路易斯·康福特·蒂芙尼(Louis Comfort Tiffany)是闻名于世的珠宝商,也是美国新艺术运动的领头人。在美国处于不断增长的时期,蒂芙尼成功地将装饰提升到了艺术的高度。蒂芙尼的工作室尤其擅长处理玻璃,他们开创了独特的玻璃技艺,使得幻彩玻璃极具美感。追随着加勒(Galle)或多姆(Daum)的脚步,蒂芙尼对玻璃物尽其用:色彩、遮光、透光,戏玩于他的手掌间。当然,他为成功的还是充满色彩与阴影交汇的镶嵌玻璃台灯,类似于教堂的染色玻璃天窗。沉浸在色彩的棱镜之中,作者让我们梦回这家历久弥新的公司的诞生之期。
米开朗基罗(Michelangelo)的名字不断浮现在西斯廷教堂、阿波罗、丘比特等数不计数的杰作中。在《意大利绘画》(The Italian Painting)这本书中,作者司汤达写道:“在古希腊风物和米开朗基罗之间,没有任何距离,除了或多或少技术娴熟的伪造物。”在《漫步罗马》(Promenade in Rome)一书中,沙特布莱表达了对《圣母怜子像》(Pieta)中那些精致的线条的崇敬之情。诸如司汤达等大连古欧秀的作家将米开朗基罗视为西方艺术复兴的大家之一。毫无疑问,米开朗基罗的作品经历住了时间的考验。在若干年后,米开朗基罗的作品何以能够揭示希腊先驱们的创造性来源?米开朗基罗是创造性的天才和超人,是意大利文艺复兴中无与伦比的艺术家,他的影响力和成就与达芬奇可相媲美。在这本著作中, Jean-Matthieu Gosselin探讨了米开朗基罗所有的身份:雕塑家、建筑师、画家和美术家。
Hieronymus Bosch
Hieronymus Bosch was painting terrifying, yet strangely likeable, monsters, long before computer games were invented, often with a touch of humour. His works are assertive statements about the mental dangers that befall those who abandon the teachings of Christ. With a life that spanned from 1450 to 1516, Bosch was born at the height of the Renaissance and witnessed its wars of religion. Medieval traditions and values were crumbling, thrusting man into a new universe where faith had lost some of its power and much of its magic. Bosch set out to warn doubters of the perils awaiting all and any who lost their faith in God. Believing that everyone had to make their own moral choices, he focused on themes of hell, heaven and lust. He brilliantly exploited the symbolism of a wide range of fruits and plants to lend sexual overtones to his themes.
Edward Hopper
爱德华·霍普,1882年出生于奈阿克,是重要的美国画家之一。在学习了插图画之后,他进入了大名鼎鼎的纽约艺术学院学习,师从罗伯特·亨利(Robert Henri)。亨利对霍普产生了重大的影响,他鼓励霍普从美国人的生活中去发现素材。在创作中,诗意地表达了人们反对二十世纪二十年代的美国生活方式的孤独。受到电影作品—特别是多种摄影角度和人物性格的影响,他的绘画作品表达了对大众文化的疏离感。通过采用冷色调和绘画匿名人物,霍普的作品同样象征性地反映了大萧条时期。尽管霍普曾多次游历欧洲,但他在当时流行的的改革绘画面前仍然无动于衷,例如立体主义,例如超现实主义。霍普用一种非常个性化的形式来表达主题,致力于效仿古典艺术家,例如伦布兰特(Rembrandt)、德加斯(Degas)或者杜米埃(Daumier)。他绘画的加油站、旅馆和日常生活的场景代表了对个人主义的美学宣言、宽敞的开放空间和美国的基本价值观。霍普在1967年去世了,在美国艺术上留下了后的痕迹。
Alphonse Mucha
Born in 1860 in a small Czech town, Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939) was an artist on the forefront of Art Nouveau, the modernist movement that swept Paris in the 1910s, marking a return to the simplicity of natural forms, and changing the world of art and design forever. In fact, Art Nouveau was known to insiders as the “Mucha style” for the legions of imitators who adapted the master’s celebrated tableaux. Today, his distinctive depictions of lithe young women in classical dress have become a pop cultural touchstone, inspiring album covers, comic books, and everything in between. Patrick Bade and Victoria Charles offer readers an inspiring survey of Mucha’s career, illustrated with over one hundred lustrous images, from early Parisian advertisements and posters for Sandra Bernhardt, to the famous historical murals painted just before his death, at the age of 78, in 1939.
