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艺术、浪漫、磅礴。一场西方人文美学公开课,零压力无门槛,带你轻松了解艺术家! 《小顾聊绘画》(全3册) 顾爷以鲜活有趣接地气的讲述,带领读者游览24位著名艺术家的人生长廊,寻找大师作品中的“烟火气”。
本套装有10册刑侦罪案小说组成: 《狩猎者游戏》 看巫蛊高手如何利用动物作案;看众目睽睽下如何实施完美绝杀;看传国玉玺、乾陵金简等被史海淹没的千年遗码;看女真和契丹两个失落民族的绝密档案;看大辽和大清难以置信的血统怪圈;看蒋介石、汪精卫、婉容、溥仪等历史名人的家族秘史;看操盘者滴水不漏令人拍案的狩猎计划;看超越心理极限的紧张情节;看突破想象空间的诡秘场景;看颠覆逻辑思维的反转结局…… 《看不见的嫌疑人》 深冬雨夜,东风市发生一起车祸,一名女司机当场殒命,就在刑警江枫已经判断这起车祸是正常交通事故的时候,法医却发现死者在车祸前六小时就已死亡。死人怎么会开车?江枫发誓要侦破此案,调查步步深入,但每次锁定的嫌疑人都在后的紧要关头被洗白,真凶究竟用了什么手法掩盖罪行?当令人震惊的秘密终于浮出水面,江枫却像碰见了瘟疫,拼命想要逃避。他每向真相接近一步,绝望就增加一分!爱与欲,情与法,生与死,如果怎么选都是错的,你会如何抉择? 《终局者》 顾氏集团的新任总经理顾雍,利用空壳百货代理店中饱私囊,被王勇全无意中发现了,顾氏开发的一块土地上发现了二十年前的女尸,顾雍根据现场的物品证实与陈太源有关,于是利用此事威胁陈太源,让他帮忙杀人灭口。由此引发了一连串的凶杀案。然而顾家的每个人都有嫌疑,到底谁才是真正的凶手。 《古董诡局》 鉴宝专家王大山在参加《鉴宝》节目之前曾被一件元青花瓷器打动,而在节目录制现场,王大山“意外地”掉落的顶灯砸死。刑警队长胡玉言、记者林玲等人迅速对案件展开了调查,却发现案件阻碍重重,似乎有一只隐形的手在控制事件的发展,不想让他们深入到《鉴宝》节目的核心层面。正当胡玉言等人一筹莫展,案件侦破工作停滞不前之际,派出所长刘胜利意外地从黑道线索中查到了一条古玩贩卖的黑暗渠道。同时,鉴宝节目主持人刘轩轩突然自杀,胡玉言也因《鉴宝》节目组再次发生案件而得以继续深入调查,从而使走私集团以鉴宝节目为核心,故意以假乱真,大肆提高古玩价格,而后贩卖进入古玩市场的黑暗链条渐渐浮出水面…… 《犯罪画师》 《犯罪画师》中,面对穷凶极恶的隐身歹徒,模拟画像专家张驰和痕迹专家顾世携手走上冒险之路,战友深情抑或男欢女爱,在生死考验前的一刹那都已无足轻重。 《惊变23天》 肖飞从昏迷中醒来,发现自己处于一个黑暗的空间,听到的全是惨叫和呼喊。从通宁开往枰州的大巴车半道遇上泥石流,被迫转入一条废弃隧道暂避,结果隧道发生坍塌。 《看不见的嫌疑人2》 在一次抓捕行动中,刑警江枫现场处置失当,致使一名抢夺婴儿的嫌犯逃脱,婴儿失踪。江枫被调离刑警队。 两个月后,东风市发生特大金店抢劫案,蒙面歹徒作案后销声匿迹。江枫被火线召回,发现此案与两个月前的抢婴案似乎存在某种神秘的联系,在追查嫌疑人的过程中,博物馆失散多年的国宝元青花梅瓶也浮出水面。疑点逐渐指向古玩店老板仇皓,然而冰山才刚刚露出一角…… 神秘的古玩店老板,深不可测的老馆长,究竟隐藏着哪些不为人知的秘密?忍辱负重的刑警,能否揭开元青花的旷世传奇?生日杀手,连环命案,谁是下一个被害人?江枫要为荣誉而战,必须与时间赛跑。 不幸随时可能发生,而幸福,只有努力才能得到! 《八卦侦探》 三十五岁的女警福琳偶然遇见了一个靠着八卦占卜破案的侦探,从这天开始,她的人生,就像坐上了后一辆过山车…… 《蚀骨》 我讲述不是杀人,是被杀;我解剖的不是尸体,是人性。 人就像是一面镜子,一切都是反的。我管善良叫看似邪恶,邪恶叫看似善良。一书包含十五个原创悬疑剧本,情节波折,节奏顺畅,一悬到底,矛盾突出,逻辑合理,深度哲学,社会百态,刻骨悬爱,有一样没做到都算我输! 《罪案斑驳》 神秘的黑暗势力笼罩下,凶案接连发生,斑驳罪案,隐藏着诸多不为人知的真相。以任宸羽为首警方特案组精英尽出,对抗罪恶,坚守正义,虽然救赎就有牺牲,鲜血历历在目,但光明依然可期。
How Governments And Other Stakeholders
How Governments And Other Stakeholders
Victor. O. I. Nwanguma
How Governments And Other Stakeholders
Urban Blues
Urban Blues
Keil, Charles
Charles Keil examines the expressive role of blues bands and performers and stresses the intense interaction between performer and audience. Profiling bluesmen Bobby Bland and B. B. King, Keil argues that they are symbols for the black community, embodying important attitudes and roles-success, strong egos, and close ties to the community. While writing Urban Blues in the mid-1960s, Keil optimistically saw this cultural expression as contributing to the rising tide of raised political consciousness in Afro-America. His new Afterword examines black music in the context of capitalism and black culture in the context of worldwide trends