

Ljubavna pisma Guglu
Ljubavna pisma Guglu

?uli?i i ?uli?i uveoci
ulii i ulii uveoci

Eugène Delacroix
Pour bien comprendre la portée de l'intervention et de l'influence de l'?uvre de Delacroix dans l'école fran?aise, il est nécessaire de se rappeler la situation exacte de la peinture au moment où il parut.??La Révolution avait brutalement traité les ma?tres du XVIIIème siècle finissant. ?prise d'un sévère idéal gréco-romain, dont déjà Vien avait donné des exemples et que David allait porter à son apogée, la génération jacobine avait considéré les peintres légers et délicieux du règne de Louis XVI comme les bénéficiaires de la corruption luxueuse des nobles et des fermiers généraux, et elle les avait rejetés dans le même mouvement d'injuste fureur. Fragonard mourait oublié, chassé de son logis des galeries du Louvre. Hubert Robert échappait gr?ce à une erreur à l'échafaud. Greuze mourait dans la misère noire. On ne parlait plus de Chardin. Un Latour se vendait quelques francs. ??L'?Embarquement pour Cythère?, peint par Watteau pour son entrée à l'Académie, y était criblé de boulettes de papier m?ché par les élèves de David, neveu de Boucher dont ils parlaient en de tels termes, qu'il était obligé, par pudeur, d'excuser à leurs yeux son oncle. Les gravures de Cochin, de Lépicié, de Choffard, de Lavreince, des Saint-Aubin, de Debucourt, de Gravelot, d'Eisen, allaient s'ensevelir dans les soupentes de quelques brocanteurs, et on attendrait quatrevingts ans avant de les rechercher pour les couvrir d'or. Un siècle s'effondrait. Son go?t exquis, sa morale profondément naturelle et humaine, son libéralisme sceptique, tout lui était imputé à vice et à crime. On rêvait d'un art moralisateur, que Greuze avait préparé aux applaudissements de Diderot par ses scènes familiales et son ingénuité bourgeoise, mêlée de libertinage hypocrite. ??On voulait un art héro?que, sévère, propre à élever les consciences. David apparut l'homme d'une telle ?uvre, et créa d'un seul effort la réaction d'une esthétique néo-romaine, d'une peinture con?ue d'après la statuaire antique, et toute consacrée à des expressions de sentiments cornéliens. La discipline de cette école fut plus dure encore que celle imposée, centvingtcinq années auparavant, par Louis XIV, Le Brun et l'école de Rome. Plus de recherches de la nature, plus de gr?ce, plus de vérité, plus de coloris, mais simplement un art allégorique, pompeux, aride, éloigné de la vie et tout entier construit sur des théories, un art aussi opposé que possible au tempérament fran?ais.

R?zbunare la Paris
Volumul lui Leo Butnaru este tot o ncercare de sintez, de a a duce n faa cititorilor texte prea puin sau chiar deloc cunoscute i cred c, doar aa, n dialogul intercultural, se poate nelege i originalitatea avangardei romneti i ce se ntmpl cu ei dup restaurarea comunismului. La Leo Butnaru avem din nou de aface cu o perioad post 1917 i cu transformri.“ – Carmen Muat

Ceasul r?u pe strada Hickory
Cartea de fa?? vrea s? relateze succint, dar temeinic, evenimentele petrecute în cei dou?zeci de ani de insecuritate ?i criz? ce au urmat Marelui R?zboi. Indiferent cât de puternice sau de durat? au fost for?ele ce au dus la izbucnirea celui de-al Doilea R?zboi Mondial, a existat un moment când principalii actori pe scena istoriei s-au v?zut nevoi?i s? se confrunte cu aceste for?e ?i s? ia anumite decizii. Marile evenimente ale istoriei î?i genereaz? o dinamic? ?i o desf??urare proprii. Din perspectiva noastr?, a celor de acum, al Doilea R?zboi Mondial pare s? fi izbucnit din cauza crizei interna?ionale provocate de Germania lui Hitler. Îns? nimic din ce se întâmpl? în istorie nu este inevitabil, dup? cum va încerca s? demonstreze acest volum. Dialogul straniu între sistem ?i actorii lui se afl? la baza relat?rii istorice. Evenimentele înse?i pot fi, în acela?i timp, cauz? ?i efect – la fel cum s-a întâmplat ?

