
《图说西方绘画艺术》 西方绘画始于古希腊、古罗马时期,是与其他艺术如雕塑、音乐、舞蹈等等一起发展起来的,与人类的生活是分不开的。而在漫长的中世纪,绘画作为宗教的艺术而存在。 西方绘画,呈现出与时代发展和人类精神发展同步运行的特点,表现了画家审视自然、社会和自身所持的思维观点,表现了自然和社会所透露的主观化情绪。 我们在《图说西方绘画艺术》中循着历史的走向,介绍了西方绘画艺术从初始的岩壁画、陶画到现代多姿多态的绘画艺术的发展史,介绍了西方不同时期的绘画流派及代表人物,对其中世界大师级的画家做了生动讲述,也是与读者一同从远古走到了今天,一同领略了人类文化艺术宝库的丰富和璀璨,一同开启心智,培育人文精神。 《图说西方工艺美术》 从古到今,西方工艺美术有着许多脍炙人口之作,如丹麦的《太阳马车》、米诺斯的《持蛇女神》、古埃及的《图坦卡蒙金面具》、两河流域的《汉谟拉比法典》、古波斯精美的金银器、古罗马的青铜工艺品、中世纪的玻璃镶嵌画、文艺复兴时期的建筑雕刻……可谓琳琅满目、美不胜收。 《图说西方雕塑艺术》 古埃及雕塑内在神秘,期冀“永恒”; 而古希腊雕塑的审美理想是追求“真实之美”; 罗马人在肖像和纪念碑雕塑上,以宏伟取代了典雅; 黑暗的中世纪,为上帝歌颂光荣的哥特式艺术却取得了辉煌的成就; 文艺复兴时期涌现出许多雕塑杰作,技巧完美、气魄宏伟、思想深刻; 巴洛克风格的雕塑更加世俗化; 洛可可艺术纤细柔弱; 新古典主义艺术以美的理论风行一时; 而浪漫主义以强烈的想象回答了冷酷的理性; 现实主义运动诞生,罗丹在现实中寻找灵感,叩响了现代雕塑的大门…… 在赏心悦目的阅读中,你会对西方雕塑进行一次全景式的巡礼,从而轻松获得丰富的艺术知识,提升审美素养。 《图说西方建筑艺术》 西文建筑在世界建筑名上占有重要地位,读其建筑史就是享受史诗般的精神盛宴。 《图说西方建筑艺术》将为你系统地介绍西方由古到今各个历史时期的建筑。从古代美索不达米亚地区神庙、古埃及的金字塔到古希腊、古罗马建筑,以及哥特式建筑、巴洛克建筑、古典主义建筑乃至现代主义建筑和后现代时期各种风格的建筑,都将一一呈现在你眼前。你也可以从中领略各种建筑流派、建筑大师以及他们的经典作品的风采。

《思考的框架》AI时代,不能被取代的能力之一就是思考的能力。建立思考的框架可以帮助你更好地运用知识,应对复杂和变化。“思考的框架”系列图书筛选了相对重要且实用性高的思维模型,读者可以反复使用这套工具,在遇到机遇和挑战时积极加以运用,*终达到事半功倍的效果。 《思考的框架2》中涵盖了物理学、化学和生物学3个基础学科领域的22种思维模型。这3个基础学科提供了大量有用的工具以培养至关重要的技能,如好奇心、建立关系和领导力,讲述了如何在科学理念和日常生活之间建立联系,以及如何利用这些力量在学习、工作和生活中打造优势。 作者对书中的每个思维模型都以易于理解的方式进行了阐释,并提供了实际应用的示例。利用互惠创造双赢关系;通过自我保护的视角激励自己和他人;克服摩擦,将阻碍你前进的力量降到* 小;通过区分速度和速率,使世界真正与众不同;利用自然选择的优势,在不断变化的环境中茁壮成长、避免灭绝。从育儿到健康饮食,从人际关系到个人生产力,从学习到产品设计,思考的框架将为你提供一个理解生活的新视角,可被广泛应用于生活和事业的决策,助你快速理解新领域。掌握正确的认知工具,为你应对不同类型的挑战做好准备。 《思考的框架3》用来自商业领域、社会现象和日常生活等方面的丰富案例,讲述了系统和数学领域的19个思维模型。看似抽象,但经过抽丝剥茧,这些知识其实与我们日常生活中的行为和活动息息相关。比如,在某件事上投入更多精力或资源时,我们通常也寄希望于从中获得更多。工作时间更长,工作产出就更多;运动更频繁,身体就更健康;给一个项目分配更多的人,就能更快结项。在学习一项新技能时,刚开始时的练习会带来能力的飞跃,但越往后,进步就越不明显。边际收益递减规律这一模型告诉我们,系统内投入和产出之间的关系并不总是线性的,当投入增加到一 定程度后,一 定会出现收益递减的现象。在此之后,努力越多,回报越少。你还会理解瓶颈与表面积之间的关系,了解反馈回路如何支撑众多系统交互行为。这些经验和见解往往既适用于个体,也适用于组织。通过学习这些思维模型,在几乎全部情境中你都能观察到模型所涵盖的原理。见他人所不能见,从而避免酿成大错,更好地做出决策。

