

The Crusades
The Crusades
Asbridge, Thomas
From a renowned historian who writes with "maximum vividness" (The New Yorker ) comes the most authoritative, readable single-volume history of the brutal struggle for the Holy Land. Nine hundred years ago, a vast Christian army, summoned to holy war by the Pope, rampaged through the Muslim world of the eastern Mediterranean, seizing possession of Jerusalem, a city revered by both faiths. Over the two hundred years that followed, Islam and Christianity both firm in the belief that they were at God's work fought for dominion of the Holy Land, clashing in a succession of chillingly brutal wars: the Crusades. For the first time, this book tells the story of that epic struggle from the perspective of both Christians and Muslims. A vivid and fast-paced narrative history, it exposes the full horror, passion, and barbaric grandeur of the Crusading era, leading us into a world of legendary champions such as Richard the Lionheart and Saladin shadowy Assassins, poet-warriors, and pious visionaries; across the desert sands of Egypt to the verdant forests of Lebanon; and through the ancient cities of Constantinople, Cairo, and Damascus. Drawing on painstaking original research and an intimate knowledge of the Near East, Thomas Asbridge uncovers what drove Muslims and Christians alike to embrace the ideals of jihad and crusade, revealing how these holy wars reshaped the medieval world and why they continue to influence events today.
Zero Dark Thirty
Zero Dark Thirty
Boal, Mark
The hunt for Osama bin Laden preoccupied the world and two American presidential administrations for more than a decade. But in the end, it took a small, dedicated team of CIA operatives to track him down. Every aspect of their mission was shrouded in secrecy. Though some of the details have since been made public, many of the most significant parts of the intelligence operation including the central role played by that team are brought to the screen for the first time in a nuanced and gripping new film by the Oscar?-winning creative duo of Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal, starring Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, Joel Edgerton, Jennifer Ehle, Mark Strong, Kyle Chandler, and Edgar Ramirez. The Newmarket Shooting Script Book includes: Introduction by Kathryn Bigelow Complete shooting * Q&A with Mark Boal by Rob Feld Production notes Storyboards Complete cast and crew credits
Beyond the Grave, Revised and Updated Edition
Beyond the Grave, Revised and Updated Edition
Condon, Jeffery L.
This expert, one-of-a-kind handbook shows you how to ensure that your inheritance instructions will be carried out the way you want them to be; protect your children's inheritance from creditors, ex-spouses, addictions, tax troubles, mismanagement, squandering, and other risks of loss; prevent family conflict that can arise when parents die and children divide the family money leave more money to your children and grandchildren, and less to the IRS; avoid creating inheritance problems in your family with cautionary tales of inheritance planning gone bad; understand why you still have to deal with estate tax issues even if your net worth falls below the new death-tax-exemption.
Clouds of Glory
Clouds of Glory
Korda, Michael
In Clouds of Glory: The Life and Legend of Robert E. Lee, Michael Korda, the New York Times bestselling biographer of Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ulysses S. Grant, and T. E. Lawrence, has written the first major biography of Lee in nearly twenty years, bringing to life America's greatest and most iconic hero. Korda paints a vivid and admiring portrait of Lee as a general and a devoted family man who, though he disliked slavery and was not in favor of secession, turned down command of the Union army in 1861 because he could not "draw his sword" against his own children, his neighbors, and his beloved Virginia. He was surely America's preeminent military leader, as calm, dignified, and commanding a presence in defeat as he was in victory. Lee's reputation has only grown in the 150 years since the Civil War, and Korda covers in groundbreaking detail all of Lee's battles and traces the making of a great man's undeniable reputation on both sides of the Mason-Dixon Line, positioning him finally as the symbolic martyr-hero of the Southern Cause.
Awesome Sh*t My Drill Sergeant Said
Awesome Sh*t My Drill Sergeant Said
Caddy, Dan
Welcome to basic training, soldier.Now meet your worst nightmare . . . your drill sergeant.Even if you've never served in the military, you know the drill sergeant. The mere sight of his fatigues and the iconic "Round Brown" campaign hat strikes fear into the bravest of hearts. Drill sergeants inflict pain, demand discipline, and aren't afraid of power, aggression, and using fear as a motivational tool. But unless you've witnessed one firsthand with your face in the mud doing pushups, you might not know one other fact . . . drill sergeants are some of the FUNNIEST people on the planet!After his deployment in Afghanistan, Dan Caddy began swapping great drill sergeant stories by e-mail and social media with other veterans. Now, in Awesome Sh*t My Drill Sergeant Said, Caddy shares the best-of-the-best quotes, one-liners, stories, and top-ten lists proving once and for all that drill sergeants are the world's most underrated comedians and philosophers. If you have ever suffered a hard-ass manager (in uniform or not), these often profane, sometimes profound, yet always entertaining rants from real life soldiers will add a much-needed dose of humor to your day. Now stop laughing and drop and give me fifty.
