

Riders of the Realm #3: Beneath the Weeping Clouds
Riders of the Realm #3: Beneath the Weeping Clouds
Alvarez, Jennifer Lynn
From the author of the Guardian Herd series comes the final book in a thrilling fantasy adventure trilogy that SLJ called “perfect for fans of Erin Hunter’s Warriors series.” Echofrost, Shysong, and all of Storm Herd are finally free, but their freedom came with a price. Sandwen Rider Rahkki Stormrunner has been captured by the Gorlan giants, who are quickly losing their patience with the Fifth Clan. With Rahkki in grave danger, Storm Herd must join forces with the humans they have long feared to save him.And as sweeping monsoon rains threaten to ravage the region, enemies and friends, tame steeds and wild, will have to engage in one final battle to decide the fate of all three groups—the Sandwens, the giants, and the pegasi.
Tamas Garam
Zsófi tizenhét éves és RHCP rajongói blogot ír, ezért nem is kérdés, hogy az idei Bábelfesztre egész hetes bérletet vesz, hiszen az utolsó nap sztárfellép?je a Red Hot Chili Peppers. Zsófinak ez lesz élete els? fesztiválja, amelyen barátaival, Napsival, Abdullal, Hipóval és Szaszával együtt vesznek részt. Ez pedig azt is jelenti, hogy t?bbnapos, ismeretlen olaszok utáni hajtóvadászat, az orvosi sátorban t?lt?tt hosszú órák és a VIP-szekcióba való kétségbeesett bejutási kísérletek is várnak rájuk. A folyamatos bulizás, sátorozás, a koncertek és a legelképeszt?bb k?z?s élmények felejthetetlenné teszik ezt a hét napot, s?t, talán az egész nyarat. "Nagyon ?rül?k, hogy Laurának sikerült megjeleníteni és t?kéletesen visszaadni a fesztiválok hangulatát, és kifejezetten tetszik a humora. Gratulálok!" (Gerendai Károly, a Sziget Fesztivál alapítója)
Home Truths:A Novel
Home Truths:A Novel
Lewis, Susan
International bestselling author Susan Lewis’s riveting, unforgettable novel of a woman determined to protect her children—at all costs.A mother's worst nightmare becomes a reality…Angie Watts once had what seemed like an idyllic life: a house in a small town in the English countryside with her beloved husband Steve and their three adored children. She never could have predicted how her life would one day turn out. When her oldest son, Liam, grows from a sweet-natured boy to a troubled teen, Angie’s world begins to crumble. Expelled from school and disappearing from home for days on end, Liam falls in with a notorious local gang. After arriving home one day to find their 5-year-old son with a syringe Liam has left lying around, Steve makes a rash decision that will have lasting repercussions on their family. Two years later, Steve is gone, Liam is missing, and with money running out, Angie and her other two children are on the brink of eviction. Then Angie is called into the police station and informed that there’s been a murder—and Liam is a suspect. As Angie’s desperation to save her family leads her to take drastic measures, her daughter secretly devises her own plan to save the family…which could put everyone in danger. Alternating between Angie’s blissful life as a young mother and her present-day nightmare, Home Truths is a searing exploration of the lengths one mother will go to survive and protect her children.
The Black Ascot
The Black Ascot
Todd, Charles
Scotland Yard’s Ian Rutledge seeks a killer who has eluded Scotland Yard for years in this next installment of the acclaimed New York Times bestselling series.An astonishing tip from a grateful ex-convict seems implausible—but Inspector Ian Rutledge is intrigued and brings it to his superior at Scotland Yard. Alan Barrington, who has evaded capture for ten years, is the suspect in an appalling murder during Black Ascot, the famous 1910 royal horse race meet honoring the late King Edward VII. His disappearance began a manhunt that consumed Britain for a decade. Now it appears that Barrington has returned to England, giving the Yard a last chance to retrieve its reputation and see justice done. Rutledge is put in charge of a quiet search under cover of a routine review of a cold case. Meticulously retracing the original inquiry, Rutledge begins to know Alan Barrington well, delving into relationships and secrets that hadn’t surfaced in 1910. But is he too close to finding his man? His sanity is suddenly brought into question by a shocking turn of events. His sister Frances, Melinda Crawford, and Dr. Fleming stand by him, but there is no greater shame than shell shock. Questioning himself, he realizes that he cannot look back. The only way to save his career—much less his sanity—is to find Alan Barrington and bring him to justice. But is this elusive murderer still in England?
