

The Wrecking Ball
The Wrecking Ball
Spens, Christiana
Armed with trust funds and pedigrees but bent on rebellion, twenty-somethings Alice, Harry, Rose, and Hugo are teetering on the brink of self-destruction. With Manhattan and London as their playgrounds, they chase oblivion—and their next high—through a glittering blur of nightclubs, decadent parties, high fashion, and underground music scenes, hard-partying on the razor's edge with a never-ending cocktail of drugs and booze. Insomniacs and unstoppable, these four lost souls ride the extreme highs and devastating lows of a summer that quickly reaches a crescendo of music, heat, and hedonism. Wavering between moments of revelation and ruin, they illuminate a generation given everything—except an answer to the timeless question: Who am IFrom a remarkable new literary voice comes a startling, fresh, strikingly candid novel of addiction and excess.
Wild, Peter
For more than twenty-five years, the antimelodic “noise” of Sonic Youth has assaulted us, exhilarated us, inspired us. Why?Katherine Dunn says it's because they operate in the foggy world between the real and the surreal. Mary Gaitskill says that Sonic Youth caught her, years ago, when she was falling. J. Robert Lennon says it's because Sonic Youth rip it apart. Emily Maguire was hooked because once she was in love with chaos. Their sound is caustic, elemental, nihilistic—and quite unlike any other cult band ever to achieve rock godhood. In Noise, twenty-one great literary voices offer short fiction based on or inspired by songs from Sonic Youth—a raucous coupling of music and literature featuring marrow-colored goo, severed hands and abandoned babies, Patty Hearst watching the apocalypse on TV, and other unruly images of the Zeitgeist.Contributors Hiag Akmakjian Christopher Coake Katherine Dunn Mary Gaitskill Rebecca Godfrey Laird Hunt Shelley Jackson J. Robert Lennon Samuel Ligon Emily Maguire Tom McCarthy Scott Mebus Eileen Myles Catherine O'Flynn Emily Carter Roiphe Kevin Sampsell Steven Sherrill Matt Thorne Rachel Trezise Jess Walter Peter Wild
Z Is for Zombie
Z Is for Zombie
Castro, Adam-Troy
A is for Apocalypse, B is for Buried, C is for Cannibalistic . . .A stunningly illustrated and hilarious A-to-Z guide that bears witness to the zombie horde as it slowly overruns us. Assemble a motley crew of any survivors you can. Barricade your doors and windows against the relentless shambling masses hungry for your flesh. Grab a hammer, chain saw, clothing iron, or whatever household weapon is at hand . . .The war has begun!
Reasons for and Advantages of Breathing
Reasons for and Advantages of Breathing
Peelle, Lydia
In "Reasons for and Advantages of Breathing", a young woman becomes fascinated with reptiles and finds a way to relate them to her life.
Far From Home
Far From Home
DeGrace, Anne
After a shocking family betrayal and an unexpected pregnancy, Jo leaves home,college, and everything she knows. Far from home, she finds her way to Cass'sRoadside Café, an isolated diner on a mountain pass. Cass's seems as good aplace as any for Jo to get her bearings, as near to nowhere as it is possible to be. Here, Jo finds a rough sort of kindness in diner regulars such as Archie, a long-haul trucker, and Bob, a cop with a secret. But Cass's is also a way station through which an odd assortment of travelers blow: the water witcher, coming to terms with a talent he'd denied; the old woman who expected to die, and didn't; and the hippie whose rule of the road is to let the wind blow him where it will. The stories of these strangers open Jo's eyes to life lessons, and what it really means to follow your heart—and, ultimately, give Jo the strength to face her past, and find the direction she needs to step into her future.
Get Some Love
Get Some Love
Foxx, Nina
Dark and lovely Angelica Chappee was brought up right by her loving grandparents. Still reeling from the shock of losing the two people she cared for most in this world, she's anything but ready for what's waiting for her in her dear departed "Pop-pop's" will. It turns out her grandfather was rich -- millionaire-rich! And it's all coming to Angelica -- if the innocent, almost-21-and-never-been-kissed Baton Rouge baby can prove that she's no longer a ...Well this is just crazy -- and the last thing she would have expected from that sweet old man! And six days is so little time to go from being Ms. Don't-Touch-Me to Hot Lady Love! But a cool couple mil is a strong incentive. And Juan Delgado, that fine black Puerto Rican prince from the Bronx, NYC, who's down South on family business, would be turning her head anyway, fortune or no.Still, Angelica's a "good" girl -- and gettin' it on with a stranger seems wrong! And now the money is attracting some shady characters with very bad motives ... so Angelica's got something else to worry about besides her virtue!Smart, sexy, fast, and fun, Nina Foxx's Get Some Love is a pure delight.
