Startup Syndicate Investment Playbook
Startup Syndicate Investment Playbook
Quinta Mazatlan: A Visual Journey
Quinta Mazatlan: A Visual Journey
Everyday Productivity
Everyday Productivity
A nulladik nap
A nulladik nap
?va három lánya
va három lánya
100 de remedii naturale pentru copilul t?u
La Zürich, c?nd intri ?ntr-un magazin, spui ?Grüetzi“, la Berlin, ?Hallo“, la Buenos Aires, ?Ola“, un ?Hallo“ ?ntors pe dos, poate unde-i pe emisfera cealalt?, la Viena, ?Grüss Gott“, dar ?i la Sibiu, acum 60 de ani, se spunea tot ?Grüss Gott“. Timi?oara nu cred c? f?cea opinie separat?, c? unde-i unu’ nu-i putere, o ?tie tot rom?nu’, dar nici Budapesta n-avea de ce s? fac? mofturi, de vreme ce Sisi, superba ?mp?r?teas? a Austriei, devenise regina Ungariei, datorit? unui foarte cool conte maghiar... cam a?a se ?ncruci?eaz? ?i limbile. ?Grüss Gott“ ?nseamn?: ?Salut?-l pe Dumnezeu“ sau ?Domnul s? te aibe ?n paz?“. Din binecuv?ntare a ajuns marcaj de grani?? a fostului imperiu habsburgic. Gata. Mi-am f?cut intrarea ?n scen?. De fapt n-am vrut dec?t s? v? spun ?Bun? ziua“. (Nora Iuga 29 decembrie 2009)
Biruitorii mor?ii
n doar civa ani, tefan Manasia a devenit una dintre cele mai importante figuri ale poeziei noastre de azi. i nu m refer aici doar la activitatea lui poetic propriu-zis (dac lsm la o parte plachetele underground, autorul a publicat deja trei volume), ci i la prezena pregnant n spaiul public(istic).“ – Alex Golditefan Manasia dispune – i n noul volum se vede cu ochiul liber – de o capacitate enorm de a experimenta. De altfel, poetul este cunoscut nc de la Amazon ca un mptimit al stilisticii glam. Poezia luxuriant, baroc, domolit i mprosptat de o estetic a onestitii discursului definesc, acum la al patrulea volum, anarhismul livresc al autorului.“ – tefan Baghiu
Cei care se ?ntorc
Volumul de fa?? din seria Eminescu, poem cu poem ne dezva?? de toate vechile obiceiuri de interpretare care au prezentat ?n limbaj de lemn poeziile eminesciene. Alex. ?tef?nescu ne face din nou cuno?tin??, de data aceasta ?n cuvinte simple ?i idei proaspete, cu unele dintre cele mai cunoscute poezii din literatura rom?n?. Analiza sa cuprinde observa?ii fresh ?i referin?e culturale pe gustul elevilor, tinerilor ?i iubitorilor de literatur? care (re)descoper? ast?zi crea?ia eminescian?.
The Art of War
The Art of War
Fruit Art for Children
Fruit Art for Children
Breaking Free from Bias: Preventing Costly Complaints, Conflict and Talent Loss
Breaking Free from Bias: Preventing Costly Complaints, Conflict and Talent Loss
Beyond Interviews:: Changes in Women’s Lives and Politics (1970-2008)
Beyond Interviews:: Changes in Women’s Lives and Politics (1970-2008)
tiin?a ?i experien?ele ?n pragul mor?ii.
