

Mariel's Kitchen
Mariel's Kitchen
Hemingway, Mariel
How do you cook nutritious and delicious meals when life is busy and time is shortHow can you make fresh, organic food a part of your and your family's way of life—simply and affordablyThese are the questions that Mariel Hemingway answers by sharing tried-and-tested recipes, straight from her kitchen to yours.Filled with exciting, beautiful photographs and easy-to-follow instructions, Mariel's Kitchen includes seventy-five sensational recipes that can be mastered by anyone, regardless of cooking experience. Arranged according to the seasons, these recipes show how simple it can be to put locally grown, seasonal produce on your table in place of packaged and processed foods. From sublime summer breakfasts to delectable desserts and heartwarming winter dinners, these tasty dishes, snacks, salad dressings, marinades, and drink recipes put homemade eating back into easy reach.Mariel also shares her secrets that make it possible to eat well all week long, even with a full schedule. She reveals what staples are necessary for any pantry and how to prepare core recipes that become the foundation for multiple dishes. She offers shopping tips for navigating the world of organic and sustainable foods. And as she reveals what makes her kitchen “the heart of her home,” she peppers recipes with stories about her own lifelong love affair with food.Combining Mariel's no-nonsense attitude with wholesome recipes for every occasion, Mariel's Kitchen is a new kind of American cookbook designed to help you—and all those you cook for—eat better, fresher, and more delicious foods, day in and day out.
The Essential Book of Jewish Festival Cooking
The Essential Book of Jewish Festival Cooking
Glazer, Phyllis
Deeply rooted in ancient rituals, the seasonal rhythms of the land of Israel, and biblical commandments, the Jewish holidays mark a time for Jews around the world to reconnect with their spiritual lives, celebrate their history, and enjoy tasty foods laden with symbolic meaning. With Phyllis and Miriyam Glazer's The Essential Book of Jewish Festival Cooking as your guide, you will gain a rich understanding of the Jewish calendar year and its profound link to the signs of nature and the produce of the earth in each season. This landmark volume addresses a central question often left unanswered: Why do we eat what we eat on these important days?Organized by season, the ten chapters cover the major holidays and feast days of the Jewish year, providing more than two hundred tempting recipes, plus menus and tips for creative and meaningful holiday entertaining. In-depth essays opening each chapter illuminate the origins, traditions, and seasonal and biblical significance of each holiday and its foods, making the book a valuable resource for Jewish festival observance. Inspired recipes add a fresh, contemporary twist as they capture the flavors of the seasonal foods enjoyed by our ancestors. For Passover, prepare such springtime delights as Roasted Salmon with Marinated Fennel and Thyme, alongside Braised "Bitter Herbs" with Pistachios. On Shavuot, characterized by the season's traditional bounty of milk and the wheat harvest, try fresh homemade cheeses; creamy, comforting Blintzes; or luscious Hot and Bubbling Semolina and Sage Gnocchi. At Purim, create a Persian feast fit for a king and learn new ideas for mishloah manot, the traditional gifts of food. The Essential Book of Jewish Festival Cooking offers accessible, healthful, and intensely flavorful recipes with a unique and tangible connection to the rhythms of the Jewish year. The Glazer sisters will deepen your understanding of time-honored traditions as they guide you toward more profound, and delicious, holiday experiences.
