

Masters and Commanders
Masters and Commanders
Roberts, Andrew
An epic joint biography, Masters and Commanders explores the degree to which the course of the Second World War turned on the relationships and temperaments of four of the strongest personalities of the twentieth century: political masters Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt and the commanders of their armed forces, General Sir Alan Brooke and General George C. Marshall. Each was exceptionally tough willed and strong minded, and each was certain that he knew best how to win the war. Yet each knew that he had to win at least two of the others if he was to have his strategy adopted. Andrew Roberts, whom The Economist calls "Britain's finest contemporary military historian," traces the mutual suspicion and admiration, the rebuffs and the charm, the often-explosive disagreements and wary reconciliations, and he helps us to appreciate the motives and imperatives acting upon these key leaders struggling to destroy Nazism. Drawing on newly discovered verbatim accounts of Churchill's war-cabinet meetings and on the private papers of nearly seventy contemporaries, Roberts reconstructs the lively debates of the four principals and other leading figures, and attempts to answer some of the key questions of Allied strategy. Why, when the most direct route from Germany to Britain was through north-western France, did the Western Allies launch attacks via North Africa, Sicily, and RomeWhy, if Operation Overlord in June 1944 was intended to be the start of the Allies' great thrust into Germany, did four hundred thousand men land five hundred miles to the south, in southern France, two months laterWhy did the Allies not take Berlin, Vienna, or Prague and allow the Iron Curtain to descend where it didMasters and Commanders dramatically re-creates the atmosphere, debates, and maneuverings through which Allied grand strategy was forged and reveals the profound impact of personality upon history.
Baseball Americana
Baseball Americana
Katz, Harry
A lavishly illustrated history of America's game, from the unparalleled collections of the Library of Congress Baseball, the sport that helped reunify the country in the years after the Civil War, remains the National Pastime. The Library of Congress houses the world's largest baseball collection, documenting the history of the game and providing a unique look at America since the late 1700s. Now Baseball Americana presents the best of the best from that treasure trove. From baseball's biggest stars to street urchins, from its most newsworthy stories to sandlot and Little League games, the book examines baseball's hardscrabble origins, rich cultural heritage, and uniquely American character.The more than 350 fabulous illustrations many never before published featured first-generation, vintage photographic and chromolithographic baseball cards; photographs of famous players and ballparks; and newspaper clippings, cartoons, New Deal photographs, and baseball advertisements. Packed with images that will surprise and thrill even the most expert collector, Baseball Americana is a gift for every baseball fan.
Writing Screenplays That Sell, New Twentieth Anniversary Edition
Writing Screenplays That Sell, New Twentieth Anniversary Edition
Hauge, Michael
For more than twenty years, Writing Screenplays That Sell has been hailed as the most complete guide available on the art, craft, and business of writing for movies and television. Now fully revised and updated to reflect the latest trends and *s, Hollywood story expert and * consultant Michael Hauge walks readers through every step of writing and selling successful screenplays. If you read only one book on the screenwriter's craft, this must be the one.
The Spirit of St. Louis
The Spirit of St. Louis
Golenbock, Peter
No metropolis in America has more pure baseball spirit than St. Louis, Missouri. It's a love affair that began in 1874, when a band of local boosters raised $20,000 to start a professional ball club, and the honeymoon still isn't over. Now Peter Golenbock, the bestselling author and master of baseball oral history, has written another remarkable saga enriched by extensive and incomparable remembrances from the scores of players, managers, and executives who lived it.These pages capture the voices of Branch Rickey on George Sisler. Rogers Hornsby and his creation of the farm system. Hornsby on Grover Cleveland Alexander -- and Alexander on Hornsby. Dizzy Dean on -- who else-- Dizzy Dean. And so many others including "The Man" himself, Stan Musial; Eldon Auker, Ellis Clary, Denny Galehouse, and Don Gutteridge on the 1940s Browns; Brooks Lawrence, the second man to cross the Cardinals' color line; Jim Bronsnan, the first man to break the players' "code of silence"; Tommy Herr, Darrell Porter, and Joe McGrane on Whitey Herzog's Cardinals; and Cardinal owner Bill DeWitt, Jr., on the team today.