Rstimp de douzeci de ani, sub egida acestui prestigios Club de Dialog – Ideea European – au fost organizate numeroase dezbateri, turnee, lecturi publice, conferine, ntruniri, simpozioane, att n ar, ct i peste hotare. M refer, n aceast ordine de idei, la Conferinele Modele Europene. Friedrich Nietzsche, Marx i Nietzsche. Vinovai fr vin, Modele europene. Ion Ianoi, Eugen Negrici. Iluziile literaturii romne sau Nicolae Breban. Trdarea criticii (...) in deopotriv la toate. Unele dintre acestea, multe – majoritatea! – au fost gndite de subsemnata mpreun cu romancierul Nicolae Breban, fiind rodul unei prietenii, al unei compliciti de litere rare – a spune, citnd-o de fapt pe Magda Ursache, unice – cum sunt, de pild, dezbaterile dedicate crilor-eveniment: Iluziile literaturii romne de Eugen Negrici i Trdarea criticii de Nicolae Breban, ca s citez exclusiv dou, oprindu-ne aici. Dar, m ntreb, iar i iar, de ce ne-am opri Nu spunea Blaga, oare, ntr-un vers memorabil: Orice nceput se vrea fecund“ Douzeci de ani sunt un nceput!Destinul nostru este literatura, spuneam ani de-a rndul, parafrazndu-l pe Napoleon, repetnd, iar i iar, aceast afirmaie gnomic, nu rareori, c pe o rugciune, ca pe o litanie, cu smerenie, iar, uneori-adeseori, cu spaim, ntruct – iubindu-l atroce pe sihastrul de la Torino, da, pe Nietzsche cel unic, cel hamletian – tiam, da, tiam, cine se joac de-a destinul... devine destin.“ – Aura Christi
O inim? de Broscu??. Volumul 8. Simplitatea, cea mai frumoas? lec?ie a vie?ii
Simona Drgan are fora de a supune textele de autoritate asupra crora se apleac unei lecturi personale, “vede“ ideile n intricaia lor originar, le restructureaz n conformitate cu propriul ei scenariu. in sa apreciez faptul c, n ciuda tematicii sale, lucrarea de fa nu este arid, nu sufer (dect n proporii acceptabile) de acea placiditate stilistic, inevitabil analizelor teoretice. Capacitatea de sintez, spiritul critic, precizia terminologic, luciditatea i supleea, calmul operator, toate acestea atest o cert vocaie teoretic“. (Mircea Martin)Cum se ntmpl cnd o ecuaie care a umilit cerbicia multor duzini de matematicieni i afl mintea capabil s-i dea de capt, mprtim n cazul de fa bucuria unei revelaii: pare ca Foucault i consorii, cei ce n loc de scrieri i texte au inventat uzul sofisticat al scriiturii i discursului, au ntlnit n autoarea de fa un autentic partener de dialog. Avem a face cu o lucrare fr caracter compilativ, demonstrnd o amprent personal, o anumit prospeime a observaiei directe, un soi de entuziasm agreabil al dezbaterii de idei, care se transmite i cititorului, smulgndu-l reflexelor lui sceptice ori obosite“. (Paul Cornea)n opinia mea, un merit major al Simonei Drgan este acela de a reui, ntr-o manier indubitabil personal, sa exprime, cu o elegan a claritii ce se remarc de la prima la ultima pagin a lucrrii, unele dintre cele mai complicate, ca sa nu spunem “stufoase“, idei formulate vreodat n perimetrul tiinelor filologice“. (Ciu Dobrescu)
Elizabeth and Mary: Cousins, Rivals, Queens
This is the first biography of the fateful relationship between Elizabeth I and Mary Queen of Scots. It was the defining relationship of their lives and marked the intersection of the great Tudor and Stuart dynasties. At its core were their rival claims to the throne of England. Distinguished biographer Jane Dunn reveals an extraordinary story of two queens ruling in one isle, both embodying opposing qualities of character, ideals of womaliness and divinely ordained kingship. Theirs is a drama of sex and power, recklessness, ambition and political intrigue, with a rivalry that could only be resolved by death. As regnant queens in an overwhelmingly masculine world they were deplored for their femaleness, compared unfavourably with each other, and courted by the same men. By placing this dynamic and ever-changing relationship at the centre of the book, Dunn throws new light and meaning on the complexity of their natures. She reveals an Elizabeth revolutionary in her insistence on ruling alone and inspired in her use of celibacy as a political tool, yet deeply feeling and more sympathetic than the usual picture of the virgin queen. Mary, too, is not the romantic victim of history but a courageous adventurer with a reckless heart, and a magnetic influence over men and women alike. Vengeful against her enemies and the more ruthless of the two, she was untroubled by plotting Elizabeth’s murder. Elizabeth, however, was in anguish at having to sanction Mary’s death warrant for treason. Jane Dunn brings her skills as a biographer to bear on history’s two most charismatic queens. Working almost exclusively from contemporary letters and writings, she lets them speak to us across more than 400 years, their voices and responses surprisingly familiar to our own, their characters vivid, by turns touching and terrible. The death in 1603 of Elizabeth, our greatest English queen, was to mark the end of the Tudors and the posthumous triumph of Mary, whose son, James I united the English and Scottish thrones under a Stuart king.
