

Ronald Micci
The Gill People of Outerborough Queens: A Radio Play
The Gill People of Outerborough Queens: A Radio Play
Ronald Micci
The Gill People of Outerborough Queens: A Radio Play
The Arbor: A Play in Seven Scenes
The Arbor: A Play in Seven Scenes
Ronald Micci
The Arbor: A Play in Seven Scenes
Dark Snow: A Collection of Poignant, Deeply Emotional Soliloquies and Duets
Dark Snow: A Collection of Poignant, Deeply Emotional Soliloquies and Duets
Ronald Micci
Dark Snow: A Collection of Poignant, Deeply Emotional Soliloquies and Duets
High Concept Harry: Hollywood Hustler
High Concept Harry: Hollywood Hustler
Ronald Micci
High Concept Harry: Hollywood Hustler
Lectura genurilor literare
Lectura genurilor literare
Elena Iuliana Horceag
n iunie 2015 am publicat n revista Permanene” (nr. 6) articolul Vladimir Tismneanu - ieri i azi”, motivat de faptul c Preedintele Comisiei Prezideniale pentru Analiza Dictaturii Comuniste din Romnia a devenit brusc un atacator al celor susinute n Raportul Final al Comisiei pe care a prezidat-o. Pn n prezent nu exist niciun fel de opinie a dlui Tismneanu i nici a celor de la Institutul Elie Wiesel” - MCA referitor la acest punct de vedere.
The Little Book of Calorie Burning
The Little Book of Calorie Burning
Gill Paul
A quirky guide to counting the calories as they come off, through ways you may never have considered possible Exactly how long would you have to kiss in order to burn off a bottle of beer? Or how long would you have to argue with someone to burn off a Mars bar? From playing ping-pong to having sex (at different levels of intensity!), this little guide contains over 100 activities and their calorie-burning powers. For instance, have you ever thought about the calories you burn simply by eating and digesting? Activities are arranged A-Z and show the calories burned for four different weights (yes, sadly the heavier you are, the more calories you’ll burn even when asleep). Each entry also gives an example food, telling you how long you must do that activity to burn it off.
Little Hermes and the Animals of his Yard
Little Hermes and the Animals of his Yard
Lydia Galanou
Lydia Galanou offers the world of children's literature, an amazing little story which talks about children's mischief and how one can impart to them important advice about their future in a beautiful and vivid way!
The Transitional Social Art Group: For Children with Autism or Adjustment Diffic
The Transitional Social Art Group: For Children with Autism or Adjustment Diffic
Eleni Konstantinidou
According to various research data, transition from primary to secondary school causes concern to many children (Jindal-Snape, 2010). This is more intense in the case of children with autism, because of their difficulty to face changes (Al-Ghani & Kenward, 2009). In the Transitional Social Art Group numerous topics can be explored systematically about this transition through an arts activity programme. Furthermore meetings involve presentation of sensory material, group discussion and group games relevant to each topic. Mainstream students can participate voluntarily in this group; in this case they could be prepared to provide practical and social support to peers with autism/communication difficulties during this transition under adult supervision. In this way this programme could also contribute to the prevention or elimination of bullying. In the present book there is an analytical presentation of the Transitional Social Art Group Programme addressed to practitioners or parents of children with autism. Additionally it could be implemented for children having communication or adjustment difficulties due to other reasons. The Transitional Social Art Group Programme can be used during other transitions, too.
Φράνσις Γιάφκα
Το ?χουμε ξεπερ?σει, πλ?ον, το προπατορικ? αμ?ρτημα... δεν πα?ρνουμε το ρ?λο ο?τε τη? Ε?α?, ο?τε του Αδ?μ... αλλ? του φιδιο?! ?να βιβλ?ο γεμ?το απ? σκ?ψει? και σχ?δια τη? Φρ?νσι? Γι?φκα!
Harry and Me
Harry and Me
Sue Whitaker
A collection of stories featuring 7 year old Andy and his adventures with his best friend 'Harry the Spider'. This is an illustrated book educating children about the insect world in a way that entertains and removes phobias. ?
Royal Doulton Shaving Mugs
Royal Doulton Shaving Mugs
Peter D Symmons, Paul Wassell
Royal Doulton Shaving Mugs
Bebe Bulles Et Les Arcs-En-Ciel
Bebe Bulles Et Les Arcs-En-Ciel
Sue Rowbotham, Camille Medina
Bébé Bulles aime les arcs-en-ciel. Elle en voit de partout. Et toi, est-ce que toi aussi tu les vois ? Il était une fois une petite fille prénommée Sue, qui aimait jouer avec les mots et raconter des histoires, et qui rêvait de devenir écrivain. Elle grandit et sa vie prit un tout autre chemin, mais elle continua à inventer des histoires pour ses enfants. L’une de ces histoires fut abandonnée dans un tiroir pendant 25 ans. Pendant ce temps, dans une autre partie du monde et plusieurs années plus tard, une autre petite fille du nom de Camille se passionna pour le matériel d’art et de papèterie, le dessin, et les travaux manuels. Quand cette petite fille devint adulte elle décida qu’elle voulait continuer à imaginer et créer, et faire sourire les gens ; elle devint donc illustratrice. Un jour, un peu par hasard les chemins de la conteuse d’histoires et de l’illustratrice se croisèrent, et Bébé Bulles vit le jour. Explorez son univers gai et coloré avec vos tout-petits, et aidez-les à apprendre les couleurs et à trouver des arcs-en-ciel dans toutes sortes de lieux inattendus.
