Λευκ? Πεταλο?δα
ζησε τη ζω τη εν λευκ...Οι επιλογ τη ταν επιλογ λλων...Η Μυρτ, η ηρωδα, μια γυνακα που αγαπθηκε και αγπησε στα ρια, που κυριαρχθηκε απ τον πθο εν ανεκπλρωτου ρωτα που την οδγησε στη φωτι, ναν ρωτα που αναγεννθηκε απ’ τι στχτε του πολλ φορ και σαν τυφνα πρασε και φησε πσω του συντρμμια και πνο...Ο Πρη, ο Μνο, ο λκη... ντρε διαφορετικο, ντρε που την αγπησαν ο καθνα με τον τρπο του, με πθο, με εγωισμ, με εκδικητικ μανα, ντρε που πρασαν απ’ τη ζω τη κι ο καθνα στιγμτισε με τον τρπο του την ψυχ τη, σημδεψαν ανεξτηλα το δρμο τη...Η Μυρτ, γυνακα, ερωμνη, σζυγο, μητρα, κρη, φλη, γυνακα καριρα... τσοι ρλοι και εκενη χαμνη μσα στα δικ τη θλω και στα θλω που τελικ τη επβαλλαν οι λλοι...Τελικ καθορζει η ελεθερη βοληση τι επιλογ μα η μορα μα και το πεπρωμνο μα αποφασζει για μα, πριν απ μα;
ΚΡΥΣΤΑΛΛΟΙ ΙΙΙ: 3η Τιτανομαχ?α
Η σειρ? ?Κρ?σταλλοι? ξεκιν?ει απ? τι? απαρχ?? τη? δημιουργ?α? του σ?μπαντο? και διαπερν? ολ?κληρο τον πανανθρ?πινο πολιτισμ?, φθ?νει στο παρ?ν και θα συνεχ?σει στο μ?λλον, παρακολουθ?ντα? περιληπτικ? την εξ?λιξη του ανθρ?πινου πολιτισμο?.Στο πρ?το βιβλ?ο ?1η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Κενο?-Υπερκ?σμιου? (13,85 με 5 δισεκατομμ?ρια χρ?νια πριν) παρακολουθ?σαμε την αρχ? τη? μυθιστορηματικ?? σειρ?? ?Κρ?σταλλοι?, η οπο?α ξεκ?νησε απ? μια ελληνικ? επαρχιακ? π?λη στην οπο?α ανακαλ?φθηκε ?να αντικε?μενο με υπερβατικ?? ικαν?τητε?, η μελ?τη του οπο?ου απ?δειξε εκπληκτικ? αποτελ?σματα και με το οπο?ο ξεκ?νησε ?να κοσμικ? ταξ?δι. Στο κοσμικ? αυτ? ταξ?δι ταξιδ?ψαμε π?σω στο χρ?νο και παρακολουθ?σαμε τη δημιουργ?α του σ?μπαντο?.Στο δε?τερο βιβλ?ο ?2η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Υπερκ?σμιου-Υπερφυσικο?? (5 δισεκατομμ?ρια με 50 εκατομμ?ρια χρ?νια πριν) παρακολουθ?σαμε μ?σα απ? το κοσμικ? ταξ?δι τι? τιτ?νιε? δυν?μει? να συμβ?λουν στη δημιουργ?α του γαλαξ?α μα?, του ηλιακο? μα? συστ?ματο?, στη δημιουργ?α και στην κατασκευαστικ? δομ? τη? Γη?, στην εμφ?νιση τη? ζω?? π?νω στη Γη και στην εξελικτικ? τη? πορε?α, εν? ταυτ?χρονα παρακολουθο?σαμε και τη σ?γκρουση των τιτ?νιων δυν?μεων με αρχηγ? τον Κρ?νο με τι? υπερκ?σμιε? δυν?μει? με αρχηγ? τον Ουραν?.Στο τρ?το και τ?ταρτο βιβλ?ο, ?3η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Υπερφυσικο?-Φυσικο?? (50 εκατομμ?ρια χρ?νια με 100 χιλι?δε? χρ?νια πριν) κυριαρχο?ν οι Ολ?μπιοι θεο? με αρχηγ? το Δ?α. Υπ? μορφ? επικ?ν μονομαχι?ν και αγ?νων παρουσι?ζεται η εξ?λιξη τη? ζω?? στον πλαν?τη Γη, η κυριαρχ?α των θηλαστικ?ν και ο φυλογενετικ?? κλ?δο? του ανθρ?που. Η εξελικτικ? πορε?α του ανθρ?που φθ?νει ?ω? τον Homo sapiens. Ιδια?τερη ?μφαση δ?δεται στον “?νθρωπο” και στα εξελικτικ? στ?