The Dark Side of the Moon: The Making of the Pink Floyd Masterpiece
John Harris, author of ‘Britpop!: Cool Britannia and the Spectacular Demise of English Rock’, has written for Rolling Stone, Mojo, Q, Independent, NME, Select, and New Statesman. He lives in Hay on Wye, England.

On The Buses
On The Buses was a classic British situation comedy, created by Ronald Wolfe and Ronald Chesney, which ran for seven series from 1969 to 1973, and introduced a host of much-loved memorable characters. The series followed the ups and downs of life on the buses as portrayed by two work shy-busmen, Stan Butler (played by Reg Varney) and his mate Jack Harper (Bob Grant) as they invented new scams to wind up their long suffering boss, inspector Cyril Blakey Blake (Stephen Lewis). This book tells the whole 'On The Buses' story from its inception through to the three spin-off feature films it spawned. It includes details of cast, crew, locations and the many famous faces and catch phrases which made-up one of the most popular sitcoms ever to appear on our TV screens. On The Buses aired in an era where entertainment was unrestrained by politically correct rules but hilarious scripts and quality acting guaranteed the series a legion of loyal fans around the globe. This book is a must have for anyone interested in learning more about On The Buses an example of British sitcom at its best.

Letters of Not
A collection of remarkable and completely made-up correspondence from the great and the good across history. Many books have collated the exceptional letters and personal writing of the famous, offering a fascinating insight into well-known figures' personal lives and hidden desires. But what of the undistinguished epistles of the renowned? Can their less auspicious musings divulge clues to their hopes and ambitions? Probably not. But they can be quite funny. 'Letters of Not' assembles the fictional jotted dross that was never before considered worthy of collection. The Post-it notes, the shopping lists, the failed limericks and the birthday card sentiments of history's most celebrated sons and daughters.

Enough About You
The Complete Narcissist's GuideMimi E. Gotist delivers a gift for our times: practical, simple guidance to help you cope with the self-loving people in your life-while nurturing your own inner narcissist.At once utterly self-absorbed, and charmingly aware of it, Gotist offers advice on: Dating: You're not looking for the person you want to marry -- you're looking for the person you want to change Career: Don't work -- work it Spirituality: Me Here Now Personal Growth: You can't help anyone who won't help you

The Garden in the Clouds: From Derelict Smallholding to Mountain Paradise
A warm, witty memoir of one man’s escape from the city in an unlikely quest to create out of a mountainous Welsh landscape a garden fit for inclusion in the prestigious Yellow Book – the ‘Gardens of England and Wales Open for Charity’ guide – in just one year. It was a derelict smallholding so high up in the Black Mountains of Wales it was routinely lost in cloud. But to Antony Woodward, Tair-Ffynnon was the most beautiful place in the world. Equally ill-at-ease in town and country after too long in London’s ad-land, Woodward bought Tair-Ffynnon because he yearned to reconnect with the countryside he never felt part of as a child. But what excuse could he invent to move there permanently? The solution, he decided, was a garden. In just a year he’d create a garden so special it would be selected for the prestigious Yellow Book – the famous National Gardens Scheme guide to gardens open to the public for charity. It’s an unlikely ambition to entertain in this most unlikely of settings, and one that soon sees Woodward driven by odder and odder compulsions – from hauling a 20-tonne railway carriage up the mountain to making hay with hopelessly antiquated machinery. The path to Woodward’s elusive sense of belonging turns out to be a rocky and winding one, taking in childhood haunts, children’s books and Proustian nostalgia trips. As the family battles gales, mud and Welsh mountain sheep of marble-eyed cunning, not to mention the notoriously fastidious NGS County Organiser, it remains deeply uncertain whether the ‘Not Garden’ and the ‘infinity vegetable patch’ (that grows only stones) will ever make the grade… Warm, thought-provoking and brilliantly funny, this is a memoir of a hopeless romantic with a grandly ludicrous ambition – an ambition to which anyone who’s ever dropped into a garden centre, or opened a packet of seeds, has already succumbed.

