
Dup? apari?ia monumentalei (la propriu) Istorii a literaturii rom?ne contemporane, 1941-2000, Alex ?tef?nescu este omul zilei ?n critica literar? rom?neasc?. Admirat sau pizmuit de confra?i, invitat ?i celebrat cu fast ?n ora?ele de provincie, intervievat de superbe ziariste, Alex ?tef?nescu se afl? mereu ?n centrul aten?iei, prezen?a sa ?ntr-un loc este imposibil s? treac? neobservat?. Chiar ?i cei care ??i propun s? ?l ignore ajung p?n? la urm? s? ??i piard? cump?tul, ?ncep s?-l v?neze cu invectivele lor, sporindu-i, indirect, vizibilitatea, notorietatea ?i popularitatea. Alex ?tef?nescu este, ?n lumea literaturii, genul de personaj care nu las? pe nimeni indiferent. Unii ?i sunt prieteni, al?ii du?mani de moarte (cei neinclu?i ?n Istorie ?i cei men?iona?i ?n emisiunea sa TV rezervat? c?r?ilor proaste, Tichia de m?rg?ritar). ?n fine, mai exist? o categorie, a celor care ?l cultiv? cu speran?a secret? c? i-ar putea intra ?n gra?ii ?i c? ?n felul acesta ?i-ar putea asigura un viitor luminos ?n literatura rom?n?. (Tudorel Urian)?Alex. ?tef?nescu este singurul critic rom?n contemporan care, metodic, confer? criticii caracteristicile unui ?act de persuasiune?. El face uz de o veritabil? strategie de seducere a cititorului: limbajul este dezabstractizat, f?r? a-?i pierde ?ns? competen?a ?i precizia conceptual?; expresia critic?, mereu dezinvolt? ?i de multe ori memorabil?, are o anumit? materialitate fraged?, fiind astfel u?or de receptat; pl?cerea lecturii ?i a scrisului, aproape palpabil?, devine contaminant? ?i ?mbie la reverii hedoniste; ?n sf?r?it, discursul e ?mp?nat de compara?ii sugestive ?i cu at?t mai ?ocante cu c?t nu se produc ?n spa?iul livrescului, ci al experien?ei comune, con?in?nd ?i o infuzie de umor gra?ios care ?ntre?ine comuniunea afectiv? cu cititorul.“??n volumul Cum se fabric? o emo?ie autorul adopt? forma dialogal? a discursului (?ntre un eu inocent-iscoditor ?i unul doct, profesoral) d?nd dinamism ?i o concrete?e plin? de substan?? problemelor convocate: stilul aluziv, natura artei, rela?ia artist-public, talentul, valoarea, mecanismul psihologic al crea?iei, succesul etc. Este vorba, de fapt, despre un mic ?tratat“ de educa?ie estetic?, alert, eficient ?i care, ?n mod expres, se adreseaz? unui public concret.“ (Petru Poant?)

Ie?irea la suprafa??
Critic? literar? Editura ALLFA inaugureaz? seria de volume ?Eminescu, poem cu poem”, care va cuprinde ?ntreaga oper? poetic? antum? a marelui poet analizat? de scriitorul ?i criticul literar Alex. ?tef?nescu. Lucrarea ?Eminescu, poem cu poem. C?lin (file din poveste)” ne dezva?? de toate vechile obiceiuri de interpretare care au prezentat ?n limbaj de lemn poezia eminescian?. Alex. ?tef?nescu ne face din nou cuno?tin??, de data aceasta ?n cuvinte simple ?i idei proaspete, cu una dintre cele mai cunoscute poezii din literatura rom?n?. Analiza sa cuprinde observa?ii fresh ?i referin?e culturale pe gustul elevilor, tinerilor ?i iubitorilor de literatur? care (re)descoper? ast?zi poezia eminescian?. C?lin, ?voinicul” din basmele populare rom?ne?ti, ?i face o vizit? nocturn?, neanun?at?, fetei de ?mp?rat. Alex. ?tef?nescu scoate ?n eviden?? capacitatea poetului de a p?stra ritmul, de a nu precipita relatarea, de?i evenimentele se precipit?. Marii poe?i ai lumii, Homer ?i Dante, st?p?neau acelea?i mijloace. Mai mult dec?t at?t, o dezvoltare calm? a ideilor, cu toate nuan??rile necesare, se reg?se?te ?i ?n interiorul replicilor personajelor lui Shakespeare. Un mare scriitor ?tie c? spectacolul existen?ei este mai important dec?t succesul sau insuccesul ?ntreprinderilor omene?ti. Volumul cuprinde poemul ?C?lin (file din poveste)” ?nso?it de textul critic al lui Alex. ?tef?nescu.

