

Blossom Street Bundle (Book 1-5): The Shop on Blossom Street / A Good Yarn / Sus
Blossom Street Bundle (Book 1-5): The Shop on Blossom Street / A Good Yarn / Sus
Debbie Macomber
Perfect for fans of Maeve Binchy' - Candis Welcome to Blossom Street – where dreams come true. Fall head over heels in Blossom Street with the first five books in Debbie Macomber’s bestselling series bundled together for perfect reading pleasure. Including: The Shop on Blossom Street, A Good Yarn, Susannah’s Garden, Christmas in Seattle and Back on Blossom Street. Make time for friends. Make time for Debbie Macomber.
每满80减40 撬动世界的沙盘:物质的文明史(套装共5册)
《棉花帝国:一部资本主义全球史》:棉花产品在我们的生活中无处不在,以至于我们往往难以注意到它的重要性。但棉花产业的历史实际上是与近代资本主义的历史紧密关联在一起,理解棉花产业发展史是理解资本主义和当代世界的关键。本书作者斯文?贝克特通过叙述棉花产业发展的历史,解释了欧洲国家和资本家如何在短时间内重塑了这个世界历*重要的一项产业,并进而改变了整个世界面貌的。 《茶叶与帝国:口味如何塑造现代世界》: 茶叶一直是世界上*受欢迎的商品之一。几个世纪以来,种植、销售茶叶所带来的收益为战争提供了资金,推动了殖民活动,而茶叶的栽种也在土地使用、劳动力制度、市场运作和社会等级制度等方面带来了巨大的变化,这些变化至今尚存。本书以历史的眼光深入审视了男男女女是如何通过在欧洲、亚洲、北美洲和非洲的茶产业来改变全球的口味和习惯的。 《美食与文明:帝国塑造烹饪习俗的全球史》: 从大约两万年前人类掌握谷物烹饪到现在,本书作者讲述了世界上主要饮食的兴衰历史。透过多种饮食表面上的混杂局势,作者揭示了烹饪谱系图潜在的简明规律,说明了烹饪哲学中关于健康、经济、政治、社会和神灵信仰的周期性变化如何推动新饮食的建立,其中一些被选为帝国饮食,在全球逐渐占据主导地位。 《季风帝国:印度洋及其入侵者的历史》: 本书重新展现了印度洋地区的文明, 以及在西方入侵者的掌控下它逐渐衰亡的历史。本书从一个细微而无阻碍的视角重现了作者对于异域文化的理解。这部史诗般的作品想必能够激发人们的阅读兴趣,并且具有启发意味。 《改变历史的香料商人》: 17世纪初,太平洋上一个不为人知的小岛岚屿产出的肉豆蔻成为欧洲各国在香料竞赛中争夺的焦点,这引发了一场荷兰东印度公司与纳撒尼尔?考托普领导的一小群英国香料商人之间激烈而血腥的斗争,这场斗争*终以荷兰与英国达成历史上影响极为深远的一项交易告终。英国将岚屿控制权让给荷兰,作为回报,英国得到了曼哈顿。本书讲述了一个精彩的冒险故事。作者选择了几位有代表性的香料商人,通过他们的故事为读者生动再现了一段传奇历史。
每满80减40 四川省文联主席李致作品集(全5册)
本套装共五卷,分别为《李致文存:我与巴金》《李致文存:我的书信》《李致文存:我与出版》《李致文存:我与川剧》《李致文存:我的人生(上下)》 卷《我与巴金》:回顾了在与巴金六十多年的接触中,李致对巴金为人的不少独特感受,从不同的角度,写出他心目中的“世纪良知”巴金。 第二卷《我的人生》:回顾了李致九十年的人生,以随笔的形式记述的人生往事,既是个人的历史,也是时代和社会的缩影。从读小学时为抗日战士捐寒衣,青年时期参加学生运动,后来加入中国共产党,在成渝两市做地下工作。后来,李致在共青团大学、区、市、省和中央机关多个岗位工作,在改革开放初期,回到四川,为四川出版、振兴川剧和文艺工作作出贡献。 第三卷《我与出版》:详细回顾了四川出版业过去几十年的发展历程。在上世纪70、80年代,四川出版异军突起,时任四川人民出版社总编辑的李致,带领四川出版积极“创业”,率先突破“地方化、群众化、通俗化”方针的束缚,立足本省,面向全国,推出了一系列品牌丛书,在全国有极大影响。 第四卷《我与川剧》:则回顾了这一段历程,从中也可看出川剧发展的辉煌历程和波澜起伏。1983年至1991年,李致任四川振兴川剧领导小组副组长,主持日常工作。他参与制定每一阶段的规划与任务,组织全省川剧汇演和调演,带团到北京、上海以及欧洲、日本等地演出,积极推动川剧创新发展,与不少川剧人成为知心朋友。 第五卷《我的书信》:则收录了李致与巴金的诸多书信,还有曹禺、张爱萍、李又兰、戈宝权、冯骥才、刘绍棠、严文井、陈白尘、张乐平、柯岩、茹志鹃、秦牧、周克芹等名家的书信,留下丰富又珍贵的手史料。
The Girl of Fire and Thorns Complete Collection
The Girl of Fire and Thorns Complete Collection
Carson, Rae
All three volumes of Rae Carson's New York Times?bestselling The Girl of Fire and Thorns trilogy plus the three novellas set in the same world, available together! An insecure princess with an unclear destiny becomes a secret bride, a revolutionary, a queen, and—finally—the champion her world so desperately needs in this epic fantasy series that Tamora Pierce called "engrossing" and that Veronica Roth said was "intense, unique . . . definitely recommended."This complete collection includes the three volumes of the trilogy: book one, The Girl of Fire and Thorns; book two, The Crown of Embers; and book three, The Bitter Kingdom. It also includes the three novellas set in the world of the series: The Shadow Cats, The Shattered Mountain, and The King's Guard.Once every century, one person is chosen for greatness. But the prophecy is vague, and Elisa has no idea why she was chosen or how she will fulfill the expectations. Her future is unknown and her potential is tremendous—even if she doesn't realize it. A sweeping fantasy series about a young woman finding her true strength, this is perfect for fans of Kristin Cashore's Graceling and George R. R. Martin's Game of Thrones.
每满80减40 后浪汗青堂·欧洲大航海时代(套装共6册)(大航海时代的交流与碰撞,一套精彩的通俗史学著作,生动描述主流历史著作中读不到的传奇航海冒险!)
贾尔斯•米尔顿; 菲利普•帕克; 加勒特•马丁利;等
17世纪初,太平洋上一个不为人知的小岛岚屿产出的肉豆蔻成为欧洲各国在香料竞赛中争夺的焦,这引发了一场荷兰东印度公司与纳撒尼尔·考托普领导的一小群英国香料商人之间激烈而血腥的斗争,这场斗争终以荷兰与英国达成历史上影响极为深远的一项交易告终。英国将岚屿控制权让给荷兰,作为回报,英国得到了曼哈顿。 本书讲述了一个精彩的冒险故事。作者选择了几位有代表性的香料商人,通过他们的故事为读者生动再现了一段传奇历史。
每满80减40 燕明刀钱谱--中国古钱谱丛书 (精)
燕明刀钱谱--中国古钱谱丛书 (精)
张立俊 编著
每满80减40 化学试剂化学药品手册(第三版)
赵天宝 主编
本手册收集了国内外常用化学试剂及化学药品产品10000余种,包括中、英文正名和别名、结构式、分子式、分子量、所含元素百分比、性状、理化常数、国家危险物品名编号、国家化学试剂标准编号、行业化学试剂标准号、默克索引第十五版编号、染料索引编号、国际生物化学联合会对酶的编号、参考规格、标准、主要用途及注意事项等内容。 本手册适用于从事化学试剂及化学药品的使用、生产、经营、保管及科研等工作的人员。
Deep Rhetoric
Deep Rhetoric
Crosswhite, James
"e;Rhetoric is the counterpart of logic,"e; claimed Aristotle. "e;Rhetoric is the first part of logic rightly understood,"e; Martin Heidegger concurred. "e;Rhetoric is the universal form of human communication,"e; opined Hans-Georg Gadamer. But in Deep Rhetoric, James Crosswhite offers a groundbreaking new conception of rhetoric, one that builds a definitive case for an understanding of the discipline as a philosophical enterprise beyond basic argumentation and is fully conversant with the advances of the New Rhetoric of Chaim Perelman and Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca.Chapter by chapter, Deep Rhetoric develops an understanding of rhetoric not only in its philosophical dimension but also as a means of guiding and conducting conflicts, achieving justice, and understanding the human condition. Along the way, Crosswhite restores the traditional dignity and importance of the discipline and illuminates the twentieth-century resurgence of rhetoric among philosophers, as well as the role that rhetoric can play in future discussions of ontology, epistemology, and ethics. At a time when the fields of philosophy and rhetoric have diverged, Crosswhite returns them to their common moorings and shows us an invigorating new way forward.
Geographic Mosaic of Coevolution
Geographic Mosaic of Coevolution
Thompson, John N.