变老又怎样+休息不羞耻+不要再沉迷优化人生 (安德烈娅·格尔克作品3册套装)
《不要再沉迷优化人生》 谁说我们人生需要整理术? 谁说我们应该要不断努力变得更健康丶更瘦丶更有效率,且更乐观呢? 没有什麽比一个以自我优化活出穿戴整齐丶肤色均匀丶神采奕奕的成功故事更无聊的了,你知道的就是杂志上常常读到的那种优化人生策略——衣柜要保持整齐,日子得像发条那样过得井然有序,甚至爱情生活也要快狠准有效率。 另一方面,我们也很向往古怪的人,就是那种会把自己埋在一堆乱七八糟的书本里,把整理指南抛在脑後,对於运动完全不熟悉,喜欢享受美食(但*不执行间歇性断食),沉迷午睡,爱四处游荡(但*不会把计步器放在身上),彻夜狂欢而无愧疚等等行为。这种近乎过时的生物,如今被称为「享乐主义者」,我们必须好好保留免於灭绝。 如果你厌倦了在这样的时代仍然把一切都做到* 好,遵循一堆整理魔法术和断食法的话,那就不要错过这一本可以启发你活出享乐生活态度的书。 《休息不羞耻》 "没有什么能比休息更好地推动我们前进。" ——伊丽莎白·巴雷特·勃朗宁 休息就像天空中的一朵轻柔云彩,在不经意间就悄悄地流逝。这个短暂时间像是歌剧的中场休息,像是足球赛中的中场休息,或像是每节课之间的下课休息。休息一下像是无关紧要的间隙,一个被规划好的日常生活中的空隙,好似一时兴起的心情,有时难以忍受。毕竟,重要的是发生在之前和之後的事情,不是吗?我们对休息本身如此缺乏关注和爱,是不值得的。事实上,它是一个真正的惊喜袋,一个充满了意义和内涵的宝库,赋予了我们的存在的生活意义。 《变老又怎样》 一张妙趣横生的TO DO LIST,充满令人忍俊不禁的“好主意”,给永葆乐观的成熟读者抑或充满好奇的青年读者。这本书会直白滴告诉你,五十岁之后的人生令人充满期待。 在中年时期,当神奇的50岁正在逼近,你在镜子前无法立即认出自己时,生活的根本问题开始压迫你——你为了乐趣做些什么呢? 长时间的狂欢饮酒之夜,过度的调情和派对——所有这些在过去几十年里让你感到振奋和分心的事物突然间变成了让人头疼而不是开心的来源,那么,你该如何度过余生呢? 抛弃一切,用一个假名重新开始?重新接受刑侦或精神分析师的培训?搬到夏威夷去?不,这些都没有必要。 Andrea Gerk 邀请我们探索生活中许多美好的小事物,只有当我们足够成熟才能欣赏它们:邀请所有的前任来吃晚餐,无休止地讨论自己的疾病,每天背诵一首诗,让年轻人向你解释世界,甚至为自己一生的工作颁发奖项。

The Japanese Terrorist
“Terrorist!” “Terrorist!” People were shouting as I walked into the room. I looked around and saw many people there who had been detained. One scary looking ugly man came right over to my face and said: “THE ONLY GOOD TERRORIST, IS A DEAD TERRORIST!” Upon hearing those words, I collapsed onto the floor. The Japanese Terrorist is the perfect novel for anyone who wishes to travel the world. It is the story of a young Japanese girl at university in Russia, who becomes involved with people linked to terrorists. She is a young and innocent girl who travels a lot and dreams of falling in love. She finally does fall in love with a British gentleman, only to discover that her life is in danger and that ANYONE can be a TERRORIST! ?

