![Oxford [Illustrated]](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/45/54/1901164554_ii_cover.jpg?version=81ee585e-882a-449f-85a7-ac4b5d693560)
Oxford [Illustrated]
AT the east end of the choir aisle of the Cathedral there is a portion of the wall which is possibly the oldest piece of masonry in Oxford, for it is thought to be a part of the original Church of St. Frideswyde, on whose site the Cathedral Church of Christ (to give its full title) now stands. Even so it is not possible to speak with historical certainty of the saint or of the date of her Church, which was built for her by her father, so the legend says, when she took the veil; though the year 740 may be provisionally accepted as the last year of her life. St. Frideswyde's was a conventual Church, with a Priory attached, and both were burnt down in 1002, but rebuilt by Ethelred. How much of his handiwork survives in the present structure it is not easy to de-termine; but the Norman builders of the twelfth century effected, at any rate, such a transformation that no suggestion of Saxon architecture is obtruded. Their work went on for some twenty years, under the supervision of the then Prior, Robert of Cricklade, and the Church was consecrated anew in 1180. The main features of the interior—the massive pillars and arches—are substantially the same to-day as the builders left them then. THIS BOOK, is not intended to compete with any existing guides to Oxford: it is not a guide-book in any formal or exhaustive sense. Its purpose is to shew forth the chief beauties of the University and City, as they have ap-peared to several artists; with such a running commentary as may explain the pictures, and may indicate whatever is most interesting in connection with the scenes which they represent. Slight as the notes are, there has been no sacrifice, it is believed, of accuracy. The principal facts have been derived from Alexander Chalmers' History of the Colleges, Halls, and Public Buildings of the University of Oxford, from Mr. Lang's Oxford, and from the Oxford and its Colleges of Mr. J. Wells. The illustrations, with the exception of six only, which are derived from Ackermann's Oxford, are reproduced from the paintings of living artists, mostly by Mr. W. Matthison, the others by Mrs. C. R. Walton, Walter S. S. Tyrwhitt, Mr. Bayzant, and Miss E. S. Cheesewright.
![Charles I](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/53/75/1901165375_ii_cover.jpg?version=52b6775a-dfdc-4555-934a-e5ad5c8265f7)
Charles I
KING CHARLES THE FIRST was born in Scotland. It may perhaps surprise the reader that an English king should be born in Scotland. The explanation is this:??They who have read the history of Mary Queen of Scots, will remember that it was the great end and aim of her life to unite the crowns of England and Scotland in her own family. Queen Elizabeth was then Queen of England. She lived and died unmarried. Queen Mary and a young man named Lord Darnley were the next heirs. It was uncertain which of the two had the strongest claim. To prevent a dispute, by uniting these claims, Mary made Darnley her husband. ??They had it son, who, after the death of his father and mother, was acknowledged to be the heir to the English throne, whenever Elizabeth's life should end. In the meantime he remained King of Scotland. His name was James. He married a princess of Denmark; and his child, who afterward was King Charles the First of England, was born before he left his native realm.
![?uvres Complètes De Charles Baudelaire](http://img61.ddimg.cn/digital/product/1/67/1901140167_ii_cover.jpg?version=537d2ae3-269c-4351-a07d-a75350d69025)
?uvres Complètes De Charles Baudelaire
uvres Complètes De Charles Baudelaire
![Выращиваем лекарственные и пряные травы на участке](http://img61.ddimg.cn/digital/product/85/27/1901168527_ii_cover.jpg?version=8ea2ef2a-37fb-4aff-bddb-4445dda522bd)
Выращиваем лекарственные и пряные травы на участке
Дарону Аджемо?лу ? Джеймсу Роб?нсону вдалося, здавалося б, неможливе — в?дпов?сти на питання, яке до них безрезультатно вивчали стол?ттями: чому одн? кра?ни багат?, а ?нш? — б?дн?????рунтуючись на п’ятнадцятир?чних досл?дженнях у галузях ?стор??, пол?толог?? та економ?ки, автори легко ? доступно пояснюють, чому економ?чний усп?х держав не залежить в?д культури, кл?мату чи географ?чного положення.??Аджемо?лу та Роб?нсон переконан?: кра?ни стали найусп?шн?шими через те, що ?хн? громадяни повалили владну ел?ту ? створили сусп?льства, де головною ц?нн?стю стали р?вн? економ?чн? та пол?тичн? права кожного. На ?хню думку, саме свобода робить св?т багатшим.??Книга ?Чому нац?? занепадають? — сво?р?дний пос?бник, який допоможе краще зрозум?ти причини, що сприяють процв?танню держав та ?хньому занепаду.