Un buzunar plin cu secar?
Istoria serviciilor de informa?ii sovietice continu? s? fie un mister“, m?rturise?te Boris Volodarski, fost c?pitan în Serviciul de Informa?ii Militare din URSS (GRU), unul dintre cei mai mari exper?i în studierea serviciilor secrete sovietice. ?i tot Volodarski este de p?rere c? majoritatea materialelor publicate pe aceast? tem? este plin? de falsuri ?i de informa?ii distorsionate, incluzând aici ?i memoriile publicate de fo?tii agen?i. Noile documente disponibile ast?zi ne permit s? cunoa?tem mult mai bine adev?rul despre interven?ia sovietic? în Spania ?i rolul jucat de agen?ii URSS: Gerö, Grigulevici, Philby (ini?ial trimis cu misiunea de a-l asasina pe Franco), Kol?ov ?i, mai ales, Lev Nikolski, cunoscut drept Aleksandr Orlov – omul care i-a în?elat pe Stalin ?i pe cei de la CIA, ?i chiar lumea întreag? cu memoriile sale. Acesta a condus, din februarie 1937, sta?ia NKVD din Spania ?i a fost responsabil de o etap? important? a regimului de teroare sângeroas?, care a inclus asasinarea lui Kurt Landau ?i a lui Andreu Nin. Cartea de fa??, care demonteaz? o cantitate impresionant? de fabula?ii, falsuri ?i minciuni, ce continu? s? fie propagate ?i ast?zi, va fi, f?r? îndoial?, o referin?? indispensabil? pentru to?i cei care î?i propun s? studieze R?zboiul Civil din Spania.

ДНК особистост?
Na prostorima nekada?nje Jugoslavije u posljednjih sto godina dogodile su se vi?estruke promjene, nastajale su? i nestajale dr?ave i politi?ki sistemi, doga?ali su se brojni ratovi i prevrati, povijest je nemilice mar?irala ulicama razdvajaju?i obitelji i tra?e?i od pojedinca da joj se povinuje ili suprotstavi. O jednoj takvoj povijesti pi?e Igor ?tiks? u svojoj kapitalnoj knjizi Dr?avljanin, gra?anin, stranac, neprijatelj. Nastala kao plod dugogodi?njeg bavljenja temama dr?avljanstva i gra?anstva na doktorskim? i postdoktorskim studijima, niza predavanja i referata te iznimnoga terenskog rada, ova knjiga kao nijedna do sada propituje pravo pojedinca i njegovu ulogu unutar dr?ave. ?tiks iz pojma dr?avljanina i gra?anina razvija i dokazuje tezu o mijenama politi?kih sistema i zajednica te koliko su i kako utjecali na poziciju i ?ivot pojedinca. Odgovara na pitanja ?to uop?e zna?i biti dr?avljanin, biti uklju?en ili pak isklju?en, kako se osje?ati u poziciji gra?anina i ?to se doga?a kada se ona mijenja u onu stranca ili pak neprijatelja. Knjiga Dr?avljanin, gra?anin, stranac, nepri?jatelj povijesna je, kulturolo?ka i sociolo?ka, ali prije svega politi?ka studija koja pokazuje koliko su krhki identiteti, kako se lako stvaraju i grade novi te koliko je pitanje dr?avljanstva i gra?anstva va?no i danas.

Myriads: A Collection of Poems
Myriads: A Collection of Poems

Melodic Soloing in 10 Days
Melodic Soloing in 10 Days

Caged: A Poetry Collection
Caged: A Poetry Collection

My Poetry Is A Song
My Poetry Is A Song

Burnt Boats
Burnt Boats

Wings of Words
Wings of Words

Poetic Memoirs Of A Young Son: A Collection of Poems
Poetic Memoirs Of A Young Son: A Collection of Poems

