宮本武蔵 全巻完全版: Miyamoto Musashi
宮本武蔵 全巻完全版: Miyamoto Musashi

The Story of My Life
The Story of My Life

Education of Henry Adams
Education of Henry Adams

Emily Dickinson Complete Works – World’s Best Collection
Emily Dickinson Complete Works World's Best Collection This is the world’s best Emily Dickinson collection, including the most complete set of Dickinson’s works available plus many free bonus materials. Emily Dickinson Emily Elizabeth Dickinson was an American poet. She lived a mostly introverted and reclusive life, thought of as an eccentric by the locals, known as the ‘Woman in White’ for a penchant for wearing white. Most of her friendships were therefore carried out by correspondence. She was a prolific private poet, her poems are unique with short lines, using slant rhyme as well as unconventional capitalization and punctuation. Many of her unforgettable poems deal with themes of life, love, death and immortality. The ‘Must-Have’ Complete Collection In this irresistible collection you get a full set of Emily Dickinson’s work, totaling more than 1000 poems. Plus a comprehensive biography so you can experience the life of the woman behind the words. Works Included: Life Of Emily Dickinson - Written specially for this collection. The Poetical Works?Including among many, many others: “Because I could not stop for Death” “A Bird came down the Walk” “I’m Nobody! Who are you?” “I Heard a Fly Buzz When I Died” “There is a pain — so utter —” “I taste a liquor never brewed” “I like to see it lap the Miles” “Hope”?is the thing with feathers The heart asks pleasure first The rainbow never tells me The White Heat There is another sky You cannot put a Fire out Get This Collection Right Now This is the best Dickinson collection you can get, so get it now and start enjoying and delving into Dickinson’s thought-provoking world like never before!

John Clare Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: 300+ Works
John Clare Complete Works World's Best Collection This is the world's best Jonh Clare collection, including the most complete set of Clare's works available plus many free bonus materials. John Clare John Clare was an English poet, the son of a farm laborer, who came to be known for his celebratory representations of the English countryside and his lamentation of its disruption. He was known as the 'Peasant Poet' and "the greatest laboring-class poet that England has ever produced.” He is also remarkable for writing many of his poems while in a mental asylum The ‘Must-Have' Complete Collection In this irresistible collection you get a full set of Clare's work, All his poems, All ballads, All songs, All Prose and Non-Fiction Works, plus a full length biography. With extra Free Bonus material. Works Included:Asylum and Other Spurious Poems?Including among others: I'll Dream Upon The Days To Come The Shepherd's Daughter To Liberty Love Lives Beyond The Tomb The Vanities Of Life The Wanton Chloe—A Pastoral The Gipsy's Song The Shepherds Calendar Prose Fragments?Including among others: A Confession Of Faith Essay On Popularity Old Songs And Ballads?Including among others: Adieu To My False Love Forever O Silly Love! O Cunning Love! Nobody Cometh To Woo The Banks Of Ivory Your Free Special Bonuses Life And Remains Of John Clare - The "Northamptonshire Peasant Poet” -?a biography of Clare's intriguing and sometimes tragic life Life And Letters Of John Clare?- letters and fragments written by Clare, giving an interesting look into Clare the man. Historical Context and Literary Context Notes?- Detailed explanations of the Regency Era and Romanticism, written specially for this collection Get This Collection Right Now This is the best John Clare collection you can get, so get it now and start enjoying and being inspired by his world like never before!

Wilfred Owen Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: 50+ Works
Wilfred Owen Complete Works World's Best Collection This is the world’s best Wilfred Owen collection, including the most complete set of Owen’s works available plus many free bonus materials. Wilfred Owen Wilfred Owen Mc was an English poet and soldier, and one of the leading poets of the World War One, with his shocking, thought provoking, realistic war poetry The ‘Must-Have’ Complete Collection In this irresistible collection you get a full set of Wilfred Owen’s work, including All his poems, both complete and incomplete, plus a Bonus biography that included extracts from Owen’s letters to his mother and friends. Works Included: Life Of Wilfred Owen -? Written specially for this collection. Poems Of Wilfred Owen?Including among others: Apologia pro Poemate Meo Parable of the Old Men and the Young Anthem for Doomed Youth Dulce et Decorum est The Sentry Smile, Smile, Smile The End A Terre (being the philosophy of many soldiers) Cramped in that Funnelled Hole (To a Friend) With an Identity Disc Get This Collection Right Now This is the best Wilfred Owen collection you can get, so get it now and start enjoying and being inspired by his world like never before.

