
The Answer Is in the Problem
In these Talks, given in Europe, Ojai and India, Krishnamurti addresses the need to approach our life problems in a manner does not perpetuate fragmentation. "Though we have many problems, and each problem seems to produce so many other problems, perhaps we can consider together whether the wisest thing to do is, not to seek the solution of any problem at all. It seems to me that our minds are incapable of dealing with life as a whole; we deal, apparently, with all problems fragmentarily, separately, not with an integrated outlook. Perhaps the first thing, if we have problems, is not to seek an immediate solution for them, but to have the patience to inquire deeply into them, and discover whether these problems can ever be solved by the exercise of will. What is important, I think, is to find out, not how to solve the problem, but how to approach it." An extensive compendium of Krishnamurti's talks and discussions in the USA, Europe, India, New Zealand, and South Africa from 1933 to 1967—the Collected Works have been carefully authenticated against existing transcripts and tapes. Each volume includes a frontispiece photograph of Krishnamurti , with question and subject indexes at the end. The content of each volume is not limited to the subject of the title, but rather offers a unique view of Krishnamurti's extraordinary teachings in selected years. The Collected Works offers the reader the opportunity to explore the early writings and dialogues in their most complete and authentic form.

Cum s?-?i cultivi memoria
Cred ?n sensibilitatea publicului fa?? de un teatru al ideilor, dar ?i fa?? de un teatru de ac?iune fidel formelor clasice. Cu riscul de a fi considerat un manierist, accept aceast? etichet?, dac? ?mi aleg drept modele nume ca Montherlant, Camus, Vallejo sau Camil Petrescu. Am ?ncercat s? tratez una dintre marile teme ale dramaturgiei universale, care ?ncepe cu vechii greci ?i se ?mpline?te ?n teatrul clasic francez: conflictul dintre datorie ?i pasiune. Drama apare atunci c?nd cele dou? imperative devin divergen?e ?i ea se poate reg?si ?i azi de la marii lideri politici la oamenii de r?nd. Dar pentru a o ilustra am ales varianta teatrului istoric, deoarece (pentru a-l cita pe Henri Rochefort ) ?viitorul, ?n momentul de fa??, pare at?t de sumbru, ?nc?t am sim?it s? m? hr?nesc o vreme cu trecutul". Drama personajelor mele, fie c? este vorba despre Ugo, fie c? este vorba despre printul Rudolf, este e?ecul ?nregistrat ?n ?ncercarea de a le g?si un liant, de a le ?mp?ca. Am v?zut ?n Rudolf de Habsburg un adev?rat profet al lumii moderne… care a prev?zut toate catastrofele secolului al XX-lea ?i a ?ncercat s? orienteze politica austriaca ?ntr-o alta direc?ie. Dar via?a sa privat?, departe de a fi un model, a dejucat acest plan. El dispare pentru c? nu-?i mai g?se?te locul ?n lumea lui, ?n timp ce Ugo d’Este ??i accept? sf?r?itul din acela?i motiv. (Corneliu ?enchea)

Rembrandt (1606-1669)
As famous during his lifetime as after his death, Rembrandt (1606-1669) was oneof the greatest masters of the Dutch Golden Age of the 17th century. His portraitsnot only bring us back to that fascinating time, but also represent, above all, ahuman adventure; beneath every dab of paint the spirit of the model is hidden. Yet these portraits are only the tip of the Rembrandt iceberg, which consists of over 300canvasses, 350 engravings, and 2,000 drawings. Throughout his oeuvre, the influence of Flemish Realism is as powerful as that of Caravaggio. He applied this skillful fusion of styles to all his works, conferring biblical subjects and everyday themes alike with an unparalleled and intimate emotional power. Because of his empathy for the human condition, he has been called "one of the great prophets of civilization".

