

Tolstoi Lev
Dup? apari?ia monumentalei (la propriu) Istorii a literaturii rom?ne contemporane, 1941-2000, Alex ?tef?nescu este omul zilei ?n critica literar? rom?neasc?. Admirat sau pizmuit de confra?i, invitat ?i celebrat cu fast ?n ora?ele de provincie, intervievat de superbe ziariste, Alex ?tef?nescu se afl? mereu ?n centrul aten?iei, prezen?a sa ?ntr-un loc este imposibil s? treac? neobservat?. Chiar ?i cei care ??i propun s? ?l ignore ajung p?n? la urm? s? ??i piard? cump?tul, ?ncep s?-l v?neze cu invectivele lor, sporindu-i, indirect, vizibilitatea, notorietatea ?i popularitatea. Alex ?tef?nescu este, ?n lumea literaturii, genul de personaj care nu las? pe nimeni indiferent. Unii ?i sunt prieteni, al?ii du?mani de moarte (cei neinclu?i ?n Istorie ?i cei men?iona?i ?n emisiunea sa TV rezervat? c?r?ilor proaste, Tichia de m?rg?ritar). ?n fine, mai exist? o categorie, a celor care ?l cultiv? cu speran?a secret? c? i-ar putea intra ?n gra?ii ?i c? ?n felul acesta ?i-ar putea asigura un viitor luminos ?n literatura rom?n?. (Tudorel Urian)?Alex. ?tef?nescu este singurul critic rom?n contemporan care, metodic, confer? criticii caracteristicile unui ?act de persuasiune?. El face uz de o veritabil? strategie de seducere a cititorului: limbajul este dezabstractizat, f?r? a-?i pierde ?ns? competen?a ?i precizia conceptual?; expresia critic?, mereu dezinvolt? ?i de multe ori memorabil?, are o anumit? materialitate fraged?, fiind astfel u?or de receptat; pl?cerea lecturii ?i a scrisului, aproape palpabil?, devine contaminant? ?i ?mbie la reverii hedoniste; ?n sf?r?it, discursul e ?mp?nat de compara?ii sugestive ?i cu at?t mai ?ocante cu c?t nu se produc ?n spa?iul livrescului, ci al experien?ei comune, con?in?nd ?i o infuzie de umor gra?ios care ?ntre?ine comuniunea afectiv? cu cititorul.“??n volumul Cum se fabric? o emo?ie autorul adopt? forma dialogal? a discursului (?ntre un eu inocent-iscoditor ?i unul doct, profesoral) d?nd dinamism ?i o concrete?e plin? de substan?? problemelor convocate: stilul aluziv, natura artei, rela?ia artist-public, talentul, valoarea, mecanismul psihologic al crea?iei, succesul etc. Este vorba, de fapt, despre un mic ?tratat“ de educa?ie estetic?, alert, eficient ?i care, ?n mod expres, se adreseaz? unui public concret.“ (Petru Poant?)
Via?a unui c?rturar
Via?a unui c?rturar
Dumitru Balan
Tr?g?nd linie, am spune c? ne afl?m ?n prezen?a unui demers pertinent de mare actualitate, a unui pre?ios instrument de lucru menit s? umple un gol ?n literatura didactico-?tiin?ific? de specialitate, dar totodat? put?nd deveni util ?i unor cercuri intelectuale interesate de evolu?ia fenomenului poetic rusesc ?n secolul XX, situate ?n afara comunit??ii universitare. (Mircea Croitoru) E o bibliotec? umbl?toare. A citit mii de c?r?i ale altora ?i a scris c?teva ale sale. ?l recuno?ti dintr-o mie. Ziarele, revistele, c?r?ile ?i sunt lipite de degete. Merge pe strad? ?i cite?te, a?teapt? lini?tit la o coad? ?i cite?te. Absent pentru lumea aceasta viermuitoare ?i pragmatic?, el s-a retras protector ?n spatele ziarelor ?i c?r?ilor, ?i a rezistat. Cu o ?inut? sobr?, de o ?epeno?enie verde, demn? de ?ara Fagilor de unde-?i trage ob?r?ia, nu-i po?i da anii pe care, incredibil, ?i are. (…) Dac? te duci la el acas?, totul pare sprijinit pe tomuri, iar dac? ai proasta inspira?ie s? clinte?ti ceva, acea ?arhitectur? intelectual?