

《从哆啦A梦看日本》 从《哆啦A梦》诞生到如今,已经过去50年。作为一部全世界知名的漫画,它已经成为了一个时代的烙印,而从历史文化的角度来看,《哆啦A梦》的故事背景,其实也像一部日本社会的百科全书。 本书就以《哆啦A梦》作为切入点,仔细聊聊漫画中那些有趣好玩的日本文化梗,看看日本战后社会的生活状况,引导大家更了解日本。 《从日本经典动漫看日本》 以十部经典日本动漫为切入点,通过漫画了解日本历史和日本的社会历史读物! 书中选取了十部可能是作者比较熟悉且风靡大陆的日本知名动漫,有《火影忍者》 《甲贺忍法帖》 《幽游白书》 《棋魂》 《聪明的一休》《银魂》 《浪客剑心》 《KERORO军曹》 《名侦探柯南》和《哆啦A梦》。作者以大家耳熟能详的漫画文本为基础,延伸讲解漫画情节中涉及到的日本历史。 熟知的动漫背后,配以曲折离奇的历史故事。本书巧妙、又让人产生好奇心的漫画角度,引导大家快速了解日本历史! 《日本战国史入门》 日本战国历史中,日本国内各个割据势力为了争夺天下,斗争了一百五十余年,大小合战数不胜数,涌现出了如织田信长、丰臣秀吉、武田信玄、上杉谦信等众多乱世豪杰,但人们经常忽略那些没有建立功业小人物,其实也是历史洪流中不可或缺的角色。 本书的故事背景是1467年到1616年这一百多年的日本战国历史,从历史进程中小人物角度出发,用一休、北条早云、斋藤道三等数十位主角的口吻讲故事,共同演绎出了日本战国史的别样宏景。这些主角们的共性是:未曾统一天下,但却依然是历史大河中的弄潮儿。 全文以真实史料为基础,以年代和具体人物为主线,并且加入了小说的写作手法,娴熟引经据典,创作出了鲜为人知的日本战国史。 《日本民主史入门》 本日本能够有今日的民主,绝非一蹴而就。从明治时期开始近代民主的萌芽,到大正民主政府昙花一现,再到日本战后民间的不断斗争,制度和人性的激烈碰撞,交错成了一部复杂的日本民主历史。 以五大历史阶段为基础,梳理各大“政治事件”与“民间斗争”等在日本真实发生的事件,生动有趣地再现了日本民主的改革发展之路。 民本、和平、人权!这是一本不回避真实、不夸张结果的日本通俗民主史读本!
(英) 威廉·戈尔丁著;(荷)艾梅·德·琼编绘;文泽尔译
本书是诺贝尔文学奖得主戈尔丁代表作《蝇王》的图像小说版。 故事讲述一群6至12岁的英国男孩因飞机失事困于一座荒岛,起先尚能分工协作、和睦相处,随着恶的本性萌发膨胀,他们互相猜忌攻,将世外桃源变成争斗的战场。 图像版高度忠于原著,一字一句均出自原文。细腻生动的画面和极具冲力、媲美电影质感的分镜,给予读者超越原著的感官震撼。图像版扬长避短,用画面替代一些风景描写和氛围描写,因而增强了故事性,比原著更简洁好读。
陈哲、周旭、雷波、蒋胜、郑秀丽、吴楠等 著
深入解析Windows操作系统 (第7版)(卷2)
深入解析Windows操作系统 (第7版)(卷2)
安德里亚·阿列维(Andrea Allievi) 著
本书剖析了Windows核心组件行为方式的“内部原理”,主要内容包括服务设备驱动程序和应用程序的系统机制(ALPC、对象管理器、同步、WNF、WoW64 和处理器执行模型)、底层硬件架构(陷阱处理、分段和侧信道漏洞)、 Windows 虚拟化技术(包括基于虚拟化的安全、如何防范操作系统漏洞),以及操作系统为行管理、配置和诊断所实现的底层机制细节,缓存管理器和文件系统驱动程序如何交互以提供对文件、目录和磁盘的可靠支持等。
CCNP企业高级路由ENARSI  300-410认证考试指南
CCNP企业高级路由ENARSI 300-410认证考试指南
雷蒙德·拉科斯特(Raymond Lacoste),[美]布拉德·埃奇沃思(Brad Edgeworth) 著
本书是思科 CCNP 企业高级路由 ENARSI 300-410 认证考试的备考指南,涵盖与ENARSI 考试相关的各种故障排查技术,包括 IPv4 和 IPv6 编址、IPv4 EIGRP 和 EIGRPv6、OSPF 和 OSPFv3、BGP、路由映射、路由重分发、DMVPN、ACL 和前缀列表、基础设施安全以及设备管理和管理工具等的基础知识和故障排查技术,为广大备考人员提供翔实的学习资料。为了帮助读者更好地深掌握各章知识,作者在每章头均安排了“我已经知道了吗?”测验,可以帮助读者确定如何分配有限的学习时间,主要章节还提供了大量故障工单,便于读者掌握认证考试中可能遇到的各种复杂场景,并在每章结束前的“备考任务”中以列表方式总结了本章的考试要以及各种有用的配置和故障排查命令,便于读者随时参考和复习。
安德鲁·格拉斯纳(Andrew Glassner) 著
本书从基本概念和理论手,通过近千张图和简单的例子由浅深地讲解深度学习的相关知识,且不涉及复杂的数学内容。 本书分为上下两册。上册着重介绍深度学习的基础知识,旨在帮助读者建立扎实的知识储备,主要介绍随机性与基础统计学、训练与测试、过拟合与欠拟合、神经元、学习与推理、数据准备、分类器、集成算法、前馈网络、激活函数、反向传播等内容。下册介绍机器学习的 scikit-learn 库和深度学习的 Keras 库(这两种库均基于 Python 语言),以及卷积神经网络、循环神经网络、自编码器、强化学习、生成对抗网络等内容,还介绍了一些创造性应用,并给出了一些典型的数据集,以帮助读者更好地了解学习。 本书适合想要了解和使用深度学习的人阅读,也可作为深度学习教学培训领域的门级参考用书。
本书为中医执业医师资格考试医学综合指导用书,由国家中医药管理局中医师资格认证中心中医类别医师资格考试专家委员会组织编写,参加考中医执业医师者适用。 本书以中医执业医师资格考试大纲为依据,将其中的知识扩展阐述。其特: 一是权威性。以医师资格准基本要求为依据,紧扣医师资格考试大纲 (中医、 中西医结合) 2020年版,由认证中心组织相关科目权威专家编写。 二是全面性。该书为医师资格考试大纲 (中医、 中西医结合) 2020年版的细化、 扩展,覆盖全部考。三是实用性。充分体现国家中医药法律法规及相关政策,适应当前疾病谱变化及中医、 西医临床诊疗技术发展,以及人民群众对中医药服务需求的变化,并结合中医药教育特和新版国家规划教材编写原则,方便考生全面复习,提升专业能力及素质。