The Renaissance: Studies in Art and Poetry
According to Wikipedia: "Walter Horatio Pater (4 August 1839 - 30 July 1894) was an English essayist and critic of art and literary critic....his study of "Aesthetic Poetry" appeared in the Fortnightly Review, to be succeeded by essays on Leonardo da Vinci, Sandro Botticelli, Pico della Mirandola and Michelangelo. These, with other similar studies, were collected in his Studies in the History of the Renaissance in 1873. Pater, now at the centre of a small but interesting circle in Oxford, gained respect in London and elsewhere, numbering the Pre-Raphaelites among his friends.... by the time his philosophical novel Marius the Epicurean appeared, he had gathered quite a following. This, his chief contribution to literature, was published early in 1885. In it Pater displays, with fullness and elaboration, his ideal of the aesthetic life, his cult of beauty as opposed to bare asceticism, and his theory of the stimulating effect of the pursuit of beauty as an ideal of its own. The principles of what would be known as the Aesthetic movement were partly traceable to Pater and his effect was particularly felt on one of the movement's leading proponents, Oscar Wilde, a former student of Pater at Oxford. In 1887 he published Imaginary Portraits, a series of essays in philosophic fiction; Appreciations, with an Essay on Style was published in 1889 with a revised second edition in 1890; in 1893, Plato and Platonism; and in 1894, The Child in the House. His Greek Studies and his Miscellaneous Studies were collected posthumously in 1895; his romance Gaston de Latour appeared posthumously in 1896; and his essays from The Guardian were privately printed in 1897."

Actes et Paroles
Selon Wikipedia: "Victor-Marie Hugo (26 février 1802 - 22 mai 1885) était un poète, dramaturge, romancier, essayiste, artiste visuel, homme d'?tat, militant des droits de l'homme et représentant du mouvement romantique en France. La renommée littéraire vient d'abord de sa poésie, mais repose aussi sur ses romans et ses réalisations dramatiques Parmi les nombreux volumes de poésie, Les Contemplations et La Légende des siècles sont particulièrement estimés et Hugo est parfois identifié comme le plus grand poète fran?ais. La France, ses ?uvres les plus connues sont les romans Les Misérables et Notre-Dame de Paris (connu aussi en anglais sous le titre de Le Bossu de Notre-Dame), bien que conservateur conservateur dans sa jeunesse, Hugo devint plus libéral au fil des décennies. il est devenu un partisan passionné du républicanisme et son travail touche à la plupart des questions politiques et sociales et aux tendances artistiques de son temps: il est enterré au Panthéon.

George Washington
According to Wikipedia: "Washington is seen as a symbol of the United States and republicanism in practice. His devotion to civic virtue made him an exemplary figure among early American politicians. Washington died in 1799, and in his funeral oration, Henry Lee said that of all Americans, he was "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen." Washington has been consistently ranked by scholars as one of the greatest U.S. Presidents."

Thoughts on Man
According to Wikipedia: "William Godwin (3 March 1756 – 7 April 1836) was an English journalist, political philosopher and novelist. He is considered one of the first exponents of utilitarianism, and one of the first modern proponents of anarchism. Godwin is most famous for two books that he published within the space of a year: An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, an attack on political institutions, and Things as They Are or The Adventures of Caleb Williams, which attacks aristocratic privilege, but also is virtually the first mystery novel. Based on the success of both, Godwin featured prominently in the radical circles of London in the 1790s. In the ensuing conservative reaction to British radicalism, Godwin was attacked, in part because of his marriage to the pioneering feminist writer Mary Wollstonecraft in 1797 and his candid biography of her after her death; their child, Mary Godwin (later Mary Shelley) would go on to author Frankenstein and marry the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. Godwin wrote prolifically in the genres of novels, history and demography throughout his lifetime."

Chapters from my Autobiography
Book-length autobiography, first published in the North American Review in 1906. According to Wikipedia: "Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835 - April 21, 1910), better known by the pen name Mark Twain, was a humorist, satirist, lecturer and writer from the United States of America. Twain is most noted for his novels Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which has since been called the Great American Novel, and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. He is also known for his quotations. During his lifetime, Twain became a friend to presidents, artists, leading industrialists and European royalty. Twain enjoyed immense public popularity, and his keen wit and incisive satire earned him praise from both critics and peers. American author William Faulkner called Twain 'the father of American literature.'"

Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin
Biography by the author of Treasure Island. According to Wikipedia: "Henry Charles Fleeming Jenkin (25 March 1833 - 12 June 1885) was Professor of Engineering at the University of Edinburgh, remarkable for his versatility. Known to the world as the inventor of telpherage, he was an electrician and cable engineer, a lecturer, linguist, critic, actor, dramatist and artist."

Varied Types
Collection of essays (many of the essays from the collection "Twelve Types", plus more). According to Wikipedia: "Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874 - 1936) was an influential English writer of the early 20th century. His prolific and diverse output included journalism, philosophy, poetry, biography, Christian apologetics, fantasy and detective fiction. Chesterton has been called the "prince of paradox."[1] He wrote in an off-hand, whimsical prose studded with startling formulations. For example: "Thieves respect property. They merely wish the property to become their property that they may more perfectly respect it."[2] He is one of the few Christian thinkers who are equally admired and quoted by both liberal and conservative Christians, and indeed by many non-Christians. Chesterton's own theological and political views were far too nuanced to fit comfortably under the "liberal" or "conservative" banner."

