

遥感光谱成像技术的快速发展,对其定量化水平和数据质量提出更高的要求。定标是遥感器输出数据定量化的主要手段,研究、改定标技术,提高定标精度,对提高遥感数据产品质量,推动高光谱成像遥感技术的应用具有重要意义。遥感干涉光谱成像技术具有独特的优势,其定标技术也具有特殊性。本书介绍了辐射传输、辐射定标的基础理论和干涉型高光谱成像仪的定标原理;遥感干涉光谱成像仪在卫星发射前及在轨运行后的定标技术(发射前的地面定标、星上定标、在轨场地定标、交叉定标,利用云、冰等场景和月亮辐射行定标,以及近年发展的场地自动化定标和全球定标场网定标);各定标技术的原理和方法、数据处理方法;干涉型高光谱成像仪定标实例等。 本书适用于从事遥感光学仪发、研制、应用的专业人员和相关专业的大学本科、研究生参考阅读。


本套书是林语堂逝世40周年纪念典藏版,共18册,分别为《从异教徒到基督徒》、《风声鹤唳(纪念典藏版)》、《红牡丹(纪念典藏版)》、《京华烟云:全2册》、《孔子的智慧(纪念珍藏版) 》、《赖柏英》、《老子的智慧(纪念典藏版)》、《美国的智慧(典藏版)(套装共2册)》、《奇岛》、《生活的艺术》、《苏东坡传》、《唐人街》、《啼笑皆非》、《吾国与吾民》、《武则天正传》、《印度的智慧》、《中国的智慧》、《朱门》。 《吾国吾民》:是林语堂在西方文坛的成名作与代表作。该书用坦率幽默的笔调、睿智通达的语言娓娓道出了中国人的道德、精神状态与向往,以及中国的社会、文化与生活情趣。将中国人的性格、心灵、理想、生活、政治、社会、艺术剖释得非常美妙,并与西方人的性格、理想、生活等做了深入的比较,在海内外引起轰动。 《风声鹤唳(纪念典藏版)》:《纽约时报》将之誉为中国的《飘》。抗日战争时期,战争就像大风暴,秋风扫落叶般扫荡着所有人的命运。小说即以抗日战争时期的中国(北平、上海、武汉三地)为背景,讲述了一个身世离奇的美丽女人在乱世的传奇经历,以及她终在火热的爱国气氛中走出狭小自我、超越个人情爱、生命得到升华的故事。同时,本书也史诗般地表现了在“中华民族到了危险的时候,民族精神痛苦而伟大的升华。 《京华烟云:全2册》:全书讲述了北平曾、姚、牛三大家族从1901年义和团运动到抗日战争三十多年间的悲欢离合和恩怨情仇。全书结构宏伟,线索交错,全景式展现了近现代中国社会发生的急剧而深刻的变化,被誉为现代版的《红楼梦》。 《孔子的智慧(典藏版) 》:在林语堂先生看来,孔子的思想不只是“处世格言”“道德修养”,更是一种深沉的理性思索,一种对人生意义的执着追求,充满了诗意的情感内容,具有“终极关怀”的宗教品格。孔子的思想代代相传,渗透在我们每个人的血液里,成为中国人的“文化心魂”。 《苏东坡传》:苏东坡是一个秉性难改的乐天派,是悲天悯人的道德家,是散文作家,是新派的画家,是伟大的书法家,是酿酒的实验者,是工程师,是假道学的反对派,是瑜伽术的修炼者,是佛教徒,是士大夫,是皇帝的秘书,是饮酒成性者,是心肠慈悲的法官,是政治上的坚持己见者,是月下的漫步者,是诗人,是生性诙谐爱开玩笑的人。但是这还不足以道出苏东坡的全部。 《唐人街》:在中国现代文坛上,林语堂的《唐人街》属于早期“移民文学”范畴。它像一座桥梁一样,连接着二三十年代突现民族意识和爱国情感的域外小说与表现“美国梦”的追求与幻灭的当代作品。作者以散文化的笔法,以他童年时期故乡一家人同舟共济、相亲相爱的人生经历为素材,描写了来自中国福建的老汤姆一家在纽约唐人街同舟共济“创业”,并通过辛苦的劳作和诚实的努力,终实现了“美国梦”的故事。 《朱门》;《朱门》与《京华烟云》《风声鹤唳》合称“林语堂三部曲”。这部小说于1953年付梓,主要讲述了两位西安人——记者李飞和名门闺秀杜柔安跨越门第界限的爱情传奇。小说不仅描写了20世纪30年代西安古城的文化风貌、动荡时局,而且跟随两名主人公的经历,也花很多笔墨描述了广袤的西疆风情,以及发生在那块种族混居、斗争不断的土地上的传奇故事,并处处流露出作者平等博爱的人道主义情怀。 《啼笑皆非》:本书书分四卷。卷一论“局势”。陈叙今日世界之危局,及第三次大战之伏机。卷二论“道术”,指出道术之沦丧,及以物质主义方术解决危机之错误。卷三论“征象”,批驳现行战后和平之各种论著,以见今日思想之症结。卷四论“治道”,由学术思想上分析近百年来文化之去向,及推陈人道扫地之史因,并由科学穷极思变之新倾向,透入一道曙光,排脱唯物机械论,重立自由意志论。 ......

