

  拜占庭帝国,是世界上存在时间非常长的国家实体,地跨欧亚非三洲,从公元330年定都君士坦丁堡起,到1453年君士坦丁堡陷奥斯曼帝国之手,长达1123年。这1300多年(包括亡国后200余年)的拜占庭文学,就是完整的中世纪文学典型。   拜占庭文学,   创造了除影视文学以外的一切文学体裁。   上承古希腊和罗马文学,是世界文学的一段典型;下启文艺复兴文学,对后世文学的影响极其深远。   《拜占庭文学史》以时间为序,纵横交织,面结合,介绍了拜占庭文学的全貌,探讨了其本质特、发展规律,梳理了它的几个发展阶段,介绍了数十位代表作家和作品。   《拜占庭文学史》,是文学史,亦是经典作品选。
本书为中西医结合执业医师资格考试实践技能指导用书,由国家中医药管理局中医师资格认证中心中医类别医师资格考试专家委员会组织编写,参加考中西医结合执业医师者适用。 本书以中西医结合执业医师资格考试大纲为依据,将其中的知识扩展阐述。其特: 一是权威性。以医师资格准基本要求为依据,紧扣医师资格考试大纲 (中医、 中西医结合) 2020年版,由认证中心组织相关科目权威专家编写。 二是全面性。该书为医师资格考试大纲 (中医、 中西医结合) 2020年版的细化、 扩展,覆盖全部考。三是实用性。充分体现国家中医药法律法规及相关政策,适应当前疾病谱变化及中医、 西医临床诊疗技术发展,以及人民群众对中医药服务需求的变化,并结合中医药教育特和新版国家规划教材编写原则,方便考生全面复习,提升专业能力及素质。
沈津 编著
顾廷龙(1904—1998),字起潜,江苏苏州人。先后任职于北平燕京大学图书馆、上海私立合众图书馆,建国后长期担任上海图书馆馆长,是我国近现代著名的图书馆学家、古籍版本学家、古文字学家、书法家。曾主持编纂《中国丛书综录》、《中国古籍善本书目》、《续修四库全书》等,撰著有《吴愙斋先生年谱》、《古匋文孴录》、《尚书文字合编》(与顾颉刚合作)等。 顾廷龙先生一生“专为前贤行役,不为个人张本”,在上海图书馆界默默耕耘六十载,长期专注于校勘、版本、目录、古文字、历史、文献、书法等领域,与胡适、顾颉刚、叶景葵、刘承幹、张元济、吕思勉、柳诒徵、钱锺书、袁同礼、王重民、钱存训、吉川幸次郎、桥川时雄等中外学者往来密切。年谱借助大量日记、信札、报刊、题跋等史料,并结合顾先生亲友、门生的回忆,详细纪录了顾廷龙先生的治学读书、友朋交往、书法创作、版本鉴赏等生活内容,不仅使顾廷龙先生一生的行述更为丰富完整,也清晰呈现了20世纪30年代至90年代中国图书馆事业的发展历程。 沈津先生是中外著名的版本学家,曾长期追随顾廷龙先生研究版本目录之学,熟习顾先生为学为人,前后搜集整理、撰写、增补历经二十多年,成此《长编》。年谱编撰对深了解顾廷龙先生一生学行和贡献,颇有助益。本书并编有人名索引,以利查检。
本书为参加医师资格考试者编写,由国家中医药管理局中医师资格认证中心中医类别医师资格考试专家委员会组织编写,为医师资格考试复习指导实践技能部分,考中西医结合执业医师者适用。 本书是2021年中西医结合执业医师资格考试实践技能指导用书 具有规定学历,国家执业医师考试指南,全国执医统考独家授权*用书,由中国中医药出版社出版发行! 书名: 2021中西医结合执业医师资格考试实践技能指导用书 定价:169元 作者: 国家中医药管理局中医师资格认证中心中医类 主编 出版社:中国中医药出版社 出版日期:年月 ISBN:9787513264334 页数: 版次: 装帧:平装 本:16 国家中医药管理局中医师资格认证中心(国家中医药管理局职业技能鉴 定指导中心)关于关于2021年中医中西医结合医师资格考试大纲及指导 用书的使用说明:                  日前,国家医师资格考试委员会发布《中医中西医结合执业(助 理)医师资格考试医学综合考试卫生法规部分(2020年修订版)》 (以下简称修订版大纲),从2021年始,中医中西医结合执业(助 理)医师资格考试卫生法规部分启用修订版大纲,除法规外其余部分 大纲继续使用《医师资格考试大纲(中医、中西医结合)2020年版》 (以下简称2020年版大纲)。           修订版大纲由国家中医药管理局中医师资格认证中心组织专家编 写,在2020年版大纲的基础上,增补了2020年6月1日实施的《中华 人民共和国基本医疗卫生与健康促法》中的相关内容。         同时,认证中心组织专家修订了2020年版医师资格考试指导用书, 形成2021年中医执业医师资格考试(含具有规定学历、师承或确有专 长)、中医执业助理医师资格考试(含具有规定学历、师承或确有专 长)、中西医结合执业医师资格考试、中西医结合执业助理医师资格考 试的实践技能和医学综合指导用书,便于考生复习备考!2021年医师 资格考试指导用书在2020年版的基础上,对相关理论与技能内容行 适当的增补、修订和规范,涉及实践技能和医学综合指导用书中的各个 部分。认证中心已授权中国中医药出版社独家公发行该系列指导用书。                                               国家中医药管理局中医师资格认证中心                                                                                  2020年12月
猫郎君悬疑短篇小说集。55篇怪奇故事,令人毛骨悚然的背后,并没有鬼神作祟,有的只是贪婪、嫉妒,自私或者愤怒…… 罪恶与真相交织的追逐中,你既是围观者,又是参与者。
民国就是这么生猛(共4册) 独家史料,新锐观点,中国版维基解密;“幽默讲史新掌门”雾满拦江彪悍开讲民国史! 辛亥革命,大浪淘沙;民国初年,风云际会。激烈的血战,惊天的权谋,让民国历史更显悲壮!
My Father's Wives
My Father's Wives
Greenberg, Mike