“ ??i poate fi fatal?. Un soi de Manole Anapoda, zidit ?n chip de An? ?ntr-o m?n?stire de c?r?i. Prietenii ?i spun Dima. Am tradus ?mpreun? din Bulat Okudjava volumul de versuri C?ntecul esen?ial ?i, din mul?i al?i poe?i contemporani ru?i, ?n periodice. Metodic, punctual, suferind de acribie ?i, bine?n?eles, scufundat ?ntr-o lectur? atunci c?nd nu lucram ?mpreun?, a dovedit c? nu e doar un consumator de literatur?, ci ?i un excelent cunosc?tor al limbii din care traducea, ?i chiar un creator. ?l invidiez pentru felul sfid?tor ?n care ?tie s? uite de televizor ?i de calculator. Dima cite?te. El e scufundat ?n ecranul unei file de carte, al unei pagini de ziar sau de revist?. ?ntr-o vreme ?n care aceste dou? ustensile subjug? lumea obosind-o, nevroz?nd-o, ?mb?tr?nind-o, f?c?nd abstrac?ie de mirajul lor, el a r?mas ?nc? proasp?t, zdrav?n ?i t?n?r. (Passionaria Stoicescu)
Noua ?tiin?? a gestion?rii artritei. Cum s? prevenim sau s? alung?m durerea
Noua ?tiin?? a gestion?rii artritei. Cum s? prevenim sau s? alung?m durerea
Vangsness C. Thomas, Ptacek Greg
Volumul a ambi?ionat s? aduc? ?n aten?ia cititorului activitatea unuia dintre cei mai importan?i lingvi?ti ?i publici?ti ai momentului din ?ara noastr?, din perspectiva speciali?tilor, dar ?i a fo?tilor sau actualilor s?i studen?i. ?n cei aproape ?aizeci de ani de activitate ?tiin?ific? ?i didactic?, Stelian Dumistr?cel s-a impus ?n domeniile dialectologie, stilistic?, etnolingvistic?, pragmatic? lingvistic? ?.a.; la Ia?i, a pus bazele unei ?coli de cercetare doctoral? de orientare co?erian?, confrunt?nd ?tehnica liber? a vorbirii ?i discursul repetat”. Pun?nd accentul pe activitatea sa publicistic?, ?miezul” acestui volum este constituit de treizeci de articole ap?rute ?n Revista de cultur? contemporan? ?Timpul”, c?rora li s-a ad?ugat o selec?ie de interviuri ?i articole publicate ?n alte diverse periodice, dar, la aniversare, ?i testimoniale care ?l prezint? pe Stelian Dumistr?cel ?i din postura dasc?lului preocupat at?t de fenomenele limbajului, c?t ?i de problemele comunic?rii, din perspectiv? larg interdisciplinar?.STELIAN-TRAIAN DUMISTR?CEL (n. 19 august 1937, Zvori?tea, Suceava) este, din 1958, cercet?tor ?tiin?ific la Institutul de Filologie Rom?n? ?A. Philippide” al Filialei Ia?i a Academiei Rom?ne. Din 1996, anul ?nfiin??rii Departamentului de Jurnalistic? ?i ?tiin?ele Comunic?rii la Universitatea ?Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, sus?ine cursuri de limba rom?n? (fonetic?, gramatic?, vocabular) ?i de stilistic? ?i retoric?, din perspectiva pragmaticii comunic?rii. A publicat, ?n calitate de autor ?i coautor peste trei sute de titluri (volume, studii, recenzii etc.) ?i aproape o mie de articole ?n periodice culturale ?i ?n presa cotidian?. Printre cele mai cunoscute volume se num?r? ?Influen?a limbii literare asupra graiurilor dacorom?ne” (1978), ?Lupta ?n jurul literei ? ?i demnitatea Academiei Rom?ne” (1993), ?P?n?-n p?nzele albe. Expresii rom?ne?ti. Biografii – motiva?ii” (1997, 2001), ?Limbajul publicistic rom?nesc din perspectiva stilurilor func?ionale” (2006), ?Discursul repetat ?n textul jurnalistic” (2006) ?.a.