toward diversification."e;Enlightening. . . . [Keil] has given a provocative indication of the role of the blues singer as a focal point of ghetto community expression."e;-John S. Wilson, New York Times Book Review"e;A terribly valuable book and a powerful one. . . . Keil is an original thinker and . . . has offered us a major breakthrough."e;-Studs Terkel, Chicago Tribune"e;[Urban Blues] expresses authentic concern for people who are coming to realize that their past was . . . the source of meaningful cultural values."e;-Atlantic"e;An achievement of the first magnitude. . . . He opens our eyes and introduces a world of amazingly complex musical happening."e;-Robert Farris Thompson, Ethnomusicology?"e;[Keil's] vigorous, aggressive scholarship, lucid style and sparkling analysis stimulate the challenge. Valuable insights come from treating urban blues as artistic communication."e;-James A. Bonar, Boston Herald?
Biology's First Law
Biology's First Law
So certain is this that we may boldly state that it is absurd for human beings even to attempt it, or to hope that perhaps some day another Newton might arise who would explain to us, in terms of natural laws unordered by intention, how even a mere blade of grass is produced.Kant, Critique of Judgment (1790)
Bewitching Development
Bewitching Development
James Howard Smith
These days, development inspires scant trust in the West. For critics who condemn centralized efforts to plan African societies as latter day imperialism,?such plans?too closely reflect their roots in colonial rule and neoliberal economics. But proponents of this pessimistic view often ignore how significant this concept has become for Africans themselves. In Bewitching Development, James Howard Smith presents a close ethnographic account of how people in the Taita Hills of Kenya have appropriated and made sense of development thought and practice, focusing on the complex ways that development connects with changing understandings of witchcraft.Similar to magic, development's promise of a better world elicits both hope and suspicion from Wataita. Smith shows that the unforeseen changes wrought by development-greater wealth for some, dashed hopes for many more-foster moral debates that Taita people express in occult terms. By carefully chronicling the beliefs and actions of this diverse community-from frustrated youths to nostalgic seniors, duplicitous preachers to thought-provoking witch doctors-BewitchingDevelopment vividly depicts the social life of formerly foreign ideas and practices in postcolonial Africa.