The Hounds of Annwn 1-5:A Virginian in Elfland
A bundle of books from The Hounds of Annwn - Books 1-5----To Carry the Horn –Book 1 of The Hounds of AnnwnNEW JOB, NEW FAMILY, AND IN TWO WEEKS THE END OF A WORLD HE’S JUST DISCOVERED, IF HE CAN’T RISE TO THE CHALLENGE.George Talbot Traherne is just doing his job on a fine autumn morning, keeping the hounds together for the huntsman of the Rowanton Hunt in Virginia along the Blue Ridge Mountain. Doesn’t pay to get distracted by a white stag in unfamiliar territory, though. Next thing you know, you might find yourself… somewhere else.The land is the same but not the people. Their huntsman has just been murdered, and George is tapped for the job. It’s an emergency — the Wild Hunt is only two weeks away, and if it doesn’t happen on schedule, the antlered god Cernunnos will take the realm from its ruler Gwyn ap Nudd and find someone who can mete out justice with the Hounds of Hell in his place.----The Ways of Winter – Book 2 of The Hounds of AnnwnTRAPPED BEHIND ENEMY LINES, CAN HE FIND THE STRENGTH TO DEFEND ALL THAT HE VALUES MOST, OR EVEN JUST TO SURVIVE?It’s the dead of winter and George Talbot Traherne, the new human huntsman for the Wild Hunt, is in trouble. The damage in Gwyn ap Nudd’s domain reveals the deadly powers of a dangerous foe who has mastered an unstoppable weapon and threatens the fae dominions in both the new and the old worlds.----King of the May – Book 3 of The Hounds of AnnwnMORE VALUABLE AS A WEAPON THAN A KINGMAKER, HE MUST MAKE HIS OWN CHOICES TO SECURE THE FUTURE.George Talbot Traherne, the human huntsman for the Wild Hunt, had hoped to settle into a quiet life with his new family, but it was not to be. Gwyn ap Nudd, Prince of Annwn, has plans to secure his domain in the new world from the overbearing interference of his father Lludd, the King of Britain.----Bound into the Blood – Book 4 of The Hounds of AnnwnDISTURBING THE FAMILY SECRETS COULD BRING RUIN TO EVERYTHING HE’S WORKED SO HARD TO BUILD.George Talbot Traherne, the human huntsman for the Wild Hunt, is preparing for the birth of his child by exploring the family papers about his parents and their deaths. When his improved relationship with his patron, the antlered god Cernunnos, is jeopardized by an unexpected opposition, he finds he must choose between loyalty to family and loyalty to a god.----Tales of Annwn – A Story Collection from The Hounds of AnnwnTHE CALL: A very young Rhian discovers her beast-sense and rushes to the rescue of an errant hound.UNDER THE BOUGH: Angharad hasn’t lived with anyone for hundreds of years, but now she is ready to tie the knot with George Talbot Traherne, the human who has entered the fae otherworld to serve as huntsman for the Wild Hunt. As soon as she can make up her mind, anyway.NIGHT HUNT: George Talbot Traherne goes night hunting for fox in Virginia and thinks about the choices he has made.CARIAD: Benitoe and Luhedoc are off to fetch horses for the Golden Cockerel Inn in Edgewood. Luhedoc needs to relearn an important lesson about confidence.THE EMPTY HILLS: George Talbot Traherne shows a bit of the human world to family and friends, hoping to share some of the sense of wonder he discovered when he encountered the fae otherworld.