δια εξανθρ?πισ?? του, απ? τα πρωτε?οντα θηλαστικ? στου? ανθρωπ?δε? (Hominoidea), στη συν?χεια στου? αυστραλοπ?θηκου? (Australopithecines) και απ? αυτο?? στο γ?νο? “Homo”.Συνεχ?ζοντα? το μαγικ? αυτ? ταξ?δι, μ?σα απ? μ?θο, αλληγορ?ε?, αληθιν? γεγον?τα και πραγματικ?? επιστημονικ?? γν?σει?, στα επ?μενα βιβλ?α ο αναγν?στη? θα παρακολουθ?σει ?λον τον πανανθρ?πινο πολιτισμ?, απ? τη δημιουργ?α του σ?μπαντο? ?ω? και σ?μερα.
Crystals II: 2nd Battle of the Titans: Clash between Hypercosmic and the Superna
The Crystals series – as you may already know – will hopefully be completed in a decalogy which will start from the creation of the universe, will transcend all human civilization, will come to the present and continue into the future, summarily showing the development of human civilization. In the first book, we saw the discovery of an object with strange properties, the study and finally the ‘cosmic’ journey in which we observed the Big Bang, the creation of galaxies and star systems.The 2nd book refers to the creation of the solar system, the creation and structure of the earth, the appearance of life on earth and its developmental course. This whole period, which in fact was initiated about five billion years ago, is elaborated with mythological fights and dwells, fitting in reality to mythological forms as natural forces, and that is why they are named ‘Supernatural’. Thus, we observe the drama of archetypal life on planet earth in the form of Supernatural Powers.The Titans with their leader, Cronos dominate the scene in the 2nd book. The structural upheavals on planet earth are presented in the form of epic battles and struggles, as well as the calamities and extinction of life but also the emergence of new life forms on earth. The 2nd Clash of the Titans brings us to about 50 million years ago with the final triumph of the Supernatural Powers in their fight against the Hypercosmic Powers followed by their slippage into the arrogance of power which will cause the 3rd Clash of the Titans.Continuing on this magic journey and keeping the White Crystal as the ‘vehicle’ of our transport, the reader of this and the other books in the series will observe the development of the human civilization from the creation of the universe to this day, through the use of myth, allegory and real events and scientific knowledge.
Marina, The Daughter of the Sea
A fearless captain, Andrew sails off -with his crew- from a safe harbor towards his homeplace. Fighting the wild sea and the unpredictable elements of nature, he will be found in an unknown zone, where a big surprise is waiting for him.