The cohost of ESPN's Mike and Mike follows up his New York Times bestseller All You Could Ask For with this poignant story of one man's search for the secret to understanding his father, his marriage, and himselfJonathan Sweetwater has been blessed with money, a fulfilling career, great kids, and Claire, his smart, gorgeous, sophisticated wife. But there is one thing Jonathan never had: a relationship with his father.Percival Sweetwater III has been absent from his son's life since Jonathan was nine years old. A five-term U.S. senator, Percy was beloved by presidents, his constituents, and women alike, especially the five women who married him after he and Jonathan's mother divorced.Jonathan hasn't thought about Percy or the hole he left in his life for years. But then he discovers evidence that everything in his marriage may not be as perfect as he thought.On a quest for understanding—about himself, about manhood, about marriage—Jonathan decides to track down his father's five ex-wives. His journey will take him from cosmopolitan cities to the mile-high mountains to a tropical island . . . and ultimately back to confront the one thing Jonathan has that his father never did: home.
Witness to Fitness
Witness to Fitness
Joyner, Donna Richardson
A 28-day program to help you lose weight while you nourish both your body and your soulIn Witness to Fitness, Donna Richardson Joyner brings together faith, food, and fitness in a way no one else has done before. She inspires the reader to follow her on a journey, strengthening mind, spirit, and body. Her program will help you get the results you are destined for and create lasting change in your life.Joyner's plan is to inspire you to lose weight and feel and look great. The exercises can be followed by anyone at any fitness level. Each day in Witness to Fitness, you are given:daily meal plans with delicious, easy-to-make recipes awesome daily workouts with photographs that clearly demonstrate the exercises uplifting affirmations to keep you encouraged every step of the wayIn addition, you get:a *ure to inspire you daily a success story to motivate you a song of the day that keeps you energized and movingDonna's energy is contagious! Her philosophy is that you can have victory in your health by practicing faith, perseverance, and courage to achieve your goals. Witness to Fitness provides a unique wellness program that focuses on changing your mind-set, living in the spirit, and loving your body. Donna encourages us to strengthen our body and soul to live our best life ever. Her joyful spirit and inspirational program will transform your health and your life.