The Pain and the Privilege: The Women in Lloyd George’s Life
‘Men’s lives are a perpetual conflict. The life that I have mapped out will be so especially – as lawyer and politician. Woman’s function is to pour oil on the wounds – to heal the bruises of spirit…and to stimulate to renewed exertion.’ Lloyd George was a man who loved women and the tale of his intertwined relationships contains many mysteries and a few unsolved intrigues. He was involved in a divorce case, fought two libel cases over his private life, and had persuaded the prettiest girl in Criccieth to be his wife. Lloyd George’s life was indeed a ‘perpetual conflict’. He was a habitual womaniser and despite his early, enduring attachement to Margaret Owen, marriage did not curb his behaviour. There were many private scandals in a life devoted to public duty. Ffion Hague illuminates his complex attitude to women. Her own interest stems from the many parallels in her own life.
Godwin on Wollstonecraft: The Life of Mary Wollstonecraft by William Godwin
LIVES THAT NEVER GROW OLD This unique series – edited by Richard Holmes – recovers the great classical tradition of English biography. Every book is a biographical masterpiece – still thrilling to read and vividly alive. The philosopher William Godwin fell in love with and married the radical feminist Mary Wollstonecraft, only to attend her deathbed (giving birth to their child, the late Mary Shelley). Heartbroken, Godwin immediately shut himself up in his study and wrote this intensely moving biography. True to his philosophical belief in absolute sincerity, Godwin coolly describes Wollstonecraft’s previous love affairs, her time in revolutionary Paris, her illegitimate child, and her two suicide attempts. The book almost wrecked both their reputations, but can now be seen as a masterpiece of indiscretion and human honesty.
Az Atlantisz-kór
- Megérdemlem én ezt - fordult hozzá a n. - Miért ne - kérdezett vissza a politikus. - Mi mégsem állunk egy oldalon - válaszolta a n, aki Nyugat-Európa egyik legdemokratikusabb és leggazdagabb államából érkezett, és a legcsekélyebb vonzalmat sem érezte a kommunista tanok és nézetek iránt. Külns feleletet kapott: - Barátok kztt ez nem számít.” Ez a fogalmazási mód még akkor is árulkodó, ha mgtte nem feltétlenül szinteséget kell keresni (bár teljességgel ezt sem lehet kizárni), hanem inkább taktikai szándékot. A politikusnak saját egészsége érdekében óriási szüksége volt az asszonyra. Betegsége évek óta kínozhatta, fájdalmainak megszüntetje a Svájcból érkezett asszony volt. Nem akarta elveszíteni gyógyítóját. Mit tesz az ember, ha egy koreai utazásról kiderül, hogy annak végcélja nem Szul, hanem Phenjan Mit tesz a világ elsszámú nyirokmasszázs-specialistája, ha kiérkezve szak-Koreába megérti, valójában nem azért utaztatták ide, hogy tanítson, hanem azért, hogy egy idsebb, beteg urat” gyógyítson. Mit tesz ebben a vadidegen krnyezetben és az Európától olyan távoli országban egy Svájcból érkezett hlgy, ha a helyi tévét bekapcsolva egyetlen pillanat alatt nyilvánvalóvá válik számára, hogy az azt megelz napokban nem mást kezelt, mint az ázsiai remetekirályság mindenható vezetjét, Kim Ir Szent Pontosan ebbe a helyzetbe került 1987-ben a Lausanne-ban él magyar származású Szilágyi Erzsébet, aki nem egyszeren belülrl látta a világ ell hermetikusan elzárt országot, hanem napi rendszerességgel másfél órán át kezelte a beteg és idsd diktátort. A terapeuta 1987-tl 1992-ig állt Kim Ir Szen alkalmazásában, aki gyógyulását ksznhette a svájci asszonynak, ezzel is cáfolva azt a kzkelet vélekedést, hogy utolsó éveiben elaggott és félreállított vezet lett volna az országalapító. A kezeléseket a tolmács segítségével végigbeszélgették, mély emberi kapcsolat alakult ki beteg és gyógyítója kztt. Szilágyi Erzsébet arról mesél ebben a knyvben: milyen embernek ismerte meg a mai napig rejtélyek vezte Kim Ir Szent. A svájci terapeuta olyan színfalak mgtt járt, és kapott olykor-olykor bepillantást az ott folyó eseményekbe, ahová rajta kívül egyetlen idegent sem engedtek be. Páratlan és egyedi, amit tud és látott. Phenjani élményeirl szóló beszámolója igazi világszenzáció - a mának is szóló tanulságokkal.
Hófehérkének meg kell halnia
Hófehérkének meg kell halnia
McCarthyism: Memories of a Blacklisted Bert Corona
McCarthyism: Memories of a Blacklisted Bert Corona
Alternative Minimum Tax (Pulliam)
Alternative Minimum Tax (Pulliam)