

T?rténetek a kerítés t?véb?l
T?rténetek a kerítés t?véb?l
Konok Péter
T?rténetek a kerítés t?véb?l
Stanislaw Lem
The Diana Case
The Diana Case
Joseph Komlos Jr.
The Diana Case
Quanti buchi ha un anello?
Quanti buchi ha un anello?
Gnomo Orzo
Quanti buchi ha un anello?
Nekunk nem kel f?l a nap
Nekunk nem kel f?l a nap
Robert Merle
Nekunk nem kel f?l a nap
Szarvas a k?dben: - regény -
Szarvas a k?dben: - regény -
Egressy Zoltán
Szarvas a k?dben: - regény -
A macskány
A macskány
Tatyjana Tolsztaja
A macskány
Szöllősi Mátyás
Kilenc koffer: Az emberi becstelenség krónikája
Kilenc koffer: Az emberi becstelenség krónikája
Zsolt Béla
Cassian Maria Spiridon e un fervent al fragmentului liric, al concentratului capabil a fixa poezia. Spa?iul ?i timpul verbului se contrag astfel la minimalul semn al substan?ei, ungarettian urm?rite ?n sensul unor fugitive contacte ale universului l?untric cu cel exterior, ?nconjurate de magia t?cerii. Pe deasupra oric?rei dezvolt?ri, resim?ite ca parazitare, fragmentul e suveran ca loc privilegiat al poeziei. Dac? Paul Valery afirm? c? partea cea mai profund? a omului e pielea sa, ?n?elegem alarma nivelului senzorial, ?ncordarea sim?urilor ?n vederea ?ntegr?rii ?n real a fiin?ei. Se ajunge astfel la o poetic? a sim?urilor. Aceasta restaureaz? concretul ?n drepturile lui de atotputernic? imaginea a lumii. Cassian Maria Spiridon tr?ie?te liric prin concret, ?nlocuind sublimarea experien?elor sale suflete?ti printr-o decupare ghidat? de acuitatea contemplativ?. (Gheorghe Grigurcu)Pozi?ia individual? a unui Cassian Maria Spiridon, interiorizat, divizat ?i iscoditor (dup? o copil?rie frustrat?), comport? st?ri de opozi?ie, accente de orgoliu ?i tentative (e?uate) de ini?iere ?ntr-un umanism f?r? tenebre. Ca?iva dintre contemporanii s?i mai v?rstnici ?i sunt aproape. (…) Problematiz?nd, la modul ?nalt, d?nd prioritate cerebralit??ii ?i ?nc?dr?ndu-se axial ?n fluxul psiho-nevrotic al momentului sau, Cassian Maria Spiridon opune decorativismului ?i transparen?elor ?nsemnele unei vie?i interioare fr?m?ntate. Poezia sa, de un lirism ideizat, e jurnalul superior-ceremonios al unui melancolic de extrema luciditate. (Constantin Ciopraga)
12 szabály az élethez - ?gy kerüld el a káoszt!
12 szabály az élethez - ?gy kerüld el a káoszt!
Jordan B. Peterson
A ?Védtelen város” elnevezés? irodalmi és fotópályázatot 2015 szeptemberében indította útjára az Underground Kiadó szerkeszt?sége. A beérkezett m?vekb?l állt ?ssze ez a válogatás. Kett?s célunk volt. Egyrészt terepet adni szépíróknak és fotósoknak, hogy végzettségt?l, kortól, minden címkét?l függetlenül, csupán a m?vészetcsinálás ?r?méért alkothassanak. Másrészt olyan tematikát akartunk k?rbejárni, amely sokaknak sokfélét jelent. ?gy teremtettünk meg egy városi kaleidoszkópot, egy életb?l merített, mégis fiktív teret, amely folyamatosan változik – a szemlél?t?l függ?en. /a szerkeszt?: Sós Dóra/
Ne higgy a szemének!
Ne higgy a szemének!
