

VMware vSphere 6.7 Data Center Design Cookbook
VMware vSphere 6.7 Data Center Design Cookbook
Mike Brown
Design a virtualized data center with VMware vSphere 6.7 Key Features * Get the first book on the market that helps you design a virtualized data center with VMware vSphere 6.7 * Learn how to create professional vSphere design documentation to ensure a successful implementation * A practical guide that will help you apply infrastructure design principles to vSphere design Book Description VMware is the industry leader in data center virtualization. The vSphere 6.x suite of products provides a robust and resilient platform to virtualize server and application workloads. This book uses proven infrastructure design principles and applies them to VMware vSphere 6.7 virtual data center design through short and focused recipes on each design aspect. The second edition of this book focused on vSphere 6.0. vSphere features released since then necessitate an updated design guide, which includes recipes for upgrading to 6.7, vCenter HA; operational improvements; cutting-edge, high-performance storage access such as RDMA and Pmem; security features such as encrypted vMotion and VM-level encryption; Proactive HA; HA Orchestrated Restart; Predictive DRS; and more. By the end of the book, you will be able to achieve enhanced compute, storage, network, and management capabilities for your virtual data center. What you will learn * Identify key factors related to a vSphere design * Mitigate security risks and meet compliance requirements in a vSphere design * Create a vSphere conceptual design by identifying technical and business requirements * Design for performance, availability, recoverability, manageability, and security * Map the logical resource design into the physical vSphere design * Create professional vSphere design documentation Who this book is for If you are an administrator or consultant interested in designing virtualized data center environments using VMware vSphere 6.x (or previous versions of vSphere and the supporting components), this book is for you.
Mastering Identity and Access Management with Microsoft Azure
Mastering Identity and Access Management with Microsoft Azure
Jochen Nickel
Start empowering users and protecting corporate data, while managing identities and access with Microsoft Azure in different environments Key Features * Understand how to identify and manage business drivers during transitions * Explore Microsoft Identity and Access Management as a Service (IDaaS) solution * Over 40 playbooks to support your learning process with practical guidelines Book Description Microsoft Azure and its Identity and access management are at the heart of Microsoft's software as service products, including Office 365, Dynamics CRM, and Enterprise Mobility Management. It is crucial to master Microsoft Azure in order to be able to work with the Microsoft Cloud effectively. You’ll begin by identifying the benefits of Microsoft Azure in the field of identity and access management. Working through the functionality of identity and access management as a service, you will get a full overview of the Microsoft strategy. Understanding identity synchronization will help you to provide a well-managed identity. Project scenarios and examples will enable you to understand, troubleshoot, and develop on essential authentication protocols and publishing scenarios. Finally, you will acquire a thorough understanding of Microsoft Information protection technologies. What you will learn * Apply technical descriptions to your business needs and deployments * Manage cloud-only, simple, and complex hybrid environments * Apply correct and efficient monitoring and identity protection strategies * Design and deploy custom Identity and access management solutions * Build a complete identity and access management life cycle * Understand authentication and application publishing mechanisms * Use and understand the most crucial identity synchronization scenarios * Implement a suitable information protection strategy Who this book is for This book is a perfect companion for developers, cyber security specialists, system and security engineers, IT consultants/architects, and system administrators who are looking for perfectly up–to-date hybrid and cloud-only scenarios. You should have some understanding of security solutions, Active Directory, access privileges/rights, and authentication methods. Programming knowledge is not required but can be helpful for using PowerShell or working with APIs to customize your solutions.