The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson
According to Wikipedia: "Robert Louis (Balfour) Stevenson ( 1850 - 1894), was a Scottish novelist, poet, and travel writer, and a leading representative of Neo-romanticism in English literature. He was the man who "seemed to pick the right word up on the point of his pen, like a man playing spillikins", as G. K. Chesterton put it. He was also greatly admired by many authors, including Jorge Luis Borges, Ernest Hemingway, Rudyard Kipling, Vladimir Nabokov, and J. M. Barrie. Most modernist writers dismissed him, however, because he was popular and did not write within their definition of modernism. It is only recently that critics have begun to look beyond Stevenson's popularity and allow him a place in the canon."

Essays and Counsels, Civil and Moral
From the essay "Of Study": "Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention." According to Wikipedia: "Francis Bacon, 1st Viscount St Alban KC QC (22 January 1561 — 9 April 1626) was an English philosopher, statesman, and author. He served both as Attorney General and Lord Chancellor of England. He is also known as a catalyst of the scientific revolution. His most celebrated works include The New Atlantis. Bacon was knighted in 1603, created Baron Verulam in 1618, and Viscount St Alban in 1621..."

Legend of Sir Lancelot du Lac
First published in 1901. According to Wikipedia: "Jessie Laidlay Weston (1850–1928) was an independent scholar and folklorist, working mainly on mediaeval Arthurian texts. Her best-known work is From Ritual to Romance (1920). In it she brought to bear an analysis harking back to James George Frazer on the Grail legend, arguing for origins earlier than the Christian or Celtic sources conventionally discussed at the time. It was cited by T. S. Eliot in his notes to The Waste Land. (He later claimed that the notes as a whole were ironic in intention, and the extent of Weston's actual influence on the poem is unclear. Eliot also indicated that the notes were requested by the publisher to bulk out the length of the poem in book form, calling them "bogus scholarship".) It also caused her to be dismissed as a theosophist by F. L. Lucas, in a hostile review of Eliot's poem. The interpretation of the Grail quest as mystical and connected to self-realisation, which she added to the anthropological layer of reading, was to become increasingly popular during the 1920s. According to Richard Barber in The Holy Grail: Imagination and Belief, the Wasteland as theme in the Grail romances is of minor importance until the last works of the cycle, and the emphasis on fertility is "an interpretation which has haunted twentieth-century literature to a degree quite disproportionate to its basis in fact"... While Weston's work on the Grail theme has been derided as fanciful speculation in the years since the publication of From Ritual to Romance (even one-time supporter Roger Sherman Loomis eventually abandoned her hypothesis), her editions of numerous medieval romances have been commended as valuable translations"

Six Books of Prose
This file includes: Celtic Twilight, Four Years, Rosa Alchemica, The Secret Rose, Stories of Red Hanrahan, and Synge and the Ireland of His Time. According to Wikipedia: "William Butler Yeats (13 June 1865 - 28 January 1939) was an Irish poet, dramatist, and one of the foremost figures of 20th century literature. A pillar of both the Irish and British literary establishments, in his later years Yeats served as an Irish Senator for two terms. He was a driving force behind the Irish Literary Revival, and along with Lady Gregory and Edward Martyn founded the Abbey Theatre, serving as its chief during its early years. In 1923, he was awarded a Nobel Prize in Literature for what the Nobel Committee described as "inspired poetry, which in a highly artistic form gives expression to the spirit of a whole nation." He was the first Irishman so honored. Yeats is generally considered one of the few writers whose greatest works were completed after being awarded the Nobel Prize;[2] such works include The Tower (1928) and The Winding Stair and Other Poems (1929). Yeats was born and educated in Dublin, but spent his childhood in County Sligo. He studied poetry in his youth, and from an early age was fascinated by both Irish legends and the occult. Those topics feature in the first phase of his work, which lasted roughly until the turn of the century. His earliest volume of verse was published in 1889, and those slowly paced and lyrical poems display debts to Edmund Spenser and Percy Bysshe Shelley, as well as to the lyricism of the Pre-Raphaelite poets. From 1900, Yeats' poetry grew more physical and realistic. He largely renounced the transcendental beliefs of his youth, though he remained preoccupied with physical and spiritual masks, as well as with cyclical theories of life."

Our Old Home, A Series of English Sketches
Thoughts and observations from Hawthorne's sojourn in England. According to Wikipedia: "Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804 –1864) was an American novelist and short story writer... Much of Hawthorne's writing centers around New England and many feature moral allegories with a Puritan inspiration. His fiction works are considered part of the Romantic movement and, more specifically, dark romanticism. His themes often center on the inherent evil and sin of humanity and his works often have moral messages and deep psychological complexity. His published works include novels, short stories, and a biography of his friend Franklin Pierce."

Works of Spielhagen, Storm, and Raabe
This collection includes works by Friedrich Spielhagen, Theodor Storm, and Wilhelm Raabe. The German Classics Of The Nineteenth And Twentieth Centuries, Volume 11, edited by Kuno Francke.

Paradise Lost
This Tribeca Press edition includes the full original text as well as an easy to use interactive table of contents.

My Lady Nicotine
This unique edition of My Lady Nicotine from Dead Dodo Vintage includes the full original text as well as exclusive features not available in other editions.