Get, Set, GO! Sustainability
Get Set GO! Sustainability covers a wide range of sustainable options that Children's Centres and early years setting can pick up and start with. Ithis book is aimed at those who are new to sustainability and those who are looking to enhance their sustainable status with some new ideas. Set out in an accessible style, you can dip into the book at any page, as each page is set out in a range of helpful headings to get you going as soon as possible.
Fortune Hunter
The two decades after Waterloo marked the great age of foreign fortune hunters in England. Each year brought a new influx of impecunious Continental noblemen to the world's richest country, and the more brides they carried off, the more alarmed society became.The most colourful of these men was Prince Hermann von Pueckler-Muskau (1785-1871), remembered today as Germany's finest landscape gardener. In the mid-1820s, however, his efforts to turn his estate into a magnificent park came close to bankrupting him. To save his legacy his wife Lucie devised an unusual plan: they would divorce so that Pueckler could marry an heiress who would finance further landscaping and, after a decent interval, be cajoled into accepting Lucie's continued residence. In September 1826, his marriage dissolved, Pueckler set off for London.Pueckler is the most intelligent of the overseas visitors who noted their impressions of Regency England. His matrimonial quest brings him into contact with such luminaries as Walter Scott, George Canning, Princess Lieven, Nathan Mayer Rothschild, Beau Brummell and John Nash. The object of many rumours and caricatures, the prince sticks doggedly to his task for nearly two years. And just when it seems that he has failed, England fills his coffers in the most unexpected way, and in doing so launches him on a new career.In telling the story of Pueckler's adventures in the context of the trend for Anglo-European marriages based on the exchange of a title for money, The Fortune Hunter writes a new chapter in the history of England's relationship with its Continental neighbours.
No Better Place
Following his second marriage in 1907 Arthur Conan Doyle was looking to the future. The years ahead would see the birth of three children, fresh literary success and the discovery of his new faith. Those same years would also see the First World War, the final adventures of Sherlock Holmes and ridicule from the religious and scientific communities for his beliefs.
How to Sparkle at Science Investigations
Help to develop your pupils' investigation skills using the attractively laid out worksheets in How to Sparkle at Science Investigations. Using familiar contexts, the sheets provide opportunities for children to develop their observational skills, make measurements, plan and carry out investigations, and draw conclusions from their results. Worksheet themes include: Mr Happy and Healthy; what do plants need to grow?; is it see through?; which hat for Teddy?; we're going on a materials hunt; which magnet is the strongest?; making a circuit; and investigating sails.
How to Dazzle at Grammar
Blackline masters for use with junior high school students with special needs. The sheets give students the tools to be able to talk about and understand language development. The activities will help students to deconstruct language, and through this, to improve their own use of language. Students will practise: building sentences; identifying the subject and predicate of sentences; picking out verbs; getting the tense right; writing adjectives, adverbs, nouns, prepositions and pronouns; using idioms; asking questions; using speech marks; putting words in the right order; using commas in lists.
Future Revisited
The Future Revisited examines Hollywood adaptations of Jules Verne stories and is an interdisciplinary study that offers a fresh perspective on film history, French literature, science fiction and America in the 1950s. It is a fascinating and authoritative account of how the stories of Jules Verne, a distinguished French novelist better known around the world as the father of science fiction and an accurate predictor of much of the twentieth century, found particular resonance with US filmmakers in the 1950s. Schiltz looks at four of the most popular films - Around the World in 80 Days, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Journey to the Center of the Earth and Mysterious Island - and argues that there were many parallels between Verne's technological adventures and postwar America, with its themeparks, shopping malls, Levittowns and plethora of consumer goods. Just as nineteenth-century readers of Verne's books could experience travel from the comfort of their seats, viewers of these films could be swept away on an imaginary flight, a voyage in a submarine, or a trek to the earth's core, all in spectacular widescreen and with ground-breaking special effects. Yet the pleasures offered were ambivalent: encounters with exotic places and cultures might have led the audience to question common assumptions such as gender roles; seeing futuristic domestic spaces could highlight the confusion of attitudes to private and public life in suburbia, and the films' blending of nostalgia and progress might draw attention to society's tug-of-war between innovation and conformity.
French Olympics Topic Pack
The enthusiasm and excitement surrounding the Olympics makes it an ideal topic for teaching French. Not only will pupils learn the French words for sports, we also give you ideas to reinforce vocabulary and sentence structures for a range of topics, from colours and weather to numbers and travel. In addition, using the information on France at the Olympics included in the resource will help to cover the Intercultural Strand of the Framework for Modern Languages. The French Olympics Topic Pack contains photocopiable activities and games which include: flashcards; picture flashcards; word searches, crossword puzzles and other word games; listening activities; bingo and other games; sentence building activities; and background information on France at the Olympics.
