Ben Goes to the Dentist
Will Bartholomew the panda have to take Ben's place when the Campbell family visit the dentist?

Poems of Devotion and Commotion
This is the second book of poems by Iris Therese Smith Reid inspired by the experience of caring for a dementia sufferer and the high and low points of their home life. Her husband was diagnosed with dementia more than seven years ago, and since then Iris has chronicled the impact his illness has had on their life together. Her poems express what it really means when the connection between two people is held together by a great bond of devotion - even through the most demanding times. As a complete contrast, a selection of more-amusing verse ends the book in a lighter vein.

Right Now Enough is Enough!
This is a book for anyone who suffers from addiction, contends with bad habits, possesses negative thinking patterns, or is held captive by their addictive personality. Information and methods in this book for treating addictions and habits have taken a decade to put together compiling information, insights and ideas from recovering alcoholics, substance abusers, addiction sufferers, mental health sufferers and world leading practitioners in addictions and mental health. The principles when applied have a tremendous success rate! Using cognitive behavioral therapy techniques along with the law of intention, this book breaks new ground in combining psychology with spirituality for overcoming addiction. Furthermore, it employs the principles from the law of attraction, teaching individuals how to become what they most want to be in life, as well as showing them how to receive what they want! Anyone desiring to develop new positive thinking patterns should definitely read this book. Once you apply the principles in the book, you will definitely be on the road to recovery, as well as finding the "e;you"e; that you have been looking for!

The Dolce Vita Diaries
A deliciously different travelogue In 2005, Cathy and Jason threw in successful careers as TV presenters and producers to become olive farmers in Italy. With their one year old daughter and Italian dictionary in tow, they found themselves in the middle of a European nowhere untouched by modernity. They were on a steep learning curve in more-or-less everything – finding out how to prune an olive tree so that a sparrow can pass through its branches, learning what beauty products are de rigeur in the changing rooms of a local Italian football team, being trained, by a local Italian choir, how to sing in English but with an Italian accent – and learning the rigorous rules of when one is allowed to consume a cappuccino. Armed with their indefatigable love of food, they headed off many a potentially tricky situation by cooking their way out of it, a sure route to the heart of any Italian. They discover that olive farming is dominated by the big boys and desperate to turn their new home into a way of making a living they cast around for ideas of how they can do so. A flash of inspiration led them to launch an 'Adopt-an-Olive-Tree' scheme. For a fee buyers could adopt a tree, receive produce from it and even go and visit it to give it a hug. The scheme became hugely popular with trees selling out way ahead of expectations. A contract with Selfridges followed and suddenly Cathy and Jason's dream is realised. Or nearly anyway. It's a hard slog and they meet every challenge with fortitude and humour but what they hadn't expected was that the biggest challenge would be the quiet of the countryside. Soon they find themselves hankering for the sounds and stench of the city and facing a difficult decision on what they should do next.

Healing Secrets of Avicenna: It Is Compiled from Avicenna’s Work
Ibn Sīnā (Avicenna) was born in 980 in Buhara, and died in 1037 in Hamadan, Persia (now Iran). He is a physician, physicist, writer, philosopher and scientist. He was known in the West as the founder of modern science in the medieval ages, the leader of physicians and dubbed as the “Doctors’ Doctor”. His fame rests on his book, Al-Qānūn fī al-?ibb (The Canon of Medicine) which was regarded as the principal medical work in the field of medicine for seven centuries and this book remained as a reference source for medical studies in the universities of Europe until the end of seventeenth century. ????????????? If now we examine his work “The Canon of Medicine”, we find that he has an extensive explanation of anatomy and in his work in which he gives a clear definition of some organs which can be visualised with today’s some special imaging devices, today, there are still many unresolved and unstudied methods. Ibn Sina’s curative recipes were used in the European medicine for many centuries even after his death. The famous astronomer Copernicus, also a nephrologist, has healed using the recipes of Ibn Sina who has lived before his birth over 500 year ago. ????????????? When i had first read the second volume of Ibn Sina’s study, “The Canon of Medicine”, telling about which plant is recuperative and the applications of these plants internally and externally, i came up with the idea of bringing this study down to a simpler level of understanding that everybody can comprehend, rather than letting it be understood just by the specialists. But I could bring this out after 1 year of work. Staying faithful to the context of the book, submitting this book on behalf of the community was my biggest wish. In order to bring?simplicity, I worked meticulously to compile an index of plant names together with their latinized forms which are sorted in alphabetical order and also an alphabetical index of diseases. I got opinion and also support from doctors and experts in Phytotherapists. I left the explanations as they are since i didn’t want to make any extra additions to the book. If a detailed survey of the plants is carried out, there is more detailed information in the literature about how they should be used. We can already see that the modern medicine finds out solutions to many diseases but nevertheless, there are still dozens of diseases which can not be healed. For instance, in this work, Ibn Sina explains the reason of why he has named a plant as “Swallow-wort” as follows: Sometimes the newborn nestlings of a swallow suffer from blindness. It was observed that the mother squeezes the extract of this plant onto their babies’eyelids and then their eyes were healed. All the same, if this kind of plants are examined throughly, it is quite possible to observe the same effect on humans as well. In this case, i call upon the expert scientist, to carry out these researches. At the end of this book, i added also some basic methods of practical home care medicine which are used in traditional medicine. I believe that these will be found useful and practical. I hope that this will be useful for humanity... ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? Caner OZOGUL ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ??? (Herbalist)