![Универсальный календарь садовода-огородника](http://img62.ddimg.cn/digital/product/79/64/1901167964_ii_cover.jpg?version=c5044f51-9f19-4445-9bad-a878d7379c3a)
Универсальный календарь садовода-огородника
Читанка для учн?в старших клас?в середньо? школи в ус?х ?вропейських кра?нах. Книжку створено в рамках сп?льного проекту орган?зац?й та установ, що працюють разом у Платформ? ?вропейсько? пам'ят? та сумл?ння. Зб?рка м?стить 30 дивовижних ?стор?й людей з 16 ?вропейських кра?н, що зазнали тотал?таризму. Це розпов?д? про см?ливц?в, як? протистояли тотал?таризмов? та загинули, а також про тих, кому пощастило вижити. Ц? розпов?д? сповнен? надзвичайного суму через незм?рн? страждання, що ?х завдали фанатичн? орудар?, поборники та п?дсобники тотал?таризму таким же людям, як ? вони. Але водночас вони осп?вують любов до свободи, людську г?дн?сть, несхитн?сть, см?лив?сть, в?ру та в?ддан?сть головним людським ц?нностям.
![Кам’яний г?сть. Лен?н у Центральн?й Укра?н?](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/85/83/1901168583_ii_cover.jpg?version=846aa497-7933-4d7b-82ac-50ccbe68f7d0)
Кам’яний г?сть. Лен?н у Центральн?й Укра?н?
O livro apresenta uma abordagem sobre como foram construídos os saberes inerentes à medicina e ao hospital na Sociedade Moderna. Mostra, historicamente, como foi estabelecido o poder e as práticas médico-hospitalares. A obra apresenta o discurso das institui??es dominantes sobre o modelo assistencial, como também revela a realidade pragmática do acesso efetivo ao direito social à saúde, que, formalmente, foi expresso como uma necessidade básica traduzida em mínimos sociais, como condi??o legítima de dignidade da pessoa humana. A relev?ncia desse estudo é em virtude de sua especial significa??o nas diversas áreas das Ciências Humanas e Sociais, ao nutrir o debate sobre a temática do Direito à Saúde nas inst?ncias do Poder Público, bem como ao introduzi-la na agenda das profiss?es relacionadas com o campo da saúde, aprofundando suas dimens?es de transdisciplinariedade e transversalidade.
![The Complete William Shakespeare Collection (Illustrated)](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/51/55/1901165155_ii_cover.jpg?version=e017d9a0-3193-4fd3-b6a1-645fae40cb83)
The Complete William Shakespeare Collection (Illustrated)
The present ebook comprises the complete writings of William Shakespeare (37 plays, 160 sonnets, 5 poetry books). It comes with 150 original illustrations which are the engravings John Boydell commissioned for his Boydell Shakespeare Gallery.------------Contents:COMEDIES:The Comedy of ErrorsThe Taming of the ShrewThe Two Gentlemen of VeronaLove’s Labor’s LostA Midsummer Night’s DreamThe Merchant of VeniceThe Merry Wives of WindsorMuch Ado about NothingAs You Like ItTwelfth Night, or What You WillThe History of Troilus and CressidaAll’s Well That Ends WellMeasure for MeasureHISTORIES:The First Part of Henry the SixthThe Second Part of Henry the SixthThe Third Part of Henry the SixthThe Tragedy of Richard the ThirdThe Life and Death of King JohnThe Tragedy of King Richard the SecondThe First Part of Henry the FourthThe Second Part of Henry the FourthThe Life of Henry the FifthThe Famous History of the Life of King Henry the EighthTRAGEDIES:The Tragedy of Titus AndronicusThe Tragedy of Romeo and JulietThe Tragedy of Julius CaesarThe Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of DenmarkThe Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of VeniceThe Tragedy of King LearThe Tragedy of MacbethThe Tragedy of Antony and CleopatraThe Tragedy of CoriolanusThe Life of Timon of AthensROMANCES:Pericles, Prince of TyreCymbelineThe Winter’s TaleThe TempestThe Two Noble KinsmenPOEMS:Venus and AdonisThe Rape of LucreceSonnetsA Lover’s ComplaintThe Passionate PilgrimThe Phoenix and Turtle
![Akli Miklós](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/69/90/1901166990_ii_cover.jpg?version=5c4274be-3c00-41ec-85c8-ae78d79aadac)
Akli Miklós
sszevissza csereberéldik egy ikerpár, lóvátesznek egy felfuvalkodott trtett, tmérdek móka, dal, vidámság szvi át két, nagy nehezen egymásra találó szerelmespár trténetét. Oly' darab ez, amint a kznség szeret, kíván, óhajt – ami nektek kell”, mondta Szász Károly errl a vígjátékról, amelynek már a címe is jókedvre derít.
