Billy Wants It All: Value of Money
For 7 to 9-year-old boys and girls. Children, usually driven by peer-pressure, want the latest toys, electronics and clothes, but have little understanding of the value of money or where it comes from. This is essential knowledge for later years. Billy wants a new skateboard and games controller, but doesn’t understand why he can’t have them bought for him. He doesn’t pay anything towards other household costs, so why does he have to contribute to a toy? His mum and dad are presented with some large and unexpected household bills, but once Billy understands the challenges his parent’s face, it makes him respect them more, and understand how much they work to invest in their family. Does Billy get a new skateboard? Who pays for it? Can the family afford to keep their pet dog? Billy Wants It All is the seventh title in the Billy Growing Up series. Each book addresses a unique topic—bullying, arrogant pride, jealousy, lying, stealing, lack of self-belief, understanding money, and secrets. Written to help parents, guardians and teachers deal with the issues that challenge pre-teen children; each topic is presented in a gentle way through storytelling. Setting the issues in a meaningful context helps children to understand the challenges, and to see things from a different perspective. The books act as icebreakers allowing for discussions of difficult subjects. Additionally, each title is supported by a free activity book to reinforce the learning, while having fun. Buying this book today will help your child learn about the value of money and where it comes from.
Billy Is Nasty To Ant: Jealousy
For 7 to 9 year old boys and girls. Jealousy only really hurts the person who feels it. Help your child to understand how this emotion stands in their way to feeling happy. Billy Field and Ant Turner are involved in a school production. Billy believes he deserves the most attention, and the prize for being the better student. When his best friend Ant receives both, he feels jealous. For Billy, it isn’t fair, and he’s afraid he will lose his popularity as Ant becomes the centre of attention. Billy blames Ant for how he’s feeling and wants to get his own back. He tries to turn people against his friend, and even tells lies. Ant has done nothing wrong, and doesn’t understand why Billy is behaving the way he is. What can Ant do to stop Billy from being so nasty? What will it take to restore their friendship? Does Ant want Billy as a friend in future? Billy Is Nasty To Ant is the third title in the Billy?Growing Up series. Each book addresses a unique topic—bullying, arrogant pride, jealousy, lying, stealing, lack of self-belief, understanding money, and secrets. Written to help parents, guardians and teachers deal with the issues that challenge pre-teen children; each topic is presented in a gentle way through storytelling. Setting the issues in a meaningful context helps children to understand the challenges, and to see things from a different perspective. The books act as icebreakers allowing for discussions of difficult subjects. Additionally, each title is supported by a free activity book to reinforce the learning, while having fun. Buying this book today will support your child in dealing with this all too common but negative emotion.
Billy Helps Max: Stealing
For 7 to 9-year-old boys and girls. Stealing or theft is taking something without permission or payment. Help your child realise stealing is not an acceptable thing to do. Max Turner, Ant Turner’s younger sister, decides she wants to be more like her older brother and do boy things. She starts by painting her pink girlie bike green, but then thinks what it really needs are go-faster stickers. As she has no money, she steals them from a shop. Billy Field finds out and sets out to help her undo her misdoings. Does Max get caught? Will she own up to her what she’s done? Will she understand the consequences of stealing? Billy Helps Max is the fifth title in the Billy Growing Up series. Each book addresses a unique topic—bullying, arrogant pride, jealousy, lying, stealing, lack of self-belief, understanding money, and secrets. Written to help parents, guardians and teachers deal with the issues that challenge pre-teen children; each topic is presented in a gentle way through storytelling. Setting the issues in a meaningful context helps children to understand the challenges, and to see things from a different perspective. The books act as icebreakers allowing for discussions of difficult subjects. Additionally, each title is supported by a free activity book to reinforce the learning, while having fun. Buying this book today will aid your child in working out right from wrong, and honesty from dishonesty.