一套书解决你关于护肤、造型、健身、生活、工作、情感的所有问题,做一颗玫瑰色的子弹,晋升惊艳女神! 《活着就要气场全开》:“只想做个小女孩,无奈变成女总裁。”在这本书里,作者除了分享怎么赢,还梳理了亲身经历的血淋淋的教训。希望自己受过的伤,能成为读者的导航,告诉怀揣玫瑰梦想的女孩们,人生路上哪里有沼泽,哪里有宝藏。 《生活不易,敬之以美》:生活美学家、星巴克合作艺术家、水彩女王尤琳的生命感悟,分别从艺术之美、独立之美、爱情之美、亲子之美和人格之美讲述了如何面对人生琐碎而不生怨怼,向爱而生。 《精致女孩指南》:这是一本从护肤、身体护理、生活习惯、工作、情感等多个方面教女孩如何变得精致、有气质的实用手册。书中从很多细小的方面告诉你,如何通过改变一点点,达到精致、气质的目的,例如:敏感肌护肤策略、暴露生活态度的足部皮肤、相亲中的气场指南等。 《从平凡到惊艳 我的美丽圣经》:本书分为护肤、化妆、瘦身、美发、美甲五部分。作者阵容强大,韩国化妆艺术家元伦喜、中国台湾人气整体造型师凡妮莎以及内地女性生活方式专家她品强强联合,旨在打造适合亚洲女性的美容时尚解决方案。 《健身女神:我要马甲线》:视频点击量过亿,人气女神赵雨菲独家马甲线练成术大公开。 《性感女神:不只是瘦》:体重是衡量身材好坏的标准吗?谢黎明在《性感女神不只是瘦》中告诉你,不要相信任何减重的捷径或一味只注重体重,“越轻越美”的观念是完全不对的!我们应更关心自身的健康和身材的匀称,健身的目的应是拥有健康、拥有自信、拥有一个好身材。生活中我们也会发现,很多很瘦的人并不好看,尤其是通过节食或疾病减下十几千克的人,他们大多三围小、皮肤松弛、气色不好,这样的“病态美”并不是真的美。 《礼仪女神:训练优雅》:本书以问答形式详细解释了300多个有关礼仪的关键信息,内容丰富,涵盖: 日常礼仪——教你避免造成人际交往中的尴尬时刻; 商务礼仪——教你正确、有礼貌地接待客户、参加宴会; 国际礼仪——教你明白各国文化习俗的不同,不踩国际交往雷区。 《不美不活(美丽俏佳人)》:本书分护肤、彩妆、发型、服装搭配四个部分。 你不仅可以了解站在时尚前沿的美俏主播们的现实生活,还可以学习除了《美丽俏佳人》节目以外的更多新鲜美容秘籍。我们集结了众多业界达人独家供稿,全书精彩纷呈,为你提供“美丽”能量,让生命绚烂绽放!梅琳、Kevin、小P、游丝棋、家弘强大专家团指导,带你揭开美丽密码,开启你的女神潜能! 《我的闺蜜是中医》:集合了五位知名中医及养生专家之所长,分别从肌肤养护、体质养生、内分泌调理、身体疾病自我判断、脊柱矫正五大方面为女性答疑解惑、出谋划策。 《微整》:微整不仅能改变我们先天缺陷,还能将已经很美的自己变得更加完美。本书包含两个部分:真实的医美故事和热门医美项目解读。 《越吃越瘦的秘密:66的魔法拼搭瘦身餐》:简单易做的减脂餐:让自己跟66老师一起,养成良好的饮食和生活习惯。吃到饱,健康瘦。