The Nabis
Edvard Munch, born in 1863, was Norway's most popular artist. His brooding and anguished paintings, based on personal grief and obsessions, were instrumental in the development of Expressionism. During his childhood, the death of his parents, his brother and sister, and the mental illness of another sister, were of great influence on his convulsed and tortuous art. In his works, Munch turned again and again to the memory of illness, death and grief. During his career, Munch changed his idiom many times. At first, influenced by Impressionism and Post-impressionism, he turned to a highly personal style and content, increasingly concerned with images of illness and death. In the 1892s, his style developed a ‘Synthetist' idiom as seen in The Scream (1893) which is regarded as an icon and the portrayal of modern humanity's spiritual and existential anguish. He painted different versions of it. During the 1890s Munch favoured a shallow pictorial space, and used it in his frequently frontal p
Mega Square的《高更》邀请读者跟随这位绘画梦想家保罗·高更(Paul Gauguin)的色彩丰富的杰作,从法国到梦幻到充满异域风情的塔希提岛。这本书既收录了这位影响深远的画家的标志性作品,也收录了他一些鲜为人知的杰作,重点强调了高更著名的情色、原始的风格和色彩的灵动。对于高更的粉丝或者是还未发掘高更作品的艺术爱好者来说,这本方便丰富的小册子就是一份*的礼物。
Pierre-Auguste Renoir was born in Limoges on 25 February 1841. In 1854, the boy’s parents took him from school and found a place for him in the Lévy brothers’ workshop, where he was to learn to paint porcelain. Renoir’s younger brother Edmond had this to say this about the move: “From what he drew in charcoal on the walls, they concluded that he had the ability for an artist’s profession. That was how our parents came to put him to learn the trade of porcelain painter.” One of the Lévys’ workers, Emile Laporte, painted in oils in his spare time. He suggested Renoir makes use of his canvases and paints. This offer resulted in the appearance of the first painting by the future impressionist. In 1862 Renoir passed the examinations and entered the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and, simultaneously, one of the independent studios, where instruction was given by Charles Gleyre, a professor at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. The second, perhaps even the first, great event of this period in Renoir’s life was
Degas was closest to Renoir in the impressionist’s circle, for both favoured the animated Parisian life of their day as a motif in their paintings. Degas did not attend Gleyre’s studio; most likely he first met the future impressionists at the Café Guerbois. He started his apprenticeship in 1853 at the studio of Louis-Ernest Barrias and, beginning in 1854, studied under Louis Lamothe, who revered Ingres above all others, and transmitted his adoration for this master to Edgar Degas. Starting in 1854 Degas travelled frequently to Italy: first to Naples, where he made the acquaintance of his numerous cousins, and then to Rome and Florence, where he copied tirelessly from the Old Masters. His drawings and sketches already revealed very clear preferences: Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Mantegna, but also Benozzo Gozzoli, Ghirlandaio, Titian, Fra Angelico, Uccello, and Botticelli. During the 1860s and 1870s he became a painter of racecourses, horses and jockeys. His fabulous p
Modigliani (1884-1920) was a painter of great unhappiness in his native Italy and felt only sorrow in his adopted country of France. Out of this discontent came forth Modigliani’s original work, which was influenced by African art, the Cubists, and drunken nights in Montparnasse. His portrayal of women—sensual bodies, almost aggressive nudity, and mysterious faces—expresses their suffering and feelings of being unloved and unjustly disregarded. Modigliani died at the age of 36.