Coevolution-reciprocal evolutionary change in interacting species driven by natural selection-is one of the most important ecological and genetic processes organizing the earth's biodiversity: most plants and animals require coevolved interactions with other species to survive and reproduce. The Geographic Mosaic of Coevolution analyzes how the biology of species provides the raw material for long-term coevolution, evaluates how local coadaptation forms the basic module of coevolutionary change, and explores how the coevolutionary process reshapes locally coevolving interactions across the earth's constantly changing landscapes.Picking up where his influential The Coevolutionary Process left off, John N. Thompsonsynthesizes the state of a rapidly developing science that integrates approaches from evolutionary ecology, population genetics, phylogeography, systematics, evolutionary biochemistry and physiology, and molecular biology. Using models, data, and hypotheses to develop a complete conceptual framework, Thompson also draws on examples from a wide range of taxa and environments, illustrating the expanding breadth and depth of research in coevolutionary biology.
Deconstructing Dignity
Deconstructing Dignity
Shershow, Scott Cutler
The right-to-die debate has gone on for centuries, playing out most recently as a spectacle of protest surrounding figures such as Terry Schiavo. In?Deconstructing Dignity, Scott Cutler Shershow offers a powerful new way of thinking about it philosophically. Focusing on the concepts of human dignity and the sanctity of life, he employs Derridean deconstruction to uncover self-contradictory and damaging assumptions that underlie both sides of the debate.Shershow examines texts from Cicero's?De Officiis?to Kant's?Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals?to court decisions and religious declarations. Through them he reveals how arguments both supporting and denying the right to die undermine their own unconditional concepts of human dignity and the sanctity of life with a hidden conditional logic, one often tied to practical economic concerns and the scarcity or unequal distribution of medical resources. He goes on to examine the exceptional case of self-sacrifice, closing with a vision of a society-one whose conditions we are far from meeting-in which the debate can finally be resolved. A sophisticated analysis of a heated topic,?Deconstructing Dignity?is also a masterful example of deconstructionist methods at work.?
Laws of Cool
Laws of Cool
Liu, Alan
Knowledge work is now the reigning business paradigm and affects even the world of higher education. But what perspective can the knowledge of the humanities and arts contribute to a world of knowledge work whose primary mission is businessAnd what is the role of information technology as both the servant of the knowledge economy and the medium of a new technological coolIn The Laws of Cool, Alan Liu reflects on these questions as he considers the emergence of new information technologies and their profound influence on the forms and practices of knowledge.
Theological Basis of Liberal Modernity in Montesquieu's "Spirit of the Laws"
Theological Basis of Liberal Modernity in Montesquieu's "Spirit of the Laws"
Pangle, Thomas L.
The Spirit of the Laws-Montesquieu's huge, complex, and enormously influential work-is considered one of the central texts of the Enlightenment, laying the foundation for the liberally democratic political regimes that were to embody its values. In his penetrating analysis, Thomas L. Pangle brilliantly argues that the inherently theological project of Enlightenment liberalism is made more clearly-and more consequentially- in Spirit than in any other work.In a probing and careful reading, Pangle shows how Montesquieu believed that rationalism, through the influence of liberal institutions and the spread of commercial culture, would secularize human affairs. At the same time, Pangle uncovers Montesquieu's views about the origins of humanity's religious impulse and his confidence that political and economic security would make people less likely to sacrifice worldly well-being for otherworldly hopes. With the interest in the theological aspects of political theory and practice showing no signs of diminishing, this book is a timely and insightful contribution to one of the key achievements of Enlightenment thought.
Man Who Flattened the Earth
Man Who Flattened the Earth
Mary Terrall
Self-styled adventurer, literary wit, philosopher, and statesman of science, Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis (1698-1759) stood at the center of Enlightenment science and culture. Offering an elegant and accessible portrait of this remarkable man, Mary Terrall uses the story of Maupertuis's life, self-fashioning, and scientific works to explore what it meant to do science and to be a man of science in eighteenth-century Europe.Beginning his scientific career as a mathematician in Paris, Maupertuis entered the public eye with a much-discussed expedition to Lapland, which confirmed Newton's calculation that the earth was flattened at the poles. He also made significant, and often intentionally controversial, contributions to physics, life science, navigation, astronomy, and metaphysics. Called to Berlin by Frederick the Great, Maupertuis moved to Prussia to preside over the Academy of Sciences there. Equally at home in salons, cafs, scientific academies, and royal courts, Maupertuis used his social connections and his printed works to enhance a carefully constructed reputation as both a man of letters and a man of science. His social and institutional affiliations, in turn, affected how Maupertuis formulated his ideas, how he presented them to his contemporaries, and the reactions they provoked.Terrall not only illuminates the life and work of a colorful and important Enlightenment figure, but also uses his story to delve into many wider issues, including the development of scientific institutions, the impact of print culture on science, and the interactions of science and government. Smart and highly readable, Maupertuis will appeal to anyone interested in eighteenth-century science and culture.”Terrall's work is scholarship in the best sense. Her explanations of arcane 18th-century French physics, mathematics, astronomy, and biology are among the most lucid available in any language.”-Virginia Dawson, American Historical ReviewWinner of the 2003 Pfizer Award from the History of Science Society
Power Stronger Than Itself
Power Stronger Than Itself
Lewis, George E.
