

New Eco Homes
New Eco Homes
Gutierrez, Manel
Discover the latest in eco-friendly home architecture and design.New Eco Homes features twenty-two sustainable homes from around the globe that showcase the newest innovations in environmentally minded home design. Inside you'll find the latest design strategies such as various ways to use natural light and ventilation to reduce energy consumption, new methods to integrate home construction into the surrounding landscape, and the numerous recycled and green construction materials that are available today. Specific topics covered include climate regulation, drainage systems, and regional planning. Accompanying each project is a series of colorful photographs, floor plans, and detailed drawings that illustrate sustainable features.This book demonstrates the wide array of ecological and environmental construction solutions that are being applied around the world as a reflection of the growing concern for the environment and energy savings in home building. Whether you're an architect, a designer, or a homeowner looking for new ways to update your home to make it more eco-friendly, this inspiring book is the perfect resource for creating a welcoming and sustainable home.
Stylish Cakes
Stylish Cakes
Neuville, Charlotte
More than sixty unique couture confections that take the pastry arts to a whole new level of imagination, style, and tasteWith 250 full-color photographs and illustrations
Ryan Korban
Ryan Korban
Korban, Ryan
Ryan Korban has redefined luxury for a new generation, with an approach to interior design that infuses a timeless sensibility with a sense of lost romance, sex, fantasy, and a strong fashion influence. In this beautiful book filled with more than one hundred full-color photographs, the acclaimed interior designer, who is making a career of translating this aesthetic into elegant, comfortable interiors, shows readers how to achieve a sense of luxury in their homes that is at once glamorous and highly personal.Each of the book's seven thematic chapters focuses on a key component or influence that is essential to Korban's approach to decorating, and offers numerous sources of inspiration and innovative ideas. Every section also includes an introductory essay that explains his point of view on the subject, followed by a seamless flow of captioned images that expresses it in detail and from various visual perspectives. The photographs of spaces he has designed including homes for celebrity clients are complemented by images from fashion, advertising, fine art, and design that will inspire readers with their compelling juxtaposition and enhance the luxurious aesthetic. A Sources section listing Korban's go-to shops for everything from flowers to furniture rounds out this stunning book that is as alluring as the spaces featured within.With more than 100 full-color photographs throughout
Eat with Your Hands
Eat with Your Hands
Pelaccio, Zak
From Zakary Pelaccio, founder and owner of Fatty Crab and Fatty 'Cue, comes a gorgeous, groundbreaking cookbook of Southeast Asian—inspired, French— and Italian—inflected food that celebrates getting your hands dirty in—and out of—the kitchen.Eat with Your Hands takes readers on a tour of the outrageously flavorful and wholly original food that has made Pelaccio a star, in a cookbook that's as irreverent, high-spirited, and deeply iconoclastic as the chef himself.Combining a punk rock ethos with a commitment to producing exquisitely imagined and executed food, Eat with Your Hands brings together Pelaccio's eclectic influences in wildly inventive recipes that showcase his innovative blending of Asian flavors, sustainable local ingredients, and American gusto. Full of highly opinionated suggestions for both what to drink and what to listen to in the kitchen, paeans to the joys of the mortar and pestle and fermented condiments, charming sidebars on kitchen techniques, and an unbridled love for real food, Eat with Your Hands is a celebration of no-holds-barred cooking from a chef who is redefining the American culinary landscape.
Star Product Designers
Star Product Designers
Alegre, Irene
Includes 350 illustrations and full-color photographsStar Product Designers offers an insider's look at the best product designers working today. With the goal of eliminating the need for instruction manuals, every designer in this book endeavors to create products that are user-friendly, efficient, and beautiful.Perfect for both the amateur designer as well as the most accomplished and anyone else in between this comprehensive compendium reveals the design process, from concept to finished product, of some of the most innovative products on the market today. Featuring a wealth of concept sketches, profiles of the leading designers and design firms, and gorgeous, full-color photographs of the products themselves, this book is a must-have for anyone interested in understanding product design and the creative design process.
