

School Principal
School Principal
Dan C. Lortie
When we think about school principals, most of us imagine a figure of vague, yet intimidating authority-for an elementary school student, being sent to the principal's office is roughly on par with a trip to Orwell's Room 101. But with School Principal, Dan C. Lortie aims to change that. Much as he did for teachers with his groundbreaking book Schoolteacher, Lortie offers here an intensive and detailed look at principals, painting a compelling portrait of what they do, how they do it, and why.Lortie begins with a brief history of the job before turning to the daily work of a principal. These men and women, he finds, stand at the center of a constellation of competing interests around and within the school. School district officials, teachers, parents, and students all have needs and demands that frequently clash, and it is the principal's job to manage these conflicting expectations to best serve the public. Unsurprisingly then, Lortie records his subjects' professional dissatisfactions, but he also vividly depicts the pleasures of their work and the pride they take in their accomplishments. Finally, School Principal offers a glimpse of the future with an analysis of current issues and trends in education, including the increasing presence of women in the role and the effects of widespread testing mandated by the government.Lortie's scope is both broad and deep, offering an eminently useful range of perspectives on his subject. From the day-to-day toil to the long-term course of an entire career, from finding out just what goes on inside that office to mapping out the larger social and organizational context of the job, School Principal is a truly comprehensive account of a little-understood profession.
Demands of the Day
Demands of the Day
Rabinow, Paul
Demands of the Day asks about the logical standards and forms that should guide ethical and experimental anthropology in the twenty-first century. Anthropologists Paul Rabinow and Anthony Stavrianakis do so by taking up Max Weber's notion of the "e;demands of the day."e; Just as the demand of the day for anthropology decades ago consisted of thinking about fieldwork, today, they argue, the demand is to examine what happens after, how the experiences of fieldwork are gathered, curated, narrated, and ultimately made available for an anthropological practice that moves beyond mere ethnographic de*ion.?Rabinow and Stavrianakis draw on experiences from an innovative set of anthropological experiments that investigated how and whether the human and biological sciences could be brought into a mutually enriching relationship. Conceptualizing the anthropological and philosophic ramifications of these inquiries, they offer a bold challenge to contemporary anthropology to undertake a more rigorous examination of its own practices, blind spots, and capacities, in order to meet the demands of our day.
Childhood and Other Neighborhoods
Childhood and Other Neighborhoods
Dybek, Stuart
In Stuart Dybek's Chicago, wonder lurks in unexpected places-in garbage-strewn alleys, gloomy basement apartments, abandoned rooms at the top of rickety stairs periodically rumbled by passing el trains. Transformed through the wide eyes of Dybek's adolescent heroes, these grimy urban backwaters become exotic landscapes of fear-filled possibility, of dreams not yet turned to nightmares. Chronicling what happens when Old World faith meets the dark side of the American dream, Dybek's poignant stories of coming of age in Chicago alternately appall, amaze, and just simply entertain.
Kaplan, Alice
On February 6, 1945, Robert Brasillach was executed for treason by a French firing squad. He was a writer of some distinction-a prolific novelist and a keen literary critic. He was also a dedicated anti-Semite, an acerbic opponent of French democracy, and editor in chief of the fascist weekly Je Suis Partout, in whose pages he regularly printed wartime denunciations of Jews and resistance activists.Was Brasillach in fact guilty of treasonWas he condemned for his denunciations of the resistance, or singled out as a suspected homosexualWas it right that he was executed when others, who were directly responsible for the murder of thousands, were set freeKaplan's meticulous reconstruction of Brasillach's life and trial skirts none of these ethical subtleties: a detective story, a cautionary tale, and a meditation on the disturbing workings of justice and memory, The Collaborator will stand as the definitive account of Brasillach's crime and punishment.A National Book Award FinalistA National Book Critics Circle Award Finalist"e;A well-researched and vivid account."e;-John Weightman, New York Review of Books"e;A gripping reconstruction of [Brasillach's] trial."e;-The New Yorker"e;Readers of this disturbing book will want to find moral touchstones of their own. They're going to need them. This is one of the few works on Nazism that forces us to experience how complex the situation really was, and answers won't come easily."e;-Daniel Blue, San Francisco Chronicle Book Review"e;The Collaborator is one of the best-written, most absorbing pieces of literary history in years."e;-David A. Bell, New York Times Book Review"e;Alice Kaplan's clear-headed study of the case of Robert Brasillach in France has a good deal of current-day relevance. . . . Kaplan's fine book . . . shows that the passage of time illuminates different understandings, and she leaves it to us to reflect on which understanding is better."e;-Richard Bernstein, The New York Times
Darkness Visible
Darkness Visible
Johnson, W. R.