The Great Deluge
The Great Deluge
Brinkley, Douglas
In the span of five violent hours on August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina destroyed major Gulf Coast cities and flattened 150 miles of coastline. But it was only the first stage of a shocking triple tragedy. On the heels of one of the three strongest hurricanes ever to make landfall in the United States came the storm-surge flooding, which submerged a half-million homes followed by the human tragedy of government mismanagement, which proved as cruel as the natural disaster itself. In The Great Deluge, bestselling author Douglas Brinkley finds the true heroes of this unparalleled catastrophe, and lets the survivors tell their own stories, masterly allowing them to record the nightmare that was Katrina.
Who Killed Change?
Who Killed Change?
Blanchard, Ken
Who Killed ChangeSolving the Mystery of Leading People Through Change Every day organizations around the world launch change initiatives often big, expensive ones designed to improve the status quo. Yet 50 to 70 percent of these change efforts fail. A few perish suddenly, but many die painful, protracted deaths that drain the organization's resources, energy and morale.Who or What Is Killing Change?That's what you'll find out in this witty whodunit. The story features a Columbo-style detective, Agent Mike McNally, who's investigating the murder of yet another change. One by one, Agent McNally interviews thirteen prime suspects, including a myopic leader named Victoria Vision; a chronically tardy manager named Ernest Urgency; an executive named Clair Communication, whose laryngitis makes communication all but impossible; and several other dubious characters.The suspects are sure to sound familiar and you're bound to relate them to your own workplace. In the end, Agent McNally solves the case in a way that will inspire you to become an effective Change Agent in your own organization.A step-by-step guide at the back of the book shows you how to apply the story's lessons to the real world. Key questions help you evaluate the health of your organization's change initiatives, and you'll learn best practices for enabling and sustaining the desired change.
SAS Survival Handbook, Third Edition
SAS Survival Handbook, Third Edition
Wiseman, John 'Lofty'
The ultimate guide to surviving anywhere, now updated with more than 100 pages of additional materialRevised to reflect the latest in survival knowledge and technology, and covering new topics such as urban survival and terrorism, the internationally bestselling SAS Survival Handbook is the definitive resource for all campers, hikers, and outdoor adventurers. From basic campcraft and navigation to fear management and strategies for coping with any type of disaster, this complete course includes:Being prepared: Understanding basic survival skills, like reading the weather, and preparation essentials, such as a pocket survival kit.Making camp: Finding the best location, constructing the appropriate shelter, organizing camp, staying warm, and creating tools.Food: What to eat, what to avoid, where to find it, and how to prepare it.First aid: A comprehensive course in emergency/wilderness medicine, including how to maximize survival in any climate or when injured.Disaster survival: How to react in the face of natural disasters and hostile situations and how to survive if all services and supplies are cut off.Self-defense: Arming yourself with basic hand-to-hand combat techniques.Security: Protecting your family and property from intrusion, break-ins, and theft.Climate terrain: Overcoming any location, from the tropics to the poles, from the desert to the mountains and sea.
Letters of E. B. White
Letters of E. B. White
White, E. B.
Letters of E. B. White touches on a wide variety of subjects, including the New Yorker editor who became the author's wife; their dachshund, Fred, with his look of fake respectability and White's contemporaries, from Harold Ross and James Thurber to Groucho Marx and John Updike and, later, Senator Edmund S. Muskie and Garrison Keillor. Updated with newly released letters from 1976 to 1985, additional photographs, and a new foreword by John Updike, this unparalleled collection of letters from one of America's favorite essayists, poets, and storytellers now spans nearly a century, from 1908 to 1985.
Seeing Further
Seeing Further
Bryson, Bill
This revised e-book features all photographs, designed in beautiful full-color. Edited and introduced by Bill Bryson, with original contributions from "a glittering array of scientific writing talent" (Sunday Observer ) including Richard Dawkins, Margaret Atwood, Richard Holmes, Martin Rees, Richard Fortey, Steve Jones, James Gleick, and Neal Stephenson, among others, this incomparable book tells the spectacular story of science and the international Royal Society, from 1660 to the present. Seeing Further is also gorgeously illustrated with photographs, documents, and treasures from the Society's exclusive archives. On a damp weeknight in November three hundred and fifty years ago, a dozen men gathered in London. After hearing an obscure twenty-eight-year-old named Christopher Wren lecture on the wonders of astronomy, his rapt audience was moved to create a society to promote the accumulation of useful and fascinating knowledge. At that, the Royal Society was born, and with it, modern science. Since then, the Royal Society has pioneered global scientific exploration and discovery. Its members have split the atom, discovered the double helix and the electron, and given us the computer and the World Wide Web. Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Robert Hooke, Robert Boyle, Joseph Banks, Humphry Davy, John Locke, Alexander Fleming, Stephen Hawking all have been fellows. Bill Bryson's favorite fellow is the Reverend Thomas Bayes, a brilliant mathematician who devised Bayes' theorem. Its complexity meant that it had little practical use in Bayes' own lifetime, but today his theorem is used for weather forecasting, astrophysics, and even stock-market analysis. A milestone in mathematical history, it exists only because the Royal Society decided to preserve it just in case. Truly global in its outlook, the Royal Society now is credited with creating modern science. Seeing Further is an unprecedented celebration of its history and the power of ideas, bringing together the very best of science writing.