The Girls' Almanac
The Girls' Almanac
Franklin, Emily
The Girls' Almanac chronicles the lives of Jenna and Lucy—two thirty-something women who desperately long for a true friend—as well as the lives of the women and men who have touched them: friends, lovers, parents, and neighbors. Set across the Northeast—through suburban neighborhoods, preppy camps, island resorts, and Ivy League colleges—as well as far flung locales like Ecuador and Iceland, The Girls' Almanac traces the friendships of women willing to risk both self-consciousness and intimacy, loss and betrayal, in pursuit of a proper best friend. Exploring the fascinating closeness and distance that female friendships encompass, The Girls' Almanac reveals the map of Jenna and Lucy's interconnected lives, and ultimately their pathways to each other.
The Blind Side of the Heart
The Blind Side of the Heart
White, Michael C.
From the author of the critically acclaimed novel A Brother's Blood, comes a haunting story about an Irish housekeeper who must discover the truth when her friend, the parish priest, is accused of horrible crimes.Maggie Quinn has had her share of misfortune: Having grown up poor and fatherless in Galway, she was forced to quit school early and find work to support her ailing mother and her own child. But when a tragedy of her own making strikes, it is too much for her to bear. Plagued by feelings of guilt and sorrow and by losing her faith in God, she runs from her past; first by fleeing Ireland for America and later by drowning her sorrows with the bottle. Maggie hits rock bottom when she makes an unsuccessful suicide attempt.While recuperating in a hospital bed, she meets the remarkable Father Jack Devlin. With his compassion and love, Maggie once more finds her faith and a reason to live.For the past eighteen years, Maggie has devoted herself to the man who saved her life. But now Father Jack, the beloved if controversial priest in the small town of Hebron Falls, Massachusetts, is accused of having done terrible things to altar boys many years before. At first Maggie is convinced that the accusations are only lies brought out by Father Jack's enemies. Yet as she sifts through the memories of her life with Father Jack, doubts begin to emerge: Could she have been blind to a darker side of her friend all these yearsAnd when new information surfaces regarding the unsolved murder of a young altar boy with possible links to Father Jack, her faith is once again put to the test. Maggie must search her memory and her heart to help her decide what to believe. The Blind Side of the Heart poignantly captures one woman's struggle to remain loyal to a friend while at the same time she is forced to examine her conscience to arrive at the truth.
The Perfect Fit
The Perfect Fit
Kean, Louise
Sunny Weston always wanted to be perfect . . . and that meant being thin. Now, after what seemed like a million years on the treadmill—and a million miles from the nearest brownie—she finally fits into those slinky black dresses she's been eyeing for years. But being a perfect size doesn't necessarily equal a perfect life. Suddenly Sunny's best friends are all bitter and jealous. She's become a stranger in her own body. And though her longtime work crush, Adrian, is finally her boyfriend, she's totally confused now that charming, daringly dapper Cagney has appeared on the scene. Worst of all, she's worried that the recipe for a happy life might not be low-calorie after all.Maybe it's time for Sunny to discover that the true secret to happiness isn't constantly feeling hollow.
