PASSIVE INCOME: 25 Proven Passive Income Ideas
PASSIVE INCOME: 25 Proven Passive Income Ideas

3 Steps to Newbie Success: The Simple 3-Step System to Succeeding Online
3 Steps to Newbie Success: The Simple 3-Step System to Succeeding Online

The Life of La Fayette
The Life of La Fayette

Introduction to Mystery Shopping
Introduction to Mystery Shopping

History of Florence and the Affairs of Italy
History of Florence and the Affairs of Italy

The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government Vol I
The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government Vol I

Recollections of Rifleman Harris
Recollections of Rifleman Harris

Commando: A Boer Journal of the Boer War
Commando: A Boer Journal of the Boer War

The Handmade Business Revolution: Where & How to Sell Own Crafts Online?
The Handmade Business Revolution: Where & How to Sell Own Crafts Online?

I Passed The Exam: The Ultimate Guide to Prepare Exam, Pass Exam & Getting Good
I Passed The Exam: The Ultimate Guide to Prepare Exam, Pass Exam & Getting Good Grades

Занимательный скальпинг. Часть 1
Занимательный скальпинг. Часть 1

The Art of Money Getting: Golden Rules for Making Money
The Art of Money Getting: Golden Rules for Making Money

Days on the Road: Crossing the Plains in 1865
Days on the Road: Crossing the Plains in 1865

Six Years at the Russian Court: Life With the Family of Tsar Nicholas II
Six Years at the Russian Court: Life With the Family of Tsar Nicholas II

George Washington
According to Wikipedia: "Washington is seen as a symbol of the United States and republicanism in practice. His devotion to civic virtue made him an exemplary figure among early American politicians. Washington died in 1799, and in his funeral oration, Henry Lee said that of all Americans, he was "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen." Washington has been consistently ranked by scholars as one of the greatest U.S. Presidents."

George Washington
According to Wikipedia: "Washington is seen as a symbol of the United States and republicanism in practice. His devotion to civic virtue made him an exemplary figure among early American politicians. Washington died in 1799, and in his funeral oration, Henry Lee said that of all Americans, he was "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen." Washington has been consistently ranked by scholars as one of the greatest U.S. Presidents."

Memoirs of the Author of "A Vindication of the Rights of Women"
According to Wikipedia: "William Godwin (3 March 1756 – 7 April 1836) was an English journalist, political philosopher and novelist. He is considered one of the first exponents of utilitarianism, and one of the first modern proponents of anarchism. Godwin is most famous for two books that he published within the space of a year: An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, an attack on political institutions, and Things as They Are or The Adventures of Caleb Williams, which attacks aristocratic privilege, but also is virtually the first mystery novel. Based on the success of both, Godwin featured prominently in the radical circles of London in the 1790s. In the ensuing conservative reaction to British radicalism, Godwin was attacked, in part because of his marriage to the pioneering feminist writer Mary Wollstonecraft in 1797 and his candid biography of her after her death; their child, Mary Godwin (later Mary Shelley) would go on to author Frankenstein and marry the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. Godwin wrote prolifically in the genres of novels, history and demography throughout his lifetime."

Tolstoy on Shakespeare
According to Wikipedia: "William Shakespeare (baptised 26 April 1564; died 23 April 1616)[a] was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist.[1] He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon". His surviving works, including some collaborations, consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright." "Leo Tolstoy, or Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (September 9 – November 20, 1910), was a Russian writer widely regarded as among the greatest of novelists. His masterpieces War and Peace and Anna Karenina represent in their scope, breadth and vivid depiction of 19th-century Russian life and attitudes, the peak of realist fiction."

Robert Louis Stevenson, a Record, an Estimate, a Memorial
Biography of the author of Treasure Island. According to Wikipedia: "Robert Louis (Balfour) Stevenson ( 1850 - 1894), was a Scottish novelist, poet, and travel writer, and a leading representative of Neo-romanticism in English literature. He was the man who "seemed to pick the right word up on the point of his pen, like a man playing spillikins", as G. K. Chesterton put it. He was also greatly admired by many authors, including Jorge Luis Borges, Ernest Hemingway, Rudyard Kipling, Vladimir Nabokov, and J. M. Barrie. Most modernist writers dismissed him, however, because he was popular and did not write within their definition of modernism. It is only recently that critics have begun to look beyond Stevenson's popularity and allow him a place in the canon."

Angling Sketches
Classic collection of essays about fishing in Scotland. It begins: "These papers do not boast of great sport. They are truthful, not like the tales some fishers tell. They should appeal to many sympathies. There is no false modesty in the confidence with which I esteem myself a duffer, at fishing. Some men are born duffers; others, unlike persons of genius, become so by an infinite capacity for not taking pains. Others, again, among whom I would rank myself, combine both these elements of incompetence. Nature, that made me enthusiastically fond of fishing, gave me thumbs for fingers, short-sighted eyes, indolence, carelessness, and a temper which (usually sweet and angelic) is goaded to madness by the laws of matter and of gravitation."

The Confessions of St. Augustine
According to Wikipedia: Aurelius Augustinus, Augustine of Hippo, or Saint Augustine (354 - 430) was a philosopher and theologian, and was bishop of the North African city of Hippo Regius for the last third of his life. Augustine is one of the most important figures in the development of Western Christianity, and is considered to be one of the church fathers. He framed the concepts of original sin and just war. ...Born in present day Algeria as the eldest son of Saint Monica, he was educated in North Africa and baptized in Milan. His works including The Confessions, which is often called the first Western autobiography are still read around the world."