101 poeme
101 poeme
Lazu Lidia
Prin u?ile l?sate vrai?teDe cei ce nu se mai ?ntorcPrin pere?ii pe care i?i zg?riar?ViseleD? buzna glasul mul?imiiCare se zbateDeja prins? ?ntre fireleIscusitei urzeli a paianjenilorPoliticiThrough the wide-open doorsBy those who never returnThrough the walls on which they’d scratchedTheir dreamsThe voice barges through from a crowdWhich is strugglingAlreadz trappedIn the skillfullz/woven webOf the spiders of politics
Capcana de piatr?
Capcana de piatr?
Lazu Ion
Sonetul contondentCelor doi / poe?i de mare soi...(Istrate ?i Murgeanu)Visam c? Marea-?i p?r?sea ghioculCu-al s?u tumult de valuri euxine?i, h?t-departe-n zonele alpine,Ca-n Cretaceu, ??i reg?sise locul...Priveam de-acuma fascinat la joculDe valuri ?n?esate de jivineDin vremuri disp?rute, care-n fine,??i ?ncercau, o dat?-n plus, norocul.Sim?eam o dulce binecuv?ntareC?-n groapa euxinic? ad?nc?O Mare Neagr? nu exist? ?nc?,Nici Casa Scriitorilor la mare;Nici doi poe?i cu barb?, bur?i ?i plete,S?-n?ire contondentele sonete.
A visszakapott élet
A visszakapott élet
Rados Virág
Ninge ?n martieNinge ?ntr-un hornDin care iese fumNinge tot mai densCople?itor?i ?ntoarce fumul din drum?l preseaz? ?n horn ca-ntr-un teasc?l ?ndeas? la loc ?n c?rbuniAstup? flac?raRea?az? focul ?nMiezul ?nsu?i al P?m?ntului.
Labirintul haosului meu
Labirintul haosului meu
Vestemean Ciprian
Ca orice construc?ie solid?, ?i un sistem de g?ndire se pl?smuie?te pe structura unor con?cepte fundamentale cu func?ii vitaminizante pentru ?ntreaga desf??urare a g?ndului ?i pen?tru ?nchegarea lui ?ntr?o viziune articulat? ?i complex?, marcat? de cele dou? condi?ii indis?pensabile unui sistem: completitudinea ?i non?contradic?ia. ?i mai preciz?m, chiar cu riscul suspiciunii de banal, c? un sistem de g?ndire articulat nu las? ?i nu trebuie s? lase r?m??i?e sau componente necuprinse ?n ansamblu. C?ci un sistem incomplet, cu resturi sau componen?te r?mase ?n afara ?ntregului ??i pierde carac?teristica de sistem. S? preciz?m totu?i c? vorbim despre sis?tem ?ntr?un loc unde, nu doar c? lipse?te, dar a ?i fost repudiat cu o insisten?? repetat? ?i ?n?d?rjit?. Nu spun c? furia lui Cioran ?mpotriva ideii de sistem filosofic nu??i are ra?iunile ei, spun doar c? chiar acolo unde este t?g?duit?, o anumit? viziune de ansamblu asupra lumii este totu?i implicit?. Nu se poate vorbi despre parte, despre fragment f?r? s? se aib? ?n vede?re imaginea totului ?i felul cum o diviziune este a?ezat? ?n p?ntecul exist?rii. Ionel Necula
Un albastru infinit
Un albastru infinit
Rice Luanne
Adrian Punescu scrie proz cu degetele arse de miracolul poeziei, i de aici succesul tulburtor, care, n loc s mntuie, nspimnt, oblig i rtcete. Poet al fluenelor de liliac n grle de piatr rar, al brumelor de bronz, al cderii n rnile dorului i n hohote de chihlimbar, grav despicat de neiertare i de rzvrtire, Adrian Punescu intr n hotarele prozei prin vijelia reportajului. (...) Puin i pas dac lumea l aplaud sau l njur, el vrea s rstoarne i s cldeasc, i n-are timp s cpieze stnd ntr-un picior, viaa e scurt i, dac nu vrea s se ndrepte prin cntec (i nu vrea), trebuie rezidit din mers i nvat s cnte. Reportajul lui Punescu e, nainte de toate, unul de atitudine, adevrul sare din pagin ca miezul dintr-o ceap zdrobit cu pumnul (...), fulgerul, aparent liric i aparent hrnit de curcubeie, e un arc al ndoielii, un crlig veninos umblnd prin crpturile pmntului, strigtul doare, suspinul are ghimpi n cretet, gerul frige, apsarea nghea.Durabila for a reporterului Adrian Punescu vine de acolo c el n-are chef, n nici o pagin, s fie ru de but n apte linguri, ci numai fluviu azvrlindu-se n mare, cu toate aluviunile i rzboaiele sufletului.“
Tales from the Riverside
Tales from the Riverside
Larry Landgraf
Tales from the Riverside tells true and unique stories about one man’s struggle with alligators, snakes, killer bees, and hordes of nasty critters on a daily basis in his swamp. Experience the danger without the need for professional medical services. Life in a swamp is not for everyone.