The Chained Adept 1-4:A Lost Wizard's Tale
Books 1-4 from The Chained Adept.----The Chained Adept - Book 1 of The Chained AdeptA STRONG WIZARD WITH UNANSWERED QUESTIONS AND A CHAIN AROUND HER NECK.Penrys’s past is unknown, but she’s got a better grip on her future: find out where she came from, discover what happened to her, and figure out how the unremovable chain around her neck makes her different from other wizards.What any of this has to do with the renewal of an ugly war between neighboring countries, half a world away, is just something she’ll have to sort out, along with the rumors of wizards where they don’t belong.Assuming, of course, that no one removes her as a threat before she can find her footing.All she wants is a firm foundation for the rest of her life, with a side helping of retribution, and if she has to fix things along the way, well, so be it.----Mistress of Animals - Book 2 of The Chained AdeptAN ERRANT CHILD WITH DISASTROUS POWERS AND NO ONE TO STAND IN HER WAY.Penrys, the wizard with a chain and an unknown past, is drafted to find out what has happened to an entire clan of the nomadic Zannib. Nothing but their empty tents remain, abandoned on the autumn steppe with their herds.This wasn't a detour she'd planned on making, but there's little choice. Winter is coming, and hundreds are missing.The locals don't trust her, but that's nothing new. The question is, can she trust herself, when she discovers what her life might have been? Assuming, of course, that the price of so many dead was worth paying for it.----Broken Devices - Book 3 of The Chained AdeptCHAINS WITHOUT WIZARDS AND A RISING COUNT OF THE DEAD.The largest city in the world has just discovered its missing wizards. It seems the Kigali empire has ignited a panic that threatens internal ruin and the only chained wizard it knows that’s still alive is Penrys.The living wizards and the dead are not her people, not unless she makes them so. All they have in common is a heavy chain and a dead past—the lives that were stolen from them are beyond recall.What remains are unanswered questions about who made them this way. And why. And what Penrys plans to do to find out.----On a Crooked Track - Book 4 of The Chained AdeptSETTING A TRAP TO CATCH THE MAKERS OF CHAINED WIZARDS.A clue has sent Penrys back to Ellech, the country where she first appeared four short years ago with her mind wiped, her body stripped, and her neck chained. It's time to enlist the help of the Collegium of Wizards which sheltered her then.Things don't work out that way, and she finds herself retracing a dead scholar's crooked track and setting herself up as a target to confirm her growing suspicions. But what happens to bait when the prey shows its teeth?

Pengganas Jepun
"Pengganas!" "Pengganas!" Orang ramai menjerit ketika saya masuk ke bilik. Saya melihat sekeliling dan melihat ramai orang di sana yang telah ditahan. Seorang lelaki hodoh yang menakutkan datang di hadapan saya dan berkata "PENGGANAS YANG BAIK ADALAH? PENGGANAS YANG MATI!" Sebaik mendengar kata-kata itu, saya terus jatuh ke lantai. Inilah kisah Miss Minami Yamaguchi, Seorang Pengganas Jepun

HarperCollins e-books
Is there anything worse than being in love with someone who -- suddenly, out of the blue, with no reason at all -- stops loving you back?Here is a remedy for that all-too-familiar chapter in every girl's life: getting dumped.It's not really Ben & Jerry's that soothes the sting -- or getting even -- though that certainly helps. Rather, it's learning to lose him and respect yourself that puts you on the path to sanity-and gives you some Zen with men.In this quirky romantic comedy of errors, Suzy Yalof tells her John Doe story from the pitch "open -- minded, smart, funny" to sex, the L-word, and the big dump (a subzero day on a chairlift) to finally getting over John Doe (Hint: Do the things he always hated). Like all of us, Suzy Yalof has survived the exaltation, embarrassment, and disappointment of romance. But with the realization that for every frog there is a prince, she's rebounded with style. Hers is an exemplary story of a woman scorned -- and then inspired.Every woman who has ever loved and lost and then gone on to exhaust her mom, her pals, and the neighborhood bartender with her John Doe story will find a well of unconditional empathy in Getting Over John Doe. It is a love lesson for our time -- and far more titillating than dating John ever was.

