法,案例豐富、生動,所教方法極具操作性,輔以趣味情境插圖,輕鬆活潑。
民俗,即民间风俗,指一个国家或民族中广大民众所创造、享用和传承的生活文化。它起源于人类社会群体生活的需要,在特定的民族、时代和地域中不断形成、扩大和演变,为民众的日常生活服务。 民俗是人民传承文化中ZUI贴切身心和生活的一种文化——劳动时有生产劳动的民俗,日常生活中有日常生活的民俗,传统节日中有传统节日的民俗,社会组织有组社会组织民俗等等。 中华传统民俗作为传统文化的一个组成部分,是在中华民族特有的自然环境、经济方式、社会结构、政治制度等因素的制约下孕育、发生并传承的,因而中华传统民俗既有人类民俗的共性,又有不同于其他欧美国家和民族的独特个性。
有钱不需靠爸 : 生活中加点犹太化思维
有钱不需靠爸 : 生活中加点犹太化思维
众所周知,尽管人人都想致富,但真能致富的人总是少之甚少,可见,要致富还要念好一些有关致富的“经”。 我们致力于此的研究,只是想为大多数人开出致富的神秘“处方”,医治我们的贫穷病,使我们摆脱所处的尴尬局面,相信并希望每一位立志致富的人在读过本书之后,能够成功地走上富裕之路。 本书是针对大多数人所做的研究报告,内容情理交融,实例剖析深层理论,使其具有很强的可读性和趣味性。本书既是一部优秀的财经励志书籍,更是一部有系统、能助你走上致富之路的宝典,无论你是想从平民百姓到拥有万贯家财,还是从豪门府邸到富可敌国,本书都是你ZUI好的选择。
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