Super Goofballs, Book 6: Battle of the Brain-Sucking Robots
A few superheroes you've probably never heard of . . .Oh Yeah!Donny Dazzle, the famous music producer, is turning the Super Goofballs into super rock stars!Oh No!Meanwhile, the superevil Big Bad Blob of Blah wants to wipe out the goofballs' wonderful weirdness forever and transform them into an army of Blecchh-powered robots! Oh Nooooooooooooo!

Tracking Daddy Down
Billie Wisher's daddy isn't a no-good bank robber . . . is he?Billie's daddy is on the run. If the police catch him, it's off to Pendleton Penitentiary for sure. And she just got him back, after he spent years away in California. She had big plans for the summer—plans that won't be any fun without Daddy.It must all be a mistake. Daddy didn't mean to rob that bank. If Billie finds him before the cops do, she can help him put everything right. She has an idea where he might be holed up. But Mama keeps asking what she's up to, and Billie's new stepfather, Daddy Joe, is always around, poking his nose in her business. With her family at stake, Billie's determined to track Daddy down at all costs—but will anything turn out the way she expects?

Zucchini Out West
Zucchini is Billy's pet and his best friend. When biologists at the ASPCA think that Zucchini is a rare black-footed ferret, Billy is in a quandary. He loves animals and does everything he can to help the ecology, but realizes that he can't keep an endangered animal as a pet. Can Billy do the right thing and risk losing Zucchini forever?
![Love Story [Fiftieth Anniversary Edition]:A Novel](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/80/80/1901198080_ii_cover.jpg?version=cdd1bb0d-ba9b-4898-9203-4b5d93bbbe29)
Love Story [Fiftieth Anniversary Edition]:A Novel
“有趣,感人,充满惊喜。就像所有的爱情故事那样。” ——《旧金山观察家报》评价 《爱情故事》是由1970年瑞安·奥尼尔和阿里·麦格劳主演的电影为基础进行创作的,这部电影是一部经久不衰的经典之作,50年来一直俘获着观众的心。 故事讲述的是奥利弗?巴雷特四世和珍妮?卡维列里的故事,前者是一位富有的运动员,来自古板的白人盎格鲁撒克逊新教徒家庭,即将获得哈佛大学学位并从事法律职业。后者是一位俏皮的工薪阶层美女,在拉德克利夫学习音乐。 奥利弗和珍妮——来自不同世界的志趣相投的人——相遇,交谈,交往,深深地爱上了对方。他们身边的人,甚至他们自己都不明白原因。于是他们决定,不要试图去理解它,而是选择接受它,尽自己的努力去生活。 这就是他们的故事——一个关于两个年轻人的故事,一段毫不妥协的爱情会让你热血沸腾,热泪盈眶。 这个故事告诉了全世界,“爱意味着永远不必说对不起。” “Funny, touching and infused with wonder, as all love stories should be.”—San Francisco ExaminerAn enduring classic and the basis for the blockbuster 1970 film starring Ryan O'Neal and Ali McGraw, this 50th anniversary edition features a new introduction by [writer to come] and P.S. Section with illuminating material about the book.The basis for the 1970 film starring Ryan O'Neal and Ali McGraw, Erich Segal's?Love Story?is an enduring classic that has captured hearts for almost 50 years.Love Story, the basis for the 1970 film starring Ryan O'Neal and Ali McGraw, is an enduring classic that has captured hearts for?50 years.It is the story of Oliver Barrett IV, a rich jock from a stuffy WASP family on his way to a Harvard degree and a career in law, and Jenny Cavilleri, a wisecracking working-class beauty studying music at Radcliffe.Oliver and Jenny - kindred spirits from different worlds - meet, talk, question, answer and fall for each other so deeply that no one, themselves included, can understand it. So instead of trying to understand it, they accept it and live it as best they can.This is their story - a story of two young people and a love so uncompromising it will bring joy to your heat and tears to your eyes. It is the story that told the world, “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.”