Speaking of Poetry...
Speaking of Poetry...
Michael Hodo
A book of poetry on various themes. Springtime I shall wait for you springtimeWhen winter has passed awayRosebuds will be dancing in the nightBeneath the Milky Way Lovers kissing and holding handsWaltzing a brisk and lively danceUnderneath the crescent moon that shownAs Orpheus sings a joyful song Mockingbirds will send forth merry soundsAwakening nature's dreary brownChildren playing games while folksLaugh and tell their silly jokes
Simply Dirac
Simply Dirac
Helge Kragh
Paul Dirac?(1902–1984) was a brilliant mathematician and a 1933 Nobel laureate whose work ranks alongside that of Albert Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton. Although not as well known as his famous contemporaries Werner Heisenberg and Richard Feynman, his influence on the course of physics was immense. His landmark book,?The Principles of Quantum Mechanics, introduced that new science to the world and his “Dirac equation” was the first theory to reconcile special relativity and quantum mechanics. Dirac held the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics at Cambridge University, a position also occupied by such luminaries as Isaac Newton and Stephen Hawking. Yet, during his 40-year career as a professor, he had only a few doctoral students due to his peculiar personality, which bordered on the bizarre. Taciturn and introverted, with virtually no social skills, he once turned down a knighthood because he didn’t want to be addressed by his first name. Einstein described him as “balancing on the dizzying path between genius and madness.” In?Simply Dirac, author?Helge Kragh?blends the scientific and the personal and invites the reader to get to know both Dirac the quantum genius and Dirac the social misfit. Featuring cameo appearances by some of the greatest scientists of the 20th century and highlighting the dramatic changes that occurred in the field of physics during Dirac’s lifetime, this fascinating biography is an invaluable introduction to a truly singular man.
Jeff Bezos: Die Macht hinter der Marke
Jeff Bezos: Die Macht hinter der Marke
JR MacGregor
Was ist es an ihm, dass ihn zu einem Superhelden macht? Was ist mit ihm, wenn er eine Idee in ein Mega-Unternehmen verwandeln kann? Was ist an ihm wie bei Ihnen und was nicht? Was k?nnen Sie von ihm lernen? Lesen Sie es und finden es heraus. Das Bedürfnis, diejenigen um uns herum zu verstehen, die jenseits unserer eigenen Vorstellungskraft Erfolg haben, ist uns allen inh?rent. Der angeborene Wunsch wird von unserem tiefen und grundlegenden Bedürfnis getrieben, bessere Wege zu finden, um unsere eigenen Ziele zu erreichen, unsere eigenen Tr?ume zu verstehen und uns unseren einzigartigen Herausforderungen zu stellen. In diesem Buch geht es um die zugrundeliegenden Ereignisse im Leben von Jeff Bezos und die Art und Weise, wie es sein Leben beeinflusste, wie er auf sie reagierte und wie er sie zu seinem Vorteil nutzte. Das Buch behauptet nicht, die Ideen zu kennen, die sein Herz füllen – das kann kein Mensch wissen. Aber wir schauen auf mehrere aneinander gereihte Ereignisse und sehen die Schatten, die sie werfen. All das, damit Sie eben jene Elemente in sich selbst finden k?nnen, die der Keim für Erfolg, Leistung und Gr??e sein werden. Die Geschichte von Bezos zeichnet seinen Weg durchs Leben als Jugendlicher nach, betrachtet sein Handeln und seine Leistungen und entschlüsselt die Existenz seiner gr??ten Leistung – Amazon – in einer Weise, die seinen Charakter, seinen Intellekt und seine Erziehung widerspiegelt. Seine Geschichte ist anders als jene, anderer erfolgreicher Menschen in der Geschichte. Seine Arbeitsmoral ist vertraut, aber anders. Warten Sie nicht l?nger! Scrollen Sie nach oben und klicken Sie auf
Four Great Americans: Pictured & Illustrated
Four Great Americans: Pictured & Illustrated
James Baldwin
When George Washington was a boy there was no United States. The land was here, just as it is now, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific; but nearly all of it was wild and unknown.??Between the Atlantic Ocean and the Allegheny Mo-untains there were thirteen colonies, or great settlements. The most of the people who lived in these colonies were English people, or the children of English people; and so the King of England made their laws and appointed their governors.??The newest of the colonies was Georgia, which was settled the year after George Washington was born.?The oldest colony was Virginia, which had been settled one hundred and twenty-five years. It was also the richest colony, and more people were living in it than in any other.??There were only two or three towns in Virginia at that time, and they were quite small.?Most of the people lived on farms or on big plantations, where they raised whatever they needed to eat. They also raised tobacco, which they sent to England to be sold.??The farms, or plantations, were often far apart, with stretches of thick woods between them. Nearly every one was close to a river, or some other large body of water; for there are many rivers in Virginia..
