

Fragile Lives: A Heart Surgeon’s Stories of Life and Death on the Operating Tabl
Fragile Lives: A Heart Surgeon’s Stories of Life and Death on the Operating Tabl
Stephen Westaby
Steve Westaby is a celebrated world-famous heart surgeon who is renowned for being the first surgeon in history to fit a patient with a new type of artificial heart. During his 35 year career as a surgeon he worked at several of the UK’s top hospitals and performed over 11,000 heart operations. He won the Ray C. Fish Award for Scientific Achievement (2004). In 2004 Steve Westaby was featured in the BBC documentary Your Life in Their Hands which is a long-running series on the subject of surgery.
English: A Story of Marmite, Queuing and Weather
English: A Story of Marmite, Queuing and Weather
Ben Fogle
Ben Fogle is the quintessential Englishman. An explorer, he loves Marmite and dogs. He owns far too many wax jackets and Wellington boots and he loves to grumble about the weather. He often apologises and can be found at the back of most queues. He had wonky teeth until the dentist sorted them out. He drives an old Land Rover and eats fish and chips. He never travels without some English tea. He lives in London with his wife Marina, his two children Ludo and Iona and his beloved black Labrador, Storm (of course).
Neuropolis: A Brain Science Survival Guide
Neuropolis: A Brain Science Survival Guide
Robert Newman
Robert Newman has written six books including the novels The Trade Secret and The Fountain at the Centre of the World. His previous book The Entirely Accurate Encyclopaedia of Evolution was made into a radio series which won a BBC Audio Drama Award in 2017 for Best Scripted Comedy. He has been a stand-up comedian for thirty years and has performed to sell-out crowds from London to Paris to Texas. His most recent stand-up show is The Brain Show.
Pastoral land management
Pastoral land management
Michael K. Biamah, Wilson K. Yabann, Elijah K. Biamah
In the arid lands of Kenya, the social structure system associated with traditional pastoralism has evolved useful mechanisms for achieving sustainable resource utilization within fragile dryland environments. The sustainability of traditional pastoralism in Kenya is no longer feasible due to the increasing pressure on a shrinking resource base. This uncertainty with the sustainability of this traditional life style, calls for a radical shift in thinking from traditional to commercial pastoralism. Commercial pastoralism allows for the emergence of dynamic pastoralism which adapts quickly to technological changes and evolving market conditions in a fast changing pastoral environment. Whereas this futuristic form of pastoralism must recognize pastoral communities as legal entities and accord them the rights of control and disposal or transfer, it should also bestow the rights of access and use on individual pastoralists. The individualization of the right of land disposal or transfer in non-enlightened pastoral communities has led to the emergence of destitution and poverty in pastoral areas of Kenya. This book publication provides valuable information on emerging issues and options on pastoral land management in Kenya. It is based on a three year study on Land Tenure and Natural Resource Management in the Arid Lands of Kenya. It also does provide the requisite information for the formulation of a policy and legal framework on sustainable pastoral land management in Kenya.
Protecting Our Drylands
Protecting Our Drylands
Prof. Elijah K. Biamah
Kenya covers a total land area of 582,646 km2. This land area is classified in terms of agricultural potential as: 12.7% of medium to high potential for agricultural production; 11.5% of arable land, subject to periodic droughts; 70.7% of drylands; and 5.6% of non-agricultural land. High population densities are more prevalent in areas of high agricultural potential than those of low potential (drylands). Most of Kenya's population (approx. 80%) lives in rural areas and therefore depends on agriculture and livestock for food and income.This book reviews sustainable technological options for land and water management and that are appropriate to soil and moisture conservation in drylands areas of Kenya. Of significant importance are: Environment and Resource Conservation in Semi-Arid Kenya; Dryland agriculture and conservation technologies in Kenya; Sustainable Soil Management Technologies for Effective Erosion Control in Semi-Arid Kenya; Development of Sustainable Conservation Techniques for Dryland Agriculture in Semi-arid Kenya; Agroforestry for Environmental Conservation in Dryland Environments of Kenya; Carbon Sequestration in Dryland Soils; Integrated Watershed Resource Management in Semi-arid Kenya; Runoff Water Management Systems for Dryland Agriculture in Semi-Arid Kenya; Land and Water Management for Poverty Alleviation: Experiences from Iiuni Watershed, Machakos County, Kenya; and Participatory Role of Communities in Sustainable Development and Management of Resources in semi - arid environments of Kenya?