Sarah Pinborough
Kanyó András a rendszerváltás hajnalán a már felfelé buktatott Kádár Jánossal készített interjúval vonta magára a figyelmet, az utóbbi évtizedben viszont sokan támadták a Horthy Miklósról és Mindszenty Józsefr?l készített k?tetei, illetve ?VH-s múltja miatt. Az egykori hírszerz? és újságíró most el?sz?r tárja fel élete t?rténetét, amelyben a t?bbsz?ri életpályaváltás, szerelmek és magán?életi tragédiák mellett nyíltan és részletesen beszél arról, hogy? milyen módszerekkel toborozta és képezte ki a hírszerz?ket az ?llamvédelmi Hatóság a Rákosi-korszakban;? hogyan élte meg a személyi kultusz éveit és mit csinált 1956-ban;? milyen kényes feladatokat kellett elvégeznie hírszerz?ként Londonban, majd itthon;? mik voltak azok a szakmai ellentétek, amelyek miatt szakított a ?Hivatallal”;? hogy talált új életpályát az irányított sajtó világában, és miként tudósította a Népszabadságot Berlinb?l, Moszkvából, majd Bonnból;? miért kezdeményezte a Kádár-interjút és hogyan érte el, hogy nyilatkozzon is neki az ??reg”;? hogy került Grósz Károly k?zelébe és miként élte meg a megalázó aradi találkozót Ceau?escuval.
Star Wars Epic Yarns: The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars Epic Yarns: The Empire Strikes Back
Wang, Jack
Jedi apprentices and little princesses will delight in this (heart)felt retelling of the Star Wars saga. And so will Star Wars fans of any age! The series launches with the original trilogy, and every word counts in these small but perfectly formed yarns. That's because each volume features 12 iconic scenes, handcrafted in felt and pithily summarized in just a single word. The attention to detail is eye-opening; the proportions are just-right for small hands; the fun is guaranteed. In The Empire Strikes Back, Luke meets his teacher Yoda, Han Solo makes a friend, and there is a lightsaber duel with a Sith Lord in the dark. and TM Lucasfilm Ltd. Used Under Authorization
Star Wars Epic Yarns: Return of the Jedi
Star Wars Epic Yarns: Return of the Jedi
Wang, Jack
Jedi apprentices and little princesses will delight in this (heart)felt retelling of the Star Wars saga. And so will Star Wars fans of any age! The series launches with the original trilogy, and every word counts in these small but perfectly formed yarns. That's because each volume features 12 iconic scenes, handcrafted in felt and pithily summarized in just a single word. The attention to detail is eye-opening; the proportions are just-right for small hands; the fun is guaranteed. In Return of the Jedi, The monster Jabba is encountered, C-3PO conducts story time, and there is a happy ending. and TM Lucasfilm Ltd. Used Under Authorization
Wives and Daughters - I won't say she was silly, but I think one of us was silly
Wives and Daughters - I won't say she was silly, but I think one of us was silly
Elizabeth Gaskell
Elizabeth Gaskell is equally well known as Mrs Gaskell. When her mother died, she was three months old and she was sent to live in Knutsford, Cheshire with her Aunt Hannah, this setting would become the basis for her novel Cranford. At 22 she married and settled in Manchester to raise her family. Friends with Charlotte Bronte she went on to write her biography and was also highly regarded by a certain Charles Dickens who published her ghost stories in his magazine. Much of her work views the emerging industrial society of Victorian England through her own moral and religious values and has an uncanny ability to look at and report on the many strata of society. Here we publish Wives and Daughters.
Life Of Pi
Life Of Pi
Martel, Yann
One boy, one boat, one tiger . . . After the tragic sinking of a cargo ship, a solitary lifeboat remains bobbing on the wild, blue Pacific. The only survivors from the wreck are a sixteen year-old boy named Pi, a hyena, a zebra (with a broken leg), a female orang-utan -- and a 450-pound Royal Bengal tiger. The scene is set for one of the most extraordinary and best-loved works of fiction in recent years.
