

Lupton, Julia Reinhard
Turning to the potent idea of political theology to recover the strange mix of political and religious thinking during the Renaissance, this bracing study reveals in the works of Shakespeare and his sources the figure of the citizen-saint, who represents at once divine messenger and civil servant, both norm and exception. Embodied by such diverse personages as Antigone, Paul, Barabbas, Shylock, Othello, Caliban, Isabella, and Samson, the citizen-saint is a sacrificial figure: a model of moral and aesthetic extremity who inspires new regimes of citizenship with his or her death and martyrdom.Among the many questions Julia Reinhard Lupton attempts to answer under the rubric of the citizen-saint are: how did states of emergency, acts of sovereign exception, and Messianic anticipations lead to new forms of religious and political lawWhat styles of universality were implied by the abject state of the pure creature, at sea in a creation abandoned by its creatorAnd how did circumcision operate as both a marker of ethnicity and a means of conversion and civic naturalization?Written with clarity and grace, Citizen-Saints will be of enormous interest to students of English literature, religion, and early modern culture.
Shakespeare Only
Shakespeare Only
Knapp, Jeffrey
Three decades of controversy in Shakespeare studies can be summed up in a single question: Was Shakespeare one of a kindOn one side of the debate are the Shakespeare lovers, the bardolatrists, who insist on Shakespeare's timeless preeminence as an author. On the other side are the theater historians who view modern claims of Shakespeare's uniqueness as a distortion of his real professional life.In Shakespeare Only, Knapp draws on an extraordinary array of historical evidence to reconstruct Shakespeare's authorial identity as Shakespeare and his contemporaries actually understood it.He argues that Shakespeare tried to adapt his own singular talent and ambition to the collaborative enterprise of drama by imagining himself as uniquely embodying the diverse, fractious energies of the popular theater. Rewriting our current histories of authorship as well as Renaissance drama, Shakespeare Only recaptures a sense of the creative force that mass entertainment exerted on Shakespeare and that Shakespeare exerted on mass entertainment.
More than Lore
More than Lore
Talbot, Marion
The founding articles of the University of Chicago contained what was for the era a shocking declaration: "e;To provide, impart, and furnish opportunities for all departments of higher education to persons of both sexes on equal terms."e; In a time when many still scoffed at educating women, the university was firmly co-ed from the very start. One of its first hires was Marion Talbot. Ready for the adventure of a lifetime, she set her sights on Chicago at a time when the city was still considered all but the Wild West. Talbot eventually became the University of Chicago's first Dean of Women, influencing a generation of female students.Originally published in 1936, More than Lore is a unique firsthand account of the early days of the university, capturing the excitement and travails of life on an academic frontier. Talbot shares gossip from the faculty lounge, relays student antics in the dorms, and tells stories from the living rooms of Hyde Park. It's also a fascinating look at life as an early twentieth-century college woman, with scandals over improper party invitations and underground sororities, petitions calling for more female professors, and campaigns to have students be known as "e;university women"e; instead of "e;college girls."e; With Talbot as our guide, we reenter a lost world where simply to be a woman was to be a pioneer and where the foundations of the modern undergrad experience were being established.
Partisan Sort
Partisan Sort
Matthew Levendusky
As Washington elites drifted toward ideological poles over the past few decades, did ordinary Americans follow their leadIn The Partisan Sort, Matthew Levendusky reveals that we have responded to this trend-but not, for the most part, by becoming more extreme ourselves. While polarization has filtered down to a small minority of voters, it also has had the more significant effect of reconfiguring the way we sort ourselves into political parties.In a marked realignment since the 1970s-when partisan affiliation did not depend on ideology and both major parties had strong liberal and conservative factions-liberals today overwhelmingly identify with Democrats, as conservatives do with Republicans. This "e;sorting,"e; Levendusky contends, results directly from the increasingly polarized terms in which political leaders define their parties. Exploring its far-reaching implications for the American political landscape, he demonstrates that sorting makes voters more loyally partisan, allowing campaigns to focus more attention on mobilizing committed supporters. Ultimately, Levendusky concludes, this new link between party and ideology represents a sea change in American politics.
