

Kuciuk Ardian-Christian
Un fascinant atelier de crea?ie unde sunt convocate c?r?ile cele mai importante ap?rute ?n perioada postdecembrist?, meritul acestei monografii fiind acela de a aborda un domeniu marginalizat ?n ultimii ani ?i tratat pe nedrept ca o cenu??reas?. Rostul acestui studiu monografic este acela de a informa lectorul asupra poeziei majore scrise ?n Rom?nia, redeschiz?ndu-i apetitul pentru Poezie. Cartea se adreseaz? elevilor, studen?ilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori.
The Emperor and the Nightingale
The Emperor and the Nightingale
Hans Christian Andersen
From a story by Hans Christian Andersen In ancient China, young emperor Wu is kept a virtual prisoner in his palace by his devious guardian, Li Si. Wu believes the world outside the Forbidden City is an evil and dangerous place. But when Xiao, a young servant girl, tells him of the most beautiful sound on earth – the song of the nightingale – it’s too much to resist. The two embark on an adventure that will take them across mountain tops and waterfalls, past chattering monkeys and magical dragons to the far reaches of his kingdom. When Wu returns with the nightingale, and starts to overturn the old palace customs, Li Si plots to restore things to the way they were before. Featuring puppetry, music and all the colour, movement and spectacle of Chinese theatre, this joyful adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale is a feast for the senses that will delight the whole family. Suitable for ages 6+
The Diary of a Hounslow Girl
The Diary of a Hounslow Girl
Ambreen Razia
The story of a modern Asian young woman trying to straddle Western attitudes and traditional beliefs. You've heard of an Essex Girl or even a Chelsea Girl but what is a Hounslow Girl? The term has become a byword for confident, young Muslim women who are grappling with traditional values, city life and fashion. From the joys of Pakistani weddings to fights on the night bus, Ambreen Razia's? The Diary of a Hounslow Girl ?is a funny, bold, provocative play highlighting the challenges of being a teenage girl in a traditional Muslim family, alongside the temptations and influences of growing up in and around London. “Ambreen’s writing is poetic in its structure and intensity, funny, moving, chilling, and delivered in a style that takes inspiration from spoken word and physical theatre. She has created a rhythm that draws the audience in, as compelling as a thriller, complete with gathering ominousness, shocks and comic relief.” Deborah Bestwick, Director, Ovalhouse “Ambreen Razia’s terrific play is exactly the kind of new work we wish to support in the new home of multi-cultural theatre in London. Hounslow Girl is a wonderfully funny take on a London phenomenon and one audiences will enjoy.” Jatinder Verma, Artistic Director, Tara Arts” "a powerful piece of theatre... Ambreen Razia's performance is astonishing."?BritishTheatre.com "This is a sophisticated, moving and often very funny piece of writing, particularly nuanced in its depiction of Shaheeda's relationship with her mother ... astute in tackling the breakdown of the loving bonds between parent and child that can occur when a child becomes a teenager – and also how this experience can be magnified for the children of first-generation immigrants, whose parents feel distant from their children’s British lives... Razia's script touches on everything from first love to cultural expectations to student-teacher relationships; it’s a bit like an inner-city version of An Education."?The Stage Ambreen Razia is an actress and writer from South London.? The Diary of a Hounslow Girl is Ambreen's debut show which premiered at Ovalhouse in 2015. Passionate about re-establishing British Asian comedy within the UK, she continues to write her comedy sketch show involving two British Asian girls exploring the?clash between traditional Indian/Pakistani culture and modern British life. She is also currently writing her next play POT primarily focusing on the recent comeback of gang culture within the UK.?Performance credits include: On the Middle Day (Old Vic Theatre);? Words and Women (Edinburgh Fringe); Random Acts (Channel 4);? Fair Exchange (Hen and Chickens Theatre);? Variations on a Theme (Camden People's Theatre);? Mind the Gap (National Theatre ); No Guts, No Heart, No Glory? (BBC4/Perth Festival Australia) and Murdered by my Father? (BBC3).
I Owe You Nothing
I Owe You Nothing
Luke Goss,Jean Ritche
The truth behind the spectacular rise and fall of a pop legend in his own words. For three years the Goss twins, Luke and Matt, had the world at their feet. Their records ripped to the top of the charts, they filled concert halls and were mobbed wherever they went. Their fall was as fast and spectacular as their rise. From being pop’s golden boys they became the band that everyone loved to hate, amidst spectacular rumours of bankruptcy and media manipulation. What went wrong? In this compelling book Luke Goss tells the whole incredible story, including: ? The million-point contract that left the band broke. ? The ‘weird unreality’ of going from unknown to superstar almost overnight. ? So-called ‘friends’ who turned their backs as soon as the bubble burst. It’s a cautionary tale for anyone aspiring to pop stardom, it is a saga of hurt and heartache, and, above all, it is a tribute to the family and friends – including Matt – who have stood by him through those frenetic years. It is, as Luke says, the laying to rest of a nightmare.
?ovek iz ku?e na bregu
?ovek iz ku?e na bregu
Borivoje Adašević
ovek iz kue na bregu
Agatha nyomoz: A legendás skót királyi kard
Agatha nyomoz: A legendás skót királyi kard
Sir Steve Stevenson
Alian?ele, studiul filosofiei ?i psihologiei, cunoa?terea intim? a literaturii, muzicii ?i artelor plastice de la noi ?i de altundeva au completat p?n? la rafinare forma?ia Hortensiei Papadat-Bengescu. ?n alt mod dec?t compatrioatele Dora D’Istria, Elena V?c?rescu, Martha Bibescu, Anna de Noailles. Sensibil? la inova?ii, ?n ton cu timpul ?i cu noile cerin?e, elec?iunea spiritului european, acestea i-au ?ntre?inut voca?ia originar?. Cum se spune cu formularea devenit? loc comun: un scriitor f?r? frontiere. Un alt mod de a fi european.