Alice's Tea Cup
Alice's Tea Cup
Fox, Haley
The delightful sisters and owners of Alice's Tea Cup share nearly one hundred recipes from their charming and wildly popular Manhattan restaurantsFor almost ten years, Alice's Tea Cup has been a destination in New York City for locals and tourists alike who crave a scrumptious afternoon tea without airs or pretension. Haley and Lauren Fox learned at an early age that tea was more than just a beverage—it was an event to be shared and protected—and they divulge their tea-making philosophy and dozens of delectable recipes in this beautiful cookbook.Embodying the mantra "tea turned on its ear," Alice's Tea Cup serves up unique twists to traditional Victorian tea fare, including:Savories—Lapsang Souchong Smoked Chicken Salad and Cucumber Watercress Sandwiches with Lemon Chive ButterBaked goods—Banana Nutella Cake and Mint Black Bottom CupcakesSweet treats—Alice'S'mores and Queen of TartsTea selections—from African Dew to Rooibos BourbonSpecialty drinks—Alice's Tea-jito and Ginger Mar-tea-niAnd of course Alice's world-famous tender, moist scones—including nineteen versions, from pumpkin to peanut butter and jelly to ham and cheeseHaley and Lauren also show you how to throw a personalized "Curiouser and Curiouser" tea party with household props and offer lots of other ways to celebrate with tea and festive food. From salads to scones, pancakes to cupcakes, afternoon tea to evening mar-tea-nis, this fabulous cookbook lets you enjoy Alice's mouthwatering recipes without leaving home.
Bang Bang
Bang Bang
Bang Bang
“I always bring Bang Bang in for my most special tattoos—the ones my touring team and I get at the end of a tour to commemorate another successful journey together. Each time, he’s created the definitive symbol of that era of my life.”—KATY PERRY “Bang Bang opened my eyes to art that I was originally too scared or nervous to do. He’s passionate about who he tats on and there’s a memory with each one. I love his authenticity and passion, and of course his skill of delicate design.” —RITA ORA “Bang Bang is the only tattoo artist I trust to put art onto my body.” —VANESSA HUDGENS “Bang Bang is someone who has inspired me to look at tattoos as more than spur-of-the-moment, impulsive ideas, but as meaningful and precious pieces of art that I will take to my grave with me. He’s helped me to really value what I ink into my skin and how to make it worthy of being a part of me forever. His work is beyond incredible.” —DEMI LOVATO
Notorious RBG
Notorious RBG
Carmon, Irin
You can't spell truth without Ruth.Only Ruth Bader Ginsburg can judge me.The Ruth will set you free.Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg never asked for fame she was just trying to make the world a little better and a little freer. But along the way, the feminist pioneer's searing dissents and steely strength have inspired millions. Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, created by the young lawyer who began the Internet sensation and an award-winning journalist, takes you behind the myth for an intimate, irreverent look at the justice's life and work. As America struggles with the unfinished business of gender equality and civil rights, Ginsburg stays fierce. And if you don't know, now you know.
All In
All In
Levs, Josh
When journalist and fatherhood columnist Josh Levs was denied fair parental leave by his employer after his child was born, he fought back -- and corporate America responded. He became a leading advocate for modern families. In All In, he shows how fatherhood today is far different from previous generations and what it means for our individual lives, families, workplaces, and society. An investigative journalist, expert on modern fatherhood and dad of three, Levs spent years reporting for CNN on air and online and serving as the network's "dad columnist". Prior to CNN, he was a reporter for NPR. His many prizes include six Peabody awards, two Edward R. Murrow awards, and a designation as a Journalist of the Year from the Atlanta Press Club. Levs is also a motivational and keynote speaker. He lives in Atlanta, Georgia, with his wife and children. Visit his website: www.joshlevs.com
Edut, Ophira
They say kids don't come with a set of instructions the AstroTwins beg to differ!Are you a Cancer mom trying to understand your Sagittarius daughterAre you a Virgo mother with a Pisces son who seems to be your polar oppositeWondering why your little Taurus was such an easy baby, but your Aquarius was anything butEven if you've only ever read your horoscope in the back of a magazine for fun or never given astrology a second thought, you'll be amazed at the insights you'll get from Momstrology, a guide to parenting by the stars.From choosing a preschool, to picking hobbies and activities, to understanding what it means when your toddler gets clingy, or your big kid wants to quit soccer, or your tween talks back, Momstrology is a unique guide through all of the phases of your child's life. Offering charts for every astrological sign to decipher your child's good days and bad days, likes and dislikes, and how your child deals with authority, limits, separation, and siblings, the AstroTwins offer real-world advice, from a cosmic perspective, that is always supportive and never overwhelming. With a section devoted to understanding your strengths and challenges as a mom based on your sign and another section that matches you with your children to see how you all mesh together, Momstrology is a parenting guide like no other.Let Momstrology be your go-to guide in the trenches of parenthood...through tears and triumphs and meltdowns and milestones, for every age and stage.