Commentary on The Complete Greek Tragedies. Aeschylus
Commentary on The Complete Greek Tragedies. Aeschylus
Hogan, James C.
This commentary offers a rich introduction and useful guide to the seven surviving plays attributed to Aeschylus. Though it may profitably be used with any translation of Aeschylus, the commentary is based on the acclaimed Chicago translations, The Complete Greek Tragedies, edited by David Grene and Richmond Lattimore.James C. Hogan provides a general introduction to Aeschylean theater and drama, followed by a line-by-line commentary on each of the seven plays. He places Aeschylus in the historical, cultural, and religious context of fifth-century Athens, showing how the action and metaphor of Aeschylean theater can be illuminated by information on Athenian law athletic contests, relations with neighboring states, beliefs about the underworld, and countless other details of Hellenic life. Hogan clarifies terms that might puzzle modern readers, such as place names and mythological references, and gives special attention to textual and linguistic issues: controversial questions of interpretation; difficult or significant Greek words; use of style, rhetoric, and commonplaces in Greek poetry; and Aeschylus's place in the poetic tradition of Homer, Hesiod, and the elegiac poets. Practical information on staging and production is also included, as are maps and illustrations, a bibliography, indexes, and extensive cross-references between the seven plays. Forthcoming volumes will cover the works of Sophocles and Euripides.
&quote;Do You Know...?&quote;
&quote;Do You Know...?&quote;
Faulkner, Robert R.
Every night, somewhere in the world, three or four musicians will climb on stage together. Whether the gig is at a jazz club, a bar, or a bar mitzvah, the performance never begins with a note, but with a question. The trumpet player might turn to the bassist and ask, "e;Do you know 'Body and Soul'?"e;-and from there the subtle craft of playing the jazz repertoire is tested in front of a live audience. These ordinary musicians may never have played together-they may never have met-so how do they smoothly put on a show without getting booed offstage.In "e;Do You Know . . . ?"e; Robert R. Faulkner and Howard S. Becker-both jazz musicians with decades of experience performing-present the view from the bandstand, revealing the array of skills necessary for working musicians to do their jobs. While learning songs from sheet music or by ear helps, the jobbing musician's lexicon is dauntingly massive: hundreds of thousands of tunes from jazz classics and pop standards to more exotic fare. Since it is impossible for anyone to memorize all of these songs, Faulkner and Becker show that musicians collectively negotiate and improvise their way to a successful performance. Players must explore each others' areas of expertise, develop an ability to fake their way through unfamiliar territory, and respond to the unpredictable demands of their audience-whether an unexpected gang of polka fanatics or a tipsy father of the bride with an obscure favorite song."e;Do You Know . . . ?"e; dishes out entertaining stories and sharp insights drawn from the authors' own experiences and observations as well as interviews with a range of musicians. Faulkner and Becker's vivid, detailed portrait of the musician at work holds valuable lessons for anyone who has to think on the spot or under a spotlight.
Wittgenstein's Lectures on the Foundations of Mathematics, Cambridge, 1939
Wittgenstein's Lectures on the Foundations of Mathematics, Cambridge, 1939
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
For several terms at Cambridge in 1939, Ludwig Wittgenstein lectured on the philosophical foundations of mathematics. A lecture class taught by Wittgenstein, however, hardly resembled a lecture.He sat on a chair in the middle of the room, with some of the class sitting in chairs, some on the floor. He never used notes. He paused frequently, sometimes for several minutes, while he puzzled out a problem. He often asked his listeners questions and reacted to their replies. Many meetings were largely conversation.These lectures were attended by, among others, D. A. T. Gasking, J. N. Findlay, Stephen Toulmin, Alan Turing, G. H. von Wright, R. G. Bosanquet, Norman Malcolm, Rush Rhees, and Yorick Smythies. Notes taken by these last four are the basis for the thirty-one lectures in this book.The lectures covered such topics as the nature of mathematics, the distinctions between mathematical and everyday languages, the truth of mathematical propositions, consistency and contradiction in formal systems, the logicism of Frege and Russell, Platonism, identity, negation, and necessary truth. The mathematical examples used are nearly always elementary.