本书为中医执业医师资格考试医学综合指导用书,由国家中医药管理局中医师资格认证中心中医类别医师资格考试专家委员会组织编写,参加考中医执业医师者适用。 本书以中医执业医师资格考试大纲为依据,将其中的知识扩展阐述。其特: 一是权威性。以医师资格准基本要求为依据,紧扣医师资格考试大纲 (中医、 中西医结合) 2020年版,由认证中心组织相关科目权威专家编写。 二是全面性。该书为医师资格考试大纲 (中医、 中西医结合) 2020年版的细化、 扩展,覆盖全部考。三是实用性。充分体现国家中医药法律法规及相关政策,适应当前疾病谱变化及中医、 西医临床诊疗技术发展,以及人民群众对中医药服务需求的变化,并结合中医药教育特和新版国家规划教材编写原则,方便考生全面复习,提升专业能力及素质。
本书为中医执业医师资格考试医学综合指导用书,由国家中医药管理局中医师资格认证中心中医类别医师资格考试专家委员会组织编写,参加考中医执业医师者适用。 本书以中医执业医师资格考试大纲为依据,将其中的知识扩展阐述。其特: 一是权威性。以医师资格准基本要求为依据,紧扣医师资格考试大纲 (中医、 中西医结合) 2020年版,由认证中心组织相关科目权威专家编写。 二是全面性。该书为医师资格考试大纲 (中医、 中西医结合) 2020年版的细化、 扩展,覆盖全部考。三是实用性。充分体现国家中医药法律法规及相关政策,适应当前疾病谱变化及中医、 西医临床诊疗技术发展,以及人民群众对中医药服务需求的变化,并结合中医药教育特和新版国家规划教材编写原则,方便考生全面复习,提升专业能力及素质。
Love At Christmas, Actually: The Little Christmas Kitchen / Driving Home for Chr
Love At Christmas, Actually: The Little Christmas Kitchen / Driving Home for Chr
Jenny Oliver,A. L. Michael
This festive season, indulge in everything you love about Christmas: food, family and love. Get that fire blazing, nab yourself some mulled wine and snuggle up with Jenny Oliver, A. L. Michael and Maxine Morrey as they show you that love is actually all around! The Little Christmas Kitchen This Christmas, all sisters Ella and Maddy want is a change of scene! But as the two agree to swap kitchens, trading London for Greece and vice versa, it suddenly seems that in among the icing sugar, cinnamon and cranberries, they’re missing one crucial ingredient: each other! Driving Home for Christmas Megan is driving home for the holidays – even if family for the last ten years has just been her daughter Skye. But Megan knows she has to give her parents a chance. She'd planned to reclaim her family for Christmas – but that didn't include irresistible ex, Lucas Bright. Winter’s Fairytale When a sudden blanketing of snow leaves Izzy stranded just before Christmas, she's in desperate need of a rescue. But that doesn't mean a cosy weekend with Rob in his swanky flat, watching London become a winter wonderland! Because Izzy and Rob have history and Izzy isn’t ready to go there, yet…
Early Years Gardening Handbook
Early Years Gardening Handbook
Ward, Sue
The practical guide to creating a working garden for children in the early years to enjoy year after year.Whatever time of year it is, involving young children in gardening can be an excellent way to develop a wide range of skills for the EYFS and can bring children of all abilities together.This gem of a guide aims to provide a step-by-step guide to creating an early years garden from first conception to eating your own veg! Features: Where to start: how to plan for your garden and get funding Calendar of what to plant and harvest when Tips on plant that are great for cooking, as well as the ones that are guaranteed to give the quickest results A wealth of activities based around your garden, all linked to the ELGsAn essential for any green-minded nursery, whether you are a novice or an experienced gardner.