每满100减50 许纪霖知识分子三部曲
何以安身?以其精神为火焰,在历史的演变与脉络中照亮出一条道路。为谁立命?以其气节与尊严,重燃日益幽暗之人性、维系民族之文化。《安身立命》从20世纪中国六代知识分子的个案研究出发,进而关照到整个知识分子群体和中国的社会变迁与思想转型,既是一幅宏观的近现代中国知识分子群像,亦是一张张纤毫毕现的知识分子个体的心灵图景。 《家国天下》旨在思想史中探寻中国近现代国家认同所受到的冲击和和转变。作者从传统的“天下观念”遭受现代性冲击入手,讨论了儒家、晚清立宪派与革命派、晚清的地方认同和个人认同、五四的“世界主义”、文明与富强之间的竞争、民族主义等等中国近现代思想革命中的尝试。*终,作者设计出“新天下主义”的认同模式,用来解决国家认同这个悬而未决的问题。 《有为有守》聚焦于1895—1949年间中国知识分子的人际交往、私人脉络、团体组织以及与城市公共媒体的关系,是一部近代中国知识分子的社会文化史。本书以丰富的史料,生动的笔墨介绍了梁启超、陈独秀等众多著名知识分子的社会交往,亲疏聚分。
每满100减50 天上再见三部曲(共3册)
《天上再见》:用一场疯狂绝美的复仇,去嘲笑这个残酷荒谬的世界。 谁能想到,战争胜利的时刻, 却是士兵们命运坠落的时刻。 《火光之色》:你感到痛苦的时刻,就是你蜕变的时刻,它让你的生命变得丰盈而强大。 玛德莱娜,一位平凡的女性, 而在她身上,将发生一系列非同寻常的故事。 《悲伤之镜》:在巨大的崩溃中,我们的脆弱与坚强都远超自己的想象。 露易丝浑身是血、赤身裸体, 她奔跑在巴黎大街上,也冲进了一个疯狂的历史性时刻。
每满100减50 第二卷 古代希腊与罗马哲学(上下册)
第二卷 古代希腊与罗马哲学(上下册)
每满100减50 福布斯榜财富经营密码(套装共10册)
《福布斯的财富经营密码》(套装共10册)包括了比尔·盖茨、巴菲特、查理·芒格等多位知名投资人或成功企业家的传记和经营要则,通过本书,你可以了解到成功者是怎么抓住人生中的小小机遇的;了解到面对各种各样的困难时,他们是通过怎样的方式解决问题的;了解到想要成功,我们不但需要抓住机遇,还需要坚持不懈的努力。 《福布斯的财富经营密码》(套装共10册)帮助读者们更简单地了解如何创造财富,解锁属于自己的财富密码。
每满100减50 悉达多·穆克吉生命三部曲(《细胞传》《基因传》《癌症传·众病之王》)
《细胞传》内容简介: 从基因世纪到细胞世纪 探索医学和新人类的无限可能 我们的外表千差万别,生活经历各有不同,但构成我们生命的,是同样的基本单元——细胞。在我们的身体里,细胞协作、守护、防御、修复、再生;当细胞功能出现障碍,稳态遭到破坏,身体的问题也随之而来。而我们对更好自我的追求,或许也有赖于对细胞之歌的理解。 讲述发现细胞和细胞作用的故事,也是在回顾人类自我探索的历程。其实,细胞进入我们的视野只有几个世纪,但如今,人类已经初具操控细胞的能力,尽管仍不完备,但已能让我们憧憬未来的医学,以及可能由此诞生的新型人类。 在普利策奖得主、细胞生物学家与医生悉达多·穆克吉笔下,探究细胞的历程与科学家、医生、患者的人生经历融合在了一起。从发现细胞、了解细胞到利用细胞进行治疗,在伤痛与希望的交织中,经历了百转千回。 这些内容与人类的健康和生命息息相关,也为攻克诸多世界性医学难题开辟了新的思路和方向,让我们有理由相信,细胞世纪已经到来,未来人类可以修复与重建更好的自我。 《癌症传》内容简介: 普利策奖作品,文津奖推荐,10周年全新译本。 这是一部恢弘、深刻和饱含人文主义色彩的“癌症传记”,讲述了癌症在几千年前首次被记录,一直到二十一世纪人类认识、治疗和征服癌症的过程,并对癌症的本质有了全新的理解。 作为医生、科研工作者和普利策获奖作家,穆克吉以细胞生物学家的精准、历史学家的视角和传记作家的热情,来审视癌症,记录了几千年来人类的抗癌战争,*终为读者带来这部内容震撼的癌症编年史。 癌症的故事饱含人类的智慧、坚韧和毅力,但也掺杂着傲慢、家长式作风和误解。穆克吉通过医学前辈和同辈的视角,讲述了几个世纪以来医疗工作者眼中的认识、挫折、胜利和死亡,他们不断提高自己的能力,以对抗这个无限狡猾的对手。就在30年前,人们还认为,通过一场*的“抗癌战争”,人类就可以轻而易举地击败这个对手。 这本书读起来就像一部以癌症为主角的惊悚小说。从切除乳房的波斯女王阿托萨,到接受原始放疗和化疗的人,再到作者的白血病患者卡拉,这本书讲述了那些为了生存而经受严酷治疗的人的故事,同时也加深对这种标致性疾病的理解。 这本内容引人入胜、情节紧迫和到处充满惊奇的书,为癌症治疗的未来提供了独特的参考,也为那些试图了解癌症真相的人打开了清晰的视角。 《基因传》内容简介: 在整个20世纪,有三项颠覆性的科学概念和技术应用把人类社会引领到新的历史阶段:“原子”的发现带来物理学的革命,“字节”的发现带来互联网的革命,“基因”的发现带来生物学的革命。基因既是遗传物质的基本单位,也是一切生物信息的基础,破解了基因的运行机制,也就破解了生命的奥秘,人类的病理、行为、性格、疾病、种族、身份、命运也就有了更新的答案。如今,基因测序、基因克隆等基因技术迅速发展,人类基因组计划也完成了全部人类基因的比对与测序工作,人类征服基因的时代已经到来。