On Airs, Waters, and Places
On Airs, Waters, and Places
Whoever wishes to investigate medicine properly, should proceed thus: in the first place to consider the seasons of the year, and what effects each of them produces for they are not at all alike, but differ much from themselves in regard to their changes. Then the winds, the hot and the cold, especially such as are common to all countries, and then such as are peculiar to each locality. We must also consider the qualities of the waters, for as they differ from one another in taste and weight, so also do they differ much in their qualities.
The Comprehensive Vibrational Healing Guide
The Comprehensive Vibrational Healing Guide
Maya Cointreau
An Amazon #1 Bestseller in Mental & Spiritual Healing, The Comprehensive Vibrational Healing Guide covers hundreds of holistic remedies that work with the body’s natural energetic rhythm to foster better emotional, spiritual and physical health. Maya Cointreau walks you through the layers of the body biofield, explaining vital concepts such as chakras, meridians, and elemental theory so that you can choose the remedies that will work best for you and your family. Quantum physics and rigorous scientific studies are explored, shedding light on how and why vibrational healing works so well in conjunction with modern allopathic medicine. “Vibrational remedies are energy medicine. Everything in this book is designed to balance or enhance the energy patterns in the body so that it can heal itself. All vibrational remedies shift our energy so that we can feel better. So that we can be better.”Learn how to effectively use mind-body techniques such as EFT, meditation and affirmations. Create and use your own flower essences and homeopathic remedies, or choose from hundreds of remedies that are on the market today, including essential oils and crystal elixirs. Understand the power of UV light, and how to harness its healing potential through the use of LED lights or colors. Hands-on healing therapies such as Reiki, Polarity, Therapeutic Touch and Qigong Healing are all explained, as well the basic tenets of Ayurveda, Won-Ki and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Harness modern technological breakthroughs from NASA and other respected scientists and take charge of your healing process. Powerful Holistic Healing Modalities from the Comprehensive Vibrational Healing Guide:* The Human Biofield, Chakras & Meridians* Reiki, Polarity Therapy & Therapeutic Touch* Ayurveda & Traditional Chinese Medicine* EFT, Meditation and Affirmations* Aromatherapy & Homeopathy* Brain Waves, Learning, and Sound Healing* UV Light & Color Therapy* Learn to Create and Use Your Own Remedies* Electro-Magnetic Quantum Healing Technologies* Biofeedback, BioResonance and Rife Machines“Maya Cointreau will take you on a journey towards a new way of living life. She makes it easy to relate to the material and her words will leave you feeling confident and self-empowered.” –Kathy Lalonde, RPP
The Book of Prognostics
The Book of Prognostics
It appears to me a most excellent thing for the physician to cultivate Prognosis; for by foreseeing and foretelling, in the presence of the sick, the present, the past, and the future, and explaining the omissions which patients have been guilty of, he will be the more readily believed to be acquainted with the circumstances of the sick; so that men will have confidence to intrust themselves to such a physician.