Maths Problem Solving Year 2
Maths Problem Solving Year 2
Yemm, Catherine
Maths Problem Solving - Year 2 is the second of six books in the Maths Problem Solving series. The books have been written for teachers to use during the numeracy lesson. They cover the 'solving problem' objectives from the numeracy framework. This first book contains four chapters; Making decisions, Reasoning about numbers or shapes, Problems involving 'real life', money or measures and Organizing and using data. The books are designed in such a way that each section has six stages of questions to be worked through. Every stage is split into three levels, for example 1a, 1b or 1c, based on achievement. Each corresponding question from these levels follow the same line of questioning, so that when the teacher talks about a certain question, the solution process is the same for each level but the complexity of the sum varies.
Creative Homework Tasks 7-9 Year Olds
Creative Homework Tasks 7-9 Year Olds
Hughes, Giles
Creative Homework Tasks is for you if you are having problems retrieving the homework you set for the weekend. Has it been eaten by the dog or left on the bus again? All that is about to change. The tasks in this book have been specifically designed to stimulate children's imaginations and bring out the creative element in every child, whilst providing genuine opportunities to use and apply language and numeracy skills. The activities are designed to appeal to all learning styles, with particular emphasis on kinaesthetic and visual learners. Even the most recalcitrant children will be keen to rise to the challenge of these homework tasks.
Spanish Festivals and Traditions
Spanish Festivals and Traditions
Hannam, Nicolette
This invaluable, time-saving resource provides intercultural ideas for every month of the year. For each festival and tradition you will find background information, key vocabulary, detailed lists of possible teaching activities and optional pupil sheets. Ideas range from making cards and reading/writing poems to playing game and cooking traditional recipes.
Chasing Churchill
Chasing Churchill
Sandys, Celia
Illustrated with photographs from the private family album, this book follows in the footsteps of some of Sir Winston Churchill's famous trips to the four corners of the world, by his granddaughter Celia Sandys. She visits South Africa, Morocco, France, the USA - amongst others - and recounts how Sir Winston's trips not only changed the course of world history, but helped to shape the man who has come to be known as 'our Greatest Briton'.
Sherlock Holmes and The Romanov Conspiracies
Sherlock Holmes and The Romanov Conspiracies
Growick, Phil
For the first time, a very special edition combining two of the most intricately intertwined Sherlock Holmes adventures.In The Secret Journal of Dr. Watson: it's the height of the Russian Revolution; Holmes and Watson are sent by the British PM, David Lloyd George, deep into the nascent Soviet Union to rescue the Imperial Romanovs before they're assassinated by the Bolsheviks. But with Lenin, the Cheka, MI-6 and "e;The Black Faction"e; at their throats, who can rescue Holmes and Watson? And if they succeed, what will ultimately happen to them all? Can we believe that Holmes meets his death? And with a stunning surprise ending, how many questions will be left unanswered?In The Revenge of Sherlock Holmes, those questions are answered. But how does Prohibition in America, the birth of organized crime there with murderers like Lucky Luciano and Bugsy Siegel, impact Watson, the Romanovs and the man who claims to be Holmes? And once again, all these tension-filled events keep racing towards another incredible surprise ending.
Starting with A collection of Stories and Poems
Starting with A collection of Stories and Poems
Milford, Alison
This innovative and flexible series of five books, is specifically designed to support and develop a child's personal, social and emotional wellbeing through stories and poems with links to PSED in the EYFS, the Citizenship and PSHE curriculum in KS1 and the SEAL programme
Planning to teach Science
Planning to teach Science
Linfield, Rachel
This resource gives primary teachers, particularly non specialist science teachers, both pedagogical knowledge and ideas for teaching science, in one practical volume, covering Years 1 to 6.The book is brimming with teachers' notes, bullet pointed pages and masters. It will also include suggestions for different ways to record children's work and explanations about:- How to write a session plan- Use of ICT- Catering for individual needs and ideas for differentiation- Importance of key vocabulary and appropriate time to introduce it- Ability to plan and carry out investigations