The Last Light of the Sun
From the multiple award-winning author of Ysabel, Tigana and A Song for Arbonne, this powerful, moving saga evokes the Celtic, Anglo-Saxon, and Norse cultures of a thousand years ago. There is nothing soft or silken about the north. The lives of men and women are as challenging as the climate and lands in which they dwell. For generations, the Erlings of Vinmark have taken their dragon-prowed ships across the seas, raiding the lands of the Cyngael and Anglcyn peoples, leaving fire and death behind. But times change, even in the north, and in a tale woven with consummate artistry, people of all three cultures find the threads of their lives unexpectedly brought together… Bern Thorkellson, punished for his father's sins, commits an act of vengeance and desperation that brings him face-to-face, across the sea, with a past he's been trying to leave behind. In the Anglcyn lands of King Aeldred, the shrewd king, battling inner demons all the while, shores up his defenses with alliances and diplomacy-and with swords and arrows-while his exceptional, unpredictable sons and daughters pursue their own desires when battle comes and darkness falls in the woods. And in the valleys and shrouded hills of the Cyngael, whose voices carry music even as they feud and raid amongst each other, violence and love become deeply interwoven when the dragon ships come and Alun ab Owyn, chasing an enemy in the night, glimpses strange lights gleaming above forest pools.

Warriors: Dovewing's Silence
In this seventy-page novella from the world of Erin Hunter's #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series, discover what happened to Dovewing after the events of the fourth Warriors arc, Omen of the Stars.The Dark Forest has been defeated—but Dovewing's powers are gone. Will she able to adjust to life as an ordinary warrior?Warriors: Dovewing's Silence also includes a teaser to Warriors Super Edition: Bramblestar's Storm.

I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: The Forgotten Ones
In this thrilling 144-page companion novella to the New York Times bestselling I Am Number Four series, learn the fate of Adam—the Mogadorian-turned-ally of the Garde who risked his life to save Sam.Adam helped Sam Goode and his father, Malcolm, escape the Mogadorian base in Dulce, New Mexico. Using the Legacy that One bestowed upon him, Adam sacrificed himself and brought the entire facility crumbling down on his head.Miraculously, Adam survives in one piece, and he also discovers something incredible that the Mogadorians had been hiding from the Garde. Separated from his allies, Adam sets out on a quest to find the one thing the Garde have been missing all these years, the very thing that could turn the tide in this war.

Warriors: Cloudstar's Journey
In this original Warriors novella, Cloudstar, leader of SkyClan, has watched over his Clanmates at the edge of the forest for many long seasons. But Twolegs are encroaching on SkyClan's land and SkyClan is in danger of being driven away. Cloudstar is forced to turn to the other Clans for help—but will they be willing to come to SkyClan's rescue?

I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Nine's Legacy
Number Nine—when John frees him from his cell in the Power of Xix, he's ferocious, reckless, and ready to fight back. But being held captive changes a person—even a Lorien. See what Nine was like before his capture, and read about his dramatic escape from his point of view.In I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Nine's Legacy: Nine's legacy, discover the story behind Nine. Before meeting John Smith, aka Number Four, before being held prisoner, Nine was hunting down Mogadorians in Chicago with his Cepan, Sandor. What happened there would change Nine forever. . . .

Learning Yeoman
If you are a web developer with some experience in JavaScript and want to enter the world of modern web applications, then this book is ideal for you. Learning how to leverage the three tools (Yo, Bower, and Grunt) in the Yeoman workflow will be perfect as your next step towards building scalable, dynamic, and modern web applications for just about any platform.

A végrehajtó és az adós: A bírósági végrehajtás a gyakorlatban
A negatív érzelmek - mint a b?ntudat, a düh, a kétség, a csalódás - nyomot hagynak a lelkünkben. Minél hosszabb id?n át vagyunk kitéve ezeknek a rossz érzelmi állapotoknak, annál maradandóbbak lesznek a nyomaik is. Kurt Tepperwein kifejlesztett egy eredményes lelki méregtelenít? módszert, amellyel fel tudjuk frissíteni, s?t úgyszólván újraéleszthetjük a lelkünket. Meggy?z? és k?nnyen alkalmazható programmal magyarázza el az okokat; hogy hogyan szabadulhatunk meg a negatív mintáktól; és hogy mely tényez?k segítik a lelki higiénét. A nélkül?zhetetlen tanácsadó k?nyvet egy sor személyes kérdéslista és az ?nvizsgálat elvégzéséhez való gyakorlati útmutató teszi teljessé. "Ismerjük fel, hogy minden helyzetben megvan a lehet?ségünk arra, hogy eld?ntsük, mit állítunk a k?zéppontba, és hogyan akarunk reagálni. K?vessenek az úton, és meglátják, hogy minden bosszantó helyzetben van legalább egy olyan aspektus, amely hálára vagy ?r?mre adhat okot."

Orosz rulett (Peter Decker és Rina Lazarus 20.)
Orosz rulett (Peter Decker és Rina Lazarus 20.)