Rejtvény fekete-fehérben
Márta, a fiatal grafikuslány váratlan küldeményt kap Németországból, és ezzel az élete egy szempillantás alatt a feje tetejére áll. A levél visszarepíti ?t a múltba, tíz évvel korábbra, amikor fest?n?vendékként Drezdába érkezve egyszerre szeretett bele a városba, a királyi kincstár barokk gy?ngyfiguráiba, és az egyik n?s tanárába. A férfi azóta elt?nt az életéb?l, most azonban arra kéri, fordítson le neki egy 18. századi, magyar nyelven született útinaplót. A napló lapjain kibontakozó t?rténet nemcsak a gy?ngyfigurák alkotójának kilétére derít fényt, hanem arra is, kit ábrázol a titokzatos festmény, amelyet Márta tíz évvel korábban Drezdából hozott magával. Egy kül?nleges lány alakja ?lt testet a szemünk láttára a napló lapjain, aki szembemegy minden szabállyal és k?t?ttséggel, aki a saját útját járja, ezáltal nemcsak ?nmagát, hanem az általa szeretett férfit is veszélybe sodorva. Mire a kézirat végére ér, Mártának még egy kérdésre választ kell találnia: létezik-e második esély a szerelemben? M?rk Leonóra újságíró, szerkeszt?, fordító, írásai t?bbek k?z?tt az Elle-ben és a N?k Lapjában olvashatók. ?jságírói élményei nyomán született meg els? regénye, Az utolérhetetlen Mr. Yorke, melyet azóta két újabb k?vetett, A Hellinger-Madonna és a Holdfény szonáta. Olyan k?nyveket szeret írni, amilyeneket olvasni is: t?bb id?síkon játszódó t?rténeteket, amelyek során a múlt és a jelen egymásba játszik, és a hasonlóságok nyomán magunkra ismerünk.
Constance Street: Part 1 of 3
One forgotten street, 12 unforgettable women. ‘’Ang on boy, Joan’s got sumfink to show yer.’ She rummaged in a drawer for a moment, pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me. ‘Constance Street,’ she said. ‘As I remember it.’ Through the story of one street – Constance Street – we hear the true life tales of a tight knit group of working class women in the East End of London set against a backdrop of war, hardship and struggle. It’s a story of matriarchy and deep family ties, of a generation that was scattered away from the street during the blitz bombings, but which maintained the ties of that street for decades afterwards. Set in an area of East London called Silvertown, a once thriving docking community that at the turn of the 20th century was the industrial heartland of the south of England; the story focuses on the lives of 12 incredible women and their struggle to survive amidst the chaos of the war years. We have Nellie Greenwood, the author’s great grandmother who runs a laundry in Silvertown which becomes the focal point of the community. In 1917 a munitions factory in Silvertown explodes flattening much of the surrounding area and causing extensive damage to Constance Street – Nellie’s daughter is blown from her crib but miraculously survives. Deciding to open the laundry as a field hospital for the injured, Nellie and the women on the street come together to tend the wounded, the sick and the emotionally shattered as they cope with the aftermath of not just one but two world wars. Through the Great War, the roaring Twenties, the Depression and then the unimaginable – the outbreak of a second world war – Nellie and the street survive with love, laughter and friendships that bind the community together. But just as this incredible group of women live through the worst, the unthinkable happens. On 7 September 1940, Constance Street is no more. Following in the footsteps of Farewell to the East End by Jennifer Worth and The Sugar Girls, Constance Street is a life-affirming, heart-warming read that reminds us of a time when people pulled together.
Constance Street: Part 2 of 3
Constance Street can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 serialised eBook-only parts. This is PART 2 of 3. You can read Part 2 one week ahead of release of the full-length eBook and paperback. One forgotten street, 12 unforgettable women. Through the story of one street – Constance Street – we hear the true life tales of a tight knit group of working class women in the East End of London set against a backdrop of war, hardship and struggle. It’s a story of matriarchy and deep family ties, of a generation that was scattered away from the street during the blitz bombings, but which maintained the ties of that street for decades afterwards. Set in an area of East London called Silvertown, a once thriving docking community that at the turn of the 20th century was the industrial heartland of the south of England; the story focuses on the lives of 12 incredible women and their struggle to survive amidst the chaos of the war years. We have Nellie Greenwood, the author’s great grandmother who runs a laundry in Silvertown which becomes the focal point of the community. In 1917 a munitions factory in Silvertown explodes flattening much of the surrounding area and causing extensive damage to Constance Street – Nellie’s daughter is blown from her crib but miraculously survives. Deciding to open the laundry as a field hospital for the injured, Nellie and the women on the street come together to tend the wounded, the sick and the emotionally shattered as they cope with the aftermath of not just one but two world wars. Through the Great War, the roaring Twenties, the Depression and then the unimaginable – the outbreak of a second world war – Nellie and the street survive with love, laughter and friendships that bind the community together. But just as this incredible group of women live through the worst, the unthinkable happens. On 7 September 1940, Constance Street is no more. Following in the footsteps of Farewell to the East End by Jennifer Worth and The Sugar Girls, Constance Street is a life-affirming, heart-warming read that reminds us of a time when people pulled together.
