

A jó kislány
A jó kislány
Mary Kubica
A jó kislány
Stephen King
Bezn? sub soare
Bezn? sub soare
Abdullaev Cinghiz
Poet? remarcabil?, Simona-Grazia Dima confirm? ?n aceast? carte un adev?r cunoscut: poe?ii ?i ?n?eleg cel mai bine pe poe?i. ?n mai mare m?sur? dec?t criticii, ei au cunoa?terea intim? a poeziei. ?ns? autoarea face mai mult: ??i extinde aria, pentru a cuprinde ?i prozatori, ?i esei?ti. ?i cite?te nu numai simpatetic, ci ?i critic, dar – cum m?rturise?te ?nc? din titlul volumului – este un ?scorpion bl?nd“. O intereseaz? mai presus de orice accesul la spiritualitate al scriitorilor comenta?i. Caut? la ei o Cale, un traseu ini?iatic. Spiritul se oglinde?te ?n spirit, altfel zis. (Livius Cioc?rlie)Oare poe?ii pot fi ?i critici literari? Primul nostru mare critic spunea c? nu. Poetul nu are ?transparen?a“, obiectivarea, impersonalizarea celui chemat s? analizeze ?i s? evalueze o carte. Dar a cunoa?te literatura dinl?untrul ei mi se pare un avantaj ?n plus. Simona-Grazia Dima, o voce liric? foarte personal?, ??i cite?te confra?ii cu fervoare ?i ?i critic? – bl?nd – cu acuitate. Poate fi un poet adev?rat ?i un critic, autentic, de identificare? Eu zic c? da. (Daniel Cristea-Enache)
Proza rural“ ajunsese s nsemne, n percepia obteasc, o proz conservatoare, desuet, presupus simplist, schematic, dnd seam cu mijloace artistice modeste de o realitate uman mai degrab rudimentar, lipsit de rafinament, subtilitate ori profunzime sufleteasc. I se opunea, ntr-o viziune cvasi-maniheist, proz urban, presupus a fi n mod automat purttoarea complexitii, a nnoirii i rafinamentului, a valorii. n practic, ns, respectiva prejudecat a fost, de fapt, tot mai viguros contrazis de ivirea unor opere de proz rural“ nzestrate cu caracteristicile literaturii moderne de calitate. Acest studiu caut s depisteze, s reliefeze i expliciteze succint trei dintre etapele semnificative ale afirmrii unei proze efectiv moderne, cu tematic rural“, survenite de-a lungul ultimelor dou treimi ale secolului trecut i marcate de contribuia a trei scriitori reprezentativi: Pavel Dan, Marin Preda i Sorin Titel.
Lucinda Riley
Geoff Hurst, the Hand of God and the Biggest Rows in World Football
Geoff Hurst, the Hand of God and the Biggest Rows in World Football
Graham Poll
Ex-referee and now fearless writer and football pundit, Graham Poll is no stranger to controversy. His latest book is an entertaining and provocative reappraisal of the major incidents in World and English football down the years – from Geoff Hurst’s goal in ‘66, through Maradona’s ‘Hand of God’ to the infamous Battle of the Bridge in 2009. Graham Poll, England’s highest profile referee of the last two decades, refereed over 400 Premiership games, involving more than 1.5 million spectators, and at two World Cups, placing him at the centre of some of the most controversial incidents in football. So what does Poll make of some of the biggest rows in English and World football down the years? Would modern referees have reached different key decisions? What can the game learn from the mistakes of history? In this follow-up book to Seeing Red, Poll’s bestselling memoirs, we get an informative, frequently provocative but always entertaining romp through the pages of football history and the major incidents that sent shockwaves through the game. The book revisits in startling clarity all those much talked about football moments that continue to be the topic of pub debate among football fans the world over – and turns everything on its head. What was the real reason for the linesman giving Geoff Hurst’s goal in 1966 at Wembley? In the infamous Maradona ‘Hand of God’ game, why should the behaviour of Argentine players have helped the ref disallow the goal? How does Kim Milton Nielson, the official who red-carded David Beckham against Argentina in the 1998 World Cup, view the decision now? And was video technology used to 'convict' Zinedine Zidane of his World Cup Final head-butt? Framed with other fascinating football facts, personality profiles and colourful anecdotes, these stories and more – including football's most recent controversies – provide a rich seam of material for Graham Poll, in his usual no-nonsense style, to set the topical football agenda and to enrich our knowledge and understanding of the beautiful game.