《基因传》罕见地完整讲述了基因理论的起源、发展和未来,按照时间顺序和故事情节展开,是一部反映基因发展史的传记。《基因传》也是一部科学家们在探究基因奥秘的过程中攻坚克难的故事,像侦探小说一样,以科学家们不断遇到的新问题为线索步步深入,既深入浅出地梳理了基因理论的脉络,又真实记录了科学家们的合作与斗争、成功与失败。《基因传》也讲述了基因理论被政治歪曲利用导致的历史灾难和教训,以及基因技术与制度、文化、伦理、道德的冲撞和博弈。有精彩故事,有人性纠葛,有历史进退,《基因传》是一部有温度的、叙事高超的科普通识读物。人类从来没有像今天这样**接近生命的真相,当我们能够掌控和改造人类基因时,“人类”的概念也许将从根本上发生改变,后人类时代正在来临。《基因传》所讲的故事,与每个人都息息相关。《基因传》出版后,迅速高居亚马逊榜单,成为《纽约时报》畅销书,《华盛顿邮报》《西雅图时报》年度好书。2010年,穆克吉的《众病之王:癌症传》详尽记述了癌症的起源与发展以及人类对**症、预防癌症的历史,出版后获得普利策文学奖,但是这本书不反映癌症病变之前生命的常态。如果癌症是人类身体发生病变之后的魔鬼,那么是何种力量在此之前维系身体正常的新陈代谢呢?作者在癌症研究过程中意识到,只有了解事物的正反两面才能深刻领悟其内在机制,于是,在探究常态与遗传奥秘的过程中,作者创作了另一部更加深入人类命运源头和颠覆生命认知的著作——《基因传》。《癌症传》讲的是生命的病态,《基因传》讲的是生命的常态,因此《基因传》可以被视为《癌症传》的前传。
每满100减50 你缺的不是努力而是这套书(套装8册)
你只是看起来很努力(新版): 全书50余篇作者亲历亲闻故事,以犀利的视角,独到另类的思考方式,为你揭开成长成功之路上的面纱,让你看清现实,认清自己。 刺(影视版):在家长的监控死角,社会的道德盲区,法律的灰色地带 谁来保护我们? 在校园,在职场,在社交网络, 每个人,都有可能是受害者。 1小时就懂的沟通课 本书理论指导性与实际操作性相结合,不仅提出问题,更是根据问题看待背后的根源,并给出切实可行的方案。 我们总是孤独成长 当我们学会了拥抱孤独,才算是真正的成长。 人设 这是一个人人都拥有人设的时代,也是人设集体崩塌的时代。 当你又忙又累,必须人间清醒: 从20到30岁,积累了人生ZUI重要10年的破茧成长心血之作,为你揭开成长路上的面纱,清醒的面对现实,面对自己。   你的努力,要配得上你的野心 他想通过这部作品,告诉千万年轻人,“你缺乏的从来不是野心,而是配得上你野心的能力”,你当“远离那些强盗逻辑,学会管理自己的注意力”,并知道“任何成功都没有捷径可走”,与其不切实际地幻想未来,不如立刻付诸行动改变自己。 你没有退路,才有出路: 如果你总是间歇性努力,持续性迷茫犯懒,等来的只会是一事无成的自己。
每满100减50 实用电子管手册
本书由4部分组成,*部分是电子管品 牌和厂商,结合大量图片介绍各厂商的概况及其商标,第二部分是电子管替代,对世界各国的电子管型号皆有详细替代对照资料,第三部分是电子管结构,以图文相辅剖析电子管的结构和相关知识,第四部分是电子管特性资料,提供音响设备中常用的欧、美、俄、日、中400余种电子管的详细特性及曲线,皆集各厂之大成,并附使用说明。
Miss Dahl's Voluptuous Delights
Miss Dahl's Voluptuous Delights
Dahl, Sophie
Food is meant to be enjoyed, and Sophie Dahl would have it no other way. Growing up in a family of true food lovers, she began cooking at a young age and never looked back. Miss Dahl's Voluptuous Delights presents nearly one hundred of her tried-and-true recipes, organized around the four seasons and using the freshest ingredients available. Accented with her stories about how she came to know these foods and why she loves them, Miss Dahl's Voluptuous Delights provides a complete picture of what a meal should provide. From lemon-scented summer stews, to crisply burnished pies, to salads and soups for breezy lunches, to decadent desserts, Sophie Dahl cooks food that is indulgent, delicious, and wholesome.