Constance Street: Part 3 of 3
Constance Street can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 serialised eBook-only parts. This is PART 3 of 3. You can read Part 3 on release of the full-length eBook and paperback. One forgotten street, 12 unforgettable women. Through the story of one street – Constance Street – we hear the true life tales of a tight knit group of working class women in the East End of London set against a backdrop of war, hardship and struggle. It’s a story of matriarchy and deep family ties, of a generation that was scattered away from the street during the blitz bombings, but which maintained the ties of that street for decades afterwards. Set in an area of East London called Silvertown, a once thriving docking community that at the turn of the 20th century was the industrial heartland of the south of England; the story focuses on the lives of 12 incredible women and their struggle to survive amidst the chaos of the war years. We have Nellie Greenwood, the author’s great grandmother who runs a laundry in Silvertown which becomes the focal point of the community. In 1917 a munitions factory in Silvertown explodes flattening much of the surrounding area and causing extensive damage to Constance Street – Nellie’s daughter is blown from her crib but miraculously survives. Deciding to open the laundry as a field hospital for the injured, Nellie and the women on the street come together to tend the wounded, the sick and the emotionally shattered as they cope with the aftermath of not just one but two world wars. Through the Great War, the roaring Twenties, the Depression and then the unimaginable – the outbreak of a second world war – Nellie and the street survive with love, laughter and friendships that bind the community together. But just as this incredible group of women live through the worst, the unthinkable happens. On 7 September 1940, Constance Street is no more. Following in the footsteps of Farewell to the East End by Jennifer Worth and The Sugar Girls, Constance Street is a life-affirming, heart-warming read that reminds us of a time when people pulled together.
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Podró? marzeń. Brunetka w Australii wyd.II
Pornind de la Ioana Em. Petrescu, studiul propus urm?re?te s? probeze cu arsenalul criticii de descenden?? fenomenologic?, mereu actualizat?, o teorie referitoare la asumarea eminescianismului de c?tre cei mai importan?i poe?i ai secolului trecut. Actualitatea lui Eminescu se dovede?te astfel ?i prin ve?nica recitire ?i asumare a poeziei sale de c?tre poe?i precum Bacovia, Blaga, Barbu, Arghezi, Labi?, Nichita St?nescu. Aceast? prezen?? eminescian?, asumat? teoretic (vezi Blaga) sau topit? ?n profunzimile textelor poetice (vezi Labi? sau Nichita St?nescu), sus?ine valabilitatea canonului eminescian. Eminescu este astfel inactual doar dac? privim o parte ?nsemnat? a poeziei actuale, prea ancorat? ?ntr-o realitate golit? de semnifica?ie, o poezie s?r?cit? de profunzimea transfigurat? a Creatorului. (In)actualitatea lui Eminescu probeaz? astfel doar tragic? noastr? inactualitate./ – Florin Oprescu
Girl From Hollywood
Edgar Rice Burroughs was born on September 1, 1875, in Chicago, Illinois. His early career was unremarkable. After failing to enter West Point he enlisted in the 7th Calvary but was discharged after heart problems were diagnosed. A series of short term jobs gave no indication as to a career path but finally, in 1911, married and with two young children, he turned his hand to writing. He aimed his works squarely at the very popular pulp serial magazines. His first effort 'Under The Moons Of Mars' ran in Munsey's Magazine in 1912 under the pseudonym Norman Bean. With its success he began writing full time. A continuing theme of his work was to develop series so that each character had ample opportunities to return in sequels. John Carter was in the Mars series and there was another on Venus and one on Pellucidar among others. But perhaps the best known is Tarzan. Indeed Burroughs wanted so much to capitalise upon the brand that he introduced a syndicated Tarzan comic strip, movies and merchandise. He purchased a large ranch north of Los Angeles, California, which he named "e;Tarzana."e; The surrounding communities outside the ranch voted in 1927 to adopt the name as their own. By 1932 Burroughs set up his own company to print his own books. Here we publish 'The Girl From Hollywood' a gentle title that in the hands of an ordinary writer might be just so but in the hands of Edgar Rice Burroughs the title is just the beginning.....
Fight For Barbara - It's not art for art's sake, it's art for my sake.
For many of us DH Lawrence was a schoolboy hero. Who can forget sniggering in class at the mention of Women In Love or Lady Chatterley's Lover? Lawrence was a talented if nomadic writer whose novels were passionately received, suppressed at times and generally at odds with Establishment values. This of course did not deter him. At his death in 1930 at the young age of 44 he was more often thought of as a pornographer but in the ensuing years he has come to be more rightly regarded as one of the most imaginative writers these shores have produced. As well as his novels and of course his poetry - he wrote in excess of 800 of them he was also a very talented playwright. These works have not been given quite the attention they deserve. Here we publish 'The Fight For Barbara'.
