

Healthy Cooking for Primary Schools
Healthy Cooking for Primary Schools
Mulvany, Sandra
Healthy Cooking for Primary Schools, Book 1 contains 12 easy-to-follow, photocopiable recipes to encourage pupils to become lifelong healthy eaters. The recipes are presented in both a traditional recipe format and in a visual, step-by-step format, to suit pupils of differing reading abilities. All the recipes have been tried, tested and enjoyed by pupils in the author's school. The recipes include Fruit Salad, Pitta Bread Filling, Chinese Noodle Soup, and Welsh Rarebit.
Maths Problem Solving Year 5
Maths Problem Solving Year 5
Yemm, Catherine
Maths Problem Solving - Year 5 is the fifth book in the Maths Problem Solving series. The books have been written for teachers to use during the numeracy lesson. They cover the 'solving problem' objectives from the numeracy framework. This book contains three chapters; Making decisions, Reasoning about numbers or shapes and Problems involving 'real life', money or measures. The books are designed in such a way that each section has six stages of questions to be worked through. Every stage is split into three levels, for example 1a, 1b or 1c, based on achievement. Each corresponding question from these levels follow the same line of questioning, so that when the teacher talks about a certain question, the solution process is the same for each level but the complexity of the sum varies.
Creative Homework Tasks 9-11 Year Olds
Creative Homework Tasks 9-11 Year Olds
Hughes, Giles
Creative Homework Tasks is for you if you are having problems retrieving the homework you set for the weekend. Has it been eaten by the dog or left on the bus again? All that is about to change. The tasks in this book have been specifically designed to stimulate children's imaginations and bring out the creative element in every child, whilst providing genuine opportunities to use and apply language and numeracy skills. The activities are designed to appeal to all learning styles, with particular emphasis on kinaesthetic and visual learners. Even the most recalcitrant children will be keen to rise to the challenge of these homework tasks.
French Festivals and Traditions KS3
French Festivals and Traditions KS3
Hannam, Nicolette
This invaluable, time-saving resource provides intercultural ideas for every month of the year. For each festival and tradition you will find background information, key vocabulary, detailed lists of possible teaching activities and optional pupil sheets. Ideas range from making cards and reading/writing poems to playing game and cooking traditional recipes.
Bowie and Hutch Story
Bowie and Hutch Story
Hutchinson, John
Bowie and Hutch Story
Top Secret - Stewie Scraps Teacher Resource
Top Secret - Stewie Scraps Teacher Resource
Blackburn, Sheila
This teacher resource is designed to accompany and extend the Stewie Scraps series of reading books. The worksheets explore and develop children's understanding of each book in turn. The teacher's notes explain the tasks and give suggestions to help foster reading, writing and comprehension skills.
French Speaking Activites (KS2)
French Speaking Activites (KS2)
Leleu, Sinead
Wouldn't you love your pupils to have meaningful conversations with each other in French? French Speaking Activities contains 60 time-saving photocopiable activities for promoting oral communication. Activities range from role plays and surveys to quizzes, presentations and games. All encourage pupils to practise speaking autonomously, leading to more pupil-speaking time and less teacher-speaking time. These tried-and-tested activities provide a fun and enjoyable way of supplementing, consolidating and revising your language work, whatever scheme you are using.
French Speaking Activities (KS3)
French Speaking Activities (KS3)
Leleu, Sinead
Wouldn't you love your pupils to have meaningful conversations with each other in French? French Speaking Activities contains 60 time-saving photocopiable activities for promoting oral communication. Activities range from role plays and surveys to quizzes, presentations and games. All encourage pupils to practise speaking autonomously, leading to more pupil-speaking time and less teacher-speaking time. These tried-and-tested activities provide a fun and enjoyable way of supplementing, consolidating and revising your language work, whatever scheme you are using.