Life Moves Pretty Fast
Hadley Freeman brings us her personalised guide to American movies from the 1980s – why they are brilliant, what they meant to her, and how they influenced movie-making forever. For Hadley Freeman, American moves of the 1980s have simply got it all. Comedy in Three Men and a Baby, Hannah and Her Sisters, Ghostbusters, Back to the Future and Trading Places; all a teenager needs to know – in Pretty in Pink, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Say Anything, The Breakfast Club and Mystic Pizza; the ultimate in action – Top Gun, Die Hard, Young Sherlock Holmes, Beverly Hills Cop and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; love and sex – in 9 ? Weeks, Splash, About Last Night, The Big Chill, Bull Durham; and family fun – in The Little Mermaid, ET, Big, Parenthood and Lean On Me. Born in the late 1970s, Hadley grew up on a well-rounded diet of these movies, her entire view of the world, adult relations and expectations of what her life might hold was forged by these cult classics. In this personalised guide, she puts her obsessive movie geekery to good use, detailing the decades key players, genres and tropes, and how exactly the friendship between Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi influenced the evolution of comedy. She looks back to a cinematic world in which bankers are invariably evil, despite this being the decade of Wall Street, where children are always wiser than adults, and science is embraced with an intense enthusiasm, and the future viewed with excitement. She considers how the changes between movies then and movies today say so much about pop culture’s and society’s changing expectations of women, young people and art, and explains why Pretty in Pink and Sixteen Candles should be put on school syllabuses immediately.

Spioni la Vatican
Non abbiate paura! Nu v? fie team?!Cuvintele rostite de papa Ioan Paul al II-lea ?n octombrie 1978, la inaugurarea pontificatului s?u, aveau s? trezeasc? ?n sufletele polonezilor ?i ale tuturor celor oprima?i de comunism dorin?a de a fi liberi ?i curajul de a lupta pentru libertate. ?n urm?torii ani, papa a devenit cel mai puternic simbol al luptei anticomuniste. Uniunea Sovietic? ?l considera pe Ioan Paul al II-lea (?i, implicit, Biserica Catolic?) o amenin?are la adresa stabilit??ii ?n Europa de Est ?i inamicul num?rul unu al statului. Deloc surprinz?tor, KGB-ul a pus la punct o re?ea impresionant? de spioni ?i agen?i dubli ?i chiar a ?ncercat s?-l asasineze pe pap?.Paradoxal ?ns?, cu c?t erau mai persecuta?i pentru credin?a lor, cu at?t oamenii erau dispu?i s?-?i ri?te via?a pentru libertate. Dovezile lor de curaj sunt impresionante, a?a cum impresionante sunt, dar ?n sens negativ, cazurile preo?ilor care ?i-au tr?dat biserica, trec?nd de partea celui mai mare du?man al acesteia, regimul comunist.Jurnalist ?i ofi?er ?n rezerv? al serviciului de informa?ii al Armatei SUA, John Koehler prezint? cititorilor documente ?i transcrieri ale unor stenograme necunoscute p?n? acum, realiz?nd o cronic? f?r? precedent a R?zboiului Rece dus de URSS ?mpotriva Bisericii Catolice ?i contribuind, astfel, decisiv la cunoa?terea istoriei secolului XX.

364 Days of Tedium: or What Santa Gets up to on his Days Off
Ever wondered what Santa gets up to the rest of the year? You’ll wish you hadn’t! For 364 days of the year Santa has bugger all to do. The elves do all the manual labour and these days he orders all the presents online. All he has to do is deliver them. So, for the rest of the time he is bored out of his tiny mind. Dave Cornmell’s brilliant and inspired comic strip is an irreverent and incredibly rude look at Santa’s real life featuring an hilarious cast of characters including Mrs Claus, the elves, reindeer, a variety of arctic wildlife, Santa’s bath toys and some maggots. Find our where Santa goes on holiday, what he does with his bin bags, what he watches on telly, how he copes when his wife goes away and whether or not the rumours are true about him and Vixen. Whatever your idealised image of Santa may be, the truth is that he’s just a bored fat bloke who hates his job. Get used to it.

Sean Smith is the UK’s leading celebrity biographer and the author of six Sunday Times bestsellers, with his titles being translated throughout the world. Described by the Independent as a ‘fearless chronicler’, he specialises in meticulous research, going ‘on the road’ to find the real person behind the star image.

Talk to the Hand
A battle-cry for civilised behaviour from the author of the multi-million selling Eats, Shoots and Leaves. "Talk to the hand 'cause the face ain't listening," the saying goes. When did the world get to be so rude? When did society become so inconsiderate? It's a topic that has been simmering for years, and Lynne Truss says that it has now reached boiling point. Taking on the boorish behaviour that has become a point of pride for some, Talk to the Hand is a rallying cry for courtesy. Like Eats, Shoots and Leaves, Talk to the Hand is a spirited conversation, not a stuffy guidebook. It is not about forks, for a start. Why hasn't your nephew ever thanked you for that perfect Christmas present? What makes your builder think he can treat you like dirt in your own home? When you phone a utility with a complaint (and have negotiated the switchboard), why can't you ever speak to a person who is authorised to apologise? What accounts for the appalling treatment you receive in shops? Most important, what will it take to roll back a culture that applauds rudeness and finds it so amusing? For anyone who's fed up with the brutality inflicted by modern manners (and is naturally too scared to confront the actual yobs), Talk to the Hand is a colourful call to arms from the wittiest defender of the civilised world.