Rațiu Emil
Dumitru Velea ??i continu? aventura ?n lumea xerxeian?, de aceast? dat? public?nd unul dintre cele mai consistente volume de versuri semnate de domnia sa de-a lungul anilor. Spun consistente g?ndindu-m? la un anume risc al atac?rii unei at?t de vaste tematici. Cartea face parte dintr-o pornire a poetului mai de ?ntindere, dedicat? suveranilor persani din dinastia Ahemenizilor. Iar c?nd spun aceasta, am ?n vedere, cel pu?in din punct de vedere tehnic, faptul c?, dup? piesa de teatru Xerxes, apare acum Xerxes la Hellespont. Posibilit??ile de interpretare a mesajului sunt, practic, nelimitate, fiindc? transfocaliz?nd versuri sau cuvinte, f?r? efort putem ?descinde“ ?n actualitatea imediat?. De aceea, ne putem ?ntreba, justificat: nu cumva, printr-o manevra subtil?, stilistic-epica, autorul a ?uitat“ deschis? o porti?? spre problematicile biografiei sale? (Dumitru Huruba)
Síla v kordech rodu Wellnsburg?:Kapitán?v dárek
Síla v kordech rodu Wellnsburg?:Kapitán?v dárek
Erika P. Hamlet
To, aby se vrátil ?ivot na hrabství Wellnsburgov?ch do těch normálních kolejí, to by zde nesměl b?t dárek v?podobě t?í map ?elvích ostrov?, které dostali od samotného kapitána Geweryho, jen? jim je věnoval p?i odchodu z?jeho lodě, kterou mu v?ichni, v?etně ctihodn?ch sester Josephiny, Augustiny a Rosalindy pomohly opět získat z?rukou loupe?n?ch pirát?. Touha plavit se na ostrovy bude vyburcována samotn?m p?íchodem Kapitána Geweryho, kter? byl pozván na jejich svatby a o kterém si myslí, ?e jejich pozvání k?němu snad ani nedorazilo, kdy? se najednou z??ista jasna objeví v?kostele, aby jim osobně p?edal svou gratulaci. Jak to ale udělat, aby dostali svolení a mohli pou?ít jednu z?honosn?ch lodí hraběte Richarda Wellnsburga, kter? ji? nechce sly?et o ?ádném dobrodru?ství? Budou lhát a vyplují pod záminkou, ?e budou doprovázet svého hosta. Le? bude ale odhalena záhy poté co hrabě Richard, jeho dcera Katarine a Martrek dostanou zprávu od rychlého posla, ze které se dozvídá ?e ?lenové hraběcí rodiny jsou na ?elvích ostrovech, kde jim byla uloupená jejich honosná lo?. Kdo to udělal? Jak se s?tím vypo?ádají a jak?ch trik? pou?ijí ctihodné sestry – jejich sudi?ky, pro to aby pomohly?
Síla v kordech rodu Wellnsburg?:P?edur?en? cíl
Síla v kordech rodu Wellnsburg?:P?edur?en? cíl
Erika P. Hamlet
Síla Wellnsburgsk?ch kord? a jeho erbu je opravdu mocná, proto?e doká?e spojit rodinu i poté co se od ní někdo na dlouhou dobu odlou?í. Pomoc, kterou dostali se rozhodnou vrátit, hned poté co se dozví prav? d?vod jejich p?edur?ené cesty. V?e zní tak tajemně a dobrodru?n? ?ivot je láká. To, ?e tyto dvoj?ata, která se narodila s?mate?sk?m znaménkem hvězdi?ek hledá hned několik lidí o tom neměli Christopher s Elizabeth nejmen?ího tu?ení. Plaví se do Indie, aby nabídly svou pomoc, kde budou muset ?elit mistrovskému umění japonsk?ch ninj?. Ve sv?ch zádech mají ?lechtice - zpropadené lotry: Hedriena, Lambera a Merziena, kte?í je na jejich cestě pronásledují, proto?e byli do těch slu?eb najati a kter?m se nakonec poda?í bez problému unést Elizabeth, kterou vynesou ven ze Sheeradova pláce ve srolovaném koberci. V?té době co je Elizabeth uná?ena neznámo kam, její dvoj?e Christopher, spole?ně s?hrabětem Richardem a skupinou odvá?n?ch mu??, uvíznou v?pasti tajemné svatyně, v?podzemí Sheeradovy ?í?e.
Celebrity Chekhov
Celebrity Chekhov
Greenman, Ben
Q: What do Tiger, Paris, Lindsay, Alec, and Oprah have in common with the enduring characters of Anton Chekhov?A: Love, loss, pride, yearning, heartbreak, renewal, transcendence: the very stuff of life.The immortal stories of Anton Chekhov have long entranced readers with their insights into the universal truths of human behavior . . . but you've never read them quite like this. Former friends Nicole and Paris exchange prickly pleasantries in "Tall and Short."Talk-show host Dave narrowly averts another potential domestic crisis in "A Transgression."Reality star Kim shares her newfound notoriety with Khloe and Kourtney in "Joy."In a witty, graceful, and revelatory feat of literary reinvention, acclaimed novelist and humorist Ben Greenman takes nineteen of Chekhov's greatest stories and recasts them with some of the best-known luminaries of our time—with eye-opening, and oddly ennobling, results.