Scalpen is leuk!: Vier boeken in één
Scalpen is leuk!: Vier boeken in één

R?zbunarea ciorilor (al doilea volum din seria Banda celor ?ase ciori)
Vd n Aura Christi scriitoarea romnc exponenial la nivel nalt pentru era globalismului (mondialismului), pentru europenismul multinaional, ntruct, asemenea unui arbore simbolic, axial, are rdcinile n Basarabia (fost component a Uniunii Sovietice, actual Republica Moldova) i coroana n Romnia, ar membr a Uniunii Europene din 2007.Scrisul su integral devine n mod constant o expresie a unui dramatic destin personal i colectiv. Prin identitatea sa creatoare, acest scris dobndete o inconfundabil expresivitate literar. El poart marca cert a anvergurii canonice.“ (Marian Victor Buciu) Aura Christi a gsit limbajul n care s toarne experiene ce preau s se afle dincolo de posibilitatea articulrii discursive: prbuirea umanitii pn la nivelul la care cineva ucide cu aprobarea deplin a contiinei n numele unei idei, procesul de nlocuire a omului din om printr-un monstru. Nu statistica crimei, impresionant aa cum e ea, o intereseaz pe Aura Christi. Ea l toarn pe Dostoievski n Nietzsche pentru a face anatomia rului absolut. Rul din inima omului. Titlurile crilor sale sunt gritoare n privina geografiei lor morale: Casa din ntuneric, Sfera frigului, Cercul slbatic. n Vest, filosoful Nietzsche a fost cel care a influenat epistemologia postmodern prin deconstrucia logocentrismului. n Romnia, Nietzsche al moralei demistificate e cel care a influenat dou mini strlucite ale literaturii contemporane: Nicolae Breban i Aura Christi. Romancierul Nicolae Breban l-a ales pe un Nietzsche masculin, al voinei de putere i al sufletelor de stpni. Aura Christi a fost atras de Nietzsche al aporiilor, cel care, n Ecce homo, i suprapune pe Christ i Dionisos. Dup cum spune Aura Christi, blndeea sfrind n gheare“. Ea este o scriitoare a unui Est czut, care i mai include pe Ismail Kundera, Bashkim Shehu, sau pe Fraii Strugatski, deoarece la toi o realitate comaresc e redat prin frnturi de suflet omenesc.“ (Maria-Ana Tupan)

Planet of Viruses
The past year has been one of viral panic-panic about viruses, that is. Through headlines, public health warnings, and at least one homemade hazmat suit, we were reminded of the powerful force of viruses. They are the smallest living things known to science, yet they can hold the entire planet in their sway.A Planet of Viruses is Carl Zimmer's eye-opening look at the hidden world of viruses. Zimmer, the popular science writer and author of National Geographic's award-winning blog The Loom, has updated this edition to include the stories of new outbreaks, such as Ebola, MERS, and chikungunya virus; new scientific discoveries, such as a hundred-million-year-old virus that infected the common ancestor of armadillos, elephants, and humans; and new findings that show why climate change may lead to even deadlier outbreaks. Zimmer's lucid explanations and fascinating stories demonstrate how deeply humans and viruses are intertwined. Viruses helped give rise to the first life-forms, are responsible for many of our most devastating diseases, and will continue to control our fate for centuries. Thoroughly readable, and as reassuring as it is frightening, A Planet of Viruses is a fascinating tour of a formidable hidden world.