One of the best books ever written on one of humanity's greatest epics, W. R. Johnson's classic study of Vergil's Aeneid challenges centuries of received wisdom. Johnson rejects the political and historical reading of the epic as a record of the glorious prehistory of Rome and instead foregrounds Vergil's enigmatic style and questioning of the heroic myths.With an approach to the text that is both grounded in scholarship and intensely personal, and in a style both rhetorically elegant and passionate, Johnson offers readings of specific passages that are nuanced and suggestive as he focuses on the "e;somber and nourishing fictions"e; in Vergil's poem. A timeless work of scholarship, Darkness Visible will enthrall classicists as well as students and scholars of the history of criticism-specifically the way in which politics influence modern readings of the classics-and of poetry and literature.
Power of the Between
Power of the Between
Paul Stoller
It is the anthropologist's fate to always be between things: countries, languages, cultures, even realities. But rather than lament this, anthropologist Paul Stoller here celebrates the creative power of the between, showing how it can transform us, changing our conceptions of who we are, what we know, and how we live in the world.Beginning with his early days with the Peace Corps in Africa and culminating with a recent bout with cancer, The Power of the Between is an evocative account of the circuitous path Stoller's life has taken, offering a fascinating depiction of how a career is shaped over decades of reading and research. Stoller imparts his accumulated wisdom not through grandiose pronouncements but by drawing on his gift for storytelling. Tales of his apprenticeship to a sorcerer in Niger, his studies with Claude Lvi-Strauss in Paris, and his friendships with West African street vendors in New York City accompany philosophical reflections on love, memory, power, courage, health, and illness.Graced with Stoller's trademark humor and narrative elegance, The Power of the Between is both the story of a distinguished career and a profound meditation on coming to terms with the impermanence of all things.
Agrarian Revolt in a Mexican Village
Agrarian Revolt in a Mexican Village
Friedrich, Paul
Agrarian Revolt in a Mexican Village deals with a Tarascan Indian village in southwestern Mexico which, between 1920 and 1926, played a precedent-setting role in agrarian reform. As he describes forty years in the history of this small pueblo, Paul Friedrich raises general questions about local politics and agrarian reform that are basic to our understanding of radical change in peasant societies around the world. Of particular interest is his detailed study of the colorful, violent, and psychologically complex leader, Primo Tapia, whose biography bears on the theoretical issues of the "e;political middleman"e; and the relation between individual motivation and socioeconomic change. Friedrich's evidence includes massive interviewing, personal letters, observations as an anthropological participant (e.g., in fiesta ritual), analysis of the politics and other village culture during 1955-56, comparison with other Tarascan villages, historical and prehistoric background materials, and research in legal and government agrarian archives.
Response to Industrialism, 1885-1914
Response to Industrialism, 1885-1914
Hays, Samuel P.
In this new edition, Samuel P. Hays expands the scope of his pioneering account of the ways in which Americans reacted to industrialism during its early years from 1885 to 1914. Hays now deepens his coverage of cultural transformations in a study well known for its concise treatment of political and economic movements.Hays draws on the vast knowledge of America's urban and social history that has been developed over the last thirty-eight years to make the second edition an unusually well-rounded study. He enhances the original coverage of politics, labor, and business with new accounts of the growth of cities, the rise of modern values, cultural conflicts with Native Americans and foreign nations, and changing roles for women, African-Americans, education, religion, medicine, law, and leisure. The result is a tightly woven portrait of America in transition that underscores the effects of impersonal market forces and greater personal freedom on individuals and chronicles such changes as the rise of social inequality, shifting power, in the legal system, the expansion of the federal government, and the formation of the Populist, Progressive, and Socialist parties.