A to Z The Total Noob's Guide to Growing Orchids for Total Beginners
You Can Grow Your Own Orchids, Yes You Can! You're probably already thinking to yourself If I have to read a book to grow a flower in a pot, why should I bother?! Yeah, I know –but to be honest, there are a lot of excellent things that come with being able to master at least growing one successful pot of orchids. For one thing, they're gorgeous! Who wouldn't want to say, "Yeah, I grew those…"? Damn right you would! Being a badass indoor gardener is one thing, but tackling tropical plants like orchids is a feat unto itself. It's an artform. Think about it for a second. Most of us do not live in the climate conducive to these beauties just thriving on their own in the wild. Anyone who already actively grows and nurtures any species of orchid knows that you've got to climate control that environment like you wouldn't believe. It's not just about that, but you also must watch other factors too. It's an extremely rewarding yet very challenging experience. In addition, there are so many different species of orchid out there that you can safely assume that each plant you grow is going to be unique to itself. You can get some that you know will definitely be the same color, size or general shape, but we all know that there are so many things unique to each plant. How many flower spikes you end up with after the first blooms dissipate, how many leaves you have, how tall it grows and so many other things are all going to be different. The cool thing is that with the right know-how, you can nurture one potted orchid for years before you have to kiss it goodbye. In fact, you might keep them growing for almost a decade without even realizing it if you can take care them properly. It will also bolster your confidence when it comes to indoor gardening. You might have never planted anything outside, but you can throw these puppies in a pot and watch them go for forever if you follow a few key pointers and stay on top of their care. You just need to lovingly embrace the hobby and be patient with the process. Heck, you could have a whole atrium or sunroom full of tropical flowers by the time you're finished fooling around with different kinds –and there are a lot of them! Just imagine the possibilities… In this book, you're going to learn all about how to start off on the right foot with one of the cantankerous ones: orchids. So get out your gloves, grab a bag of potting mix, start jotting down supplies on a notepad, and get growing!

El Amor Siempre Vence
Lord Heywood regresa de las Guerras Napoleónicas para descubrir que ha heredado un patrimonio, pero no dinero. Cuando visita la propiedad, encuentra a una bella joven viviendo allí, huyendo de su hogar. Mientras está allí, está decidida a ayudarlo a encontrar un artículo valioso, que no forme parte de la propiedad para vender, ?pero por el camino, también encuentran el amor!? Instintivamente, Lord Heywood la apretó en sus brazos y la atrajo aún más cerca, y al hacerlo, se dio cuenta de que la amaba perdidamente. Cuando Miriam levantó la cara para hacer una pregunta, un rayo de luz hizo que Lord Heywood viera sus ojos asustados, su cara muy pálida y sus labios separados. Ella lo necesitaba. Nuestra heroína había estado viviendo en las habitaciones de su difunta madre y estaba decidida a descubrir quién era y por qué había vivido en una casa vacía.? A ella le gustaba el color turqués de la ropa de la cama y cuando de repente ve a lord Heywood, se queda mirándolo con recelo a su héroe. Estaba atrapada por el amor de su vida.? Una historia de intensa pasión y de incertidumbre, donde el amor al fin, siempre vence…???????????????????????

F?t-Frumos ?i ?Vremea Uitat?“
Marele romancier face o incursiune ?n trecutul nu foarte ?ndep?rtat al Rom?niei, trat?nd anii dictaturii ro?ii f?r? p?rtinire, ?ncerc?nd o radiografie crud?, impar?ial? ?i – lucru extrem de rar ?n Balcani – radical? a unei jum?t??i de secol de istorie.Cartea e destinat? studen?ilor, elevilor, profesorilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori.

Elogiul minciunii
National Book Critics Circle Award 2005 pentru carte de nonfic?iune. Premiul pentru Pace Erich-Maria-Remarque, 2001 Carte interzis? ?n Bielorusia ?Explozia reactorului num?rul 4 va deveni cel mai mare dezastru nuclear civil din istoria omenirii. Zona este o realitate ?n toat? monstruozitatea ei. La fel ca ?n cartea SF a fra?ilor Struga?ki, Picnic la marginea drumului, Zona este un infern pe p?m?nt, guvernat de propriile legi. Aici danseaz? lumini deasupra c?mpului, praful ridicat de v?nt are culori ciudate, se nasc copii cu muta?ii genetice, popula?ia a fost evacuat?, regiunea, interzis? ?i p?zit? de patrule militare, dar oameni stranii ?i-au f?cut din Zon? locul ?n care tr?iesc. Ei sunt C?l?uzele reale ?n Zona reactorului de la Cernob?l.“ – Ion M. Ioni?? C?nd fra?ii Arkadi ?i Boris Struga?ki publicau ?n 1972 celebrul lor roman SF Picnic la marginea drumului, nu ?i-ar fi putut imagina, nici ?n cele mai negre vise, c? Zona descris? ?n roman va deveni realitate paisprezece ani mai t?rziu, ?n ?ara lor, URSS. Conform ideologiei oficiale, Zona nu avea cum s? apar? ?n patria sovietelor. Doar URSS construia cele mai sigure reactoare nucleare din lume care ?ar fi putut fi instalate chiar ?n Pia?a Ro?ie, at?t de fiabile erau“. Nu a fost a?a. Pe 26 aprilie 1986, lumea avea s? intre ?n epoca Cernob?l. Explozia reactorului num?rul patru va deveni cel mai mare dezastru nuclear civil din istoria omenirii. Zona este o realitate ?n toat? monstruozitatea ei. La fel ca ?n cartea SF a fra?ilor Struga?ki, Zona este un infern pe p?m?nt, guvernat de propriile legi. Aici lumini danseaz? deasupra c?mpului, praful ridicat de v?nt are culori ciudate, se nasc copii cu muta?ii genetice, popula?ia a fost evacuat?, regiunea, interzis? ?i p?zit? de patrule militare, dar oameni stranii ?i-au f?cut din Zon? locul ?n care tr?iesc. ?O istorie oral? mi?c?toare a catastrofei din 1986 de la reactorul nuclear de la Cernob?l, ?n care curajul fatalist ?i stoic este dublat de un umor incredibil de negru. Jurnalista rus? Svetlana Aleksievici a ?nregistrat o serie de m?rturii pe care le-a prezentat sub forma unor ?monologuri?, ?n stil romanesc, care zugr?vesc imaginea vie a atmosferei generale de nemul?umire de la sf?r?itul perioadei comuniste, ?n care liderilor de partid agresivi, propagandei paranoice ?i mobiliz?rilor haotice li se opun sarcasmul deprimant, g?ndurile amare ?i abuzul de votc?. Rezultatul este o radiografie de neuitat a sufletului rus.“ – Publishers Weekly

