

Modern Girl's Guide to Life
Modern Girl's Guide to Life
Buckingham, Jane
With information on entertaining, etiquette, housekeeping, basic home repair, decorating, sex, and beauty, The Modern Girl's Guide to Life became a sensational bestseller as young women everywhere discovered this indispensable book covered everything they should know . . . but might not. Now, in this revised edition of the classic, style maven Jane Buckingham reveals more of the helpful tips and secrets that get passed down from generation to generation, but that many of us have somehow missed.Full of practical, definitive advice on the basics the day-to-day necessities like finding a bra that fits, balancing a checkbook, making a decent cup of coffee, and hemming a pair of pants The Modern Girl's Guide to Life, Revised Edition includes new topics such as: Social Media 101: where you should and shouldn't be online Online dating: should you, shouldn't you, and how you can find the right guy Sexting: dos and don'ts Online flash sales: Are you really savingTips and tricks for eating organic, shopping at farmers' markets, and juicing safely Updated recipes, including vegan and gluten-free How to find the exercise you won't skip out on doing Interview etiquette: everything from what to wear to what to say Updated financial section . . . and more! Modern Girl guru Jane Buckingham includes loads of savvy counsel to help us feel more refined, in charge, and together as we navigate the rocky terrain that is twenty-first-century womanhood.
The Best Thing About My Ass Is That It's Behind Me
The Best Thing About My Ass Is That It's Behind Me
Walter, Lisa Ann
Follow one woman's bumpy, cellulite-riddled ride through size-0 Hollywood and learn how she went from body-dysmorphic to sassy-asstastic in only twenty-five short years of dieting, thousands of dollars in "procedures,". . . and one pair of industrial-strength Spanx.From the best girlfriend you didn't know you had comes this "I Can't Believe She Said That" guide to life in the real world. Actress and comic Lisa Ann Walter dishes about parenthood and the dangers of girl-on-girl snarking, explains why skinny actresses act crazy, and gives riotous advice on everything from the dating mistakes we all make to ten things you should subtract when you weigh yourself (self-tanner and dental work, for starters . . .).So what do you get when you drop a longtime self-loather into the glitz and glamour of HollywoodThis hysterical, and brutally honest, look at the impossible standard of perfection for which so many of us strive. Walter boldly shares her lifelong struggle with low self-esteem which, in her case, includes plenty of painful auditions, failed relationships, and awkward celebrity encounters, plus lots of impossible diets, questionable injectables, and dubious cosmetic procedures. Along the way, the "celebrity adjacent" Walter also tells her sometimes warm, often cringeworthy, and always funny Hollywood stories (including the reason she'd kill for Richard Gere). She also shares her sage advice by offering features such as ways to improve your self-esteem that won't cost you a dime:Four words:Push-up. Bra. Construction. Site. You don't even have to look good to get a response. Just wear sunglasses, square your shoulders, and toss your hair. Then count the whistles.Start frequenting your local gay bar. Both gays and lesbians are much more effusive about how fabulous you are! And you'll get free drinks! Always be seen with decrepit old men you'll look young and beautiful in comparison. Think how well this works for those Girls Next Door.
Sacking Obesity
Sacking Obesity
Greene, Tiger
Tiger Greene was a big kid. And he kept getting bigger. By age twelve, he was 250 pounds—and miserable. His joints hurt, he was at risk of very grown-up medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, and he was teased by other kids at school. The only place he could use his extra weight was on the football field, where he was a "bulldozer."One day, he decided to make a change. Within just months of making simple but important swaps in his diet and working out twice a day, Tiger lost sixty pounds and eleven inches from his waistline, cut his percentage of body fat in half, and got off all his medications. He went from not being able to run a lap around the football field to running 5K and 10K races for charity.But he didn't want to make just his own life better. He also wanted to help other kids. He formed Team Tiger, a nonprofit organization, and partnered with NFL great Marcus Stroud to create Sacking Obesity camps for children and families. His drive and enthusiasm motivated other kids to want to get in the game and start being healthier, too. When he announced the camps, overweight kids and their parents came running—literally.Whether devising healthier menu options for local Little League park concessions, partnering with sports stars to help obese kids around the country, or speaking to children's healthcare providers, Tiger has spread the message that kids really can change their lives—and their futures.Sacking Obesity: The Team Tiger Game Plan for Kids Who Want to Lose Weight, Feel Great, and Win on and off the Playing Field gives young people—and some grown-ups, too—a simple game plan for better living. It includes menu plans, exercise routines, and inspirational stories about kids who have decided to make good choices in their lives, and then have seen the remarkable results. Trying to lose weight can feel overwhelming, especially when you're a kid, but you're not alone. Tiger says, "Yes, we can—follow me!" And then he leads the way.