Nuts in the Kitchen
Renowned cookbook author Susan Herrmann Loomis has traveled extensively to collect recipes that incorporate every kind of nut—from almonds to Brazil nuts, and everything in between. In these delectable recipes, you'll see nuts as much more than a tempting snack. Loomis shows how they complement, and can be the centerpiece of, every single meal of the day.Included in this imaginative collection are more than 100 easy-to-make recipes for small plates, salads, main courses, side dishes, and desserts. Start with breakfast and serve Waffles with Walnut Whipped Cream or Apricot and Pine Nut Compote. Share an evening with friends by serving Anise- and Fennel-Spiced Walnuts or Brazil Pesto with Pasta; next, move on to a main course of Gingered Fish on Spiced Macadamia Butter; and finish with refreshing Lemon Poppy Seed Ice Cream or Coconut Sticky Rice with Peanuts. Loomis provides an invaluable collection of The Basics—including recipes for Almond Milk, Lemony Hazelnut Butter, Poppy Seed Dressing, and Macadamia and Coconut Sprinkle—for stocking every pantry and adding a new dimension to daily meals.Along with the wonderfully diverse recipes in this book, you'll find nutritional information, menu ideas, and different kinds of food—simple, exciting, flavorful, unusual, easy, and good for you, too.Nuts in the Kitchen is the ultimate culinary guide for using these wonderful, healthful ingredients in inventive, sophisticated, and astonishing ways. Whether you are a vegetarian, a vegan, or a meat eater, you'll find yourself turning to this book over and over as you prepare meals large or small.

Monday Morning Motivation
How to generate the positive energy found in successful organizations What is organizational energyAccording to internationally recognized leadership coach David Cottrell, it is not short-term enthusiasm for the latest corporate program-of-the-week. Instead, it is grounded in something much deeper a solid commitment to an organization, its mission, and its values. When used positively, organizational energy strengthens and solidifies personal motivation, producing an unshakable desire to achieve bigger and better results. It is a precious resource your organization cannot afford to be without.In Monday Morning Motivation, Cottrell takes inspiration from Einstein's famous equation E=mc 2 to provide a step-by-step strategy you can use to access your organization's energy reservoir (E) and accelerate your people (m) to the next level of performance. Specifically, he reveals the vital conductors of energy (c) that you need to motivate your team and customers synchronization, speed, communication, customer passion, and integrity and expertly demonstrates the effect that your leadership style ( 2 ) has on the effectiveness of these conductors. Fortunately you don't need to be Einstein to learn and apply these principles to your organization. You just need one hour each week for ten weeks to consider Cottrell's helpful discussion questions and determine what you can do right now to become a better leader and motivator. If you do, you will launch your organization to greater results and a whole new stratosphere of job satisfaction.

胡华文集 第四卷
波澜壮阔的中国革命史在五四运动浪潮的冲击下掀开了崭新的一页,由无产阶级领导的推翻帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义三座大山的新民主主义革命在中国大地上以锐不可当之势浩浩荡荡地席卷而来。在新民主主义革命时期,中国革命道路经历了非凡的旅程。革命在遭受重创之后,如何继续朝着既定目标前进,这是对中国革命者的巨大考验。 《胡华文集(第4卷)》主要收录了胡华关于新民主主义革命的论文、评论等二十多篇,对新民主主义革命的若干重大问题进行了详细的分析和解读,如《谁领导了五四运动和次大革命》、《中国革命的性质问题》、《关于抗战史研究的几个问题》、《关于次大革命的几个问题》等文章。在本卷中,胡华以其敏锐的洞察力和卓越的判断力,深入分析了新民主主义革命时期中国革命所要回答的关键问题,为关心中国前途和命运的有识之士在暗夜中点亮一盏明灯。而其对中国革命史、中共党史教学与研究以及中国工人运动史的精辟论述,不仅生动地映照了革命道路的曲折与坎坷,而且为处于迷茫、混乱中的革命者提供了切实、具体、有力的指导。


57 Ways to Screw Up in Grad School
Don't think about why you're applying. Select a topic for entirely strategic reasons. Choose the coolest supervisor. Write only to deadlines. Expect people to hold your hand. Become "e;that"e; student.When it comes to a masters or PhD program, most graduate students don't deliberately set out tofail. Yet, of the nearly 500,000 people who start a graduate program each year, up to half will never complete their degree. Books abound on acing the admissions process, but there is little on what to do once the acceptance letter arrives. Veteran graduate directors Kevin D. Haggerty and Aaron Doyle have set out to demystify the world of advanced education. Taking a wry, frank approach, they explain the common mistakes that can trip up a new graduate student and lay out practical advice about how to avoid the pitfalls. Along the way they relate stories from their decades of mentorship and even share some slip-ups from their own grad experiences.The litany of foul-ups is organized by theme and covers the grad school experience from beginning to end: selecting the university and program, interacting with advisors and fellow students, balancing personal and scholarly lives, navigating a thesis, and creating a life after academia. Although the tone is engagingly tongue-in-cheek, the lessons are crucial to anyone attending or contemplating grad school. 57 Ways to Screw Up in Grad School allows you to learn from others' mistakes rather than making them yourself.