?n ?ntuneric
?n ?ntuneric
Mark Billingham
Coresponden?? primit? de Geo Bogza de la Stephan Roll, Sa?a Pan?, Mary-Ange Pan?, Victor Brauner, Ilarie Voronca, Colomba Voronca, grupul ?Alge“ ??n Epistolarul avangardist, care con?ine coresponden?a pe care Geo Bogza a primit-o de la reprezentan?ii grupului Alge, este ?i o poveste con?inut? aici, ?n aceste scrisori, o poveste de via??, de supravie?uire, de construire, de fapt, a unei poetici de grup ?i a unei ac?iuni culturale rom?ne.“ – Carmen Mu?at ?Pe mine cel mai mult m-a emo?ionat Epistolarul. Au fost ni?te lucruri de care nu ?tiam ?i pe care le-am citit cu foarte mult? emo?ie, ceea ce m-a f?cut s? mai r?scolesc ?i s? m? uit cu mai mult? aten?ie. Erau scrisori de la mama, am ?nceput s? m? uit ?i ?n jurnalul ei ?i am descoperit o serie de lucruri extraordinare. O s? continui s? cercetez.“ – Vladimir Pan?
lumin?, ?ncet
lumin?, ?ncet
Marian Drăghici
C?t?lin Ghi?? este unul dintre cei mai serio?i, mai informa?i ?i mai inspira?i cercet?tori care se afirm? ?n comparatistica literar? ?i cultural? de la noi. Neotematismul s?u este unul atent la diferen?e – ?i ?n primul r?nd la diferen?a estetic? –, reticent fa?? de exploatarea ideologizant? a literaturii. Cartea de fa?? ??i acoper? tema cu mare grij?, cu acribie filologic? ?i teoretic?, dar o ?i dep??e?te uneori prin implica?ii nea?teptate ?i prin considera?ii de ansamblu. ?mi place ?n mod deosebit luciditatea autocritic? a autorului, ?n care v?d reflexul moral al modestiei ?i, ?n acela?i timp, orgoliul justificat al competen?ei profesionale“. – Mircea Martin
Inima dat? la maximum
Inima dat? la maximum
Ania Vilal
gata! Mito? Micleu?anu (n. 1972), pictor, scriitor, muzician. Cofondator al proiectului ?Planeta Moldova“.
Share! Cum am ?nv??at din social media s?-i iubesc din nou pe rom?ni
Share! Cum am ?nv??at din social media s?-i iubesc din nou pe rom?ni
Mîndruță Lucian
O radiografie hermeneutic? a unor c?r?i-eveniment ce au v?zut lumina tiparului ?n perioada postdecembrist?, accentul fiind pus pe autorii interzi?i sub dictatur?, precum ?i pe c?r?ile poe?ilor ce devin, f?r? voia lor, o rara avis ?n societatea de tranzi?ie. Cartea se adreseaz? elevilor, studen?ilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori.
