Practical Data Wrangling
Turn your noisy data into relevant, insight-ready information by leveraging the data wrangling techniques in Python and RAbout This Book·This easy-to-follow guide takes you through every step of the data wrangling process in the best possible way·Work with different types of datasets, and reshape the layout of your data to make it easier for analysis·Get simple examples and real-life data wrangling solutions for data pre-processingWho This Book Is ForIf you are a data scientist, data analyst, or a statistician who wants to learn how to wrangle your data for analysis in the best possible manner, this book is for you. As this book covers both R and Python, some understanding of them will be beneficial.What You Will Learn·Read a csv file into python and R, and print out some statistics on the data·Gain knowledge of the data formats and programming structures involved in retrieving API data·Make effective use of regular expressions in the data wrangling process·Explore the tools and packages available to prepare numerical data for analysis·Find out how to have better control over manipulating the structure of the data·Create a dexterity to programmatically read, audit, correct, and shape data·Write and complete programs to take in, format, and output data setsIn DetailAround 80% of time in data analysis is spent on cleaning and preparing data for analysis. This is, however, an important task, and is a prerequisite to the rest of the data analysis workflow, including visualization, analysis and reporting. Python and R are considered a popular choice of tool for data analysis, and have packages that can be best used to manipulate different kinds of data, as per your requirements. This book will show you the different data wrangling techniques, and how you can leverage the power of Python and R packages to implement them.You'll start by understanding the data wrangling process and get a solid foundation to work with different types of data. You'll work with different data structures and acquire and parse data from various locations. You'll also see how to reshape the layout of data and manipulate, summarize, and join data sets. Finally, we conclude with a quick primer on accessing and processing data from databases, conducting data exploration, and storing and retrieving data quickly using databases.The book includes practical examples on each of these points using simple and real-world data sets to give you an