See Hear Yoko
See Hear Yoko
Gruen, Bob
Conceived expressly for Yoko Ono as a gift between friends on the occasion of her eightieth birthday, See Hear Yoko is a visual portrait of an icon of contemporary American cultural history, from her days with John Lennon through to the present. Legendary rock and roll photographer Bob Gruen was welcomed into the lives of John Lennon and Yoko Ono during their years in New York City, when Gruen served as their personal lensman, and he continues to document Yoko today. Approached by his friend Jody Denberg, an Austin rock radio mainstay who had logged twenty-five years of interviews with Yoko, Gruen collaborated with him to create an extraordinary birthday gift. In this breathtaking volume, Gruen has selected more than three hundred classic color and black-and-white photographs accompanied by text of Yoko's insights gleaned from Denberg's many hours of interviews to illuminate the intimate story of Yoko Ono at the height of her fame as a woman, wife, mother, and avant-garde artist who keeps creating because, as she notes, that's who I am.Yoko's role as a peace activist and artist underscores the enduring legacy of the era. See Hear Yoko reveals a modern woman in love, in ascension, in grief, in joy, and in peace.Lavish and beautiful, mirroring the deeply personal design of the original volume given to Yoko herself, See Hear Yoko brings into focus an extraordinary woman, and one of the most memorable periods in modern history.
Dearest Letty
Dearest Letty
Sgt.Leland Duvall
Listing the credits for this book must begin with Nancy Gately, for it was she, shortly before her death in 2010, who recognized that Leland Duvall’s wartime letters had both literary and historical value. It came about this way: At lunch with other residents at the retirement home, Nancy heard her new neighbor, Letty Duvall, say that her daughter had discovered the love letters to Letty from her future husband while cleaning out the garage and that she was having fun rereading them after sixtyfive years. Nancy asked if she could read a few and, having done so, insisted that they be made into a book. Letty was sure that Leland would have been mortified at the thought of thousands of