Mastering VMware Horizon 7.8
Mastering VMware Horizon 7.8
Peter von Oven
Discover advanced virtualization techniques and strategies to deliver centralized desktop and application services Key Features * Leverage advanced desktop virtualization techniques and strategies to transform your organization * Build better virtualized services for your users with VMware Horizon 7.8 * Develop and deploy end-to-end virtualized solutions Book Description Desktop virtualization can be tough, but VMware Horizon 7.8 changes all that. With a rich and adaptive UX, improved security,and a range of useful features for storage and networking optimization, there's plenty to love. But to properly fall in love with it, you need to know how to use it, and that means venturing deeper into the software and taking advantage of its extensive range of features, many of which are underused and underpromoted. This guide will take you through everything you need to know to not only successfully virtualize your desktop infrastructure, but also to maintain and optimize it to keep all your users happy. We'll show you how to assess and analyze your infrastructure, and how to use that analysis to design a solution that meets your organizational and user needs. Once you've done that, you'll find out how to build your virtualized environment, before deploying your virtualized solution. But more than that,we'll also make sure you know everything you need to know about the full range of features on offer, including the mobile cloud, so that you can use them to take full control of your virtualized infrastructure. What you will learn * Successfully configure Horizon 7.8 for the needs of your users * Deliver virtual desktops, session-based desktops, and hosted applications * Become familiar with how to develop, and deploy, a complete, end-to-end solution * Discover how to optimize desktop OS images for virtual desktops * Build, optimize, and tune desktop operating systems to deliver a superior end user experience * Explore the Horizon 7.8 infrastructure so that you can take full advantage of it Who this book is for This book is ideal for system admins, and solution architects interested in gaining hands-on experience with virtualization. It will take you to an advanced level, but at a pace that ensures you are always solving real-world problems. Some experience in desktop management using Windows and Microsoft Office (and familiarity with Active Directory, SQL, Windows Remote Desktop Session Hosting, and VMware vSphere technology) is necessary.
The Spellcoats
The Spellcoats
Jones, Diana Wynne