刘兴隆 等
《社群商业 社群经济时代的掘金法则》首先从移动互联网时代的商业环境出发,提出了互联网社群这一新型商业形态的诞生与崛起;然后从社群的构建、社群的运营、管理与维护、社群生态圈、社群+电商、社群+微商、社群营销等各个不同的角度,带领读者依托社群经济,实现企业的互联网进阶,在书末,通过详解罗辑思维的社群方法论,帮助读者发现社群商业时代的掘金机会。 《社群商业 社群经济时代的掘金法则》适合各类企业营销经理、网络推广经理、企业营销总监、网站运营总监、各类电商运营经理,以及从事传统企业、近期想开展电商业务的大中小企业CEO及高管,对移动互联网感兴趣的读者、小型创业者阅读。
没有人天生就是写作高手,无论你承认与否,所有创作都是从模仿始的。想拥有好文笔,你需要大量的阅读,更需要好的指引,和有效的借鉴、学习。 本书通过细读经典,解密21位文学大师的创作方法与诀窍,向读者详细阐释了何为文学风格,文学风格是如何通过修辞产生的。从巴尔扎克到查尔斯·狄更斯、从弗兰兹·卡夫卡到斯蒂芬·金,从陀思妥耶夫斯基到弗兰纳里·奥康纳,每章聚焦一位文学大师,通过精到的文本分析,教会普通读者怎样在模仿中提高技艺,将大师的写作技巧活学活用地融自己的表达中。
"本套书为台湾光复史料汇编一至六卷合集。 卷一收录了1941年12月(国民政府对日宣战)至1947年2月期间国民政府及地方政府各有关部门、团体发出及收到的关于接收、治理台湾的声明、文件、信函、电文等。分为:对台立场的确立及对外交涉、治台意见及准备接收、实施接收及法令整理等三个部分 卷二收录了1945年抗战胜利后至1947年2月期间国民政府及地方政府各有关部门发出及收到的关于日俘日侨日产处理及台胞归省的文件、信函、电文等,亦包括少数代表政府立场的要人关于对台政策及主张的公开言论。 卷三收录了1945年日寇投降后至1947年3月期间国民政府及台湾地方政府各有关部门发出及收到的在台湾施政的文件、信函、电文等,内容涉及管理机构的设置、民意机构运作规则的制定、日籍员工的征用、公务员津贴的发放、币种的兑换、户口的清查、流动人口的管理、不良习俗的整顿等。 卷四本书内容涉及日本统治下的台湾行政、户政、农业、警察、糖业、金融、水利、水产、教育等制度,以及日本统制会的理论和内容。 卷五包括《台湾警备总司令军事接收总报告》、《台湾司法接收报告书》、《台湾省接收委员会日产处理委员会结束总报告》、《台湾省日产处理法令汇编》等四种1946年前后的单印本,为国民政府台湾调查委员会编写,这些单印本来自于美国斯坦福大学等处。 卷六包括:《台湾省行政长官公署施政报告》、《中华民国三十五年度台湾省行政长官公署工作报告》、《台湾省行政长官公署三月来工作概要》、《台湾省行政长官公署农林施政报告》等1946年前后关于接收和施政的单印本,为1946年台湾省行政长官公署向台湾省届参议会所作的报告,原件藏于美国斯坦福大学、中国社会科学院近代史研究所等处特藏室。"
好望角系列:我们看见的不仅是一个海角,而是一个新的世界。 ·日本人为何选择了战争:小林秀雄奖获奖作品、畅销日本十年、日本近现代史研究前沿之作。日本人缘何一次次走向战争?为何认定唯有战争才是出路?罗振宇盛情推荐。 ·横渡孟加拉湾:自然的暴怒和移民的财富(豆瓣评分9.4,哈佛大学教授解读印度和中国在孟加拉湾的战略竞争有何不同?) ·被掩盖的原罪:奴隶制与美国资本主义的崛起(揭露美国商业的肮脏秘密,一部你值得了解的美国黑暗史。豆瓣读书9.2分高分推荐,罗振宇盛情推荐。)
Philosophie: Eine Einführung
Philosophie: Eine Einführung
Tizian H. Liechti
Philosophie: Eine Einführung
Chez Panisse Vegetables
Chez Panisse Vegetables
Waters, Alice L.