Pszichológia mindenkinek 1.
Pszichológia mindenkinek 1.
Vivian McCann, Philip Zimbardo, Robert Johnson
Pszichológia mindenkinek 1.
Pachamama Peaches: Poetry Collection
Pachamama Peaches: Poetry Collection
Tina Papados
Pachamama Peaches a is a collection of poetry and prose about life. The poems explore femininity, friendship, relationships, nature, beauty and art imitating life. Each poem serves an individual purpose that is subject to the minds of each reader.
Pszichológia mindenkinek 2.
Pszichológia mindenkinek 2.
Philip Zimbardo, Vivian McCann, Robert Johnson
Pszichológia mindenkinek 2.
Κρ?σταλλοι Ι: 1η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Κενο?-Υπερκ?σμιου
Κρ?σταλλοι Ι: 1η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Κενο?-Υπερκ?σμιου
Αντώνης Αναστασιάδης
Οι σειρ? ?Κρ?σταλλοι? θα συν?σταται απ? μια δεκαλογ?α η οπο?α θα ξεκιν?ει απ? την δημιουργ?α του σ?μπαντο?, θα διαπερν? ολ?κληρο τον πανανθρ?πινο πολιτισμ?, θα φθ?νει στο παρ?ν και θα συνεχ?ζει στο μ?λλον, παρακολουθ?ντα? περιληπτικ? την εξ?λιξη του ανθρ?πινου πολιτισμο?. Το πρ?το βιβλ?ο ε?ναι η ?1η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Κενο?-Υπερκ?σμιου (Δημιουργ?α)? απ? το οπο?ο αρχ?ζει ?να ταξ?δι. ?να ταξ?δι που ξεκιν?ει απ? την Μεγ?λη ?κρηξη, την εξελικτικ? πορε?α του σ?μπαντο? και φθ?νει στη δημιουργ?α των πλανητικ?ν συστημ?των. Το ?ργο στο πρ?το βιβλ?ο ξεκιν?ει απ? μια ελληνικ? επαρχιακ? π?λη, ?που ?να ερωτευμ?νο ζευγ?ρι ανακαλ?πτει ?να αντικε?μενο με περ?εργε? ιδι?τητε? και ικαν?τητε?. Μελετ?τε απ? την τοπικ? επιστημονικ? κοιν?τητα, αναφ?ρονται παλι?τεροι θρ?λοι και παραδ?σει? γ?ρω απ? αυτ?, που μ?χρι πρ?τινο? θεωρο?νταν μ?θοι και παραμ?θια. Το αντικε?μενο μεταφ?ρεται στην Αθ?να και μελετ?ται απ? την ελληνικ? επιστημονικ? κοιν?τητα. Κατ?πιν καλο?νται τα ηχηρ? ον?ματα τη? διεθνο?? επιστημονικ?? κοιν?τητα?. Β?σει των ιδιοτ?των που ?χουν αναδειχθε?, επιχειρε?ται ?να πε?ραμα στην Ακρ?πολη, με θαυμαστ? και μη αναμεν?μενα αποτελ?σματα. Απ? εκε? και π?ρα αρχ?ζει μια υπ?ροχη διαδρομ? σε μια σειρ? 10 βιβλ?ων. Μ?σα απ? μ?θο, αλληγορ?ε? αλλ? και πραγματικ?? επιστημονικ?? γν?σει?, επιχειρε?τε, π?ραν τη? διασκ?δαση?, ο αναγν?στη? να αποκομ?σει και αληθιν?? γν?σει?. ?τσι, ο αναγν?στη? μ?σα απ? μυθιστορηματικ? αφ?γηση μαθα?νει για την δημιουργ?α και για την εξ?λιξη του σ?μπαντο?, για του? γαλαξ?ε?, για τα ηλιακ? συστ?ματα, για την γη, για τη ζω? π?νω στην γη, για την εξ?λιξη του ανθρ?πινου ε?δου?, για την φιλοσοφ?α, για την επιστ?μη, για τι? θρησκε?ε? και για τον εν γ?νει αγ?να τη? ενανθρ?πιση? του ανθρ?πινου ε?δου?, για να φθ?