Tanqui discovers she has the only means to conquer the evil Kankredin who threatens her own people and the Heathens who have invaded prehistoric Dalemark.Tanaqui discovers she has the means to conquer the evil Kankredin who threatens her own people and the Heathens who have invaded prehistoric Dalemark.
在引爆全球的现象级畅销书《人生十二法则》中,著名心理学家乔丹·彼得森将人类数千年来的 哲学思考、神话故事中的精神财富与心理学、生物学、神经科学等学科的前沿研究相结合,用 12条基本的人生法则,为我们找到摆脱人生困境的方法。科学作家万维钢老师说:“彼得森 这些建议我完全赞同,我希望我儿子长大以后读读彼得森这本书。”
事实上,催眠术早被用于各行各业,心理医生用来治病救人,广告商用来贩卖商品,江湖术士用来坑蒙拐骗……意志薄弱的人、欲望强烈的人、过度防范的人,都极易被催眠术操控。   在街头实施的“瞬间催眠术”,可以让路人迷迷糊糊地把身上的钱悉数奉上;稍微深一些的催眠,更可以让人乖乖地去银行取出自己的全部存款;而如果碰到一个邪恶催眠师,被催眠者不仅任其驱使,就算搭上性命也浑然不觉。   意志薄弱的人、欲望强烈的人,容易被催眠;过度防范的人,警惕心越强,越容易被催眠。催眠师找准了催眠对象的心理弱点,利用人的恐惧、贪念、防备,潜入对方的精神世界,进而操控他们。瞬间催眠、集体催眠、认知错乱、删除记忆……   一群平日深藏不露的催眠师,突然出现在街上、写字楼、医院、广场……,在他们眼里,世人都是梦游者任其驱使,而他们之间的斗争,却将所有普通人的命运卷入其中。   翻开本书,带您见识催眠师之间正与邪的斗法,了解这个隐秘而又无处不在的神秘世界。
尼采的《快乐的科学》采用了箴言形式。全书的主体部分是由五部箴言/格言组成的,共有383节,长短不一。 《快乐的科学》在尼采的一生中处于中心的位置,它也是尼采在哲学表达方面成功的尝试。身为哲学家,尼采反对科学,同时也抗拒艺术,但是他又拒绝哲学的过去以及过去的语言。在《快乐的科学》中,尼采否定科学的统治权威,尤其反对笛卡尔主义的机械宇宙观,但他并非反对所有科学,而是要以语文学(解释的艺术,强调可能性而非确定性)和心理学(对意识要素的批判,旨在理解内在世界,从而理解整个世界)来取代作为科学典范的物理学。
本书内容分创新型都市圈的整体研究和对南京都市圈的实证研究两个部分。 整体研究: 提出认识创新型都市圈的两种视角;  确定集聚和扩散、聚变和裂变两对逻辑关系;  推演形成创新型都市圈四大基本特征和与之对应的“核心-网络”表征假说;  确立南京都市圈案例的典型性。 实证研究: 提出南京都市圈经济社会活动一体化基础的圈层式结构和空间组织“神经元模式”;  提出“市区通勤区”概念及反映的“二元时间位、一元空间位”新型时空结构和跨城职居现象;  证实三大“网络”表征的架构及新时空结构下都市圈创新空间体系与公共服务“区域网”的耦合过程。
闫福华 钟泉 李艳芬
理想国译丛038 第三帝国三部曲:第三帝国的到来(上下册)
理想国译丛038 第三帝国三部曲:第三帝国的到来(上下册)
德国在一战前曾是欧洲蕞富裕、蕞强大的经济体,反犹主义在政治中明显处于边缘地位。然而,起初只是一群*分子和恶棍的纳粹党人,在数年之中就把德国变成了一党独裁的国家,把一个极有教养的民族引向了道德、物质和文化的废墟与绝境。 本书透过德国的历史、社会与文化,探究纳粹党徒的心理,还原纳粹攫取权力的过程,揭示反对者为何未能阻止他们,生动再现了导致第三帝国到来的混乱失序、经济灾难、暴力行径,以及社会的两极分化。
精通ASP.NET Core MVC (第7版)
精通ASP.NET Core MVC (第7版)
[美]亚当•弗里曼(Adam Freeman) 著
本书详细解释ASP.NET Core MVC的架构、功能和应用,深阐述构建现代可扩展的Web应用程序的工具、技术和方法,揭示如何为.NET Core平台创建轻型的移动端应用程序。本书主要内容包括MVC模式、C#基本特性、Razor、Visual Studio、MVC应用程序的单元测试、实际应用程序的创建、URL路由、高级路由特性、控制器、依赖注、过滤器、API控制器、视图、视图组件、标签助手、模型绑定、模型验证、ASP.NET Core Identity、模型约定和操作约束等。 本书适合.NET发人员和 Web发人员阅读,也可供计算机相关专业的师生阅读。
◎  《文明的故事》丛书简介 《文明的故事》(The Story of Civilization),美国作家、哲学家、历史学家威尔•杜兰特与其夫人阿里尔的代表作,费时近半世纪写就,是为我们普通读者撰写的大型历史著作。其中第10卷《卢梭与大革命》获得1968年普利策奖(非虚构类),杜兰特夫妇因此书荣获1977年美国总统自由勋章。 这是一部流畅优美的“故事”总集,叙述生动,在世界范围广受欢迎。历史折叠了时间和空间。全书共计11卷,超过1000万字,近千幅精美插图,俯瞰110个世纪里人类心智的成就,堪称一部人类文明的“传记”,涵盖政治、经济、军事、科技、宗教、哲学、教育、艺术、音乐等领域。万物生长,文明是庞大的社会历程,它把错综复杂的人类文明梳理成东方文明、希腊文明、罗马和基督教文明及文艺复兴、文明变迁等几大条。它将浩瀚的历史细节整合为我们可以理解的知识,克服历史叙述中日益严重的碎片化和专业化,致力于提炼出一种整体的历史洞察,期待给予当代人以鲜活的启发,像古希腊神庙箴言一样“认识你自己”。 西方世界期待杜兰特著作的全貌,一等就是30年,每出一卷都好评如潮。中文版《文明的故事》今已全套引,全书共11卷15册,包括《东方的遗产》《希腊的生活》《恺撒与基督》《信仰的时代(上下册)》《文艺复兴》《宗教改革》《理性始的时代》《路易十四时代》《伏尔泰时代》《卢梭与大革命(上下册)》《拿破仑时代(上下册)》,*后一卷《拿破仑时代》的结尾,特别收了提炼全书11卷精华、影响我们邦本家国至今的中纪委推荐读本《历史的教训》。 “理想国经典馆”系列作品《文明的故事》,旧译《世界文明史》,今按英文原版恢复本来的译名。读者在轻松阅读文明的故事时,可潜移默化地感知人类文明的美妙与伟大。文明是我们共同的遗产,历史的教训也藏在无尽的时间之中。 ◎  本卷《文明的故事10:卢梭与大革命》内容简介 《卢梭大革命》,是“理想国经典馆”系列作品《文明的故事》第10卷。 卢梭是法国大革命的直思想推手,没创造过任何东西,却将所有东西付之一炬。《卢梭与大革命》描绘了一幅“七年战争”至法国大革命期间的欧洲全貌。杜兰特以卢梭为中心人物,生动叙述了18世纪知识分子的成长,道德观念与社会秩序的转变,专制统治的极盛与衰落,宗教的去魅与民主的萌芽,同时为这一时代涌现出的无数璀璨光辉的人物作传。杜兰特以通淹的史识和雄健的笔力,编织出一幅伟大时代与杰出人物交相辉映的复杂织锦。 【本卷封面图案】法国大革命时期公共安全委员会标志,上面刻着“法兰西共和国,*且不可分割”,以及“自由、平等、博爱,或者死亡”。
田松柏 编
P?nd? ?i seduc?ie
P?nd? ?i seduc?ie
Breban Nicolae
Un roman al c?ut?rii de sine, al c?ut?rii eului, o spectaculoas? excavare ?n ad?ncurile fiin?ei, ne ofer? Irina Boca, revenind ?n aten?ia publicului rom?nesc cu un story fascinant, scris ?ntr-un stil alert, cu fraz? scurt?, ml?dioas?, casant?. O sondare ?n ad?ncurile ?eului profund“ (M. Proust), asupra experien?ei naratoarei l?s?ndu-?i amprenta, ?n chip cert, exilul, ?nstr?inarea, dorin?a vie, ascu?it?, de a se rea?eza ?n matca esen?elor. Aura Christi
Palini Philippe
La zece ani de la moartea lui Emil Cioran – un studiu aplicat ?i incitant despre viata ?i opera sa, rela?ia filosofului de la R??inari cu marii g?nditori ai lumii, dar ?i cu ?ara ce l-a d?ruit lumii, cu care parisianul nu ?nceteaz? niciodat? controversele. Un studiu de teorie ?i istorie literar? extrem de interesant ?i util ce se adreseaz? elevilor, studen?ilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori.
Lazu Ion
Demontarea mecanismelor secrete ale universului real se face ?n aceste texte cu mult? economie a mijloacelor stilistice, folosite adecvat ?i riguros, cu o precizie aproape geometric?. Demonstra?ia recurge adeseori la artificiul visului, al vedeniei puse ?n contrast cu vederea – de unde ?i titlul volumului – dar f?r? a ceda tenta?iei surrealiste sau onirice, a absurdului gratuit sau a fantaz?rii de dragul fantaz?rii. Descrierea minu?ioas? a realit??ii, dublat? nu o dat? de un discret fior poetic, nu se consum? ?ns? nici ea ca scop ?n sine, ci serve?te drept certificat de autenticitate, confer? coeren?? ideilor c?rora ?ntreaga arhitectura le este subordonat?. Este o proz? dens?, care se cite?te totu?i cu u?urin??, destinat? unui public ?nclinat s? mai r?m?n? pe g?nduri ?i dup? ce a ?nchis o carte.
李毅 任革林 著
本书重介绍了鸿蒙操作系统的设计背景、设计理念和设计原则,同时对鸿蒙操作系统的整体架构、关键子系统的技术架构和主要设计思路行了详细的解析。第1章~第3章对鸿蒙操作系统行整体概述,重介绍操作系统的发展和鸿蒙操作系统诞生的技术背景、试图解决的主要技术问题,同时介绍了鸿蒙操作系统的设计理念、主要技术特征,以及部件化架构原理解析。第4章~第16章介绍关键子系统,分门别类地阐述鸿蒙操作系统关键子系统的技术架构和主要设计思路,包括统一内核、驱动子系统、分布式技术、方舟编译运行时子系统、UI框架、图形子系统、多媒体子系统、安全子系统、DFX框架和文件管理的架构设计思路。 本书适合对操作系统感兴趣的发者、鸿蒙操作系统生态的参与者、相关领域的研究人员,以及相关专业的高校师生阅读和学习。
李成 著