Μα?ρη Πεταλο?δα
Πεταλο?δα… αρχ?τυπο σ?μβολο... η ομορφι? τη? και η εξ?λιξη τη? δεν ?φησε καν?ναν λα? ασυγκ?νητο... σ?μβολο τη? ψυχ??, των αδι?κοπων αλλαγ?ν, τη? εξ?λιξη?... ?να σ?μβολο που μα? υπενθυμ?ζει το δ?δαγμα των αλλαγ?ν... ε?ναι μια παν?μορφη ?παρξη συνδεδεμ?νη με την ελευθερ?α και την ευτυχ?α, που ?μω? για να φτ?σει να ε?ναι τ?σο ?μορφη και ελε?θερη, κουρ?στηκε και εργ?στηκε σκληρ? για την εσωτερικ? και εξωτερικ? τη? μεταμ?ρφωση...Η Μυρτ?, μια γυνα?κα που ?ζησε τη ζω? τη? στα ?κρα, οι επιλογ?? τη? ?τανε επιλογ?? ?λλων... μια ?λευκ? πεταλο?δα? που δεν μπ?ρεσε ποτ? να πετ?ξει ελε?θερη και να αγγ?ξει την ευτυχ?α ?τσι ?πω? την ονειρε?τηκε...Ο ?λκη? στιγμ?τισε τη ζω? τη?, π?ρασε σα θ?ελλα γκρεμ?ζοντα? ?,τι ?μορφο και αληθιν? ε?χε στην ψυχ? τη?, π?τισε με π?νο και δ?κρυα τα χρ?νια τη? ζω?? τη? που κ?λησαν μ?σα στη μοναξι? και την απομ?νωση... ο θ?νατο? του ?ραγε σ?μανε και το τ?λο? τη? μο?ρα? του?;Ο Μ?νο? και η Τ?μμυ, αδερφ?? ψυχ?? τη? Μυρτ?? πλ?ρωσαν ?ραγε αρκετ? για την αγ?πη και την αφοσ?ωση του? προ? εκε?νη; Η πραγματικ? φιλ?α και η αληθιν? αγ?πη θα σπ?σουν τα δεσμ? και θα οδηγ?σουν στην απελευθ?ρωση τη Μυρτ?;Π?τε η μο?ρα λυτρ?νει τα π?θη; Π?τε ?να? κ?κλο? κλε?νει;Φιρασ?ντ Αλσσο?μπα, ο γιο? τη? Σ?ρα?... Μ?γκεν, το αστ?ρι του Δαυιδ… Αλ?ξανδρο?, η ?μα?ρη πεταλο?δα?...?να πρ?σωπο, τρει? ταυτ?τητε?... γενν?θηκε μ?σα στη δ?νη του κυκλ?να, κρατ?θηκε στη ζω? μ?σα στη θ?ελλα τη? ερ?μου, αναζ?τησε την αλ?θεια στην ?κρη του κ?σμου ξετυλ?γοντα? το κουβ?ρι των αμαρτι?ν εν?? πολ?παθου παρελθ?ντο? που ο ?διο? δε γν?ρισε ποτ?... π?σο δυνατ?? ε?ναι για να παλ?ψει με τα τ?ρατα και να φ?ρει τα αγαπημ?να του πρ?σωπα στην εσωτερικ? του? μεταμ?ρφωση; Μια πεταλο?δα που θα ανο?ξει τα φτερ? τη? 20 χρ?νια μετ?...