Cockroach Papers
Skittering figures of urban legend-and a ubiquitous reality-cockroaches are nearly as abhorred as they are ancient. Even as our efforts to exterminate them have developed into ever more complex forms of chemical warfare, roaches' basic design of six legs, two hypersensitive antennae, and one set of voracious mandibles has persisted unchanged for millions of years. But as Richard Schweid shows in The Cockroach Papers, while some species of these evolutionary superstars do indeed plague our kitchens and restaurants, exacerbate our asthma, and carry disease, our belief in their total villainy is ultimately misplaced.Traveling from New York City to Louisiana, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Morocco, Schweid blends stories of his own squirm-inducing roach encounters with meticulous research to spin a tale both humorous and harrowing. As he investigates roaches' more nefarious interactions with our species-particularly with those of us living at the margins of society-Schweid also explores their astonishing diversity, how they mate, what they'll eat, and what we've written about them (from Kafka and Nelson Algren to archy and mehitabel). Knowledge soon turns into respect, and Schweid looks beyond his own fears to arrive at an uncomfortable truth: We humans are no more peaceful, tidy, or responsible about taking care of the Earth or each other than these tiny creatures that swarm in the dark corners of our minds, homes, and cereal boxes.

Alec Milius Spy Series Books 1 and 2: A Spy By Nature, The Spanish Game
This ebook omnibus edition brings together Charles Cumming’s two classic Alex Milius novels, also offering readers a sample of his following novel The Trinity Six. A SPY BY NATURE Alec Milius is young, smart, ambitious and comfortable with deceit. So when a chance encounter leads him to MI6, Alec thinks he’s landed the perfect job for his talents. But working alone, relying on instinct, he’s soon spinning a web of deception that has him caught between his new masters and powerful opponents. For in his new line of work the difference between the truth and a lie can be the difference between life and death. And Alec is having trouble telling them apart … THE SPANISH GAME Alec Milius quit the spying game six years ago – or so he thought. Living in exile in Madrid, he is lured back into a brutal world of lies and deception by the mysterious disappearance of a prominent politician. Forced to work alone, without the support of his former masters in London, Alec comes face to face with the nightmare of modern terror. And this time there's no-one to call for help…

Learning to Look
Sometimes seeing is more difficult for the student of art than believing. Taylor, in a book that has sold more than 300,000 copies since its original publication in 1957, has helped two generations of art students "e;learn to look."e;This handy guide to the visual arts is designed to provide a comprehensive view of art, moving from the analytic study of specific works to a consideration of broad principles and technical matters. Forty-four carefully selected illustrations afford an excellent sampling of the wide range of experience awaiting the explorer.The second edition of Learning to Look includes a new chapter on twentieth-century art. Taylor's thoughtful discussion of pure forms and our responses to them gives the reader a few useful starting points for looking at art that does not reproduce nature and for understanding the distance between contemporary figurative art and reality.

House of Debt
The Great American Recession resulted in the loss of eight million jobs between 2007 and 2009. More than four million homes were lost to foreclosures. Is it a coincidence that the United States witnessed a dramatic rise in household debt in the years before the recession-that the total amount of debt for American households doubled between 2000 and 2007 to $14 trillionDefinitely not. Armed with clear and powerful evidence, Atif Mian and Amir Sufi reveal in House of Debt how the Great Recession and Great Depression, as well as the current economic malaise in Europe, were caused by a large run-up in household debt followed by a significantly large drop in household spending.Though the banking crisis captured the public's attention, Mian and Sufi argue strongly with actual data that current policy is too heavily biased toward protecting banks and creditors. Increasing the flow of credit, they show, is disastrously counterproductive when the fundamental problem is too much debt. As their research shows, excessive household debt leads to foreclosures, causing individuals to spend less and save more. Less spending means less demand for goods, followed by declines in production and huge job losses. How do we end such a cycleWith a direct attack on debt, say Mian and Sufi. ?More aggressive debt forgiveness after the crash helps, but as they illustrate, we can be rid of painful bubble-and-bust episodes only if the financial system moves away from its reliance on inflexible debt contracts. As an example, they propose new mortgage contracts that are built on the principle of risk-sharing, a concept that would have prevented the housing bubble from emerging in the first place.Thoroughly grounded in compelling economic evidence, House of Debt offers convincing answers to some of the most important questions facing the modern economy today: Why do severe recessions happenCould we have prevented the Great Recession and its consequencesAnd what actions are needed to prevent such crises going forward?