people pawing around in his thoughts, but she agreed that Nancy should ask my advice. My idea, naturally, was that the letters deserved to be published and that, while he probably would not have cared one way or the other, Leland might have found some satisfaction in having them published since he had taken great pleasure in writing every one of them. Letty consented.
江泽利,陈守龙 等
老板案头书(套装全9册),套装分别包含: 《老板通法——好老板必知的500个法律关键点》以企业法律知识关键点讲解与实务案例相结合的形式,详细介绍了从企业开办、融资投资、合同管理到企业的日常财务、运营以及人事与劳动关系管理方面的法律常识和常见问题的解决方案,涉及到500多个法律关键点。   《老板通法——好老板必知的500个法律关键点》是企业管理者提高法律事务处理能力、掌握法律常识、规避企业法律风险的实务全书。   《制度才是真正的老板2(**新操作版):执行必有的制度》在《制度才是真正的老板(白金版)》的基础上,增加了全新的企业运营制度范本工具箱,具有极强的操作性。《制度才是真正的老板2(**新操作版):执行必有的制度》分上下两篇,上篇阐明了制度对于企业发展的重要性、制定制度的办法、执行制度的措施保障等;下篇从行政、人力资源、财务、生产、营销等企业各个相关部门的管理制度入手,介绍了各类实用的**新管理制度范本、表格,同时随书附赠的制度模板电子文件光盘,光盘中的模板可以简单修改、拿来即用。   《制度才是真正的老板2(**新操作版):执行必有的制度》介绍的制度管理解决之道适用于不同企业的不同部门,帮助管理者逐一击破各类制度难题,成就企业执行力。   《老板心理学——好老板必知的100个心理学技巧》以心理学知识讲解与实务案例相结合的形式,详细介绍了自我情绪控制、员工心理、用人心理、激励心理、沟通心理、营销心理、决策心理、人际心理等方面的心理学知识和常见问题的解决方法,涉及100多个心理学技巧。   《老板心理学——好老板必知的100个心理学技巧》适合所有企业管理者阅读、使用。 “结果到上”“业绩才是硬道理”“请给我结果”常是老板口中的热词,这也是老板和企业所追求的效果,可以用一个词来概括——高绩效。绩效考核直接影响到团队的战斗力和企业目标的执行效果,是老板**为关注的管理内容之一。本书从老板的管理思维出发,深度解析绩效考核的标准、指标、管理、流程、结果、考核、改进7个方面,告诉老板绩效怎么抓、部门和员工怎么考核等内容,旨在帮助老板掌握科学的绩效考核方法,提升运营效率,让企业各部门各员工实现更好的发展。本书适合企业老板阅读、HR及部门主管使用。 老板如何了解企业的运营状况,又如何检验企业的运营效率?一切结果用指标来说话!企业总资产报酬率、销售增长率、客户保持率、存货周转率等一系列的重要信息,都可以用指标来说明。老板只需了解指标、明确指标、核定指标、考核指标,就能有力地保障企业处于高效运营之中,让结果可以预见。 本书有案例、有方法、有技巧、有工具,以图文并茂的形式,让老板可以轻松看懂企业各类运营指标,抽身于复杂的细节,抓出经营的关键,确保改善企业运营效果立竿见影、吹糠见米。本书操作务实,使用便捷,随查随用,是老板的案头工具书。 营销谁说了算?看似是营销主管,实则是老板。老板的营销观念直接决定着企业的经营业绩及未来发展。老板如何成为优秀的营销指挥官?本书涵盖了企业营销的主要板块,为企业营销的**终拍板人——老板和营销总监提供了参考蓝本。可以说,本书既是一部专属老板的营销高参,又有对直接负责人——营销“主脑”的战术点睛之策,以帮助企业高管抓住营销决策的牛鼻子,运筹帷幄,决胜千里,轻松带出人员精悍、能征善战、产能丰富的营销铁军。 职场中的每个人都会碰到沟通方面的问题。对于企业老板来说,沟通这件事就更加值得重视。在一件小事上沟通不畅,也许会导致一个重要的项目失败;和一个员工沟通有误,也许就会让公司的全盘计划被打乱,因此,所有的老板都应该重视沟通的价值,并掌握与员工沟通的技巧。 本书采用场景重现、案例分析的写法,精选了50个真实职场中的沟通场景,并作出了深入解析,告诉读者为什么不能这么说以及应该怎么说。这些场景涵盖了企业中老板和员工沟通的各种情况,可以帮助各类企业的老板避开沟通误区,掌握一些实用、有效的沟通技巧。 你的企业赚钱吗?利润可靠吗?现金充足吗?赚钱速度快吗?未来能做多大?……老板如何轻松了解并掌握企业的财务状况,掌握财务指标是关键! 财务指标是企业总结和评价财务状况和经营结果的相对指标,具有公式简单、计算方便的特点,老板可以通过财务指标快速分析企业的盈利能力、盈利质量、偿债能力、营运能力以及发展能力,通过指标来判断企业的经营状况、发现经营问题、找到解决方法。 