Founded in 1965 and still active today, the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians (AACM) is an American institution with an international reputation. George E. Lewis, who joined the collective as a teenager in 1971, establishes the full importance and vitality of the AACM with this communal history, written with a symphonic sweep that draws on a cross-generational chorus of voices and a rich collection of rare images.Moving from Chicago to New York to Paris, and from founding member Steve McCall's kitchen table to Carnegie Hall, A Power Stronger Than Itself uncovers a vibrant, multicultural universe and brings to light a major piece of the history of avant-garde music and art.
Theory of Rules
Theory of Rules
Llewellyn, Karl N.
Karl N. Llewellyn was one of the founders and major figures of legal realism, and his many keen insights have a central place in American law and legal understanding. Key to Llewellyn's thinking was his conception of rules, put forward in his numerous writings and most famously in his often mischaracterized declaration that they are "pretty playthings." Previously unpublished, The Theory of Rules is the most cogent presentation of his profound and insightful thinking about the life of rules.This book frames the development of Llewellyn's thinking and describes the difference between what rules literally prescribe and what is actually done, with the gap explained by a complex array of practices, conventions, professional skills, and idiosyncrasies, most of which are devoted to achieving a law's larger purpose rather than merely following the letter of a particular rule. Edited, annotated, and with an extensive analytic introduction by leading contemporary legal scholar Frederick Schauer, this rediscovered work contains material not found elsewhere in Llewellyn's writings and will prove a valuable contribution to the existing literature on legal realism.
Victoria Kirkham and Armando Maggi
Although Francesco Petrarca (1304-74) is best known today for cementing the sonnet's place in literary history, he was also a philosopher, historian, orator, and one of the foremost classical scholars of his age. Petrarch: A Critical Guide to the Complete Works is the only comprehensive, single-volume source to which anyone-scholar, student, or general reader-can turn for information on each of Petrarch's works, its place in the poet's oeuvre, and a critical exposition of its defining features.A sophisticated but accessible handbook that illuminates Petrarch's love ofclassical culture, his devout Christianity, his public celebrity, and his struggle for inner peace, this encyclopedic volume covers both Petrarch's Italian and Latin writings and the various genres in which he excelled: poem, tract, dialogue, oration, and letter. A biographical introduction and chronology anchor the book, making Petrarch an invaluable resource for specialists in Italian, comparative literature, history, classics, religious studies, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance.
Romanticism and the Question of the Stranger
Romanticism and the Question of the Stranger
Simpson, David
In our post-9/11 world, the figure of the stranger-the foreigner, the enemy, the unknown visitor-carries a particular urgency, and the force of language used to describe those who are "e;different"e; has become particularly strong. But arguments about the stranger are not unique to our time. In Romanticism and the Question of the Stranger, David Simpson locates the figure of the stranger and the rhetoric of strangeness in romanticism and places them in a tradition that extends from antiquity to today.?Simpson shows that debates about strangers loomed large in the French Republic of the 1790s, resulting in heated discourse that weighed who was to be welcomed and who was to be proscribed as dangerous. Placing this debate in the context of classical, biblical, and other later writings, he identifies a persistent difficulty in controlling the play between the despised and the desired. He examines the stranger as found in the works of Coleridge, Austen, Scott, and Southey, as well as in depictions of the betrayals of hospitality in the literature of slavery and exploration-as in Mungo Park's Travels and Stedman's Narrative-and portrayals of strange women in de Stal, Rousseau, and Burney. Contributing to a rich strain of thinking about the stranger that includes interventions by Ricoeur and Derrida, Romanticism and the Question of the Stranger reveals the complex history of encounters with alien figures and our continued struggles with romantic concerns about the unknown.