此次收录田晓菲作品集有以下3部作品: 《留白:秋水堂论金瓶梅》“云霞满纸”,袁宏道在写给董其昌的信里,这样称道《金瓶梅》。《金瓶梅》问世四百余年来,得到无数作家、学者的宝爱和传抄,从李渔、曹雪芹,到胡适、张爱玲……无不从《金瓶梅》中汲取营养。 《留白:秋水堂文化随笔》收入了哈佛大学中国文学教授田晓菲十二篇关于文学阅读、文化批判的文章。在《留白》里,田晓菲教授亦开启了一场阅读之旅:从《红楼梦》《金瓶梅》《牡丹亭》《十日谈》等古典文学,到金庸的武侠小说、艾柯的历史小说,以及作为文本谛视的《大话西游》《弗里达》等电影作品。 《赭城:安达露西亚的文学之旅》 赭(zhě)城,意即“红色的城堡”,音译为阿尔罕布拉宫(Alhambra),也即华盛顿·欧文笔下的“大食故宫”。赭城既是一处真实的古迹,也是一座文字之城、想象之城。从雨果、拜伦、安徒生,到莫扎特、德彪西……一代又一代作家与艺术家为它赞颂、为它叹息,他们创造了赭城不朽的形象。 这是一次文明之旅,也是一次文学之旅。"
Commander's Wild Side
Commander's Wild Side
Martin, Ti Adelaide
Dozens of dishes featuring wild game, fish, and fowl from one of america's favorite restaurantsWith legendary talent, the freshest ingredients possible, and a tradition of fun, Commander's Palace proves that great restaurants only get better with time. A New Orleans institution since 1880, the critically acclaimed restaurant has been the winner of the James Beard Award for Most Outstanding Restaurant in America and has been ranked the top dining establishment in the city for seventeen consecutive years, officially making any visit to New Orleans incomplete without a savory meal in the beautiful Garden District landmark.Nothing can stop the crew at Commander's Palace, and Commander's Wild Side, which features more than one hundred new recipes for fare straight from America's bayous, streams, mountains, and back?country, as well as dozens of stunning photographs, proves it.With thrilling flavors for any palate, executive chef Tory McPhail has recipes for everything from Juniper Berry-Grilled Elk, Rabbit and Goat Cheese Turnovers, and Roasted Quail with Bourbon-Bacon Stuffing to Jamaican Conch Callaloo, Marinated Crab Salad, and Pecan Butter-Basted Flounder with Creole Mustard Cream.Looking for something more traditionalTry the Lemon and Garlic Grilled Pork and the Roasted Turkey or any of the nongame substitutions—just in case the butcher is out of mountain lion.Commander's Wild Side is guaranteed to have just the right dish to spice up your cooking repertoire.