每满100减50 罗马帝国的兴盛与衰落(一套尽览罗马帝国的兴亡更迭,全方位、多角度探秘罗马社会!套装共3册。)(汗青堂系列)
作为一个经历了王制、共和制、帝制三种政体并持续存在超过千年的国家,古罗马的历史始终吸引着世人的思考和研究。 本书是一位世界一流古典学家凝聚了50多年的工作成果写成的一部全新的罗马史。作者选取罗马的政治枢纽“罗马元老院与人民”(SPQR)为切,巧妙而深刻地以公元前63年西塞罗对垒喀提林的事件篇,充满热情地向读者讲述了罗马的故事。书中不仅探讨了罗马如何从意大利中部一个无足轻重的小村落成长为疆域横跨三大洲的帝国,还揭示了罗马人是如何看待自己和自己取得的成就的。作者始终同时从外部视角和内部视角描述罗马历史的各个阶段。同时,书中还渗透着强烈的现实关怀,在作者讨论罗马的军事扩张、民主、移民、宗教冲突、社会流动、公民权和剥削等问题时,我们时时都会看到今日世界的影子,从 而明白古罗马对我们为何仍然是重要的。 全书框架宏大,却充满了生动的细节,虽然大量采用了考古学、钱币学、铭文学的*成果,却基本不使用专业术语。作者以平实而幽默的笔触讲了许多故事的“另一面”,挑战了传统观,为读者呈现了一个虽然仍有许多未解之谜却生动迷人的罗马。
Art of Aardman - The Makers of Wallace & Gromit, Chicken Run, and More
Art of Aardman - The Makers of Wallace & Gromit, Chicken Run, and More
Chronicle Books LLC
See the iconic, energetic art of Aardman Animations like never before! The Art of Aardman takes readers on an unforgettable, behind-the-scenes journey through the studio's archives. This collection features original character sketches and never-before-seen concept art, offering a unique look inside the studio that created Chicken Run, Morph, and, of course, Wallace & Gromit. Kicking things off with forewords from founders Peter Lord and David Sproxton, this celebration of all-things Aardman is a must-have for all animation fans.
Mandela - A Film and Historical Companion
Mandela - A Film and Historical Companion
Chronicle Books LLC
This official companion book to the epic major feature film Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom retraces the life of Nelson Mandela, weaving together his own words and historic humanitarian efforts with cinematic narrative and exclusive behind-the-scenes content. It's a movie tie-in unlike any other: a combination of dramatic recreations and history, featuring film stills alongside archival photographs of actual events; commentary from the acclaimed cast and filmmakers plus interviews with Mandela's own family and comrades; excerpts from his books and personal papers, with lush, full-color panoramas of the South African landscapes where the film was shot on location. Fans of the movie and Mandela admirers, whatever their age, will relish this unique look at the making of an epic motion picture and the life of a beloved historical icon.