Lives of The Popes- Reissue
Lives of The Popes- Reissue
McBrien, Richard P.
This pocket edition of Richard McBrien's acclaimed Lives of the Popes is a practical quick reference tool for scholars, students, and anyone needing just a few concise facts about all the popes, from St. Peter to Benedict XVI.
The Meaning of the Bible
The Meaning of the Bible
Knight, Douglas A.
In this lively and fresh introduction to the *ures of ancient Israel (what Christians call the Old Testament and Jews call the Tanakh), two preeminent biblical scholars, Douglas A. Knight and Amy-Jill Levine, combine their passion and expertise to examine not just what the Bible says but what it means. Through their eyes we see anew the Bible’s literary brilliance, moral profundity, historical settings, and implications for our faiths and our future. Passed down for generations, compiled between 500 and 100 BCE, and finalized around the time of Jesus, the various accounts in the Hebrew Bible took shape under a variety of cultures. Drawing on their extensive biblical scholarship, Knight and Levine explore this diverse history and equip us with the critical tools necessary to understand what the ancient texts originally meant. With long experience in teaching candidates for the ministry as well as undergraduate and graduate students, they also explore the possible meanings the texts hold today for churches, synagogues, and anyone interested in the Bible’s legacy.Knight and Levine begin with the broader biblical story its historical context, literary artistry, and geographical setting. They then turn to the major biblical themes with which modern readers continue to wrestle: law and justice, human evil and God’s response, belief and practice, chaos and creation, war and peace, gender and sexuality, politics and economics, practical wisdom and apocalyptic vision. For each topic, they provide both general overviews and specific analyses of select biblical passages, explaining how and why their approaches reveal new insights and offering various strategies for informed interpretation.Throughout, Knight and Levine inspire us to ask new questions and develop a deeper understanding of one of the greatest collections of literature known to humankind as illuminating today as it was two thousand years ago.
Everything Is Under Control
Everything Is Under Control
Wilson, Robert A.
Before the X-Files, before alt.conspiracy, there was Robert Anton Wilson and his legendary Illuminatus! Trilogy. Now this avatar of conspiriology, renowned for his razor wit and progressive philosophy, takes you on a fascinating, eclectic ride through what Wilson has termed the "Cultic Twilight" where conspiracy theories flourish. Everything Is Under Control covers the range of Wilson's kaleidoscopic knowledge, from John Adams to the Voronezh (former Soviet Union) UFO sighting, the Campus Crusade for Cthulhu to the Mothman prophecies, and everything in between. What do the Freemasons, the Kennedys, and Princess Diana have in commonAll are at the center of gigantic conspiracy theories with incredibly complex and endlessly multiplying twists, turns, highways and byways. Arranged by alphabetical entries which include cross-references to other entries in the book and also provide addresses to related sites on the Web, this book is truly interactive--you can dip in, read through, or follow one of the URLs from an interesting entry onto the internet. What some famous people say about Robert Anton Wilson:"A dazzling barker hawking tickets to the most thrilling tilt-a-whirls and daring loop-o-planes on the midway to higher consciousness."--Tom Robbins"Wilson managed to reverse every mental polarity in me, as if I had been pulled through infinity."--Philip K. Dick"One of the most important scientific philosophers of his century--scholarly, witty, scientific, hip and hopeful."--Dr. Timothy Leary
Trudeau, Noah Andre
America's Civil War raged for more than four years, but it is the three days of fighting in the Pennsylvania countryside in July 1863 that continues to fascinate, appall, and inspire new generations with its unparalleled saga of sacrifice and courage. From Chancellorsville, where General Robert E. Lee launched his high-risk campaign into the North, to the Confederates' last daring and ultimately-doomed act, forever known as Pickett's Charge, the battle of Gettysburg gave the Union army a victory that turned back the boldest and perhaps greatest chance for a Southern nation.Now acclaimed historian Noah Andre Trudeau brings the most up-to-date research available to a brilliant, sweeping, and comprehensive history of the battle of Gettysburg that sheds fresh light on virtually every aspect of it. Deftly balancing his own narrative style with revealing firsthand accounts, Trudeau brings this engrossing human tale to life as never before.
