在电子游戏发明之前,希罗尼穆斯波希(Hieronymus Bosch)的笔下就已经创作出了恐怖但丑萌的怪物,还带有一点小幽默。他的作品是自信的宣言,有力地挑战了背叛基督教教义之人的精神恐慌。波希生于1450年,死于1516年,他的出生之时正值文艺复兴的高潮时期,也见证了这一时期的宗教战争。中世纪传统和价值观轰然倒塌,为新世纪的到来开辟了道路。在这样的新世纪里,信念失去了力量和魔力。 ?波希开始警告那些不信教者和对上帝丧失了信仰的人——等待是危险的。波希相信所有人必须要有自己的道德选择,他关注地狱、天堂和欲望的主题,才华横溢地挖掘了水果和植物的象征意义,让他的意向充满了强烈的性欲色彩。这本独特的选集展示了波希为引人入胜的作品,小巧的形式也让它成为了一份完美的礼物。
The Brueghels
After an initial period of brilliance, during which time it rose to achieve perfection, Flemish art gradually fell into decline. Although thorough studies of its origins have revealed works, in particular those of the miniaturists, that are deserving of notice and which predate the artistic careers of the two Van Eycks, Hubert and Jan, the genius of the brothers remains stunningly spectacular, surpassing that of their predecessors to such a degree that it would be impossible to find an equally sudden, decisive and glorious evolution in the history of art.
Russian Painting
At the time when Dionysius and his sons were active, ownership of icons became increasingly common. Previously nobles and merchants had begun the practice of displaying them in a place of honour in their homes, sometimes even in a special room, but now peasant families who could afford it also began to hang icons in a krasny ugol, or“beautiful corner”.
乔凡尼安东尼奥康纳尔(Venetian Giovanni Antonio Canal),通常被叫做卡纳莱托(Canaletto,1697-1768)受父亲的影响进入了绘画和透视的世界。他是一位剧院的装修师,他的城市景观图为有名。当时的业余爱好者从意大利旅行归来后,也带回了他们的城市绘画。卡纳莱托成为了巴洛克时代西罗尼希玛的化身。卡纳莱托在绘画中注重隔开不同位面,他也是这一技巧的先驱人物,他以精确的细节装饰绘画。为了更好地强调距离,卡纳莱托层用一架针孔照相机把摄得的画面投影到幕布上,然后在幕布上精确地描绘出风景。卡纳莱托的绘画是静态的,利用线条的准确性和调色板的不同色调,在他手中创造了艺术*美丽的全景图。 在这本引人入胜、内容丰富的著作中,Octave Uzanne激发了读者对于这位十七世纪的不同寻常的威尼斯画家的热情。
Andrea Mantegna and the Italian Renaissance
The art of Andrea Mantegna (born c.1431, died 1506) has long maintained a broad and deep appeal. From the impressive illusionism of his earliest works (Fig. 4) to the narrative power of his mature paintings (Fig. 2), Mantegna's art remained vivid and heroic, dramatic and emotional. They are also painted in stunning detail: pebbles, blades of grass, veins, and hair are rendered with excruciating care, and he depicted even in his great narrative works the mundane particulars of earthly existence, showing laundry hanging out to dry and buildings fallen into disrepair. He had a deep interest in human nature and issues of moral character. Perhaps most strikingly, Mantegna's pictures are filled with references to classical antiquity. No other painter of the fifteenth century so thoroughly understood and abundantly included in his art the costumes, drapery folds, in*ions, architecture, subject matter, ethical attitude, and other aspects of ancient classical civilisation. And instead of t
Antoni Gaudí
安东尼·高迪(1852-1926)是西班牙建筑师和设计师,是西班牙当代艺术史上十分重要和具有影响力的人物。他对于色彩的运用,对材料的采纳和将有机形态融入到建筑中,都是建筑领域的创新。在他的日记中,高迪自由地表达了自己对艺术的看法:“用于建筑的色彩要紧实、有序和丰富。”他已经完成的作品巴特罗公寓(Casa Batllo, 1905-1907)和米拉公寓(Casa Mila, 1905-1910)以及他尚未竣工的作品(修复巴塞罗那的波夫莱特修道院和阿雷亚祭坛)展示了这一重要的艺术哲学。他的家具设计也蕴含着同样的哲理,例如他自己的办公室(1878)或者是巴塞罗那皇家广场的灯具都体现了这一点。圣家族大教堂(Sagrada Familia, 1882-1926)是具有重大纪念意义的项目,高迪终未能见到它的竣工(在高迪去世之时,该教堂尚未完成)。
Art of Islam
The appendix, with its compressed chronology summarising the history of the Bauhaus and evoking parallel events in culture, politics, technology and science, allows for individual conclusions and the identification of links and references not included in the text.