A Perilous Journey of Danger and Mayhem #2: The Treacherous Seas
A Perilous Journey of Danger and Mayhem #2: The Treacherous Seas
Healy, Christopher
The second book in the new adventure trilogy from the beloved author of The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom.It's 1883—only a few months after Molly Pepper; her mother, Cassandra; and her friend, Emmett, saved New York from an attack by the megalomaniacal Ambrose Rector while managing to preserve the reputations of Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison, whose technology was manipulated in Rector’s scheme. Their selfless heroism will finally earn them a place in the Inventors’ Guild, alongside the greatest minds of their generation.Unless, of course, no one knows that they did any of that.Left with nothing but empty promises and a struggling pickle shop after the government chooses to cover up the crisis, Molly, Cassandra, and Emmett have no idea where to turn—until they learn of a daring expedition to the South Pole, where an meteorite of mysterious power is embedded, and where Emmett’s father, explorer and ship captain Wendell Lee, disappeared years ago. With the fate of the world hanging in the balance, our heroes commandeer an experimental seacraft to make their play on the pole. But the trip is more treacherous than they realize, and there’s no guarantee that they will return successful—if they even return at all.
Ambrus Attila
Doktor Proktor, a kétbalkezes professzor Párizsba indul, hogy megtalálja szerelmét, Juliette Margarint. De útk?zben sz?rny? bajba keveredik: id?viharba kerül. Képeslapon értesíti két tízéves segít?jét, a v?r?shajú nagydumást és okos barátn?jét, akik nyomban útnak indulnak, hogy megmentsék. ?m titokban k?veti ?ket a rettenetes Raspa, a professzor hajdani, gonosz asszisztense... A világhír? skandináv krimiíró t?bb mint 20 nyelven megjelent sorozatát elképeszt? fordulatok, abszurd humor és a Nesb?-féle kül?nleges atmoszféra teszi feledhetetlenné.
Az árnyékok - Fekete T?r Testvériség 13.
Az árnyékok - Fekete T?r Testvériség 13.
J. R. Ward
Doktor Proktor és barátai egy k?ny?rtelen invázió k?zepén találják magukat. Nyakukon a világvége! Rá kell j?nniük, hogy hová t?nnek a mosógépekb?l a zoknik, hogy élnek k?rül?ttük igazi békaemberek, kevésbé igazi páviánok és más rémséges bestiák, amelyek bár ne lennének! Ha nem akarsz egészen tudatlan és f?leg felkészületlen maradni, nincs más dolgod, mint részt venni Bulle, Lise, doktor Proktor és egy hétlábú perui szívópók küzdelmében a világvége megakadályozásáért. Mi szóltunk!
A Zsolnay-kód
A Zsolnay-kód
Ferenc Tolvaly
A Zsolnay-kód
Damu Roland - Túléltem
Damu Roland - Túléltem
Damu Edina Mona
Mentette már meg az életedet egy szál gyufa? Gy?jt?ttél valaha fekete kagylót Tahitin? Tudod, hogyan kell ellentüzet gyújtani? Vajon hány napig lehet élelem nélkül kibírni? Egy titokzatos s?tét er? támadásba lendül, hogy megszerezze az emberi tudást, és ezáltal az uralmat is a világ felett. Az emberek azonban ezt észre sem veszik... Négy kamasz mégis ?sszefog, és egy kalandos tér- és id?utazás során harcba szállnak a gonosz Mar-T?rrel. Csak magukra számíthatnak. Az els? k?tetben Orsi, Zsófi, Krisztián és Barna egy titokzatos fekete k? segítségével ?rményországban találja magát, és ezzel kezdetét veszi az életveszélyes kaland a Tudás k?nyveinek megszerzéséért. A XV. században Kínában katonává edzik ?ket. A XVIII. században az emberev? pápuáknál és Tahitin kell helytállniuk. Végül pedig egy ?si ausztrál t?rzs tagjaivá válva szembe találják magukat az ellenséggel...