Dac? ??i pas? de copilul t?u
Dac? ??i pas? de copilul t?u
Orban Adrian
A tr?i mult, ?n s?n?tate ?i fericire, a fost preocuparea dintotdeauna a omenirii. Antropologi, biologi ?i medici s-au str?duit de mii de ani s? g?seasc? cele mai bune c?i pentru a le asigura semenilor no?tri o via?? c?t mai lung?.Sintetiz?nd o asemenea experien?? ?n domeniul medicinei complementare ?i ad?ug?ndu-i rezultatele cercet?rilor gerontologice proprii, Fanic?-Voinea Ene, renumit specialist ?n sfera terapiilor naturiste, prezint? ?n aceast? lucrare metode ?i procedee practice, la ?ndem?na fiec?ruia dintre noi, pentru a ne prelungi via?a. Astfel, ve?i g?si ?n lucrare recomand?ri originale ?i de mare folos privind alimenta?ia s?n?toas?, m?surile pe care trebuie s? le lu?m pentru ?ncetinirea proceselor oxidative ?i, implicit, a ?mb?tr?nirii organismului, fortificarea sistemului imunitar, echilibrarea metabolismului, respectarea cronobiologiei umane, ?ntoarcerea la natur?, toate acestea constituind repere majore ale stilului de via?? pentru a deveni longevivi.
Identitatea rom?neasc?
Identitatea rom?neasc?
Ioan-Aurel Pop
Acumularea de produse reziduale acide ?n organism determin? ?mb?tr?nirea. Dac? reu?im s? elimin?m aceste de?euri, mai ales pe cele vechi, putem inversa procesul de ?mb?tr?nire. Putem chiar elimina simptomele bolilor dac? nu s-au produs deja daune iremediabile. Atunci c?nd ne g?ndim la ?s?n?tate“, de fapt spunem ?diet? ?i exerci?ii fizice“, care ajut? organismul s? elimine substan?ele reziduale, dar nu sunt ?ntotdeauna u?or de realizat ?i eficiente. Scopul acestei c?r?i este de a le ar?ta oamenilor cum s? ?nve?e ?i s? practice metodele simple de inversare a procesului de ?mb?tr?nire, pentru a tr?i s?n?to?i mult? vreme.
Virusologie, bacteriologie ?i parazitologie pentru asisten?i medicali
Virusologie, bacteriologie ?i parazitologie pentru asisten?i medicali
Moldoveanu Monica
Geriatrie ?i geropatologie pentru asisten?i medicali vine ?n sprijinul elevilor ?colilor postliceale sanitare, la baza sa afl?ndu-se nevoia de cunoa?tere ?i perfec?ionare a viitorului asistent medical. Cre?terea demografic? a popula?iei v?rstnice impune o bun? cunoa?tere a particularit??ilor v?rstei a treia, at?t de publicul larg, c?t mai ales de personalul sanitar.Aceast? lucrare respect? programa de preg?tire a asisten?ilor medicali, ad?ug?nd ?i o serie de informa?ii care s? confere o perspectiv? unitar? asupra particularit??ilor fiziologice, patologice ?i terapeutice ale v?rstei a treia. Sunt abordate aspectele medico-sociale complexe ale procesului de ?mb?tr?nire, dar ?i evenimente cu un important r?sunet ?n via?a psiho-afectiv? a individului, precum pensionarea sau integrarea v?rstnicului ?n institu?ii specializate.Abordarea medico-psiho-social? a problematicii v?rstnicului ofer? o viziune integrat? a informa?iei, util? at?t elevilor ?colilor sanitare, c?t ?i asisten?ilor medicali. Totodat?, poate fi considerat un ?ndrumar util ?i studen?ilor facult??ilor de medicin? general? ?i farmacie, asisten?ilor sociali, psihologilor, medicilor de familie sau de alte specialit??i etc.
The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes: Sherlock Holmes #9
The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes: Sherlock Holmes #9
Arthur Conan Doyle
The publication of Darwin’s The Origin of Species in 1859 marked a dramatic turning point in scientific thought. The volume had taken Darwin more than twenty years to publish, in part because he envisioned the storm of controversy it was certain to unleash. Indeed, selling out its first edition on its first day, The Origin of Species revolutionized science, philosophy, and theology. Darwin’s reasoned, documented arguments carefully advance his theory of natural selection and his assertion that species were not created all at once by a divine hand but started with a few simple forms that mutated and adapted over time. Whether commenting on his own poor health, discussing his experiments to test instinct in bees, or relating a conversation about a South American burrowing rodent, Darwin’s monumental achievement is surprisingly personal and delightfully readable. Its profound ideas remain controversial even today, making it the most influential book in the natural sciences ever written—an important work not just to its time but to the history of humankind.