The Companions
The Companions
Tepper, Sheri S.
Three planets have been recently discovered in deep space, and prosaically named to reflect their respective environments. Jungle, lush and foreboding, swallowed up an eleven-member exploratory team more than a decade earlier, while hot, harsh, and dusty Stone turned out to be phenomenally rich in rare ore, the most profitable new world to be found in a century. But it is the third, Moss, that could well prove to be the most enigmatic . . . and dangerous.Enlisted by the Planetary Protection Institute -- an organization founded to assess new worlds for potential development and profit -- famed linguist Paul Delis has come to Moss to determine whether the strange multicolored shapes of dancing light observed on the planet's surface are evidence of intelligent life. With Delis is his half sister, Jewel, the wife of one of the explorers lost on Jungle. Working together, they are to determine the true nature of the “Mossen” and decipher the strange "language" that accompanies the phenomenon.Yet the great mysteries of this bucolic world -- three-quarters covered in wind-sculpted, ever-shifting moss -- don't end with the inexplicable illuminations; there is the puzzle of the rusting remains of a lost fleet of Earth ships, moldering on a distant plateau. Perhaps the biggest question mark is Jewel Delis herself and her mission here at the far reaches of the galaxy. Leaving an overpopulated homeworld that is rapidly becoming depleted of the raw materials needed for human survival, Jewel is a member of a radical underground group opposing a recent government edict that will eliminate all of the planet's “nonessential” living inhabitants. And it is here, at the universe's unexplored edge, where the fate of endangered creatures may ultimately be decided -- though it will mean defying ruthless and unforgiving ruling powers to repair humankind's disintegrating relationship with the beasts of the Earth.
到2025年, 中国超过百万人口的大城市预计将达到221个。这样的城镇化速度和幅度对中国城市和社会结构的“ 承载力” 将是巨大的考验。然而积极地看,这个大趋势也为我们提供了一次改善未来中国“ 十亿城镇居民”生活的千载难逢的机会。
这是一位资深老秘书从多年的工作实践中总结出来的公文写作指导书。本套书为修订再版,在原版基础上,行了重大升级,不仅重组了全套书的写作结构,使其逻辑更严密,还增加、删改或替换了大量案例,与时俱地修正部分论,使论述更严谨、全面。篇幅也由原来的四册变成五册,分别为基础篇、方法篇、语言篇、磨砺篇和修改篇。     语言篇讲述公文写作在语言运用方面的独特性,尤其与文学性语言的异同。作者从公文写作中最常见、个体特色较突出的讲话稿手,分析不同类型、发表于不同场合的讲话,适用何种风格的语言;要如何在语言上体现不同性格领导的个人特色,避免文稿被反复回修改;也引申到一般的职场演讲、辩论、述职等口才和文才的锻炼。本书既是对公务写作语言运用的总结,也是对职场演讲与口才训练的指导,具有很强的实用性。
  ◆托尔斯泰半自传小说。   ◆所有幸福的家庭都是相似的,每个不幸福的家庭自有其不幸福之处。   因为和法国女教师的关系被妻子多丽发现,奥勃隆斯基家里彻底乱了套。   他只好请求自己的妹妹安娜·卡列尼娜,来家里处理种种困境并安抚多丽。   可安娜偏偏在下火车的时候,碰到弗隆斯基。   安娜,不能用词语描绘她特别的美与气质。丈夫是彼得堡高官,那"著名的卡列宁"。   弗隆斯基,非常富有、漂亮、聪明、高贵,碰到安娜之前,和少女吉蒂一片火热,所有人都以为他将在下一场舞会向吉蒂求婚。   他们就是偏偏遇见了,在*部第18节那个著名的段落。   所有人的命运在这一刻被写好。   还有列文,托尔斯泰化身在书里的影子。他以自己的选择获得精神宁静与俗世幸福了吗?