Quinlan-McGrath, Mary
Today few would think of astronomy and astrology as fields related to theology. Fewer still would know that physically absorbing planetary rays was once considered to have medical and psychological effects. But this was the understanding of light radiation held by certain natural philosophers of early modern Europe, and that, argues Mary Quinlan-McGrath, was why educated people of the Renaissance commissioned artworks centered on astrological themes and practices.?Influences is the first book to reveal how important Renaissance artworks were designed to be not only beautiful but also-perhaps even primarily-functional. From the fresco cycles at Caprarola, to the Vatican's Sala dei Pontefici, to the Villa Farnesina, these great works were commissioned to selectively capture and then transmit celestial radiation, influencing the bodies and minds of their audiences. Quinlan-McGrath examines the sophisticated logic behind these theories and practices and, along the way, sheds light on early creation theory; the relationship between astrology and natural theology; and the protochemistry, physics, and mathematics of rays.?An original and intellectually stimulating study, Influences adds a new dimension to the understanding of aesthetics among Renaissance patrons and a new meaning to the seductive powers of art. ?
Contesting Nietzsche
Contesting Nietzsche
Acampora, Christa Davis
In this groundbreaking work, Christa Davis Acampora offers a profound rethinking of Friedrich Nietzsche's crucial notion of the agon. Analyzing an impressive array of primary and secondary sources and synthesizing decades of Nietzsche scholarship, she shows how the agon, or contest, organized core areas of Nietzsche's philosophy, providing a new appreciation of the subtleties of his notorious views about power. By focusing so intensely on this particular guiding interest, she offers an exciting, original vantage from which to view this iconic thinker: Contesting Nietzsche.?Though existence-viewed through the lens of Nietzsche's agon-is fraught with struggle, Acampora illuminates what Nietzsche recognized as the agon's generative benefits. It imbues the human experience with significance, meaning, and value. Analyzing Nietzsche's elaborations of agonism-his remarks on types of contests, qualities of contestants, and the conditions in which either may thrive or deteriorate-she demonstrates how much the agon shaped his philosophical projects and critical assessments of others. The agon led him from one set of concerns to the next, from aesthetics to metaphysics to ethics to psychology, via Homer, Socrates, Saint Paul, and Wagner. In showing how one obsession catalyzed so many diverse interests, Contesting Nietzsche sheds fundamentally new light on some of this philosopher's most difficult and paradoxical ideas.
Shakespeare and the Law
Shakespeare and the Law
Bradin Cormack and Martha C. Nussbaum
William Shakespeare is inextricably linked with the law. Legal documents make up most of the records we have of his life, and trials, lawsuits, and legal terms permeate his plays. Gathering an extraordinary team of literary and legal scholars, philosophers, and even sitting judges,?Shakespeare and the Law demonstrates that Shakespeare's thinking about legal concepts and legal practice points to a deep and sometimes vexed engagement with the law's technical workings, its underlying premises, and its social effects.The book's opening essays offer perspectives on law and literature that emphasize both the continuities and contrasts between the two fields. The second section considers Shakespeare's awareness of common law thinking and common law practice, while the third inquires into Shakespeare's general attitudes toward legal systems. The fourth part of the book looks at how law enters into conversation with issues of politics and community, whether in the plays, in Shakespeare's world, or in our own world. Finally, a colloquy among Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, Judge Richard Posner, Martha C. Nussbaum, and Richard Strier covers everything from the ghost in?Hamlet?to the nature of judicial discretion.
Sleep of Reason
Sleep of Reason
Sex is beyond reason, and yet we constantly reason about it. So, too, did the peoples of ancient Greece and Rome. But until recently there has been little discussion of their views on erotic experience and sexual ethics.The Sleep of Reason brings together an international group of philosophers, philologists, literary critics, and historians to consider two questions normally kept separate: how is erotic experience understood in classical texts of various kinds, and what ethical judgments and philosophical arguments are made about sexFrom same-sex desire to conjugal love, and from Plato and Aristotle to the Roman Stoic Musonius Rufus, the contributors demonstrate the complexity and diversity of classical sexuality. They also show that the ethics of eros, in both Greece and Rome, shared a number of commonalities: a focus not only on self-mastery, but also on reciprocity; a concern among men not just for penetration and display of their power, but also for being gentle and kind, and for being loved for themselves; and that women and even younger men felt not only gratitude and acceptance, but also joy and sexual desire.Contributors:* Eva Cantarella* Kenneth Dover* Chris Faraone* Simon Goldhill* Stephen Halliwell* David M. Halperin* J. Samuel Houser* Maarit Kaimio* David Konstan* David Leitao* Martha C. Nussbaum* A. W. Price* Juha Sihvola