The Complete Book of Spirits
The Complete Book of Spirits
Blue, Anthony Dias
An indispensable follow-up to his classic Complete Book of Mixed Drinks, Anthony Dias Blue presents The Complete Book of Spirits, a comprehensive collection of history, lore, and tasting tips, along with recipes for select cocktails. Here, in one concise and easy-to-use volume, is all the information a consumer needs to shop, mix, and sip like a spirits expert.From bathtub gin to mojito madness, Blue brings the dynamic history of the spirits industry alive, demonstrating that spirit making is not only one of mankind's oldest pursuits but also perhaps its most colorful. In ten captivating chapters, readers are treated to everything they ever wanted to know about their favorite liquors, including vodka, aquavit, tequila, and whiskey. Blue also provides step-by-step instructions on how to host spirit tastings to educate your palate and to help you and your friends discover your favorite brands and blends. For every chapter and every spirit, there is also a handy tasting-notes section, with Blue's expert comments and his favorites, along with price points.If you've ever wondered about the difference between potato and wheat vodkas, or between mescal and tequila or American and Irish whiskeys, or what makes single malt Scotch so desirable, look no further. With Anthony Dias Blue, America's leading wine and spirits expert, and The Complete Book of Spirits as your guides, you will take your enjoyment to a new level.
The Woodcutter
The Woodcutter
Hill, Reginald
Wolf Hadda’s life has been a fairy tale. From his humble origins as a Cumbrian woodcutter’s son, he has risen to become a hugely successful entrepreneur, happily married to the woman of his dreams.A knock on the door one morning ends it all. Universally reviled, thrown into prison while protesting his innocence, abandoned by friends and family, Wolf retreats into silence. Seven years later, prison psychiatrist Alva Ozigbo makes a breakthrough. Wolf begins to talk, and under her guidance he is paroled, returning to his family home in rural Cumbria.But there was a mysterious period in Wolf’s youth when he disappeared from home and was known to his employers as the Woodcutter. And now the Woodcutter is back, looking for the truth—and revenge. Can Alva intervene before his pursuit of vengeance takes him to a place from which he can never come back?The Woodcutter is a treat that both lovers of the Dalziel and Pascoe series and newcomers to the always masterful work of Reginald Hill will devour.
Sylvia Plath: Drawings
Sylvia Plath: Drawings
Plath, Sylvia
In 1956 Sylvia Plath wrote to her mother, Aurelia, 'I feel I'm developing a kind of primitive style of my own which I am very fond of. Wait 'til you see . . . 'Throughout her life Plath cited art as her deepest source of inspiration; yet while her writing is celebrated around the world, her drawings are little known. This publication brings together drawings from 1955 to 1957, the period she spent on a Fulbright fellowship at Newnham College, Cambridge. During this time she met and married in secret the poet Ted Hughes, travelling with him on honeymoon to Paris and Spain before their return to the US in June 1957.Plath's drawings in pen and ink are exquisitely observed moments from this period in her life, and include among their subjects Parisian rooftops, trees, churches and a portrait of Ted Hughes. The collection sheds light on these key years in Plath's life and includes letters and a diary entry about her art, as well as an illuminating introduction by her daughter, Frieda Hughes.