Ed Macy
The true story of one man's determination to master the world's deadliest helicopter and of a split-second decision that changed the face of modern warfare. May 2006. Pilot Ed Macy arrives in Afghanistan with a contingent of the Apache AH Mk1. It’s the first operational tour for the deadly machines and confidence in the cripplingly expensive attack helicopter is low. It doesn’t help that for their first month ‘in action’, Ed and his mates see little more than the back-end of a Chinook. But when the men of 3 Para get pinned down during Op Mutay, reservations about the fearsome new attack helicopters are thrown out the window. In the blistering firefight that follows, Ed unleashes the first ever Hellfire missile in combat and, with one squeeze of the trigger, changes the war in Afghanistan forever. What had been rumoured as a ?4.2 billion mistake quickly becomes the British Army’s greatest asset, as the awe-inspiring Apache is dramatically redirected to fight the enemy head-on. In this gripping account of war on the ground and in the skies above the dusty wastes of Helmand, Ed recounts the intense months that followed: the steep learning curve, the relentless missions, the evolving enemy and the changing Rules of Engagement. As he comes to grip with the Apache, his early career as a paratrooper stands him in good stead, as does his operational baptism as a pilot. Both shaped his ability to fly, fight and survive during that fateful first Afghanistan tour against a cunning and ruthless enemy. Ed will need every ounce of willpower and skill to succeed over the long, hot Helmand summer, as he and his colleagues find themselves on trial for their lives and for the reputation of a machine on which the British government has staked a fortune. The crucible of fire that awaited them would cement the fate of man and machine forever.
Robert Plant: A Life: The Biography
Robert Plant: A Life: The Biography
Paul Rees
Robert Plant is one of the few genuine living rock legends. Frontman of Led Zeppelin, musical innovator and seller of millions of records, Plant has had a profound influence on music for over four decades. But the full account of his life has barely been told … until now. Robert Plant: A Life is the first complete and comprehensive telling of Plant’s story. From his earliest performances in folk clubs in the early 1960s, to the world’s biggest stages as Led Zeppelin’s self-styled ‘Golden God’, and on to his emergence as an emboldened solo star. The sheer scale of Zeppelin’s success is extraordinary: in the US alone they sold 70 million records, a figure surpassed only by the Beatles. But their success was marred by tragedy. These pages contain first-hand accounts of Plant’s greatest highs and deepest lows: the tragic deaths of his son Karac and his friend, Zeppelin drummer John Bonham. Told in vivid detail, this is the definitive story of a man of great talent, remarkable fortitude and extraordinary conviction.
You Are Not Alone: Michael, Through a Brother’s Eyes
You Are Not Alone: Michael, Through a Brother’s Eyes
Jermaine Jackson
‘This is the truth as we know it. I have read so much about what people think they know about Michael, but this is about what really happened.’ Jermaine Jackson You Are Not Alone is an intimate, loving portrait of Michael Jackson, illuminating the private man like never before. It is an invitation into Michael’s real character, private insights and hidden feelings: the innermost thoughts of a fiercely private individual. Jermaine Jackson knew Michael like only a brother can. In You Are Not Alone Jermaine brings light to the man behind the mask of superstardom, an identity that has lingered in the shadows for too long. You Are Not Alone is a celebration of the real Michael: the boy who shared a tiny bunkbed with Jermaine at 2300 Jackson Street, Gary, Indiana; the brother with whom Jermaine shared laughter, tears and memories; the boy who would grow up to become a legend. Raw, honest and incredibly moving, You Are Not Alone is also a sophisticated, no-holds-barred examination of Michael Jackson, aimed at fostering a true and final understanding of who he was and what shaped him. This is Michael Jackson – the man, not the legend – through a brother’s eyes. If you love Michael Jackson, this is the only book you will want to read. If you think you know the Michael Jackson story, it’s time to think again.
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S. Jae-Jones
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Amerikai bérgyilkos
Amerikai bérgyilkos
Vince Flynn
Amerikai bérgyilkos
Hegyek k?z?tt
Hegyek k?z?tt
Charles Martin
Hegyek k?z?tt