Puvis de Chavannes
Pierre Puvis de Chavannes is not a very well-known artist. Famous throughout his life yetquickly forgotten by the history of art, his work remains little-studied in comparison tothe Impressionist masterpieces of the same period. His oeuvre, however, was crucialin France at the end of the 19th century, in particular his mural paintings which are stillvisible today in numerous important public buildings, such as the Hotel de Ville and the Pantheon in Paris, or the Palais des Beaux-arts in Lyon. Puvis’ specialty was monumental decorative works. He tackled traditionalsubjects from a more general angle and his works were accepted by all the artistic principlesof the time. Far from being a cold and academic painter, he supported artists includingCourbet, Bazile, and Degas when they were attacked by the critics. His oeuvreplayed an essential role in the construction of a national French identity in the 19thcentury.Today the glory of Puvis de Chavannes shines forth in uncontested splendour. No one dreams of comparing him with any of his contemporaries, because his art reveals no kinship with that of any one of them. He is recognized as the successor and the equal of the great fresco painters of the Italian Renaissance. Even to these he owes nothing, having borrowed nothing from them. But he shares with them his passionate love of truth, his nobility of inspiration and sincerity of execution.

Povestea unui startup. Leadership prin experimentare
Lord Ronald Gower (1845 ù1916) was a British aristocrat, Liberal politician, sculptor and writer. Besides being a sculpture he wrote biographies of Marie Antoinette and Joan of Arc, and a history of the Tower of London. Joan of Arc was a15th century French heroine. She was born a peasant girl in eastern France who grew up to lead the French army to several important victories during the Hundred Years' War. She was captured by the Burgundians, sold to the English, tried by an ecclesiastical court, and burned at the stake when she was nineteen years old.

The Art of Listening
This first volume covers talks given in Italy, Norway and India. Krishnamurti begins with the statement "Friends, I should like you to make a living discovery, not a discovery induced by the description of others... I am not going to try to describe what to me is truth, for that would be an impossible attempt. One cannot describe or give to another the fullness of an experience. Each one must live it for himself." An extensive compendium of Krishnamurti's talks and discussions in the USA, Europe, India, New Zealand, and South Africa from 1933 to 1967—the Collected Works have been carefully authenticated against existing transcripts and tapes. Each volume includes a frontispiece photograph of Krishnamurti , with question and subject indexes at the end. The content of each volume is not limited to the subject of the title, but rather offers a unique view of Krishnamurti's extraordinary teachings in selected years. The Collected Works offers the reader the opportunity to explore the early writings and dialogues in their most complete and authentic form.

Regatul furtunilor
Societatea deschis? contra societ??ii deschise. Societatea rom?neasc? ?ntre utopie ?i realitate este o carte de analiz? profund? ?i complex?, ce ?i-a ales ca obiect de studiu cea mai important? paradigm? sociopolitic? a postmodernit??ii, ?mpreun? cu realit??ile concrete ce se configureaz? ?n jurul acesteia. O paradigm? care ?i-a propus s? schimbe fa?a lumii, sens ?n care, de mai bine de 25 de ani o putem observa manifest?ndu-se pe multiple coordonate ?i ?n planul realit??ilor sociale ?i politice autohtone, pe care, de altfel, autorul le radiografiaz? extrem de atent, cu ochiul, mintea ?i bagajul de cuno?tin?e proprii specialistului, dar ?i cu sufletul ?i con?tiin?a celui care apar?ine societ??ii rom?ne?ti. Cartea de fa?? este, ?n acela?i timp, ?i despre societatea deschis?, dar ?i despre trecutul, prezentul ?i viitorul prefigurat lumii ?n aceast? paradigm?, c?t ?i despre evolu?ia societ??ii rom?ne?ti ca parte integrant? a acestei lumi. Ea surprinde ?i problematizeaz? o multitudine de aspecte ?in?nd at?t de natura intrinsec? a conceptului de societate deschis?, c?t ?i de schimb?rile pe care implementarea acestui concept ca realitate social? le presupune ?i le antreneaz? ?n societ??ile contemporane. Prin aceasta, ea se recomand? ca o lectur? util?, provocatoare ?i, totodat?, revelatoare tuturor celor preocupa?i de c?mpul ?tiin?elor sociale ?i politice, dar ?i celor interesa?i s? ?n?eleag? ceva ?n plus din sistemul cauzalit??ilor profunde care influen?eaz? mersul lumii, ?n general, ?i al societ??ii rom?ne?ti, ?n particular. (Maria Voinea)