Buciu Marian Victor
Renun?a?i la p?ine, nu mai m?nca?i cereale, abandona?i glutenul! Mesajul este c?t se poate de simplu – fugi de gluten ?i nu numai c? te vei sim?i mai bine, dar ?i vei face o favoare creierului. Aceast? teorie extrem de controversat?, care demonteaz? toate ipotezele nutri?ionale moderne, propulseaz? cartea lui Perlmutter pe primul loc ?n topul bestsellerurilor New York Time, ajuns? la al nou?lea tiraj ?i publicat? ?n 15 ??ri. Renumitul neurolog David Perlmutter dezv?luie un adev?r ?ngropat foarte mult timp ?n literatura de specialitate: carbohidra?ii distrug creierul. ?i nu numai carbohidra?ii nes?n?to?i, dar chiar ?i cei s?n?to?i, precum cerealele integrale care pot provoca demen??, ADHD, anxietate, migrene, depresie ?i multe altele. Dr. Perlmutter explic? mecanismele care au loc la nivelul creierului atunci c?nd acesta are de a face cu ingredientele comune din p?inea cea de toate zilele ?i din bolul cu fructe, de ce gr?simea ?i colesterolul sunt benefice pentru creier ?i cum pot stimula acestea regenerarea celular? la orice v?rst?. Oferind o privire ?n profunzime asupra felului ?n care putem prelua controlul ?genelor noastre inteligente“ prin alegeri specifice alimentare ?i de stil de via??, autorul demonstreaz? cum se pot fi ?nfr?nge cele mai de temut maladii ale noastre f?r? medicamente. ?n sus?inerea teoriilor expuse ?n prima parte a c?r?ii, dr. Perlmutter a definitivat un plan revolu?ionar de 4 s?pt?m?ni prin care ne ?nva?? cum s? reprogram?m destinul nostru genetic pentru ob?inerea performan?elor ?n ceea ce prive?te starea de s?n?tate. Concluzia este ?ncurajatoare – nu depinde dec?t de noi s? r?m?nem ?n deplin?tatea facult??ilor mintale p?n? la sf?r?itul vie?ii.
Zuhanás: 50 után csak a csodában bízhatsz?
Zuhanás: 50 után csak a csodában bízhatsz?
Kuncz Erzsébet
Lambrecht Kálmán k?nyve ma is lebilincsel? stílusban és tudományt?rténeti korrektséggel mutatja be ezen csodálatos tudomány kialakulását és fejl?dését, tárja elénk nagy alakjainak eredményeit. Mégsem száraz adatfelsorolás ez a k?nyv, hanem izgalmas utazás, ahol a tárgy ellenére az ember, a kutató, a gyarló tudós áll a k?zéppontban. Megismerjük vívódásait, harcát az anyaggal, tévedéseit és csatáit hasonló lelk? vetélytársaikkal. Az ?svilági élet tehát igencsak evilági szellemeken keresztül jutott el oda, hogy aJurassic park megszülethetett. K?vessük ezt a t?bb évszázados fejl?dést egy magával ragadó tollú ismeretterjeszt? vezetésében. Lehet, hogy néhány k?vetkeztetése ma már nem állja meg a helyét, ám ez mit sem von le abból az értékb?l, amit stílusa és tudományt?rténeti ?sszefoglalója ma is jelent. Izgalmas olvasmány egy ma igen népszer? tudomány kezdeteir?l.