Ancient Shore
Born in Australia, Shirley Hazzard first moved to Naples as a young woman in the 1950s to take up a job with the United Nations. It was the beginning of a long love affair with the city. The Ancient Shore collects the best of Hazzard's writings on Naples, along with a classic New Yorker essay by her late husband, Francis Steegmuller. For the pair, both insatiable readers, the Naples of Pliny, Gibbon, and Auden is constantly alive to them in the present.With Hazzard as our guide, we encounter Henry James, Oscar Wilde, and of course Goethe, but Hazzard's concern is primarily with the Naples of our own time-often violently unforgiving to innocent tourists, but able to transport the visitor who attends patiently to its rhythms and history. A town shadowed by both the symbol and the reality of Vesuvius can never fail to acknowledge the essential precariousness of life-nor, as the lover of Naples discovers, the human compassion, generosity, and friendship that are necessary to sustain it.Beautifully illustrated by photographs from such masters as Henri Cartier-Bresson and Herbert List, The Ancient Shore is a lyrical letter to a lifelong love: honest and clear-eyed, yet still fervently, endlessly enchanted."e;Much larger than all its parts, this book does full justice to a place, and a time, where 'nothing was pristine, except the light.'"e;-Bookforum"e;Deep in the spell of Italy, Hazzard parses the difference between visiting and living and working in a foreign country. She writes with enormous eloquence and passion of the beauty of getting lost in a place."e;-Susan Slater Reynolds, Los Angeles Times?"e;The two voices join in exquisite harmony. . . . A lovely book."e;-Booklist, starred review

Movie Title Typos - Making Movies Better by Subtracting One Letter
In Movie Title Typos, artist Austin Light removes just one letter from a well-known movie title to inspire a surprising and hilarious visual scenario. There's Obocop (a robotic police officer works through his PTSD by playing smooth jazz), T. (a boy meets a jewelry-clad alien who pities fools), Harry Otter, The Princess and the Fro, Finding Emo, Pup Fiction, and many more. A massive viral hit when he first posted sketches of the work online (1.2 million hits in the first 6 hours), Light has created new full-color illustrations for all, with the majority of the book's content never before seen on the Web. Here is a parallel universe glimpse at could-have-been films possibly betterdefinitely funnierthan the originals.

Star Trek: The Next Generation Cats
The cats are back in their continuing mission: to boldly go where no one has gone before. This companion to the bestselling Star Trek Cats brings the many adventures of Star Trek: The Next Generation to life in a faithfully feline homage to the hit series. From encounters with the Borg to adventures on the holodeck, Captain Picard and the rest of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D crew are reimagined as cats with lovingly detailed and eyebrow-raising scenes from throughout the award-winning series, perfect for Star Trek fans across the Galaxy.TM 2018 CBS Studios Inc. STAR TREK and related marks and logos are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.

House, M.D. 豪斯医生官方指南
The authorized guide to the television phenomenon House, M.D. For the last six years House, M.D. has been one of the most popular and captivating shows on television. Following the stories of a misanthropic genius doctor named Gregory House and his team of specialists, each week the show confronts medical mysteries that have baffled the best minds in medicine. Centered around one of the most compelling characters on television brilliantly portrayed by actor Hugh Laurie the Emmy Award winning TV drama has been keeping millions of viewers intrigued and enthralled since it began, always offering an entertaining mixture of drama and humor. Based on unprecedented access to the show's cast members and creative staff, House, M.D. is the first fully authorized guide to the hit medical drama, offering a close-up view inside the world of House . From the show's genesis to today, this companion provides unique insight into the TV drama, as the actors, writers, and producers who've created these characters describe in their own words what the show means to them. This book also delves into fascinating discussions of the show's medical science and controversial ethical issues, as well as includes exclusive photographs from the set and an intimately detailed look at the making of an episode. Essential reading for any House fan, House, M.D. is the ultimate behind-the-scenes guide to TV's most captivating show.