每满100减50 关河五十州“帝王三部曲”
文史作家关河五十州“帝王三部曲”,揭秘盛世帝王是怎样炼成的! 康熙以战平天下,雍正治吏管天下,乾隆用宽礼天下!看殊途同归的治国方针,如何共同成就康雍乾盛世! 《康熙大帝》 8岁登基,智除鳌拜,平定三藩,开创康乾盛世!康熙的一生都是传奇,而这离不开他的隐忍、取舍、用人不疑…… 康熙皇帝可谓*成功的帝王之一。他雄才大略,有“千古一帝”的美誉。从幼时与疾病抗争,登基之初与权臣搏杀,到平定三藩之乱,收复台湾,亲征噶尔丹,驱逐沙俄,几乎战斗了一辈子。 他隐忍示弱,在力有不逮时避其锋芒;他敢于取舍,审时度势,果断调整谈判立场……本书用丰富的历史细节解说了康熙皇帝隐忍与果断的性格。可以说,康熙帝用其一生践行着“千古一帝”的心胸和手腕。 《雍正大传》 整顿吏治废酷刑,起早贪黑批奏折!他铁血手腕,是九子夺嫡的胜利者;他勤勉毒舌,是真性情的批折狂魔! 雍正王朝到底是个怎样的气象?五百年明清史中的十四件大事,短短十三年的雍正王朝就占两件。雍正到底是个怎么样的人?有人说他“勤政爱民”“写过上千万字的批语”;有人说他“累累恶名”“谋父、逼母、弑兄、屠弟”。他一边以雷霆手段整治贪官,一边化身“段子手”吐槽码字。 本书还原了性情皇帝的谜样人生,解读一代改革雄主的治国手腕和用人之道。 《乾隆王朝》 他是盛世的*之君,亦是衰败的开端之主。他功绩斐然,用成就了清朝*广的疆土;他故步自封,关上了与世界交流的大门。 在长达六十余年的实际统治时间里,乾隆帝已经让清帝国深深地晕染上其个人气质——精明而自大,强蛮而浮夸,勤奋而保守。他在旧体制的帝国登上了一个无人可企及的高峰,却对新时期的挑战缺乏敏感度,使国家与世界文明失之交臂。 本书既有朝堂博弈的分析,也有民间社会的观察。梳理了乾隆帝“十全武功”的军事和政治成就,剖析了对中国的地方政治结构及版图构成的影响。还原了乾隆时代真实的社会面貌,解读了乾隆帝的施政手腕与清帝国的成败得失。
每满100减50 古希腊文明的光芒
为什么古希腊人可以从0到1创造出惊艳后世的制度和文明? 为什么只要读懂了希腊神话和《荷马史诗》,解读西方大部分经典和隐喻便一马平川? 希腊神话、城邦制度、雕塑建筑、悲剧哲学……古希腊的荣光照耀着整个人类历史,堪称西方文明之源头和典范。 照见古希腊文明的上下2000年,领略古典之美,可以从这本书始。 赵林教授研究西学40载,10次实地考察访问,用非常真实的一手资料,带你走近雅典卫城、德尔菲遗址、希腊各个博物馆,重新认识荷马、梭伦、埃斯库罗斯、苏格拉底…… 神话的感召、艺术的薄发、思想的脉动、天才的涌现。让我们相约在晨曦里的帕特农神庙、晚照下的奥林匹亚古运动场,与美之故乡的古希腊文明,于书中相见。
每满100减50 少年世界史
这是一套好读、好懂、有温度的世界史。 作者押沙龙,用孩子听得懂的话,讲清世界历史五大程:上古时代,古典文明时代,中古时代,融合的世界,工业化时代。 翻它,孩子们会发现世界历史并不是一个个孤立的事件,而是有逻辑可循的完整故事:罗马为何灭亡?欧洲是如何兴起?世界大战为什么会起来? 同时,也会跟着作者一起思考:世界为什么变成今天这样?我们又该如何看待这个世界? 不仅仅讲历史故事,还讲世界变化和发展过程中的原因,带领读者探究历史本质,行独立理性的思考。让孩子们分辨什么是美好、什么是邪恶,如何面对权利与欲望,如何保持真诚和善良,如何看待这个世界。 “历史不是一块冷冷的冰,而是一团燃烧的火。”押沙龙说,“我小时候就被这团火燃过。如今我希望把这团火捧到孩子们面前,相信每个孩子都会爱上它。”
每满100减50 亲密关系中的爱与痛(套装共6册)
每满100减50 中信国学大典:哲学宗教(下册)(套装共6册)
每满100减50 第九届金盘奖获奖作品集 综合类
第九届金盘奖获奖作品集 综合类
每满100减50 中国建筑设计作品年鉴·第十四卷
每满100减50 安德鲁· 马丁国际室内设计年度大奖2014-2015获奖作品
安德鲁· 马丁国际室内设计年度大奖2014-2015获奖作品
本书汇集了2014年安德鲁·马丁国际室内设计大奖的98个设计师/设计公司的优秀作品,1000余幅彩图,配以每位获奖设计师的背景介绍,为读者们提供了更多的借鉴和灵感。 安德鲁·马丁奖作品来自世界各地的室内设计师们。每一位获奖设计师的风格都可谓自成一体,从空间光感的协调处理到突破性的材料运用,从善于融合中西方精神的设计思想到震撼的视觉冲力,从简洁的线条运用到完整的配饰设计,每个人所特有的设计语言,为国内设计师借鉴世界设计理念的重要参考。
每满100减50 传世华宅——营造精英生活方式
《传世华宅 营造精英生活方式》精选中国江浙、华南、华北等地区新别墅豪宅设计案例,按照风格分为宫廷至尊式、华贵典雅式、个性混搭式、休闲田园式、东方儒雅式、现代时尚式,分门别类地介绍别墅豪宅设计的重点和难点,配有详细的平面图、立面图、剖面图以及实景图,将具体案例呈现到读者面前;同时,向读者阐述了案例设计师的设计心得和感受,包括设计理念、软装陈设、材料选择、色彩搭配等,力求为房地产开发商和室内设计师提供全面、实用的别墅豪宅设计参考。
每满100减50 全国中医药专业技术资格考试大纲与细则.中医肛肠科专业.中级