Menekülés a F?ldr?l
Menekülés a F?ldr?l
Juhász István
A Magyarország f?ldtana cím? k?nyv els?sorban az egyetemi szint? áttekint? f?ldtani oktatás számára készült tank?nyvként. Az elektronikus kiadás lehet?ségeit kihasználva a k?tet a legfrissebb ismereteket szintetizálja és ad hazánk f?ldtani felépítésér?l korszer? áttekintést, amelyet haszonnal forgathatják nemcsak egyetemi hallgatók, hanem a téma iránt érdekl?d? nem szakmabeliek egyaránt. A k?tet szerz?i, Budai Tamás és Konrád Gyula aktív és nagy tapasztalattal rendelkez? terepi geológusok, akik oktatási tapasztalatokkal egyaránt rendelkezve megfelel? arányban vegyítik a terepi tapasztalatokat az oktatás igényeivel.A megértést számos ábra teszi teljessé. (a Kiadó)
Father Goriot
Father Goriot
Honore De Balzac
In 1861, Henry Dircks, a civil engineer, of London, published a work entitled "Perpetuum Mobile; or, Search for Self-Motive Power, During the Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries." The book contains 599 pages, and was followed in 1870, by a second series by the same author entitled "Perpetuum Mobile, or a History of the Search for Self-Motive Power from the Thirteenth, to the Nineteenth Century." In these two books there is amassed a wonderful amount of material showing on the part of the author diligence, great patience and wide and thorough search.The author of these works was not enamoured of his subject, and his books clearly show that he was not writing them because of any interest he had in the subject of Perpetual Motion. On the contrary, they appear to have been written because of a deep detestation entertained by the author for the subject of Perpetual Motion, and a contemptuous pity for any one seriously interested in the subject. Mr. Dircks's works may be said to be the works of a scold. His sentiments were deep, and his impulses strong, which accounts for the vast amount of labor he did in the preparation of his books. Those books are now out of print, and it is believed by the author of this book that they may well remain so. They contain much material that no one would be justified in wading through. The most complicated mechanisms devised by enthusiastic dreamers are shown in the same detail with which the inventors described them in presenting them to the public, or to the patent offices. Little is to be gained by this. So complicated are many of the devices that only technically trained engineers could read them understandingly, and few technically trained engineers are now greatly interested in self-motive power devices. We believe that every useful or interesting purpose is served if enough devices are collected, classified and presented to show the various principles relied upon by the inventors; with an explanation of why they failed—i. e., wherein the principles relied upon are wrong, and while possibly not out of harmony with any mechanical principles then known, are entirely out of harmony with principles since discovered and now well known. In the preparation of this volume a vast amount of the information furnished by the two works of Mr. Dircks has been rearranged, reclassified, and used.Everyone who has to any extent, by environment, associated with the mass of people who are not technically educated, knows that the persons who are still interested in the subject of Perpetual Motion, and who still seek its attainment, are not technically trained engineers or mathematicians, but for the greater part untrained people of naturally strong mechanical sense, and of natural mechanical and mathematical adaptation.This book is written for the perusal of that large class of people. It is not designed as an argument either for or against the possibility of the attainment of Perpetual Motion. The author is content to classify and present—clearly, it is hoped—the leading endeavors that have been known in that field of effort, and to explain their failure. It is believed by the author that the perusal of the present volume by anyone whose mind has been attracted by the subject of Perpetual Motion will result in an enlightenment, and, it is also believed, will have a tendency to direct his mind from a struggle with theories long ago exploded, and may result in directing his efforts to things practical, and not without hope of attainment.This work is offered only to minds mechanically or mathematically inclined. It is not even hoped that it will interest people who prefer fiction to fact, nor people who read simply for idle entertainment. ABOUT AUTHOR: The author has no apology to offer for the production of this book. He has spent his life in environments that have brought him into constant contact with mechanics, artisans and laborers as well as professional men, engineers, chemists and technical experts of various types. He knows a great many men—young men, for the most part—are constantly working on the old, old problem of Perpetual Motion; that much money, and much time are being spent in search of a solution for that problem which all scientific and technical men tell us is impossible of solution.It is believed by the author that a classification and presentation of selected groups of the devices produced in the past by which it was by the inventor believed, self-motive power had been attained, will save much work in fields already thoroughly exploited.So far as the author knows no book on the subject has appeared since 1870. The various encyclopedias published contain articles on the subject, but they are necessarily brief, and not satisfying to young men who have become interested in the subject.