Documentele publicate sub egida Institutului de Istorie ?George Bari?iu“ al Academiei Rom?ne au fost structurate ?n dou? p?r?i: Emigra?ia albgardist? ?i Biserica Rus? din Bucure?ti. Prima parte cuprinde r?spunsul direc?iilor regionale la Ordinul Direc?iei Generale a Securit??ii Statului nr. 354/81558 privind albgardi?tii din raza acestora de competen??, iar cea de a doua – materiale ale Direc?iei Regionale a Securit??ii Bucure?ti despre personalul, emigran?ii ?i refugia?ii care frecventeaz? Biserica Rus?. Sursele relev? destinul, starea de spirit ?i material? a fo?tilor membri ai armatelor ruse ?i ucrainene stabili?i ?n Rom?nia, supravie?uitori ai celor dou? r?zboaie mondiale, liderii fiind deja aresta?i.Din sinteza informativ? a Direc?iei Regionale a Securit??ii Bac?u din 27 octombrie 1951:??n urma ac?iunilor contrarevolu?ionare desf??urate ?n t?n?rul Stat Sovietic de c?tre bandele conduse de Denikin, Kerenski ?i Vranghel, bande ce au fost distruse de c?tre t?n?ra Armat? Ro?ie Sovietic? ?i alungate peste grani?ele Statului Sovietic, ?i ?n ?ar? la noi au venit o serie de elemente ce au f?cut parte din aceste armate, care ?i-au stabilit domiciliul ?n diferite ora?e ale ??rii noastre, unde sub regimul burghezo-mo?ieresc ce se afla ?n acel timp la c?rma ??rii noastre au g?sit azil ?i ocrotire.Astfel ?i ?n regiunea Bac?u din aceste elemente identificate p?n? ?n prezent sunt ?n num?r de 6 persoane, ?i anume: Mateevski Konstantin, ?n prezent domiciliat ?n Piatra-Neam?, de profesie electrician ?i mecanic, angajat ?n aceast? func?ie la Sovromlemn Piatra-Neam?; Petrovski Vasile, fost colonel de artilerie ?i avia?ie ?n armata alb? a lui Vranghel, ?n prezent domiciliat ?n Piatra-Neam?, fiind angajat ca magazioner la fabrica Bistri?a din Piatra-Neam?; Galini?cenko Alexandru, domiciliat ?n Piatra-Neam?, f?r? ocupa?ie, ?n prezent fiind b?tr?n; Kazimirov Mark, de profesie ?ofer angajat ?n aceast? calitate la fabrica ?Reconstruc?ia“ Piatra-Neam?, fost ofi?er ?n Armata Alb? ucrainean?, ?n prezent lucreaz? ca t?mplar, ?i Babici Ifrim, fost ofi?er ?n armata lui Vranghel, actualmente domiciliat ?n comuna Tarc?u, raionul Piatra-Neam?, cu serviciul la Sovromlemn.?n leg?tur? cu susnumi?ii trebuie s? ar?t?m c? dac? ?n trecut existau unele rela?ii de prietenie ?ntre d?n?ii, ?nt?lniri ?n care ??i reaminteau cu pl?cere de trecutul lor, ast?zi, fiind elemente b?tr?ne, nu se mai observ? aceste leg?turi, mai ales c? majoritatea sunt c?s?tori?i cu cet??ence rom?ne ?i parte dintre d?n?ii au chiar ?i copii.De asemeni, din cele cunoscute de noi rezult? c? ace?tia nu ?ntre?in leg?turi prin coresponden?? cu str?in?tatea ?i nici cu elementele dubioase ?i du?m?noase din locurile unde tr?iesc ei. S-a putut constata c? aceste elemente sunt extrem de fricoase ca nu cumva s? vin? o dispozi?ie care s?-i pun? ?n situa?ia s? se ?ntoarc? ?n URSS, obliga?i. Comentarii ?n acest gen au fost extrem de multe ?n r?ndurile lor, ?n special ?ntre anii 1945-1946, c?nd ei credeau sigur c? vor fi evacua?i din ?ara noastr? ?i trimi?i ?n Uniunea Sovietic?. Totu?i ?i ?n prezent, de?i b?tr?ni, exist? ?i ?n r?ndurile lor unele comentarii ?i nemul?umiri, pe care ?ns? ?i le arat? ?n anturajul restr?ns pe care eventual ?l au.“
![Sfera frigului](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/67/67/1901166767_ii_cover.jpg?version=c4b60aad-4592-4b34-9ded-054b0412a52b)
Sfera frigului
Toate popoarele sunt preocupate de identitatea lor, dar la rom?ni aceast? chestiune a ?mbr?cat forme speciale. Rom?nii, locuitori p?n? ?n epoca modern? ?n dou? principate autonome supuse Por?ii Otomane ?i r?vnite de mul?i al?i vecini, dar tr?itori ?i ?n vaste provincii ocupate de unguri, de austrieci, de ru?i ?i de turci, pierdu?i ?n mijlocul at?tor str?ini rapace, s-au ?ntrebat, parc? mai mult dec?t al?ii, de unde vin ?i cine sunt ei. P?n? la urm? ?ns?, toate popoarele mici, lovite de soart? ?i l?sate la cheremul celor mari, au asemenea preocup?ri, transformate uneori ?n adev?rate obsesii. (Ioan-Aurel Pop)