Wilfred Thesiger in Africa
Wilfred Thesiger in Africa
Alexander Maitland
A unique collection of essays accompany Wilfred Thesiger’s own personal photographs of the Africa he experienced as one of the world’s most celebrated explorers. While Wilfred Thesiger’s own classic writings (including ‘The Marsh Arabs’, ‘Arabian Sands’, ‘Desert’, Marsh and Mountain’, ‘The Life of My Choice’ and ‘My Kenya Days’) comprehensively cover his classic journeys amongst the Marsh Arabs in southern Iraq, or across the Empty Quarter in Arabia, they fail conspicuously to shed light on his character and motives, which have remained an enigma. Maitland’s biography had Thesiger’s support before he died in 2003, and has been written with full access, granted to no one else, to the rich Thesiger archive – vivid, intimate family correspondence, and his own letters, diaries and notebooks which are far more confiding than his scrupulously edited published accounts. Maitland investigates in depth Thesiger’s parents and family influences; his wartime experiences and the ethos of conflict; his philosophy as a hunter and conservationist; his development as a writer and photographer; his close friendships with the Arabs and Africans amongst whom he lived; and his sexuality. In all, this major biography of a great and unusual man will take its place on the shelf of outstanding lives of the great explorers.
The Space Trilogy
The Space Trilogy
C. S. Lewis
This striking one-volume edition marks the 75th anniversary of Lewis’s classic SF trilogy featuring the adventures of Dr Ransom on Mars, Venus and Earth. It includes an exclusive Foreword compiled from letters by J.R.R. Tolkien, who inspired Lewis to write the first volume. The Space Trilogy is a remarkable work of fantasy, demonstrating the powerful imagination of C.S..Lewis. This new one-volume edition marks the 75th Anniversary of the first publication of Out of the Silent Planet with an exclusive Foreword by J.R.R. Tolkien, on whom the main character of Ransom was largely based. OUT OF THE SILENT PLANET Dr Ransom, a Cambridge academic, is abducted and taken on a spaceship to the red planet of Malacandra, which he knows as Mars. His captors are plotting to plunder the planet’s treasures and offer Ransom as a sacrifice to the creatures who live there… PERELANDRA Having escaped from Mars, Dr Ransom is called to the paradise planet of Perelandra, or Venus. When his old enemy also arrives and is taken over by the forces of evil, Ransom finds himself in a desperate struggle to save the innocence of this Eden-like world… THAT HIDEOUS STRENGTH Investigating the truth about her prophetic dreams, Jane Studdock encounters the fabled Dr Ransom, who is in great pain after his travels. A sinister society run by his old adversaries intends to harness the ancient powers of a resurrected Merlin in their ambition to subjugate the people of Earth…
May Martin’s Sewing Bible: 40 years of tips and tricks
May Martin’s Sewing Bible: 40 years of tips and tricks
May Martin
Star of the Great British Sewing Bee and doyenne of the Women’s Institute, May Martin has been teaching sewing for over 40 years. Now for the first time she shares her tips and tricks, offering the ultimate beginners’ guide to sewing. Beautifully styled and simple-to-follow, this authoritative sewing bible gives readers information on everything they need to know to get started with sewing. Providing all the essential background information on sewing, setting up your sewing space and detailed lists of all the equipment you’ll need; step-by-step instructions for over 40 projects; and a wealth of general sewing tips and techniques to help you finally master overlocking, seams, fastenings, hemming and much much more, with this book May will simplify all the skills and terms you need, demystify sewing and inspire you to unpack your sewing machine and have a go. It contains over 40 beautiful projects, including crafts, accessories, womenswear, kidswear, menswear and home furnishings. With a range of difficulties for each category – from super-easy but stylish ideas to get even the most nervous sewers started to more elaborate ideas for the aspiring sewer looking for a challenge.
Rose Elliot’s New Complete Vegetarian
Rose Elliot’s New Complete Vegetarian
Rose Elliot
Britain's foremost vegetarian cook and bestselling author, Rose Elliot, offers over 1000 simple and delicious recipes in this fully updated and beautifully illustrated edition of her definitive Complete Vegetarian Cookbook. Combining timeless classic dishes with modern recipes, Rose Elliot's New Complete Vegetarian is an essential cookbook for every kitchen - whether vegetarian or not. As well as many mouth-watering main course recipes and imaginative side dishes, this book also includes hundreds of great pasta, pulse and rice dishes; tempting hot and cold desserts; pizza and bread making; and tried-and-tested cakes, biscuits and scrumptious teabreads. Rose's practical and creative approach to cooking has been praised for over 35 years. Her easy-to-follow recipes and warm, unhurried writing encourage readers to try new flavours and attempt new recipes. She offers something for everyone, whether it's a warming French Onion Soup or a filling Root Vegetable and Lentil Pie. In this impressive fully revised edition, Rose includes fantastic new recipes - try Purple Sprouting Broccoli with Lemon Butter Sauce, Wild Mushrooms en Croute or Boozy Banoffee Pie. Whether you're a long-time vegetarian looking for new inspiration or a non-vegetarian who enjoys cooking and eating great food, this book has exciting ideas for all occasions.