easier understanding. By the end of the book, you'll have a thorough understanding of all the data wrangling concepts and how to implement them in the best possible way.Style and approachThis is a practical book on data wrangling designed to give you an insight into the practical application of data wrangling. It takes you through complex concepts and tasks in an accessible way, featuring information on a wide range of data wrangling techniques with Python and R
X线片是诊断骨与关节损伤*基本且必须的检查手段。但对于关节内骨折、邻近关节的粉碎骨折、儿童的三平面骨折、骨骺损伤等复杂骨折的诊断和手术方法的选择以及手术计划的制定,仍需要依靠CT、MRI等辅助诊断。尤其对于关节内骨折、脊柱骨折、骨盆骨折等复杂骨折病例,CT和MRI已经成为常规检查,没有CT、MRI参与的治疗方案被认为是不规范、不科学的方案。本书就是将关节内、脊柱、骨盆等易漏诊的骨折部位、骨折类型行归纳、总结,以提示临床骨科医生要认真分析三种影像学检查的表现,制定规范、科学、有效的治疗方案。 本书囊括了临床几千例骨折影像学资料,可为临床精准诊断与治疗、降低并尽量避免误诊、漏诊提供依据,是骨科实习医生、青年医生及影像学医生的工具书。
A STUDY OF THE RELATIONS BETWEEN CHINA AND THE MEDITERRANEAN WORLD IN ANCIENT TIMES是同作者《古代地中海和中国关系史研究》一书的英文版,是作者研究希腊、罗马世界和中国关系的文献资料的辑录和成果集结。 部分辑录和诠释中国史籍所载古代地中海世界及其与中国中原王朝关系的资料。第二部分讨论古代地中海世界与中国北方游牧诸族的关系。公元六世纪之前,中国中原王朝对地中海世界的了解非常模糊,传说盛行。大部分传说竟出诸中国人自己的想象。这表明当时中国人对地中海世界是多么向往!反过来,希腊、罗马史家对中国中原王朝的了解同样十分模糊。同一时期,地中海世界与中国北方游牧诸族之间关系却比较密切。所谓草原之路至迟在公元前7世纪已经形成,商人、使者的往来,尤其是部落的迁徙,不仅加深了彼此的了解,也架起了沟通东西文明的桥梁。游牧诸族没有留下文献,我们主要是通过西方史家的记录来了解他们与地中海世界之间的关系,尽管这些记录需要推敲之处不少,但实质性交往无疑是存在的。中原王朝对地中海世界相互了解之模糊以及北方诸族与地中海世界之间关系之密切形成了鲜明的对照。早期地中海和中国的关系呈现在我们面前的便是这样一幅情景。
编辑推荐: 清华社理解科学丛书包括《那颗星星不在星图上:寻找太阳系的疆界》《从奇点到虫洞:广义相对论专题选讲》《小楼与大师:科学殿堂的人和事》《物含妙理总堪寻:从爱因斯坦到霍金》《上下百亿年:太阳的故事》《因为星星在那里:科学殿堂的砖与瓦》《迷蒙星空:探天之路》《看不见的星:黑洞与时间之河》《日出:量子力学与相对论》《运动的旋律与变化的世界》 其中《小楼与大师》是“吴大猷科普奖”金签奖获得者卢昌海之作,荣获中宣部、中国图书评论学会、央视“2014中国好书”榜科普生活类一名,入围《环球科学》2014美科学阅读。 作者介绍: 卢昌海,出生于杭州,本科就读于复旦大学物理系,毕业后赴美留学,于2000年获美国哥伦比亚大学物理学博士学位,目前旅居纽约。著有《从奇点到虫洞:广义相对论专题选讲》、《太阳的故事》、《黎曼猜想漫谈》,并曾在《中国青年报》、《数学文化》、《科幻世界》、《现代物理知识》、《中学生天地》、《科学画报》等报纸、杂志上发表几十篇科普及专业科普作品。 内容介绍: 《那颗星星不在星图上:寻找太阳系的疆界》 介绍人类探索太阳系疆界的历史,并对一些常被人以讹传讹或误解、夸张的历史事件进行分析与澄清。《那颗星星不在星图上:寻找太阳系的疆界》共分32章。其中第1章简单回顾近代之前人类对行星的了解,第2~4章介绍天王星的发现,第5~7章介绍小行星带的发现,第8~10章介绍天王星出轨之谜及天文学家们为解决该谜团所作的早期努力,第11~16章介绍亚当斯与勒维耶对海王星的预言及海王星的发现,第17~19章介绍英法两国有关海王星预言的优先权之争,第20~21章介绍并分析由海王星档案所引发的新争论,第22章介绍寻找火神星的失败努力,第 23~27 章介绍冥王星的发现,第28~30章介绍柯伊伯带及其发现,第31章介绍行星新定义及冥王星的降级,第32章介绍奥托云及有关太阳伴星的猜测。 《从奇点到虫洞:广义相对论专题选讲》本书以能量条件为线索,对能量条件在其他一些广义相对论课题——比如奇点与奇点定理、正质量定理、宇宙监督假设一并进行介绍。本书将以严谨的物理框架为基础,用生动的文笔,翔实的资料,为幻想般的问题寻找尽可能现实的答案。 通过本书您将会明白以下问题,黑洞能被摧毁吗?什么是彭罗斯猜想?白洞是真实还是幻想?虫洞可以构筑时间机器吗?时空的拓扑结构可以改变吗?黑洞能作为星际旅行的通道吗?什么是奇异物质?奇异物质存在吗?科幻影片中穿越虫洞的特技合乎物理吗?裸奇点会造成什么麻烦?“上帝” 憎恶裸奇点吗?奇点是物理时空中的点吗?奇点的存在有多大的普遍性?什么样的虫洞才能成为星际旅行的通道?那通道一定是捷径吗?为什么像“正质量”那样貌似显而易见的特性在广义相对论中会成为难题? 