SuperFreakonomics, Illustrated edition
Seeing is believing . . . The Smash Hit SuperFreakonomics is now Bigger and Better SuperFreakonomics was an instant New York Times bestseller that caused a media uproar, continuing the amazing success begun with the groundbreaking, worldwide sensation Freakonomics.With the Illustrated Edition, Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner bring alive their smart thinking and great storytelling with an explosion of visual evidence, including: A by-the-numbers tally of a high-priced call girl's career, and a tracking sheet from an intensive survey of Chicago street prostitutes. A visual quiz that lets you pit your memory against the memory of a chess grand master. Images of the hurricane-killing machine and other geo-engineering inventions described in SuperFreakonomics. A look into whether doctors are better at saving lives in TV dramas or in real hospitals. Whether probing the intricacies of sex change oper-ations, the effectiveness of child car seats, or what really motivates people to do good, the Illustrated Edition of SuperFreakonomics employs photographs, drawings, and graphs that will lead readers to see the world in a bold, fresh way.

Models of Influence
A Collectible Anthology of the 50 Most Inf luential Models in Fashion HistoryIn Models of Influence, photographer, television host, and fashion authority Nigel Barker profiles fifty of the most noteworthy models from the 1940s to the present, revealing how their look or way of modeling not only made an indelible stamp on the industry but also influenced fashion design, the popular way of dress, and notions of female beauty worldwide.Each of the book's eight chapters focuses on a distinct period, from the postwar modeling boom, which ushered in an era of models who communicated a return to glamour, to the present day, with the emergence of media-savvy models who understand the power of branding themselves to the world at large. Each entry highlights the model's background and career, exploring her unique qualities and the secret to her staying power, whether it's her physical characteristics, daring approach to image making, transformative abilities, or a particular energy that captured or even redefined the zeitgeist of fashion and culture of the time.To complement the text, Barker has personally selected more than one hundred full-color and black-and-white photographs from the archives of the world's top fashion photographers Richard Avedon, Irving Penn, David Bailey, Francesco Scavullo, Herb Ritts, and Mario Testino among them to assemble a collectible anthology of many of the finest fashion images from the last seventy years.With an engaging, informative text and a vivid collection of seminal photographs, Models of Influence is the definitive word on the subject.With 110 full-color and black-and-white photographs

The Game
Hidden somewhere, in nearly every major city in the world, is an underground seduction lair. And in these lairs, men trade the most devastatingly effective techniques ever invented to charm women. This is not fiction. These men really exist. They live together in houses known as Projects. And Neil Strauss, the bestselling author and journalist, spent two years living among them, using the pseudonym Style to protect his real-life identity. The result is one of the most explosive and controversial books of the last decade guaranteed to change the lives of men and transform the way women understand the opposite sex forever. On his journey from AFC (average frustrated chump) to PUA (pick-up artist) to PUG (pick-up guru), Strauss not only shares scores of original seduction techniques but also has unforgettable encounters with the likes of Tom Cruise, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Heidi Fleiss, and Courtney Love. And then things really start to get strange and passions lead to betrayals lead to violence. The Game is the story of one man's transformation from frog to prince to prisoner in the most unforgettable book of this generation.