Breakthrough: How One Teen Innovator Is Changing the World
For the first time, teen innovator and scientist Jack Andraka tells the story behind his revolutionary discovery. When a dear family friend passed away from pancreatic cancer, Jack was inspired to create a better method of early detection. At the age of fifteen, he garnered international attention for his breakthrough: a four-cent strip of paper capable of detecting pancreatic, ovarian, and lung cancers four hundred times more effectively than the previous standard.Jack's story is not just a story of dizzying international success; it is a story of overcoming depression and homophobic bullying and finding the resilience to persevere and come out. His account inspires young people, who he argues are the most innovative, to fight for the right to be taken seriously and to pursue our own dreams. Do-it-yourself science experiments are included in each chapter, making Breakthrough perfect for STEM curriculum. But above all, Jack's memoir empowers his generation with the knowledge that we can each change the world if we only have the courage to try.

The Long Hard Road Out of Hell
When this best-selling autobiography was originally released, readers were shocked: The Long Hard Road Out of Hell was the darkest, funniest, most controversial, and best-selling rock book of its time and it became the template, both visually and narratively, for almost every rock book since. Marilyn Manson is not just a music icon, it turned out, but one of the best storytellers of his generation. Written with bestselling author Neil Strauss, beautifully designed with dozens of exclusive photographs, and modeled on Dante's Inferno , this edition of The Long Hard Road Out of Hell features a bonus chapter not in the hardcover. In the shocking and candid memoir, Manson takes readers from backstage to emergency rooms to jail cells, from the pit of despair to the top of the charts, and recounts his metamorphosis from a frightened Christian schoolboy into the most feared and revered music superstar in the country. Along the way, you'll hear what happens to fans and celebrities who dare to venture backstage with the one of the world's most dangerous rock stars. In the words of Elle magazine, the book "makes Madonna's infamous Sex seem downright wholesome in comparison."

Collected Letters Volume One: Family Letters 1905–1931
This collection brings together the best of C.S. Lewis’s letters – some published for the first time. Arranged in chronological order, this is the first volume covering Family Letters: 1905-1931. C.S. Lewis was a most prolific letter writer and his personal correspondence reveals much of his private life, reflections, friendships and feelings. This collection, carefully chosen and arranged by Walter Hooper, is the most extensive ever published. In this great and important collection are the letters Lewis wrote to J.R.R. Tolkien, Dorothy L. Sayers, Owen Barfield, Arthur C. Clarke, Sheldon Vanauken and Dom Bede Griffiths. To some particular friends, such as Dorothy L. Sayers, Lewis wrote over fifty letters alone. The letters deal with all of Lewis’s interests: theology, literary criticism, poetry, fantasy, children’s stories as well as revealing his relationships with family members and friends. This first volume of Family Letters: 1905-1931 covers Lewis’s boyhood and early manhood, his army years, undergraduate life at Oxford and his election to a fellowship at Magdalen College. Lewis became an atheist when he was 13 years old and his dislike of Christianity is evident in many of his letters. The volume concludes with a letter describing an evening spent with J.R.R. Tolkien and Hugo Dyson when he came to see that he was wrong to think of Christianity as one of ‘many myths.’ ‘What Dyson and Tolkien showed me was that… the story of Christ is simply a true myth… but with this tremendous difference that it really happened.