Insights Into Education
Insights into Education presents the educational philosophy of J. Krishnamurti in an easy to use, topic-based format. It is a practical handbook that comes alive when used as an introduction to group investigation and dialogue. What it offers to teachers everywhere is an inroad into the many matters of concern with which they are faced on a daily basis. That we cannot continue as we have been doing, with rote-learning, fact-finding, and a modicum of analysis as the building blocks of education, is obvious to anyone who is at all concerned with teaching and learning in a world with accelerating technological advancement, alienation, and despair. It is these very issues that are tackled here, sometimes implicitly but always at depth. What Krishnamurti proposes, and here discloses, is a different approach to learning altogether, one that distinguishes itself radically from what we normally understand by that term: the accumulation of knowledge, with its application and testing. By narrowing down our understanding to the pragmatic and the measurable, we forfeit the opportunity to probe deeply and to awaken intelligence in our students and in ourselves. What is meant by intelligence in this context is not the capacity to memorize and measure, but that subtler ability to see the whole which comes alive in a human being when he/she sees the limits of the measurable. To awaken this intelligence is the goal of education.

Exploratorii. Cartea a III-a - Muntele de fum
Cartea t?n?rului universitar Mihai-Bogdan Marian consacrat? analizei conflictelor interna?ionale este o invita?ie la luciditate, la reflec?ie autonom?, dezinhibat?, la cercetare aplicat?, f?r? prejudec??i ?i partizanate apriorice. Autorul este un analist pentru care exerci?iul ?n sine al disec?rii cauzelor ?i ?mprejur?rilor ce favorizeaz? apari?ia ?i acutizarea conflictelor interna?ionale nu este unul fortuit sau gratuit. Ideea sa tutelar? este c? orice astfel de conflict poate fi pre?nt?mpinat. Iar dac?, fatalmente, el s-a declan?at ?i s-a dezvoltat, sc?p?nd poate de sub control, poate fi dezamorsat, factorii angrena?i ?n acest proces av?nd la ?ndem?n? algoritmi ?i proceduri standard care nu trebuie s? fac? obiectul unei ac?iuni in extremis, care s? justifice de fapt prin e?ec escaladarea ?n continuare a conflictului ca atare. (Mihai Milca)

Te ur?sc - nu m? p?r?si. ?n?elegerea personalit??ii borderline
Lucrarea abordeaza teme majore ale politicii despre parlamentarism, parlament, parlamentari, care au suscitat si suscita si astazi aprige controverse, antrenand eforturi si pasiuni in toate mediile culturale si politice ale societatii in decursul vremilor.In analiza Discursurilor si dezbaterilor parlamentare, specialistii si nespecialistii au la dispozitie un bogat material arhivistic alaturi de presa timpului, rod al eforturilor parlamentarilor indiferent de sistemele de reprezentare existente in stat la un moment dat – unicameral sau bicameral.De semnalat in cuprinsul volumului este Mesajul Tronului, sustinut de Al.I. Cuza, alaturi de care intalnim maestri ai elocintei parlamentare romanesti cum ar fi M. Kogalniceanu, Titu Maiorescu, P.P. Carp, I.I.C. Bratianu, Take Ionescu, N. Iorga, O. Goga, N. Titulescu, A.C. Cuza, Al. Vaida-Voievod si multi altii.

Cel mai bun tat?
Insumeaza o serie de cursuri universitare (de docenta si nu numai) tinute de unul dintre cei mai ilustrii elevi ai lui Vasile Parvan, prof. dr. docent Vladimir Dumitrescu, la Universitatea din Bucuresti in anii 30 ai secolului trecut, in vederea obtinerii titlului de docent si pe cel de conferentiar al respectivei Universitati. Volumul incepe cu o cuprinzatoare prelegere din care aflam cere au fost formele de civilizatie preistorica in Dacia rasariteana pana in mileniul I, i. C., precum si rolul marilor fluvii in dezvoltarea civilizatiilor omenesti.