For twenty-five years, Alice Waters and her friends at Chez Panisse in Berkeley, California have dedicated themselves to the ideal of serving the finest, freshest foods with simplicity and style. From tender baby asparagus in early spring, to the colorful spectrum of peppers at the height of summer; crisp, leafy chicories in autumn, to sweet butternut squash in the dark of winter, much of the inspiration about what to put on the menu comes from the high quality produce Waters and her chefs seek out year-round.Using the treasures from the earth, Chez Panisse Vegetables offers endless possibilities for any occasion. Try Grilled Radicchio Risotto with Balsamic Vinegar at your next dinner party, or Pizza with Red and Yellow Peppers for a summer evening at home. Why not forgo green-leaf lettuce, and opt for Artichoke and Grapefruit Salad drizzled with extra-virgin olive oilOr serve Corn Cakes with fresh berries for breakfast instead of cereal?Throughout Vegetables, Waters shares her energy and enthusiasm for what she describes as "living foods." When she first began in the restaurant business, the selection of good-quality vegetables was so limited that she found herself searching out farmers with whom she might do business. Luckily, today's explosion of markets and organic farms across the country ensures that any home cook can find freshly harvested produce to put on the table. And with the increased popularity of home gardening, more and more people are taking their vegetables straight from the earth and into the kitchen.Cooks, gardeners, vegetarians and everyone who appreciates good food will find Chez Panisse Vegetables to be not only a cookbook, but a valuable resource for selecting and serving fine produce. From popular vegetables like corn, tomatoes and carrots, to more unusual selections like chard, amaranth greens and sorrel, Vegetables offers detailed information about the seasonal availability, proper look, flavor and preparation of each selection. Arranged alphabetically by vegetable, and filled with colorful linocut images, Chez Panisse Vegetables makes it easy for a cook to find a tempting recipe for whatever he or she has brought home from the market.
本书包括夏倍上校、奥诺丽纳、禁治产、亚尔培·萨伐龙、高老头、欧也妮·葛朗台、于絮尔·弥罗埃、都尔的本堂神甫、比哀兰德、搅水女人、幻灭、贝 姨、邦斯舅舅、赛查·皮罗多盛衰记、约翰·克利斯朵夫、贝多芬传、米开朗琪罗传、托尔斯泰传、老实人、天真汉、查第格、嘉尔曼、高龙巴、服尔德传、人生五大问题、恋爱与牺牲、夏洛外传、文明、艺术哲学、幸福之路、英国绘画文学、音乐及其他译文 共32册
Connecting Paradigms
Connecting Paradigms
Matthew S. Bennett
Connecting Paradigms