Crossing the Chasm, 3rd Edition
Crossing the Chasm, 3rd Edition
Moore, Geoffrey A.
The bible for bringing cutting-edge products to larger markets now revised and updated with new insights into the realities of high-tech marketing In Crossing the Chasm , Geoffrey A. Moore shows that in the Technology Adoption Life Cycle which begins with innovators and moves to early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards there is a vast chasm between the early adopters and the early majority. While early adopters are willing to sacrifice for the advantage of being first, the early majority waits until they know that the technology actually offers improvements in productivity. The challenge for innovators and marketers is to narrow this chasm and ultimately accelerate adoption across every segment. This third edition brings Moore's classic work up to date with dozens of new examples of successes and failures, new strategies for marketing in the digital world, and Moore's most current insights and findings. He also includes two new appendices, the first connecting the ideas in Crossing the Chasm to work subsequently published in his Inside the Tornado , and the second presenting his recent groundbreaking work for technology adoption models for high-tech consumer markets.
我国车用燃料电池经过二十多年的发展,性能有了长足的展,已经可以满足交通工具用动力系统的大部分性能需求,但围绕一步提高燃料电池性能、延长寿命和降低成本的研究仍然任重而道远。本书系统介绍了氢能及燃料电池动力系统基础知识,从能量转换角度完整介绍了燃料电池汽车的动力系统各个环节能量转换和变换的基本原理,提出了燃料电池汽车动力系统中电化学复合电源这一重要概念,介绍了电化学电源的原理、质子交换膜燃料电池和锂离子电池的结构,深介绍了基于机理的电化学电源建模的方法、氢电复合及多模块复合的电源设计技术、复合电源状态估计及管控技术等。在车用燃料电池技术和产业发展的牵引下和可再生能源发电技术的推动下,氢能的重要性日益凸显,本书介绍了支撑燃料电池汽车所需的氢能的制备、存储、运输、加注等关键技术的发展现状、存在的重大挑战等。最后,对基于可再生能源发电制氢及氢电二元网络的构建做出了展望,并提出了基于绿氢和绿电的零碳交通能源系统的构思。 本书适合从事燃料电池技术、锂离子电池技术、氢能技术及新能源汽车动力系统研究和发的科研人员和工程师学习参考,也可作为高等院校汽车相关专业师生的参考用书。
创造与创新 思维系列
创造与创新 思维系列