Κρ?σταλλοι Ι: 1η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Κενο?-Υπερκ?σμιου
Οι σειρ? ?Κρ?σταλλοι? θα συν?σταται απ? μια δεκαλογ?α η οπο?α θα ξεκιν?ει απ? την δημιουργ?α του σ?μπαντο?, θα διαπερν? ολ?κληρο τον πανανθρ?πινο πολιτισμ?, θα φθ?νει στο παρ?ν και θα συνεχ?ζει στο μ?λλον, παρακολουθ?ντα? περιληπτικ? την εξ?λιξη του ανθρ?πινου πολιτισμο?. Το πρ?το βιβλ?ο ε?ναι η ?1η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Κενο?-Υπερκ?σμιου (Δημιουργ?α)? απ? το οπο?ο αρχ?ζει ?να ταξ?δι. ?να ταξ?δι που ξεκιν?ει απ? την Μεγ?λη ?κρηξη, την εξελικτικ? πορε?α του σ?μπαντο? και φθ?νει στη δημιουργ?α των πλανητικ?ν συστημ?των. Το ?ργο στο πρ?το βιβλ?ο ξεκιν?ει απ? μια ελληνικ? επαρχιακ? π?λη, ?που ?να ερωτευμ?νο ζευγ?ρι ανακαλ?πτει ?να αντικε?μενο με περ?εργε? ιδι?τητε? και ικαν?τητε?. Μελετ?τε απ? την τοπικ? επιστημονικ? κοιν?τητα, αναφ?ρονται παλι?τεροι θρ?λοι και παραδ?σει? γ?ρω απ? αυτ?, που μ?χρι πρ?τινο? θεωρο?νταν μ?θοι και παραμ?θια. Το αντικε?μενο μεταφ?ρεται στην Αθ?να και μελετ?ται απ? την ελληνικ? επιστημονικ? κοιν?τητα. Κατ?πιν καλο?νται τα ηχηρ? ον?ματα τη? διεθνο?? επιστημονικ?? κοιν?τητα?. Β?σει των ιδιοτ?των που ?χουν αναδειχθε?, επιχειρε?ται ?να πε?ραμα στην Ακρ?πολη, με θαυμαστ? και μη αναμεν?μενα αποτελ?σματα. Απ? εκε? και π?ρα αρχ?ζει μια υπ?ροχη διαδρομ? σε μια σειρ? 10 βιβλ?ων. Μ?σα απ? μ?θο, αλληγορ?ε? αλλ? και πραγματικ?? επιστημονικ?? γν?σει?, επιχειρε?τε, π?ραν τη? διασκ?δαση?, ο αναγν?στη? να αποκομ?σει και αληθιν?? γν?σει?. ?τσι, ο αναγν?στη? μ?σα απ? μυθιστορηματικ? αφ?γηση μαθα?νει για την δημιουργ?α και για την εξ?λιξη του σ?μπαντο?, για του? γαλαξ?ε?, για τα ηλιακ? συστ?ματα, για την γη, για τη ζω? π?νω στην γη, για την εξ?λιξη του ανθρ?πινου ε?δου?, για την φιλοσοφ?α, για την επιστ?μη, για τι? θρησκε?ε? και για τον εν γ?νει αγ?να τη? ενανθρ?πιση? του ανθρ?πινου ε?δου?, για να φθ?σουμε στι? σημεριν?? συγκρο?σει?. Τηλεγραφικ? τα 10 βιβλ?α που θα ακολουθ?σουν με ενδεικτικ?? ονομασ?ε?: 1η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Κενο?-Υπερκ?σμιου (Δημιουργ?α) 2η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Υπερκ?σμιου-Υπερφυσικο? (Ουρανομαχ?α) 3η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Φυσικο?-Υπερφυσικο? (Ζευ?-Κρ?νο?) 4η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Φυσικο?-Παραφυσικο? (Γιγαντομαχ?α) 5η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Φυσικο?-Μεταφυσικο? (Προμηθει??) 6η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Καλο?-Κακο? (Λευκ??-Μα?ρο? Κρ?σταλλο?) 7η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Κοινωνικοπολιτικο?-Αντικοινωνικοπολιτικο? (Πρ?τοι πολιτισμο?) 8η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Ανθρωπισμο?-Τεχνοκρατισμο? (Νε?τεροι χρ?νοι) 9η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Πολιτισμο?-Βαρβαρ?τητα? (Σ?μερα) 10η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Γ?ινων-Εξωγ?ινων (Διαγαλαξιακ? ταξ?δια)
The Darkening
In a world which is full of light, bright and bursting with love, joy, paradise and truth, some choose to hide in the darkness. They prefer to move around in the abyss and to become beasts which terrify the light and devour weak consciences. Some choose to find the one dark part of their soul and to dwell there forever, side by side with blood-soaked apologies which are given to none. They choose the Darkening. IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED for this book to be read by anyone suffering from heart conditions, psychological ailments, asthma or ulcers. It is also prohibited to be read by pregnant women and, in general, anyone who is sensitive. If you start to feel unwell, shakiness, heart palpitations, chest pain, nausea, acute pain in the head or eyes, or if you feel yourself losing consciousness or detect bleeding, then you’re on the right path!