Awakening the Heroes Within
Awakening the Heroes Within
Pearson, Carol S.
"The heroic quest is about saying 'yes' to yourself and in so doing, becoming more fully alive and more effective in the world. . . . The quest is replete with dangers and pitfalls, but it offers great rewards: the capacity to be successful in the world, knowledge of the mysteries of the human soul, and the opportunity to find and express your unique gifts in the world."In this bold and original work, Carol S. Pearson shows that the heroic quest isn't just for certain people under special circumstances. Exploring the many heroic paths available to each of us, at every point in our lives, her innovative program enables us to live heroically by activating and applying twelve archetypes in our lives.This companion to the bestselling The Hero Within outlines twelve archetypal patterns that can aid inner development and the quest for wholeness.These archetypes are inner guides that can help us prepare for the journey, by learning how to become successful members of society; embark upon the quest, by becoming initiated into the mysteries of the human soul; and return to transform our lives as a result of claiming our uniqueness and personal power. Writing for individuals seeking to realize their full potential and professionals engaged in empowering others, Pearson shows how journeys differ by the age, gender, and cultural background of the seeker, and how archetypes help awaken the capacities of our psyches. A unique diagnostic test, the Heroic Myth Index, and exercise are included to help us understand and awaken our inner guides.
The Border:A Novel
The Border:A Novel
Winslow, Don
"纽约时报畅销作品,一场动人心弦的毒品战争。 四十多年来,阿特?凯勒一直在美国历长的战争——毒品战争的前线奋斗。 他渴望打败世界上强大、富有、致命的头目——锡那罗亚贩毒集团的教父阿丹?巴雷拉 ——让他血流成河、伤痕累累、失去一切。 现在,功成身就的凯勒被提升到美国缉毒局的别,却发现战争并未结束,尽管的怪物已经不复存在,毒品仍然在墨西哥制造混乱和痛苦。而“教父”巴雷拉留下的后一笔遗产是遍布美国的海洛因泛滥。 为了阻止毒品的流动,凯勒没有放弃追击,在这过程中发现自己被敌人包围了——有想要杀死他的人,有想要摧毁他的政客,更难以想象的是即将上台的政府与凯勒试图推翻的毒贩勾结在一起。 凯勒发现自己不仅在于毒贩集团作战,还在与他自己的政府作战。 长期的斗争教会了他比他想象中更多的东西。 现在,他学到了后一课——没有边界。 从墨西哥的沙漠到华尔街,从危地马拉的贫民窟到华盛顿特区的大理石走廊,作者讲述了新一代的毒枭,与他们作战的警察,街头贩子,瘾君子,政客,房地产大亨,以及渴望逃离暴力的孩子们在一个崭新国家里生活的故事。 "ONE OF THE MOST ACCLAIMED BOOKS OF THE YEAR"A big, sprawling, ultimately stunning crime tableau." – Janet Maslin, New York Times"You can't ask for more emotionally moving entertainment." – Stephen King"One of the best thriller writers on the planet." – EsquireThe explosive, highly anticipated conclusion to the epic Cartel trilogy from the New York Times bestselling author of The ForceWhat do you do when there are no borders??When the lines you thought existed simply vanish???How do you plant your feet to make a stand when you no longer know what side you’re on?The war has come home.For over forty years, Art Keller has been on the front lines of America’s longest conflict: The War on Drugs. His obsession to defeat the world’s most powerful, wealthy, and lethal kingpin―the godfather of the Sinaloa Cartel, Adán Barrera―has left him bloody and scarred, cost him the people he loves, even taken a piece of his soul.Now Keller is elevated to the highest ranks of the DEA, only to find that in destroying one monster he has created thirty more that are wreaking even more chaos and suffering in his beloved Mexico. But not just there.Barrera’s final legacy is the heroin epidemic scourging America. Throwing himself into the gap to stem the deadly flow, Keller finds himself surrounded by enemies―men who want to kill him, politicians who want to destroy him, and worse, the unimaginable―an incoming administration that’s in bed with the very drug traffickers that Keller is trying to bring down.Art Keller is at war with not only the cartels, but with his own government. And the long fight has taught him more than he ever imagined. Now, he learns the final lesson―there are no borders.In a story that moves from deserts of Mexico to Wall Street, from the slums of Guatemala to the marbled corridors of Washington, D.C., Winslow follows a new generation of?narcos, the cops who fight them, street traffickers, addicts, politicians, money-launderers,?real-estate moguls, and mere children fleeing the violence for the chance of a life in a new country.A shattering tale of vengeance, violence, corruption and justice, this last novel in Don Winslow’s magnificent, award-winning, internationally bestselling trilogy is packed with unforgettable, drawn-from-the-headlines scenes. Shocking in its brutality, raw in its humanity,?The Border?is an unflinching?portrait of modern America, a story of—and for—our time.