σουμε στι? σημεριν?? συγκρο?σει?. Τηλεγραφικ? τα 10 βιβλ?α που θα ακολουθ?σουν με ενδεικτικ?? ονομασ?ε?: 1η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Κενο?-Υπερκ?σμιου (Δημιουργ?α) 2η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Υπερκ?σμιου-Υπερφυσικο? (Ουρανομαχ?α) 3η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Φυσικο?-Υπερφυσικο? (Ζευ?-Κρ?νο?) 4η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Φυσικο?-Παραφυσικο? (Γιγαντομαχ?α) 5η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Φυσικο?-Μεταφυσικο? (Προμηθει??) 6η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Καλο?-Κακο? (Λευκ??-Μα?ρο? Κρ?σταλλο?) 7η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Κοινωνικοπολιτικο?-Αντικοινωνικοπολιτικο? (Πρ?τοι πολιτισμο?) 8η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Ανθρωπισμο?-Τεχνοκρατισμο? (Νε?τεροι χρ?νοι) 9η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Πολιτισμο?-Βαρβαρ?τητα? (Σ?μερα) 10η Τιτανομαχ?α: Σ?γκρουση Γ?ινων-Εξωγ?ινων (Διαγαλαξιακ? ταξ?δια)
Color Me Creative
Color Me Creative
Webb, Kristina
From Instagram sensation Kristina Webb (@colour_me_creative) comes a completely original and unique book to inspire and unlock your creativity.Color Me Creative gives readers a firsthand look into Kristina's personal life, including her exotic upbringing and the inspirational story of how, at nineteen years old, she has become one of the most popular artists of her generation, with a following in the millions. Readers can then go on their own journey by completing the fifty creative, art-inspired challenges designed by Kristina herself. This is the perfect gift not only for artists but for anyone wanting to awaken their inner creative. Featuring Kristina's beautiful custom art throughout, Color Me Creative will help readers escape the ordinary and unlock their imagination.This book offers readers the chance to download the free Unbound app to access interactive features and bonus videos by scanning the customized icon that appears throughout the book, including never-before-seen home videos and videos of Kristina drawing.
Μενέλαος Καραγκιόζης
Το βιβλ?ο αυτ? περι?χει: Τη ποιητικ? συλλογ? του Μεν?λαου Καραγκι?ζη, ?Ελληνικ? Πο?ηση?.Αποσπ?σματα απ? δυο υπ?ροχα βιβλ?α:?Φιλολογικο? περ?πατοι?, του Κωστ? Μπαστι?, Εκδ?σει? Καστανι?τη, 1999, ?Γι?ργο? Σαραντ?ρη? ο Μελλο?μενο??, τη? Ολυμπ?α? Καρ?γιωργα?, Εκδ?σει? Δ?αυλο?, 1995, καθ?? κι ?να πο?ημα του Μεν?λαου Καραγκι?ζη ει? μν?μην του Σαραντ?ρη: ?Το Σχ?μα?. Το πο?ημα του Μεν?λαου Καραγκι?ζη, ?Παν?ρχαια Φ?δια? εμπνευσμ?