Scriitori evrei din Rom?nia
Pornind de la rezultatele unor cercet?ri ?i experimente ?ndelungate ?n domeniul alimenta?iei, F?nic?-Voinea Ene, renumit specialist ?n medicin? complementar?, ne demonstreaz? c? numai o diet? naturist? ne poate conduce spre o pierdere ?n greutate lesnicioas?, cu pu?ine frustr?ri ?i f?r? s? ne afecteze s?n?tatea, fiindc? ea presupune consumul alimentelor integrale, a?a cum se g?sesc ele pe planeta aceasta de milioane de ani, ?i care au suferit pu?ine prelucr?ri termice sau chimice. Este o diet? bazat? pe respectarea unor reguli specifice: meniul zilnic trebuie s? con?in? numai alimente cu calorii negative, trebuie s? se consume doar ape minerale alcaline plate ?i alimente alcaline; se pune accent pe consumul de gr?simi nesaturate, carbohidra?i cu indice glicemic sc?zut, nu trebuie s? se utilizeze nutrimente glucido-lipidice ?i nici asocieri de glucide cu lipide la aceea?i mas?...

‘IT’S THE NIGHTS that are the worst. I don’t know where he is, but my imagination tells me he is close at hand. In daylight I can keep the fears down; at night I am alone with the terror that he has created. If he rings me every ten minutes I think I will go mad with it; if he does not ring I worry that he is outside, watching me.’

The Tolkien Quiz Book
A revised and expanded reissue containing over 1,200 brain-teasing questions on the legendary works of J.R.R. Tolkien, published to coincide with the release of the third and final The Lord of The Rings movie. How many Hobbits joined the Fellowship of the Ring? What colour is the Orcs’ skin? Why did Gandalf have difficulty in opening the West-door of Khazad-dum? Who betrayed Berien and Luthien to Thingol? What was Farmer Giles’ full name? The worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien, from the saga of Middle-earth to a brief visit to Wootton Major, are so rich and varied that they inspire legions of followers of different ages. This peerless revised and expanded quiz book offers over 1,200 questions and answers, including easy starter questions and more difficult tie-breakers, to test the range and depth of your knowledge. And whereas every right answer will confirm your mastery over your subject, every wrong answer will be a learning experience all of its own!

101 Ways to Win at Scrabble (Collins Little Books)
Inside this little book one of Britain’s top Scrabble players reveals his top tips for all day, everyday Scrabble success.

Discover the secret hints, tips and winning ways of the BANANAGRAMS? bunch! This little book contains the insider secrets to help you become Top Banana … Packed with curious words and fascinating facts, the Collins Little Book of Bananagrams? is a treasure in itself. It's the perfect gift for word lovers and BANANAGRAMS? players of all ages the world over, and includes: Dozens of proper nouns that you CAN play – in any word game! Three ways to turn tiles that save VITAL seconds How to use UK & US spellings to IMPROVE your game The one thing you MUST do in your first move 19 games you can play with BANANAGRAMS? tiles The ESSENTIAL tip that buys time whenever you call "PEEL!" A dictionary of WEORDS?: Weird Words That Win Word Games … And DOZENS of other top tips to boost your BANANAGRAMS? playing power! Over 6 million copies of the game sold.

Tell Me How it Ends: An Essay in Forty Questions
Valeria Luiselli was born in Mexico City in 1983. She is the author of the novels Faces in the Crowd and The Story of My Teeth, and of a collection of essays called Sidewalks. Her work has been published in magazines and newspapers such as Letras Libres, the New York Times, the New Yorker, Freeman’s, El Pais and Harper’s and she is published in fifteen languages. She is currently professor of Romance Language and Literature at Hofstra University and lives in New York City.

Short walks in the Peak District
The Peak District, with its gentle limestone White Peak and the wilder more dramatic gritstone Dark Peak, is a superb walking area. Explore the district with these 20 walks, all of which are 5 miles or under in length and can easily be completed in less than 3 hours. This guide, produced in co-operation with the Ramblers and featuring Ordnance Survey mapping, is the perfect way to really appreciate the stunning scenery of the Peak District. INCLUDES: ? 20 easy to follow walks which can be completed in 3 hours and under. ? Each walk has a detailed 1:25 000 Ordnance Survey map with the route clearly marked plus a detailed de*ion of the route. ? The walks have been chosen with issues like parking and refreshments in mind to make life easy for families. ? Packed with colour photographs of scenes you will see along the walk. The perfect guide for afternoon walks near to Chesterfield, Sheffield, Matlock, Buxton and Macclesfield.