Sophie Grigson
A definitive guide to cooking with vegetables, with essential information on buying, preparing and cooking the vast range now available, from one of the most trusted and knowledgeable cookery writers working today. With more access to quality vegetables than ever before through organic boxes, farmers’ markets and a greater range in supermarkets, more and more of us are moving vegetables centre-stage in our cooking. Sophie Grigson shows that whether we eat fish and meat, or are a vegetarian, vegetables are no longer just an accompaniment. Organised according to vegetable type, Vegetables is packed with information and personal anecdotes from Sophie – from her tips on how to buy Jerusalem artichokes to her passion for hard–to–find chervil root – together with advice on how to buy, prepare and cook each type of vegetable. A range of recipes showcase each particular vegetable, from Wild Garlic and New Potato Risotto to Japanese Cucumber Salad to Crisp Slow-Roast Duck with Turnips. Recipes encompass the familiar as well as the more innovative, with both vegetarian, meat and fish dishes fully represented, ranging from soups and starters to full-blown main courses. This definitive book is a great read as well as a recipe source book that is deserving of a place on every cook’s shelf. Includes: ? ROOTS – from Jerusalem artichokes to yams, including potatoes and carrots ? SHOOTS AND STEMS – from asparagus to fennel ? FRUIT – from aubergine to tomatoes ? SQUASHES – from cucumber to winter squashes ? PEAS AND PODS – from bean sprouts to peas ? ONION FAMILY – from leeks to onions ? FLOWERS AND BRASSICAS – from globe artichokes to cauliflower ? GREEN AND LEAFY – from pak choi to spring greens ? SALAD LEAVES – from watercress to purslane
Short-Cut Vegetarian
Short-Cut Vegetarian
Sass, Lorna J.
Now that millions of Americans are exploring the vegan lifestyle, award-winning cookbook author Lorna Sass has updated her classic cookbook to reveal that achieving great flavor and eating healthy meals don't require spending hours in the kitchen. Sass creates culinary magic from a pantry stocked with carefully selected prepared and instant foods, such as homemade curry powder, roasted red peppers, spicy salsas and mustard sauces, and roasted garlic oil. A splash of orange juice, a touch of cinnamon, and a few sliced leeks quickly transform handy frozen spinach and a can of highest-quality lentils into an exotic Orange-Scented Lentil Ragout that will satisfy the most sophisticated palates.
The Highly Selective Dictionary of Golden Adjectives
The Highly Selective Dictionary of Golden Adjectives
Ehrlich, Eugene
Adjectives have long suffered from bad press. For many years, English teachers have been fond of telling students that "adjectives are the enemy of nouns, and adverbs are the enemy of everything else."While it's still advisable to heed your English teacher's advice on most other matters, The Highly Selective Dictionary of Golden Adjectives for the Extraordinarily Literate proves that breaking certain rules can make written and spoken language that much livelier, adding much-needed color, style, and adornment. With this addition to the popular Highly Selective series, the "golden" adjective, at last, gets the star treatment it deserves. From adventitious to zaftig, renowned lexicographer Eugene Ehrlich has collected more than 850 of the most interesting and engaging adjectives in the English language and has provided concise definitions and instructive usage examples. Whether you're a writer, a speaker, or a word buff, this compendious, trenchant, laudable, and all-around fantabulous volume will help you put panache back into your prose.
The Good Life According to Hemingway
The Good Life According to Hemingway
Hotchner, A. E.
In the fourteen years that A. E. Hotchner traveled with Ernest Hemingway, he collected a lifetime's worth of Hemingway's experiences, anecdotes, and observations on the backs of matchbooks, napkins, and slips of paper. Speaking on everything from war to women to writing, Hemingway's words are at turns funny and poignant, revealing a rich portrait of the American literary giant and the world he took by storm.Complete with black-and-white photographs that cover nearly two decades of Hemingway's life, The Good Life According to Hemingway is an exuberant celebration of his remarkable genius and the chaotic adventure of his life.