公元622年,大唐武德五年,唐高祖李渊在位,未来威震四方的大唐刚刚建立,风雨飘摇。薛朗,一个现代青年穿越到此时的唐朝,生存是个大问题。 从孤身一人到安居乐业,扎根大唐,这是一个男人的励志史。
【小说,历史,战国,正剧】 战国全4册,包含稷下篇、长平篇、救赵篇、嬴政篇,讲述自丞相李斯的起步启,至少年嬴政一飞冲天的故事。 稷下篇:战国末年,风起云涌。17岁的李斯不愿做厕中之鼠,踏上了齐国稷下学宫游学之路。他学习百家所长,认识了勇猛过人的毛渊,文质而好学的青书,有才而洒脱的马适,还有命中注定的对手,韩非。重重考验,既要相互合作,又要针锋相对。狭路相逢,谁是登顶之人? 长平篇:秦赵相争,鏖战长平!旷世之战,拉开大幕!稷下一别,曾经的谈笑同窗,竟成为互决生死的对手。赵括披甲,踏上战场;李斯入秦营,抱负初展。一为赵,一为秦,在长平,战鼓擂擂,奏起了血色之歌。与此同时,政治与外交手段也幻化成看不见的暗箭,伏弩待发。天若有情天亦老,人间正道是沧桑。且看这场旷世之战,如何收场。 救赵篇:虎狼之国,剑指邯郸,且看英雄聚义,力挽危局!长平之战后,秦国伤亡者过半,国内空,将相似失和,君臣已离心,却仍势如猛虎,剑指邯郸。赵国青壮年皆战死于长平,此刻正面临亡国之祸。千钧一发之际,赵国君民一心,巧除奸臣,更有各方义士聚于邯郸,挽狂澜于既倒。秦将久攻不下,白起称病不出。平原君携毛遂使楚,寻援军协力抗秦。利益与计谋,忠诚于背叛;诸侯合纵,风云变幻。气势恢宏的战争,壮怀激烈的情怀——且看救赵篇。 嬴政篇:幼龙困于囚笼,君臣逢于邯郸。少年嬴政,挟拨云见日之霸气,一飞冲天!先后经历长平邯郸两场大战的李斯, 面对频繁战乱与百家道义,身心困顿; 访友邯郸之际,终遇理想所托之帝君与情义所赖之有缘人, 然稚子危局困于潜渊,乱世情义陷于忠义,昔日同窗好友毛遂终成拔剑相对之敌…… 战国棋局,人人皆为棋子。
一入宫门深似海,似海柔情谁人懂? 人懂荣宠如烟云,烟云过处来君否? 当初青梅竹马娶了别人,她被伤透了心,后又为了不让父母背上抗旨之罪,毅然决定入宫。 后宫从来就不曾平静过,她可以斗,却没想过有一天会爱上皇上。 皇上给了她无比的宠爱,她以为此生就这样也很好,却再次与青梅竹马的他重逢,一个成了皇上的宠妃,一个成了皇上的重臣……
(美)查尔斯·哈奈尔,(西)巴尔塔沙·葛拉西安 等
套装特惠下单9.99元 恋爱小剧场系列套装(共6册)
《我和喵,都很想你》是一本温馨感人的宠物故事集,作者通过与爱猫海带的日常互动,细腻地描绘了人与动物间的情感纽带和生活中的点滴温情。最初在网络上广受欢迎的海带故事,如今跃然纸上,继续温暖着每一个爱猫人的心。本书不仅是对海带生命的深情怀念,也是对所有宠物与主人之间情感的颂扬。 《甜甜的恋爱,只想和你谈》通过21个真实的故事,展现了爱情的多重面貌,从异地恋的坚守到单相思的苦涩,每个故事都是对爱情深刻理解的探索,为读者带来一次心灵的洗礼。 《遇见即是上上签》则由34个暖甜的爱情故事组成,涉及青春、友情、爱情和亲情,为读者的黑夜点亮希望之灯。 《柠檬从此变甜了》是一部触动灵魂的作品,包含56篇直击人心的爱情故事,献给在爱情路上跌跌撞撞的你。 《想和你好好告个别》是一部关于成长、失去与自我发现的小说,讲述了从青涩校园到成熟社会的转变,以及突如其来的变故对人物的影响,引导读者重新审视生活的每一个选择。 最后,《去做不被定义的风》是一部深刻而诙谐的作品集,包含46个故事,深入探讨了爱情、理想、职业选择、离别和责任等人生主题,引领读者在阅读中找到自我,理解生活,拥抱变化。 这些书籍共同构成了一个丰富多彩的故事世界,展现了生活的不同面貌和深刻情感,适合所有热爱生活、珍视陪伴的读者。