《全新思维》标志了一个时代的转折,改变了我们看待并体验这个世界的方式。平克残酷地将人 人为之奋斗的专家之路彻底颠覆,未来是那些跨领域型人才、故事型人才、创意型人才的天下。 对于当今那些仍然奋斗在会计、律师、工程师岗位的专家型人才来说,是时候给自己的工作来点 不同以往的色彩了。本书在每一项全新思维能力的后,都附有一个工具箱,详细列出了培养这 一能力所需要的实践和具体指导,对于每一个希望拥有与众不同能力的人来说,都是不可或缺的 行动指南。
《坦率:一种新的管理哲学》内容简介:努力平衡工作和家庭,却发现牺牲一切也无法换来成功? 团队伙伴愚蠢的会议发言让你忍无可忍,却又不得不忍? 员工泪撒办公桌,另一端的你手足无措却又无可奈何? 团建活动越来越多,员工关系却越来越紧张? …… 这些情况是否似曾相识?团队管理到底哪里出了问题? 自我们会说话起,就有人告诉我们,如果没什么好话要说,就什么都不要说。然而,这样的人生箴言在团队管理中一样适用吗?答案是否定的,不仅如此,管理者若按此行事,将会造成灾难性后果。但是如何才能在团队中打破沉默?如何利用会议轻松高效地做出决策?如何在工作重压下成为一名不失人性关怀的好老板? 作者金·斯科特曾在多家巨头公司担任高管和顾问。谷歌公司的管理经验和苹果大学的从教经历,让她发现谷歌与苹果的工作风格完全不同,初衷却惊人地一致:营造一个员工发挥自己所有潜能并享受工作的环境。结合自身多年的咨询经历,斯科特针对如何成为一个真正的好老板,给出了一个令人惊讶,却很实用的答案——"坦率"。 在这部充满管理哲思的应时之作里,作者开诚布公地讲述了自己的职业故事。她用幽默的语言,独特的视角,清晰的图表全面地展示了硅谷公司的管理精髓。 书中那些*妙的方法和巧妙的回答将颠覆你的管理思维,帮你打破团队发展的天花板。对于那些追求卓越绩效的领导、老板、职业经理人,特别是互联网公司的管理者,这本书将会为你带来启迪和惊喜。 《茑屋经营哲学》内容简介:茑屋书店何以成为“朝圣之地”,它的经营秘诀是什么?一家所在城市仅5万人口的图书馆,全年进馆人数为何能超过100万人次?在实体店举步维艰的今天,卖场如何才能成为“生活方式提案店”,让顾客怦然心动,成为忠实粉丝? 1985年,增田宗昭创立了CCC公司,三十多年来,从实体书店、图书馆,再到购物中心和家电领域,茑屋不仅是在打造一个文化实体,更是在推行一种未来的生活方式。它的创新经营已经成为文化行业乃至新零售的标杆,成为众多经营者和企业的取经之所。 这本书是茑屋书店创始人增田的经营哲思录,对茑屋的经营理念、零售哲学、人力资源和组织管理进行了梳理。在互网流量红利的获取成本越来越高、各大电商在线下市场攻城略地之际,作者的经验,无疑可以带来很多启发。 《管理十诫:影响你一生的管理哲学》内容简介:这是一本企业管理的指南,在书中11条戒律的指引下,无数家公司经营业绩一飞冲天,连惜墨如金的比尔?盖茨都亲自推荐此书,沃伦?巴菲特更是不吝溢美之词,亲笔撰序并大力推荐…… 从遍布全球的中小型公司到如日中天的跨国企业,曾经辉煌的企业家和管理者,他们成功的途径千差万别,而他们一败涂地的原因,却惊人地相似…… 每个人都喜欢谈论自己的成功,因为每个人都希望学习如何成功。然而,唐纳德?基奥更喜欢谈论失败,因为只有了解失败才能减少失败,也意味着增加成功。唐纳德?基奥根据自己一生的管理经验总结出一系列企业家和管理者*容易跌进去的陷阱,称之为“管理十诫”。 看似十分简单,但任何真理都是如此。正如沃伦?巴菲特所言:“唐纳德?基奥*强的能力在于,他总能迅速看穿事物的本质,说话做事能够直入主题。把复杂的问题简单化,是他的处事原则。” 从企业高管到普通员工,从商界大亨到初期创业者,如果想要避免误入陷阱,那么本书中的警世箴言将让人们受益匪浅。 《智慧与魔咒:塔勒布的黑天鹅哲学》内容简介:我们生活在一个不断变化、不可预测的世界里。黑天鹅事件的一再出现,不断提醒着我们过度相信经验将带来的毁灭性后果。塔勒布认为,智慧的每一次失败,都可以归结为削足适履的结果。在这本《智慧与魔咒:塔勒布的黑天鹅哲学》中,他以优美、简单的方式,一语道破这个不确定的世界的秘密。随手翻开一页,都能让您茅塞顿开,以一种**不同的角度看待这个世界。   《智慧与魔咒:塔勒布的黑天鹅哲学》汇集了塔勒布有魔力的箴言,轻松活泼,毫不刻板,但却能让你大吃一惊,因为它揭示出你其实无意识地生活在错觉之中。凭借尖锐的才思和深远的智慧,塔勒布为我们剖析了这些错觉的本质,倡导用知识、勇气和优雅享受真正的生活。