Unforgettable French
Unforgettable French
Rice-Jones, Maria
Unforgettable French uses memory tricks to teach and reinforce major points of rench grammar from the basics up to high school level, to learners of all ages. It may be used: by anyone who wishes to gain confidence in speaking French, as a evision aid, to consolidate the learner's grasp of grammatical points, to complement whatever French scheme you are using, and by French teachers at all levels, from elementary school through to adult. These tried-and-tested memory tricks help to explain "e;tricky"e; bits and make learning easier. The memory tricks in are presented in a highly visual, page-by-page format. The sheets can be enlarged to make mini-posters or used as "e;aide-memoires"e;.
Maths Problem Solving Year 4
Maths Problem Solving Year 4
Yemm, Catherine
Maths Problem Solving - Year 4 is the fourth of six books in the Maths Problem Solving series. The books have been written for teachers to use during the numeracy lesson. They cover the 'solving problem' objectives from the numeracy framework. This book contains three chapters; Making decisions, Reasoning about numbers or shapes and Problems involving 'real life', money or measures. The books are designed in such a way that each section has six stages of questions to be worked through. Every stage is split into three levels, for example 1a, 1b or 1c, based on achievement. Each corresponding question from these levels follow the same line of questioning, so that when the teacher talks about a certain question, the solution process is the same for each level but the complexity of the sum varies.
German Festivals and Traditions KS3
German Festivals and Traditions KS3
Hannam, Nicolette
This invaluable, time-saving resource provides intercultural ideas for every month of the year. For each festival and tradition you will find background information, key vocabulary, detailed lists of possible teaching activities and optional pupil sheets. Ideas range from making cards and reading/writing poems to playing game and cooking traditional recipes.
Maths Problem Solving Year 6
Maths Problem Solving Year 6
Yemm, Catherine
Maths Problem Solving - Year 6 is the sixth book in the Maths Problem Solving series. The books have been written for teachers to use during the numeracy lesson. They cover the 'solving problem' objectives from the numeracy framework. This book contains three chapters; Making decisions, Reasoning about numbers or shapes and Problems involving 'real life', money or measures. The books are designed in such a way that each section has six stages of questions to be worked through. Every stage is split into three levels, for example 1a, 1b or 1c, based on achievement. Each corresponding question from these levels follow the same line of questioning, so that when the teacher talks about a certain question, the solution process is the same for each level but the complexity of the sum varies.
43 Team Building Activities for Key Stage 1
43 Team Building Activities for Key Stage 1
Middlewood, Gavin
Clearly written lesson plans aimed at improving a range of social and physical skills, as well as stimulating children's imaginations through a series of exciting problems and scenarios. From saving an endangered animal to surviving an alien invasion, the children are placed in problematic situations in which they will need to work together to find a solution. Not only will the activities develop students' PSHE skills - building their self-esteem and helping them to work with a partner or small group - they will also develop essential movement skills: agility, balance and co-ordination.
Giochiamo Tutti Insieme
Giochiamo Tutti Insieme
Williams, Kathy
Giochiamo Tutti Insieme contains 20 easy-to-play games that are a fun way to practise speaking and listening to Italian. Children will practise speaking and listening without realizing it! The games are flexible and can easily be adapted to teach other Italian vocabulary. Games help children to become more confident Italian speakers in a relaxed and enjoyable setting.
Maths Problem Solving Year 1
Maths Problem Solving Year 1
Yemm, Catherine
Maths Problem Solving - Year 1 is the first of six books in the Maths Problem Solving series. The books have been written for teachers to use during the numeracy lesson. They cover the Esolving problemE objectives from the numeracy framework. This first book contains four chapters; Making decisions, Reasoning about numbers or shapes, Problems involving Ereal lifeE, money or measures and Organizing and using data. The books are designed in such a way that each section has six stages of questions to be worked through. Every stage is split into three levels, for example 1a, 1b or 1c, based on achievement. Each corresponding question from these levels follow the same line of questioning, so that when the teacher talks about a certain question, the solution process is the same for each level but the complexity of the sum varies.
German Festivals and Traditions
German Festivals and Traditions
Hannam, Nicolette
This invaluable, time-saving resource provides intercultural ideas for every month of the year. For each festival and tradition you will find background information, key vocabulary, detailed lists of possible teaching activities and optional pupil sheets. Ideas range from making cards and reading/writing poems to playing game and cooking traditional recipes.
