A k?nyvtolvaj
A k?nyvtolvaj

Lupta mea. Cartea a doua: Un b?rbat ?ndragostit
n contextul vieii profesionale grbite de azi,oamenii petrec mai mult timp cu calculatorul, cu telefonul i n conferine de afaceri dect comunicnd direct, fa n fa. n aceast reea din ce n ce mai complex, inteligena emoional este mai important ca oricnd. Conform cercetrilor, EQ-ul este de dou ori mai important dect IQ-ul pentru a obine ce vrei n via. Cartea conine un program pas cu pas care te va ajuta s-i identifici abilitile de inteligen emoional, responsabile pentru 58% din performana n toate tipurile de munc, s i le sporeti i s te bucuri de succes att n viaa personal, ct i n cea profesional.

Lupta mea. Dans?nd ?n ?ntuneric
n doar cteva zile, Peter McDowell pierde tot ceea ce a ctigat muncind din greu – averea, casa, existena sa de investitor bancar de succes. Ca i cum asta nu ar fi fost de ajuns, ceea ce urmeaz este i mai ru. Prbuirea bursei de valori nu doar c l aduce pe Peter n situaia de a deveni omer, ci provoac o ruptur n csnicia lui, pe care nu o poate repara. Lipsit de orice mijloace materiale, el are un singur loc n care s se retrag: o caban aflat pe malul unui lac, pe care a motenit-o de la prinii si, care i-au lsat cea mai mare parte a averii lor modeste fratelui geamn al lui Peter. Neavnd alt alegere, fiul risipitor se ntoarce acas. Medic iubit ntr-un orel, familist devotat i stlp al comunitii, Michael McDowell i ajut pe ceilali fr s in cont de ctigul personal. ns numai Peter tie cum i-a manipulat Michael pe prinii lor, atunci cnd bieii erau tineri, fapt care a dus, n cele din urm, la plecarea lui Peter. La nceput, el se teme de ntlnirea cu Michael, dar, spre surprinderea sa, revederea lor este tandr i autentic. Abia mai trziu, cnd Peter examineaz jurnalele mamei sale, adevrul iese la iveal, iar nelegerea i panica ncep s-i fac loc. Cine este fratele lui geamn Este adevrat faada pe care o afieaz sau ceva nfricotor se ascunde sub ea Este imaginaie sau o realitate prea nspimnttoare pentru a fi crezut ntr-o curs contracronometru, Peter las la o parte orice pruden pentru a afla adevrul. Ceea ce descoper va schimba pentru totdeauna viaa celor doi frai, viaa copiilor acestora i un ora ntreg.

Mica enciclopedie Hygge
Проверенные годами секреты наших бабушек и опытных современных специалистов! Чтобы получить срочный совет в любой экстренной ситуации или упростить себе ежедневную работу по дому, достаточно просто раскрыть книгу. ? Как сервировать стол к фуршету ? Как выбрать самое свежее мясо, рыбу, молочные продукты ? Какие продукты в рецепте можно заменить и чем ? Как удалить сложные пятна с одежды и мебели ? Как быстро устранить накипь и остатки пригоревшей пищи с посуды ? Как обустроить маленькую комнату, кухню и балкон ? Как избавиться от вредителей сада и огорода ? Когда высаживать рассаду.Proverennye godami sekrety nashih babushek i opytnyh sovremennyh specialistov! Chtoby poluchit' srochnyj sovet v ljuboj jekstrennoj situacii ili uprostit' sebe ezhednevnuju rabotu po domu, dostatochno prosto raskryt' knigu. ? Kak servirovat' stol k furshetu ? Kak vybrat' samoe svezhee mjaso, rybu, molochnye produkty ? Kakie produkty v recepte mozhno zamenit' i chem ? Kak udalit' slozhnye pjatna s odezhdy i mebeli ? Kak bystro ustranit' nakip' i ostatki prigorevshej pishhi s posudy ? Kak obustroit' malen'kuju komnatu, kuhnju i balkon ? Kak izbavit'sja ot vreditelej sada i ogoroda ? Kogda vysazhivat' rassadu.

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Fojtogató szenvedély
Fojtogató szenvedély

Don’t miss out on an exciting new My Weird School ebook collection, complete with the first four books in Dan Gutman’s seriously hilarious and seriously zany series. The collection includes My Weird School #1: Miss Daisy Is Crazy!, My Weird School #2: Mr. Klutz Is Nuts!, My Weird School #3: Mrs. Roopy Is Loopy!, My Weird School #4: Ms. Hannah Is Bananas!, and a bunch of seriously strange activities. The activities include a checklist, a maze, and a word scramble.Meet a teacher who eats bonbons, a principal who kisses pigs, a librarian who thinks she's George Washington, and an art teacher who dresses up in pot holders! They're all inside this collection! They must be getting pretty crowded in there!

Francisco Goya
Astudy of Francisco Goya’s life and work appears to present many contradictions. For nearly forty years Goya was the principal painter at court and he recorded the glittering wealth of the Spanish nobility. At the same time, in one of the least enlightened countries in Europe, Goya was a liberal thinker. He was a tireless commentator on the social conditions of his age. He hated authority in any form, be it priest, soldier or official, and above all he hated those who exploited the helpless. He was concerned with the floating population, with criminals and prostitutes, and by the crippling poverty that resulted from the injustices of an uneven distribution of wealth. The court must have been ignorant of his criticism or blind to his cries of protest.

Paul Gauguin
On 8 May 1903, having lost a futile and fatally exhausting battle with colonial officials, threatened with a ruinous fine and an imprisonment for allegedly instigating the natives to mutiny and slandering the authorities, after a week of acute physical sufferings endured in utter isolation, an artist who had devoted himself to glorifying the pristine harmony of Oceania’s tropical nature and its people died. There is bitter irony in the name given by Gauguin to his house at Atuona – “Maison du Jouir” (House of Pleasure) – and in the words carved on its wood reliefs, Soyez amoureuses et vous serez heureuses (Be in love and you will be happy) and Soyez mystérieuses (Be mysterious). After receiving news of the death of their old enemy, the bishop and the brigadier of gendarmes – the pillars of the local colonial regime – hastened to demonstrate their fatherly concern for the salvation of the sinner’s soul by having him buried in the sanctified ground of a Catholic cemetery. Only a small gr