(美)迈克尔·加扎尼加(Michael S. Gazzaniga)
《人类的荣耀》的内容简介: 在漫长的进化史中究竟发生了什么,才造就出独一无二的人类?语言、社会、道德、情感、艺术、意识……这些能力是人类独有的吗? 开创认知神经科学领域的著名思想家加扎尼加被誉为“脑科学界的斯蒂芬?霍金”。在本书中,他集合多个学科领域的研究成果,对人类本质进行了一场细致而深入的解剖,以生动风趣的语言,将人类引以为豪的大脑中的各种功能一一道来,试图找到让我们变得与祖先截然不同,成为会思考、有感情的人类的关键所在。 《双脑记》的内容简介: 在《双脑记》一书中,加扎尼加讲述了自己充满激情的科研人生,以及一段历时半个世纪的探索之旅:大脑的两侧半球是如何分工与合作的,人类的意识又是产生于何处? 加扎尼加以一个关于人类意识本质的伟大发现为背景,以“科研是如何做成的”为主题,为我们讲述了一个关于科学、友谊、人生的迷人故事。 书中不光有裂脑理论的形成之路,有认知神经科学从诞生到繁荣的曲折历程,也有他那群战友的身影——数量庞大的病人、朋友以及家人,他们与加扎尼加并肩同行,共同完成了这场科学大冒险。 《谁说了算?自由意志的心理学解读》的内容简介: 左脑右脑谁说了算?是你在决定还是你的大脑在替你决定?人该为自己的罪行负责吗?开创认知神经科学的著名思想家加扎尼加被誉为脑科学界的斯蒂芬?霍金。他在这本书里用“睿智而不夸张”的语言从脑科学的角度阐释自由意志问题,讲述了人类大脑的作用机制、意识的来源、社会意识的进化以及自由意志观念对于整个社会的影响。他告诉我们,人的思维是大脑整体运作的结果,既有从上而下也有从下而上的机制。本书还涉及物理学、社会学中那些会决定“我”的部分。这是一本可以改变你的世界观的书。
本书讲述了一个人脑如何演化出空间监测系统的故事。与此相关的初期观测距今已有几百年之久,本书正是从那时始讲起,一直延续到目前正在行的神经科学实验。 我们拥有方向感,需要保持社交距离,能够操作各种精密仪器,都是因为在这套空间监测系统的作用下,我们构筑起自己的个人空间。个人空间不仅是一种安全边际,还影响着我们对周围事物采取的所有行动;它既会在工具使用方面发挥独特的作用,也会对教育产生潜在的影响。更重要的是,个人空间构成了人际交往的基本框架,塑造了我们对他人以及人际行为的判断。绝大多数时候,这一机制都在我们无意识的情况下发挥作用,然而一旦失灵,造成的不良后果就会波及生活中的各个方面。 我们的脑袋里仿佛有个雷达,这不仅是一个妙趣横生的科学课题,还是一个巨大而无形的存在。作者将通过本书带我们领略这一研究领域的丰富宝藏,了解它如何与我们的生活休戚相关。
优秀作家都是为儿童写作的,这是一套专门为少年儿童精心编辑的丛书,遴选6位现代文学大师“宝库”中适合儿童阅读的作品,包含散文、小说、杂文、童话等,涵盖写人、记事、状物、抒情、写景等作文类型,循循引导孩子到大师的文学精神世界里遨游,与大师的精神世界展开对话。既是中小学生的优质阅读素材,也是帮助提高写作水平的重要范本。 每篇(章)后更附有一线*教师精心编写的点评,包含写作鉴赏和写法点拨,句句由实战经验凝聚而成:从语言用词到写作手法,从人物性格到情节结构,从相关背景到立意升华,手把手教你看清写作脉络,助你下笔如有神。 打开书,把语文*教师的写作课精华带回家!