Lost Girls and Love Hotels
Lost Girls and Love Hotels
Hanrahan, Catherine
Margaret is doing everything in her power to forget home. And Tokyo's exotic nightlife -- teeming with intoxicants, pornography, and three-hour love hotels -- enables her to keep her demons at bay. Working as an English specialist at Air-Pro Stewardess Training Institute by day, and losing herself in a sex- and drug-addled oblivion by night, Margaret represses memories of her painful childhood and her older brother Frank's descent into madness.But Margaret's deliberate nihilism is thrown off balance as she becomes increasingly haunted by images of a Western girl missing in Tokyo. And when she becomes enamored of Kazu, a mysterious gangster, their affair sparks a chain of events that could spell tragedy for Margaret, in a city where it's all too easy to disappear.
John, Marie-Elena
Haunted by scandal and secrets, Lillian Baptiste fled Dominica when she was fourteen after discovering she was the daughter of Iris, the half-crazy woman whose life was told of in chanté mas songs sung during Carnival—songs about a village on a mountaintop littered with secrets, masquerades that supposedly fly and wreak havoc, and a man who suddenly and mysteriously dropped dead. After twenty years away, Lillian returns to her native island to face the demons of her past—and with the help of Teddy, a man who has loved her for many years, she may yet find a way to heal.Set in both contemporary Washington, D.C., and post-World War II Dominica, Unburnable weaves together West Indian history, African culture, and American sensibilities. Richly textured and lushly rendered, Unburnable showcases a welcome and assured new voice.
Heart of Deception
Heart of Deception
Malcolm, M.L.
From M. L. Malcolm, the acclaimed author of Heart of Lies, comes a powerful sequel that spans the years from World War II to the turbulent 1960s—the riveting story of a family struggling with choices forced upon them by war . . . and the consequences that will take a generation to unfold.Aman of many contradictions, Leo Hoffman is a Hungarian national with a French passport, a wealthy businessman with no visible means of support, and a devoted father who hasn't seen his daughter in years. He is also a spy.Recruited by the Allies to help lay the groundwork for their invasion of North Africa, Leo intends to engage in as little espionage as possible—just enough to earn his American citizenship so he can get to New York and reunite with his daughter, Maddy. But while Leo dodges death in France and Morocco, Maddy is learning shocking truths about her father's mysterious past—haunting knowledge that will compel her down her own dangerous path of deception and discovery.
A Storm in the Blood
A Storm in the Blood
Fink, Jon Stephen
Based on a true story—a brilliant, compelling, and provocative novel of the roots of terrorism and the perils of the immigration experience set in turn-of-the-century LondonOn December 16, 1910, three unarmed London policemen were killed by a gang of Latvian revolutionaries. Among the most sensational crimes of the era, the Houndsditch Murders sparked an unprecedented manhunt across the capital, and then exploded into the gunfight that entered history as the Siege of Sidney Street. Hundreds of heavily armed soldiers, assembled by then home-secretary Winston Churchill, descended upon the gang. After hours of bloody battle, the police broke into the hideout and discovered the corpses of two men. The ringleader they had expected to find—an urbane and charismatic revolutionary known as Peter the Painter—had mysteriously vanished, along with his mistress, Rivka, a young refugee and Yiddish music hall singer.Based on a compelling true story, A Storm in the Blood is a gripping tale filled with strange and disturbing echoes, violence, ethnic unrest, political subterfuge, and terrorism—as shocking today as the original events were in 1910.
The River Road
The River Road
Osborn, Karen
David and Michael Sanderson are brothers, inseparable since childhood from each other and from their neighbor Kay Richards, a complicated young woman involved in a passionate and obsessive love affair with David. One spring night, while at home on a break from college, the threesome embarks on a night of adventure and experimentation, driving recklessly through the Connecticut Valley. Stopping at the French King Bridge, David -- full of hubris and hallucinogens -- dares to jump, mistakenly believing he'll be able to swim ashore. With this one act, he sets in motion an inexorable chain of events that indelibly alters the lives of everyone involved.Told through the alternating voices of Kay, Michael, and David's father, Kevin, The River Road is a closely observed and psychologically penetrating narrative of the accusations, murder investigation, and courtroom battle that follow.
