

Joomla! 1.5: Beginner's Guide
Joomla! 1.5: Beginner's Guide
Eric Tiggeler
Written with a fast-paced but friendly and engaging approach, this Packt Beginner's guide is designed to be placed alongside the computer as your guide and mentor to meet real-world web building challenges. Step-by-step tutorials are bolstered by explanations of the reasoning behind what you are doing. You will quickly pick up the necessary skills, tips, and tricks for building a successful Joomla! web site with practical examples that help you to learn by experiment and play. If you want to build and maintain your own web site, the Joomla! Beginner's Guide is perfect for you. It helps you build on the skills and knowledge you may already have on creating web sites—but even if you're new to this subject, you won't have any difficulty understanding the clear and friendly instructions and explanations. You learn how to build and maintain web sites without having to dive deep into HTML and CSS.
Joao Pedro Soares Fernandes
The book is written in a tutorial style where you work through examples that describe how you can create multimedia applications using Moodle and integrate your existing multimedia resources into your Moodle course. It also tells you how to use multimedia effectively giving ideas and best practices. The book is primarily aimed at teachers and trainers who run professional courses and have experience in the use of Moodle. At the same time, it is not necessary to have an advanced technical background to create multimedia elements, as the tasks will be simple and as little time consuming as possible, relevant to everyday use.
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Disaster Recovery Guide
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Disaster Recovery Guide
Peter Ward
The style and approach of the book is an easytoread SharePoint admin guide. This is not a stepbystep instruction book, but rather a guide on how to implement and execute a disaster recovery plan to your SharePoint environment.This book is great for both SharePoint and SQL administrators new to the SharePoint 2013 architecture, and who are looking to get a good grounding in how to use implement a solid disaster recoveryrecovery plan. It's assumed that you have some experience in SharePoint and Windows Server and, as well be familiar with SQL.
Learning libGDX Game Development
Learning libGDX Game Development
Andreas Oehlke
A clear and practical guide to building games in libGDX.This book is great for Indie and existing game developers, as well as those who want to get started with game development using libGDX. Java game knowledge of game development basics is recommended.
Kali Linux: Assuring Security By Penetration Testing
Kali Linux: Assuring Security By Penetration Testing
Lee Allen
Written as an interactive tutorial, this book covers the core of Kali Linux with realworld examples and stepbystep instructions to provide professional guidelines and recommendations for you. The book is designed in a simple and intuitive manner that allows you to explore the whole Kali Linux testing process or study parts of it individually. If you are an IT security professional who has a basic knowledge of Unix/Linux operating systems, including an awareness of information security factors, and want to use Kali Linux for penetration testing, then this book is for you.
Bootstrap Site Blueprints
Bootstrap Site Blueprints
David Cochran
A handson guide with projects based on fictitious, but common, application development briefs, which will illustrate practical ways of applying responsive web design with Bootstrap. Whether you are a beginner or intermediate web developer, if you wish to make the most of Bootstrap, then this book is for you. You should be familiar with the fundamentals of HTML and CSS, and have some experience incorporating JavaScript plugins. Prior Bootstrap experience is optional.
Learning Unreal? Engine iOS Game Development
Learning Unreal? Engine iOS Game Development
Muhammad A.Moniem
If you are a game developer, designer, artist, or a beginner in the gaming industry, and want to make iOS games efficiently at a low cost, this book is ideal for you.
WooCommerce Cookbook
WooCommerce Cookbook
Patrick Rauland
If you have ever built or managed a WordPress site and want to add e-commerce functionality into your site, WooCommerce and this book are perfect for you. Learning how to use WooCommerce through this series of recipes will give you a solid platform to add any future e-commerce needs.
Building Web Services with Microsoft Azure
Building Web Services with Microsoft Azure
Alex Belotserkovskiy
If you are a .NET developer who wants to develop end-to-end RESTful applications in the cloud, then this book is for you. A working knowledge of C# will help you get the most out of this book.
iOS Game Development By Example
iOS Game Development By Example
Samanyu Chopra
This book is targeted at novice, intermediate, and proficient game developers coming from a different development platform and wanting to migrate to game development with the Sprite Kit engine. The reader does not need any knowledge of Sprite Kit and building games on the iOS platform.
Learning Swift
Learning Swift
Andrew J Wagner
If you are looking to build iOS or OS X apps using the most modern technology, this book is ideal for you. You will find this book especially useful if you are new to programming or if you have yet to develop for iOS or OS X.
Learning PowerCLI
Learning PowerCLI
Robert van den Nieuwendijk
"Learning PowerCLI" is written in a friendly and practical style with a focus on getting you started and automating daily tasks quickly and efficiently. If you manage or administrate a vSphere environment, and want to make that easier and more efficient, then this book is for you! This book is ideal for you if you want to learn how to automate your VMware vSphere infrastructure, by getting the most out of PowerCLI. It’s assumed that you have some experience in administrating a VMware vSphere environment. Knowledge of Microsoft’s Windows PowerShell is not a prerequisite.