Show Must Go On
Show Must Go On
Ross, Bernard
"e;running away from home"e; aged 15 Bernard Ross joined a travelling funfair, this book follows his adventures as one of the last live funfair wrestlers in the UK
Getting Off Escalators - Volume 2
Getting Off Escalators - Volume 2
Tierney, Scott
Getting Off Escalators and surviving other embarrassing moments: Do you struggle to find the confidence to talk in public, without melting into a puddle of pathetic hopelessness? Are you having panic attacks when riding an escalator, or you don't feel manly enough to hold a pint with any authority of pride? Then you, sir, need this guide... or medical help... yes, medical help is probably a safer bet. But comics are funnier, so choose this. About the author: Scott Tierney is a nervous, awkward, confidence-lacking and stress-ridden writer, who produces self-help comics that provide very little guidance for those who read them. Luckily, these comics are extremely funny, so when the reader does loss their reason to live, they go out with a smile.
Jump Into Audition
Jump Into Audition
Make it a YES! With so much competition, JUMP INTO AUDITION is the must-have guide for your audition. You only get one chance to make a FIRST IMPRESSION so let it count! FULFILL your POTENTIAL! Learn the art of preparing for auditions, tips on appropriate dress and etiquette and how to CONQUER your nerves. This book uncovers the true procedures and expectations behind auditions, so you will know exactly what to expect before you set foot on the stage. Quite simply, if you want to SUCCEED, make sure you don't attend another audition before reading this book. Including tips from choreographers, theatrical producers, singing coaches and seasoned audition professionals, JUMP INTO AUDITION will ensure you enter your audition fully prepared and ready to give the performance of your life. With sections dedicated to musicals, theatre, talent shows, dance companies and TV/film, specific advice is given for your individual type of audition, covering aspects of movement, microphone handling, supporting musical accompaniment, translation, choice of song and cold reading. There are also specific tips on breathing exercises and vocal warm-up techniques, designed to strengthen your voice and ensure a powerful delivery which will impress the judges.
Rock Metal Quiz Book
Rock Metal Quiz Book
Miles, Peter
Are you a fan of rock metal? Can you name the bands that are synonymous with this type of music and the songs that made them famous? Do you go to the Download Festival on the trail of your favourite rock stars? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you definitely won't want to be without with The Rock Metal Quiz Book.What UK band charted with 'A Graveyard of Empty Bottles'? Who produced Nirvana's seminal album 'Nevermind'? What was the name of Motorhead's 1982 studio album? The answers to these questions and more can all be found in this new quiz book. The 850 questions in this book, some easy, some hard, have been put together to test your knowledge of rock metal bands, their history and their music. Full of information about your favourite groups, individual stars, lyrics, venues and much more, you are sure to find out something you never knew. This fun and entertaining reference guide is a must-have for rock metal fans of all ages.
Little Garden of Assisi
Little Garden of Assisi
Bull, John
At the graveside of Chippums - beloved pet of Mrs Tarleton - the unctuous proprietor of The Little Garden of Assisi is the model undertaker, consoling the bereaved owner and reassuring her of the dog's happy existence in the afterlife. But when the mourners have gone, it's a very different story. Happy to continue to dupe unsuspecting customers, and pocket the rewards, Dribone seems to lead a charmed existence: until the Mayor arrives with a very curious request. The Little Garden of Assisi is one of three twenty-minute comedies for television in this ebook: the others are Ten Days That Shook The Kremlin, and The Yank With the Pig's Head.
I Could Have Been a Contender
I Could Have Been a Contender
Scott, Eric
It's 1971 and rock and roll was at its height. Small-time Australian agent Wayne Zemmerman scored an unimaginable coup when he signs British supergroup Andromeda for a nationwide tour. Showbiz reporter Scottie McPherson smells a rat and starts his investigation. The Sound Mixers is a dramatic expose of the rock industry: fiction that reads like fact. A gripping story that moves at breathtaking pace to a devastating climax, Performers, promoters, manipulators, illusion creators - the characters which inhabit the world of rock'n'roll are ruthlessly dissected in an intricate plot full of shocks and suspense. Big business is the name of the game; a game in which the tough survive... but even then not always.He clears up some old mysteries too - like what really happened on the night when American TV star Michael Cole swore on live TV at the Australian Logie Awards and how the Beatles came by their trademark haircut.But it is not all showbiz; the memoirs take us through the childhood fun and games of World War II in the UK, the miseries of teen hood and the horrors and fun of National Service, not to mention the personal traumas of five marriages and break-ups.The stories from a great raconteur run through eight decades, from 1939 through to 1970 in the UK and from then on in Australia. The book gives a shrewd insight to the changing lifestyles through those decades and through the eyes of a professional observer.
Twelve Months
Twelve Months
Shotta, Harry
Twelve Month's is the story of a turbulent year in the life of Harry Shotta. A multi award winning MC who is known for his rapid fire delivery and versatility, this book gives readers an insight into the story behind his 'Twelve Months' mixtape. Delving into emotional memories from his childhood and a year which included extreme highs and lows it is a very personal and honest account of a year filled with 'love and pain in the fast lane'.
Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner
Runciman, John
This short biography of the famous composer Richard Wagner details his life, his works and gives the reader an interesting guide to the style that defined this master of operas and other musical works. This version has been specifically edited and formatted for today's e-readers, and makes an excellent addition to any music-related book collection.