νο απ? τη μετ?φραση στα Ελληνικ? του ποι?ματο? του William B. Yeats, ?A Crazed Girl?.Το πο?ημα του Μεν?λαου Καραγκι?ζη με τ?τλο: ?Σκιρτο?ν οι Φλ?βε?? εμπνευσμ?νο απ’ το πο?ημα του Οδυσσ?α Ελ?τη, ?Οι Κλεψ?δρε? του Αγν?στου, α?.Δυο ποι?ματα του Μεν?λαου Καραγκι?ζη με τ?τλου? ?Ξ?λινο Κορμ?? και ?Ο Πυρωμ?νο? ?γγελο?? εμπνευσμ?να απ? δυο ποι?ματα του Γι?ργου Σεφ?ρη: ?Ο Γυρισμ?? του Ξενιτεμ?νου? και ?Les Anges Sont Blancs?.Αποσπ?σματα απ’ την ?ξοχη και συγκινητικ? εισαγωγ? του John Lehmann στο βιβλ?ο: ?Δημ?τριο? Καπεταν?κη?, Μυθολογ?α του Ωρα?ου, Δοκ?μια και Ποι?ματα?, Εκδ?σει? Χ?ρβε?, 1988.Δυο ποι?ματα του Μεν?λαου Καραγκι?ζη με τ?τλου? ?Ο Λ?ζαρο?? (?πω? και τη μετ?φρασ? του στα Αγγλικ? απ’ τον Δημ?τρη Καλαποθ?κη) και ?Σα? Λυπ?μαι? εμπνευσμ?να απ? δυο ποι?ματα του Δημ?τριου Καπεταν?κη: ?Ο Λ?ζαρο?? και ?Τα νησι? τη? Ελλ?δα?. Δυο ποι?ματα του Μεν?λαου Καραγκι?ζη με τ?τλου? ?Αψηφ?ντα?? και ?Ε?ναι Τ?τοιε? οι Μ?ρε?? εμπνευσμ?να απ? δυο ποι?ματα του Κωνσταντ?νου Τσ?τσου: ?Το Σκληρ? Νησ?? και ?Σιωπ??.Το πο?ημα του Μεν?λαου Καραγκι?ζη με τ?τλο: ?Τραγωδ?α=Τρ?γω+ωδ?, Ουχ? ? Τρ?γων Ωδ? ? Επ? Τρ?γω Ωδ?? εμπνευσμ?νο απ’ το δοκ?μιο του Αντ?νη Κρητικο?: ?Τραγικ? εκ του Τρ?γω, ?τραγον, Δωρικ?? Τ?πο? του Τρ?γω?.Αποσπ?σματα απ’ τον πρ?λογο του Κωνσταντ?νου Τσ?τσου απ’ το βιβλ?ο του: ?Ποι?ματα του Κωνσταντ?νου Τσ?τσου?, Εκδ?σει? των Φ?λων, 1973.Βιογραφικ? στοιχε?α για την Ολυμπ?α Καρ?γιωργα και τον Γι?ννη Μπαστι?. Αποσπ?σματα απ’ το κεφ?λαιο ?Οι Φιλολογικο? περ?πατοι του Μπαστι?, 1930-1932?, απ’ το βιβλ?ο του Γι?ννη Μπαστι? ?Κωστ?? Μπαστι??, Δημοσιογραφ?α-Θ?ατρο-Λογοτεχν?α?, Εκδ?σει? Καστανι?τη, 2005.
Twenty-five Books That Shaped America
Twenty-five Books That Shaped America
Foster, Thomas C.
From the author of the New York Times bestselling How to Read Literature Like a Professor comes a highly entertaining and informative new book on the twenty-five works of literature that have most shaped the American character. Foster applies his much-loved combination of wit, know-how, and analysis to explain how each work has shaped our very existence as readers, students, teachers, and Americans. Foster illuminates how books such as The Last of the Mohicans , Moby-Dick , My ?ntonia , The Great Gatsby , The Maltese Falcon , Their Eyes Were Watching God , On the Road , The Crying of Lot 49 , and others captured an American moment, how they influenced our perception of nationhood and citizenship, and what about them endures in the American character. Twenty-five Books That Shaped America is a fun and enriching guide to America through its literature.