Nostalgia for the Future
Nostalgia for the Future
Charles Piot
Since the end of the cold war, Africa has seen a dramatic rise in new political and religious phenomena, including an eviscerated privatized state, neoliberal NGOs, Pentecostalism, a resurgence in accusations of witchcraft, a culture of scamming and fraud, and, in some countries, a nearly universal wish to emigrate. Drawing on fieldwork in Togo, Charles Piot suggests that a new biopolitics after state sovereignty is remaking the face of one of the world's poorest regions.In a country where playing the U.S. Department of State's green card lottery is a national pastime and the preponderance of cybercafs and Western Union branches signals a widespread desire to connect to the rest of the world, Nostalgia for the Future makes clear that the cultural and political terrain that underlies postcolonial theory has shifted. In order to map out this new terrain, Piot enters into critical dialogue with a host of important theorists, including Agamben, Hardt and Negri, Deleuze, and Mbembe. The result is a deft interweaving of rich observations of Togolese life with profound insights into the new, globalized world in which that life takes place.
Developmental Editing
Developmental Editing
Scott Norton
This book grew out of an exhibition about Dellinger's life and work that was curated by Bob Mainfort at the Old State House Museum in Little Rock. The book includes a detailed biography of Dellinger, as well as a discussion of his work, an overview of major collecting efforts in Arkansas by out-of-state institutions, and a history of the University of Arkansas Museum. Lavishly illustrated with over two hundred images of artifacts, this book will now permit archaeologists to see some of the pieces Dellinger's lifetime of work saved and preserved.
Loving Little Egypt
Loving Little Egypt
McMahon, Thomas
In the early 1920s, nearly blind physics prodigy Mourly Vold finds out how to tap into the nation's long distance telephone lines. With the help of Alexander Graham Bell, Vold tries to warn the phone companies that would-be saboteurs could do the same thing, but they ignore him. Unfortunately, his taps do catch the notice of William Randolph Hearst, who hires Thomas Edison to get to the bottom of them-and the chase is on!
How Does Analysis Cure?
How Does Analysis Cure?
Kohut, Heinz
The Austro-American psychoanalyst Heinz Kohut was one of the foremost leaders in his field and developed the school of self-psychology, which sets aside the Freudian explanations for behavior and looks instead at self/object relationships and empathy in order to shed light on human behavior. In How Does Analysis CureKohut presents the theoretical framework for self-psychology, and carefully lays out how the self develops over the course of time. Kohut also specifically defines healthy and unhealthy cases of Oedipal complexes and narcissism, while investigating the nature of analysis itself as treatment for pathologies. This in-depth examination of "e;the talking cure"e; explores the lesser studied phenomena of psychoanalysis, including when it is beneficial for analyses to be left unfinished, and the changing definition of "e;normal."e;An important work for working psychoanalysts, this book is important not only for psychologists, but also for anyone interested in the complex inner workings of the human psyche.
American Evangelicalism
American Evangelicalism
Smith, Christian
Evangelicalism is one of the strongest religious traditions in America today; 20 million Americans identify themselves with the evangelical movement. Given the modern pluralistic world we live in, why is evangelicalism so popular?Based on a national telephone survey and more than three hundred personal interviews with evangelicals and other churchgoing Protestants, this study provides a detailed analysis of the commitments, beliefs, concerns, and practices of this thriving group. Examining how evangelicals interact with and attempt to influence secular society, this book argues that traditional, orthodox evangelicalism endures not despite, but precisely because of, the challenges and structures of our modern pluralistic environment. This work also looks beyond evangelicalism to explore more broadly the problems of traditional religious belief and practice in the modern world.With its impressive empirical evidence, innovative theory, and substantive conclusions, American Evangelicalism will provoke lively debate over the state of religious practice in contemporary America.