The Best of Grand Designs
The Best of Grand Designs
Kevin McCloud
A complete celebration of Britain’s favourite architectural show. Grand Designs is broadcast in over 130 countries and regularly gleans 5 million viewers in the UK. Its success, says Kevin, is due to 'good old-fashioned story telling; of joy and sorrow, torment and triumph, expressed tangibly in the making of a building'. To celebrate fourteen glorious years of film-making, 100 editions of Grand Designs Magazine, 100 separate programmes and ten years of hosting the Stirling Prize, Kevin now delves into the archives to highlight his favourite projects. The Best of Grand Designs charts where domestic architecture has come from, and is moving to, in the first decade or so of a new millennium. And it places people at the centre of the stories of these buildings. Each project is supported by beautiful photography, building plans and Kevin’s own personal analysis, together with commentary from his long-time collaborator, Isabel Allen. From the off-grid ecological approach of woodsman Ben Law in Sussex to the quirky experimentalism of Sarah Wigglesworth and Jeremy Till’s straw bale house in London, Kevin demonstrates how Grand Designs continues to contribute to television history and why it provides an important legacy for good house design.
Enemies Within: Communists, the Cambridge Spies and the Making of Modern Britain
Enemies Within: Communists, the Cambridge Spies and the Making of Modern Britain
Richard Davenport-Hines
What pushed Blunt, Burgess, Cairncross, Maclean and Philby into Soviet hands? With access to recently released papers and other neglected documents, this sharp analysis of the intelligence world examines how and why these men and others betrayed their country and what this cost Britain and its allies. Enemies Within is a new history of the influence of Moscow on Britain told through the stories of those who chose to spy for the Soviet Union. It also challenges entrenched assumptions about abused trust, corruption and Establishment cover-ups that began with the Cambridge Five and the disappearance of Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean on the night boat to Saint-Malo in 1951. In a book that is as intellectually thrilling as it is entertaining and illuminating, Richard Davenport-Hines traces the bonds between individuals, networks and organisations over generations to offer a study of character, both individual and institutional. At its core lie the operative traits of boarding schools, the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, the Intelligence Division, Foreign Office, MI5, MI6 and Moscow Centre. Davenport-Hines tells many stories of espionage, counter-espionage and treachery. With its vast cope, ambition and scholarship, Enemies Within charts how the undermining of authority, the rejection of expertise and the suspicion of educational advantages began, and how these have transformed the social and political temper of modern Britain.
Coast: Recipes from Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way
Coast: Recipes from Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way
Rachel Allen
Rachel Allen was brought up in Dublin and at the age of eighteen left to study at the prestigious Ballymaloe Cookery School. Today, she not only teaches at the school, she also writes regular features for national publications, presents highly acclaimed television programmes which have been broadcast internationally. She is the winner of the 2012 Irish Book Award for Best Non-Fiction for Easy Meals.
The Greatest Benefit to Mankind: A Medical History of Humanity
The Greatest Benefit to Mankind: A Medical History of Humanity
Roy Porter
Roy Porter is Professor of the Social History of Medicine at the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine. He is the editor of the Fontana History of Science series, and the author of over sixty-five books, including the acclaimed bestseller ‘London: A Social History’. His book on the history of madness in England, ‘Mind Forg’d Manacles’, won the Leo Gershoy Prize.
Bianco: Pizza, Pasta and Other Food I Like
Bianco: Pizza, Pasta and Other Food I Like
Chris Bianco
Born and bred in the Bronx, Chris Bianco is a second generation New York Italian. He established a pizzeria in Arizona after taking the first flight to a city he liked the sound of. Pizzeria Bianco was born, inside the back corner of a local grocery store, and has had queues around the block since.In 2005 Chris opened Pane Bianco, serving foccacia breads and sandwiches, then his Italian Restaurant.Chris’ food meccas have attracted fans from around the world and in 2011 he joined forces with Jamie Oliver to open Union Jacks in the UK. He is a James Beard award-winning chef, has appeared on TV shows as diverse as Oprah Winfrey and Martha Stewart, and now lives between London and Pheonix.