《小楼与大师:科学殿堂的人和事》本书将以生动的文笔、翔实的资料、严谨的考据,为您解读科学史上的趣闻和争议。 《物含妙理总堪寻:从爱因斯坦到霍金》本书来源于作者长期以来在北京师范大学开设的一个科普讲座“从爱因斯坦到霍金的宇宙”。该讲座历时20余载,并在一些院校和单位举办过不同形式的讲座和公开课,重点介绍物理学和天文学领域的科普知识、科研前沿,以及科学发现的曲折历程,内容包括爱因斯坦与相对论、弯曲的时空、黑洞、宇宙的演化、量子论的创建与争论、原子弹与核能的和平利用、天文学的若干知识、对时间本质的探索等. 《上下百亿年:太阳的故事》本书将从一次虚拟的古希腊之旅开始,逐步深入地向读者介绍太阳这颗带给我们光和热,并且能让我们观察细节的既普通又独一无二的恒星。本书既介绍了我们对太阳的当前了解,也回溯了科学家们探索太阳奥秘的过程,并且还穿插了一些让读者可以自己参与的模拟探索。本书的内容涵盖了与太阳有关的从外部形态到内部结构,再到物理机制的各个方面。本书融语言的生动风趣与内容的严谨翔实于一体,可以让读者在享受阅读愉悦的同时体会科学的严谨与激动人心,并学到丰富的知识。 《因为星星在那里:科学殿堂的砖与瓦》这是“2014中国好书”获奖图书《小楼与大师:科学殿堂的人和事》的姊妹篇。本书汇集了作者近年撰写一系列科普作品,包括混沌理论、相对论、反物质、黑洞、虫洞、时间旅行、诺贝尔物理奖获奖成果、著名数学猜想和问题、谷歌背后的数学等诸多深受科学爱好者喜爱的内容。本书的取材和分析严谨深入,文笔却生动诙谐,深入浅出,适合广大科学爱好者及大、中学生阅读。通过本书,读者既可以学到丰富多彩的科学知识,也可以了解知识背后的科学探索故事及科学思想、科学方法等。 《迷蒙星空:探天之路》从古至今,宇宙科学与航天科技经历了怎样的过程?发生过哪些大的、著名事件?人们是如何来看待和认识这些的?对人类自身又产生了何种的影响?特别是时至今日,人类对我们身在其中的宇宙本质究竟了解到何种程度?有哪些重要的研究理论和成果?希望读者通过本书得以认识。宇宙处于永恒地变化、运动中。 《看不见的星:黑洞与时间之河》黑洞有哪些特点?本书用通俗生动的语言,从天文和物理等不同角度,描述了黑洞的来龙去脉,它的结构和性质,黑洞的信息疑难和奇点疑难,以及科学家们如何在争论中推动黑洞研究的发展。本书还通过对弯曲时空和黑洞的探讨,把读者引向千古未解的难题:时间究竟是什么?时间能不能测量,它有没有开始与终结? 《日出:量子力学与相对论》纵观20世纪物理学的百年发展史,可谓群星璀璨,英才辈出,本书描述了在20世纪初期,那个乌云密布的物理学天空中,海森堡等人如何看到日出的场景。在20世纪初期的量子力学与相对论大革命中,涌现了多的类似于海森堡这样的物理学英雄人物,那是一个震撼人心的英雄时代。本书通过对这些英雄人物的成长经历与思想历程的梳理,从科学与文艺的双重角度建构了一个又一个栩栩如生的人物剪影。 《运动的旋律与变化的世界》用徘徊于通俗描述和专业逻辑之间的折中语言包括适当的拟人化语言,给读者展示和解释一些诸如雨滴与蚊子、钟爱数字7、飞机与昆虫、时间、蒲公英恋南风、高尔夫球、棒棒糖的融化、雪花与树叶飞舞等数百个常见现象的简单、简约和简美的一面,将某些看似复杂不可理解的现象用简单现象叠加或类比,深奥的原理用省时、省力和省料那样的直觉性语言表述,并适当关联出一些与文字、体育、生物、气象、音乐、心理学、数学和科技等方面的有用常识。分“动的世界”、“柔情似水”和“空中旋律”三大篇,是一部集知识性、趣味性和科学性于一体的综合科普读物。适合大中学生和具有各种知识结构的读者群,尤其适合那些喜欢用非专业思维、语言和大视野去理解科学、自然和其他现象的读者。也可用于有一定阅读和讲解能力的读者给有好奇心的少儿讲解知识。
职场人技能合集:本套装包含《灰度思考》《爆发式成长》《时间内卷》 《OODA工作法》《高效能人士都这样说话》 《高情商沟通:改变人生的说话技巧》《你就是干不过做PPT的》
The Southerner's Cookbook
From the editors of Garden & Gun, the award-winning magazine that celebrates the best of Southern culture, comes this comprehensive volume of recipes, traditions, tales, and techniques that will immerse you in the South's culinary past, present, and future. With more than 125 detailed and delicious recipes both classic and modern, this beautifully photographed cookbook covers every angle of home cooking, whether you're feeding your family or entertaining a crowd. From roasting a whole hog to throwing a Lowcountry boil, the secrets of light-as-a-feather biscuits to perfectly crispy fried chicken, the art of spicing a Bloody Mary to mixing a potent punch, The Southerner's Cookbook is much more than a collection of recipes—it is a true reflection of the South's culinary landscape.