Pisicile r?zboinice. Cartea a VI-a - Vremuri ?ntunecate
Junimea ?i revista Convorbiri literare, pentru o ?ar? ca a noastr?, a tuturor nea?ez?rilor, au fost un suflu de temeinicie care s-a mai repetat ?n perioada interbelic?, f?r? a reu?i s? se coaguleze ca urmare a r?zboiului ?i dictaturilor ce l-au ?nso?it ?i urmat; suflu care pare ?nc? departe, ca s? nu spunem imposibil s? revin? ?n cultura rom?n? sub presiunea globalismului ?i multiculturalismului, a deconstruc?iei cu program ?n toate manifest?rile social-culturale, materiale ?i spirituale. E un model care, dup? o sut? cincizeci de ani, ?nc? ??i trimite razele f?r? a primi o reflectare pe m?sur?.Ceea ce deosebe?te criticismul junimist de criticile epocii ?i, ?n parte, ?i de al ?nainta?ilor este atitudinea comun?, afirmat? de Maiorescu, respectul adev?rului.Importan?a ?i influen?a junimismului ?n sfera politic? sunt de acela?i nivel cu cele afirmate ?n plan cultural ?i literar, e drept, nu cu aceea?i durabilitate, politicul este mult mai efemer, dar nu mai pu?in implicat ?i cu efecte imediate ?i adesea pe termen mediu ?i lung ?n via?a social? a ??rii. (Cassian Maria Spiridon)

Abaddon kapuja
ARCHITECTURE seems to me to be the most wonderful of all the arts. We may not love it as much as others, when we are young perhaps we cannot do so, because it is so great and so grand; but at any time of life one can see that in Architecture some of the most marvellous achievements of men are displayed. The principal reason for saying this is that Architecture is not an imitative art, like Painting and Sculpture. The first picture that was ever painted was a portrait or an imitation of something that the painter had seen. So in Sculpture, the first statue or bas-relief was an attempt to reproduce some being or object that the sculptor had seen, or to make a work which combined portions of several things that he had observed; but in Architecture this was not true. No temples or tombs or palaces existed until they had first taken form in the mind and imagination of the builders, and were created out of space and nothingness, so to speak. Thus Painting and Sculpture are imitative arts, but Architecture is a constructive art; and while one may love pictures or statues more than the work of the architect, it seems to me that one must wonder most at the last. We do not know how long the earth has existed, and in studying the most ancient times of which we have any accurate knowledge, we come upon facts which prove that men must have lived and died long before the dates of which we can speak exactly. The earliest nations of whose Architecture we can give an account are called heathen nations, and their art is called Ancient or Heathen Art, and this comes down to the time when the Roman Emperor Constantine was converted to Christianity, and changed the Roman Capitol from Rome to Constantinople in the year of our Lord 328. The buildings and the ruins which still remain from these ancient times are in Egypt, Assyria, Persia, Judea, Asia Minor, Greece, Etruria, and Rome. Many of these have been excavated or uncovered, as, during the ages that have passed since their erection, they had been buried away from sight by the accumulation of earth about them. These excavations are always going on in various countries, and men are ever striving to learn more about the wonders of ancient days; and we may hope that in the future as marvellous things may be revealed to us as have been shown in the past. EGYPT: As we consider the Architecture of Egypt, the Great Pyramid first attracts attention on account of its antiquity and its importance. This was built by Cheops, who is also called Suphis, about 3000 years before Christ. At that distant day the Egyptians seem to have been a nation of pyramid-builders, for even now, after all the years that have rolled between them and us, we know of more than sixty of these mysterious monuments which have been opened and explored. Of all these the three pyramids at Ghizeh are best known, and that of Cheops is the most remarkable among them. Those of you who have studied the history of the wars of Napoleon I. will remember that it was near this spot that he fought the so-called Battle of the Pyramids, and that in addressing his soldiers he reminded them that here the ages looked down upon them, thus referring to the many years during which this great pyramid had stood on the border of the desert, as if watching the flight of Time and calmly waiting to see what would happen on the final day of all earthly things. There have been much speculation and many opinions as to the use for which these pyramids were made, but the most general belief is that they were intended for the tombs of the powerful kings who reigned in Egypt and caused them to be built.The pyramid of Cheops was four hundred and eighty feet and nine inches high, and its base was seven hundred and sixty-four feet square. It is so difficult to understand. CLARA ERSKINE CLEMENTAUTHOR OF "HANDBOOK OF LEGENDARY AND MYTHOLOGICAL ART," "PAINTERS, SCULPTORS, ENGRAVERS, ARCHITECTS AND THEIR WORKS," "ARTISTS OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY"