Warning: Psychiatry Can Be Hazardous to Your Mental Health
How psychopharmacology has usurped the role of psychotherapy in our society, to the great detriment of the patients involved. William Glasser describes in Warning: Psychiatry Can Be Hazardous to Your Mental Health the sea change that has taken place in the treatment of mental health in the last few years. Millions of patients are now routinely being given pre*ions for a wide range of drugs including Ritalin, Prosac, Zoloft and related drugs which can be harmful to the brain. A previous generation of patients would have had a course of psychotherapy without brain damaging chemicals. Glasser explains the wide implications of this radical change in treatment and what can be done to counter it.
Getting Together and Staying Together
The facts are nothing short of startling--no matter how many people seem to walk down the aisle, the divorce rate in America is at a record high. What's the secret to getting into a happy marriage and, even more important, staying in oneNow world-renowed psychiatrist Dr. William Glasser and his wife, Carleen Glasser, update their classic guide to successful marriages, Staying Together, for couples young and old. As they examine the questions of why some marriages work and others fail, the Glassers advise readers on how to create loving and happy relationships by applying Dr. Glasser's trademark "choice theory." The result is a wealth of new information about who would make a compatible partner and how to improve any relationship.
The Stepmother
Bea Frazier hoped she'd rediscover her incredible self after divorcing Jimmy. But being home alone with three daughters brings her demons back with a vengeance. The only solution is to reunite her family. The trouble is, her ex is about to marry someone else. Tessa King has finally found true love, but her knight in shining armor comes with three sullen daughters and an ex who doesn't seem nearly "ex" enough. After years of singledom, what does Tessa have to do to finally live happily ever afterAs the two women negotiate carpools, puberty, and family loyalties, each finds it almost impossible not to fall into the old cliché of the bitter first wife and the wicked stepmother. But if Bea and Tessa are brave enough, they just may find a friend where they once saw an enemy. . . . Absorbing and touching, humorous and honest, The Stepmother reminds us that there is always another side to the story.
Into the Volcano
The year is 1962. John Glenn is in orbit, Audrey Hepburn is breakfasting outside Tiffany's, Elvis is recording "Bossa Nova Baby," and in Istanbul, a middle-aged Dutch spy has just met a fiery death. Enter Jack Mallory and Laura Morse, clandestine operatives for the Consultancy. He's a laconic ex-soldier from the oil fields of Corpus Christi; she's a wintrily beautiful Boston Brahmin and an adept at Floating Hand karate. The murdered man was their colleague, and the Consultancy has ordered them to exact revenge on the genially murderous Piotr Nemerov and the playboy-turned-arms-dealer Anton Rauth, who is holed up in his HQ in an extinct South Seas volcano preparing for a literally earthshaking confrontation.Into the Volcano is an homage to James Bond, Modesty Blaise, and the golden age of the spy thriller, a time when America was still innocent and its enemies possessed a dash of Space Age style. It takes the reader from New York to Istanbul, from Cannes' balmy breezes to the island known as the Dragon's Throne, and at last into the molten heart of the Cold War.
What's Important Is Feeling
Bankers prowl Brooklyn bars on the eve of the stock market crash. A debate over Young Elvis versus Vegas Elvis turns existential. Detoxing junkies use a live lobster to spice up their love life. Students on summer break struggle to escape the orbit of a seemingly utopic communal house.And in the title story, selected for The Best American Short Stories, two film school buddies working on a doomed project are left sizing up their own talent, hoping to come out on top—but fearing they won't.In What's Important Is Feeling, Adam Wilson follows the through-line of contemporary coming-of-age from the ravings of teenage lust to the staggering loneliness of proto-adulthood. He navigates the tough terrain of American life with a delicate balance of comedy and compassion, lyricism and unsparing straightforwardness. Wilson's characters wander through a purgatory of yearning, hope, and grief. No one emerges unscathed.