蔡澜为人幽默风雅,以鲜活、生动的文字讲述他的所见所闻,与读者分享他的识见。他说:“为了喜欢写而写,才是一个真正的开端。除了文字之功,还要够真、够坦白。”一篇篇的小品文,真切动人,令人感到趣味盎然,惭惭地,便会感受到一点一滴的生活哲学从文字中渗出来。 《人间好玩》:谈人间的“好物”“好吃”“好玩”与“有情”,篇幅短小,一朵花里见世界,有心人自会从蔡先生这本文字里感受到“活出人间好玩样子”的智慧,也有可能帮助到有心人找到通往更好更通达生活的路。 《人间至趣》:收录了蔡先生各种兴趣的文章,可以了解蔡先生长得一身本事的“奥妙”所在。“写作”“绘画与摄影”“书法”与“音乐和电影”几个领域获得乐趣的方法与心得,而这种心得包含了各行各业长本事的共通道理,也有可能帮助有心人找到更好、更通达的生活之路。 《人间清醒》:是蔡澜先生的新散文集,文章包含了蔡先生“人间清醒”的“奥妙”所在。 书中谈人间的“人生哲学”“感情”“花钱”与“穿着”之方法与智慧,篇幅短小,一朵花里见世界,有心人自会从蔡先生这本文字里感受到活出人间清醒的智慧,也有可能帮助到有心人找到更好更通达生活的路。
【美】 威廉·李;路旦俊、蔡志强、张修竹译
诺贝尔医学奖得主力荐,基于分子营养学的饮食指南! 《吃出自愈力》:人体自身固有五大健康防御系统:血管生成、再生、微生物组、DNA保护和免疫。很多食物中的生物活性物质可以增强这些系统。本书详细阐释了这五大系统的运作原理,以及食物何以能帮助我们抵抗疾病。 《吃出代谢力》:本书包含三部分,系统*教你了解身体,吃出代谢力。 减重新科学:健康的身体脂肪可以帮助你减重 食物为药物:在日常饮食中添加正确的食物,就能修复新陈代谢,减少多余的身体脂肪,实现健康的减重。 吃出代谢力:书中有六周的饮食计划、简单的食物替换和购物技巧,以及30多道大众喜爱的食谱,助你轻松吃出代谢力。
听大家讲述我们的美丽神话 不负名家的美学技艺——大家讲述丛书(套装共6册)
听大家讲述我们的美丽神话 不负名家的美学技艺——大家讲述丛书(套装共6册)
  钱君匋先生是中国当代著名书法家、画家、篆刻家、书籍装帧家。本书以钱君匋的个人著作为蓝本,按照不同的主题,为读者讲述钱君匋先生的“钱封面”设计,他的篆刻、书法艺术成就,以及对于收藏的热爱和自传说明。   全书有讲述“钱封面”的装帧,即他为茅盾、鲁迅等名家设计的封面,具备独特的构思、精妙的表现手法以及或浑涵或含蓄的意境,体现其精湛的美学造诣。也有讲述篆刻与书法,即其在书法与篆刻艺术上的精髓和心得,展示其扎实的美学基础和精湛的技艺水平。还有讲述收藏的酸甜苦辣,即其收藏生涯中,经历过艰难觅得珍宝的大喜,有节衣缩食的酸楚和藏品惨遭劫难的痛苦,都是这位艺术家宝贵的经历。
(英)霭理士 著 潘光旦 译,(美)约翰·华生 著 刘霞 译,(德)赫尔曼·艾宾浩斯 常春藤国际教育联盟 译,金圣荣,谢文华
《奇奇怪怪心理学》(套装共9册)包括了各种奇奇怪怪的心理学,将读者带入一个前所未有的心理世界,读者可以了解到一些重口味、奇特新鲜的心理学知识和案例,能够对社会上一些有着奇怪言行举止的人和让人不可思议的事有着一定程度的了解和认识。 《奇奇怪怪心理学》(套装共9册)能够充分满足大众读者的猎奇心理,它将心理学幽暗、深层的秘密一点点挖掘出来,这不仅能够使读者能够从心灵深处对自己有个更加清晰的认识,还能够准确了解他人的心理状态,从而使人与人之间更好地进行交流和沟通。
朱永法、姚文清、宗瑞隆 著
    本书基于作者们在光催化领域的多年积累,以光催化的发展历史、光催化基本原理作为基础,重探讨了各种光催化材料的制备、性能及应用,其中包括经典的二氧化钛纳米材料的制备、改性、复合、杂化以及光电协同催化性能等,同时深介绍了可见光催化剂,包括复合氧化物及其改性研究方面的新发展,还详细介绍了光催化材料物性表征的各种手段,以及光催化机理和光催化性能的表征技术和方法。   书中介绍的很多内容是作者研究组的研究成果,反映了该领域的前沿和研究关注的问题。本书内容丰富,素材翔实,层次分明,可作为高等院校化学和材料专业及相关专业学生的课外读物,对从事光催化材料制备和应用研究的科研工作者具有重要的参考价值。
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