《老板轻松管财务2 全彩实操版 一本书让老板用好财务指标》针对当前的市场形势和读者对象,对畅销图书《老板轻松管财务(全彩图解版)》的内容及方向做进一步延伸和改版,针对非财务背景的中小企业老板及高管、股东,以图文并茂的形式,由浅入深、循序渐进地为读者介绍看懂财务报表的一大实用利器——财务指标,让读者一看就懂,随学随用,同时读者可以通过财务指标挖掘埋藏在报表中重要而有用的信息,为读者提示企业的经营状况,从而为公司的经营发展提供决策依据。 《老板轻松管财务2 全彩实操版 一本书让老板用好财务指标》适合非财务专业背景的老板、股东、高管阅读使用。 企业在发展和投融资的过程中大多会面临这样的问题:面对好的项目,采用哪种融资渠道能降低融资成本?投资缺乏计划性,缺乏完整的投资决策体系,在市场大环境下如何联系经济形势,把握好企业发展方面?《融资的力量 大创业时代老板融资密码》详细介绍企业投融资的模式、途径、方法,以及新时期的经济转型与企业调整,帮助读者掌握资本运营的新思路和新方法,从而提高决策力和资源整合能力。 《本书适合企业投资人与股东、董事长、总裁、总经理、副总经理等企业高层决策管理者,以及企业战略规划总监、账务总监等相关企业部门负责人阅读。》适合企业投资人与股东、董事长、总裁、总经理、副总经理等企业高层决策管理者,以及企业战略规划总监、账务总监等相关企业部门负责人阅读。
恒强 等校注
Vyatkin A·R·
(英)格雷格·詹姆斯,克里斯·史密斯 文;(西)艾丽卡·萨尔塞多 图;潘霓,王甜甜 译
计忠瑛 胡炳樑 王爽
遥感光谱成像技术的快速发展,对其定量化水平和数据质量提出更高的要求。定标是遥感器输出数据定量化的主要手段,研究、改定标技术,提高定标精度,对提高遥感数据产品质量,推动高光谱成像遥感技术的应用具有重要意义。遥感干涉光谱成像技术具有独特的优势,其定标技术也具有特殊性。本书介绍了辐射传输、辐射定标的基础理论和干涉型高光谱成像仪的定标原理;遥感干涉光谱成像仪在卫星发射前及在轨运行后的定标技术(发射前的地面定标、星上定标、在轨场地定标、交叉定标,利用云、冰等场景和月亮辐射行定标,以及近年发展的场地自动化定标和全球定标场网定标);各定标技术的原理和方法、数据处理方法;干涉型高光谱成像仪定标实例等。 本书适用于从事遥感光学仪发、研制、应用的专业人员和相关专业的大学本科、研究生参考阅读。
本套书是林语堂逝世40周年纪念典藏版,共18册,分别为《从异教徒到基督徒》、《风声鹤唳(纪念典藏版)》、《红牡丹(纪念典藏版)》、《京华烟云:全2册》、《孔子的智慧(纪念珍藏版) 》、《赖柏英》、《老子的智慧(纪念典藏版)》、《美国的智慧(典藏版)(套装共2册)》、《奇岛》、《生活的艺术》、《苏东坡传》、《唐人街》、《啼笑皆非》、《吾国与吾民》、《武则天正传》、《印度的智慧》、《中国的智慧》、《朱门》。 《吾国吾民》:是林语堂在西方文坛的成名作与代表作。该书用坦率幽默的笔调、睿智通达的语言娓娓道出了中国人的道德、精神状态与向往,以及中国的社会、文化与生活情趣。将中国人的性格、心灵、理想、生活、政治、社会、艺术剖释得非常美妙,并与西方人的性格、理想、生活等做了深入的比较,在海内外引起轰动。 《风声鹤唳(纪念典藏版)》:《纽约时报》将之誉为中国的《飘》。抗日战争时期,战争就像大风暴,秋风扫落叶般扫荡着所有人的命运。小说即以抗日战争时期的中国(北平、上海、武汉三地)为背景,讲述了一个身世离奇的美丽女人在乱世的传奇经历,以及她终在火热的爱国气氛中走出狭小自我、超越个人情爱、生命得到升华的故事。同时,本书也史诗般地表现了在“中华民族到了危险的时候,民族精神痛苦而伟大的升华。 《京华烟云:全2册》:全书讲述了北平曾、姚、牛三大家族从1901年义和团运动到抗日战争三十多年间的悲欢离合和恩怨情仇。全书结构宏伟,线索交错,全景式展现了近现代中国社会发生的急剧而深刻的变化,被誉为现代版的《红楼梦》。 《孔子的智慧(典藏版) 》:在林语堂先生看来,孔子的思想不只是“处世格言”“道德修养”,更是一种深沉的理性思索,一种对人生意义的执着追求,充满了诗意的情感内容,具有“终极关怀”的宗教品格。孔子的思想代代相传,渗透在我们每个人的血液里,成为中国人的“文化心魂”。 《苏东坡传》:苏东坡是一个秉性难改的乐天派,是悲天悯人的道德家,是散文作家,是新派的画家,是伟大的书法家,是酿酒的实验者,是工程师,是假道学的反对派,是瑜伽术的修炼者,是佛教徒,是士大夫,是皇帝的秘书,是饮酒成性者,是心肠慈悲的法官,是政治上的坚持己见者,是月下的漫步者,是诗人,是生性诙谐爱开玩笑的人。但是这还不足以道出苏东坡的全部。 《唐人街》:在中国现代文坛上,林语堂的《唐人街》属于早期“移民文学”范畴。它像一座桥梁一样,连接着二三十年代突现民族意识和爱国情感的域外小说与表现“美国梦”的追求与幻灭的当代作品。作者以散文化的笔法,以他童年时期故乡一家人同舟共济、相亲相爱的人生经历为素材,描写了来自中国福建的老汤姆一家在纽约唐人街同舟共济“创业”,并通过辛苦的劳作和诚实的努力,终实现了“美国梦”的故事。 《朱门》;《朱门》与《京华烟云》《风声鹤唳》合称“林语堂三部曲”。这部小说于1953年付梓,主要讲述了两位西安人——记者李飞和名门闺秀杜柔安跨越门第界限的爱情传奇。小说不仅描写了20世纪30年代西安古城的文化风貌、动荡时局,而且跟随两名主人公的经历,也花很多笔墨描述了广袤的西疆风情,以及发生在那块种族混居、斗争不断的土地上的传奇故事,并处处流露出作者平等博爱的人道主义情怀。 《啼笑皆非》:本书书分四卷。卷一论“局势”。陈叙今日世界之危局,及第三次大战之伏机。卷二论“道术”,指出道术之沦丧,及以物质主义方术解决危机之错误。卷三论“征象”,批驳现行战后和平之各种论著,以见今日思想之症结。卷四论“治道”,由学术思想上分析近百年来文化之去向,及推陈人道扫地之史因,并由科学穷极思变之新倾向,透入一道曙光,排脱唯物机械论,重立自由意志论。 ......