![The Post Office](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/44/45/1901144445_ii_cover.jpg?version=e4ef8002-3c33-468b-beb1-5099ce6d28cd)
The Post Office
The Post Office
![Stray Birds](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/41/68/1901144168_ii_cover.jpg?version=b5f487ff-18f1-44a6-a120-80c24adf0227)
Stray Birds
Stray Birds
![The Merchant of Venice](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/0/96/1901140096_ii_cover.jpg?version=66984db0-11cf-491e-a59b-78468f592204)
The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
![Delphi Complete Poetical Works of John Donne (Illustrated)](http://img62.ddimg.cn/digital/product/94/38/1901159438_ii_cover.jpg?version=03ef4cab-6ac0-457b-b203-94187ad4daa2)
Delphi Complete Poetical Works of John Donne (Illustrated)
The Delphi Poets Series offers readers the works of literature's finest poets, with superior formatting. This volume presents the complete poetical works of John Donne, with beautiful illustrations and the usual Delphi bonus material. Donne's sparkling wit and imaginative conceits have delighted readers over the centuries; now you can own his entire poetical genius on your eReader! (3MB Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Donne's life and works * Concise introductions to the poetry and other works * Images of how the poetry books were first printed, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts * Excellent formatting of the poems * Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the poetry * Easily locate the poems you want to read * Almost the complete prose, with rare texts like Donnes study of suicide BIATHANATOS, appearing for the first time in digital print * Includes Donne's letters - spend hours exploring the poet's personal correspondence * Features three biographies, including Izaak Waltons famous contemporary memoir - discover Donne's literary life in detail! * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The Poetry Collections SONGS AND SONNETS ELEGIES DIVINE POEMS HOLY SONNETS OTHER DIVINE POEMS SATIRES MARRIAGE SONGS VERSE LETTERS EPICEDES AND OBSEQUIES EPIGRAMS INFINITATI SACRUM THE ANNIVERSARIES LATIN POEMS DOUBTFUL VERSES The Poems LIST OF POEMS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Prose BIATHANATOS PSEUDO-MARTYR IGNATIUS HIS CONCLAVE DEVOTIONS UPON EMERGENT OCCASIONS PARADOXES PROBLEMS The Letters LIST OF LETTERS The Biographies THE LIFE OF DR. JOHN DONNE by Izaak Walton JOHN DONNE by Arthur Symons JOHN DONNE by Robert Lynd Please click here to browse our other titles
![The Micro Budget Filmmaking Collection](http://img62.ddimg.cn/digital/product/13/91/1901161391_ii_cover.jpg?version=fd5c33e6-ec28-4537-bc43-a7312e4080cc)
The Micro Budget Filmmaking Collection
The Best Selling Indie film making manuals. The books On Low Budget Film Making, On, Writing A Low Budget Screenplay and On Making A Found Footage Film all in one book. Featuring dozen of interviews with a whole new generation of micro budget film makers along with hands on advice on every aspect of film making in this new DSLR age. This set of books will take you from crafting a low budget screenplay straight through to post production. There is no one better on earth to learn the ins and outs of micro budget filmmaking than those who are in the trenches doing it on a day to day basis. You will pick up so much useful information from the interviews done with these filmmakers in On Low Budget Filmmaking. People for decades have said if you want to get started in the film industry you need to write a low budget screenplay. Great, but no one bothered to tell you how to do this. Well, I have. In my book