How to Sparkle at Nursery Rhymes
The rhythm of nursery rhymes helps children to remember the words which, in turn, helps to develop their auditory memory skills. When they have learned the words and then see them in print, they can 'read' them, Not only will this give them a greater understanding of how the written word represents the sung or spoken word, but it will also help to develop their visual memory. The worksheets contain a mixture of activities, including: putting pictures in the right sequence ;tracing letters and writing simple words; colouring pictures; attaching words to the right object; visual memory reinforcement; finding rhyming words.
Mitchum, Mexico and the Good Neighbours Era
Robert Mitchum was one of the most charismatic stars of the 'classic Hollywood' era. His screen persona was the essence of cool: tough but vulnerable, accepting of his fate with languid charm and easy humour. His films have often been seen through the lens of film noir, but they had something else in common too: the characters he played in Out of the Past, The Big Steal, His Kind of Woman, Second Chance, Where Danger Lives, and Angel Face seemed irrevocably drawn to Mexico. Mitchum's sequence of films south of the border coincided with the advent of the 'golden age' of Mexico's own film industry, a new cinematic wave that drew on serious artistic influences from the muralists to Sergei Eisenstein, and that was led by director Emilio Fernandez and cinematographer Gabriel Figueroa whose 1943 film Maria Candelaria, starring former Hollywood siren Dolores del Rio, had won a prize at Cannes. Under the Roosevelt administration's 'Good Neighbour' policy - a wartime effort to court friendly Latin American countries - Hollywood's portrayal of Mexico changed: out went the all-purpose exoticism, where 'south of the border' was a metaphor for the loosening of moral and sexual standards, and in came a more nuanced approach. In this authoritative study, Liam White encourages us to take a fresh look at how Mitchum's films broke with Hollywood convention in the way they depicted Mexico; how Mexico's own film industry boomed, becoming the first example of 'world cinema' to have an impact on the post-War world; and how its success attracted significant US talent - from John Steinbeck to John Ford - to work on bi-national projects.
Role Play
Role Play underpins all development and learning in young children. Practice Guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2008, page 7). Learning through play is at the heart of the EYFS, and this series aims to give the practitioner as many play ideas as possible to support children's learning.
Get, Set, GO! Fundraising
Get Set GO! Fundraising is aimed at early years settings and Children's Centres that are new to the world of fundraising. The book offers a wide range of ideas to support you as you venture into the financial world of fundraising. Set out in an easy-to-read style, you can dip into the book at any point, with each page set out in a range of helpful headings to get you going as soon as possible.
Sensory Play
Sensory Play draws upon current research findings and observations to present an informative and practical guide to maximising children's sensory play opportunities. This guide enables practitioners to understand the values and benefits of sensory play, incorporating case studies and current research findings to make practical links to the EYFS. Sensory play is set within a wider context, highlighting links to child development theories. This title explains how sensory play can be a valuable tool in delivering curriculum outcomes in a wide variety of settings.
Outdoor Play
Ideal reference book of activities for anyone wanting to develop children's learning outdoors. "e;Play underpins all development and learning in young children"e; Practice Guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2008, page 7). Learning through play is at the heart of the EYFS, and this series aims to give the practitioner as many play ideas as possible to support children's learning.
Dental Nurse Survival Guide
This highly practical text aims to provide the newly qualified dental nurse with with a basic guide to dental nursing issues. The Dental Nurse Survival Guide adopts the same Q&A format that has proven so successful with the best selling Staff Nurse Survival Guide. Each guide is a collection of all the common situations that a newly qualified practitioner might face. The aim is to produce an answer for each question that could be read in 5 minutes - a pocket-sized handbook containing ideas, principles and guidelines for a number of common and sometimes unexpected situations encountered in the first year of practice. Written by experienced author who wrote The Dental Nurses' Guide to Infection Control and Decontamination.