Living Raw Food
Picking up where the bestselling Raw Food/Real World left off, Sarma Melngailis invites us inside her glamorous restaurant, Pure Food and Wine, with dozens more recipes for fresh and vibrant juices, shakes, soups, simple dishes, main courses, desserts, and cocktails. Whip up an antioxidant-rich Goji Tropic Shake or a sweet, cleansing Cilantro-Pineapple Shake for delicious nutrition on the goCool down with a Cucumber-Mint Gazpacho Soup and an Heirloom Tomato, Fennel, and Avocado Pressed Salad with Caper Dressing, Pistachio, and MintFind out what makes the Chanterelle and Kalamata Olive Ravioli the restaurant's most beloved entrée Celebrate with a raw Thanksgiving dinner, complete with "dark meat" portobello, "white meat" large oyster mushrooms, stuffing, mashed celeriac, cranberries, and brussels sproutsSatisfy your sweet tooth with a Classic Sundae and Caramel Bars No juicerNo dehydratorNo problem! Sarma shows that raw food preparation doesn't have to be daunting, and she helps you work your way from the fastest, simplest, freshest recipes to immensely satisfying main dishes that you'll have a hard time believing are raw. A definitive list of ingredients, tools, techniques, and sources make raw food a snap, while information-packed sidebars introduce the world's most powerful super?foods, from kombucha tea to chia seeds. And Sarma is refreshingly honest and real as she describes her personal breakthroughs—and struggles—living on raw foods.Whether you're snacking on the run, having a quiet dinner at home, or throwing a festive cocktail party, eating raw food makes you feel alive. Filled with sensuous, sexy, and energizing food, this book is sure to enrich your life, whether you're a carnivorous epicure or a raw-foods junkie.
The New Brooklyn Cookbook
Filled with mouthwatering recipes, beautiful photographs, and scenes from some of the most vibrant restaurants in America today, The New Brooklyn Cookbook celebrates the wave of culinary energy that has transformed this thriving borough and infused its kitchens and dining rooms with passion, vigor, and big flavors. Starring the trail-blazing chefs and entrepreneurs who made it all happen, this gorgeous book helps readers recreate the signature dishes of Brooklyn in the comfort of their own kitchens.With enthusiasm and insight, husband-and-wife duo Melissa and Brendan Vaughan highlight the "new" tastes of Brooklyn, including:Steak and Eggs Korean Style (The Good Fork) Cast-Iron Chicken with Caramelized Shallots and Sherry Pan Sauce (Vinegar Hill House) Seared Swordfish with Sautéed Grape Tomatoes, Fresh Corn and Kohlrabi Salad, and Avocado Aioli (Rose Water) Beef Sauerbraten with Red Cabbage and Pretzel Dumplings (Prime Meats) Doug's Pecan Pie Sundae (Buttermilk Channel) Hoppy American Brown Ale—Home Brew Version (Sixpoint Craft Ales brewery)The Vaughans also profile some of Brooklyn's best food makers and purveyors, from cheesemakers and picklers to chocolatiers and bakers, giving readers an inside look at the ingredients behind their favorite restaurant dishes and the food culture that supports their creation.Featured Restaurants:Al Di Là The Grocery Saul Rose WaterConvivium Osteria Locanda Vini e Olii DuMontAliseo Osteria del BorgoMarlow & SonsFranny’s iCi Applewood EggNortheast Kingdom The Good Fork DresslerThe Farm on Adderley Flatbush FarmPalo Santo Lunetta Beer Table JamesThe General Greene Five Leaves Char No. 4No. 7 Buttermilk Channel Roberta’sVinegar Hill HousePrime MeatsThe VanderbiltPlus: Interviews with Ten of Brooklyn's most popular artisanal food producers
Five Frogs on a Log
A riddle: Five frogs are sitting on a log. Four decide to jump off. How many are leftAnswer: Five WhyBecause there's a difference between deciding and doing. Written by Mark L. Feldman and Michael F. Spratt of PricewaterhouseCoopers, Five Frogs on a Log offers readers an entertaining and no-nonsense field guide to the mergers and acquisitions jungle, packed with insight and instruction for executing corporate change and capturing shareholder value. Whether you're buying another company or acquiring a new vision of the future, this book proffers an unconventional perspective and a practical, readily accessible set of solutions to the single greatest challenge facing today's