The Beautiful Game
The Beautiful Game
Littman, Jonathan
Once nobody noticed Santa Rosa's Thunder. They were a ragtag team of girls who wanted to play soccer, and no one took them seriously. Their male coach expected little from his "ladies, " and their mediocre performance convinced them he was right.Then a kind of miracle happened. Emiria Salzmann, Thunder's new coach, a top player herself, knew what it took to win--discipline, relentless drills, thigh-burning sprints, and an inspired passing game. The girls hated it, but their coach never let up. Tough and determined, she showed them what it felt like to be winners--and they loved it. As the momentum grew with a string of victories, the girls thrived on the competition, believing they had the right stuff to become champions.They were right! With spirits soaring, Thunder won its league on the last day of the season and headed for the state cup, emerging not just as powerful athletes but as strong, confident, emotionally healthy human beings--champions in the game of soccer, and in the game of life.
Far from Zion
Far from Zion
London, Charles
"Are you Jewish?" It was a question Charles London heard everywhere he went. Raised in a nonreligious Jewish family, London knew his heritage but had no strong desire to experience it personally. He even spent much of his teen years pretending not to be Jewish. But in the summer of 2004, while doing relief work with children in Bosnia, he stumbled upon a community the likes of which he had not seen before where Jews worked alongside Muslims and Christians to rebuild a city ravaged by war. London liked this idea of a humanitarian Judaism, and though he didn't realize it at the time, this encounter gave him the idea for a journey that would take him around the world and back to his roots. The Jews' frequent flights from persecution have seen the establishment of communities in some of the most surprising places, and despite efforts by Israel to bring these scattered people home to Zion, many have chosen to remain in the land of their birth. From a shopkeeper selling Jewish trinkets in Iran, to a Hanukkah celebration in an Arkansas bowling alley; from Rangoon, where a fifty-seven-year-old chain-smoking caretaker keeps watch over an all-but-forgotten synagogue, to an engineering professor in Cuba proud of his Jewish heritage, yet even prouder of his Communist ideals, pockets of the Diaspora endure, despite intense pressure to flee. Their decision to stay put offers hope that peace may lie not in congregating behind borders but in the promise of a global community of neighbors. Far from Zion is the story of these Jews in far-flung places, and it's through their experiences that London examines his own identity. As he explores widespread Jewish communities struggling with their relationship to the larger world, he too grapples with his heritage and comes to terms with his own connection to Zion.
Forty Minutes of Hell
Forty Minutes of Hell
Bradburd, Rus
An exploration of the racial politics of American sports, from the Jim Crow era to the present day, witnessed through the life of legendary African-American basketball coach and NCAA title winner Nolan Richardson Born in El Paso's Segundo Barrio, or Second Ward, pioneering basketball coach Nolan Richardson grew up in the only black family in a Mexican neighborhood and attended desegregated Bowie High School in 1955. Richardson went on to play at Texas Western College, now the University of Texas at El Paso, as the first black star player for legendary coach Don Haskins. Richardson eventually rose to national prominence as a coach in his own right. He became the first black coach at a predominately white school in the Old South to win the NCAA Championship in 1994 at the University of Arkansas. With Richardson's Razorbacks playing at a high-pressure, electrifying pace a style he called "Forty Minutes of Hell," which became a nationally known trademark Arkansas made three appearances in the Final Four, and Richardson was named NABC Coach of the Year in 1994.Richardson's gradual political awakening, and his subsequent refusal to keep quiet about overt or subtle racial injustices, marked his rise. Regardless of his staggering win totals, tensions in Arkansas culminated in an infamous 2002 press conference in which he accused the University of Arkansas of discriminating against him, bringing about an abrupt end to his college coaching career. The only coach in history to win a Junior College National Championship, the NIT, and the NCAA tournament, Richardson went on to coach internationally and in the WNBA.Rus Bradburd, a former college basketball coach who also worked with Don Haskins, highlights Richardson's trailblazing career with empathy and intimacy, revealing a man whose hard-won successes were matched by deeply felt losses. An intensive inside look at elite collegiate athletics and a chronicle of the transition away from the segregated era of American sport, Forty Minutes of Hell is the first full-length biography of Nolan Richardson, setting his complicated story against the backdrop of a decisive time in American history.