Love Poems
Love Poems
Michael Hodo
A book of love poems.? I Have Loved You Through the yearsI have loved youSince the painting of the skyEmerald, redStratus cloudsThe horse's maneCreated for you on that beautiful day Let the scroll of the heavens unwrapShowing an approbation for you and I;Let not the rays of the sun obstruct our viewWhen it is displayed Then, I will know the time has comeFor us to marry
Fairy Circles: [Tales and Legends of Giants, Dwarfs, Fairies, Water-Sprites and
Fairy Circles: [Tales and Legends of Giants, Dwarfs, Fairies, Water-Sprites and
Anonymous Anonymous
MORE than a thousand years have rolled away since a castle looked down cheerfully from a height amid the Franconian plains into the well-watered Kinzig Valley, with its pleasant villages and towns.?It belonged to the powerful Swabian duke Frederick of Hohenstaufen, whose young and valiant son loved this the best of all his father's proud castles, and often left his uncle's splendid palace to hunt in its forests, or to look down from its lofty oriel window on the blooming plain below.??His father and uncle indeed missed him sadly. His clear blue eye, and the cheerful expression of his noble countenance, seemed to the two grave and war-weary men so gladdening to look upon, that they were always unwilling to let him leave them.??But the young Frederick used to beg them so earnestly to grant him the freedom of the forest for just this once, that father and uncle smilingly granted him permission, though "this once" was often repeated..
Fifty Famous People: "A Book of Short Stories"
Fifty Famous People: "A Book of Short Stories"
James Baldwin
ONE of the best things to be said of the stories in this volume is that, although they are not biographical, they are about real persons who actually lived and performed their parts in the great drama of the world's history. Some of these persons were more famous than others, yet all have left enduring "footprints on the sands of time" and their names will not cease to be remembered. ??In each of the stories there is a basis of truth and an ethical lesson which cannot fail to have a wholesome influence; and each possesses elements of interest which, it is believed, will go far towards proving the fallibility of the doctrine that children find delight only in tales of the imaginative and unreal. The fact that there are a few more than fifty famous people mentioned in the volume may be credited to the author's wish to give good measure.??SAVING THE BIRDS?ONE day in spring four men were riding on horseback along a country road. These men were lawyers, and they were going to the next town to attend court.?There had been a rain, and the ground was very soft. Water was dripping from the trees, and the grass was wet.?The four lawyers rode along, one behind another; for the pathway was narrow, and the mud on each side of it was deep. They rode slowly, and talked and laughed and were very jolly.?As they were passing through a grove of small trees, they heard a great fluttering over their heads and a feeble chirping in the grass by the roadside.? "Stith! stith! stith!" came from the leafy branches above them.?"Cheep! cheep! cheep!" came from the wet grass.?"What is the matter here?" asked the first lawyer, whose name was Speed.?"Oh, it's only some old robins!" said the second lawyer, whose name was Hardin. "The storm has blown two of the little ones out of the nest. They are too young to fly, and the mother bird is making a great fuss about it."?"What a pity! They'll die down there in the grass," said the third lawyer, whose name I forget.?"Oh, well! They're nothing but birds," said Mr. Hardin. "Why should we bother?"? "Yes, why should we?" said Mr. Speed.?The three men, as they passed, looked down and saw the little birds fluttering in the cold, wet grass. They saw the mother robin flying about, and crying to her mate.?Then they rode on, talking and laughing as before. In a few minutes they had forgotten about the birds.?But the fourth lawyer, whose name was Abraham Lincoln, stopped. He got down from his horse and very gently took the little ones up in his big warm hands.
Cel?lalt Arghezi
Cel?lalt Arghezi
Buciu Marian Victor
nainte de orice altceva, Poezia de la Gndirea este o carte despre slbiciunea conceptelor. Ce mai definesc azi cuvinte precum tradiionalism sau modernism ntre rzboaie, termenii au polarizat probabil toate disputele, nelsnd n stare de neutralitate aproape nimic. Nu-i vorba, nu ideologiile fac literatura. Iar cnd este vorba despre poezie, lucrurile sunt cu atat mai complicate. Or, privind napoi cu suspiciune, Mircea A. Diaconu realizeaz nu doar o descriere comparativa a principalelor constante ale poeziei de la Gndirea, ci si o anatomie – sceptic mcar – a conceptelor n disputa lor cu realitatea de fapt. Criticii conceptelor – dublate de o ncercare de refundamentare a lor – i rspunde o analiz minuioas, fr parti-pris-uri, a realitii de fapt. n distana aceasta, dintre concept i realitate, ptrunde ochiul deopotriv al istoricului i al criticului literar. Iar ceea ce rezult nu mai este o sum de adevruri apodictice, ci o proiecie hermeneutic fundamentat interogativ.