managers: executing rapid transitions ion mergers, acquisitions and gut wrenching change. Designed for corporate managers and CEOs caught up in the whirlwind of change, every chapter provides accessible ideas and wisdom for navigating the most demanding business transitions. The authors offer a unique hands-on perspective based on their work with top Fortune 500 firms. As they state: "Increasingly, the companies that win are those that learn faster, act quicker and adapt sooner. They will compress time by making and executing early, informed decisions about economic value creation, ruthless prioritization and focused resource allocation. They will use these decisions to take early firm stands on management deployment, organization structure and culture. Their actions will increasingly be linked to long-term, sustained economic value creation." The advice and expertise offered in this book can be used to solve a range of operational problems from speeding up new product development to merging two businesses; from changing company culture to repositioning a business in a while new marketplace. Whatever the challenges and opportunities facing you, your company, your industry, Five Frogs on a Log will move you from deciding to doing.
The Wizard of Oz
Commemorating the seventy-fifth anniversary of The Wizard of Oz, this collectible edition delivers an interactive experience, transporting readers over the rainbow and into the Land of Oz with its host of unpublished artwork, behind-the-scenes stories from the stars, and removable special features.Open the door to the Land of Oz and travel down the Yellow Brick Road with Dorothy and her companions on the journey of a lifetime. Learn the filmmaking tricks and techniques behind the film's realistic tornado, why Dorothy's shoes were ruby-colored, and how the filmmakers got a fleet of Winged Monkeys to fly. Authors Jay Scarfone and William Stillman reveal filmmaking secrets and information on everything from the film's pre- and postproduction to early reviews and publicity to never-before-published stories from the cast and crew, making it the definitive book on the subject. Beautifully designed with an array of film stills, Technicolor? test frames, rare artwork and photography, and costume and set illustrations, this collectible edition provides an unrivaled glimpse at the land where dreams come true.
Born in the mountains above Venice in the late fifteenth century, Tiziano Vecellio or Titian was the greatest painter of the Venetian High Renaissance. A poetic visionary and a technical master of oils, he painted everything, from frescoes and grand altarpieces to mythological stories and portraits works described by his contemporaries as "mirrors of nature."Sheila Hale's rich biography is the first since 1877 to examine all contemporary accounts of Titian's life and work as well as recent art historical scholarship, some of it previously unpublished. Her book charts the extraordinary transformation of Titian's style: from the radiant, minutely realized masterpieces of his youth, to the more freely painted work of his middle years, to the dark, tragic, sometimes terrifying visions of his old age. Drawing on the latest scientific examinations of his paintings, Hale seeks to explain the evolution of his methods and his art. In doing so, she also gives many different voices from Titian's lifetime to today free reign to explore, praise, and sometimes doubt his genius.When Titian died in 1576, in his late eighties, he had spent the whole of his working life in Venice the most celebrated city in Europe traveling as little as possible despite the clamor for his presence at the great courts of the continent. He had witnessed wars, Ottoman invasions, and the rising Protestant threat to the Catholic Church. He had become the favored painter of both Charles V the most powerful man in the world and his son, Philip II of Spain, who became Titian's most important patron.Sheila Hale's masterly biography presents Titian through the lens of the turbulent times in which he lived and explores how this innovative sixteenth-century master conveyed in his paintings a kind of truth that few other artists have been able to communicate, which has fascinated Titian's admirers and followers ever since.