Thomas Bernhard is "e;one of the masters of contemporary European fiction"e; (George Steiner); "e;one of the century's most gifted writers"e; (Newsday); "e;a virtuoso of rancor and rage"e; (Bookforum). And although he is favorably compared with Franz Kafka, Samuel Beckett, and Robert Musil, it is only in recent years that he has gained a devoted cult following in America.A powerful, compact novella, Walking provides a perfect introduction to the absurd, dark, and uncommonly comic world of Bernhard, showing a preoccupation with themes-illness and madness, isolation, tragic friendships-that would obsess Bernhard throughout his career. Walking records the conversations of the unnamed narrator and his friend Oehler while they walk, discussing anything that comes to mind but always circling back to their mutual friend Karrer, who has gone irrevocably mad. Perhaps the most overtly philosophical work in Bernhard's highly philosophical oeuvre, Walking provides a penetrating meditation on the impossibility of truly thinking.

O, How the Wheel Becomes It!
The first novel Anthony Powell published following the completion of his epic A Dance to the Music of Time, O, How the Wheel Becomes It! fulfills perhaps every author's fantasy as it skewers a conceited, lazy, and dishonest critic. A writer who avoids serving in World War II and veers in and out of marriage, G. F. H. Shadbold ultimately falls victim to the title's spinning-and righteous-emblem of chance. Sophisticated and a bit cruel, Wheel's tale of posthumous vengeance is, nonetheless, irresistible.Written at the peak of the late British master's extraordinary literary career, this novel offers profound insight into the mind of a great artist whose unequaled style, ear for dialogue, and eye for irony will delight devotees and new readers alike.

Death of Socrates
At its most basic, philosophy is about learning how to think about the world around us. It should come as no surprise, then, that children make excellent philosophers! Naturally inquisitive, pint-size scholars need little prompting before being willing to consider life's "e;big questions,"e; however strange or impractical. Plato & Co. introduces children-and curious grown-ups-to the lives and work of famous philosophers, from Descartes to Socrates, Einstein, Marx, and Wittgenstein. Each book in the series features an engaging-and often funny-story that presents basic tenets of philosophical thought alongside vibrant color illustrations."e;Tell us, Delphic Oracle, who is the wisest man in all of Greece?"e; So begins The Death of Socrates. No mortal man is wiser than Socrates, who, on his daily walks through Athens, talks to all the people he meets. When the person he talks to takes himself to be very wise, Socrates asks so many questions that the person ends up admitting he knows nothing. When he runs into people who know little, Socrates sets them on the way to wisdom. But not everyone shares Socrates's love for the truth. When the people of Athens become angry with him for his ceaseless questioning, how will he find the courage to continue to speak the truth Plato & Co.'s clear approach and charming illustrations make this series the perfect addition to any little library.

按照中国的教育体制和学科划分,法学学科分属于文科。目前,几乎所有的法学教材、法培、考试用书都是由文科出身的专家学者编撰,虽然逻辑严密,调理清晰,但多是清一色的平铺直叙,文辞堆砌,使得本来就十分艰涩难懂的法律书籍更加令人头疼。 《巧用跨界思维学法律(上下)》作者赵来文站在不同读者群的角度,经过广泛调研,花费数年时间,反复思考、钻研、探索和实践,在业界首次以理工科的思维、知识和方法,用坐标、数轴和代数等形式,将有关部门法中相近或相反的法律知识、法律规定、按一定规律进行有序排列编写成本书。本书浓缩了篇幅,减少了无谓重复的字数,增加了知识容量趣味性和易记形,内容形象直观、通俗易懂,便于读者对比和记忆。 本书有助于读者提高学习法律知识效率和司法考试成绩,特别是有助于增强理工科背景者、新入学大学生、企业管理人员、党政领导干部、法律人员学习法律的兴趣,开拓学习法律知识的新视野,本书对于普及相关法律知识,建设法治社会具有积极意义。