The Echo
The disappearance of the spaceship Ishiguro twenty-three years ago devastated the global space program and set back exploration for a generation. Now, thanks to the tireless efforts of twin brothers Mira and Tomas Hyvonen, the program has been resurrected. Spearheading a new age of human discovery, the brothers also hope to solve the mystery behind the Ishiguro's disastrous mission.Mira and Tomas are determined to make their trip successful. They have arranged everything down to the smallest detail. Nothing has been overlooked.They don't know that in space, the devil isn't always in the details . . . and nothing goes according to plan.
What Obama Means
"This is our moment. This is our time," Barack Obama declared in his victory speech the night he was elected president. Such a moment is an opportunity to explore who we are, where we've been, and what the emergence of a leader like Obama can tell us about our culture, our politics, and our future. Jabari Asim provides the context needed to understand what the Obama presidency means to Americans of all backgrounds and shows that Obama's election is evidence of the progress that has been made in healing wounds and broadening America's concept of leadership and inspiration.
Hunters & Shooters
The U.S. Navy SEALs have long been considered among the finest, most courageous, and professional soldiers in American military history an elite fighting force trained as parachutists, frogmen, demolition experts, and guerrilla warriors ready for sea, air, and land combat. Born out of a proud naval tradition dating back to World War II, the first SEAL teams were commissioned in the early 1960s. Vietnam was their proving ground.In this remarkable volume, fifteen former SEALs most of them original founding team members, or "plankowners" share their vivid first-person remembrances of action in Vietnam. Here are honest, brutal, and relentlessly thrilling stories of covert missions, ferocious firefights, and red-hot chopper insertions and extractions, revealing astonishing little-known truths that will only add strength to the enduring SEAL legend.
Bad Beats and Lucky Draws
Bad Beats and Lucky Draws is your down-and-dirty guide to the world of high-stakes professional poker. Phil Hellmuth, nine-time World Series of Poker Champion and author of Play Poker Like the Pros, presents a blow-by-blow account of many of poker's "clash of the titans" hands from the World Series of Poker, the World Poker Tour, and the European Tour. Phil provides insights into what the players were thinking and includes his own take on what they (and in many cases what he) should have done differently. Highly entertaining and instructive, Bad Beats and Lucky Draws gives you a seat at the table with the best bluffs, reads, and over-the-top plays such as the hand that won Phil his record-tying ninth bracelet at the 2003 World Series to the heartbreaking play that knocked him out of the "Big One." Bad Beats and Lucky Draws also includes special contributions by Doyle Brunson Johnny Chan Annie Duke Howard Lederer Daniel Negreanu Ted Forrest Jennifer Harman Layne Flack Men Nguyen John Bonetti
Yankee for Life
As he stepped to the plate at Yankee Stadium on opening day in 1966, Bobby Murcer carried with him the hopes and expectations of Yankees fans looking for the next Mickey Mantle. Bobby wasn't the next Mick, of course, but he became one of the most beloved Yankees of all time. Yankee for Life is Murcer's account of his stellar career as both a player and an Emmy Award-winning broadcaster. With self-effacing humor and down-home charm, he shares fascinating and illuminating anecdotes about former teammates, bosses, and the new generation of Yankees superstars Rivera, Jeter, Rodriguez whom he watched grow up from the broadcast booth. With candor, courage, and a refreshing dose of wit, he tells of his battle with brain cancer, explaining how the love of his wife and family, his deep religious faith, and the passionate support of fans helped see him through his ordeal.Bobby Murcer may not have achieved the celebrity of some of his fellow players, but ultimately he was what fans always wanted him to be: a Yankee for life.