优秀作家都是为儿童写作的,这是一套专门为少年儿童精心编辑的丛书,遴选6位现代文学大师“宝库”中适合儿童阅读的作品,包含散文、小说、杂文、童话等,涵盖写人、记事、状物、抒情、写景等作文类型,循循引导孩子到大师的文学精神世界里遨游,与大师的精神世界展对话。既是中小学生的优质阅读素材,也是帮助提高写作水平的重要范本。 每篇(章)后更附有一线特级教师精心编写的评,包含写作鉴赏和写法拨,句句由实战经验凝聚而成:从语言用词到写作手法,从人物性格到情节结构,从相关背景到立意升华,手把手教你看清写作脉络,助你下笔如有神。 书,把语文特级教师的写作课精华带回家!
Collusion:A Novel
Collusion:A Novel
Gingrich, Newt,Earley, Pete
Now a National Bestseller!What if the Russians really are colluding with Americans...on the left?#1 New York Times bestselling author Newt Gingrich makes his return to political fiction with this rollicking tale of high-stakes international intrigue—the first book in a new, contemporary series, filled with adventure, betrayal, and politics—that captures the tensions and divides of America and the world today. Valerie Mayberry is the FBI’s counterintelligence expert on domestic terrorism.Brett Garrett is a dishonorably discharged ex-Navy SEAL, now a gun for hire, working as a security contractor in Eastern Europe. When a high ranking Kremlin official must be smuggled out of Russia, Mayberry and Garrett are thrown together to exfiltrate him and preempt a deadly poisonous strike.As these unlikely partners work to protect their human asset, their mission is threatened by domestic politics: leftist protests, congressional infighting, and a culture riven by hatred. Collusion raises many of the most significant issues facing America in real life today. How big a threat is Russia? Are American leftist activists susceptible to influence from abroad? How far will our enemies go to disrupt our politics and weaken the nation? Can we trust the media to differentiate between the good guys and the bad guys? Newt Gingrich and Pete Earley have entertained and educated readers with three previous works. From its explosive opening through several twists and turns to its heart-stopping end, Collusion is their most timely and powerful novel yet.
(英) 彼得·布拉克本-梅兹 著,王晨 译
· 官方授权的珍品画作 《水果:一部图文史》包含了来自英国皇家园艺学会林德利图书馆官方授权的300多幅精美画作。书中画作涵盖了近六十个种类,几百个品种的水果,每一幅都栩栩如生。 · 迷宫游戏般的演化历程 苹果是如何从一个生长在中亚地区的野生物种到风靡了全世界的水果,并在几百年间发展出了成千上万个品种?梨子和橙子的故事和苹果有着怎样的相同与不同?又有哪些水果起源于中国却又披上了别国的名字?……水果演化的历程就像一个迷宫游戏,复杂而有趣。 · 一本让你更加爱水果的书 这是一本属于“吃货”的书,看书时*好准备纸巾擦口水!《水果:一部图文史》的文字风趣易读,全书每一张精致的图片和完美的印刷,令人几乎能透过纸面,闻到阵阵果香。阅读这本书,很容易会勾起你想吃水果的欲望!