Szívhang 512–513.
Szívhang 512–513.
Joanna Neil, Anne Fraser
Szívhang 512–513.
?kszerrablás a Niagara-vízesésnél
?kszerrablás a Niagara-vízesésnél
Sir Steve Stevenson
kszerrablás a Niagara-vízesésnél
The End Is Here: Teen Romance Sampler
The End Is Here: Teen Romance Sampler
Moulton, Courtney Allison
The end is here! At least, the end of these popular series is almost here. Before they reach their conclusion, read selections from the first books. You'll fall in love with the paranormal worlds of Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton, Once in a Full Moon by Ellen Schreiber, A Touch Mortal by Leah Clifford, and Unearthly by Cynthia Hand.
Does the Noise in My Head Bother You?: The Autobiography
Does the Noise in My Head Bother You?: The Autobiography
Steven Tyler,David Dalton
The long-awaited, never-before-told, no-holds-barred memoir from the legendary Aerosmith frontman. Finally, all the lurid tales of debauchery, sex, drugs and rock n' roll are told straight from the horse's lips as The Demon of Screamin' describes his unimaginable highs and unbelievable lows as lead singer of the biggest rock band in the world. Prolific frontman, rock icon and sex symbol, Steven Tyler is a living legend. With his raw, sharp-edged vocals, musical versatility and unprecedented song writing skills, Tyler has, as lead singer of Aerosmith, sold millions of records and played sell-out concerts to as many as 450,000 people. Now, at last, he tells his own story, taking us on a wild rollercoaster ride through the bust-ups, binges, orgies and good old American excess in the jaw-droppingly honest, in-your-face way that only Tyler can. Following a fateful meeting with his 'mutant twin' Joe Perry in the summer of 1970, Aerosmith was formed…and the rest, as they say, is rock history. They released their first album in 1973, and by 1976 Aerosmith had gone from being nobodies to massive to off the radar, making history as a multi-platinum, chart-topping band. But with great success comes great excess. Nicknamed the Toxic Twins for their insatiable appetite for drugs, booze and women, Tyler and Perry got caught up in the glamour of self-destruction - smashing each other up with guitars, having seizures and passing out on stage. By 1980 it seemed that the band and its members were set to implode, but after successful stints in drug rehab, Aerosmith were back on track and better than ever. But although he may have given up his wicked, wicked ways, Tyler still enjoys talking about the bad old days. He has so many outrageous stories to tell, and he's gonna tell them all. All the uncensored, head-spinning tales of debauchery, sex, booze, transcendence and chemical dependence you will ever want to hear. As raucous, intoxicating and edgy as his music, this is the most outrageous rock n' roll autobiography of all time.
Aurora borealis
Aurora borealis
Drozdy Győző
Aurora borealis
Agatha nyomoz - Titokzatos b?ntény az Eiffel-toronynál
Agatha nyomoz - Titokzatos b?ntény az Eiffel-toronynál
Sir Steve Stevenson
Agatha nyomoz - Titokzatos b?ntény az Eiffel-toronynál
Romana Gold 1. k?tet (Karibi koktél, Rózsaszín taxi)
Romana Gold 1. k?tet (Karibi koktél, Rózsaszín taxi)
Anne Mather, Liz Fielding
Romana Gold 1. k?tet (Karibi koktél, Rózsaszín taxi)
Szívhang kül?nszám 32. k?tet
Szívhang kül?nszám 32. k?tet
Jennifer Taylor, Margaret Barker
Szívhang kül?nszám 32. k?tet
Ideális reklámarc; Az exem, a baba és én
Ideális reklámarc; Az exem, a baba és én
Scarlet Wilson
Ideális reklámarc; Az exem, a baba és én
Csak egy kalandor?; Tombolán nyert randevú
Csak egy kalandor?; Tombolán nyert randevú
Lynne Marshall, Janice Lynn
Csak egy kalandor?; Tombolán nyert randevú
Júlia kül?nszám 40. k?tet
Júlia kül?nszám 40. k?tet
Lindsay Armstrong, Melanie Milburne
Júlia kül?nszám 40. k?tet
Romana kül?nszám 37. k?tet (Társasági pletyka, Bárányhiml?)
Romana kül?nszám 37. k?tet (Társasági pletyka, Bárányhiml?)
Lynne Graham, Natalie Rivers
Romana kül?nszám 37. k?tet (Társasági pletyka, Bárányhiml?)
Romana kül?nszám 40. k?tet (Esküv?k évadja, ?tórai tea)
Romana kül?nszám 40. k?tet (Esküv?k évadja, ?tórai tea)
Liz Fielding, Fiona Harper
Romana kül?nszám 40. k?tet (Esküv?k évadja, ?tórai tea)
Szívhang kül?nszám 24. k?tet (Házasodók, Beosztott szeret?)
Szívhang kül?nszám 24. k?tet (Házasodók, Beosztott szeret?)
Caroline Anderson, Maggie Kingsley
Szívhang kül?nszám 24. k?tet (Házasodók, Beosztott szeret?)
Romana kül?nszám 32. k?tet
Romana kül?nszám 32. k?tet
Cara Colter, Barbara Hannay
Romana kül?nszám 32. k?tet