A Father First
A Father First
Wade, Dwyane
Dwyane Wade, the eight-time All-Star for the Miami Heat, has miraculously defied the odds throughout his career and his life. In 2006, in just his third season in the NBA, Dwyane was named the Finals' MVP, after leading the Miami Heat to the Championship title, basketball's ultimate prize. Two years later, after possible career-ending injuries, he again rose from the ashes of doubt to help win a gold medal for the United States at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. As co-captain, he helped lead the Heat to triumph in the 2012 NBA Championship. Little wonder that legendary coach Pat Riley has called Dwyane "B.I.W." Best In the World. As incredible as those achievements have been, it's off the court where Dwyane has sought his most cherished goal: being a good dad to his sons, Zaire and Zion, by playing a meaningful role in their lives. Recounting his fatherhood journey, Dwyane begins his story in March 2011 with the news that after a long, bitter custody battle, he has been awarded sole custody of his sons in a virtually unprecedented court decision. A Father First chronicles the lessons Dwyane has learned as a single dad from the moment of the judge's ruling that instantly changed his life and the lives of his boys, and then back to the events in the past that shaped his dreams, prayers, and promises. As the son of divorced parents determined to get along so that he and his sister Tragil could have loving relationships with both of them, Dwyane's early years were spent on Chicago's South Side. With poverty, violence, and drugs consuming the streets and their mom descending into addiction, Tragil made the heroic decision to take her younger brother to live with their father. After moving his household to suburban Robbins, Illinois, Dwyane Wade Sr. became Dwyane's first basketball coach. While this period laid the groundwork for Dwyane's later mission for fathers to take greater responsibility for their kids, he was also inspired by his mother's miraculous victory over addiction and her gift for healing others. Both his mother and his father showed him that the unconditional love between parents and children is a powerful guiding force. In A Father First , we meet the coaches, mentors, and teammates who played pivotal roles in Dwyane's stunning basketball career from his early days shooting hoops on the neighborhood courts in Chicago, to his rising stardom at Marquette University in Milwaukee, to his emergence as an unheralded draft pick by the Miami Heat. This book is a revealing, personal story of one of America's top athletes, but it is also a call to action from a man who had to fight to be in his children's lives that will show mothers and fathers how to step up and be parents themselves.
Talking from 9 to 5
Talking from 9 to 5
Tannen, Deborah
Your project went off without a hitch--but somebody else got the credit...You averted a crisis brilliantly--but no one noticed...You came to the meeting with a sensational idea--but it was ignored until someone else said the same thing... HOW CAN YOU GET CREDIT & GET AHEAD?In her extraordinary international bestseller, You Just Don't Understand, Deborah Tannen transformed forever the way we look at intimate relationships between women and men. Now she turns her keen ear and observant eye toward the workplace--where the ways in which men and women communicate can determine who gets heard, who gets ahead, and what gets done. An instant classic, Talking From 9 to 5 brilliantly explains women's and men's conversational rituals--and the language barriers we unintentionally erect in the business world. It is a unique and invaluable guide to recognizing the verbal power games and miscommunications that cause good work to be underappreciated or go unnoticed--an essential tool for promoting more positive and productive professional relationships among men and women.
Raising the Dead: A True Story of Death and Survival
Raising the Dead: A True Story of Death and Survival
Phillip Finch
A true story of death and survival in the world’s most dangerous sport, cave diving. Two friends plunge 900 ft deep into a water-filled crater in the Kalahari Desert to raise the body of a diver who had perished there a decade before. Only one returns. Unquenchable heroism and complex human relationships amid the perils of extreme sport. On New Year's Day, 2005, David Shaw travelled halfway around the world on a journey that took him to the Kalahari Desert of South Africa, to a site known locally as Boesmansgat: Bushman's Hole. His destination was nearly 900 feet below the surface. On 8 January, he stepped into the water. He wore and carried on him some of the most advanced diving equipment ever developed. Mounted to a helmet on his head was a video camera. David Shaw was about to attempt what had never been done before, and he wanted the world to see. He descended. About fifteen feet below the surface was a fissure in the dolomite bottom of the basin, barely wide enough to admit him and his equipment and the aluminum tanks slung under his shoulders. He slipped through the opening, and disappeared from sight, leaving behind the world of light and life. Then, a second diver descended through the same crack in the stone. This was Don Shirley, Shaw's friend and frequent dive partner, one of the few people in the world qualified to follow where Shaw was about to go. In the community of extreme diving, Don Shirley was a master among masters. Twenty-five minutes later, one of the men was dead. The other was in mortal peril, and would spend the next 10 hours struggling to survive, existing literally from breath to breath. What happened that day at Bushman's Hole is the stuff of nightmarish drama, juxtaposing classic elements of suspense with an extreme environment beyond most people’s comprehension. But it’s also a compelling human story of friendship, heroism, unswerving ambition and of coming to terms with loss and tragedy.