The Atheist’s Guide to Christmas
42 atheist celebrities, comedians, scientists and writers give their funny and serious tips for enjoying the Christmas season. When the Atheist Bus Campaign was first launched, over Gbp150,000, was raised in four days - enough to place the advert 'There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life' on 800 Uk buses in January 2009. Now dozens of atheist writers, comedians and scientists are joining together to raise money for a very different cause. The Atheist's Guide to Christmas is a funny, thoughtful handbook all about enjoying Christmas, from 42 of the world's most entertaining atheists. It features everything from an atheist Christmas miracle to a guide to the best Christmas pop hits, and contributors include Richard Dawkins, Charlie Brooker, Derren Brown, Ben Goldacre, Jenny Colgan, David Baddiel, Simon Singh, Ac Grayling, Brian Cox and Richard Herring. The full book advance and all royalties will go to the Uk Hiv charity Terrence Higgins Trust.

Eats, Shoots and Leaves
Anxious about the apostrophe? Confused by the comma? Stumped by the semicolon? Join Lynne Truss on a hilarious tour through the rules of punctuation that is sure to sort the dashes from the hyphens. We all had the basic rules of punctuation drilled into us at school, but punctuation pedants have good reason to suspect they never sank in. ‘Its Summer!’ screams a sign that sets our teeth on edge. ‘Pansy’s ready’, we learn to our considerable interest (‘Is she?’) as we browse among the bedding plants. It is not only the rules of punctuation that have come under attack but also a sense of why they matter. In this runaway bestseller, Lynne Truss takes the fight to emoticons and greengrocers’ apostrophes with a war cry of ‘Sticklers unite!’

Bez ograniczeń
Milyen állambiztonsági kockázatokat rejtett magában egy futball-világbajnokság? Vajon miért volt olyan fontos a titkosszolgálat számára Puskás, hogy még a hatvanas évek végén is érkeztek róla jelentések? Valóban kiváltságos klubként kezelte a rendszer Kádár kedvenc csapatát, a Vasast? A politikai rend?rség szempontjából miért voltak kiemelten veszélyesek a Ferencváros mérk?zései? ?s vajon mi igaz abból, hogy a magyar válogatott nem nyerhetett a Szovjetunió ellen? ?s egyáltalán: miért érdekelte mindez az állambiztonságot? TAK?CS TIBOR k?nyvéb?l kiderül, hogy a sport, így a futball egyre fokozódó állambiztonsági ellen?rzését mindenekel?tt a kiszélesed? nemzetk?zi kapcsolatok indokolták, de egyes sportvezet?ket, játékosokat és szurkolókat is folyamatosan megfigyelés alatt tartottak. Ezzel együtt a kádári politikai rend?rség olykor maga sem tudta pontosan, mi dolga a labdarúgás k?rül – ilyenkor aztán m?k?désbe lépett az állambiztonsági paranoia, amely egy egyszer? szurkolói megnyilvánulásban is ?ellenséges tevékenységet” szimatolt. A t?rténész arra vállalkozik, hogy bemutassa: milyen tevékenységet végzett a Kádár-korszak állambiztonsága a legnagyobb t?megeket vonzó t?megsport, a labdarúgás k?rül. Futball és állambiztonság kapcsolatáról kül?nb?z?, néha párhuzamosan futó, olykor egymást metsz? t?rténeteken keresztül ad átfogó képet, mik?zben felvázolja az 1956 utáni állami sportirányítási rendszer és a politikai rend?rség m?k?désének f?bb vonásait és jellemz?it is. TAK?CS TIBOR Nyíregyházán született 1974-ben. A Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem B?lcsészettudományi Karán diplomázott 1997-ben. Ezt k?vet?en doktori ?szt?ndíjas volt, majd a nyíregyházi levéltárban dolgozott. 2002-t?l a T?rténeti Hivatal, illetve utódintézménye, az ?llambiztonsági Szolgálatok T?rténeti Levéltára munkatársa. 2005-ben a Debreceni Egyetemen doktori címet szerzett. F? kutatási területe az 1945 utáni magyar t?rténelem, kül?n?s tekintettel a politikai rend?rség m?k?désére