OpenJDK Cookbook
OpenJDK Cookbook
Alex Kasko
If you are an experienced Java developer using Java 7 platform and want to get your grips on OpenJDK for Java development, this is the book for you. JDK users who wish to migrate to OpenJDK will find this book very useful.
Clojure Web Development Essentials
Clojure Web Development Essentials
Ryan Baldwin
This book is for anyone who's worked with Clojure and wants to use it to start developing applications for the Web. Experience or familiarity with basic Clojure syntax is a must, and exposure to Leiningen (or other similar build tools such as Maven) would be helpful.
Building Levels in Unity
Building Levels in Unity
Volodymyr Gerasimov
The book is aimed at game artists with no past programming experience who are interested in designing levels in Unity. It does not assume detailed knowledge of similar game platforms.
JavaScript JSON Cookbook
JavaScript JSON Cookbook
Ray Rischpater
If you're writing applications that move structured data from one place to another, this book is for you. This is especially true if you've been using XML to do the job because it's entirely possible that you could do much of the same work with less code and less data overhead in JSON. While the book's chapters make some distinction between the client and server sides of an application, it doesn't matter if you're a frontend, backend, or full-stack developer. The principles behind using JSON apply to both the client and the server, and in fact, developers who understand both sides of the equation generally craft the best applications.
Learning Embedded Linux Using the Yocto Project
Learning Embedded Linux Using the Yocto Project
Alexandru Vaduva
If you are a Yocto and Linux enthusiast who wants to build embedded Linux systems but do not have the knowledge to do it, this is the book for you. It will also help those of you who have a bit of knowledge about Linux and the embedded world and are keen on learning more about the technology. This book will provide you with the skills needed to successfully interact with the Yocto Project components regardless of the fact that you are new to embedded development or an expert.
Mastering Android Game Development
Mastering Android Game Development
Raul Portales
If you are an intermediate-level Android developer who wants to create highly interactive and amazing games with the Android SDK, then this book is for you.
Modernizing Legacy Applications in PHP
Modernizing Legacy Applications in PHP
Paul M. Jones
Get your code under control in a series of small, specific steps About This Book Learn to extract and replace legacy artifacts, Improve your application from the ground up while keeping your codebase fully operational, Improve the quality of your legacy applications. Who This Book Is For PHP developers from all skill levels will be able to get value from this book and will be able to transform their spaghetti code applications to clean, modular applications. If you are in the midst of a legacy refactor or you find yourself in a state of despair caused by the code you have inherited, this is the book for you. All you need is to have PHP 5.0 installed, and you’re all set to change the way you maintain and deploy your code! What You Will Learn Replace global and new with dependency injection Extract SQL statements to gateways Convert action logic to controllers Remove repeated logic in page *s Create maintainable PHP code from crufty legacy PHP In Detail Have you noticed that your legacy PHP application is composed of page *s placed directly in the document root of the web serverOr, do your page *s, along with any other classes and functions, combine the concerns of model, view, and controller into the same scopeIs the majority of the logical flow incorporated as include files and global functions rather than class methodsWorking with such a legacy application feels like dragging your feet through mud, doesn’t it?This book will show you how to modernize your application in terms of practice and technique, rather than in terms of using tools like frameworks and libraries, by extracting and replacing its legacy artifacts. We will use a step-by-step approach, moving slowly and methodically, to improve your application from the ground up. We’ll show you how dependency injection can replace both the new and global dependencies. We’ll also show you how to change the presentation logic to view files and the action logic to a controller. Moreover, we’ll keep your application running the whole time. Each completed step in the process will keep your codebase fully operational with higher quality. When we are done, you will be able to breeze through your code like the wind. Your code will be autoloaded, dependency-injected, unit-tested, layer-separated, and front-controlled. Most of the very limited code we will add to your application is specific to this book. We will be improving ourselves as programmers, as well as improving the quality of our legacy application. Style and approach This book gives developers an easy-to-follow, practical and powerful process to bring their applications up to a modern baseline. Each step in the book is practical, self-contained and moves you closer to the end goal you seek: maintainable code. As you follow the exercises in the book, the author almost anticipates your questions and you will have the answers, ready to be implemented on your project.
Learning Game AI Programming with Lua
Learning Game AI Programming with Lua
David Young
If you are a game developer or a general programmer who wishes to focus on programming systems and techniques to build your game AI without creating low-level interfaces in a game engine, then this book is for you. Knowledge of C++ will come in handy to debug the entirety of the AI sandbox and expand on the features present within the book, but it is not required.
Learning OpenStack,Networking (Neutron)
Learning OpenStack,Networking (Neutron)
James Denton
If you are an OpenStack-based cloud operator with experience in OpenStack Compute and nova-network but are new to Neutron networking, then this book is for you. Some networking experience is recommended, and a physical network infrastructure is required to provide connectivity to instances and other network resources configured in the book.