The Best Books by Fyodor Dostoyevsky: Bilingual Edition (English - Russian)
The Best Books by Fyodor Dostoyevsky: Bilingual Edition (English - Russian)
Dostoevsky Fyodor
The Best Books by Fyodor Dostoyevsky: Bilingual Edition (English - Russian)
California Society of Printmakers: One Hundred Years, 1913-2013
California Society of Printmakers: One Hundred Years, 1913-2013
Maryly Snow, Sylvia Solochek Walters
California Society of Printmakers: One Hundred Years, 1913-2013
How to Get a Spouse Visa for Japan
How to Get a Spouse Visa for Japan
Travis Senzaki
How to Get a Spouse Visa for Japan
(俄罗斯)赫尔岑著 巴金 臧仲伦译
《往事与随想》是“俄国社会主义之父”赫尔岑耗时16年写成的一部不朽自传,也是世界回忆录文学的杰作。 全书用编年结构,从作者在襁褓中经历1812年莫斯科大火写起,记述了俄国抗拿破仑的卫国战争、十二月党人起义、19世纪40年代俄国知识界的思想论战、1848年的欧洲革命、俄国农奴制的废除、60年代的民粹派运动等半个世纪俄国和西欧的重大历史文化事件。深情的讲述,诗意的文思,动情的文笔,犹如一幅幅壮阔而精美的历史画卷,展作者的心路历程和社会理想的形成轨迹——少年时期的幻想、青年时期的希望、青春岁月的豪迈,监狱和流放的动荡、家庭的变故、生命的伤痛、与朋友的争论、与敌人的斗争等情节,用包含着日记、书信、散文、随笔、政论和杂感等的丰富形式呈现出来,具有极强的亲历感、在场感。尤其是斯拉夫派和西方派的思想对峙章节,当时活跃的俄国大知识分子们在回忆录中纷纷亮相,得到了十分传神的描写和群体塑像的存档,使得这部个人自传具有了思想史活化石的珍贵意义。 本版系巴金与臧仲伦先生的合译本,具有极高的版本价值:1928年2月,年轻的巴金在法国到一部《往事与随想》,便喜欢不已。这部书伴随着他一生的创作历程,启发了晚年《随想录》的写作,被巴金称为自己的老师。虽然《往事与随想》另有两种译本(其中一种是巴金的续译),但从文笔上讲,巴金的文笔与赫尔岑最为相得益彰,尤其是巴金翻译中参考多种原本,为中译本加了大量注释,对阅读本书大有益处。
【内容简介】 本书以历史唯物主义史学观为指导,综合运用编年体、纪传体和本末体,全面反映上迄五帝时期下至新中国初期中国战争的全面历史。全书附作战示意图160余幅,注释3000余 条。本书史料翔实,视野宏大,导向正确,充分展示了中国5000年历史的战争遗产和军事智慧。该书为四卷本
包括:装在口袋里的爸爸.变形单车,装在口袋里的爸爸.颠倒沙漏,装在口袋里的爸爸.点石成金 装在口袋里的爸爸.基因超人,装在口袋里的爸爸.魔幻水晶球,装在口袋里的爸爸.神灯小精灵 装在口袋里的爸爸.瞬移少年 装在口袋里的爸爸.*神笔 装在口袋里的爸爸.我的大脑能上网 装在口袋里的爸爸·小人国来的公主 装在口袋里的爸爸-神奇宝瓶 装在口袋里的爸爸-无敌戒指 装在口袋里的爸爸.我是飞毛腿 装在口袋里的爸爸.外星人来我家 装在口袋里的爸爸-爸爸被盗版 装在口袋里的爸爸 · 爸爸变小记 装在口袋里的爸爸-不会笑的插班生 装在口袋里的爸爸. 成功宝贝 装在口袋里的爸爸. 聪明饭 装在口袋里的爸爸院 注音版援 机器妈妈 装在口袋里的爸爸. 金蝉出壳 装在口袋里的爸爸. 金箍棒传奇 装在口袋里的爸爸. 美梦制造机 装在口袋里的爸爸·魔药 装在口袋里的爸爸. 神奇的乌鸦嘴 装在口袋里的爸爸 ·我会七十二变 装在口袋里的爸爸·我家有棵摇钱树 装在口袋里的爸爸·愿望星
任德山 编著
  本书记录的是日本从旧石器时代至今的历史,是以这个时间段内日本的政治、经济和文化为中心的历史概论。全书分为四篇,共17章,将日本历史分为早期统治时期、武士夺权时期、近代扩张时期和战后发展时期四部分,从日本列岛出现人类踪迹讲述到民主党执政、东日本发生大地震。本书以文字配图的形式更形象、更生动地描绘史实,结构方面采用宏观与微观相结合、阐述与议论相结合的方式来表现史实; 同时, 在编著时更注意各内容之间的协调,能够让读者对各阶段社会的整体风貌有一个完整的、清晰的认识。总之,尽量在有限的篇幅内将日本每一个时期的特和重大事件一一恢复原貌呈现给各位读者。《图说美国史》记录的是美国从印第安世界至今的通史, 全书分为四篇, 共 15章,将美国历史分为殖民时期、独立发展时期、崛起与扩张时期和称霸和衰退时期四部分。从美洲大陆出现人类踪迹、印第安人世界形成论述到布雷顿森林体系倒塌、美国经济衰退和短暂复兴。本书以文字配图的形式更形象、更生动地描绘史实,结构方面采用宏观与微观相结合、阐述与议论相结合的方式来表现史实。总之,尽量在有限的篇幅内将美国历史每一个时期的特和重大事件一一恢复原貌呈现给各位读者。 《图说欧洲史》记录的是欧洲从旧石器时代至今的历史,全书分为四篇,共1 5 章, 将欧洲历史分为起源于古典时期、中世纪时期、革命与扩张时期和现代福利社会发展时期四部分,从欧洲大陆出现人类踪迹、名字起源讲述到欧盟改革、欧元发行。本书以文字配图的形式更形象、更生动地描绘史实,结构方面采用宏观与微观相结合、阐述与议论相结合的方式来表现史实。总之,尽量在有限的篇幅内将欧洲每一个时期的特和重大事件逐个恢复原貌并呈现给各位读者。