On Writing a Low Budget Screenplay, I teach you the basic rules and concepts to aid you in crafting a low to micro budget screenplay. I believe that a quality screenplay can to crafted with a budget of fewer than ten thousand dollars in mind. This book is not only going to teach you to focus on the budget but to create a compelling character. This book will make you a better screenwriter. With the rules, you learn you will be able to craft a strong screenplay at any budget level. The Found Footage film is never going away. I realized this a while a go so I spent over a year studying these films and interview dozens of film makers who have made Found Footage films, including the guys behind Found Footage 3D, and tried to put the lessons that they learned all into one book. If you wish to make a Found Footage film then my book On Making A Found Footage Film is a must read. You can enjoy all three books in one collection.
![G?lceava sonetelor](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/63/38/1901166338_ii_cover.jpg?version=3b8be98f-dfdc-4d7a-beff-b3c0170234f9)
G?lceava sonetelor
Comandorul Sablin are ca subiect principal activitatea fostului ofi?er al Marinei Ruse Imperiale reflectat? ?n dosarele Siguran?ei ?i ale Securit??ii. Documentele publicate sub egida Institutului de Istorie ?George Bari?iu“ al Academiei Rom?ne acoper? perioada interbelic? ?i cea postbelic?. Nikolai Vasilievici Sablin a activat pe vasul ?arului Nikolai al II-lea al Rusiei, ??tandart“, iar dup? 1918 – ca ?ef al Cifrului Statului Major al Flotei Militare din Marea Baltic?. ?n Rom?nia a fost reprezentant al Marelui Duce Kiril Vladimirovici, pre?edinte al filialei Uniunii Militare Navale Ruse, vicepre?edinte al Societ??ii de Ajutor a Fo?tilor Combatan?i Ru?i de pe Frontul Rom?n, director al ziarului Golos Buharesta, a participat la r?zboiul antisovietic.Din nota agentului Securit??ii ?Alexandru Popescu“, casa ?Paula“, 19 octombrie 1956:?Urmare notelor anterioare referitoare la emigrantul rus, fost reprezentant pentru Rom?nia al organiza?iei emigran?ilor ru?i Mi?carea Monarhist? Rus?, ?inut ?n observa?ie, comunic:Despre leg?tura lui Sablin N. cu organele informative militare rom?ne ?nainte de 23 august 1944 am auzit din timpul vechiului meu serviciu, ?ns? nu am avut preciziuni. ?n prezent semnalez urm?toarele:Dup? cum s-a comunicat prin nota din 10 octombrie a.c., ?n ziua de 4 octombrie a.c., Sablin Nikolai a f?cut o vizit? lui Baikov Andrei (str. Sl?ve?ti 3), c?nd s-a discutat cu acesta chestiunea cu pensia lui Sablin N., sistat?.?n timpul convorbirii (am asistat ?n camer? ?i eu) Sablin N. a povestit c? el s-a ?nt?lnit cu un fost colonel rom?n (numele n-am putut re?ine) pe care Sablin N. l-a cunoscut ?nainte de 23 august 1944 ?i cu care a avut ni?te leg?turi.Sablin N. a spus c? el sper? c? la cererea lui acest colonel va ajuta lui ?n chestia pensiei sale, deoarece el ?n trecut a colaborat cu acesta ?n domeniul informativ, privitor la URSS. Sablin Nikolai a specificat c? acest material el c?p?ta de la fratele s?u Sablin Eugen, din Londra (Sablin Eugen ?n ultimul an al regimului ?arist a fost ministrul Rusiei ?n Anglia, iar apoi a fost conduc?torul emigra?iei ruse din Londra ?i unul din activi?tii principali din Mi?carea Monarhist? Rus?).“
![Delphi Complete Works of Nikolai Gogol (Illustrated)](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/0/59/1901160059_ii_cover.jpg?version=454d5d64-4474-4aef-900f-e2400b1320d5)
Delphi Complete Works of Nikolai Gogol (Illustrated)