Rossz kezdet
Rossz kezdet
Javier Marías
Rossz kezdet
On Writing the College Application Essay, 25th Anniversary Edition
On Writing the College Application Essay, 25th Anniversary Edition
Bauld, Harry
What does an admissions officer look for in a college application essayYou. It's that simple. There's no formula, no trick, no strategy, says Harry Bauld, a former Ivy League admissions officer. But with acceptance rates at all-time lows, just being yourself in an essay means understanding your readers and the unique form in which you are writing. In this fully revised and updated edition of the classic guide to writing the best essay of your life, Bauld reveals the big clich s (The Trip, The Jock, Miss America, Pet Death) and helps you discover ways to come alive on the page as a real person instead of applicant number 13,791.
Until I Say Good-Bye
Until I Say Good-Bye
Spencer-Wendel, Susan
In June 2011, Susan Spencer-Wendel learned she had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) Lou Gehrig disease an irreversible condition that systematically destroys the nerves that power the muscles. She was forty-four years old, with a devoted husband and three young children, and she had only one year of health remaining. Susan decided to live that year with joy. She quit her job as a journalist and spent time with her family. She built an outdoor meeting space for friends in her backyard. And she took seven trips with the seven most important people in her life. As her health declined, Susan journeyed to the Yukon, Hungary, the Bahamas, and Cyprus. She took her sons to swim with dolphins, and her teenage daughter, Marina, to Kleinfeld bridal shop in New York City to see her for the first and last time in a wedding dress. She also wrote this book. No longer able to walk or even to lift her arms, she tapped it out letter by letter on her iPhone using only her right thumb, the last finger still working. However, Until I Say Good-Bye is not angry or bitter. It is sad in parts how could it not bebut it is filled with Susan optimism, joie de vivre, and sense of humor. It is a book about life, not death. One that, like Susan, will make everyone smile. From the Burger King parking lot where she cried after her diagnosis to a snowy hot spring near the Arctic Circle, from a hilarious family Christmas disaster to the decrepit monastery in eastern Cyprus where she rediscovered her heritage, Until I Say Good-Bye is not only Susan Spencer-Wendel unforgettable gift to her loved ones a heartfelt record of their final experiences together but an offering to all of us: a reminder that every day is better when it is lived with joy.
Why Unicorn Drinks
Why Unicorn Drinks
Moss, C. W.
Unicorns are just like us. They have problems, stresses, and like to blow off some steam. Author and illustrator C. W. Moss explores the inner psyche of the single-horned in Why Unicorn Drinks . A follow-up to Unicorn Being a Jerk , this volume of 67 four-color illustrations and captions gives readers a glimpse into the sad reality of life as a mythical creature, and reveals what drives Unicorn to the bottle. As fans of Moss' online comic undoubtedly know, Why Unicorn Drinks pours a double-shot of laughter and irreverence. You'll never look at a unicorn the same way again.
Cruising Attitude
Cruising Attitude
Poole, Heather
Flying the not-so-friendly skies... In her more than fifteen years as an airline flight attendant, Heather Poole has seen it all. She's witnessed all manner of bad behavior at 35,000 feet and knows what it takes for a traveler to become the most hated passenger onboard. She's slept in flight attendant crashpads in "Crew Gardens," Queens sharing small bedrooms crammed with bunk beds with a parade of attractive women who come and go at all hours, prompting suspicious neighbors to jump to the very worst conclusions. She's watched passengers and coworkers alike escorted off the planes by police. She can tell you why it's a bad idea to fall for a pilot but can be a very good one (in her case) to date a business-class passenger. Heather knows everything about flying in a post-9/11 world and she knows what goes on behind the scenes, things the passengers would never dream. Heather's true stories in Cruising Attitude are surprising, hilarious, sometimes outrageously incredible the very juiciest of "galley gossip" delightfully intermingled with the eye-opening, unforgettable chronicle of her fascinating life in the sky.