Taking Charge of Your Fertility
Taking Charge of Your Fertility
Weschler, Toni
This new edition for the twentieth anniversary of the groundbreaking national bestseller provides all the information you need to monitor your menstrual cycle—along with updated information on the latest reproductive technologiesAre you unhappy with your current method of birth controlOr demoralized by your quest to have a babyDo you experience confusing signs and symptoms at various times in your cycleThis invaluable resource provides the answers to your questions while giving you amazing insights into your body.Taking Charge of Your Fertility has helped literally hundreds of thousands of women avoid pregnancy naturally, maximize their chances of getting pregnant, or simply gain better control of their gynecological and sexual health. Toni Weschler thoroughly explains the empowering Fertility Awareness Method (FAM), which in only a couple of minutes a day allows you to:Enjoy highly effective and scientifically proven birth control without chemicals or devices Maximize your chances of conception before you see a doctor or resort to invasive high-tech options Expedite your fertility treatment by quickly identifying impediments to pregnancy achievement Gain control and a true understanding of your gynecological and sexual healthThis new edition includes:A fully revised and intuitive charting system A selection of personalized master charts for birth control, pregnancy achievement, breastfeeding, and menopause An expanded sixteen-page color insert that reflects the book’s most important concepts Six brand-new chapters on topics including balancing hormones naturally, preserving your future fertility, and three medical conditions all women should be aware of
Reconstruction Updated Edition
Reconstruction Updated Edition
Foner, Eric
With a New Introduction From the preeminent historian of Reconstruction (New York Times Book Review), a newly updated edition of the prizewinning classic work on the post-Civil War period that shaped modern AmericaEric Foner's masterful treatment of one of the most complex periods of American history (New Republic) redefined how the post Civil War period was viewed.Reconstruction chronicles the way in which Americans black and white responded to the unprecedented changes unleashed by the war and the end of slavery. It addresses the quest of emancipated slaves searching for economic autonomy and equal citizenship, and describes the remodeling of Southern society, the evolution of racial attitudes and patterns of race relations, and the emergence of a national state possessing vastly expanded authority and committed, for a time, to the principle of equal rights for all Americans.This smart book of enormous strengths (Boston Globe) remains the standard work on the wrenching post Civil War period an era whose legacy still reverberates in the United States today.
My Friend Michael
My Friend Michael
Cascio, Frank
Everyone knows Michael Jackson—the myth. This is the revealing true story of Michael Jackson—the man. To Frank Cascio, Michael Jackson was many things—second father, big brother, boss, mentor, and teacher, but most of all he was a friend. Though Cascio was just a few years old when he first met Jackson in 1984, at the peak of the pop star’s career, Jackson was at the center of his life for the next twenty-five years, allowing Cascio to observe firsthand the greatest entertainer the world had ever seen. In that time, he became the ultimate Michael Jackson insider, yet remained publicly silent about his experiences. Until now. In My Friend Michael, Cascio refutes the rumors, lies, and accusations that have accumulated over the years, providing a candid look at the Michael Jackson he knew for more than two decades. Offering an uplifting and definitive account of the legend, Cascio details how he grew up alongside Jackson, traveling the world with him on concert tours and eventually working for him. Through this lens, Cascio captures Jackson’s most private and tumultuous moments, while also setting the record straight on the entertainer’s notorious and misunderstood lifestyle—from his Peter Pan reality and his sexuality to the false allegations against him. As Cascio shows, there was a great deal more to Michael Jackson than the headlines about him have suggested. Cascio reveals his friend in all his complexity, bringing to light his passions and joys as well as his flaws and eccentricities. Including stories about Jackson that have never before been made public, Cascio creates a balanced, human look at the pop star, one that shows Jackson as the very real person he was—a lively friend with an endearingly juvenile sense of humor. What emerges is a clear-eyed yet deeply respectful portrait of Jackson—a man who was at times unremarkably average but also terribly scarred by his life in the spotlight. Packed with never-before-seen photos, anecdotes, and insights, My Friend Michael is a trove of Michael Jackson lore that both celebrates his life and redefines our understanding of the man behind the myth.