This unique eBook presents the complete FICTIONAL works of Nikolai Gogol, with beautiful illustrations, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (4MB Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Gogol's life and works * Concise introductions to the novels and other works * The complete novels, stories and plays, with contents tables * Features many of Constance Garnett's original translations * Images of how the books were first printed, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts * Excellent formatting of the texts * Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the short stories * Easily locate the short stories you want to read * Special criticism section, with two essays evaluating Gogol's contribution to literature * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres CONTENTS: The Novels TARAS BULBA DEAD SOULS The Short Story Collections EVENINGS ON A FARM NEAR DIKANKA ARABESQUES MIRGOROD UNCOLLECTED SHORT STORIES The Short Stories LIST OF SHORT STORIES IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF SHORT STORIES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Plays MARRIAGE THE GAMBLERS THE GOVERNMENT INSPECTOR The Criticism GOGOL BY IVAN PANIN EXTRACT FROM ‘ESSAYS ON RUSSIAN NOVELISTS’ BY WILLIAM LYON PHELPS
![Delphi Complete Works of Jane Austen (Illustrated)](http://img61.ddimg.cn/digital/product/93/94/1901159394_ii_cover.jpg?version=09866b4c-4a88-4ff0-8610-370f834a82f0)
Delphi Complete Works of Jane Austen (Illustrated)
Offering hundreds of beautiful images, this is the perfect Austen collection. All the novels, each and every short story, poem, play and letter with much, much more! This edition is simply outstanding for admirers of literature's finest female writer. (Current version: 3) Features: * ALL of the novels are fully illustrated with original artwork enjoy the true flavour of the Regency/Georgian texts on your Kobo! * Pride & Prejudice and Sense & Sensibility have multiple sources of illustrations, bringing these great classics visually alive * Even the rare unfinished novels The Watsons and Sanditon are included * brief but informative introductions to the novels and other texts * the COMPLETE letters * countless images related to Austen, her works and the beautiful Hampshire places she lived in * ALL of the Juvenilia works are included * scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres * special images linking to the famous film and TV adaptations of Austens works The eBook also includes a front no-nonsense table of contents to allow easy navigation around Austens oeuvre. With this eBook you will need no other text of Jane Austen. Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse our other titles CONTENTS: The Novels SENSE AND SENSIBILITY PRIDE AND PREJUDICE MANSFIELD PARK EMMA NORTHANGER ABBEY PERSUASION LADY SUSAN The Unfinished Novels THE WATSONS SANDITON The Shorter Fiction LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP LESLEY CASTLE CATHARINE EVELYN FREDERIC & ELFRIDA JACK & ALICE EDGAR AND EMMA HENRY AND ELIZA THE ADVENTURES OF MR. HARLEY SIR WILLIAM MOUNTAGUE MEMOIRS OF MR. CLIFFORD THE BEAUTIFUL CASSANDRA AMELIA WEBSTER THE THREE SISTERS THE MYSTERY THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND A FRAGMENT THE GENEROUS CURATE A TALE. THE FIRST ACT OF A COMEDY ODE TO PITY The Complete Letters A COLLECTION OF LETTERS LETTER THE FIRST LETTER THE SECOND LETTER THE THIRD LETTER THE FOURTH LETTER THE FIFTH TO MISS JANE ANNA ELIZABETH AUSTEN SCRAPS THE FEMALE PHILOSOPHER A LETTER FROM A YOUNG LADY A TOUR THROUGH WALES Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse our other titles
![The Divine Comedy](http://img62.ddimg.cn/digital/product/2/59/1901140259_ii_cover.jpg?version=efae3e9a-f5d1-4ce3-b2ee-cea6a6a9ad91)
The Divine Comedy
The Divine Comedy
![Mother of All Machines](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/19/30/1901141930_ii_cover.jpg?version=a6ea7b5a-314e-4563-9788-cb1b549bc1b3)
Mother of All Machines
Mother of All Machines
A rough and ready look at the current state of the American Dream?through the mirror?lens of?poetry and short fiction.