Gustave Courbet
居斯塔夫库尔贝(Gustave Courbet,1819--1877)的出生地奥尔南(Ornans)靠近美丽的杜河峡谷的地方,也正是这个地方,让这个男孩成长为男人,并培养了他对于这片风景的热爱。 在本质上,他是个革命者,天生具有反抗现存秩序和独立的精神;他咆哮和残酷的性格使得他的革命性不仅仅体现在艺术中,也体现在政治上。在这两个方面,他的革命精神不证自明。他到巴黎去学习艺术,但是他却不属于任何一个著名的大师的工作室。在此之前在母国,他只学习了很少的绘画技巧,他更愿意去卢浮宫中学习大师的杰作。初,他的绘画作品还不足以引起任何的反对声音,并被一些美术展览馆收录。而面对之后的《奥尔南的葬礼》,批评家激烈地抨击道:“这是一场伪装的葬礼,在这六米长的画布中,只有啼笑皆非,没有痛哭流涕。”确实,对库尔贝作品真实的攻击便是鲜活的血肉。他真实地刻画了男男女女的真实面貌和他们从事的事情。他笔下的人物,绝非剥夺了个性、理想化类型的男男女女,也绝不是摆着造型来装饰画布。他宣扬真实的、原本的东西,宣称真理才是艺术家追求的目标。所以,在1855年的世界博览会上,他将他的作品从展览厅中取出,放在入口外的一个小木厅旁。在小木厅上他悬挂了一张大写的横幅,上面写着:“库尔贝——现实主义者。”和每一个革命者一样,库尔贝也是位*主义者。他忽视了这样的事实:自然的真理隐藏在不同的伪装下,不同的视角和经历都会对其有所影响。相反,他坚持认为艺术仅仅是自然的复制品,重新选择和排列也就无关紧要了。在追求美的过程中,库尔贝常常选择那些比较丑陋的主题。但是他同样也有审美观,这体现在他的风景画中。这种美感与他深厚的情感相混合,体现在了他的海景画中——他后一幅令人印象深刻的作品。不仅如此,无论是否吸引观赏者,他所有的作品都证实了他是一位强有力的画家,以宽广、自由的姿态,色彩的美感和坚固的颜料,使得他的代表作真实而震撼人心。
Romanesque Art
Leonardo da Vinci volume 1
Leonardo da Vinci volume 2
Paul Klee
作为二十世纪早期的标志性人物,保罗·克利(Paul Klee)参与了德国和瑞士前卫的先锋派运动。从充满活力的青骑士运动开始,到二十世纪三十年代末的超现实主义时期,以及他在包豪斯从教的岁月里,保罗·克利研究了诗歌、文学、以及重要的音乐等其他艺术媒介,来试图抓住绘画那有机的、和谐的本质。尽管他与其他艺术家——例如奥古斯特·麦克(August Macke?)和雅弗林斯基(Alexej von Jawlensky)合作过,但他有名的合作伙伴还是抽象表现主义画家瓦西里·康定斯基(Wassily Kandinsky)。作者艾力克.薛恩斯(Eric Shanes)——她还是安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)和布朗库西(Constantin Brancusi)的专著作者——的这本专著,通过收集和展示保罗·克利重要的作品,向读者发出了探索这位画家诗人那无可替代的艺术人生的邀请。
The Art of the Shoe
Aside from noticing a shoe for its comfort or elegance, contemporaries rarely take interest in this necessary object of daily life. However, the shoe is considerable in the history of civilization and art.