Szív-hangok 2.: Nem csak egy év
Szív-hangok 2.: Nem csak egy év
Victoria Green
Проверенные веками рецепты целителей! ? Рецепты отваров, настоев, мазей из целебных трав ? Лечение недугов медом, глиной, яблочным уксусом, луком, чесноком ? Исцеление словом: заговоры и шепотки от болезней Народные знахари бережно хранят древние секреты лечения недугов, укрепления душевных сил и оздоровления всего организма. Сегодня эти секреты откроются вам. Благодаря лечебнику с огромным количеством народных способов исцеления травами, чистой водой, ягодами, медом, глиной и другими дарами природы, а также заговорам от сглаза, всякой напасти, злых слов и порчи, различных недугов вы избавитесь от:? простудных и воспалительных заболеваний ? болезней сердца, желудка, суставов ? головных болей, повышенного давления ? аллергии и болезней обмена веществ.Proverennye vekami recepty celitelej! ? Recepty otvarov, nastoev, mazej iz celebnyh trav ? Lechenie nedugov medom, glinoj, jablochnym uksusom, lukom, chesnokom ? Iscelenie slovom: zagovory i shepotki ot boleznej Narodnye znahari berezhno hranjat drevnie sekrety lechenija nedugov, ukreplenija dushevnyh sil i ozdorovlenija vsego organizma. Segodnja jeti sekrety otkrojutsja vam. Blagodarja lechebniku s ogromnym kolichestvom narodnyh sposobov iscelenija travami, chistoj vodoj, jagodami, medom, glinoj i drugimi darami prirody, a takzhe zagovoram ot sglaza, vsjakoj napasti, zlyh slov i porchi, razlichnyh nedugov vy izbavites' ot:? prostudnyh i vospalitel'nyh zabolevanij ? boleznej serdca, zheludka, sustavov ? golovnyh bolej, povyshennogo davlenija ? allergii i boleznej obmena veshhestv.
Чотири сезони (Chotiri sezoni)
Чотири сезони (Chotiri sezoni)
Stіven Kіng
Народные средства и рецепты лечения геморроя и варикоза, как и многих других хронических заболеваний, несмотря на простоту и доступность, станут надежной поддержкой медикаментозного лечения и самым эффективным средством профилактики. Продуманная и доступная лечебная диета с рецептами блюд на каждый день, рецепты отваров, настоек и мазей на лекарственных травах, продуктах пчеловодства, лечение лечебной глиной, с помощью соли, квасцов и металлов, водные процедуры, приемы массажа и самомассажа для снятия боли и облегчения симптомов заболевания при регулярном применении заметно и надолго улучшат ваше самочувствие.Narodnye sredstva i recepty lechenija gemorroja i varikoza, kak i mnogih drugih hronicheskih zabolevanij, nesmotrja na prostotu i dostupnost', stanut nadezhnoj podderzhkoj medikamentoznogo lechenija i samym jeffektivnym sredstvom profilaktiki. Produmannaja i dostupnaja lechebnaja dieta s receptami bljud na kazhdyj den', recepty otvarov, nastoek i mazej na lekarstvennyh travah, produktah pchelovodstva, lechenie lechebnoj glinoj, s pomoshh'ju soli, kvascov i metallov, vodnye procedury, priemy massazha i samomassazha dlja snjatija boli i oblegchenija simptomov zabolevanija pri reguljarnom primenenii zametno i nadolgo uluchshat vashe samochuvstvie.