Androids in the Enlightenment
The eighteenth century saw the creation of a number of remarkable mechanical androids: at least ten prominent automata were built between 1735 and 1810 by clockmakers, court mechanics, and other artisans from France, Switzerland, Austria, and the German lands. Designed to perform sophisticated activities such as writing, drawing, or music making, these "e;Enlightenment automata"e; have attracted continuous critical attention from the time they were made to the present, often as harbingers of the modern industrial age, an era during which human bodies and souls supposedly became mechanized.?In Androids in the Enlightenment, Adelheid Voskuhl investigates two such automata-both depicting piano-playing women. These automata not only play music, but also move their heads, eyes, and torsos to mimic a sentimental body technique of the eighteenth century: musicians were expected to generate sentiments in themselves while playing, then communicate them to the audience through bodily motions. Voskuhl argues, contrary to much of the subsequent scholarly conversation, that these automata were unique masterpieces that illustrated the sentimental culture of a civil society rather than expressions of anxiety about the mechanization of humans by industrial technology. She demonstrates that only in a later age of industrial factory production did mechanical androids instill the fear that modern selves and societies had become indistinguishable from machines.?

Sex Itself
Human genomes are 99.9 percent identical-with one prominent exception. Instead of a matching pair of X chromosomes, men carry a single X, coupled with a tiny chromosome called the Y.?Tracking the emergence of a new and distinctive way of thinking about sex represented by the unalterable, simple, and visually compelling binary of the X and Y chromosomes, Sex Itself examines the interaction between cultural gender norms and genetic theories of sex from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present, postgenomic age.?Using methods from history, philosophy, and gender studies of science, Sarah S. Richardson uncovers how gender has helped to shape the research practices, questions asked, theories and models, and de*ive language used in sex chromosome research. From the earliest theories of chromosomal sex determination, to the mid-century hypothesis of the aggressive XYY supermale, to the debate about Y chromosome degeneration, to the recent claim that male and female genomes are more different than those of humans and chimpanzees, Richardson shows how cultural gender conceptions influence the genetic science of sex.Richardson shows how sexual science of the past continues to resonate, in ways both subtle and explicit, in contemporary research on the genetics of sex and gender. With the completion of the Human Genome Project, genes and chromosomes are moving to the center of the biology of sex. Sex Itself offers a compelling argument for the importance of ongoing critical dialogue on how cultural conceptions of gender operate within the science of sex.

Fragments and Assemblages
In Fragments and Assemblages, Arthur Bahr expands the ways in which we interpret medieval manu*s, examining the formal characteristics of both physical manu*s and literary works. Specifically, Bahr argues that manu* compilations from fourteenth-century London reward interpretation as both assemblages and fragments: as meaningfully constructed objects whose forms and textual contents shed light on the city's literary, social, and political cultures, but also as artifacts whose physical fragmentation invites forms of literary criticism that were unintended by their medieval makers. Such compilations are not simply repositories of data to be used for the reconstruction of the distant past; their physical forms reward literary and aesthetic analysis in their own right. The compilations analyzed reflect the full vibrancy of fourteenth-century London's literary cultures: the multilingual codices of Edwardian civil servant Andrew Horn and Ricardian poet John Gower, the famous Auchinleck manu* of texts in Middle English, and Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. By reading these compilations as both formal shapes and historical occurrences, Bahr uncovers neglected literary histories specific to the time and place of their production. The book offers a less empiricist way of interpreting the relationship between textual and physical form that will be of interest to a wide range of literary critics and manu* scholars.