A bourbon királyai
A bourbon királyai
J. R. Ward
Jól megírt, vicces és megható - Observer Az elejétl a végéig élvezetes... egy új Roald Dahl - The Times Egy újabb külnleges és nagyon vicces trténet David Walliamstl! Jocónak számos oka van rá, hogy boldog legyen. Egész pontosan milliárdnyi oka. Bizony, Jocó gazdag. Nagyon, nagyon gazdag. Van saját tekepályája, saját mozija, és még fkomornyika is, aki mellesleg egy orángután. a legvagyonosabb tizenkét éves az egész világon! De Jocó boldogtalan. Hogy miért Mert rengeteg pénze van, viszont egyetlen barátja sincs. Aztán mégis jn valaki, aki Jocót Jocó miatt szereti, nem a pénzéért. Csak az a baj, hogy Jocó már megtanulta: ahol megjelenik a pénz van, ott semmi sem az, aminek látszik. A legfontosabb dolgok nem kerülnek semmibe - mondják, és ha Jocó nem vigyáz, most mindent elveszíthet...
Almost Just Friends:A Novel
Almost Just Friends:A Novel
Shalvis, Jill
USA Today BestsellerNew York Times bestselling author Jill Shalvis returns to Wildstone with the touching story of finding your place in the world—and the people who make it home.Piper Manning’s about as tough as they come, she’s had to be. She raised her siblings and they’ve thankfully flown the coop. All she has to do is finish fixing up the lake house her grandparents left her, sell it, and then she’s free.When a massive storm hits, she runs into a tall, dark and brooding stranger, Camden Reid. There’s a spark there, one that shocks her. Surprising her further, her sister and brother return, each of them holding their own secrets. The smart move would be for Piper to ignore them all but Cam unleashes emotions deep inside of her that she can’t deny, making her yearn for something she doesn’t understand. And her siblings…well, they need each other.Only when the secrets come out, it changes everything Piper thinks she knows about her family, herself…and Cam. Can she find a way to outrun the demons? The answer is closer than she thinks—just as the new life she craves may have already begun.
White Elephant:A Novel
White Elephant:A Novel
Langsdorf, Julie
A turf war between neighbors leads to a small-town crisis in this sharply observed debut novel perfect for fans of Tom Perrotta, Meg Wolitzer, and Celeste Ng.The white elephant looms large over the town of Willard Park: a newly-constructed behemoth of a home, it towers over the quaint houses, including Allison and Ted Millers’ tiny hundred year old home. When owner Nick Cox cuts down the Millers’ precious red maple—in an effort to make his unsightly property more appealing to buyers—their once serene town becomes a battleground.While tensions between Ted and Nick escalate, other dysfunctions abound: Allison finds herself compulsively drawn to the man who threatens to upend her quietly organized life. A lawyer with a pot habit and a serious mid-life crisis skirts his responsibilities. And in a quest for popularity, a teenage girl gets caught up in a not-so-harmless prank. Newcomers and longtime residents alike clash in conflicting pursuits of the American Dream, with trees mysteriously uprooted, fingers pointed, and lines drawn.White Elephant is a tangled-web tale of a community on the verge and its all-too-human inhabitants, who long to connect but can’t seem to find the words. It's a story about opposing sides struggling to find a middle ground—a parable for our times.
The Guardians of Zoone
The Guardians of Zoone
Fodi, Lee Edward
Worlds of adventure await in this action-packed sequel to The Secret of Zoone, where it’s up to Ozzie Sparks, a blue skyger, a purple-haired princess, and one very overprepared aunt to save the multiverse from an evil robot overlord.Ozzie Sparks’s life went from normal to out of this world—literally—when he traveled to the station of Zoone, saved the multiverse, and somehow managed to find his way home to his Aunt Temperance. He’d like nothing more than to go back right away, but the portal is stubbornly closed.Until Zoone comes to him. But his friends Fidget and Tug aren’t dropping in for a friendly visit. An evil overlord and his army of automatons have taken over Zoone, and it’s up to Ozzie, Fidget, Tug, and Ozzie’s usually very normal aunt to defeat them and save the station (again).Fans of adventures like The Unwanteds and The Glass Sentence will be swept away by the second book in Lee Edward Födi’s fantastically fun multiversal series.
Do Bananas Chew Gum?
Do Bananas Chew Gum?
Gilson, Jamie
Sam has made it most of the way through sixth grade, barely able to read and write, but now Sam's family have moved again and he is faced with the prospect of attending a new school. How long will he be able to keep his problem secret?
Camp Princess 2: Unicorns? Get Real!
Camp Princess 2: Unicorns? Get Real!