HarperCollins e-books
HarperCollins e-books
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
The short works of Dostoevsky exist in the very large shadow of his astonishing longer novels, but they too are among literature's most revered works and offer keys to understanding the themes in his longer works. Contained in this volume are the short stories "White Nights," "A Disgraceful Affair," and "The Dream of the Ridiculous Man," three of Dostoevsky's most troubling, moving, and poignant works. Alongside A DISGRACEFUL AFFAIR, Harper Perennial will publish the short fiction of Stephen Crane, Herman Melville, Willa Cather, Leo Tolstoy, and Oscar Wilde to be packaged in a beautifully designed, boldly colorful boxset in the aim to attract contemporary fans of short fiction to these revered masters of the form. Also, in each of these selections will appear a story from one of the new collections being published in 2009. A story from Barb Johnson's forthcoming collection will be printed at the back of this volume.
What Was the Hipster?
What Was the Hipster?
Who was the turn-of-the-century hipsterWho is free enough of the hipster taint to write this history without contempt or nostalgiaWhy are we tempted to declare the neo-hipster moment over, when the hipster's "global brand" has just reached its apotheosisA panel of n+1 writers, including Mark Greif, Christian Lorentzen, and Jace Clayton (aka dj/rupture) invited the public to join an investigation into the rise and fall of the contemporary hipster.Their debate took place at the New School University in New York City, and was followed by articles, responses, and essays, all printed here for the first time."The hipster is that person, overlapping with declassing or disaffiliating groupings—the starving artist, the starving graduate student, the neo-bohemian, the vegan or bicyclist or skatepunk, the would-be blue-collar or post-racial individual—who in fact aligns himself both with rebel subculture and with the dominant class, and opens up a poisonous conduit between the two.""Isn't hipsterism, like, the best thing that's happened at the end of the Bush years?""The truth was that there was no culture worth speaking of, and the people called hipsters just happened to be young, and more often than not, funny looking."
Trader's Wife
Trader's Wife
Black, T
Pregnant Sara Klein is awakened by Federal agents who confiscate the contents of her husband Mark's office. Told that Mark has vanished with millions of dollars of his client's money while on a business trip for his brokerage firm, she is accused of being an accomplice to his crime. An ex-employee of the same firm as Mark, Sara turns to her associates for help, but they have been told not to have any contact with her. Stalked by a menacing Russian matron who wants Mark and her missing funds, Sara scrambles to find her husband, misappropriated capital and the truth--a quest that could destroy both her and her unborn child.
Elements of Kill
Elements of Kill
Lane, Christopher
A mysterious ritual murder at a remote Alaskan oil rig brings an Inupiat Eskimo police detective back to the land of his People to catch a killer, and save his own hide.Police Detective Ray Attla, an Inupiat Eskimo, is spending a few days with his grandfather on the reservation when he's called into the icy Alaskan wilderness to investigate a death at an isolated oil rig. The killing has all the marks of a ritual murder, and Ray must confront the traditions of his People to catch a killer -- before he too becomes a victim.
The Naqib’s Daughter
The Naqib’s Daughter
Samia Serageldin
A passionate tale, woven from personal stories of heroic betrayal and love, The Naqib’s Daughter is based on historical characters, and set during Napoleon’s campaign in Egypt. Lady Nafisa, aristocrat, philanthropist and wife of Mamluke leader Murad Bey wakes one morning to find her worst fears confirmed. Cairo is under threat from the French, whose mission is to liberate the most ancient civilisation in the world from what they see as superstition and darkness. For Nafisa it means that her husband will go to war and she will be widowed a second time. She will have a new role as an intermediary with the French and as a refuge for vulnerable civilians form both sides. For fourteen year-old Zeinab, daughter of a respected Naqib, it is the end of her childhood. To save her family she is married to Napoleon. Life in the French court in Egypt is a game to her, one with many pleasures, including the love of one of Napoleon's trusted entourage. When the occupation fails, and the French begin to withdraw, only Nafisa can protect her from the wrath of the mob. Elfi Bey, the ambitious new Mamluke leader who is also in love with Lady Nafisa, has to risk being an outcast, for the land he so dearly loves, and loosing all the wealth and status he has worked for because he fears the only way to save Egypt from the occupiers is to seek support from the court of King George III. Samia Serageldin brings to life the vanished world of the exotic Mamluke warrior-slaves and so doing, explores the complex, often dangerous relationship between occupier and occupied. The Naqib's Daughter reveals the high price paid by Egyptians for their occupation.
Clean Eating Alice The Body Bible:Feel Fit and Fabulous from the Inside Out
Clean Eating Alice The Body Bible:Feel Fit and Fabulous from the Inside Out
Alice Liveing
Instagram sensation Clean Eating Alice shares 8 new recipes and a HIIT workout in this new e-book to help you get into shape for Spring. Full of sound advice that will appeal to her legions of fans.