Botticelli: "Masterpieces In Colour" Series BOOK-II
As in the case of "The Bases of Design," to which this is intended to form a companion volume, the substance of the following chapters on Line and Form originally formed a series of lectures delivered to the students of the Manchester Municipal School of Art. There is no pretension to an exhaustive treatment of a subject it would be difficult enough to exhaust, and it is dealt with in a way intended to bear rather upon the practical work of an art school, and to be suggestive and helpful to those face to face with the current problems of drawing and design. These have been approached from a personal point of view, as the results of conclusions arrived at in the course of a busy working life which has left but few intervals for the elaboration of theories apart from practice, and such as they are, these papers are now offered to the wider circle of students and workers in the arts of design as from one of themselves. They were illustrated largely by means of rough sketching in line before my student audience, as well as by photographs and drawings. The rough diagrams have been re-drawn, and the other illustrations reproduced, so that both line and tone blocks are used, uniformity being sacrificed to fidelity.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?WALTER CRANE. Outline, one might say, is the Alpha and Omega of Art. It is the earliest mode of expression among primitive peoples, as it is with the individual child, and it has been cultivated for its power of characterization and expression, and as an ultimate test of draughtsmanship, by the most accomplished artists of all time. The old fanciful story of its origin in the work of a lover who traced in charcoal the boundary of the shadow of the head of his sweetheart as cast upon the wall by the sun, and thus obtained the first profile portrait, is probably more true in substance than in fact, but it certainly illustrates the function of outline as the definition of the boundaries of form.Silhouette As children we probably perceive forms in nature defined as flat shapes of colour relieved upon other colours, or flat fields of light on dark, as a white horse is defined upon the green grass of a field, or a black figure upon a background of snow.Definition of BoundariesTo define the boundaries of such forms becomes the main object in early attempts at artistic expression. The attention is caught by the edges—the shape of the silhouette which remains the paramount means of distinction of form when details and secondary characteristics are lost; as the outlines of mountains remain, or are even more clearly seen, when distance subdues the details of their structure, and evening mists throw them into flat planes one behind the other, and leave nothing but the delicate lines of their edges to tell their character. We feel the beauty and simplicity of such effects in nature. We feel that the mind, through the eye resting upon these quiet planes and delicate lines, receives a sense of repose and poetic suggestion which is lost in the bright noontide, with all its wealth of glittering detail, sharp cut in light and shade. There is no doubt that this typical power of outline and the value of simplicity of mass were perceived by the ancients, notably the Ancient Egyptians and the Greeks, who both, in their own ways, in their art show a wonderful power of characterization by means of line and mass, and a delicate sense of the ornamental value and quality of line. Formation of LettersRegarding line—the use of outline from the point of view of its value as a means of definition of form and fact—its power is really only limited by the power of draughtsmanship at the command of the artist. From the archaic potters' primitive figures or the rudimentary attempts of children at human or animal forms up to the most refined outlines of a Greek vase-painter, or say the artist of the Dream of Poliphilus, the difference is one of degree.