Man With His Head in the Clouds
Hilarious, enlightening and inspiring The Man with His Head in the Clouds is anything but ordinary. Smith has artfully created a category-defying juxtaposition of historical biography and autobiographical recovery story. . . fun and accessible.' --The Psychologist'All human life is here, served up with a light touch and keen sense of the ridiculous.' --Dr Lucy Worsley'Pure pleasure... A brilliant blend of biography and self-help, and a bold book about ballooning, The Man with His Head in the Clouds is nothing less than a trip.' --Frances Wilson This is the story of how an uneducated Oxford pastry cook became the first Englishman to fly, in a self-built balloon powered by primitive, and potentially lethal, hydrogen. Despite taking off in force 8 gales, crashing into hills and plopping into the Irish Sea, James Sadler became a rare pioneering aeronaut to survive such perilous ascents. Good luck was not hereditary; his son's balloon fatally collided with a chimney. Sadler advanced the scientific evolution of lighter-than-air flight, and took part in both of the famous races that so captivated the public in late eighteenth-century Europe: across the Channel, and the Irish Sea. He earned Lord Nelson's endorsement for improving the Royal Navy with applied science, created one of the first--perhaps the very first--mobile steam engines and was revered by fans like Percy Shelley and Dr. Johnson. Yet even the brightest stars one day collapse, as Sadler's name emits virtually no light today. Like Sadler, Richard O. Smith emanates from Oxford's Town not Gown. Like Sadler, he wants to look down on Oxford--literally--and his admiration for the balloonist culminates in him replicating the first ever flight, also over Oxford. But there is a problem. The author suffers from acute acrophobia, a crippling fear of heights. This prevents him from standing on a stool, yet alone dangling at 3,000 feet beneath an oversized party balloon. To overcome his chronic height anxiety, he seeks pre-flight counselling, learning all about current understanding of phobias and anxieties. Here he discovers that he is also bathmophobic--a fully-functioning adult who is afraid of stairs. Inspired by Sadler, Smith sets out to overcome his debilitating fear and ascend in a balloon over Oxford. 'Be positive. You just need a will to do it,' counsels a psychologist. So, taking that advice, he starts positively, by making a will.
Understanding Materials
The Brilliant Support Activities series contains photocopiable activities for use with slower learners or pupils with learning difficulties at Key Stage 2. The books introduce one concept per sheet, using simple language and clear, black line illustrations making them easy to read and understand. Understanding Materials contains 42 photocopiable sheets to help pupils understand the properties of materials through investigation. They reinforce the methods of scientific enquiry by requiring pupils to plan, carry out practical activities, consider evidence, and present ideas and conclusions. They focus on grouping and classifying materials, changing materials, and separating mixtures of materials. Other concepts such as forces, heat and magnetism are included within the context of understanding the properties of materials.
How to be Brilliant at Spelling
These activities will stimulate children's interest in language and how it works and help them to become confident and positive spellers. The activities include: learning the vowels and consonants; the four step method; spotting the mistake; 'y' for 'i' and 'ee'; regular and irregular plurals; growing new words from roots; spelling puzzling w-words; learning the 'ough' pattern.
Spanish Olympics Topic Pack
The enthusiasm and excitement surrounding the Olympics makes it an ideal topic for teaching Spanish. Not only will pupils learn the Spanish words for sports, we also give you ideas to reinforce vocabulary and sentence structures for a range of topics, from colours and weather to numbers and travel. In addition, using the information on Spain at the Olympics included in the resource will help to cover the Intercultural Strand of the Framework for Modern Languages. The Spanish Olympics Topic Pack contains photocopiable activities and games which include: flashcards; picture flashcards; word searches, crossword puzzles and other word games; listening activities; bingo and other games; sentence building activities; and background information on Spain at the Olympics.
How to be Brilliant at Electricity, Light & Sound
How to be Brilliant at Electricity, Light and Sound contains practical activities will help children to acquire knowledge and understanding of electrical circuits, the everyday effects of light and how we see, and how sounds are made.
How to be Brilliant at Mental Arithmetic
How to be Brilliant at Mental Arithmetic addresses the twin pillars of mental arithmetic - mental recall and mental agility. Mental recall depends on familiarity with number bonds and plenty of opportunity to practise. Mental agility depends more on confidence with the number system and the four operations. Using the worksheets in this book, students will learn about: tens and units; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; addition shortcuts; product squares; quick recall; number sequences; factors; more and less; approximations; metric and imperial measures.
German Olympics Topic Pack
The enthusiasm and excitement surrounding the Olympics makes it an ideal topic for teaching German. Not only will pupils learn the German words for sports, we also give you ideas to reinforce vocabulary and sentence structures for a range of topics, from colours and weather to numbers and travel. In addition, using the information on Germany at the Olympics included in the resource will help to cover the Intercultural Strand of the Framework for Modern Languages. The German Olympics Topic Pack contains photocopiable activities and games which include: flashcards; picture flashcards; word searches, crossword puzzles and other word games; listening activities; bingo and other games; sentence building activities; and background information on Germany at the Olympics.