William Morris
For us there is a violent contrast between the beauty of nature and the ugliness of man’s work which most past ages have felt little or not at all. We think of a town as spoiling the country, and even of a single modern house as a blot on the face of the earth. But in the past, until the eighteenth century, men thought that their own handiwork heightened the beauty of nature or was, at least, in perfect harmony with it. We are aware of this harmony in a village church or an old manor house or a thatched cottage, however plain these may be; and wonder at it as a secret that we have lost.
Central Asian Art
Ever since the Bronze Age and the beginning of the Iron Age, Central Asia has rivalled with classical Eastern Asia (which extended from Mesopotamia to India) in the abilities and skills of its peoples. In the 6th century BCE it was largely conquered by the powerful Achaemenian Dynasty and in the 4th century BCE by Alexander the Great's army which gave it considerable artistic impetus. The period between the 3rd century BCE and the 3rd century CE marked the area with the appearance of powerful Kingdoms: the Parthians of the Arsacid dynasty (south of Turkmenistan, in Persia, and in part of Mesopotamia), the Greco-Bactrians, the Kushans (which included Bactria and the territory beyond Amu-Daria as far as the Indus and the Ganges), the Kangas (that united the Kharezm, the Sogdian, and the northern territories) whose social and cultural development founded an entirely new cultural impulse throughout the territory they controlled.
Jasper Johns
Diego Rivera
弗里达卡罗(Frida Kahlo)与迭戈里维拉(Diego Rivera)在1928年相识,当年弗里达才21岁,而迭戈42岁。当时迭戈已经是举世闻名的画家,而弗里达还在努力中。 这对备受折磨的组合——特别是对于弗里达来说,在痛苦和磨难中催生了大量艺术创作。弗里达时常处于丈夫的阴影下,忍受着他的不忠和她的妒忌,将所有的痛苦倾注在了画布上,逐渐吸引了公众的目光。在美洲和欧洲两块大陆上,坚定的艺术家宣告着自由的自白书,留下了卓越绝伦的才华。 在这本书中,作者Gerry Souter不仅为我们带来了艺术家的传记,也热情地凸显了这两位二十世纪伟大的墨西哥艺术家之间的联系。
Art of War
在历史的进程中,很多战争改变了这个世界的政治文化格局。尽管重大事件取决于战争的剧变和激烈程度,战争也影响了整个民族和几代人的身份定位,因而产生了深远的文化效应。尽管在激烈动荡的时期,战争对身体和情绪造成了破坏,但也刺激了丰富的艺术创造。几个世纪以来,伴随着战争的创伤数不胜数的艺术家创造了不朽的作品来祭奠战争中*戏剧性的时刻,从而将它们永恒定格在历史中。 这本著作中优美的画作刻画了著名的战役和战争场景,形象地加入了传说的中国孙子兵法的说明,以及记载了不同战争中重要的时刻,每一篇都由著名的作者撰写。从乌切洛(Uccello)的《圣罗马洛战争》(The Battle of San Romano)到毕加索的《格尔尼卡》(Guernica),这本著作为我们展现了战争灵感下艺术作品的魅力以及它们所展现的人类历史。
African Art
Well-known and appreciated by Africanists, Maurice Delafosse (1870-1926) knew how to exceed the requirements of his environment and of his time for the benefit of an authentic Africa.
English Painting
Strictly speaking, the word school applies only in a very imperfect manner to the growth of painting in England. Generally it is used to designate a special collection of traditions and processes, a particular method, a peculiar style in design, and an equally peculiar taste in colouring – all contributing to the representation of a national ideal existing in the minds of the artists of the same country at the same time. In this sense, we speak of the Flemish school, the Dutch school, the Spanish school, several Italian schools, and the French school, but not of the English school. We cannot apply the word to English art, for it is just this absence of any national tradition that strikes one most forcibly in studying English painting. Each painter seems to stand by himself, and is, so to speak, isolated from his brother artists. No trace is to be found of any uniformity of method or of teaching, none of systematic instruction by the State, the Academy, or the Fine Art school. English a