Reality Television Quiz Book
Are you addicted to reality TV? Do you watch all the shows from Britain's Got Talent to The Apprentice? Can you name every contestant ever to walk through the doors of the Big Brother house? Then The Reality Television Quiz Book is definitely for you. Who can forget Jade Goody, Peter Andre and Jordan, Leona Lewis or Paul Potts? They are all inside in this book alongside the many memorable characters who have become household names by appearing live on our television screens. The 1,000 brain-teasing questions in this quiz book cover every aspect of reality TV, from the celebrities and wannabes to the strange and the bizarre, including all the heroes, villains, tears and tantrums we have come to expect from the genre in recent years. Packed with behind the scenes information about all your favourite shows, this book is guaranteed to provide hours of entertainment for the whole family and is a must have for all fans of reality television.

Official Carry On Facts, Figures & Statistics
Little did anyone know, back in 1958 when the first Carry On film, Carry on Sergeant, was produced by Peter Rogers and directed by Gerald Thomas, that 50 years and 31 films later Carry On would have become such a well-loved British comedy institution, and one that continues to have people rolling in the aisles. And what better way to celebrate Carry On's 50th anniversary in 2008 than to dazzle Carry On fans with this incredibly well-researched treasure trove of information, including technical data about each film, interesting facts about every member of the Carry On team and every conceivable statistic that you could ever imagine. With forewords by Carry On cameraman Alan Hume and actor Jack Douglas, and peppered with photographs and actors' anecdotes and memories, this book is an absolute must for every Carry On aficionado.

Linda Ronstadt
Often dismissed by rock historians as a product of the antiseptic Californian country-music scene, an artist who relied on watered-down covers of classic rock n' roll and pop standards, this description of Linda Ronstadt couldn't be further from the truth. Throughout a recording career that has covered more than forty years she has recorded in a remarkable variety of styles from pure country to pop, light opera to big band standards and new wave to mariachi, often taking risks beyond the reach of many critically acclaimed artists. It would be hard, if not impossible, to find another vocalist who has had a more diversified career. In their press release for the album Winterlight her record company managed to convey exactly what it was that made Linda Ronstadt such a special artist. - "e;Versatile doesn't begin to describe Linda Ronstadt's astounding career - a wildly eclectic, devoutly adventurous journey through a myriad of styles and genres. Who else has worked with Philip Glass and Dolly Parton? Aaron Neville and Nelson Riddle? Ronstadt's unforgettably gorgeous voice, at once technically dazzling and resonating with deep emotion, has woven a magical path from rock to mariachi, from country to opera, gathering critical and commercial success at every stop along the way."e; Linda Ronstadt - A Life In Music is an unauthorised biography that traces Linda Ronstadt's career from her days as a member of The Stone Poneys, her early solo albums, the critically acclaimed albums from the seventies, her work with Nelson Riddle , the foreign language recordings and her collaborations with Dolly Parton and Emmylou Harris. The book gives an in-depth analysis of every studio album and is supported by a background to her life and the influences, musical and social, that shaped her career. Appendices in the book include a comprehensive discography, chart statistics, details of Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) and British Phonographic Industry (BPI) awards along with a list of Grammy Award nominations and wins. The book includes a foreword written by Andrew Gold.

Living With Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Lea Walker first caught the public eye when she appeared on Channel 4's Big Brother programme in 2006. Her outgoing personality, surgery enhanced figure and outspoken manner kept audiences glued to their screens but behind the smiles she was hiding a long history of eating disorders, abusive relationships and unhappiness. As well as trying to come to terms with a history of violence, a failed marriage and life as a single parent, Lea has faced a continuous battle with her distorted body image. It is only recently, that she has managed to emerge triumphant from the trauma of the past and find the inner strength to finally lay her demons to rest. Living with BDD is more than a biography. It is a touching and honest account of one woman's struggle to come to terms with the crushing low self esteem and dysfunctional body image that have dominated her life. By telling her story, Lea hopes that she may be able to help others to face up to their own personal nightmares. She is living proof that there is no problem so great that it cannot be overcome.