Tarzan The Untamed
Edgar Rice Burroughs was born on September 1, 1875, in Chicago, Illinois. His early career was unremarkable. After failing to enter West Point he enlisted in the 7th Calvary but was discharged after heart problems were diagnosed. A series of short term jobs gave no indication as to a career path but finally, in 1911, married and with two young children, he turned his hand to writing. He aimed his works squarely at the very popular pulp serial magazines. His first effort 'Under The Moons Of Mars' ran in Munsey's Magazine in 1912 under the pseudonym Norman Bean. With its success he began writing full time. A continuing theme of his work was to develop series so that each character had ample opportunities to return in sequels. John Carter was in the Mars series and there was another on Venus and one on Pellucidar among others. But perhaps the best known is Tarzan. Indeed Burroughs wanted so much to capitalise upon the brand that he introduced a syndicated Tarzan comic strip, movies and merchandise. He purchased a large ranch north of Los Angeles, California, which he named "e;Tarzana."e; The surrounding communities outside the ranch voted in 1927 to adopt the name as their own. By 1932 Burroughs set up his own company to print his own books. Here we publish the seventh in the Tarzan series 'Tarzan the Untamed'. Another cultural classic.
Short Plays Vol 2 - Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot
William Butler Yeats (1865 - 1939) is best described as Ireland's national poet in addition to being one of the major twentieth-century literary figures of the English tongue. To many literary critics, Yeats represents the 'Romantic poet of modernism,' which is quite revealing about his extraordinary style that combines between the outward emphasis on the expression of emotions and the extensive use of symbolism, imagery and allusions. Yeats also wrote prose and drama and established himself as the spokesman of the Irish cause. His fame was greatly boosted mainly after he received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1923. His life was marked by his many love stories, by his great interest in oriental mysticism and occultism as well as by political engagement since he served as an Irish senator for two terms. Today, although William Butler Yeats's contribution to literary modernism and to Irish nationalism remains incontestable. Here we publish a collection of his short plays that stand as testament to his talents. Including; On Baile's Strand, The Land Of Heart's Desire and The Hour Glass
Son Of Tarzan
Edgar Rice Burroughs was born on September 1, 1875, in Chicago, Illinois. His early career was unremarkable. After failing to enter West Point he enlisted in the 7th Calvary but was discharged after heart problems were diagnosed. A series of short term jobs gave no indication as to a career path but finally, in 1911, married and with two young children, he turned his hand to writing. He aimed his works squarely at the very popular pulp serial magazines. His first effort 'Under The Moons Of Mars' ran in Munsey's Magazine in 1912 under the pseudonym Norman Bean. With its success he began writing full time. A continuing theme of his work was to develop series so that each character had ample opportunities to return in sequels. John Carter was in the Mars series and there was another on Venus and one on Pellucidar among others. But perhaps the best known is Tarzan. Indeed Burroughs wanted so much to capitalise upon the brand that he introduced a syndicated Tarzan comic strip, movies and merchandise. He purchased a large ranch north of Los Angeles, California, which he named "e;Tarzana."e; The surrounding communities outside the ranch voted in 1927 to adopt the name as their own. By 1932 Burroughs set up his own company to print his own books. Here we publish the fourth in the Tarzan series 'The Son of Tarzan'. Another cultural classic.
Beasts Of Tarzan - Then God make me a beast; for, man or beast, I am yours.
Edgar Rice Burroughs was born on September 1, 1875, in Chicago, Illinois. His early career was unremarkable. After failing to enter West Point he enlisted in the 7th Calvary but was discharged after heart problems were diagnosed. A series of short term jobs gave no indication as to a career path but finally, in 1911, married and with two young children, he turned his hand to writing. He aimed his works squarely at the very popular pulp serial magazines. His first effort 'Under The Moons Of Mars' ran in Munsey's Magazine in 1912 under the pseudonym Norman Bean. With its success he began writing full time. A continuing theme of his work was to develop series so that each character had ample opportunities to return in sequels. John Carter was in the Mars series and there was another on Venus and one on Pellucidar among others. But perhaps the best known is Tarzan. Indeed Burroughs wanted so much to capitalise upon the brand that he introduced a syndicated Tarzan comic strip, movies and merchandise. He purchased a large ranch north of Los Angeles, California, which he named "e;Tarzana."e; The surrounding communities outside the ranch voted in 1927 to adopt the name as their own. By 1932 Burroughs set up his own company to print his own books. Here we publish the third in the Tarzan series 'The Beasts of Tarzan'. Another cultural classic.