People in Watercolour (Collins 30-Minute Painting)
This practical and inspirational guide, in a handy sketchbook format, is aimed at the practised beginner and shows how to achieve successful watercolour paintings of people in just 30 minutes – ideal for the busy amateur artist who doesn't have much time to paint. Many people think they don't have enough time to paint, but in this attractive guide Trevor Waugh encourages quick and simple painting. By working with just a few materials and focusing on the key techniques it is possible to achieve successful, realistic paintings of people in no more than half an hour. And for those artists who already have a little painting experience, learning to work more quickly enables them to free up their style and paint more spontaneously. All the key topics are covered, from watercolour techniques, colour and tone to learning about proportions, simple silhouettes, facial features, and backgrounds.

Biff Bang, American Hero: and Other Plays
Biff Bang, American Hero: and Other Plays

Démoni doki
Németh Miklós és Pozsgay Imre egy k?tetben! Mellettük pedig Mayer Péter, Markovics Ferenc, Arató István, Kajli Béla, Kerezsi István és még sokan mások. Ismert, k?zismert és kevésbé ismert nevek egy beszélget?k?nyvben, amely a munkás?rség t?rténetét ?leli fel. A szerz?k megfogalmazásában: t?bb szempontból sem hagyományos interjúk?tetet készítettünk, vállalva ennek el?nyeit és hátrányait egyaránt. K?sz?nhet? volt ez annak is, hogy a k?nyv megírását megel?zte egy, a testület teljes t?rténetét feldolgozó kétrészes, ?sszesen k?zel egyórás dokumentumfilm elkészítése a Munkás?rség - Egy párthadsereg t?rténete címmel. A munkás?r?k nehéz ládát cipelnek. Amikor letették, hogy megpihenjenek, épp arra j?n János bácsi, a téesz juhásza és megkérdi: Mit cipelnek fiaim? Hadititok!, feleli az egyik munkás?r. ?s nagyon nehéz a láda? Már hogyne lenne nehéz, mikor tele van kézigránáttal?, válaszol az egyik munkás?r. A korabeli viccben és t?bbek emlékezetében is úgy él a Munkás?rség, mint egy kissé esetlen, sokszor id?s embereknek a gy?jt?helye vagy klubja. De a valóságban ez egyáltalán nem így volt. Az '56-os forradalom leverését k?vet?en létrehozott szervezet feladata sokáig kizárólag a rend(szer) védelmének a biztosítása volt. A kádári állam kiépülését k?vet?en kidolgozták háborús, határ?rizeti és polgári védelmi feladataikat is. A kezdetben harminc-, majd hatvanezer f?s párthadsereg létszámát tekintve a korabeli Magyar Néphadseregéhez képest is jelent?s volt! A rendszerváltás során a hatalom részér?l felmerült a testület átmentése is, de erre végül nem került sor. A Munkás?rség felszámolását 1989-ben a teljes ellenzék k?vetelte, leszerelésük jelent?s izgalommal t?lt?tte el a magyar társadalmat. De hogy látták mindezt a korabeli vezet? politikusok, katonák, és nem utolsó sorban maguk a munkás?r?k? Az interjúk?tet erre próbál választ találni.

Last Descendants - A New York-i felkelés
Europa acas“ este un album creat n urma unui turneu de conferine i lecturi publice inute de ctre autoare, Aura Christi, n ara lui Homer i Aristotel. Protagonitii albumului sunt Aura Christi, Nicolae Breban, Ion Ianoi, Janina Ianoi, Andrei Potlog, Victor Ivanovici, Monica Svulescu-Voudouri. Protagonistul cel mai important, ns, este fr ndoial Marea Elad i cultura ei, civilizaia acestei ri mitice - temelia civilizaiei europene moderne. Albumul conine poeme i comentarii, dar i imagini memorabile realizate de poeta Aura Christi la Delphi, Atena i alte epicentre legendare ale civilizaiei europene.