一套书解决你关于护肤、造型、健身、生活、工作、情感的所有问题,做一颗玫瑰色的子弹,晋升惊艳女神! 《活着就要气场全开》:“只想做个小女孩,无奈变成女总裁。”在这本书里,作者除了分享怎么赢,还梳理了亲身经历的血淋淋的教训。希望自己受过的伤,能成为读者的导航,告诉怀揣玫瑰梦想的女孩们,人生路上哪里有沼泽,哪里有宝藏。 《生活不易,敬之以美》:生活美学家、星巴克合作艺术家、水彩女王尤琳的生命感悟,分别从艺术之美、独立之美、爱情之美、亲子之美和人格之美讲述了如何面对人生琐碎而不生怨怼,向爱而生。 《精致女孩指南》:这是一本从护肤、身体护理、生活习惯、工作、情感等多个方面教女孩如何变得精致、有气质的实用手册。书中从很多细小的方面告诉你,如何通过改变一点点,达到精致、气质的目的,例如:敏感肌护肤策略、暴露生活态度的足部皮肤、相亲中的气场指南等。 《从平凡到惊艳 我的美丽圣经》:本书分为护肤、化妆、瘦身、美发、美甲五部分。作者阵容强大,韩国化妆艺术家元伦喜、中国台湾人气整体造型师凡妮莎以及内地女性生活方式专家她品强强联合,旨在打造适合亚洲女性的美容时尚解决方案。 《健身女神:我要马甲线》:视频点击量过亿,人气女神赵雨菲独家马甲线练成术大公开。 《性感女神:不只是瘦》:体重是衡量身材好坏的标准吗?谢黎明在《性感女神不只是瘦》中告诉你,不要相信任何减重的捷径或一味只注重体重,“越轻越美”的观念是完全不对的!我们应更关心自身的健康和身材的匀称,健身的目的应是拥有健康、拥有自信、拥有一个好身材。生活中我们也会发现,很多很瘦的人并不好看,尤其是通过节食或疾病减下十几千克的人,他们大多三围小、皮肤松弛、气色不好,这样的“病态美”并不是真的美。 《礼仪女神:训练优雅》:本书以问答形式详细解释了300多个有关礼仪的关键信息,内容丰富,涵盖: 日常礼仪——教你避免造成人际交往中的尴尬时刻; 商务礼仪——教你正确、有礼貌地接待客户、参加宴会; 国际礼仪——教你明白各国文化习俗的不同,不踩国际交往雷区。 《不美不活(美丽俏佳人)》:本书分护肤、彩妆、发型、服装搭配四个部分。 你不仅可以了解站在时尚前沿的美俏主播们的现实生活,还可以学习除了《美丽俏佳人》节目以外的更多新鲜美容秘籍。我们集结了众多业界达人独家供稿,全书精彩纷呈,为你提供“美丽”能量,让生命绚烂绽放!梅琳、Kevin、小P、游丝棋、家弘强大专家团指导,带你揭开美丽密码,开启你的女神潜能! 《我的闺蜜是中医》:集合了五位知名中医及养生专家之所长,分别从肌肤养护、体质养生、内分泌调理、身体疾病自我判断、脊柱矫正五大方面为女性答疑解惑、出谋划策。 《微整》:微整不仅能改变我们先天缺陷,还能将已经很美的自己变得更加完美。本书包含两个部分:真实的医美故事和热门医美项目解读。 《越吃越瘦的秘密:66的魔法拼搭瘦身餐》:简单易做的减脂餐:让自己跟66老师一起,养成良好的饮食和生活习惯。吃到饱,健康瘦。
Models of Influence
Models of Influence
Barker, Nigel
A Collectible Anthology of the 50 Most Inf luential Models in Fashion HistoryIn Models of Influence, photographer, television host, and fashion authority Nigel Barker profiles fifty of the most noteworthy models from the 1940s to the present, revealing how their look or way of modeling not only made an indelible stamp on the industry but also influenced fashion design, the popular way of dress, and notions of female beauty worldwide.Each of the book's eight chapters focuses on a distinct period, from the postwar modeling boom, which ushered in an era of models who communicated a return to glamour, to the present day, with the emergence of media-savvy models who understand the