Emily Post's Etiquette, 18
Millions of Readers, Eighteen Editions, One Trusted ResourceFrom social networking to social graces, the name Emily Post has been the definitive source on etiquette for generations of Americans. That tradition continues with the 18th edition of Etiquette, which welcomes a new generation of Posts Anna Post, Lizzie Post, and Daniel Post Senning the great-great grandchildren of Emily Post. Led by Peggy Post, author of the 16th and 17th editions of Etiquette, this team shows how twenty-first-century manners are a combination of kindness, confidence, and awareness. New trends, topics, and societal hot zones include: When is it okay to unfriend someone on FacebookIf I'm in a middle seat on an airplane, do I automatically get both armrestsA business client is sick with a cold am I obligated to shake his handIs it rude for guests to tweet from a weddingDo I have to buy a gift if I attend a destination weddingCan I email a condolence noteShould I cover up my tattoo for a job interviewThe Posts don't stint on classic conundrums, either. Emily Post's Etiquette includes advice on names and titles, dress codes, invitations, table manners, workplace frustrations, and weddings. According to the Posts, though times have changed, the principles of good manners remain constant. Above all, manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. Being considerate, respectful, and honest is more important than knowing which fork to use. Whether it's a handshake or a fist bump, it's the underlying sincerity and good intentions of the action that matter most.
The Mission Chinese Food Cookbook
From Danny Bowien, chef and cofounder of the tremendously popular Mission Chinese Food restaurants, comes an exuberant cookbook that tells the story of an unconventional idea born in San Francisco that spread cross-country, propelled by wildly inventive recipes that have changed what it means to cook Chinese food in America Mission Chinese Food is not exactly a Chinese restaurant. It began its life as a pop-up: a restaurant nested within a divey Americanized Chinese joint in San Francisco's Mission District. From the beginning, a spirit of resourcefulness and radical inventiveness has infused each and every dish at Mission Chinese Food. Now, hungry diners line up outside both the San Francisco and New York City locations, waiting hours for platters of Sizzling Cumin Lamb, Thrice-Cooked Bacon, fiery Kung Pao Pastrami, and pungent Salt-Cod Fried Rice.The force behind the phenomenon, chef Danny Bowien is, at only thirty-three, the fastest-rising young chef in the United States. Born in Korea and adopted by parents in Oklahoma, he has a broad spectrum of influences. He's a veteran of fine-dining kitchens, sushi bars, an international pesto competition, and a grocery-store burger stand. In 2013 Food & Wine named him one of the country's Best New Chefs and the James Beard Foundation awarded him its illustrious Rising Star Chef Award. In 2011 Bon Appétit named Mission Chinese Food the second-best new restaurant in America, and in 2012 the New York Times hailed the Lower East Side outpost as the Best New Restaurant in New York City. The Mission Chinese Food Cookbook tracks the fascinating, meteoric rise of the restaurant and its chef. Each chapter in the story—from the restaurant's early days to an ill-fated trip to China, to the opening of the first Mission Chinese in New York—unfolds as a conversation between Danny and his collaborators, and is accompanied by detailed recipes for the addictive dishes that have earned the restaurant global praise. Mission Chinese's legions of fans as well as home cooks of all levels will rethink what it means to cook Chinese food, while getting a look into the background and insights of one of the most creative young chefs today.