Arbitrary Rule
Slavery appears as a figurative construct during the English revolution of the mid-seventeenth century, and again in the American and French revolutions, when radicals represent their treatment as a form of political slavery. What, if anything, does figurative, political slavery have to do with transatlantic slaveryIn Arbitrary Rule, Mary Nyquist explores connections between political and chattel slavery by excavating the tradition of Western political thought that justifies actively opposing tyranny. She argues that as powerful rhetorical and conceptual constructs, Greco-Roman political liberty and slavery reemerge at the time of early modern Eurocolonial expansion; they help to create racialized "e;free"e; national identities and their "e;unfree"e; counterparts in non-European nations represented as inhabiting an earlier, privative age.?Arbitrary Rule is the first book to tackle political slavery's discursive complexity, engaging Eurocolonialism, political philosophy, and literary studies, areas of study too often kept apart. Nyquist proceeds through analyses not only of texts that are canonical in political thought-by Aristotle, Cicero, Hobbes, and Locke-but also of literary works by Euripides, Buchanan, Vondel, Montaigne, and Milton, together with a variety of colonialist and political writings, with special emphasis on tracts written during the English revolution. She illustrates how "e;antityranny discourse,"e; which originated in democratic Athens, was adopted by republican Rome, and revived in early modern Western Europe, provided members of a "e;free"e; community with a means of protesting a threatened reduction of privileges or of consolidating a collective, political identity. Its semantic complexity, however, also enabled it to legitimize racialized enslavement and imperial expansion.?Throughout, Nyquist demonstrates how principles relating to political slavery and tyranny are bound up with a Roman jurisprudential doctrine that sanctions the power of life and death held by the slaveholder over slaves and, by extension, the state, its representatives, or its laws over its citizenry.

Kant's Organicism
Because it laid the foundation for nearly all subsequent epistemologies, Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason has overshadowed his other interests in natural history and the life sciences, which scholars have long considered as separate from his rigorous theoretical philosophy-until now. In Kant's Organicism, Jennifer Mensch draws a crucial link between these spheres by showing how the concept of epigenesis-a radical theory of biological formation-lies at the heart of Kant's conception of reason.?As Mensch argues, epigenesis was not simply a metaphor for Kant but centrally guided his critical philosophy, especially the relationship between reason and the categories of the understanding. Offsetting a study of Kant's highly technical theory of cognition with a mixture of intellectual history and biography, she situates the epigenesis of reason within broader investigations into theories of generation, genealogy, and classification, and against later writers and thinkers such as Goethe and Darwin. Distilling vast amounts of research on the scientific literature of the time into a concise and readable book, Mensch offers one of the most refreshing looks not only at Kant's famous first Critique but at the history of philosophy and the life sciences as well.

In the Watches of the Night
Before skyscrapers and streetlights glowed at all hours, American cities fell into inky blackness with each setting of the sun. But over the course of the nineteenth and early twentieth century, new technologies began to light up streets, sidewalks, buildings, and public spaces. Peter C. Baldwin's evocative book depicts the changing experience of the urban night over this period, visiting a host of actors-scavengers, newsboys, and mashers alike-in the nocturnal city.Baldwin examines work, crime, transportation, and leisure as he moves through the gaslight era, exploring the spread of modern police forces and the emergence of late-night entertainment, to the era of electricity, when social campaigns sought to remove women and children from public areas at night. While many people celebrated the transition from darkness to light as the arrival of twenty-four hours of daytime, Baldwin shows that certain social patterns remained, including the danger of street crime and the skewed gender profile of night work. Sweeping us from concert halls and brothels to streetcars and industrial forges, In the Watches of the Night is an illuminating study of a vital era in American urban history.