What is a Wommett?
Mick Abrahams first rose to fame as a guitarist during the 1960s and was a founder member of Jethro Tull, although his time with the band was to prove short lived owing to the vividly contrasting musical styles of himself and Ian Anderson. In his autobiography What is a Wommett Mick finally puts the record straight about this parting of the ways and the events that have shaped the man and his music since that time up to the present day. Perhaps best known for his time with Blodwyn Pig, the band he formed after leaving Tull, Abrahams has continued to delight fans with his own brand of blues, jazz and rock on highly acclaimed albums spanning several decades. With a fitting foreword by radio presenter and champion of great music, Bob Harris, this autobiography provides a fascinating insight into the character of an upbeat man who hasn't allowed anything to keep him down for long. Packed with anecdotes and stories about Mick's life in and out of the spotlight, this book is a must have for his fans and anyone who remembers the excitement of the emerging new musical talent of the sixties.

Jump Into Fame
The ultimate guide for breaking into the music industry. You've heard the songs, you went to the gigs, you bought the t-shirts and you read the biographies, but now it's your turn, right? The music industry is seen by many as a direct path to the ultimate party lifestyle of the rich and famous. But there is more to being a successful recording artist than just standing up in front of a crowd and singing, or spending your cash in the glamorous nightspots of London, New York and LA. As an industry that employs thousands of people in producing, marketing, publishing, and promoting musicians, there's a lot of hard work that goes into making recording artists a success. Take a look inside the world of the music business, see how it works and plot YOUR PATH TO FAME! Break down the barriers by knowing how the business works. Knowledge is power and 'Jump into Fame' will help you prepare. In each of these titles you will find advice on the key aspects of the music industry from an artist's perspective, including song writing, rehearsing and choreography to copyright, royalties and merchandising. This eBook covers a series of topics you will need to understand and address within the music industry. Save yourself a lot of time by preparing professionally and with a clear understanding of what's involved. Learn what to expect from others and also, importantly, what the music industry expects from you. Beyond the traditional image of sex, drugs and rock n' roll there is a whole industry generating tens of billions of dollars worldwide, so what does it take to become a part of it? Read advice from professional musicians and choreographers, and get to grips with the basics of the business side of the music industry. Learn about the mysterious rules of music copyright and find out where exactly your riches will come flooding in from with our section on royalties. Get yourself noticed by making your own music video, and protect your assets by retaining ownership of your material, seeking advice from the Musician's Union on the way. Learn how to put together the professional support team you will need. Many of the decisions you make now will be crucial to your chances of success in the future. With so many pitfalls you need to be aware of how the industry works, what to look out for and how to make yourself stand out from the crowd. If you're serious about making a career from your talent, then jump in and take the first step on the road to fame!

Classic Children's Television Quiz Book
Compiled by acclaimed television scriptwriter and novelist Dean Wilkinson, The Classic Children's Television Quiz Book is packed with fascinating facts about the shows you loved as a child as well as those programmes currently capturing the imagination of today's young audiences. From timeless classics like Thunderbirds, Blue Peter and Dr Who to the thoroughly up-to-date Sponge Bob, the 1,000 questions in this book will not only test your memory of the characters you grew up with but your family's knowledge of their current favourites. With a fitting foreword by popular family TV presenters Ant and Dec this book is sure to prove a hit with television lovers of all ages and, in particular, those members of the older generation who have remained young at heart.

British TV Sitcom Quiz Book
The sitcom has proved to be one of the most enduring genres in British TV history, reflecting the social changes and national concerns of the time, and has brought many memorable and much-loved characters to our screens. Who can forget iconic figures like Frank Spencer, Basil Fawlty and Reggie Perrin or the antics of the Trotters, the Meldrews and the staff of Grace Brothers' department store, to name but a few? The 1,000 questions in The British TV Sitcom Quiz book will test your knowledge of your favourite series from yesteryear to the current day. From Steptoe and Son, Dad's Army and Porridge to Absolutely Fabulous, The Office, and My Family, this book is bulging with facts that will refresh your memory and help you to recapture some of those magical moments in situation comedy. With a fitting foreword by Brian Murphy from the hilarious '70s TV show George and Mildred and Nicholas Parsons OBE, this is a must-have book for all sitcom fans.