For the Many or the Few
For the Many or the Few
John G. Matsusaka
I happen to have spent most of my life in states where citizens have the right to propose and pass laws withoutthe consent of their elected representatives. Most Americans are in the same boat; about 70 percent of us live in a city or state where this option—called the “initiative process”—is available. The polls say people like having this right, and most would even add it to the U.S. Constitution if they could. Yet there has always been an undercurrent of concern about the initiative process, especially about the role of money. Money can place a measure, virtually any measure it seems, on the ballot, and money provides access to the costly media where issues are debated.
Principles of American Nuclear Chemistry
Principles of American Nuclear Chemistry
McMahon, Thomas
What was life like for the scientists working at Los AlamosThomas McMahon imagines this life through the wide eyes of young Tim MacLaurin, the thirteen-year-old son of an MIT physicist who, inspired by a young woman named Maryann, worked on the project. Filled with the sensuous excitement of scientific discovery and the outrageous behavior of people pushed beyond their limits, Principles of American Nuclear Chemistry is a beautifully written coming-of-age story that explores the mysterious connections between love and work, inspiration and history.
American Railroads
American Railroads
Stover, John F.
Few scenes capture the American experience so eloquently as that of a lonely train chugging across the vastness of the Great Plains, or snaking through tortuous high mountain passes. Although this vision was eclipsed for a time by the rise of air travel and trucking, railroads have enjoyed a rebirth in recent years as profitable freight carriers.A fascinating account of the rise, decline, and rebirth of railroads in the United States, John F. Stover's American Railroads traces their history from the first lines that helped eastern seaports capture western markets to today's newly revitalized industry. Stover describes the growth of the railroads' monopoly, with the consequent need for state and federal regulations; relates the vital part played by the railroads during the Civil War and the two World Wars; and charts the railroads' decline due to the advent of air travel and trucking during the 1950s.In two new chapters, Stover recounts the remarkable recovery of the railroads, along with other pivotal events of the industry's recent history. During the 1960s declining passenger traffic and excessive federal regulation led to the federally-financed creation of Amtrak to revive passenger service and Conrail to provide freight service on bankrupt northeastern railroads. The real savior for the railroads, though, proved to be the Staggers Rail Act of 1980, which brought prosperity to rail freight carriers by substantially deregulating the industry. By 1995, renewed railroad freight traffic had reached nearly twice its former peak in 1944.Bringing both a seasoned eye and new insights to bear on one of the most American of industries, Stover has produced the definitive history of railroads in the United States.
When Students Have Power
When Students Have Power
Shor, Ira
What happens when teachers share power with studentsIn this profound book, Ira Shor-the inventor of critical pedagogy in the United States-relates the story of an experiment that nearly went out of control.Shor provides the reader with a reenactment of one semester that shows what really can happen when one applies the theory and democratizes the classroom. This is the story of one class in which Shor tried to fully share with his students control of the curriculum and of the classroom. After twenty years of practicing critical teaching, he unexpectedly found himself faced with a student uprising that threatened the very possibility of learning. How Shor resolves these problems, while remaining true to his commitment to power-sharing and radical pedagogy, is the crux of the book. Unconventional in both form and substance, this deeply personal work weaves together student voices and thick de*ions of classroom experience with pedagogical theory to illuminate the power relations that must be negotiated if true learning is to take place.
Political Philosophy of Hobbes
Political Philosophy of Hobbes
Strauss, Leo
In this classic analysis, Leo Strauss pinpoints what is original and innovative in the political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes. He argues that Hobbes's ideas arose not from tradition or science but from his own deep knowledge and experience of human nature. Tracing the development of Hobbes's moral doctrine from his early writings to his major work The Leviathan, Strauss explains contradictions in the body of Hobbes's work and discovers startling connections between Hobbes and the thought of Plato, Thucydides, Aristotle, Descartes, Spinoza, and Hegel.