The Times Improve Your Bridge Game
Based on The Times Bridge column, an extensive bridge guide aimed at the less experienced or social player who longs to improve their game, with instructive deals and tips, as well as a helpful Index. Andrew Robson, The Times Bridge Correspondent, is both a champion Bridge player and an inspired teacher. He teaches and tutors at his Bridge Club and has acquired great practical knowledge about how people learn to play Bridge. Based on Andrew Robson’s Friday column in The Times, common scenarios are presented with an outline of what actually happened, as well as what should have happened. Along with every deal is the very popular handy tip ‘If you remember just one thing…’, which features throughout the book. The first section of the book, ‘The Game’, is a basic outline providing the key to playing a sensible game of Bridge, subdivided into ‘Bidding’, ‘Declarer Play’ and ‘Defence’. The reader can either read ‘The Game’ first, paying particular attention to the tips, or they can dip in and out of the book, picking a common mistake at random, with the option to cross-reference to the same tip in ‘The Game’ section. Bridge is now reaching a new audience, and is being played by people of all ages. Let Andrew Robson help you to improve your game! Previously published as The Times Bridge: Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Short walks in the Yorkshire Dales
The Yorkshire Dales with its picturesque dales, ancient farmhouses and villages offer some superb country walking.This can be explored with these 20 walks, all of which are 5 miles or under in length and can easily be completed in less than 3 hours. This guide, produced in co-operation with the Ramblers and featuring Ordnance Survey mapping, is the perfect way to really appreciate the beautiful Yorkshire Dales. INCLUDES: ? 20 easy to follow walks which can be completed in 3 hours and under. ? Each walk has a detailed 1:25 000 Ordnance Survey map with the route clearly marked plus a detailed de*ion of the route. ? The walks have been chosen with issues like parking and refreshments in mind to make life easy for families. ? Packed with colour photographs of scenes you will see along the walk. The perfect guide for afternoon walks near to Sedburgh, Hawes, Settle, Ingleton, Skipton and Harrogate.

Hullámok csapdája
"Most, hogy ismét ?sszegy?lt egy k?nyvnyi írásom, meg kellett nézni, mit vállalok ma is és mit nem. A nem politikai témájú írások kevésbé romlandóak, azokat nyugodtan vállalom most is, legfeljebb kisebb korrekciókkal. Politikai nézeteim azonban akarvaakaratlanul is változtak, így ezek az írások alapvet? újragondolást igényeltek. Bármennyire érdekesnek is találom mostanában a politikát, valójában azt szeretném, ha a k?zbeszédnek ugyanúgy legfeljebb a negyedét tenné ki ez a téma, mint ennek a k?nyvnek. Annyi minden van, ami ennél sokkal érdekesebb. A másik háromnegyed akármi lehet, kit mi érdekel – engem például mostanában els?sorban az élet egyszer? dolgai, emellett a gazdaság és persze továbbra is a pszichológia. ?gy alakultak ki e k?nyv t?bbi részei." A szerz? az ELTE Pszichológiai Intézetének egyetemi tanára, jelenleg f? kutatási területe a gazdaság-pszi?cho?lógia.

Scrabble Secrets (Collins Little Books)
Inside this little book lie the secrets of Britain’s only ever Scrabble World Champion.

Mademoiselle de Scuderi and Other Tales
The action takes place in Paris during the reign of King Louis XIV of France. The city is under siege by what is presumed to be an organized band of thieves whose members rob citizens of costly jewelry in their homes or on the street. Some of the street victims are simply rendered unconscious by a blow to the head, but most are killed instantly by a deliberate dagger thrust to the heart. The murder victims are mostly wealthy lovers who are on their way to meet their mistresses with gifts of fine jewelry.

Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle.' Curious Alice falls through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. The tale plays with ideas of human perception and logic, giving the story lasting popularity with adults as well as with children. It is considered to be one of the best examples of the literary nonsense genre.

Lady Windermere's Fan
Lady Windermere suspects that her husband is having an affair with another woman. She confronts him with it but although he denies it, he invites the other woman, Mrs Erlynne, to his wife's birthday ball. Angered by her husband's supposed unfaithfulness, Lady Windermere decides to leave her husband for another lover. After discovering what has transpired, Mrs Erlynne follows Lady Windermere and attempts to persuade her to return to her husband and in the course of this, Mrs Erlynne is discovered in a compromising position.

Life is short, and Art long; the crisis fleeting; experience perilous, and decision difficult. The physician must not only be prepared to do what is right himself, but also to make the patient, the attendants, and externals cooperate.

Early in the beginning of spring, and through the summer, and towards winter, many of those who had been long gradually declining, took to bed with symptoms of phthisis; in many cases formerly of a doubtful character the disease then became confirmed; in these the constitution inclined to the phthisical. Many, and, in fact, the most of them, died; and of those confined to bed, I do not know if a single individual survived for any considerable time; they died more suddenly than is common in such cases. But other diseases, of a protracted character, and attended with fever, were well supported, and did not prove fatal: of these we will give a description afterwards.