Lasky, Kathryn
When rumors of wild unicorns come to Camp Princess, there's a frenzy of excitement as the royal maidens prepare for the Unicorn Round-Up. But Princess Gundersnap has more important things to worry about. Her war-inclined mother has taken her beloved pony, Menschmik, into battle, and Gundersnap fears for his life. Besides, Gundersnap is much too practical to believe in unicorns.Or is sheBoth the magical tapestry in the tower and her favorite local witch, Berwynna, seem to be trying to tell Gundersnap something. Could the Unicorn Round-Up be more than just a bunch of royal hooey?
Sisters of the Sword
Sisters of the Sword
Snow, Maya
I see you blink with surprise. A girlyou are thinking. Surely a girl cannot be asamurai. But you are wrong.Kimi dreams of being a great samurai warrior, but she and her sister, Hana, are young ladies of ancient Japan, daughters of the Jito of the province. Her future seems clear: Girls do not become samurai. Then, a murderous betrayal shatters the sisters' world. Suddenly, Kimi and Hana are thrown headlong into a life of warrior codes, deadly swords, and dangerous enemies. Life has swept them into an adventure more heart-pounding than the sisters ever could have imagined . . . and once it has been set in motion, nothing will ever be the same.
The Somebodies
The Somebodies
Bode, N. E.
There is a city beneath New York City, one made by and for Anybodies. There you can find Bing Chubb's Ballpark, Willy Fattler's ever–changing Underground Hotel, and a castle whose spire sticks up into the dirt–filled sky...dangerously close to the rear ends of unsuspecting picnic–goers in Central Park. It's an extraordinary place, but it is in danger of becoming ordinary because of the nefarious Blue Queen. Somebody has to stop her, and if anybody is going to, nobody is better than everybody's favorite Anybody. In her third quirky adventure, Fern takes on the biggest, baddest, bluest opponent ever. Yikes!
Super Goofballs, Book 3: Super Underwear...and Beyond!
Super Goofballs, Book 3: Super Underwear...and Beyond!
Hannan, Peter
Mighty Tighty Whitey and Amazing Techno Dude have to stop the world's worst underwear-stealing superslimeball ever!LaundroManiac has the Battlin' Bra of Birmingham and Jumpin' Jack Jockstrap in his supersecret lair! It's up to the Super Goofballs to save them and stop LaundroManiac's plan—before they're all shredded!
The Man with the Red Bag
The Man with the Red Bag
Bunting, Eve
Right from the beginning I was suspicious of the man. Right from the minute he got on the bus. Maybe it was because he acted so strangely about the bag. But mostly it was because of the way he looked. And because my ears started tingling at the sight of him—an ancient warning of danger, not to be ignored. Six months after 9/11, everyone wanted life to return to normal. But when Charles Stavros boards the Star Tours bus, twelve-year-old Kevin Saunders is sure this exotic-looking stranger is up to no good: He sits alone. He has a bushy black mustache and sinister eyebrows. He carries a red bag with him wherever he goes—and even talks to it! Kevin confides his suspicions to Geneva, a girl he meets on the tour bus. Together they watch the man's every move. Kevin is convinced Stavros isn't a typical tourist, interested in the Great Salt Lake, the Grand Tetons, or even Yellowstone National Park. Kevin knows Stavros, red bag in hand, has something much bigger in mind, and it's up to Kevin to save the day, and maybe even the world.
Camp Princess 1: Born to Rule
Camp Princess 1: Born to Rule
Lasky, Kathryn
Camp Princess is just like any other summer camp. Okay, so it's not exactly summer, since the magical kingdom of Palacyndra has seasons that change at the drop of a tiara. And it's not exactly camp, since the princesses stay in fully furnished turrets, complete with chambermaids. But it is a chance to get away from home and enjoy activities such as arts and crafts (with diamonds, of course) and moat swimming (bathing tiara required!). It's a place where Princess Alicia makes real friends, Princesses Kristen and Gunder-snap.And for Alicia, Camp Princess becomes much more. A place of mystery. Her turret seems to be haunted, and the golden bird that she captured for the songbird contest refuses to sing a note! It's all utterly frustrating -- until one shadowy night, when Alicia feels a ghostly presence in her room and begins to discover a destiny far more exciting than anything she could have imagined.
Ruby Parker Hits the Small Time
Ruby Parker Hits the Small Time
Coleman, Rowan
It seems like Ruby Parker has the perfect life.She:goes to an exclusive stage schoolstars in the hit soap operagets to kiss Justin de Souza, the hottest actor aroundMillions of fans are watching Ruby—and wishing they could be her.If only they knew that behind the scenes, Ruby's life is falling apart.