Beyond Redemption
In the months after the end of the Civil War, there was one word on everyone's lips: redemption. From the fiery language of Radical Republicans calling for a reconstruction of the former Confederacy to the petitions of those individuals who had worked the land as slaves to the white supremacists who would bring an end to Reconstruction in the late 1870s, this crucial concept informed the ways in which many people-both black and white, northerner and southerner-imagined the transformation of the American South.Beyond Redemption explores how the violence of a protracted civil war shaped the meaning of freedom and citizenship in the new South. Here, Carole Emberton traces the competing meanings that redemption held for Americans as they tried to come to terms with the war and the changing social landscape. While some imagined redemption from the brutality of slavery and war, others-like the infamous Ku Klux Klan-sought political and racial redemption for their losses through violence. Beyond Redemption merges studies of race and American manhood with an analysis of post-Civil War American politics to offer unconventional and challenging insight into the violence of Reconstruction.

Dreamland of Humanists
Deemed by Heinrich Heine a city of merchants where poets go to die, Hamburg was an improbable setting for a major intellectual movement. Yet it was there, at the end of World War I, at a new university in this commercial center, that a trio of twentieth-century pioneers in the humanities emerged. Working side by side, Aby Warburg, Ernst Cassirer, and Erwin Panofsky developed new avenues in art history, cultural history, and philosophy, changing the course of cultural and intellectual history in Weimar Germany and throughout the world.In Dreamland of Humanists, Emily J. Levine considers not just these men, but the historical significance of the time and place where their ideas took form. Shedding light on the origins of their work on the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, Levine clarifies the social, political, and economic pressures faced by German-Jewish scholars on the periphery of Germany's intellectual world. By examining the role that context plays in our analysis of ideas, Levine confirms that great ideas-like great intellectuals-must come from somewhere.?

Not Without Honor
Not Without Honor threads together the stories of three American POWs-Carano; his buddy Bill Blackmon, who was also at Stalag 17 b; and John C. Bitzer, who survived the brutal "e;Death March"e; from northern Germany to liberation in April 1945. At times the journal reads like a thriller as he records air battles and escape attempts. Yet in their most gripping accounts, these POWs ruminate on psychological survival. The sense of community they formed was instrumental to their endurance. This compelling book allows the reader to journey with these young men as they bore firsthand witness to the best and worst of human nature.

Long Is the Way and Hard
Celebrating its one-hundredth anniversary in February 2009, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has been the leading and best-known African American civil rights organization in the United States. It has played a major, and at times decisive, role in most of the important developments in the twentieth century civil rights struggle. Drawing on original and previously unpublished scholarship from leading researchers in the United States, Britain, and Europe, this important collection of sixteen original essays offers new and invaluable insights into the work and achievements of the association. The first part of the book offers challenging reappraisals of two of the NAACP's best-known national spokespersons, Walter White and Roy Wilkins. Other essays analyze the association's cultural initiatives and the key role played by its public-relations campaigns in the mid 1950s to counter segregationist propaganda and win over the hearts and minds of American public opinion in the wake of the NAACP's landmark legal victory in Brown v. Board of Education. Others provide thought-provoking accounts of the association's complex and difficult relationship with Martin Luther King, the post-World War II Civil Rights movement, and Black Power radicals of the 1960s. The second part of the collection focuses on the work of the NAACP at state, city, and local levels, examining its grassroots organization throughout the nation from Chicago, Cleveland, and Detroit in the North, to California in the West, as well as states across the South including Virginia, Arkansas, Alabama, Louisiana, and Texas. Providing detailed and fascinating information on hitherto little explored aspects of the association's work, these studies complement the previous essays by demonstrating the impact national initiatives had on local activists and analyzing the often-strained relations between the NAACP national office in New York and its regional branches.

Funny! - Twenty-Five Years of Laughter from the Pixar Story Room
From Toy Story to The Good Dinosaur, some of the most iconic and hilarious moments in Pixar's films were first conceived by the artists featured in this book. But there are hundreds of gags that don't make it past the cutting room floor, like Frozone cooling some beers with his breath and Sadness wearing mom jeans. Funny! explores this material in depth, showcasing classic moments from all of Pixar's films to date, plus never-before-published illustrations and doodles from the Pixar archives. With an introduction by veteran story man Jason Katz, this book is a must-have for any Pixar fan.Copyright 2015 Disney Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.


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