power of branding themselves to the world at large. Each entry highlights the model's background and career, exploring her unique qualities and the secret to her staying power, whether it's her physical characteristics, daring approach to image making, transformative abilities, or a particular energy that captured or even redefined the zeitgeist of fashion and culture of the time.To complement the text, Barker has personally selected more than one hundred full-color and black-and-white photographs from the archives of the world's top fashion photographers Richard Avedon, Irving Penn, David Bailey, Francesco Scavullo, Herb Ritts, and Mario Testino among them to assemble a collectible anthology of many of the finest fashion images from the last seventy years.With an engaging, informative text and a vivid collection of seminal photographs, Models of Influence is the definitive word on the subject.With 110 full-color and black-and-white photographs
SuperFreakonomics, Illustrated edition
SuperFreakonomics, Illustrated edition
Levitt, Steven D.
Seeing is believing . . . The Smash Hit SuperFreakonomics is now Bigger and Better SuperFreakonomics was an instant New York Times bestseller that caused a media uproar, continuing the amazing success begun with the groundbreaking, worldwide sensation Freakonomics.With the Illustrated Edition, Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner bring alive their smart thinking and great storytelling with an explosion of visual evidence, including: A by-the-numbers tally of a high-priced call girl's career, and a tracking sheet from an intensive survey of Chicago street prostitutes. A visual quiz that lets you pit your memory against the memory of a chess grand master. Images of the hurricane-killing machine and other geo-engineering inventions described in SuperFreakonomics. A look into whether doctors are better at saving lives in TV dramas or in real hospitals. Whether probing the intricacies of sex change oper-ations, the effectiveness of child car seats, or what really motivates people to do good, the Illustrated Edition of SuperFreakonomics employs photographs, drawings, and graphs that will lead readers to see the world in a bold, fresh way.