Encyclopedia of Elite Forces in WWII
The Second World War saw elite units take a prominent role on the battlefield for the first time. The Encyclopedia of Elite Forces in World War II is a wide-ranging guide to the excellent units on land, sea or in the air whose success was usually hard-won against the odds, and whose actions had an impact on the course of the fighting around them. The best units from both sides of the fighting are represented, as are the two main theatres of war. Arranged by combatant nation, the book covers such famous units as the US Rangers, British SAS and German Waffen-SS, as well as some of the less well-known units like Popski’s Private Army, the LRDG and Merrill’s Marauders. Not all the units featured in the book were officially designated as elite forces – indeed, some of those involved were only ordinary soldiers – but they achieved elite status through their deeds. Illustrated with action photographs, The Encyclopedia of Elite Forces in World War II is a comprehensive guide to the elite forces of both sides during the 1939-45 war. Each entry describes the unit’s strength, date of formation and gives a brief overview of its combat record during the war. Covering all aspects of warfare and both the European and Pacific theatres in World War II, the book will appeal to anyone with an interest in either World War II or elite units at war.

Gettysburg: The Turning Point in the Struggle between North and South
In June 1863, General Robert E. Lee and the 75,000-strong Army of Northern Virginia launched a second invasion of the North, crossing into Maryland and Pennsylvania to try to win a decisive victory over Federal forces. On July 1, Lee’s army encountered Major General Meade’s 90,000 strong Army of the Potamac at the small town of Gettysburg. After some initial success in dispersing the Federal advance guard, Lee launched attack after attack against the main army, but everywhere the Union line held. On July 3, Lee ordered a final assault of 12,500 Confederates at the center of the Union line on Cemetery Ridge, known as Pickett’s Charge. The charge was repulsed with huge loss of life, bringing the battle to an end. Today, Gettysburg is recognized as the turning point in the Civil War and one of the iconic battles of the great struggle between North and South. Lee’s gamble didn’t pay off, leaving the Army of Northern Virginia fatally weakened and unable to continue its invasion of the North. Gettysburg is divided into five chapters, outlining the campaign, the fighting on July 1, July 2, and July 3, as well as a chapter dealing with the aftermath; an extended appendices provides biographical background of the main Federal and Confederate leaders who fought in the battle. Through letters, journal entries, and official reports, the book includes numerous first-hand accounts from those who survived. Color maps show the battle as it unfolded over three days of fighting in places that have a place in Civil War legend: Seminary Ridge, Little Round Top, Cemetery Hill, Devil’s Den, the Wheat Field, Culp’s Hill, the Peach Orchard. Including more than 200 archival photographs, illustrations, paintings, and maps, Gettysburg is a colorful, accessible guide to the great battle that marked the turning point in the Civil War.

POW Escape And Evasion: Essential Military Skills To Avoid Being Caught By the E
POW Escape and Evasion covers everything you need to know about making a successful return to friendly territory. Beginning from the point where a combatant finds himself or herself trapped in enemy territory, the book offers useful tips and solid advice on how to evade capture and, if that fails, how to escape. Key topics include the will to survive; handling stress in captivity; escape techniques; survival in a variety of environments, including urban, rural, jungle and desert; how to forage for food; tracking and how to cover your tracks; navigation, with or without a map; and seeking recovery by friendly forces. The book also includes a number of real life accounts of POW escape from World War II (including The Great Escape story and Colditz), the Vietnam War (Dieter Dengler, with others, escaping from Laos), the Balkans, Iraq (Thomas Hamill in 2004) and Afghanistan. With more than 120 black-&-white artworks and with easy-to-follow text, POW Escape and Evasion is for anyone who wants to know how to survive in the most stressful of circumstances and emerge a winner. Presented in a handy, pocket-size format, this is a book you could take with you into the field. And it could save your life.

Manhunt: The Art and Science of Tracking High Profile Enemy Targets
A manhunt can involve helicopters, hounds and hundreds of military or police personnel, but it can also turn on the evidence of one broken spider’s web. Manhunts today might involve the technology of infrared cameras and surveillance devices such as powerful satellite technology, but they may also rely on examining the width, depth, tread and intervals of footprints, or observing minute changes in the natural environment. From searching for high-value enemy targets such as Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein to finding soldiers caught behind enemy lines, from escaped prisoners and serial killers to a missing child, SAS and Elite Forces Guide: Manhunt explores just how the military and police forces track people down. Including many case studies of high-value targets, suspected criminals and fugitives from justice, and with extensive background on the different techniques in tracking used, from traditional Native American trackers’ skills to the latest high-tech methods, Manhunt brings together the history and science of tracking. Illustrated with 150 maps and photographs, SAS and Elite Forces Guide: Manhunt is an authoritative examination of tracking from footprints to forensics and a must for anyone interested in the latest military practices, true crime and survival skills.