Mistress of the Elgin Marbles
The remarkable Mary Nisbet was the Countess of Elgin in Romantic-era Scotland and the wife of the seventh Earl of Elgin. When Mary accompanied her husband to diplomatic duty in Turkey, she changed history. She helped bring the smallpox vaccine to the Middle East, struck a seemingly impossible deal with Napoleon, and arranged the removal of famous marbles from the Parthenon. But all of her accomplishments would be overshadowed, however, by her scandalous divorce. Drawing from Mary's own letters, scholar Susan Nagel tells Mary's enthralling, inspiring, and suspenseful story in vibrant detail.
Story Starters
What If . . . . . . every classmate passed the bar exam—except one. . . the killer left a calling card—the ace of spades. . . she was a sleeping beauty— but it wasn't prince's kiss that woke her up. . .he had history of obsessive behavior— and then he developed a passion for. . . Thousands of Stories Are Just Waiting to be Told—By You If you have the passion and energy to write fiction, but have trouble finding an idea and getting started, this is the perfect book for you. Lou Willett Stanek has helped scores of new authors in her acclaimed writing workshops—and now she shows you how to look and listen, how to find stories and begin shaping them like a writer. Here's how to find inspiration from neighbors and strangers, reshape classic tales, cull current events and use other tricks of the writing trade so effectively you'll soon find yourself brimming with ideas, your imagination revved to its full potential. Begin with a snippet of overheard conversation, an unexpected event, a simple character trait, a place, a problem—Ms. Stanek teaches you to get past "what really happened" and reinvent reality in ways that will astound and delight you, and hold a reader's attention. Here too are hundreds of "what-ifs," simple situations you can guide to endlessly different conclusions—and use to learn new ways to fashion plot, describe character, develop conflict, paint with language, create a setting, employ flashbacks, build suspense, and much, much more. For every writer who could use a jump-start, from novice to pro, here is a book that will help you keep the faith and. . . Get Started!
The Epidemic
A call for parents to take responsibility for their children and give them what they truly need in order to grow, thrive, and love.Take a good look around you: you can't go into stores or restaurants without seeing joyless children screaming and sulking while their parents ignore them. According to esteemed child psychiatrist Robert Shaw, this epidemic has become so much the norm that we often don't recognize its warning signs. This bold and timely book tells you how to save your child and your family with a commonsense approach that cuts to the core of the problem and shows us the cure. The Epidemic covers: Developing your child's ability to love Managing child care and minimizing the damage Raising cooperative, joyful, and creative children Promoting self-esteem and confidence rather than self-centeredness Avoiding the harmful effects of electronic media Healing angry, contemptuous, withdrawn, and out-of-control children
The Wicked Game
Golf is sometimes referred to as "the wicked game" because it is fiendishly difficult to play well. Yet in the parlance of the Tiger Woods generation, it's also a wickedly good game -- rich, glamorous, and more popular than ever.When we think about golf -- as it is played at its highest level -- we think of three names: Tiger Woods, the most famous sports figure in the world today, Arnold Palmer, the father of modern golf, and Jack Nicklaus, the game's greatest champion.In this penetrating, forty-year history of men's professional golf, acclaimed author Howard Sounes tells the story of the modern game through the lives of its greatest icons. With unprecedented access to players and their closest associates, Sounes reveals the personal lives, rivalries, wealth, and business dealings of these remarkable men, as well as the murky history of a game that has been marred by racism and sex discrimination. Among the many revelations, the complete and true story of Tiger Woods and his family background is untangled, uncovering surprising new details that inspire the golfer's father to exclaim, "Hell, you taught me some things about my life I never knew about!"Earl Woods and other members of Tiger Woods's family, his friends, girlfriends, caddies, coaches, and business associates were among the 150 people interviewed over two years of research. Others included Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus, fellow champions such as Ernie Els, Gary Player, Tony Jacklin, and Tom Watson, and golf moguls such as Mark H. McCormack, billionaire founder of the sports agency IMG.The Wicked Game is a compelling story of talent, fame, wealth, and power. Entertaining for dedicated golfers, and accessible to those who only follow the game on television, this may be the most original and exciting sports book of the year.