Gyertyafényes karácsony
Gyertyafényes karácsony

Talán majd karácsonykor (O`Neil testvérek 3.)
Talán majd karácsonykor (O`Neil testvérek 3.)

Hátizsákkal Brazíliában
Hátizsákkal Brazíliában

Tavaly nyáron… emlékszel? (O`Neil testvérek 2.)
Tavaly nyáron… emlékszel? (O`Neil testvérek 2.)

Az ?nismeret a harmonikus élet kulcsa: Asztrológiai kézik?nyv
Szabó Magda elmúlt nyolcvanéves, amikor lánytestvére született: írt magának egyet. Mert bár a Für Elise ?néletrajzi ihletés? m?, a regénybeli fogadott testvér, Bogdán Cecília korábban ismeretlen volt az olvasók el?tt. Az író talán gyerekkori barátn?jét mintázta meg Cili alakjában, talán ?nmagát. Cili trianoni árva, Zentáról származik, az árvaházból kerül Debrecenbe, négyévesen fogadja be új családja. ? a bájos, szeretnivaló sz?ke gyermek, akit minden bajtól óvnak, akit dédelgetnek ismer?s?k, ismeretlenek és a tanárai is.?Magdolna okos, m?velt már kisgyerekkorában is. Esti meseként bibliai t?rténeteket hallgat édesapjától, még iskolába sem jár, de már latinul veszekszik nagybátyjával. Szülei nem korlátozzák, nem nevelik, csak ?civilizálják”. Nyelveket tanul, olvas és ír, képzelete szárnyal, ?olyan szabálytalan voltam, mint maga a szabálytalanság”, már akkor kilóg a sorból.Cili t?rténete nem zárul le, annyit tudunk meg, hogy fiatalon meghal, de a részletek homályban maradnak. Ennek oka lehet az is, hogy Szabó Magda Magdaléna címmel a regény folytatását tervezte. A Jaffa Kiadó a sz?veggondozáson túl új arculattal, r?vid jegyzetekkel, és új, minden korosztály számára jól befogadható küls?vel igyekszik segíteni abban, hogy Szabó Magda m?vei kultúrt?rténeti rangjuknak és t?retlen népszer?ségüknek megfelel? helyre kerülhessenek. A k?nyv olvasása k?zben folyton azon t?rtem a fejem, vajon mennyi a valóság ebben a t?rténetben, és mennyi a fikció. ?letrajzi regényként emlegetik, de néha olyan érzésem támadt, hogy az írói fantázia kiszínezi, átrendezi az egykori eseményeket. El is határoztam, hogy utánanézek, de meggondoltam magam. Ugyanis teljesen mindegy. A regény minden egyes sorából olyan fájdalmas, néha ?nmarcangoló ?szinteség árad, hogy hajlandó vagyok minden egyes szavát elhinni, akár úgy t?rtént, akár nem. Kár, hogy nem lett folytatása. De a Für Elise így is egy ?nálló remekm?, akár egy befejezetlen szimfónia. – F?BI?N JANKA

A világirodalom t?rténete
A világirodalom t?rténete

?lmaimban Manhattanben
lmaimban Manhattanben

Drumul spre iad
n ciuda stngciei i a manierelor uor necioplite, Douglas Petersen, de profesie biochimist, d dovad de un sim al umorului care o seduce pe frumoasa Connie, artist n devenire, i o convinge s se cstoreasc cu el. Acum, la trei decenii de la nceputul relaiei lor, Connie l anun pe Douglas c se gndete s divoreze. Totui, nu se simte n stare s anuleze cltoria n Europa planificat pentru a ncuraja nclinaiile artistice ale fiului lor de aptesprezece ani. Iar Douglas, n adncul fiinei lui, este convins c acest voiaj le va reaprinde dragostea i l va ajuta s-i refac relaia cu fiul su. De pe strzile Amsterdamului n faimoasele muzee ale Parisului, din cafenelele veneiene pe nsoritele plaje din Barcelona, odiseea lui Douglas Petersen nsufleete btrna Europ pe msur ce el experimenteaz propria trezire la via. Criz a vrstei a doua, criz a cuplului, criz a adolescenei: Noi nseamn voi... Nichols jongleaz cu tema iubirii pierdute i, poate, regsite, oferindu-ne un final cu totul neateptat... “ – New York Times Un roman grozav... Nicholls este un maestru al relaiilor nuanate. Este, de asemenea, expert n construirea unei poveti inteligente, aa cum a dovedit nc din bestsellerul O zi, romanul su anterior.“ – Entertainment Weekly