What does it mean to be two? Revised edition
What does it mean to be two? Revised edition
Lindon, Jennie
This revised and updated edition helps practitioners to understand the distinction in the 2012 revised EYFS between the prime and specific areas of development for two-year-olds. It considers key issues in a well-rounded assessment of individual twos. It also includes an invaluable checklistto help practitioners prepare for the new progress check.
吃透中国史唐+宋+明+春秋战国 我是不白吃著不白吃漫画系列 中国历史百科科普漫画书籍
传统中国是一个“乡土社会”。在这样一种文明结构中,星罗棋布生长于中华大地的传统村落,是长久以来中国人基本的生产单位和社会组织,是孕育中华文化的基础构成,也是在中国广博的地域和漫长的历史演中,一种历时悠久、具有文化代表性的时空坐落。涵养衍生于传统村落中的组织结构、传统智慧、文化观念,是中华文明的重要成分,至今仍深刻影响着现代中国人的社会生活和民族气质,构成了极为牢固又丰富多元的民族文化的内在特征与外在形态。 在城市化高歌猛的现代中国,传统村落面临急剧消失的生存危机。因此,对现存的传统村落及其文化遗存行抢救性发掘与研究,具有不可比拟的文化价值。本书作者在数十年间寻访中国境内传统村落5000余个,积累了海量的田野考察资料。通过对新材料的整理研讨,对历史文献典籍的引述探究,本书徜徉古今,从文明发源写到现代中国,以宏大的历史视角完整呈现并深阐释了中国传统村落的演变发展,讲述了不同时期传统村落的特征,其文化意义及其与时代背景、社会制度间的交互影响。在层次递的历史爬疏和条分缕析的引经据典背后,中国传统村落的全景式面貌跃然纸上。 遍布中华历史天地间的传统村落,既是一种特殊的空间聚落,又凝结着在其间生产生活的中华各族人民的生活传统、社会交往、生存哲学、艺术审美。可以说,传统村落是一种文化聚合体。当今天我们重新触摸传统,这些村落遗存的价值已经突破其所存在的时空,对传统村落的研究,是理解传统中国的重要路径,也是记录民族记忆、激活文化传统,连传统与现代的重要桥梁,更是构建中国文化研究体系,讲好中国故事的关键方法。?
The Greek Diet
The Greek Diet
Loi, Maria
Lose weight and feel great by indulging in the world's healthiest and most delicious dietAncient Greeks ate for pleasure, regularly enjoying wine and rich ingredients like olive oil and honey with their legendary feasts. The Greeks were known for their Adonis-like physiques, and their bodies were immortalized in sculpture as a standard of beauty and sensuality. Today, centuries later, new studies prove that the Mediterranean diet, with its trademark staples like wine, yogurt, and coffee, is the healthiest food plan in the world. Research shows that it is especially noted for reducing the risk of diabetes, improving heart health, and sharpening the mind with foods rich in omega-3s. Now, in The Greek Diet, world-renowned chef Maria Loi—who grew up in a small Greek village where she learned to cook from family recipes—has teamed up with veteran health-journalist Sarah Toland, and the two have combined their individual areas of expertise to bring the weight-loss and health benefits of the traditional Greek diet straight to your table. Structured around the twelve Pillar Foods of the Mediterranean diet, The Greek Diet offers easy-to-follow meal plans to jump-start your weight loss and improve your overall health, including one hundred authentic, mouthwatering Greek recipes using whole foods and unprocessed ingredients. The plans can be modified to fit any lifestyle, including gluten-free and dairy-free alternatives. Also included are tips for incorporating exercise and improving sleep—both metabolism boosters—into your Greek lifestyle. On this diet, there is no starving; no calorie counting; no long, grueling hours at the gym; and no restrictive plans that force you to give up foodie favorites like carbs, caffeine, or alcohol. More than just a weight-loss plan, The Greek Diet is a path back to health and a way of eating that is not only sustainable but completely satisfying and enjoyable. Once you learn how good it tastes (and how good you'll feel) eating Greek, you'll never want or need another diet again. So go ahead and indulge; your body and your taste buds will thank you.