King Edward VIII
The authorised life story of the king who gave up his throne for love, by one of our most distinguished biographers. In this masterly authorized biography, Philip Ziegler reveals the complex personality of Edward VIII, the only British monarch to have voluntarily renounced the throne. With unique access to the Royal Archives, Ziegler overturns many myths about Edward and tells his side of the story – from his glamorous existence as Prince of Wales to his long decline in semi-exile in France. At the heart of the book is an unflinchingly honest examination of Edward’s all-consuming passion for Wallis Simpson, which led to his dramatic abdication. Elegant and devastating, this is the most convincing portrait of Edward ever published.

The Greatest Briton: Essays On Winston Churchill's Life And Political Philosophy
The Greatest Briton: Essays On Winston Churchill's Life And Political Philosophy

From Here to Prosperity
From Here to Prosperity

Travels With My Harp: The Complete Autobiography of Mary O'Hara
Travels With My Harp: The Complete Autobiography of Mary O'Hara

Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures 4-Book Collection
With this collection of the first four novels in Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures, readers will soar through unforgettable adventure, witness friendship at its best, and learn tons of fun facts about the place Stanley visits! And for parents and teachers, each Flat Stanley book is aligned to the Common Core State Standards, including multicultural adventure, plot and character development story elements, and compare and contrast.Includes:#1: The Mount Rushmore Calamity: The whole Lambchop family is off to see Mount Rushmore. But when Flat Stanley and his brother, Arthur, team up with a scrappy cowgirl named Calamity Jasper, their vacation turns into the Wild West experience of a lifetime.#2: The Great Egyptian Grave Robbery: Ever since Stanley was flattened by a bulletin board, there are places he can get to that no one else can. So when Stanley receives a letter from an archaeologist, he travels by airmail to Egypt to help find an ancient treasure deep in the heart of a great pyramid. But what if even the flattest boy on earth can't wriggle out of this dark tomb—and the terrible mess he finds himself in?#3: The Japanese Ninja Surprise: Stanley and his brother, Arthur, are such huge fans of the movie star ninja Oda Nobu that they decide to send him something even better than fan mail—Stanley himself! But when trouble surprises them, it will take a real hero to save the day.#4: The Intrepid Canadian Expedition: Stanley Lambchop and his family are in British Columbia, Canada, for some skiing and winter fun. But when Stanley and his new friend Nick go snowboarding—with Stanley as the snowboard, of course—they take a midair tumble just as the wind picks up . . . and find themselves floating in an amazing Canadian cross-country journey that might just be Stanley's wildest adventure yet!

Facing the Other Way: The Story of 4AD
The first official account of the iconic record label. An NME Book of the Year 2013 ? A Rough Trade Book of the Year 2013 ? A Times Literary Supplement Book of the Year 2013 This Mortal Coil, Birthday Party, Bauhaus, Cocteau Twins, Pixies, Throwing Muses, Breeders, Dead Can Dance, Lisa Germano, Kristin Hersh, Belly, Red House Painters. Just a handful of the bands and artists who started out recording for 4AD, a record label founded by Ivo Watts-Russell and Peter Kent in 1979, a label which went on to be one of the most influential of the modern era. Combining the unique tastes of Watts-Russell and the striking design aesthetic of Vaughan Oliver, 4AD records were recognisable by their look as much their sound. In this comprehensive account concentrating on the label’s first two decades (up to the point that Watts-Russell left), music journalist Martin Aston explores the fascinating story with unique access to all the key players and pretty much every artist who released a record on 4AD during that time, and to its notoriously reclusive founder. With a cover designed by Vaughan Oliver this is an essential book for all 4AD fans and anyone who loved the music of that time.

100+ Fun Ideas for Science Investigations
This book contains exciting, fun classroom experiments to help teach scientific investigation. The activities require a minimum of preparation and only the simplest of science equipment. Each activity provides opportunities for children to develop their skills of scientific enquiry. The easy-to-use layout will make this an invaluable book for all primary school teachers.

A fekete ?zvegy: A Moszad ügyn?ke és az id?zített bomba
A fekete ?zvegy: A Moszad ügyn?ke és az id?zített bomba

A t?zhegy legendája
A t?zhegy legendája