Man Who Flattened the Earth
Man Who Flattened the Earth
Mary Terrall
Self-styled adventurer, literary wit, philosopher, and statesman of science, Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis (1698-1759) stood at the center of Enlightenment science and culture. Offering an elegant and accessible portrait of this remarkable man, Mary Terrall uses the story of Maupertuis's life, self-fashioning, and scientific works to explore what it meant to do science and to be a man of science in eighteenth-century Europe.Beginning his scientific career as a mathematician in Paris, Maupertuis entered the public eye with a much-discussed expedition to Lapland, which confirmed Newton's calculation that the earth was flattened at the poles. He also made significant, and often intentionally controversial, contributions to physics, life science, navigation, astronomy, and metaphysics. Called to Berlin by Frederick the Great, Maupertuis moved to Prussia to preside over the Academy of Sciences there. Equally at home in salons, cafs, scientific academies, and royal courts, Maupertuis used his social connections and his printed works to enhance a carefully constructed reputation as both a man of letters and a man of science. His social and institutional affiliations, in turn, affected how Maupertuis formulated his ideas, how he presented them to his contemporaries, and the reactions they provoked.Terrall not only illuminates the life and work of a colorful and important Enlightenment figure, but also uses his story to delve into many wider issues, including the development of scientific institutions, the impact of print culture on science, and the interactions of science and government. Smart and highly readable, Maupertuis will appeal to anyone interested in eighteenth-century science and culture.”Terrall's work is scholarship in the best sense. Her explanations of arcane 18th-century French physics, mathematics, astronomy, and biology are among the most lucid available in any language.”-Virginia Dawson, American Historical ReviewWinner of the 2003 Pfizer Award from the History of Science Society
Paradise Found
Paradise Found
Steve Nicholls
The first Europeans to set foot on North America stood in awe of the natural abundance before them. The skies were filled with birds, seas and rivers teemed with fish, and the forests and grasslands were a hunter's dream, with populations of game too abundant and diverse to even fathom. It's no wonder these first settlers thought they had discovered a paradise of sorts. Fortunately for us, they left a legacy of copious records documenting what they saw, and these observations make it possible to craft a far more detailed evocation of North America before its settlement than any other place on the planet.Here Steve Nicholls brings this spectacular environment back to vivid life, demonstrating with both historical narrative and scientific inquiry just what an amazing place North America was and how it looked when the explorers first found it. The story of the continent's colonization forms a backdrop to its natural history, which Nicholls explores in chapters on the North Atlantic, the East Coast, the Subtropical Caribbean, the West Coast, Baja California, and the Great Plains. Seamlessly blending firsthand accounts from centuries past with the findings of scientists today, Nicholls also introduces us to a myriad cast of characters who have chronicled the changing landscape, from pre-Revolutionary era settlers to researchers whom he has met in the field.A director and writer of Emmy Award-winning wildlife documentaries for the Smithsonian Channel, Animal Planet, National Geographic, and PBS, Nicholls deploys a cinematic flair for capturing nature at its most mesmerizing throughout. But Paradise Found is much more than a celebration of what once was: it is also a reminder of how much we have lost along the way and an urgent call to action so future generations are more responsible stewards of the world around them. The result is popular science of the highest order: a book as remarkable as the landscape it recreates and as inspired as the men and women who discovered it.
Murder by Accident
Murder by Accident
Enders, Jody
Over fifty years ago, it became unfashionable-even forbidden-for students of literature to talk about an author's intentions for a given work. In Murder by Accident, Jody Enders boldly resurrects the long-disgraced concept of intentionality, especially as it relates to the theater.Drawing on four fascinating medieval events in which a theatrical performance precipitated deadly consequences, Enders contends that the marginalization of intention in critical discourse is a mirror for the marginalization-and misunderstanding-of theater. Murder by Accident revisits the legal, moral, ethical, and aesthetic limits of the living arts of the past, pairing them with examples from the present, whether they be reality television, snuff films, the "e;accidental"e; live broadcast of a suicide on a Los Angeles freeway, or an actor who jokingly fired a stage revolver at his temple, causing his eventual death. This book will force scholars and students to rethink their assumptions about theory, intention, and performance, both past and present.
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