The award-winning designer and author of Rooms and Houses returns with inspiring ideas for apartment interiors in this lavishly photographed book. Step into a space designed by Mariette Himes Gomez and you're sure to notice the refined simplicity, clear architectural composition, and thoughtful attention to detail that have made her one of the most respected and sought-after tastemakers in the country. In Apartments, Gomez divulges the secrets of the trade to help you transform even the smallest pied-terre into a chic and airy living space. Filled with breathtaking photography, Apartments offers a stunning visual tour of her most elegant designs.Gomez works with the natural composition of her clients' apartments to highlight each room's assets such as a Central Park view and address its deficits, such as the remnants of a previous owner's paint job. From the placement of an antique French cabinet in a 1920s Rosario Candela apartment in New York City to the replacement of mirrored walls in an oceanside deck in Palm Beach, Gomez provides practical suggestions for building, buying, or renovating to create the perfect space. Subscribing to the philosophy that less is more, she reveals how the elements of balance, color, and movement instill flow and harmony in any design.Whether you are decorating a modest studio or a palatial penthouse suite, Apartments illuminates the world of possibility that unfolds when you let your apartment become your home.
HarperCollins e-books
For the first time in its history, this American classic has been completely rewritten. Peggy Post gives us etiquette for today's times. Read by millions since the first edition was published in 1922, Emily Post the most trusted name in etiquette has always been there to help people navigate every conceivable social situation. The tradition continues with this 100 percent revised and updated edition, which covers the formal, the traditional, the contemporary, and the casual.Based on thousands of reader questions, surveys conducted on the Emily Post Institute and Good Housekeeping Web sites, and Peggy's travels across the country, the book shows how to handle the new, difficult, unusual, and everyday situations we all encounter. The definition of etiquette a code of behavior based on thoughtfulness has not changed since Emily's day. The etiquette guidelines we use to smooth the way change all the time.This new edition resolves hundreds of our key etiquette concerns: dealing with rudeness, netiquette, noxious neighbors, road rage, family harmony, on-line dating, cell phone courtesy, raising respectful children and teens, and travel etiquette in the post-9/11 name just a few.Emily Post's Etiquette, 17th Edition also remains the definitive source for timeless advice on entertaining, social protocol, table manners, guidelines for religious ceremonies, expressing condolences, introductions, how to be a good houseguest and host, invitations, correspondence, planning a wedding, giving a toast, and sportsmanship.Peggy Post's advice gives us the confidence of knowing we're doing the right thing so we can relax and enjoy the moment and move more easily through our world. Emily Post's Etiquette, 17th Edition will be the resource of choice for years to come.
镜前动人,镜后真挚。 睽违六年,相遇不一样的青霞。 更真、更善、更美,文情并茂,为读者送上暖心的问候。 白先勇跟金圣华说,青霞现在真是作家了。 作者林青霞说:“我的《镜前镜后》在我今年生日出版,算是给自己的生日礼物,也好在疫情中跟大家分享我思、我想和我描写的人物。” 《镜前镜后》是林青霞第三部散文作品,在《窗里窗外》和《云去云来》之后,继续娓娓道来她所经历的事、认识的人。书末特别收录几篇“朋友的话”,他们识于不同时期,也见证着青霞的成长。多年阅读滋养下,也丰富了她的创作灵感,身边的人和事都成了她笔下的主角,随手拈来,轻松流畅。以读书为乐、写作为趣的她,对事物观察微,写来惟肖惟妙,所思所想,真情流露。 本书还首发了她的生活照片多帧,均为林青霞亲选。
A Year of Good Eating: The Kitchen Diaries III
An immediate new classic from Nigel Slater. Over 250 recipes, moments and ideas for good eating, with extra-special seasonal sections for quick, weeknight eats. The third instalment of Nigel Slater’s classic Kitchen Diaries series, A Year of Good Eating explores the balance and pleasure in eating well throughout the year. The leisurely recipes and kitchen stories of the Diaries are ingeniously interspersed with seasonal sections of quick, weeknight suppers in the style of Nigel’s most recent bestseller Eat. A salmon pie with herb butter sauce or an asparagus and blue cheese tart for when you have time to cook; roasted summer vegetables with sausages or quick baked eggs and greens for when you need to get dinner on the table fast. With Nigel’s characteristically simple recipes and inspiring writing, this new book will make good eating a joy, every day of the year.