Picasso was born a Spaniard and, so they say, began to draw before he could speak. As an infant he was instinctively attracted to artist’s tools. In early childhood he could spend hours in happy concentration drawing spirals with a sense and meaning known only to himself. At other times, shunning children’s games, he traced his first pictures in the sand. This early self-expression held out promise of a rare gift. Málaga must be mentioned, for it was there, on 25 October 1881, that Pablo Ruiz Picasso was born and it was there that he spent the first ten years of his life. Picasso’s father was a painter and professor at the School of Fine Arts and Crafts. Picasso learnt from him the basics of formal academic art training. Then he studied at the Academy of Arts in Madrid but never finished his degree. Picasso, who was not yet eighteen, had reached the point of his greatest rebelliousness; he repudiated academia’s anemic aesthetics along with realism’s pedestrian prose and, quite naturall
Pierre Bonnard was the leader of a group of Post-Impressionist painters who called themselves the Nabis, from the Hebrew word meaning “prophet”. Bonnard, Vuillard, Roussel and Denis, the most distinguished of the Nabis, revolutionised decorative painting during one of the richest periods in the history of French painting. Bonnard’s works are striking for their strong colours and candidness.
This book analyses the evolution of iconic art from its beginning in Byzantium to the time of the Russian Empire. Icons are a fundamental element in the history of art, and it is therefore crucial to understand how this form of expression began and how it developed over centuries. Icons are discussed by one of the world-renowned experts on early Christian iconography, offering a valuable point of reference for specialists, as well as students.
Art Nouveau
作为对工业革命的回应,新艺术运动以装饰和建筑风格发端。新艺术运动初的目标是通过回归自然主题,创造新的自然美学。该运动中的设计常常伴有植物图案和高度风格化、反大起大落曲线的细致刻画,是谓之新艺术风格。 为了达到该目标,诸如古斯塔夫克林姆(Gustav Klimt)、科罗曼穆塞尔(Koloman Moser)、安东尼高迪(Antoni Gaudi)、扬托罗普(Jan Toorop)、威廉莫里斯(William Morris)等艺术家更加偏爱技术创新和形式新颖。新艺术运动试图将艺术融合进生活的所有侧面,从物质的家具到家中的装饰物品再到建筑物;建立在艺术与日常生活相融合的艺术哲学之上。1900年在巴黎世界博览会大获成功之后,这一趋势继续流行且营销了不少艺术家以及装饰艺术运动。新艺术运动的继承者在次世界大战之后依然层出不穷。所以说新艺术运动时装饰艺术“文艺复兴”的核心,一点都不为过。
Chinese Porcelain
瓷器早出现在七世纪,瓷器艺术在中国迅速成为了皇室贵族的象征,承载着极其重要的意义。这本书中的瓷器作品涵盖了从简单的茶碗到华美的花瓶,发饰、雕像摆件和鼻烟壶等等,不一而足,设计错综复杂,颜色五彩缤纷。这本精美的材质曾经吸引了并将继续吸引着全世界的艺术爱好者,使得这本Mega Square的《中国瓷器》成为了礼物的*。
Bonnard and the Nabis
The Nabis group, assembled by Paul Sérusier, was comprised of several members from the Académie Julian. In refusing to comply with the rules of Impressionism, these artists claimed instead to be largely influenced by Gaugin. Their name, derived from the Hebrew Nahbi, signifies a prophet or a visionary, thus symbolizing their will to discover the sacred nature of writing. They were largely influenced by Japanese art, most notably wood engravings, as well as popular and primitive art and the art of the symbolic artist, Pierre Puvis de Chavannes. Although they all differed considerably from one another, there were two lines of thought in particular on which they all agreed; firstly, subjective misinterpretation, born within the artist’s emotions accentuating certain aspects of the subject that is being depicted, and secondly, objective misinterpretation ensuring the depiction finds its place in the fundamental order of the work. Their art is characterized by an absence of perspective and
在电子游戏发明之前,希罗尼穆斯波希(Hieronymus Bosch)的笔下就已经创作出了恐怖但丑萌的怪物,还带有一点小幽默。他的作品是自信的宣言,有力地挑战了背叛基督教教义之人的精神恐慌。波希生于1450年,死于1516年,他的出生之时正值文艺复兴的高潮时期,也见证了这一时期的宗教战争。中世纪传统和价值观轰然倒塌,为新世纪的到来开辟了道路。在这样的新世纪里,信念失去了力量和魔力。 ?波希开始警告那些不信教者和对上帝丧失了信仰的人——等待是危险的。波希相信所有人必须要有自己的道德选择,他关注地狱、天堂和欲望的主题,才华横溢地挖掘了水果和植物的象征意义,让他的意向充满了强烈的性欲色彩。这本独特的选集展示了波希为引人入胜的作品,小巧的形式也让它成为了一份完美的礼物。